How Effective Is Capitation at Reducing Health Care Costs
How Effective Is Capitation at Reducing Health Care Costs
How Effective Is Capitation at Reducing Health Care Costs
Jennifer Brunoni
Marshall University
Tasha Dolinger
Marshall University, [email protected]
Irina Walker
Marshall University, [email protected]
Danielle Wood
Marshall University, [email protected]
Recommended Citation
Paul III, D., Walker, I., Brunoni, J., Wood, D., Dolinger, T., & Coustasse, A., (2014, November). How effective is capitation at reducing
health care costs. Paper presented at the 41st Annual Meeting of the Northeast Business & Economics Association, West Long Branch,
New Jersey.
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David P. Paul III, Jennifer Brunoni, Tasha Dolinger, Irina Walker, Danielle Wood, and Alberto Coustasse
250,000 Medicare beneficiaries. The study found Average spending increase was smaller for
that, in this capitated environment, healthcare participants in the intervention group, $15.5 (1.9%)
providers charged 3.9% less than physicians with less per quarter. Savings resulted largely from lower
fixed salaries. The owners of practices with great expenditures for procedures, testing, and imaging;
amounts of capitated profits exhibited doctor and from a decreasing in spending for enrollees with
expenses only half as large relative to salaried staff the highest expected spending (Song et al., 2011).
(6.9%). These authors concluded that healthcare
providers who were reimbursed via capitation were Ettner et al. (2006) surveyed and reviewed medical
more cost efficient and had less intense utilization of records of 6,194 diabetic patients, examining
services compared to physicians providing care correlations between provider reimbursement
through FFS. incentives and care process. Researchers reported that
83% of patients were predicted to get a proteinuria
Reschovsky, Hadley, and Landon (2006) examined assessment under direct salary, 68% with FFS model,
how payment type, different management tools, and and 66% under capitation.
compensation methods shape health care providers’
perceptions of whether specific financial incentives The Lewin Group (2009) reviewed 24 studies
lean toward increasing or decreasing services to commissioned by the state and federal governments,
patients. Physicians associated with capitated researchers, and private foundations. These studies
contracts were over 9% less likely to state incentives reported that Medicaid Managed Care Model
to increase services to patients and more than 4% (MMCM) yields from 1%-20% cost savings. In
stated that financial incentives resulted in reduced Ohio’s Premier Care program, inpatient costs
services to patients compared with physicians with no decreased 27% under capitated MMCM, from $76
capitation. However, nearly 70% of healthcare PMPM to $55 PMPM (Lewin, 2009). Researchers
providers did not believe that incentives affected reported that the PMPM cost of drugs for Ohio
services to patients. patients in MC setting was 10% to 15% less than in
the FFS setting. Ohio’s capitated programs created
An evaluation of capitation and enhanced FFS $72.4 million in savings (The Lewin Group, 2009).
models initiated in Ontario in 2001-2003 found that
patients in capitated practices had lower morbidity Another case study compared capitation and FFS
and comorbidity indices, less after-hours care and reimbursement methods. Grieve et al. (2008)
more visits to emergency departments. Overall, conducted a study which evaluated Quality-Adjusted
providers in the capitated group enrolled fewer new Life Years (QALYs). One group received a mental
patients than did physicians in the FFS group (37.0 v. health reimbursement through Direct Capitation
52.0 per provider). Patients had fewer office visits to (DC). The second group used capitated services
physicians working under capitated payment offered through an experienced Managed Behavioral
compared to physicians performing under FFS Health Organization (MBHO). Both of these
(Glazier et al., 2009). capitation groups were compared to a strictly FFS
group. The average cost per case was evaluated pre-
The Lewin Group calculated the savings with capitation, and two 9 month post-capitation periods.
adoption of capitation contracting with Medicaid The MBHO group had the lowest average cost per
Managed Care Organizations (MCOs), noting that case after the second nine month period at $3,359.
savings through capitation ranged from 2%-19%. This was compared to $4,000 for the FFS group and
After the first year adopting capitation, researchers $7,094 for the DC group.
estimated 4.1% savings for West Virginia.
