Autism Spectrum Disorders: Dental Treatment Considerations: Nagendra J., Jayachandra S
Autism Spectrum Disorders: Dental Treatment Considerations: Nagendra J., Jayachandra S
Autism Spectrum Disorders: Dental Treatment Considerations: Nagendra J., Jayachandra S
Autism spectrum disorders, or ASD, are an umbrella term commonly used to describe several
developmental disorders in which individuals have substantial differences in the nature of their
social development and communication skills, as well as unusual behaviors and interests.
This disorder needs the administration of multiple medications to help the affected person
participate effectively in the educational and rehabilitative process. Dentists treating the children
with autism must be familiar with the manifestations of the disease and its associated features so
that they can provide the highest level of patient cooperation.
This article provides a guide towards the dental management for patients with Autism spectrum
disorders. Dental professional must also be familiar with the drugs used to treat the disorder
because many of them cause unpleasant oral and systemic side effects. Learning about autism will
help dentist provide better care and make the visit to the dental clinic a better experience for
Review (J Int Dent Med Res 2012; 5: (2), pp. 118-121)
or have irregularities in several brain regions that for both patient and dental hygienist. Long-term
affect normal development4,5. use of the anticonvulsant medications often
Possible contributing factors in the prescribed may lead to an increase in bleeding
development of autism include infections, errors due to either leukopenia and thrombocytopenia,
in metabolism, immunology, lead poisoning, and or anemia disorders. Methylphenidate specifically
fetal alcohol syndrome6. may lead to tachycardia or a hypertensive
Given the fact that the etiology and the episode if local anesthesia with vasoconstrictors
increased incidence of the various ASDs are is administered9,10,11.
scientifically puzzling, treatment modalities tend
to be wide ranging and very much trial and error,
especially since there is no cure7.
Dental professionals who treat patients
with ASDs should be knowledgeable about the
special needs of not only these patients, but also
of their parents. All children with ASD
demonstrate deficits in:
• Social interaction,
• Verbal and nonverbal communication, and
• Repetitive behaviors or interests.
In addition, they will often have unusual
responses to sensory experiences, such as
certain sounds or the way objects look. Each of
these symptoms runs the gamut from mild to
severe. Each child will display communication,
social, and behavioral patterns that are individual
but fit into the overall diagnosis of ASD4,5,7.
People with autism experience few unusual oral Table 1. Oral side effects of commonly used
health conditions. Although commonly used medications in Autism Spectrum Disorders.
medications and damaging oral habits can cause
problems, the rates of caries and periodontal ORAL MANIFESTATIONS AND ITS DENTAL
disease in people with autism are comparable to TREATMENT
those in the general population. Communication Harmful oral habits are common which
and behavioral problems pose the most consist of bruxism; tongue thrusting. Bruxism or
significant challenges in providing oral care8. forceful grinding of teeth is one of the sleep
This review article provides a guide problems commonly observed in children with
towards the dental treatment considerations for autism. Dentist can recommend a mouth guard
ASD patients. to stop the self-injurious behavior. Even though
Although the treatment for autistic disorders is the communication and behavioral problems in
mostly behavioral therapies, medications are children with autism pose challenges for the
often prescribed to treat some of the symptoms dentist, treatment with proper planning and a lot
of autism. These include antidepressants, of patience can definitely make a difference12.
antipsychotic, anticonvulsant and CNS stimulant Dental caries risk enhances in patients
drugs. Many of these drugs have systemic and who eat soft, sticky, or sweet foods; damaging
oral side effects and need to be addressed oral habits; and difficulty brushing and flossing.
during the dental appointment. Antipsychotic Rajic and Dzingalasevic (1989) reported that a
medications may cause motor disturbances that combined treatment, provided by a dental team
affect speech and swallowing and cause and a pedopsychiatric team working together,
xerostomia as well as orthostatic hypotension. resulted in a decreased prevalence of caries in a
Antidepressants have a myriad of side group of children with autism as compared to
effects that include dysgeusia, stomatitis and another group who did not receive any
glossitis. One commonly prescribed medication, treatment13.
Fluoxetine, causes sucking, lip-smacking and In 2008 Loo CY et al., have demonstrated
tongue protrusion, making oral hygiene difficult that the patients with ASD were more likely to be
Volume ∙ 5 ∙ Number ∙ 2 ∙ 2012 Page 119
Journal of International Dental and Medical Research ISSN 1309-100X Autism Nagendra J. and Jayachandra S.
caries-free and have lower decayed, missing and developmental disabilities than in the general
filled teeth (DMFT) scores than controls14. population, therefore proper education is
Dentist should recommend preventive warranted to overcome this problem21,22.
measures such as topical fluorides and sealants Rade RE (2010) has found that autistic
and advise the patients or their caretakers about patients have allergies, immune system problems,
medicines that reduce saliva or contain sugar. gastrointestinal disturbances and seizures. The
Additionally, doctor must recommend patients to dentist must be aware of these comorbid
drink plenty of water, take sugar-free medicines conditions so that they can give optimal care to
and rinse the mouth with water after taking any the children with autism spectrum disorders23.
drug. Apart from this, dentist must discourage Besides, pediatric dentist needs to have
the patient on usage of cariogenic foods and in-depth Knowledge and understanding of
beverages, and convince them to maintain daily behavioral principles when they are dealing with
oral hygiene. Moreover, dentists should perform ASD patients24.
hands-on demonstrations to show patients the The dentist also needs to consider the
best way to clean their teeth if they find that following aspects before treating the ASD
patients are not following the specific procedure. patients; understand the sensory needs of the
Some patients cannot brush and floss child with ASD, use of motivating games, give
independently, hence the doctor need to advice rewards,discuss with caretakers in advance and
the caretakers or parents about daily oral use of behavior modification techniques in an
hygiene15,16,17. autistic child having self-injurious behavior25.
Periodontal disease happens in people with However adults with autism demonstrate
autism in much the same way it does in persons increased independence by developing skills
without developmental disabilities. Previous through a structured teaching26 or visual
studies have shown that the child with autism teaching27 model, such models can be used to
have shown poorer oral hygiene and increased introduce children with autism to dentistry.
periodontal disease. It is well known that good Comprehensive dental treatment under general
oral hygiene, particularly tooth brushing with anesthesia may be required 30 percent of the
fluoride toothpaste,is also important for keeping time28. In a 10-year follow-up, patients resisted
the teeth free from caries18,19. efforts to establish personal contact with the
Maintaining good oral hygiene in children with dental staff. Furthermore, sedative techniques
autism is a significant task for both the parents or were ineffective because of atypical response
carers of the child, and dental staff19,20. patterns. Use of general anesthesia was the only
Even dentist needs to prescribe solution to provide necessary dental care29.
antimicrobial agent such as chlorhexidine for
their daily use and also explain them the
importance of conscientious oral hygiene and
frequent prophylaxis15,16,20.
Tooth eruption may be delayed due to
phenytoin-induced gingival hyperplasia.
Phenytoin is commonly prescribed for people
with autism16,20.
Trauma and injury to the mouth from falls or
accidents happen in patient with seizure
disorders. Dentist should emphasize to
caregivers that traumas require immediate
professional attention and explain the procedures
to follow if a permanent tooth is knocked Table 2. Outline of dental management for the
out18,19,20. Besides, train parents to locate any
autism spectrum disorders patient.
missing pieces of a fractured tooth and also
highlight the parents that the chest x-ray of the When dental needs are great and
patient's chest may be necessary if any attempts at behavior modification are
fragments have been aspirated. Physical abuse unsuccessful, general anesthesia in the
is reported more frequently in people with operating room creates a controlled environment
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