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Chapter 1: Basic Firearm Safety


Produced by the Education & Training Division

A Publication of the National Rifle Association of America
Third Edition—October 2015
Copyright 2014 The National Rifle Association of America
International Standard Book Number (ISBN): 978-0-935998-36-8

All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America.

This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part by mechanical means,
photocopying, electronic reproduction, scanning, or any other means
without written permission. For information, write: Training Department,
Education & Training Division, National Rifle Association of America,
11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA 22030.



The NRA expressly disclaims any and all liabilities, losses, costs, claims, remands, suits
or actions of any type or nature whatsoever, arising from or in any way related to: this
manual; the use of this manual; any representation, drawing or statement made in this
manual; or any claim that a particular action is in compliance or performed in accor-
dance or pursuant to this manual.
This manual is under no circumstances to be viewed as a restatement of the law in
any jurisdiction or to assure compliance with any applicable federal, state or local
laws, ordinances, rules or regulations. You must consult a local attorney to ascertain
compliance with all applicable federal, state or local laws, ordinances, rules or regula-
tions and to advise you of the applicable duty of care required of firearms instructors
in your jurisdiction.
Instructors should consult with their attorneys for advice on reducing their
potential liability for injuries or damages which students or others may incur while
learning to use pistols safely, or as a result of other activities. The effectiveness of
theories of liability (e.g., strict liability, negligence and others) and methods for pro-
tecting oneself from liability (e.g., incorporation, waivers and others) vary between
different jurisdictions, and the attorney consulted should be familiar with the law of
the applicable jurisdiction.
Discharging firearms in poorly ventilated areas, cleaning firearms, or handling
ammunition or lead-containing reloading components may result in exposure to lead.
Have adequate ventilation at all times. Wash hands with water after exposure.
Great pains have been taken to make this book as complete as possible; however,
reading this guide is not, in itself, sufficient to confer proficiency in pistol shooting,
safety and maintenance. The reader of this book should obtain additional knowledge
and hands-on training. Visit nrainstructors.org for more information.


Introduction......................................................................................................................... 9

Chapter 1: Basic Firearm Safety...................................................................................... 13
Chapter 2: Safe Firearm Storage...................................................................................... 19


Chapter 3: Pistol Parts and How They Work................................................................. 25
Chapter 4: Semi-Automatic Pistol Parts and How They Work................................... 31
Chapter 5: Operating Double and Single Action Semi-Automatic Pistols............... 39
Chapter 6: Revolver Parts and How They Work........................................................... 45
Chapter 7: Operating Double and Single Action Revolvers........................................ 51
Chapter 8: Ammunition Fundamentals......................................................................... 59
Chapter 9: Popular Pistol Cartridges.............................................................................. 65


Chapter 10: Fundamentals of Pistol Shooting .............................................................. 71
Chapter 11: Fundamentals of Pistol Shooting Positions.............................................. 79
Chapter 12: The Benchrest Position............................................................................... 83
Chapter 13: Standing Pistol Shooting Positions............................................................ 89
Chapter 14: The One-Handed Shooting Position......................................................... 93
Chapter 15: Common Pistol Shooting Errors............................................................... 97
Chapter 16: Clearing Common Pistol Stoppages........................................................ 103


Chapter 17: Selecting Pistols, Ammunition, and Accessories................................... 109
Chapter 18: Cleaning and Maintaining Your Pistol.................................................... 115
Chapter 19: Pistol Shooting Activities and Skill Development................................. 123

Appendix A: NRA Facts................................................................................................. 137

Glossary............................................................................................................................ 139
Index................................................................................................................................. 141


The NRA’s first and most fundamental Rule for Safe Gun Handling is ALWAYS keep
the gun pointed in a safe direction. This rule must always be observed; it cannot be
relaxed even for legitimate education or training purposes. Absolute, unvarying adher-
ence to this most important of gun safety rules cannot be overemphasized.
In some of the photographs in this book that illustrate specific shooting stances or
positions, it was sometimes necessary, for instructional purposes, to position the camera
in front of the muzzle of the gun. At no time was an actual functioning firearm used in
these photographs; special deactivated, non-firing training guns, or solid plastic gun sim-
ulators, were employed, and in some cases, the camera was activated by a remote trigger.

What you should expect when you attend

the NRA Basic Pistol Shooting Course

The course goal is to teach the basic knowledge, skills, and attitude for owning and operating
a pistol safely.
The NRA Basic Pistol course is a blended training course, which means a portion of the
course is conducted in an elearning environment that can be completed on your own time.
The elearning portion teaches gun safety rules; types of pistols; proper operation of revolvers
and semi-automatic pistols; ammunition knowledge and selection; selecting and storing
a pistol; the fundamentals of pistol shooting; clearing stoppages, zeroing; pistol shooting
errors; and pistol inspection and maintenance.
Once the elearning portion is completed, students will be able to enroll in the instructor-led
training portion of the course. With an NRA Certified Instructor present, you will demon-
strate comprehension and application of gun safety rules; range protocol; proper handling;
loading and unloading procedures; application of pistol shooting fundamentals; stable
shooting positions; live fire; and shooting a final qualification.
When the entire course is completed, training doesn’t have to end. Work with your NRA
Certified Instructor on opportunities to return to the range to continue building confidence
and better marksmanship skills.


The word pistol may have come from the name of a small town, Pistoia, in southern
Italy, where handguns were manufactured in the 15th and 16th centuries. However, some
scholars attribute its origin to the Russian word for a 15th-century matchlock gun­: pischol.
Other researchers believe that the word may derive from the Czechoslovakian word pistala,
or pipe. Regardless of the true origin of the term, a common definition today for the word
pistol is “a gun that has a short barrel and can be held, aimed and fired with one hand.”
Many different types of pistols exist, including revolvers, semi-automatics, muzzleloaders,
hinge-actions, bolt-actions and air pistols. Although the word pistol is frequently associated
with semi-automatic handguns, it is proper to use pistol to refer to all types of handguns.
This book will deal primarily with the two types of pistols in most common use today: the
revolver and the semi-automatic.
Although muzzleloading pistols are not covered in this book, the sport of shooting these
unique guns has increased in popularity. To learn about muzzleloading pistols, see the
NRA How-To Series publication Muzzleloading.
Air pistol shooting is also a very popular activity. This type of shooting can provide a wide
variety of recreation and sport opportunities, from shooting in a basement or backyard
range to competing in the Olympic Games. For information on air pistols, visit:
youth.nra.org/nras-home-air-gun-program.aspx .
Americans own pistols today for many different reasons. Some people compete in the
various types of pistol shooting matches held throughout the country, including those held
at the collegiate and Olympic levels. Others own pistols for personal protection. Hunters,
too, have found that the use of a pistol to take game can be a challenging and exciting expe-
rience, and nearly all of the 50 states allow pistol hunting.
A new shooter will quickly discover that pistol shooting is fun! It is a sport that requires
good hand/eye coordination, mental concentration and discipline. The purpose of this book
is to teach the safe and proper use of a pistol so that it can be enjoyed to the fullest extent.
The main focus of The NRA Guide to the Basics of Pistol Shooting is on helping the reader
develop the knowledge, skills and attitude to safely and effectively handle and fire a pistol.
Included are chapters on ammunition and pistol types; selecting ammunition, pistols and
accessories; gun handling; shooting positions; and pistol shooting activities. These and
other topics presented in this book form the core knowledge and skills used in all pistol
shooting activities, from informal recreational shooting through hunting, competition
and self-defense.
Although this book has a wealth of information on many aspects of pistol use, it is meant
to be used within the framework of the NRA Basic Pistol Shooting Course. You should
understand that merely reading a book—any book—will not, in and of itself, make you
proficient in handling and using a pistol. For more information on the NRA Basic Pistol
Shooting Course or any other NRA course, visit nrainstructors.org.


The NRA would like to thank the many NRA staff, NRA Certified Instructors, NRA
members, and others whose efforts and participation helped make the development and
production of this book possible.

A Gun Owner’s Responsibilities

Americans enjoy a right that citizens of many other countries

do not—the right to own firearms. But with this right comes
responsibilities. It is the gun owner’s responsibility to store,
operate and maintain his or her firearms safely. It is the gun
owner’s responsibility to ensure that unauthorized or untrained
individuals cannot gain access to his or her firearms. And it is
the gun owner’s responsibility to learn and obey all applicable
laws that pertain to the purchase, possession and use of a fire-
arm in his or her locale. Guns are neither safe nor unsafe by
themselves. When gun owners learn and practice responsible
gun ownership, guns are safe.


Basic Firearm Safety

Safety is fundamental to all shooting activities. Whether you’re practicing at the range,
hunting in the field, or cleaning your gun in your workshop, the rules of firearm safety
always apply.
Safe gun handling involves the development of knowledge, skills and attitude—knowl-
edge of the gun safety rules, the skill to apply these rules, and a safety-first attitude that
arises from a sense of responsibility and an understanding of potential dangers.
Most gun accidents are caused by ignorance and/or carelessness. Ignorance is a lack of
knowledge— a person who handles a gun without knowing the gun safety rules or how
to operate the gun is exhibiting a dangerous lack of knowledge. Equally dangerous is the
person who, although knowing the gun safety rules and how to properly operate a gun,
becomes careless in properly applying this knowledge. In both of these cases, accidents
can easily happen. But when people practice responsible ownership and use of guns,
accidents don’t happen.
Though there are many specific principles of safe firearm operation, all are derived from
just three basic safe gun handling rules.


ALWAYS keep the gun pointed in
a safe direction.
This is the primary rule of gun safety.
A safe direction means that the gun is
pointed so that even if it were to go off,
it would not cause injury or damage.
The key to this rule is to control where
the muzzle or front end of the barrel
is pointed at all times. Common sense
dictates the safest direction, depend-
ing upon the circumstances. At the
ALWAYS keep the gun pointed in a safe direction.
range, a “safe direction” is downrange.
If only this one safety rule were always
followed, there would be no injuries or damage from unintentional discharges.
Keeping a firearm pointed in a safe direction is relatively easy with a long gun, such as a
rifle or shotgun, as the longer barrel promotes muzzle awareness. The shorter length of the
typical revolver or semi-automatic, and its ability to be held and fired in one hand, require
that the shooter be even more conscious of where the gun is pointing.
ALWAYS keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot.
Your trigger finger should always be kept straight, alongside the frame and out of the
trigger guard, until you have made the decision to shoot. Unintentional discharges can be
caused when the trigger of a loaded gun is inadvertently pressed by a finger left in the
Chapter 1: Basic Firearm Safety 13
trigger guard instead of being positioned
straight along the side of the gun’s frame.
ALWAYS keep the gun unloaded until
ready to use.
A firearm that is not being used should always
be unloaded. For example, at the range, your
firearm should be left unloaded with the action
open while you walk downrange to check your
target. Similarly, a firearm that is stored in a gun ALWAYS keep finger off trigger until ready
to shoot.
safe or lock box should be unloaded (unless it is
a personal protection firearm that may need to
be accessed quickly for defensive purposes).
As a general rule, whenever you pick up a gun, point it in a safe direction with your
finger off the trigger, engage the safety (if the
gun is equipped with one), remove the maga-
zine (if the gun is equipped with a removable
magazine), open the action and visually and
physically inspect the chamber(s) to determine
if the gun is loaded or not. Unless the firearm
is being kept in a state of readiness for person-
al protection, it should be unloaded. If you do
not know how to open the action or inspect
the firearm, leave the gun alone and get help
from someone who does. Further information
ALWAYS keep the gun unloaded until ready on pistol mechanisms will be presented in Part
to use. II: Pistol Mechanisms and Operation.


