NiCd Handbook
NiCd Handbook
NiCd Handbook
All rights reserved. No parts of this catalogue written or pictorial may be reproduced without the permission of GPI International Ltd.
Hong Kong
GPI International Limited
8/F., Gold Peak Building, 30 Kwai Wing Road, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong
Tel : (852) 2484 3333 Fax : (852) 2480 5912
Hand Book
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1 2
1 Introduction 1.2.2 Positive electrode chemistry In sealed NiCd batteries, the internal pressure is 1.2.6 Minimizing damage during deep discharge
1.1 Overview The reaction that occurs at the positive electrode of designed to remain at safe levels during operation. - discharge reserve
a NiCd batter y is the same as that for its NiMH The main principle is to ensure that the capacity of In the event of deep discharge, depreciation of battery
Nickel Cadmium (NiCd) is one of the most established
counterpart: the negative electrode exceeds that of the positive performance may occur. To minimize the possibility
a m o n g s t t h e va r i o u s c o m m e r c i a l l y ava i l a bl e
electrode. The excess capacity in the negative of damage, the “antipolar material” (i.e. the active
rechargeable battery systems. The energy density - -
Ni(OH)2 + OH NiOOH + H2O + e (during charging) electrode is referred to as the charge-reserve of the material used in the negative electrode) is added in
of NiCd batteries are lower than the newer battery - -
NiOOH + H2O + e Ni(OH)2 + OH (during discharging) cell. With the proper designs, the positive electrode the positive electrode to prevent the generation of
systems, such as Nickel Metal Hydride and Lithium-
is always the capacity-limiting electrode. As the cell hydrogen gas, which can increase the inter nal
Ion. However, the robust NiCd batteries are very
Ni(OH) 2 and NiOOH are viewed as a reversible approaches full charge, oxygen gas will star t to pressure and may destroy the seal or at least cause
durable, reliable, easy-to-use and economical. They
couple, able to transform from one to the other, evolve from the positive electrode in the process of water loss with resealing valves.
remain a popular choice for many electrical and
depending on whether charging or discharging is in electrolysis.
electronic applications that emphasize lower cost
effect. The relationship between the useful capacity, charge
while maintaining good performance. - -
4OH O 2(g) + 2H 2O + 4e reser ve and discharge reser ve is shown in the
During the charging operation, electrical energy following schematic representation.
GP NiCd rechargeable batteries had long been
provided from an external power source is stored as However, due to the excess capacity (charge-reserve)
established as a well-known choice that offer
chemical energy in the cell, when the lower energy in the negative electrode, the corresponding
performance, reliability and value. We have expanded
Ni(OH) 2 is converted to the higher energy NiOOH. electrolysis product of hydrogen will be prevented
our NiCd product range into various series to custom
During a discharge reaction, the NiOOH is converted from forming. Instead, the oxygen gas from the Discharge Reversal
fit various application requirements.
back to Ni(OH)2, releasing the stored chemical energy positive electrode diffuses to the negative electrode
Overcharge Charge
as electrical energy. and is consumed in the oxygen recombination O 2 - Reduction
-- the ever popular standard series is designed
for a wide variety of general applications, including
1.2.3 Negative electrode chemistry NiOOH/Ni(OH) 2 Cd/Cd(OH) 2
toys, personal audio equipment, cameras and
The following reactions occur during the charge and The oxygen recombination at the negative electrode
cordless phones.
discharge operations: occurs simultaneously, via two reaction mechanisms: Antipolar mass
Actual cell capacity
-- the high-temperature series is designed for O 2 - Generation
- -
Cd(OH) 2 + 2e Cd + 2OH (during charging) 2Cd + O 2 2CdO
applications whereby the battery may encounter - -
Cd + 2OH Cd(OH) 2 + 2e (during discharging) CdO + H 2O Cd(OH) 2 Cd(OH) 2 Cd/Cd(OH) 2 Cd
elevated temperature during operation. Special
designs ensure that the battery performance is stable
1.2.4 Overall reaction The first equation represents a direct combination Charge Discharge
and reliable under adverse environmental conditions. reserve reserve
Combining the equations in 1.2.2 and 1.2.3 reveals of the O 2 gas with Cd, which is present in significant
Emergency lighting is one of such applications best
the overall cell equation. amounts at the negative electrode of a fully charged Balance of electrode capacities (cell balance) in a sealed
served by the high-temperature series.
