Finishedtemperament Eval Form

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Staff Info

Temperament evaluation date: 2/16/2018

Person Evaluating: Auna Fleischhacker

Dog Info

Name: Skadi

Breed: Staffordshire Terrier Mix

Sex: male / female

Sexual status: intact / spayed / neutered

Age: 7 months

Origin: stray / surrender

Intake date: 2/15/2017

Bite history (human): yes / no

Bite history (animal): no / dog / cat / other

Kill history: no / dog / cat / other

 2004 Blue Dog Training & Behavior LLC rev

1. Affiliation

Neutral standing:

Neutral sitting:

Stroking: loves to be pet

2. Sit / Down

Dog knows sit? yes / no

Dog knows down (Platz)? yes / no

Dog can be lured to sit position? yes / no

Dog can be lured to down position? yes / no

3. Handling

Paws: pulls away

Body: Good

Ears: allows ears to be checked

Tail: allows tail to be touched and moved

Mouth: allows oral exam

Hug: allows hug

Muzzle “U”: allows

Dominance Lean with direct eye contact: reactive- barking

 2004 Blue Dog Training & Behavior LLC rev

4. Play / Arousal / Ability to Settle


Plays well, does settle nicely when told all is done

5. Frustration Tolerance


Normal level- walks away

6. Food Bowl Resource Guarding

Result: None

Rating: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

7. Item Resource Guarding

Result: none. Drops and gives toys nicely

Rating: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

8. Prey Drive (Robo Rat)


No prey drive

9. Startle Response / Recovery

Visual: strong reaction, growling, barking, hair is raised

Aural: slight reaction, went to investigate

 2004 Blue Dog Training & Behavior LLC rev

10. Dog Test

Sex of test dog: male / female

Sexual status of test dog: intact / spayed / neutered

Age of test dog: 5 months

Result: snapped when puppy was in her face

11. Cat Test

Seemed interested, left alone

Summary of Test

Case background:
Found on Indian Reservation, missing a right eye, anxiety, fear

Kennel Behavior:
Panics when in kennel, digging, howling, chewing at bars

General impressions:
Very sweet dog, some fear aggression associated with poor eye sight,
has some separation anxiety when in a kennel

 2004 Blue Dog Training & Behavior LLC rev


Adoptability at present: high / moderate / low

/ unadoptable

Adoptability with behavior modification work: high / moderate / low

/ unadoptable

Candidate for breed rescue? yes / no

Adoption Criteria (circle all that apply)

No toddlers or infants

No children under 12

Experienced dog owners

No other dogs

No cats

Behavior Modification

Who will be assigned to this dog?

How much time will be allotted for working with this dog before re-
2 months of work

Behavior modification plan:

Work on kennel games to reinforce positive kennel behavior,

Work on confidence exercises to help with poor eyesight.
Work at a distance to re-establish okay dog to dog behavior

(Progress reports should be attached to this document, dated and signed

after each session.)

 2004 Blue Dog Training & Behavior LLC rev

Adoption Counseling Information

(All information regarding work done with this dog, special issues,
special skills trained by staff, and recommendations for training and
handling should be addressed here.)

 2004 Blue Dog Training & Behavior LLC rev


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