In addition to these three fundamental Rules for Safe Gun Handling, you need to ob-
serve a number of additional rules when you use or store your firearm.
Know your target and what is beyond.
Whether you are at the range, in the woods, or in a self-defense situation, if you’re going
to shoot you must know what lies beyond your target. In almost all cases, you must be
sure that there is something that will serve as a backstop to capture bullets that miss or
go through the target. Even in an emergency, you must never fire in a direction in which
there are innocent people or any other potential for mishap. Think first, shoot second.
Know how to use the gun safely.
Before handling a gun, learn how it operates. Read the owner’s manual for your gun.
Contact the gun’s manufacturer for an owner’s manual if you do not have one. Know your
gun’s basic parts, how to safely open and close the action, and how to remove ammunition
from the gun. No matter how much you know about guns, you must always take the time
to learn the proper way to operate any new or unfamiliar firearm. Never assume that be-
cause one gun resembles another, they both operate similarly. Also, remember that a gun’s
mechanical safety is never foolproof. Guidance in safe gun operation should be obtained
from the owner’s manual or a qualified firearm instructor or gunsmith.

14 Chapter 1: Basic Firearm Safety

Semi-automatic pistols in particular can have many different safety and operating mechanisms,
reflected in the variety of levers and controls found on various models.

Knowing how to use the gun safely is especially important with pistols, as there is a
multitude of different types of pistol mechanisms, each with its own specific operating
procedure. Most long guns of a particular type (such as bolt-action rifles or pump-action
shotguns) work in essentially the same way, allowing an individual familiar with one mod-
el to be likely to know how to operate another of the same type. This cannot always be said
of pistols, particularly semi-automatic pistols.
Be sure your gun is safe to operate.
Just like other tools, guns need regular maintenance. Proper cleaning and storage are a
part of the gun’s general upkeep. If there is any question regarding a gun’s ability to func-
tion, it should be examined by a knowledgeable gunsmith. Proper maintenance proce-
dures are found in your owner’s manual.
Use only the correct ammunition for your gun.

Some pistol cartridges come in loads that have the same external dimensions but operate at
different pressure levels. The gun owner must know which of these loads are safe to fire in his or
her gun.

Chapter 1: Basic Firearm Safety 15

Each firearm is intended for use with a specific cartridge. Only cartridges designed for
a particular gun can be fired safely in that gun. Most guns have the ammunition type
stamped on the barrel and/or slide. The owner’s manual will also list the cartridge or car-
tridges appropriate for your gun. Ammunition can be identified by information printed
on the cartridge box and usually stamped on the cartridge head. Do not shoot the gun
unless you absolutely know you have the proper ammunition.
Using only the correct ammunition for your gun is of special importance with pistols,
as there are some pistol cartridges that have several names. Moreover, there are a number
of different cartridges which have the same external dimensions, and thus fit in the same
firearm chamber, but produce strikingly different operating pressures. Furthermore, even
for the same cartridge there may be loadings having
varying levels of pressure and performance. These
higher-pressure loads must be used only in a firearm
designed for them.
Wear eye and ear protection as appropriate.
The sound of a gunshot can damage unprotected
ears. Gun discharges can also emit debris and hot
gas that could cause eye injury. Thus, both ear and
eye protection are highly recommended whenever
you are firing live ammunition in your gun. Safety
glasses and ear plugs or muffs should also be worn
by any spectators or shooting partners present Eye and ear protection
during live-fire sessions.
Never use alcohol or drugs before or while shooting.
Alcohol and many drugs can impair normal mental and physical bodily functions, sharply
diminishing your ability to use a gun safely. These substances must never be used before
or while handling or shooting guns.
Note that these effects are produced not just by illegal or prescription drugs. Many
over-the-counter medications also have considerable side effects which may be multiplied
when certain drugs are taken together or with alcohol. Read the label of any medication
you take, even common non-prescription medications, or consult your physician or phar-
macist for possible side effects. If the label advises against driving or operating equipment
while taking the medication, you should also avoid using a firearm while taking it.
Store guns so they are inaccessible to unauthorized persons.
It is your responsibility as a gun owner to take reasonable steps to prevent unauthorized
persons (especially children) from handling or otherwise having access to your firearms.
You have a number of options for accomplishing this, which are discussed in greater detail
in Chapter 2: Safe Firearm Storage. The particular storage method you choose will be
based upon your own particular home situation and security needs.
Be aware that certain types of guns and many shooting activities require addi-
tional safety precautions.
There are many different types of firearms, some of which require additional safety rules
or procedures for proper operation. These are commonly found in your firearm’s owner’s
manual. Also, most sport shooting activities have developed sets of rules to ensure safety
during competition. These rules are generally sport-specific; the procedures for loading

16 Chapter 1: Basic Firearm Safety

your firearm and commencing fire, for example, are different in NRA bullseye shooting
than in NRA Action Pistol competition (see Chapter 17: Pistol Shooting Activities and
Opportunities for Skill Development).


Parents should be aware that a child could discover a gun when a responsible adult is
not present. This situation could occur in the child’s own home, the home of a neighbor,
friend, or relative, or in a public place (such as a park). To avoid the possibility of an acci-
dent in such a situation, the child should be taught to apply the following gun safety rules:
These four rules are part of a special accident-prevention program known as the Eddie
Eagle GunSafe® Program. Developed by the NRA for young children (pre-kindergarden
through third grade), it uses the friendly character of Eddie Eagle to teach children to
follow Eddie’s four rules.

Chapter 1: Basic Firearm Safety 17

18 Chapter 1: Basic Firearm Safety
Safe Firearm Storage

Safe gun storage is an integral part of gun safety, and one of your prime responsibilities
as a gun owner. By storing your guns safely, you not only avoid the possibility of an acci-
dental shooting involving a child or other untrained person; you may also prevent a crim-
inal from using your firearm against an innocent person. In addition, some jurisdictions
have laws mandating secure firearm storage, and almost all jurisdictions have criminal
negligence laws that can be applied to gun owners who do not take reasonable precautions
in storing their firearms. A gun owner may also be liable to a civil lawsuit in the event that
his or her unsecured gun is stolen and subsequently used during the commission
of a crime.
Any firearm storage method chosen must provide an adequate level of protection to
prevent unauthorized persons from accessing the guns. The determination of what is
“adequate protection” is a matter of judgment on the part of the gun owner, and will vary
with the situation. Also, the storage method or device used must allow any gun used for
self-defense to be retrieved as needed to repel an intruder or an attack. Be aware that stor-
age methods that provide a high level of security often do not allow quick and easy firearm
access. Additionally, a gun storage device should provide some level of concealment. A
gun that is not seen is less likely to be stolen. Concealment is achieved by storing the gun
in a location or a device where it is hidden.
There is no one best method of gun storage nor one best type of locking or storage
device. Each has advantages and limitations. You must choose the firearm storage method
that is best for you, given your circumstances and preferences. It is also incumbent upon
you as a responsible, law-abiding gun owner to know and observe all applicable state and
local laws regarding safe gun storage.


All storage methods designed to prevent unauthorized access utilize some sort of lock-
ing mechanism. Different types of locking mechanisms offer varying degrees of security
and accessibility.
Keyed locks, such as padlocks and the lockable drawers of desks and nightstands, can
offer a certain level of security (depending upon the construction of the lock and the
storage device). However, under stress or in darkness it may be difficult for some to locate
the correct key or to manipulate it in the lock.
Combination locks are often found on gun storage boxes, and range from simple tri-
ple-rotary-tumbler models to units that rival the mechanisms found on bank vaults. For
many people, combination locks are both secure and familiar to use. Under stress, how-
ever, lock combinations can be confused or forgotten by the gun owner, and the tumblers
can be challenging to manipulate quickly and accurately. Also, in darkness or dim light,
combination locks can be virtually impossible to operate.
Simplex®-type locks provide a good combination of security and quick access. Such locks
feature a number of buttons that are pushed in a specific order to open the device. With

Chapter 2: Safe Firearm Storage 19

only minimal practice, these locks can be easily worked in
total darkness. Locks having Simplex®-type mechanisms
can be just as strong and tamper-resistant as any
Another advantage of a Simplex® lock
is that incorrect entry blocks any further
attempt to open the lock. A separate
clearing code must be entered before the
lock will accept the correct combination,
making this lock even more resistant to
unauthorized attempts to open it.
The basic Simplex®-type lock is a mechani-
cal lock, and thus does not depend upon house
current or batteries. Some locking devices combine Simplex®-type locking device
Simplex® principles with modern electronics. Typically,
such a storage device features a numeric keypad whose numbered buttons are pushed in a
specific order to unlock.
A variation on this involves five fingerpads, ergonomically placed on the top or front of
the device, which can easily be felt in the dark and which are pressed in a sequence (such
as thumb, middle finger, little finger, ring finger) to open the device. Such locking mech-
anisms are often disabled when electric power is lost (as from dead batteries or a failure
in house current). There usually is a provision for opening the box with a key under such
circumstances, but this could be problematic under stress or in the dark. Some units that
use house current have provisions for a backup battery power supply to ensure continuous
A new type of gun storage device uses biometrics to control access. The most common
type of this device features a computer-controlled fingerprint reader to activate unlocking.
Though this technology is promising, there are still issues to be resolved regarding reliabil-
ity of the reader to distinguish a fingerprint under a wide variety of circumstances.