battery. The second equation is a reverse of the nickel/cadmium battery with reversal protection by 'antipolar
charging electrolysis reaction that originally generated the O 2 material'
-- the high-drain series is expertly customized
2Ni(OH) 2 + Cd(OH) 2 2NiOOH + Cd + 2H 2O at the positive electrode. The end result of these two
for powerful delivery of electrical energy on demand.
discharging equations is that gaseous O 2 is reabsorbed by the
Power tools and electric bicycles are among some
negative electrode, thereby preventing unacceptably
of the applications that excel with our high-drain
The overall reaction schematically depicts a simple high internal pressure during the charging reactions.
series as power sources.
transfer of OH-ion between Ni(OH)2 and Cd, depending
on whether the cell is being charged or discharged. In addition, most hermetically sealed rechargeable
1.2 NiCd Chemistry batteries are equipped with resealable or non-
1.2.5 Cell pressure management - charge reserve resealable (one time) venting systems, which safely
1.2.1 Principle Up till now, only those reactions involving the main release any internal pressure that might have built
As with any other rechargeable battery systems, charging and discharging process have been shown. up when the batteries were exposed to unexpectedly
N i C d b a t t e r i e s o p e ra t e o n t h e p r i n c i p l e t h a t However, when a NiCd cell is close to being fully severe conditions of operations.
electrochemical reactions at each of the electrodes charged, gas-generating side reactions star t to
are reversible; this enables energy to be stored during develop. For hermetically sealed batteries, if the side
charging and released during discharging. reactions are not prevented, the internal pressure
may become excessively high.
3 4
2 Performance
Characteristics Charge Characteristics
1.3 Cell Construction
There are five major characteristics of NiCd battery 0.5C
t h a t we s h o u l d l o o k a t , w h i c h a r e c h a r g i n g ,
Cylindrical 1C
Voltage (V)
discharging, storage, cycle life and safety. 1.5
Cell cap (+)
Safety-vent system
2.1 Charging Characteristics 1.3 Charge : 0.1C x 140%
0.5C x 120%
5 6
When the cell voltage drops below 0V, its polarity is
effectively reversed. The cell reaction, at different
Discharge - Temperature 2.3 Storage Characteristics recommended humidity level for battery storage is
a maximum of 60% RH.
stages, is illustrated below:
% of Nominal Capacity
120 2.3.1 Overview
2.3.5 False –dV:
100 The battery loses its energy during storage even
Stage 1: I n i t i a l l y, b o t h p o s i t i ve a n d n e g a t i ve The most popular quick-charge-termination method
without loading. The energy is lost through small,
electrodes, as well as the discharge voltage are for NiCd batteries is the –dV method. However, after
self-discharge currents inside the batter y, as
normal. 60 the batteries have been idled for extended periods
explained below:
40 Charge : 1.0C (-dv = 10mV) of time, a false –dV signal may occur very early
Stage 2: The active material on the positive electrode Discharge : 1.0C (E.V. 0.9V) during the first cycle of charging. This may result in
20 Temperature : 25°C a. Decomposition of nickel hydroxide in the
has been completely discharged and evolution of premature charge-termination.
0 positive electrode:
hydrogen occurs. Cell pressure builds up. Since the
0 10 20 30 40 The nickel hydroxide is relatively unstable in a
battery is designed with excess negative capacity To avoid the occurrence of premature charge-
Ambient Temperature (˚C) charged state and tends to return to a discharge
(discharge reser ve), the discharge continues; ter mination, it is advisable that quick-chargers
state with the slow release of oxygen. The released
discharge voltage is around -0.2V to -0.4V. designed with –dV termination to de-activate the
oxygen then reacts with the cadmium in the negative
detection during the first few minutes of the charging
electrode, thus establishing an internal discharge
Stage 3: The active material on both electrodes has operation.
path. The reaction rate increases with higher
been depleted and oxygen generation starts at the
negative electrode. For mation of gases at both Polarity Reversal temperatures.
electrodes leads to high internal cell pressure and
opening of the safety vent, resulting in deterioration
1 2 3 b. Side reactions through impurities: Storage Characteristics
Positive electrode Some of the impurities can be oxidized in the positive
of the cell perfor mance if this scenario occurs
Battery Voltage (V)
For battery packs connected with more than 8 cells 0 50 100 150 200
1.0 Positive electrode
higher temperatures, prolonged storage of the battery
in series, the recommended discharge end voltage Storage Time (days)
at elevated temperatures will result in the battery
is 1.2V times number of cells, less by one.