Additionally, it was estimated $83 billion cumulative Fang and Rizzo (2008) used the Community
national savings would be achieved if capitiation Tracking Study physician survey data from 2000-
were instituted nationally across the first 10 years 2001 and 2004-2005. The data from survey questions
(Lewin Group, 2006). regarding financial incentives related to both
Capitated MC (CMC) and Non-Capitated MC
In 2009, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts (NCMC). In 2000–2001, physicians who accepted
implemented the Alternative Quality Contract (AQC) managed care insurance had about 53% of their
based on global payment and pay for performance. patient care practice revenue come from managed
Researchers analyzed 2006-2009 claims for 380,142 care. Among physicians whose financial incentives
enrollees who received care from physicians in the did not favor reducing services, the average managed
AQC system and for 1,351,446 enrollees who care involvement was lower — 45%. So in 2000–
received care from providers not in the system. 2001, greater managed care involvement was
associated with greater financial incentives to reduce
services. The Lewin Group calculated potential savings for
ACAP and MHPA if capitation contracting were
A study using a Capitated Matrix System (CMS) for accepted with Medicaid MCO. If implemented, the
purchasing implants for Total Knee Arthroplasty capitation could yield 2%-19% savings. Further
(TKA) and total hip arthroplasty (THA) was investigation found that the studies done by Lewin
conducted by Fankhauser and Fowler (2009). The were based on data from Milliman, USA (Barclay,
Capitation Matrix (CM) developed and categorized 2002). The data came from programs that were in an
the various orthopedic implants into four different HMO model that were converted to a Fee-For-
levels of technological characteristics and cost (the Service Equivalent (FFSE). The FFSEs were
more technologically advanced the implant, the estimates of state expenditures if the current HMO
higher the charge by the vendor). The CMS prices models were replaced with a traditional FFS model.
were based on the previous year’s average prices for
each category minus 15%. The authors of the study Ettner et al. (2006) used surveys and medical record
evaluated the cost of implants with this CM over one review to determine the association between provider
year. The year’s cost analysis was then compared to reimbursement incentives and care process for
the prior year when no CMS was in place. Prior to diabetic patients. The authors reported that, under
the CMS, the average cost of a prosthetic implant capitation incentives, there existed a smaller chance
was $4700 for the TKA and $5800 for the THA. of the physician ordering a proteinuria assessment.
After the CM, the target average prices were $3600
per TKA and $4800 per THA (Taylor et al. 2009). Taylor et al. (2009) used a capitated matrix system to
After comparison, the resulting cost savings in the evaluate the purchase of implants for TKA and THA.
CMS was 26.1% for both THA and TKA implants. An overall savings for the entire study period was
calculated as 26.1%. The study strongly supported
3 DISCUSSION the hypothesis that a capitated model decreases the
overall cost of health care.
Grieve et al. (2008) evaluated the cost of care for
Medicaid patients with severe mental illness. The end 4 CONCLUSION
result found that a capitation model with a for- profit
element was more cost-effective than the FFS model Capitation appears to encourage a decrease in the
or the not-for-profit capitation group. utilization of physicians’ services in some areas of
healthcare in the short run. The use of capitation in
Glazier et al. (2009) reported that capitation models the healthcare environment as a means to lower
were most cost-effective in groups where patients overall costs has revealed some mixed results in the
have less complex [costly] diagnoses. The study studies examined. Capitation does encourage
showed that the capitation practices reported fewer physicians to be more financially responsible in the
sick patients, and more patients enrolled in the selection of services provided to the patients as well
practices compared to the enhanced FFS models. as the supplies used in surgical procedures.
A physician survey conducted by Fang and Rizzo Boult, C., Kane, R., Brown, R. 2000. Managed care
(2008) showed that the first year under capitation of chronically ill older people: The US experience.
increased physician incentives to reduce cost. The BMJ (Clinical Research Education), 321 (7267),
second year showed relatively little difference 1011-1014.
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2009. Capitation and enhanced fee-for-service
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