There are many different methods for storing firearms safely inside and outside the
Gun cases are commonly used for the transportation and storage of firearms. Gun cases
are typically of synthetic material, though some more costly models are made of alu-
minum. Some have integral locks; others feature hasps for small keyed or combination
Gun cases can be used to transport a gun by air or other common carrier, or in a vehicle.
Note that Federal law mandates that a gun transported across state lines in your vehicle
must be in a “locked container” (such as a gun case) when it cannot be transported in a
compartment separate from the driver’s compartment, and some states also have addi-
tional requirements for transporting guns within their boundaries. In the home, gun cases
serve to protect firearms from dust and moisture.
A pistol lockbox allows you to store a gun so that it is protected from unauthorized
access but can still be retrieved quickly. Typically, such boxes are made of steel (thus

20 Chapter 2: Safe Firearm Storage

offering more security than plastic gun
cases) and feature integral keyed,
combination or Simplex®-type
locks. A few have electronic
numeric keypads or fingerpads for
quick access.
Gun safes are designed to offer the
greatest level of security for your guns.
Upper-end models provide walls and doors
that are virtually impossible to defeat by brute
force, high-security mechanical or electronic
locks, and complex locking patterns that fasten
the door to the frame in multiple locations with
thick, hardened steel pins. Most of these models are
too heavy and bulky for thieves to carry away easily, even
when they are not bolted to the floor; some also offer a
degree of fire protection.
Fingerpad-type locking
Although appropriate for permanent firearm storage, gun safes device, key provides
may not be the best choice for the temporary storage of guns that manual override.
may need to be quickly retrieved, as their opening procedure is
often lengthy and noisy. Also, they provide little concealment value. No matter where a
gun safe is located, almost anyone seeing it will recognize it as a device for the storage of
firearms or other valuable items, making it a target for thieves and burglars.
Alternatively, a gun may be stored in a lockable drawer of a desk, nightstand, file cabinet
or the like. Since it is easy for a gun owner to forget to lock such devices, and also since
they may be easily forced open, the decision to store
a gun in this manner must be reached only after a
careful consideration of the circumstances, needs
and risks involved.
Another alternative form of storage is a lock-
able gun rack allowing firearms (particularly
long guns) to be displayed or stored open-
ly. Since these devices do not offer either
concealment or protection from moisture,
dust, or fingerprints, they are best mounted in a
locked gun closet or safe.

Plastic gun case secured with padlock


There are two types of home gun storage, each with benefits and limitations. Long-term
gun storage involves the extended storage of firearms in a device offering a high degree of
protection from theft and sometimes fire and moisture, but often at the expense of delayed
access to the firearm. A gun safe is typically used for permanent firearm storage; its size
and weight prevent easy theft, and its enclosed environment affords the best possible
protection from fire damage, high humidity, and so forth.

Chapter 2: Safe Firearm Storage 21

Temporary or quick-access gun storage methods do not provide the same degree of protec-
tion as long-term storage methods, but allow easier gun availability when necessary. Some
temporary gun storage methods are as simple as putting a gun in an unlocked kitchen or
nightstand drawer. However, such measures do not prevent unauthorized persons from
accessing the gun when the gun owner is not in the room. As a general rule, you should
avoid storing a gun (loaded or otherwise) in an unlocked drawer, cabinet, etc. when you
are not physically present in the home. Even when you are physically present, gun storage
in unlocked areas may not be appropriate if you have children, relatives, friends or others
around. You must balance the need for quick access against the need for safety. Greater
security can be achieved by using a fingerpad-activated lockbox located by the bed or in
the office, basement or TV room.
A few gun safes attempt to provide the best of both worlds by offering, in addition to
the heavily-locked main firearm compartment, an auxiliary easy-access compartment
containing a single pistol. Access to the auxiliary compartment is by a fingerpad that can
be worked quickly, even in the dark. This combination long-term and easy-access storage
device can work well if the gun safe is placed in the bedroom or other location in which
fast access is most likely needed. When situated in a relatively inaccessible part of a home,
however, the benefit of such a device is greatly diminished.

Gun safe

22 Chapter 2: Safe Firearm Storage


Pistol Parts and How They Work

All firearms fundamentally take the form of a tube (known as the barrel) that is closed
at one end, and into which are put a chemical propellant (gunpowder) and, on top of that,
a snug-fitting projectile (bullet). When the gunpowder is ignited, hot, high pressure gas is
created, which forces the projectile out of the open end of the barrel at high speed. Early
firearms were muzzle-loading: the gunpowder and then the projectile were put into the
barrel from the open or muzzle end of the barrel. In modern rifles and pistols, however,
the powder and bullet are combined into a single unit, the metallic cartridge, which also
incorporates a pressure-sensitive component (primer or priming compound) that, when
forcefully struck, ignites the powder (see Ammunition Fundamentals).


Simplified schematic of basic firearm design: a closed tube (barrel) with propellant (gunpowder)
and a projectile (bullet). When the propellant is ignited, it generates high-pressure gas that forces
the projectile out the open end (muzzle) at high speed.

All pistols that fire metallic cartridges are breech-loading firearms. A breech-loading
firearm is one in which the cartridge is loaded into the rear of the barrel, or breech.
Breech-loading fireams thus incorporate some method for both opening the breech, for
cartridge loading, as well as for closing or locking the breech, to prevent the escape of
the hot, high-pressure propellant gas that accelerates the bullet down the bore when the
cartridge is fired.
Major components of breech-loading pistols include the frame, the barrel, and the
action. The action determines how the gun operates, and is simply the collection of parts
that serve to fire the gun. Action components are involved in loading a cartridge, closing
and/or locking the breech, cocking the hammer or striker (the parts that cause the firing
pin to ignite the cartridge), and extracting and/or ejecting the fired case. The frame is the
component in which all the action parts are housed, and to which the barrel is connected.

All pistols share a number of similar components, including a trigger mechanism that
releases a spring-powered hammer or striker to fire the cartridge. (Technically, cartridge

Chapter 3: Pistol Parts and How They Work 25

Pistols have many types of actions. Clockwise from top left: single-action semi-automatic, double-
action semi-automatic, double-action revolver, and single-action revolver.
ignition occurs as a result of the strike of the firing pin, which may be integral with the
hammer or striker, or a separate piece that is pushed forward by the hammer or striker).
Virtually all pistol actions have one or more safety mechanisms. In addition, specific action
types have a variety of components to close and/or lock the breech: a slide in semi-auto-
matic pistols, a bolt in bolt-action pistols, and so on. In revolvers, the breech is closed not
by a separate component, but by a part of the frame called the recoil shield.
Revolver actions also include the cylinder, which has chambers that hold the cartridges,
as well as the mechanism used for cylinder rotation.
Frame. The central component of most pistols is the frame, which contains the action
parts, and to which are attached the stocks or grips and the barrel or barrels. Modern
pistol frames are made of steel, aluminum, titanium and, ever more frequently, polymer

Barrel. The barrel is a tube through which the bullet is propelled. In pistols, this is usually
made of steel, and the hole through the tube, the bore, has spiral rifling, which spins the
bullet for stability and accuracy. Rifling is formed by creating shallow grooves in the bore
surface; the slightly raised areas between the grooves are called the lands. At the rear, the
bore enlarges to form the chamber, which accepts a particular cartridge. The forward end
of the barrel is the muzzle. Most pistol barrels range from 2" to 15", but may be any length.


Left, cutaway of barrel (gray) showing chamber; bore with rifling, and muzzle. At right, detail of
rifling in bore.

26 Chapter 3: Pistol Parts and How They Work








All pistols have the same major components: frame, barrel, and action parts such as the trigger,
hammer; slide (semi-automatic pistols) and cylinder (revolvers.)

Trigger. The trigger is a term used to denote both the entire mechanism that releases the
part of the action (most commonly a hammer or striker) that causes the cartridge to be
ignited, as well as the curved finger-piece
that is pulled to fire. B
With some firearms, such as single-action
revolvers, the trigger directly releases the
cocked hammer when it is pulled. In other
types of trigger mechanisms, however, the A
trigger releases the spring-loaded hammer, C
firing pin or striker through an interme-
diary mechanism, such as a sear or trigger
bar. Different action types have a variety of
trigger mechanisms.

Safety Mechanisms. In general, firearm

safeties can be active (the safety mecha-
nism must be intentionally activated and
deactivated by the shooter) or passive (the
safety mechanism functions more or less Depressing the trigger (A) activates components
automatically). Most commonly, active that release the hammer (B), which hits the
safety mechanisms take the form of a firing pin (C), to fire the cartridge.

Chapter 3: Pistol Parts and How They Work 27

lever, sliding button, etc. that can manually be moved to a “safe” position to prevent firing,
and a “fire” position to allow the gun to be discharged.
Passive safeties can take many forms, such as grip safeties that prevent firing unless the
gun is properly gripped. Some other passive pistol safety mechanisms prevent the hammer
from contacting the firing pin, or the firing pin from contacting the cartridge, unless the
trigger has been pulled fully rearward.
Alternatively, many double-action semi-automatic pistols have decocking mechanisms
instead of safeties. Decockers serve to drop the cocked hammer to the “down” position.  
Remember, safeties are mechanical devices and can fail. Always follow the Fundamental
Rules for Safe Gun Handling.

Breech Closing/Locking Mechanisms. In conventional semi-automatic pistols, the breech

is closed and locked by a component called the slide, which rides on horizontal rails in
the frame, and which has a flat vertical face which is positioned directly to the rear of the
chamber, closing the breech. In some designs, the slide is locked to the barrel, resulting
in a locked breech. Revolvers have no separate breech closing or locking mechanism.
Instead, behind the cylinder is a flat face in the frame, the recoil shield, which supports
the head of the cartridge in the chamber that is aligned with the firing pin and the barrel.
Other pistol types have their own methods for closing or locking the breech.


The great majority of pistols that will be purchased for hunting, plinking, self-defense or
target work will be of conventional revolver or semi-automatic pistol design. Revolver ac-
tions can be further subdivided into single-action and double-action types, while semi-au-
tomatic pistols are offered in a variety of different action designs, including single-action,
traditional double-action and double-action-only. These action types will be discussed in
detail in the following chapters.
For some hunting or target activities, pistols of other action types may be preferred.
Break-action pistols consist of a frame that houses the action parts, and a barrel or barrels
attached to the frame by way of a hinge pin or pivot pin. This design allows the action to
be opened for loading or unloading by pivoting the barrel(s) downward or, less frequently,
to the side. Most such guns have a manually-cocked external hammer. Because of their
strength and accuracy, some break-action pistols are chambered for rifle cartridges and
often have barrels 14" or longer.
A special category of the break-action pistol is the derringer, well-known to viewers of
Western movies and TV shows. This is a light, small, short-barreled arm with one or two
barrels, an external manual hammer, and a latch that releases the barrel to be pivoted
downward or to the side. Derringers typically are chambered for pistol rounds.
Bolt-action pistols function in the same manner as bolt-action rifles. The receiver is usu-
ally tubular, with the barrel attached at its forward end. Inside the receiver is a bolt with
protruding locking lugs that engage lug seats in the receiver. Turning the bolt both cocks
the spring-loaded firing pin, and also rotates the locking lugs out of engagement, allowing
the bolt to be pulled to the rear for extraction and loading. The receiver and barrel are
mounted into a separate mid- or rear-grip stock.
Bolt-action pistols usually have long barrels and are most often chambered for rifle
cartridges. Except for those used in target sports requiring iron sights, most bolt-action

28 Chapter 3: Pistol Parts and How They Work

pistols are intended for long-range use, and thus are usually fitted with telescopic sights.
Additional pistol action types include cannon-breech and multiple-barrel systems. The
operation of each type of pistol can be found in that gun’s owner’s manual.