0 materials deteriorating faster. Leakage performance
will also deteriorate, resulting in a reduced battery
lifetime. It is recommended that, for long storage,
-1.0 Negative electrode Polarity reversal Polarity reversal
Discharge Characteristics of positive
of both
batteries should be kept at room temperature or
2.4 Cycle Life
Charge : 0.1C x 140% Discharge Time
1.4 Discharge : 0.2C, 1.0C, 2.0C, 3.0C
2.4.1 Overview
2.3.3 Storage time
Temperature : 25°C Cycle life is the number of charges and discharges
Voltage (V)
7 8
2.4.2 Ambient temperature Discharge Characteristics of High Drain Charge/Discharge Efficiency vs.
It is recommended to cycle the batter y at room
2.5 Safety
Series at Various C Rates Temperature for High Temperature Series
temperature. At higher temperatures, the electrodes
If pressure inside the battery rises as a result of 1.5 11
as well as the separator material deteriorate much Charge: 1Cx120%
Voltage (V)
to release the pressure, thus protecting the battery 0.2C 00
during overcharge is slow, and may risk opening the
from bursting. 1.2
vent leading to pre-mature electrolyte dry-out. 5C Discharge at 0.2C to 1V cut-off
1.1 10C 2C 90
after charge 0.05C x 48 hrs
2.4.3 Overcharge
The cycle life of the battery is sensitive to the amount
2.6 Characteristics of 1.0
1C 80
Charge/Discharge Cycle range of temperatures, and they have been carefully With standard series NiCd batteries, the smaller the Cell Temperature (°C)
Characteristics designed for safety and reliability. Ranging from charging current and the higher the charging End life - 75% of the nominal capacity at 0.2C
compact sizes to large sizes, the standard series is temperature, the more difficult for it to charge the
% of Nominal Capacity
available in a wide selection of discharge capacities batter y. However, for applications in which the
100 based on the standard sizes specified by the batteries are charged continuously by a small current
Charge : 1.0C (-dv = 10mV)
IEC61951-1. under relatively high temperature conditions such 2.7 Memory Effect
60 as emergency lights, there is a need for superior
Discharge : 1.0C (E.V. 0.9V)
40 Temperature : 25°C 2.6.2 High Drain Series high temperature trickle charge performance. By Cer tain NiCd cylindrical cells employing sintered
Our high drain series is exper tly customized for combining GP's technology in electrodes and type electrodes experience memor y effect. The
powerful delivery of electrical energy on demand. electrolyte, high temperature series NiCd batteries memory effect occurs due to the possibility of alloying
0 100 200 300 400 500 It was developed through an integration of our are far superior to the standard series NiCd batteries reaction between cadmium and nickel in the cadmium
c o m p r e h e n s i v e N i C d b a t t e r y t e c h n o l o g y. fo r u s e i n h i g h t e m p e r a t u r e t r i ck l e c h a r g e electrode. However, memory effect can be eliminated
Number of Cycles Improvement in the positive and negative electrode applications. Fur ther more, the use of a special if cells are completely discharged. NiCd cell
technology, and in the current collecting system have s e p a ra t o r p r ov i d e s s t a bl e t r i ck l e c h a r g e l i fe employing pasted electrode technology is much less
further lowered the internal resistance and greatly characteristics. susceptible to memory effect, because less nickel
enhance the 10C discharge characteristics of the is present in the cadmium electrode.
high drain series batteries.