Regardless of design, every firearm action must allow a strict sequence of events to take
place. This sequence, known as the cycle of operation, consists of the following steps:
Firing: occurs when the trigger is pulled and the hammer or striker is released to fly for-
ward, causing the firing pin to hit the primer or priming compound of the cartridge.
Unlocking: the initial step in the opening of the action. In locked-breech guns, this occurs
when the bolt or breech block is unlocked from the barrel or receiver. In non-locked-
breech guns, such as some semi-automatic pistols (see Chapter 5: Semi-Automatic Pistol
Parts and Operation), the action is kept closed simply by the recoil spring, and opens only
when chamber pressure overcomes slide inertia and spring pressure.
Extraction: the pulling of the spent cartridge case rearward out of the chamber, usually by
a part called an extractor.
Ejection: the forcible throwing of the spent case clear of the action by a component called
the ejector.
Cocking: the movement of the hammer or firing pin to its rearward position, where it is
retained against spring pressure by the trigger mechanism.
Feeding: the insertion of a live cartridge into the chamber.
Locking: the closing of the action (and, in locked-breech firearms, the engagement of the
locking mechanism) so that the breech is sealed. After the Locking step, the cycle returns
to the Firing step.
Not all guns go through every single step in the cycle above. For example, revolver
mechanisms technically do not have a feeding step, as cartridges are manually inserted
into the cylinder chambers.

Chapter 3: Pistol Parts and How They Work 29

Semi-Automatic Pistol Parts and How They Work

In general, semi-automatic firearms utilize the pressure generated by the ignition of the
cartridge to perform the cycle of operation.
Semi-automatic pistols consist of a frame, on which is mounted a slide which can freely
move in the fore-and-aft direction on rails in the frame. In some designs the barrel is fully
contained within the slide, and in others it is rigidly attached to the frame, with the slide
positioned to its rear. In both designs, a vertical face (breech face) on the slide abuts the
chamber end of the barrel. On locked-breech designs (see below), the barrel locks to the
slide by way of lugs that enter recesses in the slide, by the physical interference of a shoul-
der on the barrel with the rear edge of the ejection port of the slide, or other methods. The
slide also houses the firing pin and extractor, while a fixed frame-mounted blade ejector
is the most common means of ejection. An ejection port in the slide provides a means for
empty shells to exit the action. Ignition is by either an external hammer, an internal ham-
mer, or a spring-loaded striker or firing pin.





Typical semi-automatic pistol, left side, with major components indicated

Chapter 4: Semi-Automatic Pistol Parts and How They Work 31




Above, typical semi-automatic pistol

with slide retracted; Left, semi-automatic
pistol, right side, with ejection port and
extractor indicated


There are generally three types of semi-automatic actions: blowback-operated, recoil-
operated, and gas-operated.
Blowback-Operated Actions
In blowback-operated semi-automatic pistols, the action is not mechanically locked, and
the weight of a heavy slide, plus a strong recoil spring, is all that keeps the action closed.
Upon firing, chamber pressure created by cartridge ignition pushes the slide rearward,
compressing the recoil spring. The inertia of the slide, aided by spring resistance, keeps the
action closed long enough for pressure in the chamber and bore to drop to a safe level.
Blowback designs are generally restricted to pistols firing low-powered cartridges (typical-
ly .22 LR, .25 ACP, .32 ACP and .380 Auto).
Recoil-Operated Actions
With recoil-operated semi-automatic pistol actions, when the action is closed, the barrel
is locked to the slide. Upon firing, the barrel and slide recoil rearward together for a dis-
tance before the barrel unlocks and allows the slide to travel further rearward to complete
the cycle.
Most self-loading pistols chambered for cartridges of the power of the 9 mm Para or
greater use recoil-operated actions. There are many mechanical designs for both locking
and unlocking the actions of such pistols.
Gas-Operated Actions
In gas-operated actions, high-pressure propellant gas is bled from the bore through a
small hole in the barrel. This, in turn, exerts pressure on a piston or other component,
driving it rearward to unlock the breech and work the action.

32 Chapter 4: Semi-Automatic Pistol Parts and How They Work


Some recoil-operated semi-automatic pistols

lock the barrel to the slide by way of lugs
that fit into grooves in the slide. (A, arrow).
Alternatively, in many modern designs a shoulder on the chamber end of the barrel engages the
edge of the ejection port in the slide (B, arrow) to lock the two parts together. Angled cam surface
on barrel underlug (C, white arrow) engages crosspin in frame to lower the rear of the barrel out
of lockup with the slide as the two parts recoil rearward together.


Most semi-automatic firearms utilize
detachable box magazines, which afford FOLLOWER
one of the main advantages of such arms:
rapid reloading. High-capacity magazines
confer the additional benefit of being able
to fire a large number of rounds in succes-
sion without reloading.
Box magazines typically have a steel,
aluminum or plastic body which houses BODY
the cartridges and the magazine’s internal
components. At the bottom of the mag-
azine is a floorplate, usually of the same
material. This is often removable to allow MAGAZINE
magazine cleaning. Inside the magazine SPRING
are the magazine spring and follower,
which together push the cartridges in This pistol magazine consists of a magazine
the magazine upward into position for spring, follower, magazine body, floorplate and
reliable feeding. floorplate retainer. Some magazines have a weld-
ed floorplate.

Chapter 4: Semi-Automatic Pistol Parts and How They Work 33

Modern semi-automatic pistols can achieve ignition by way of both external and
internal hammers, or by a spring-powered striker or firing pin that is held to the rear by
the sear or trigger bar. Semi-automatic pistols also incorporate some sort of disconnector
mechanism, which requires that the trigger be released and then re-pressed each time a
shot is fired. This prevents the gun from machine-gunning, or firing repeatedly, when the
trigger is pulled and held back.

Single-Action and Double-Action Semi-automatic Trigger Systems

Contemporary semi-automatic pistols can be divided into categories by the manner in
which their triggers operate.
Single-action semi-automatics require the hammer to be cocked manually for the first
shot; the reciprocating slide cocks the hammer for all subsequent shots. Single-action
semi-automatics offer the same short, crisp and relatively light trigger pull for the first
shot and for all subsequent shots.
An alternative to the single-action semi-automatic is the traditional double-action pistol,
which may also be described as a double/single action. In this type of mechanism, the first
shot is fired with the hammer down, in the double-action mode—i.e., a long, relatively
heavy trigger pull both cocks and releases the hammer—and subsequent shots are fired
in the single-action mode. This allows the gun to be carried safely with a cartridge in the
chamber and the hammer lowered, giving a rapid first shot.
Some pistol users—particularly among law enforcement—wanted the rapid reloading
and increased firepower of the semi-automatic, combined with the long, heavy pull of the
double-action revolver. This pull was considered to be less conducive to an unintentional
discharge than the short, light pull of the single-action or traditional double-action pistol.
This led to the development of double-action only (DAO) semi-automatics, which, as their
name implies, require a long double-action pull for every shot.
In addition to the broad categories above, a number of other pistol types incorporate
novel designs, many of which seek to combine the fast and accurate first shot capability
afforded by a single-action trigger pull with the safety of hammer-down carry. Some of
these pre-cock a hammer or internal striker, giving a “semi-double-action” pull for the
first shot. A few designs can be fired in the both the single-action and traditional double-
action modes, affording the gun owner a choice of trigger types.


Semi-automatic pistol safety systems can assume a dizzying variety of forms. Probably
the most familiar are the pivoting thumb levers located on the frame or slide. These are
sometimes located on the left side only; however, on many recent designs, they are located
bilaterally for ambidextrous use. While many thumb safeties are pivoted downward to
disengage, some work in the opposite direction. Such safeties mounted on the frame typ-
ically block the sear, while those mounted on the slide usually prevent the hammer from
contacting the firing pin.
A different type of safety system found on some traditional double-action pistols is the

34 Chapter 4: Semi-Automatic Pistol Parts and How They Work

Semi-automatic pistols feature a variety of different safety mechanisms, including (l. to r.)
slide-mounted decockers, frame-mounted safeties, and trigger safeties.

hammer drop safety, also known as a decocker. When this is engaged, the hammer falls
harmlessly to its lowered position. With any pistol of this type, firing a shot, or simply
working the slide to feed a round into the chamber, leaves the hammer in the cocked po-
sition. Since such pistols are not designed to be safely carried with a round in the chamber
and the hammer back, the hammer must be lowered before the pistol is holstered, placed
in a pistol box, etc. The decocking mechanism safely accomplishes this. Double-action-on-
ly (DAO) semiautomatic pistols may have a thumb safety or, alternately, no active safety
mechanism at all.
All semi-automatic pistols normally exhibit one or more passive safety systems, such
as an inertia firing pin, a magazine disconnect (which prevents firing the round in the
chamber if the magazine is removed), grip safety, or passive firing pin block that prevents
forward firing pin travel unless the trigger is depressed.


All semi-automatic pistols have essentially the same cycle of operation. However, some
steps in the cycle may not apply to all action types. For example, double-action-only
(DAO) semi-automatic pistols do not have a “cocking” step.
Firing: Pulling the trigger releases an internal or external hammer that strikes the firing
pin and fires the cartridge, or it may release a cocked, spring-powered striker or firing pin
in the slide.
Unlocking: The pattern of locking is determined by the nature of the semi-automatic
mechanism. With recoil-operated actions, mechanical camming surfaces serve to unlock
the barrel from the slide after the two components have traveled rearward together a short
distance. Gas-operated actions utilize gas pressure tapped from the bore to impel the slide
rearward and unlock the action. Blowback-operated systems are by definition unlocked,
so no unlocking is necessary. In such systems, the action opens simply when the gas
pressure in the chamber and bore overcomes the forward force of the recoil spring and the
inertia of the slide or bolt.
Extraction: A claw extractor mounted on the slide face engages the rim of the cartridge
case and pulls it from the chamber after the action unlocks.
Ejection: As the slide moves smartly to the rear carrying a spent cartridge case, an ejec-
tor—usually a standing blade mounted in the frame—contacts the case head, throwing the
case out of the action through the ejection port.

Chapter 4: Semi-Automatic Pistol Parts and How They Work 35



Semi-automatic cycle of operation, shown here with double-action-only pistol with a cartridge
in the chamber and the hammer down in the ready position. (A) The barrel and slide are locked
together by way of a shoulder on the chamber end of barrel (arrow). Pulling the trigger (B) causes
the trigger bar (white outline, right arrow) to cock the hammer (left arrow). When the trigger
rotates the hammer through its full arc, it falls, hitting the firing pin (arow), firing the gun (C).
As the slide recoils to the rear (D), the rear of the barrel drops down and unlocks from the slide,
and the empty case is extracted and ejected. The slide quickly returns forward, and the breechface
engages the top cartridge in the magazine, feeding it into the chamber (arrow). Finally, the slide
returns fully forward, the fresh cartridge feeds fully into the chamber, the barrel and slide lock
together, and the trigger bar resets (E).