9 10
3 Charging
Method 3.2.2 Constant voltage charging 1.8 3.2.7 Charging temperature
Besides constant current charging, constant voltage 1.7 As ambient temperature affects charging efficiency
charging could also be applied. In constant voltage 1.6 -dV and cell reliability, it is important to select a suitable
Voltage (V)
3.1 Overview charging, the power supply is regulated at a constant 1.5 temperature for optimizing charging performances.
voltage. The charging current is proportional to the 1.4 Generally speaking, a temperature within 10°C to
One crucial difference between the primar y and net voltage difference between the supply-voltage 1.3 45°C will yield the highest efficiency, which begins
secondary battery is the ability to restore energy 1.2
and the cell voltage. During charging, the cell to drop at or above 45°C. Conversely, repeated
after discharging. This restoration of energy is 1.1
temperature will increase, causing the cell voltage charging at less than 0°C may cause cell internal
therefore a very important area to be considered in to drop at the end of charging. This causes an 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 pressure build-up, resulting in electrolyte leakage
secondary battery applications. Since different battery increase of the charging current and damage the % of Input Capacity as in high temperature conditions. For these reasons,
s y s t e m s h ave t h e i r ow n c h a ra c t e r i s t i c s a n d cell if charging is not terminated. This phenomenon GP NiCd batteries can be charged at temperatures
applications have their own integrated electrical is called thermal runaway. Therefore, traditionally of 0°C to 45°C under standard charging conditions,
input/output requirements, it is vital to select a constant voltage charging is not recommended. but preferably at 10°C to 45°C under fast charging
charging method that suits both the battery system Moreover, if one or more unit cell in a battery is b) Charging time control (back up only) conditions.
and the application. Improper charging will lead to shor t-circuited, the charge current can become An easier way to control fast charging of GP NiCd
poor battery performance or failure of the application. excessive. However, both problems can be avoided batteries is to control the elapsed time following
by suitable monitoring of cell/battery parameters commencement of charging. However, it is not
during charging. recommended as the only cut-off method due to
3.2 Charging Method overcharging. A charging time between 120-140%
3.2.3 Fast charging of the cell nominal capacity is recommended.
Like NiMH, the main concern in charging a NiCd
battery is the build-up of temperature and internal GP NiCd batteries use constant current charging as
the basis of the charging method. Depending on c) Battery temperature control
pressure due to high overcharge rates. As previously As increased ambient and cell temperatures result
mentioned, the cell design applies the concept of different operational requirements, constant current
charging can be further classified according to the in high cell inter nal pressure, it is highly
oxygen recombination in lowering the batter y's recommended to have temperature control backup
inter nal oxygen level during standard charging. charging rate. Charging at a current rate of 0.5C to
1C is considered fast charging. As explained earlier, for safety and cell performance. When fast charging
However, if the cell is subjected to severe charging GP NiCd batter ies, the cut-off temperature is
conditions (such as overcharging at a current rate if the charging current is too high (1C or above), the
cell internal pressure and temperature will rise at recommended to be controlled at 55°C.
over 1C), the rate of oxygen evolution from the
positive electrode increases rapidly, exceeding the the end, resulting in degraded cell performance and
electrolyte leakage. 3.2.5 Standard charge
r e c o m b i n a t i o n r e a c t i o n r a t e. A s t h e ox y g e n Apart from fast charging, GP NiCd batteries can also
recombination reaction is exothermic, this results in be charged at a lower current rate of 0.1C. As this
ex c e s s i v e ox y g e n p r e s s u r e a n d i n c r e a s e d 3.2.4 Charge control
Various methods are recommended to help control charging method is less severe, charge termination
temperature. The excessive pressure will then be at 160% nominal capacity input is recommended (to
released through the safety vent causing a reduction charging, so as to prevent gas pressure and
temperature build-up due to overcharging. Proper help avoid extended overcharging of the battery).
in the cell electrolyte; the excessive heat will Also, in some applications where overcharging is
eventually degrade the cell's internal contents. These charge control will provide a longer battery service
life. necessar y, GP NiCd batteries can endure 0.1C
two factors are considered to be the major limitations continuous charging for about one year.
to the battery's service life. For this reason, charge
control is very impor tant in battery charging. GP a) -dV control
Detecting the value of the voltage drop after reaching 3.2.6 Trickle charging
NiCd cylindrical cells are designed to be able to In most applications - where cells and batteries need
charge up to 1C rate. For applications that require peak voltage is the most commonly used charge
control method in fast charging GP NiCd batteries. to be in a fully charged condition - maintaining a
higher charging rates, please contact GP. trickle charge current to compensate for the loss of
A -dV value of 0-20mV/cell is recommended when
fast charging GP NiCd batteries. capacity (due to self-discharge) is recommended.
3.2.1 Constant current charging The suggested trickle charge current to be used is
The advantages of the constant current charging 0.05C to 0.1C.
method include high charging efficiency, flexibility,
and position control of input capacity.
11 12
4 Battery
5 Configurations Designation System for Battery Packs
An example:
Number of cells
in a pack Tag type code
an excessive increase in cell temperature, which sensing the temperature inside the pack should be For battery packs with connectors, the last two
characters will be used to specify connector type
would occur if soldered on directly. Lead used for employed. It is also desirable to have a ther m- eg. GP60AAS4BMU.
cell connections should be nickel-plated or pure ostat/polyswitch and a thermal fuse installed in the
nickel measuring 0.1mm to 0.4mm in thickness and battery pack to protect it from abnormal rises in Standard Configurations for Battery Packs
3mm to 6mm in width. temperature and external short-circuiting. Locations
for safety devices in battery pack assembly are shown
The temperature of NiCd cells rises when the charge in the following diagrams.
gets close to completion. Temperature increase is
greater for a battery pack than for a single cell, due
to the fact that the pack does not really allow for the
d i s s i p a t i o n o f h e a t . T h e p r o bl e m i s f u r t h e r CODE : A CODE : B CODE : G CODE : S CODE : T CODE : W CODE : Y
exacerbated when the pack is enclosed in a plastic
Cells stacked in a Cells arranged Cells stacked in 2 Cells stacked Cells arranged in a Cells arranged in Cells arranged in a
case. Air ventilation should be provided in the plastic vertical column in a row vertical columns in multiple horizontal triangle horizontal zig-zag rows horizontal rectangle
case of batteries - to allow for egress of any gasses of unequal number columns and (in one or more layers)
of cells layers
that may result from activation of the safety vent of
cells after abuse.
Tag Type Specifications Tag Direction Codes
Polyswitch Strip solder tag PCB solder tag Double PCB pin Solder wire tag Short strip tag Lead wire Pointing at 180˚ Pointing at the
at positive terminal same direction
and single PCB pin
(+) at negative terminal
Single cell
Universal Plug JST EHR-2 Molex 5264-02 Mitsumi M63M83-02
13 14
6 Proper Use and
Handling A wide range of required discharge current rates will 9V Series the ventilation of battery compartments. Airtight battery
be encountered in different applications, and GP has Charge: -10 to 30°C compar tments are strongly discouraged. Ventilation
a variety of battery types for specialized use. Apart Discharge: -20 to 40°C should be provided in the plastic case of batteries, otherwise
6.1 Restriction on Usage from the standard series for general applications, Storage: 0 to 35°C oxygen and hydrogen gas generated inside can cause
high temperature and high drain series are specially explosion when exposed to fire sources such as motors or
Knowledge of battery maintenance is crucial to a
d e s i g n e d fo r a p p l i c a t i o n s i n h i g h a m b i e n t Using or storing the battery beyond the recommended switches.
working battery, helping to provide a longer period
temperatures and discharge current rates t e m p e ra t u r e ra n g e l e a d s t o d e t e r i o ra t i o n i n
of operation. On the other hand, improper battery 6.2.2 Charging / discharging / operating temperature
respectively. The maximum discharge current performance. For example: leakage, shortening of
handling or maintenance may lead to unnecessary To optimize battery performance and service life, certain
recommended for standard series and high drain battery life, and lowering of charging efficiency may
battery defects or problems, such as electrolyte aspects related to charging, discharging and the
series are generally 3C and 5C respectively. However, occur at higher temperatures.
leakage or cell bulging. In order to get the most out operating temperature should be taken into careful
there are situations where higher currents of shorter
of using GP NiCd rechargeable cells, special care consideration. A customer application questionnaire is
duration are permissible. At sub-zero temperatures, discharge capacity will
in the following areas should be considered: provided in this technical handbook. Please provide as
decrease due to lower mobility of the ions inside the
6.1.2 Reverse charging battery. much information as possible. Alternatively, contact
6.1.1 Charging / discharging current authorized GP personnel for advice and help with your
Reverse charging is one of the battery misuses that
For fast charging GP NiCd batteries, the current rate application.
can appear to be a battery defect. If the positive and 6.1.5 Over-discharging / overcharging
should be 0.5C to 1C. Trickle charging, which is
negative polarities are reversed when charging, the Other than discharging C-rate and temperature,
common in various applications (such as memory
batter y might bulge due to inter nal gassing.