36 Chapter 4: Semi-Automatic Pistol Parts and How They Work

Cocking: At or near the extreme rearward limit of its travel, the reciprocating slide cocks the
hammer or striker, which is held rearward against spring tension by the trigger mechanism.
Feeding: The compressed recoil spring pushes the slide rapidly forward, stripping a cartridge
from the magazine and feeding it into the chamber.
Locking: With locked-breech semi-automatic designs, locking of the action occurs during
the last fraction of an inch of forward motion of the slide. In the vast majority of designs, the
rear of the barrel is cammed upward as it moves forward so that its locking surfaces engage
the slide or frame, locking the action. With blowback-operated designs, no locking occurs;
the momentum of the forward-moving bolt or slide is sufficient to fully chamber a cartridge
and close the action (at which point the action is said to be in battery). Only the force of the
compressed recoil spring, combined with the inertia of the bolt or slide, keeps the action

Chapter 4: Semi-Automatic Pistol Parts and How They Work 37

Operating Double- & Single-Action Semi-Automatic Pistols

Gun handling consists of the processes to safely and efficiently load, fire, and unload the
pistol. As with single- and double-action revolvers, there are specific techniques for per-
forming these functions with single- and double-action semi-automatic pistols.

Loading means filling an empty gun with cartridges. This process involves, first, loading
the empty magazine and then inserting the magazine into the gun and feeding a live
cartridge into the chamber.

Loading the Semi-Automatic Pistol Magazine

The magazine should be grasped by the fingers of the weak (non-firing) hand, with the
top of the magazine facing upward and the front of the magazine oriented toward the fir-
ing hand. The firing hand picks up a live cartridge and brings it to the top of the magazine,
with the case head facing the magazine and the bullet pointing away from the magazine.
The case rim is used to depress the magazine follower slightly, and the cartridge is then
slid under the feed lips of the magazine all the way to the rear. The case rim of the next


To load a pistol magazine, hold it in the non-firing hand, with its top upward and its front facing
the strong hand (A). Grasp a live cartridge in the firing hand, and use the case rim to depress the
magazine follower (B). Then slide the cartridge under the feed lips all the way to the rear (C).
This process is repeated until the magazine is loaded to full or desired capacity.

cartridge to be loaded depresses the top cartridge in the magazine, and itself is slid under
the magazine feed lips. This process is repeated for each cartridge until the magazine is
loaded. Finally, the shooter should slap the rear of the loaded magazine sharply, to ensure
that all cartridges are positioned to the rear of the unit, for proper feeding.

Loading Semi-Automatic Pistols

The pistol is grasped with the firing hand, with the trigger finger outside the trigger
guard, straight along the frame. With the pistol pointing in a safe direction, the

Chapter 5: Operating Double- and Single-Action Semi-Automatic Pistols 39



To load a semi-automatic pistol, the pistol is grasped in the firing hand, and the magazine, held
in the support hand with the cartridges facing forward, is brought to the pistol’s magazine well
(A) where it is inserted (B) and fully seated (C). The slide is then fully retracted (D) and released
to fly forward and chamber the top cartridge (E).

non-firing hand brings the magazine to the magazine well in the butt of the gun, and
inserts the magazine fully. The magazine must be inserted in the proper orientation, with
the bullets facing forward. Normally, a click is heard when the magazine is fully seated.
The shooter may also slap the floorplate or basepad to ensure proper seating.
Next, with the pistol still pointed in a safe direction, and the trigger finger still outside
the trigger guard, the non-firing hand grasps the slide and retracts it. There are different
ways of grasping the slide; with any method, the hand must stay well clear of the gun’s
Retracting the slide allows the top cartridge in the magazine to rise to a position where it
can be fed into the chamber when the slide goes forward. There are two ways of accom-
plishing this. One is to retract the slide fully with the support hand, and then let it fly for-
ward. Alternatively, the slide may be fully retracted with the support hand until it is locked
open by the slide lock. When loading is desired, the slide lock is depressed, releasing the
slide. With either procedure, the forward-moving slide will strip the top cartridge from
the magazine and push it into the chamber.
It is critical to avoid following the slide or easing it down with the non-firing hand.
Semi-automatic pistols are designed to function best when the slide travels rapidly
forward under the pressure of the recoil spring. Easing the slide down is very likely to
produce feeding malfunctions.
Once a live cartridge has been chambered, the shooter may commence firing. If there is
to be a delay in firing, the pistol should be made safe by either engaging the decocker (on a
double-action pistol) or the manual safety (on a single-action pistol), normally positioned

40 Chapter 5: Operating Double- and Single-Action Semi-Automatic Pistols

near the firing-hand thumb. The location of these controls will be found in the owner’s
manual for the pistol.
While many modern pistols have ambidextrous controls that are equally convenient for
right- and left-handed users, some are designed only for right-handed use. Left-handed
shooters using such pistols may have to engage the pistol’s decocker or safety with the fin-
gers of their non-firing hand, or develop strong-hand techniques for accomplishing this.
It is also worth noting that some semi-automatic pistols, such as double-action-only
models, lack either a decocker or a manual safety.

Firing the loaded semi-automatic pistol involves essentially the same procedure whether
the gun used is a double-action or single-action type. The pistol is grasped in the firing
hand (or in both hands, if a two-hand hold is used). With the pistol pointed in a safe
direction and the trigger finger outside the trigger guard, alongside the frame, the gun’s
decocker or manual safety is moved to the “fire” position, usually by the thumb of the
firing hand. With some firearms, however, left-handed shooters will have to operate these
controls with the fingers of the non-firing hand.
The pistol is then aligned with the target. At this time, the trigger finger may enter the
trigger guard and contact the trigger, and the sequence of events that culminate in firing a
shot can begin.


Firing a semi-automatic pistol. With the pistol pointed in a safe direction, and the trigger finger
outside the trigger guard (A), the decocker or safety is moved to the “fire” position (B). When the
gun is aligned with the target, the trigger finger is placed inside the trigger guard and the trigger
is pulled, firing the gun (C).

Upon firing the first shot, the shooter may continue to fire a number of shots or may
elect to lower the pistol. Alternatively, the shooter may put the loaded pistol on the shoot-
ing bench. If the gun is simply lowered, and another shot is to be immediately fired, there
is no need to engage the decocker or safety. On the other hand, a loaded pistol placed on
a bench should, at the very least, have the decocker or safety put into the “safe” condition.
Also, if the pistol is put on the shooting bench and the shooter intends to walk away from
it for a moment for any reason, the pistol should be fully unloaded and left on the bench
with the slide locked open and the magazine removed.

Chapter 5: Operating Double- and Single-Action Semi-Automatic Pistols 41

Safely lowering the cocked hammer of a semi-automatic pistol with a decocking mech-
anism usually involves nothing more than activating the decocking lever. With pistols
lacking this mechanism, such as single-action semi-automatics, a different procedure must
be employed, unload the gun, and refer to the gun’s owner’s manual.

To unload a semi-automatic pistol, first ensure that it is pointed in a safe direction.
Remove the trigger finger from the trigger and place it outside the trigger guard, alongside
the frame. Next, press the magazine release button to drop the magazine from the gun.
In most modern pistols, this button is located to the rear of the trigger guard, near the
firing-hand thumb. As with other pistol controls, some firearms offer ambidextrous mag-
azine releases that are equally convenient for both right- and left-hand users. Left-handed
shooters operating right-handed guns will have to depress the magazine release button
either with the tip of the trigger finger, or with the fingers of the non-firing hand. Note
that some semi-automatic pistols (mostly older models) do not have a magazine release
near the trigger guard, but instead feature a latch at the rear of the magazine well, typically
operated by the non-firing hand.
Once the magazine is removed from the pistol, it is still necessary to extract the live car-
tridge from the chamber. With the pistol kept pointed in a safe direction, and the trigger
finger still outside the trigger guard, use the support hand to sharply retract the slide fully
to the rear. This will extract and eject the cartridge from the chamber. Do not attempt to
catch or capture the cartridge flying out of the ejection port. At this time, with the slide
fully rearward, visually inspect the chamber to ensure that it is empty.
If further shooting is anticipated, the pistol may be left on the shooting bench with the
slide locked open and the magazine removed. On the other hand, if the firearm is to be
put back into its case, the slide should be eased forward and, while the gun is pointed in
a safe direction, the hammer dropped either by engaging the decocker or by pulling the
trigger on the empty chamber. Some semi-automatic pistols, most notably rimfire pistols,
can be damaged by dry-firing. With any pistol, the owner’s manual should be consulted to
determine if dry-firing is safe to do.

42 Chapter 5: Operating Double- and Single-Action Semi-Automatic Pistols




To unload a semi-automatic pistol, first put the trigger finger along the frame, out of the trigger
guard (A), engage the safety or decocker if present (B), remove the magazine (C), and retract the
slide forcefully to eject any live cartridge that may be in the chamber (D). The slide is then locked
back (E) and the chamber is visually inspected to ensure it is empty.

Chapter 5: Operating Double- and Single-Action Semi-Automatic Pistols 43

Revolver Parts and How They Work

The primary feature of a revolver action is its rotating cylinder. Mounted on the frame
just to the rear of the barrel, the cylinder contains several chambers for cartridges, each of
which comes into alignment with the bore as the cylinder is rotated. The modern revolver
action is an outgrowth of earlier designs, such as the pepperbox, which consisted of a drum
containing a number of barrels, each with a live chambered round, that was manually
rotated to bring each successive barrel into alignment with the hammer. Today, the term
“revolver” universally refers to a type of pistol with a rotating cylinder.


There are generally two types of revolver actions: single-action and double-action. The
single-action revolver is the older of the two designs, and is so called because the pulling
of the trigger performs but a single action: releasing the hammer. To operate a single-ac-
tion revolver, the hammer is first manually cocked. This tensions the mainspring and
retracts the bolt or cylinder stop out of engagement with one of the notches in the cylinder;
freeing the cylinder to rotate. As the hammer is drawn further rearward, the hand (in Colt
and Smith & Wesson terminology) or pawl (in Ruger nomenclature), which is attached to
the hammer, moves vertically in a slot in the recoil shield of the frame, engaging an offset
ratchet on the rear face of the cylinder and producing cylinder rotation. The ratchet and
pawl are carefully designed so that, as the hammer is fully cocked and held rearward by




Typical single-action revolver, with major components

Chapter 6: Revolver Parts and How They Work 45

the trigger, the cylinder is rotated only that amount required to bring the next chamber
into alignment with the bore. At that point the bolt or cylinder stop snaps into the next
notch, locking the cylinder in proper alignment. Pulling the trigger fires the revolver, and
the cycle is repeated with the cocking of the hammer.
Double-action revolvers are so named because pulling the trigger both cocks and releas-
es the hammer. Modern double-action revolvers can generally be fired in both the single-
and double-action modes. The single-action mechanism of a double-action revolver is
essentially identical to that of a single-action revolver, described above. The double-ac-
tion mechanism is made possible by a separate double-action sear on the hammer that is
engaged by the trigger such that rearward trigger movement first rotates the hammer to its
cocked position, and then, with additional trigger movement, allows the hammer to fall,
firing the revolver.
Although most double-action revolvers can be fired in the single-action mode, some
models intended for personal protection are designed to allow double-action firing only,
as this is generally considered more practical in defensive situations. Some of these revolv-
ers lack hammer spurs, or enclose a spurless hammer completely within the frame of the
All revolvers must be manually loaded by inserting cartridges into the chambers of the
cylinder, but variations exist on the way this is accomplished. With some of the oldest
single-action revolver designs (as well as a very few modern small-size revolvers), loading
sometimes requires removal of the cylinder, which is then filled with cartridges and re-
installed in the revolver. Most single-action revolvers, however, allow loading by way of a
spring-loaded gate in the right side of the frame that, when opened, gives access to a single
chamber of the cylinder. Loading is accomplished by inserting a fresh cartridge into each
exposed chamber, one at a time. To unload the gun, an ejector rod is used to push empty
cases out of the open loading gate. Some of these revolvers require that the hammer be set
at the half-cock position before the cylinder can be rotated.