backup), requires a current charging range of 0.05C
Electrolyte leakage consequently results due to
another factor affecting battery life and performance
is the discharge cut-off voltage. An appropriate choice
6.3 Methods of Use
to 0.1C to maintain the long-term standby power of
venting at the safety valve, which leads to a decrease of end voltage not only deter mines the batter y 6.3.1 Operation
the battery. In addition, GP NiCd batteries can be
in capacity. Caution has to be exercised to avoid performance, it also provides the bottom line to avoid Avoid combining used and fresh batteries, or batteries
trickle-charged at 0.1C continuously for one year
such misuse. over-discharging the battery. GP recommends 1V/cell at different state-of-charge, which may lead to electrolyte
without leakage or explosions. Charging current rates
as the end voltage in most situations. However, there leakage. Always cycle the battery several times to
higher than 1C are generally not recommended.
6.1.3 Parallel charging are occasions when slightly higher than 1V/cell is restore its capacity if the battery has been stored for
However charging with pulses higher than 1C is not
Parallel charging is generally not recommended. necessary (to avoid scenarios such as over-discharge, an extended period of time.
uncommon in some applications. Please contact
Please consult authorized GP personnel for possible when the number of batteries in the series is large).
authorized GP personnel to deter mine the
exceptions to connecting the batteries in parallel In addition, discharge cut-off lower than 1V/cell 6.3.2 Connection between battery and application
applicability of special charging schemes not
charging. should be considered especially when the discharge devices
mentioned in GP product specifications.
rate is very high. Be sure to connect the positive and negative battery
6.1.4 Charging / discharging temperature ter minals to the corresponding ter minals of the
Special attention should be paid to the charge
It is impor tant to understand how ambient Overcharging also adversely affect battery life, the application device, in order to prevent reverse charging.
termination method, which is a critical element in
temperature affects the charging and discharging of major cause of which is the extra heat generated by
providing an optimized cycle life, yet one which is
batteries, especially for obtaining maximum efficiency overcharging. When overcharging repeats from cycle
e a s i l y o ve r l o o ke d . S eve r a l c h a r g i n g c u t - o f f
in conditions that exceed room temperature. GP to cycle, the accumulated heat will eventually degrade
6.4 Precautions in Battery
m e c h a n i s m s w i t h r e l a t e d p a ra m e t e r s c a n b e
recommends the following temperature range. the battery life. Therefore, incorporating a proper Handling
charging cut-off mechanism is a critical element in
Standard and high drain series - cylindrical ensuring a long battery life. • Never incinerate the battery.
Negative delta voltage: within 20mV • Never solder a battery directly.
Standard charge: 0 to 45°C
Temperature control: 45-55°C • Avoid subjecting a battery to strong vibrations.
Fast charge: 10 to 45°C
Timer control: 120-140%
Discharge: -20 to 50°C 6.2 Precautions for Designing • Never connect the battery terminals to the device
without verifying the polarities.
These charging cut-off mechanisms can be
Storage: -20 to 35°C
Application Devices • Never carry a battery with other metallic belongings
incorporated into the application - either together or to avoid short-circuiting.
High temperature series - cylindrical 6.2.1 Battery compartment
individually, with the choice of method depending • Never disassemble a battery.
Charge: 0 to 70°C Bear in mind that there is always a chance of battery
largely on the charging profile of the application. To • Never mix GP batteries with other battery brands
Discharge: -20 to 70°C abuse, where internal gassing is highly probable;
avoid unnecessary battery problems, which might or batteries of a different type.
Storage: -20 to 35°C and as a result, the gasses will be released through
look like quality issues, please contact authorized • Never shor t together the positive and negative
GP personnel for implementing the appropriate cell venting. However, generation of hydrogen gas
from overcharging is particularly dangerous when terminals of a battery with any metal.
charging cut-off method.
mixed with oxygen. Caution should be focused on
15 16
• Never obstruct the safety vent, which is located near 6.5.3 Battery disposal
7 Customer Application Questionnaire
the positive terminal of the cylindrical/prismatic cell, Under nor mal conditions, when the batter y has
I. Customer Information Cap#
and on the positive side of the button cell - indicated reached its end of life, it is advisable to properly Customer: Customer:
by a vent mark. insulate the positive and negative terminals of the Address: Salesperson:
• Never alter the factory-configuration or remove / batter y prior to disposal. Please note that it is Sales Order# Date:
modify a component of a battery. dangerous to dispose of the battery in fire, as it will City: Contact person:
• Never charge/discharge a battery under conditions lead to electrolyte spill-out and bursting of the battery. State: Electrical: Title: Email: Tel:
which are not within GP specifications, or without Zip: Mechanical: Title: Email: Tel:
consulting authorized GP personnel on special Recycling of the battery is an important environmental Fax: Commercial: Title: Email: Tel:
applications. issue nowadays. We recommend you contact your
• Never use other charger than specified to avoid local government concerning the location of recycling
possible heating, burning or rupture. sites, or enquire about local regulations on methods
II. Product Description
• Never leave a battery connected to a device for long of disposal for NiCd batteries in your region. A. Model No.: Capacity: mAh Voltage: V
periods without charging the battery, especially for
B. Application: Qty/year: Tentative production date:
devices that constantly drain standby current. 6.5.4 Transportation
• If any abnormality or problem is found while using the GP NiCd batteries should not be thought of as wet C. Sample request: Cell qty: Quote: Requested delivery date:
battery, stop its use, and bring it to your local dealer. batter ies (like traditional, non valve-regulated Pack qty: Testing:
• Never use cells or batteries for any other applications batteries). As a result, GP batteries can be shipped D. Type of designs: Preliminary Mechanical only Electrical only Final
then specified, that may result in damage to the batteries or transported in normal packaging without special
and the appliances. handling. E. Ship to: Salesperson
Name: Company:
6.5 Battery Maintenance Address:
City: State: Zip:
6.5.1 Regular inspection
F. Specifications: (from customer)
Pe r i o d i c v i s u a l i n s p e c t i o n o f t h e b a t t e r y i s
Customer drawing: Customer sample(s): (pcs).
recommended. It is also advisable to store the battery
Parts & asssembly drawing: Circuit diagram: Bill of material:
at room temperature, with low humidity, when the
Written specification: Title: Date:
battery is not expected to be used for a long period
Others: (please specify)
of time; the aim of which is to prevent cell leakage
and rust. Sketch Details:
1. Show all critical dimension with
6.5.2 Storage tolerance or max.
Bear in mind that self-discharge has to be taken into 2. Show connector polarity.
consideration when storing a charged battery. The 3. Show label orientation.
remaining battery capacity should be at least 50% 4. Show and list any special features or
after a month of storage at room temperature for a materials.
fully charged battery. High storage temperatures will
accelerate the self-discharge, and reduce the G. Protection / Safety:
remaining capacity. Customer will protect battery externally.
Built-in protection requirements
In order to maintain battery performance when being Component Short circuit Overcharge Rating Manufacturer Model no.
stored for an extended period of time, cycling Polyswitch:
(charging and discharging) of the battery within a 6 Thermostat: °C
to 9-month period is recommended. This procedure Thermistor: Ohms
is recommended to maximize performance of the Thermal fuse: °C/Amps
battery and prevent low OCV in long-term storage Current fuse: A
conditions. Failure to do so may result in a shorter Others:
battery life.
* All Packs should be protected against short circuit and over charging.
* Li-ion packs must have safety circuit to protect over charging.
* Air ventilation should be provided in the plastic case of batteries, otherwise it may have a risk generating gases inside them
(oxygen and hydrogen gas) resulting explosion triggered by fire sources (motors or switches). Caution should be focused on
the ventilation of battery compartments. Airtight battery compartments are strongly discouraged.
17 18
H. Charging parameter
*Fill out as much of the following table as possible.
19 20
Negative Electrode Short Circuit
9 Note
The electrode with negative potential. Current flows The direct connection of the positive
through the external circuit to this electrode during electrode/terminal to the negative electrode/terminal
discharge. of the battery.
Rated Capacity
A nominal capacity available from a cell at specific
discharge conditions.
Safety Vent
This is a device to release the gas when the internal
pressure of the battery exceeds the pre-set value.
The loss of capacity by a cell/battery during storage
or in an unused condition. The rate of self-discharge
is affected by ambient temperature.
The thin and porous membrane between the positive
and negative electrodes to prevent short-circuit and
hold the electrolyte.
21 22
Nickel Cadmium
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