Typical double-action revolver, with major components indicated.

46 Chapter 6: Revolver Parts and How They Work

In the single-action mode (l.), the hammer is held back directly by the trigger (arrow). When the
trigger is pulled, the hammer falls to fire the cartridge. This is the same for both single-action and
double-action revolvers fired in the singe-action mode. In the double-action mode (r.), the ham-
mer is rotated rearward by the engagement of the tail of the trigger with the double-action sear on
the hammer (arrow). When the trigger and hammer rotate through their full arc, the double-
action sear slips off the trigger tail, firing the pistol.

Faster loading and unloading was permitted by two later designs. Top-break revolvers,
which originated in the latter part of the 1800s, feature a two-piece frame that is hinged
forward of the cylinder, and a latch at the rear of the top strap (the portion of the frame
directly above the cylinder). When the latch is disengaged, the barrel and the upper
portion of the frame rotate forward, opening the action, exposing the chambers and (with
most designs), extracting spent cases or live rounds from all chambers simultaneously.
Loading is accomplished as with other revolvers, by inserting fresh cartridges into each
chamber, one at a time.
The top-break revolver is an antiquated design that today has been superseded by the
stronger swing-out cylinder design,
which represents the pinnacle of revolver
evolution to date. Instead of a hinged
two-piece frame, such guns have a

Revolvers are characterized by a rotating

cylinder with several chambers. Each time the
hammer is cocked (single-action revolver) or the trigger is pulled (double-action revolver) the
hand or pawl rises in its window in the recoil shield (left, arrow) and engages one of the ratchets
on the extractor star (right, arrow) of the cylinder, rotating it to the next chamber.

Chapter 6: Revolver Parts and How They Work 47

Most single-action revolvers are loaded through a gate in the frame (left). The cylinder of a mod-
ern double-action revolver (right) swings out to allow access to all chambers.

one-piece solid frame with a laterally swinging crane (Colt and Ruger) or yoke (Smith
& Wesson and Taurus), on which the cylinder and ejector rod are mounted. When the
action is closed, the crane fits flush against the frame, and the cylinder is centered in the
frame. The action is locked closed by various latch mechanisms, some of which engage the
ejector rod at the front, the center pin at the rear (or both simultaneously), while there are
other systems that lock the crane directly to the frame. A cylinder release latch, usually on
the left side of the frame but sometimes on the crane, releases the crane so the cylinder
can be swung outward from the frame. In this open position, the ejector rod can be
pushed to extract empty cases or live cartridges (or, if struck smartly enough, to eject cases
or cartridges completely free of the cylinder).
Traditionally, for both proper functioning and extraction, revolver cartridges have been
rimmed. However, some rimless semi-automatic cartridges can be fired in revolvers by
the use of special devices known as moon clips, thin metal tabs with circular cutouts that
snap around the extractor groove of a rimless cartridge. Moon clips provide purchase for
the extractor star, and come in two-cartridge, three-cartridge (half-moon) and five- or
six-cartridge (full-moon) varieties. All allow more rapid revolver reloading.
Revolvers are unique among conventional firearms in having a chamber that is separate
from the barrel. This design also results in another unique feature: the barrel-cylinder gap.
This gap, which is normally around 0.004"-.008", allows clearance between the face of
the cylinder and the barrel for smooth cylinder rotation. Some gas also escapes from this
gap—not enough to substantially lower velocities, but sufficient to be seen and heard, and
to mark objects (or injure fingers) positioned close to this gap.


In general, both single-action and double-action revolvers lack safeties of the type found
on many other arms. Traditionally, it has been felt that the long, heavy pull of double-ac-
tion revolvers, or the two-stage method of operation of single-action revolvers, made
unintentional discharges extremely unlikely. Today, virtually all modern revolvers are
produced with internal safety devices that require no deliberate shooter activation, and
which are automatically disengaged when the trigger is properly pulled. However, many
models include action locking mechanisms for storage.
Revolvers typically employ various types of passive safety mechanisms. As a general
rule, these mechanisms work by preventing the hammer from contacting the firing pin
unless the trigger is pulled fully rearward. (In revolvers in which the firing pin is part of

48 Chapter 6: Revolver Parts and How They Work

the hammer, the safety mechanism prevents the hammer from falling fully forward unless
the trigger is pulled.) These passive mechanisms help prevent an inadvertent discharge of
a cocked revolver.


Firing: With either single-action or double-action designs, a revolver is fired simply by
pulling the trigger. While a single-action pull is usually short and relatively light, dou-
ble-action pulls are long and fairly heavy.
Unlocking: With all revolver designs, as the hammer begins to move rearward, the bolt or
cylinder stop retracts from its notch to allow cylinder rotation, bringing the next chamber
into alignment with the bore.
Extraction and Ejection: With single-action designs that are loaded and unloaded
through a loading gate, spent shells are extracted and/or ejected one at a time by ma-
nipulation of the ejector rod. With swing-out cylinder revolvers, the action must first be
opened, normally by means of a latch on the left side of the frame or on the crane that is
manipulated to allow the crane and cylinder to swing out. Once the cylinder is exposed,
the shooter presses the ejector rod, which extracts (or, if worked with sufficient force,
ejects) shells from the cylinder.
Feeding: With the empty chambers of the cylinder exposed (as with swing-out designs), or
with the loading gate open (as with most single-action designs), cartridges are manually
inserted into the chambers. After all chambers are full, the action is closed by swinging the
cylinder shut or by closing the loading gate, depending upon the revolver design.
Cocking: Cocking is accomplished by manually retracting the hammer (in single-action
designs) or by simply pulling the trigger (in double-action designs). Regardless of design,
hammer cocking also brings each successive chamber of the cylinder into alignment with
the bore.
Locking: With all revolver designs, the cylinder is locked into alignment with the bore by
a bolt or cylinder stop, which enters a notch in the circumference of the cylinder.

Chapter 6: Revolver Parts and How They Work 49

Operating Double- & Single-Action Revolvers

Gun handling consists of the processes to safely and efficiently load, fire, and unload
the pistol. There are specific techniques for performing these functions with single- and
double-action revolvers.

Loading double-action and single-action revolvers involves two separate and very differ-
ent procedures.

Loading Double-Action Revolvers

Almost all double-action revolvers feature a swing-out cylinder operated by a latch that,
in most models, is located on the left side of the frame (see Revolver Parts and Operation).
With the revolver held in the right hand (for both right- and left-handed shooters), point-
ed in a safe direction with the trigger finger outside the trigger guard and alongside the
frame, the cylinder latch is engaged with the right hand thumb. Note that a few revolver



When beginning to load a double-action revolver, it should be held in the right hand and the
cylinder latch operated by the right thumb (A). Once the cylinder latch is disengaged, the left
hand is placed around the frame and the left-hand fingers push the cylinder to the left (B). This
exposes all the chambers (C). The gun’s muzzle is pointed slightly downward and live cartridges
are inserted into the chambers, one by one (D). When the cylinder is full, it is swung back into the
frame until it locks closed (E).

Chapter 7: Operating Double- and Single-Action Revolvers 51


To load a single-action revolver (for a right-hand-

D ed shooter), transfer the gun to the left hand and
use the right thumb to engage the loading gate
located on the right side of the frame (A). Open
the gate and rotate the cylinder to expose an
empty chamber (B). With some revolver designs,
the hammer must be put in the half-cock position
before the loading gate can be opened and the
cylinder rotated. Insert a live cartridge into the
empty chamber (C), and continue the process un-
til the cylinder is full, at which point the loading
gate is closed. (D).
models locate the cylinder latch on the crane; engaging the latch must be done with the
left hand.
With the cylinder latch disengaged, the left hand is placed around the frame and the left-
hand fingertips push the cylinder out of the frame, to the left. The cylinder should never
be swung out violently, as is sometimes seen in motion pictures; this causes damage to the
Once the cylinder is fully open, the revolver’s muzzle is pointed slightly downward. With
the revolver held in the left hand, live cartridges are inserted, one by one, into the cham-
bers of the cylinder with the right hand. When the cylinder is full, the left-hand thumb
pushes it fully back into the frame. A click will be heard when the cylinder is locked in
place by the cylinder latch.
At this point, the revolver is ready to fire. A firing grip may be obtained with the right
hand (for right-handed shooters) or the left hand (for left-handed shooters).

Loading Single-Action Revolvers

Instead of a cylinder that swings out, single-action revolvers usually have a right-side
loading gate that is swung open to allow access to one chamber at a time.
For a right-handed shooter, the revolver is initially held in the right hand, the hammer
put in the half-cock position (on some models), and the loading gate opened with the
right-hand thumb. The gun is then transferred to the left hand and is turned slightly
counterclockwise, with the muzzle pointed downward (but still in a safe direction). Next,
the cylinder is rotated to expose an empty chamber. A fresh cartridge is inserted into the
chamber with the right hand, and then the chamber is rotated to expose the next empty
chamber. This process is repeated until all the chambers are full, at which point the load-
ing gate is closed.

52 Chapter 7: Operating Double- and Single-Action Revolvers

For left-handed shooters, the revolver is held in the left hand, the hammer is placed
in the half-cock position if necessary, and the loading gate opened with the right-hand
thumb. With the gun rotated slightly counterclockwise and held with the muzzle down
(but still pointed in a safe direction), the cylinder is rotated with the right hand until an
empty chamber is fully exposed, and a fresh cartridge can be inserted. The cylinder is
rotated to expose the next empty chamber, and the loading process is repeated until all the
chambers are full, at which point the loading gate is closed.

Firing the revolver involves slightly different processes, depending upon whether a dou-
ble- or single-action gun is used.

Firing Double-Action Revolvers

Almost all modern double-action revolvers can be fired in either of two modes: the
double-action mode or the single-action mode.
In the double-action mode, the revolver is fired simply by pulling the trigger through its
long double-action arc when it is pointed at the target. This action advances the cylinder,
and both cocks the hammer and releases it when fully cocked, firing the cartridge. Pulling
the trigger again advances the cylinder to the
next chamber and cocks and releases the ham-
mer, firing another cartridge. This procedure
is repeated
until the desired
number of shots
is fired, or all the
cartridges are

Firing a double-action revolver in

the double-action mode involves B
first placing the trigger finger
on the trigger (A). The trigger is
then pulled, rotating the cylinder to the next chamber
and cocking the hammer (B) and then releasing the C
hammer to fire a cartridge (C).

Most double-action revolvers can also be fired in the single-action mode. In this mode,
with the gun pointed in a safe direction, the hammer is first cocked (either with the thumb
of the firing hand in a one-hand shooting grip, or by the thumb of the support or non-fir-
ing hand, if a two-hand grip is employed). Cocking the hammer advances the cylinder to
the next chamber. The revolver is then fired by simply pulling the trigger. To fire another
shot, the hammer is again manually cocked, which advances the cylinder to the next
chamber. This process of cocking and firing may be repeated until the desired number of
shots is fired, or until all the cartridges in the cylinder are spent.
The shooter will notice a distinct difference in trigger pull quality and weight in these
two modes. In the double-action mode, the trigger pull is long and relatively heavy—usu-
ally around eight to 15 pounds. In the single-action mode, in contrast, the trigger releases

Chapter 7: Operating Double- and Single-Action Revolvers 53


To fire a double-action revolver in the

single-action mode, the hammer is cocked
with the support-hand thumb (A) or fir-
ing-hand thumb. The gun is then aimed
with the hammer in the fully cocked po-
sition (B). Firing is accomplished simply
by pulling the trigger, which causes the
hammer to fall and the firing pin to hit
the cartridge primer, firing the revolver

after a very short pull, usually at a light weight of only two or three pounds.
It is also worth noting that some double-action revolvers are designed to work only
in the double-action mode. This is accomplished by such design features as shrouds or
frames that enclose the hammer, hammers that lack a spur, or the elimination of the inter-
nal contact surfaces on the trigger or hammer that produce the single-action pull.
In both the double-action and single-action modes, the shooter must avoid grasping the
revolver in such a way that places the non-firing hand near the barrel/cylinder gap. Hot,
high-pressure gas escaping through this gap could injure a carelessly placed finger.

Firing Single-Action Revolvers

The process for firing single-action revolvers is identical to that for firing double-action
revolvers in the single-action mode. With the revolver pointed in a safe direction, the
hammer is first cocked (either with the thumb of the firing hand in a one-hand shooting
grip, or by the thumb of the support or non-firing hand, if a two-hand grip is employed).
Cocking the hammer advances the cylinder to the next chamber. The revolver is then fired
by pulling the trigger. To fire another shot, the hammer must again be manually cocked,
which once more advances the cylinder to the next chamber. This process of cocking and
firing may be repeated until the desired number of shots is discharged, or the cartridges
are all fired.
As with the double-action revolver, the single-action revolver shooter must keep the

54 Chapter 7: Operating Double- and Single-Action Revolvers

Firing a single-action revolver begins with cocking
the hammer with the support-hand thumb (A)
or the firing-hand thumb. The gun is then aimed
with the hammer in the fully cocked position (B).
Firing the pistol is ac-
complished by pulling
the trigger. (C).

non-firing hand away from the barrel/cylinder gap, C

to avoid injury from the hot, high-pressure gas that
escapes through this opening.

For a variety of reasons, it may become necessary for a shooter firing a single-action
revolver, or a double-action revolver in single-action mode, to lower the hammer on a
chamber containing a live cartridge.
To properly lower the cocked hammer of a revolver, first take the trigger finger off the
trigger and put it outside the trigger guard, along the frame. Place the support-hand
thumb in between the cocked hammer and the frame, and engage the hammer spur with
the firing-hand thumb. Pull the trigger, being careful to control the released hammer with


To decock a revolver, first put the trigger

finger outside the trigger guard (A). Place the
support-hand thumb between the hammer
and frame, angage the hammer spur with the
firing-hand thumb, and pull the trigger (B). Take
the finger off the trigger and ease the hammer
forward until it touches the support-hand thumb D
(C). Remove the support-hand thumb and ease
the hammer the rest of the way down (D).

Chapter 7: Operating Double- and Single-Action Revolvers 55

the firing-hand thumb. The placement of the support-hand thumb between the hammer
and frame prevents the hammer from setting off the cartridge, if the firing hand thumb
slips and releases the hammer.
When the hammer contacts the support-hand thumb, release the trigger and place the
trigger finger outside the trigger guard, alongside the frame. Then, with the firing hand
thumb still controlling the hammer, remove the support-hand thumb from between the
hammer and frame, and ease the hammer the rest of the way down. The revolver may be
unloaded or left loaded for future use.

The mechanisms of double-action and single-action revolvers require unloading proce-
dures that are very different.

Unloading Double-Action Revolvers

With the revolver held in the right hand, the trigger finger outside the trigger guard
and the muzzle pointing in a safe direction, the right thumb disengages the cylinder
latch (except in those models, discussed earlier, in which the latch is on the crane, which
requires the use of the left hand). The fingers of the left hand encircle the frame and push
the cylinder out of the frame, to the left. With the cylinder fully open the shooter may
choose two methods of removing spent cases and live cartridges from the chambers. With
the revolver’s muzzle pointing slightly downward, the shooter may push rearward on the
ejector rod, raising both the brass cases and live cartridges out of the cylinder. This allows


To unload a double-action revolver, grasp the gun in the right hand and disengage the cylinder
latch (A). The cylinder is pushed out to the left, in the same manner as when starting the loading
procedure. The ejector rod is then pushed fully rearward (B) with the left-hand thumb to extract
the spent cartridge cases or live cartridges, which may then be removed manually. Alternatively,
the revolver may be pointed upward, and the ejector rod pressed smartly with the right hand (C)
to drop the empty cartridge cases and live cartridges out of the chambers.

them to be removed, one by one, from the chambers using the right hand (while the left
hand supports the revolver).
Alternatively, the shooter may hold the gun in the left hand, with the cylinder open and
the left-hand fingers through the opening in the frame that is normally occupied by the
cylinder. The muzzle is then pointed straight up, and the left-hand thumb forcefully push-
es the ejector rod downward. If hard extraction is encountered, the ejector rod may be hit
sharply with the palm of the right hand. Either technique will have the effect of forcefully
extracting all the brass and live cartridges from the chambers and dropping them

56 Chapter 7: Operating Double- and Single-Action Revolvers

simultaneously out of the cylinder. This technique is used when the shooter wishes to
reload the revolver quickly.
Unloading Single-Action Revolvers
As with the loading process, the single-action revolver can be unloaded with the revolv-
er held in either hand.
With the revolver held in the right hand, the trigger finger outside of the trigger guard
and straight alongside the frame, and the muzzle pointed in a safe direction, the hammer
is put in the half-cock position (with some models), and the loading gate opened with the
right thumb. The cylinder is rotated until a cartridge case head is fully visible, and then
the ejector, located under the barrel, is pulled to the rear, pushing the live round or empty
brass out of the chamber. The ejector is allowed to return forward, the cylinder is rotated
to the next chamber, and the process is repeated until all chambers are empty.
For left-handed shooters, the unloading process starts with the revolver in the left hand.
With the trigger finger outside of the trigger guard and straight alongside the frame, and
the muzzle pointed in a safe direction, the hammer is put in the half-cock position (if
necessary), and the loading gate opened with the right hand. The cylinder is rotated until a
cartridge case head is fully visible, and then the ejector, located under the barrel, is pulled
to the rear, pushing the live cartridge or empty brass out of the chamber. The ejector is
allowed to return forward, the cylinder is rotated to the next chamber, and the process is
repeated until all chambers are empty.



To unload a single-action revolver, the gun is grasped in the firing hand, with the finger outside
the trigger guard and the hammer down (A). The loading gate is opened (B), and the cylinder is
rotated to align an empty case or live cartridge with the opening gate (C). Note that some revolver
designs require that the hammer be in the half-cock mode for the loading gate to be opened and
the cylinder rotated. With an empty case or live cartridge aligned with the loading gate, the index
finger of the firing hand engages the ejector rod (D) and pulls the rod rearward to push the case
or cartridge out of the chamber (E), where it is manually removed. The cylinder is rotated to the
next chamber, and the process repeated until the revolver cylinder is empty.

Chapter 7: Operating Double- and Single-Action Revolvers 57

Ammunition Fundamentals

While much attention is paid to pistol design and performance, shooters sometimes for-
get that it is the cartridge that largely determines the performance of any firearm system.
Just as a computer is no more than a device for running software, a pistol is only a tool for
getting the most out of a particular cartridge.

There are two types of metallic cartridges used in modern firearms: rimfire cartridges
and centerfire cartridges. These two cartridge types differ in the location of the pres-
sure-sensitive priming mixture that ignites the gunpowder when the firing pin strikes

Cutaway illustrations showing rimfire (l.) and centerfire cartridge cases. Priming compound is
shown in green.
the case head. In a rimfire cartridge, the priming mixture is contained in a fold in the
cartridge rim. In a centerfire cartridge, the priming mixture is contained in a separate
component called a primer, located in the center of the case head. These differences are
explained below.

There are four parts to any modern cartridge: case,
powder, primer (or priming compound) and bullet. CASE

Modern cartridge cases are generally made of brass POWDER
(occasionally of steel); some are nickel-plated. The case
consists of a body, which terminates at one end in a
neck and mouth, and, at the other, in a thick head. A PRIMER
centerfire cartridge case head contains a primer pocket
that holds the primer, and a flash hole that conveys Case components

Chapter 8: Ammunition Fundamentals 59

the primer spark through the web of the case to the
powder charge. The head also contains a headstamp of
the cartridge name. A rimfire case head has no primer,
but instead has priming compound located in a fold in
the case rim (see Primer section, below).
There are several types of cases, based on the shapes
of the body and head. Case bodies are either of bot-
tleneck design, with a neck smaller than the body and
a pronounced shoulder where they meet, or straight,
with a body about the same size as the neck. Case Straight (l.) and bottleneck cases
heads come in five configurations. Rimmed cases have
a protruding rim that is grasped by the pistol’s extractor to remove it from the chamber.
Semi-rimmed cases have a rim that is only slightly larger than the body diameter, and an
extractor groove that allows the extractor a better grip. Rimless cases have a deep extractor
groove that creates a rim the same diameter as the case body, while rebated-rimless cases
have a rim smaller in diameter than the body. Finally, belted rimless cases are simply
rimless cases with a thickened belt directly above the extractor groove. These are used
for magnum cartridges (cartridges having a larger-than-normal case capacity to develop
higher velocity).
Regardless of its design, the case performs the same functions. It contains the other car-
tridge components; it locates the bullet in relation to the bore and rifling; and it provides

Case head types. From left, rimmed, semi-rimmed, rimless, rebated-rimless, and belted rimless.
Most revolver cartridges are of rimmed design, while cartridges for semi-automatic pistols are
usually of rimless design.

a combustion chamber for uniform ballistics. Upon cartridge ignition, it contains the
pressure created by propellant gases, and, perhaps most importantly, it expands tightly
against the chamber walls, preventing gas leakage to the rear. Finally, after the bullet leaves
the muzzle and gas pressure drops, the case springs back slightly from the chamber walls,
allowing it to be easily extracted.
The primer creates the spark that ignites the powder
charge. It is essentially a small metal cup containing
a layer of pressure-sensitive priming compound, over
which is placed an anvil whose pointed tip bears
against this compound. When the trigger is pulled,
the firing pin sharply hits and indents the prim- PRIMING COMPOUND
er cup, pushing it against the anvil. This, in turn,
compresses the priming compound, igniting it and Cutaway of primer components,
showing cup, priming coumpound
creating a spark that goes through a flash hole to the
and anvil
powder. Such primers are located in the center of the
case head; cartridges so configured are thus called center-fire cartridges.

60 Chapter 8: Ammunition Fundamentals

Some cartridges lack a central primer, but instead have a thin layer of priming com-
pound that coats the bottom of the inside of the case, including the portion of the case
that is folded to create a rim. With such cartridges, the firing pin hits the exposed case
rim, indenting the thin metal and compressing the priming compound to create a spark.
Today’s rimfire cartridges are limited to relatively low-power .17- and .22-cal. rounds.

Though all firearms once used black powder to propel the bullet, ammunition for modern
arms uses smokeless powder, which is made primarily of nitrocellulose (so-called sin-
gle-base powders) or a combination of nitrocellulose and nitroglycerin (double-base pow-
ders). When the powder is ignited by the primer, it is rapidly converted to a large volume
of hot, expanding gas that greatly increases the pressure inside the case, and pushes the
bullet down the barrel at high velocity.
Smokeless powder is a propellant that burns at a controlled rate. Thus, powders for
different purposes have different compositions, coatings, granule shapes and granule sizes,
to produce optimal performance within safe pressure limits.

Pistol bullets may have a variety of shapes and types of construction. Most are of lead or
jacketed lead construction. In the former, the bullet is cast or swaged to the proper diam-
eter and shape. In the latter type of construction, the bullet has a lead core surrounded by
a thin copper jacket. Jacketed lead bullets can be driven to higher velocities, and can be

Pistol cartridges may have a variety of bullet shapes and types of construction. From l., lead
wadcutter, lead round nose, lead semi-wadcutter, jacketed soft-nose, semi-jacketed hollow-point,
full metal jacket, jacketed truncated cone, jacketed hollow point.

designed to give optimum terminal performance for the intended purpose. Additionally,
some pistol bullets for hunting or self-defense are also made out of a solid copper alloy.
Bullet performance in both the air and at the target depends upon bullet construction
and shape. More information on pistol bullet performance is contained in Chapter 16:
Selecting Pistols, Pistol Ammunition and Accessories.


The firing of a cartridge in a firearm follows a specific sequence of events, as shown
in the accompanying drawing. Starting with a cartridge in the chamber and the breech
closed (A), the trigger is pulled, causing the firing pin to hit the cartridge primer (B) or
cartridge rim, in the case of rimfire cartridges. The primer explodes with a hot spark that
ignites the gunpowder in the case (C). As the gunpowder burns, it creates high-pressure

Chapter 8: Ammunition Fundamentals 61

gas that begins to push the bullet down the bore (D). Increasing pressure in the chamber
also causes the case to expand outward tightly against the chamber walls, preventing
gas leakage to the rear. Continued combustion of the gunpowder accelerates the bullet
completely through the bore (E), until it leaves the muzzle (F). The hot, high-velocity gas
exiting the muzzle makes a loud “bang” when it hits the surrounding atmosphere.

Cartridge nomenclature can be confusing, as there has never been a standardized
procedure for naming cartridges. Basically, pistol cartridge names have two parts.
The first part of the name is a number, either in millimeters or in decimal inch measure-
ments (known as caliber), that represents either the bullet or bore diameter (often only
approximately). Sometimes there are two numbers; European cartridges in particular are
designated by both the bullet diameter in millimeters and the case length in millimeters
(e.g., 9 x19 mm).
The second part of the designation is far more variable, and may represent any of several
things: the name of the company responsible for the cartridge’s development (.40 Smith
&Wesson); the individual (.454 Casull)who originated or designed the cartridge; a popu-
lar or descriptive name (.38 Special); or, with military-designed cartridges, the firearm in
which it was used (.455 Webley). A few cartridges have both decimal and metric designa-
tions, such as the .32 ACP and 7.65 mm Auto. Finally, some cartridges may be known by
more than one name (9 mm Para, 9 mm Parabellum, 9 mm Luger, 9x19 mm).
For the pistol owner to select the proper ammunition for his or her firearm, all that is
required is to match the designation on the barrel and/or slide with that on the cartridge
box and the cartridge headstamp. If the barrel or slide of the firearm lacks a cartridge des-
ignation, or if there is a suspicion that the pistol may have been modified to fire a cartridge

62 Chapter 8: Ammunition Fundamentals


The proper ammunition for a given

pistol is determined by matching the
markings on the barrel (A) with the
cartridge designation on the head-
stamp (B) and the cartridge box (C).

other than what is indicated by the markings, the gun should be taken to a competent
gunsmith for an evaluation.

The primary factor in ammunition safety involves using the proper ammunition for the
firearm. As mentioned above, the pistol shooter must ensure that the designation on the
cartridge box, headstamp and gun barrel or slide all match.
Cartridges designated +P and +P+ are loaded to higher pressures than standard car-
tridges, and must only be used in guns certified for them. Check the markings on the gun,
the pistol’s owner’s manual, or contact the manufacturer to verify that your gun can safely
fire +P or +P+ cartridges.
It should also be noted that some pistols are chambered for low-pressure cartridges that
are identical in dimensions to higher-pressure rounds (such as the .38 Auto and .38 Super
Auto +P). Such higher-pressure cartridges should never be fired in a gun designed for
lower-pressure ammunition.

Ammunition in Fires
Extensive tests have shown that ammunition in a fire does not explode, or propel the
bullet to dangerous velocities. In general, cartridges exposed to fire will burst, propelling
the bullet only a few feet. The primer may be expelled at relatively high velocity, as well
as small shards of brass from the ruptured case, but these objects generally represent a
danger only to the eyes, and only at very close range.

Safe Ammunition Storage

Ammunition should be stored in a cool and dry place; it can withstand the normal vari-
ations in temperature and humidity found in the typical home environment. Prolonged
exposure to high temperatures is to be avoided. Also to be avoided is contamination by
water, solvents, lubricants and so forth. Store ammunition in a location off the floor and

Chapter 8: Ammunition Fundamentals 63

protected from exposure to water, as from a leaky roof or damp basement.
Ammunition should also be stored in a manner to keep it from unauthorized persons,
such as children and visitors to the home. Each gun owner has to determine what level
of security is best suited for his or her environment. In some cases, the pistol owner may
choose to keep ammunition in a lockable container. Most gun shops will be able to make
recommendations regarding the type of lockable container suitable for this purpose.

Disposal of Unserviceable Ammunition

Ammunition that has been in a flood or fire, has been immersed in water, or has been
exposed to solvents, oils or other liquids, should not be fired. Instead, such ammunition
should be considered unserviceable and must be disposed of properly. Never dispose of
such ammunition by burying, dumping in a waterway, or selling it at a yard sale. Proper
disposal methods include delivery to a hazardous materials disposal center; or return of
the unserviceable ammunition to the original manufacturer.
More information on ammunition safety can be found in free brochures from the Sport-
ing Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers’ Institute (SAAMI), www.saami.org.

Cartridge Malfunctions
There are three types of cartridge malfunctions: misfire, hangfire, and squib load.
A misfire is the failure of a cartridge to ignite when the primer or case rim has been
struck by the firing pin. This situation may be caused by a defect in the cartridge or by a
defect in the pistol that causes a weak firing pin strike.
A hangfire is a perceptible delay in the ignition of a cartridge after the primer or case has
been struck by the firing pin. This delay may last several seconds. When a cartridge fails
to fire immediately, it will not be known at first if the problem is a misfire or a hangfire.
Therefore, keep the pistol pointed in a safe direction, as a hangfire condition might exist
and cause the pistol to fire after a significant delay. Don’t attempt to open the action of the
pistol to remove the cartridge for at least 30 seconds.
A squib load occurs when the cartridge develops less than normal pressure or velocity
after ignition of a cartridge. Squib loads can cause a bullet to fail to exit the muzzle and
become lodged in the bore. If anything unusual is noticed upon firing a shot, such as a
reduction in noise, muzzle flash, or recoil, a squib load should be suspected. Stop firing
immediately and, keeping the muzzle pointed in a safe direction, unload the pistol and
check to ensure that all chambers are empty. Then, with the action open, carefully run a
cleaning rod through the barrel to be sure that it is not obstructed. If a bullet is lodged in
the barrel, the firing of another shot could cause injury or damage to the gun.

64 Chapter 8: Ammunition Fundamentals

Popular Pistol Cartridges


.22 Long Rifle—One of the most popular cartridges made for pistols and rifles. Because of
its low recoil, noise and cost, it is an excellent cartridge to use when learning how to shoot.
Probably the most popular match cartridge in existence, it can also be used to hunt small

.22 Winchester Magnum—Introduced in 1959 by Winchester, it is an elongated and pow-

erful .22 rimfire cartridge. It can be used for hunting small game.


.25 ACP—Known in Europe at the 6.35mm Browning, this cartridge was introduced in
1902 in conjunction with a small Colt semi-automatic pistol. It is the smallest commer-
cially produced center-fire pistol cartridge. Many small pocket pistols are chambered for
the .25 ACP.

.32 ACP—Commonly known in Europe as the 7.65mm Browning, this cartridge was
introduced in 1899 for use in the Browning-designed autoloading pocket pistol manu-
factured by Fabrique Nationale in Belgium. This cartridge is mainly used in small pocket

.380 ACP—Also known as the .380 Auto, 9mm Browning Short, 9mm Kurz and 9mm
Corto. Introduced about 1912 for a Browning-designed autoloading pistol manufactured
by Fabrique Nationale in Belgium. Although used in many small semi-automatic pistols,
this cartridge also has many large semi-automatic models chambered for it, and has been
used by uniformed police in Europe.

Chapter 9: Popular Pistol Cartridges 65

9mm Luger (Parabellum, 9x19)—This cartridge was introduced in 1902 for the Luger
pistol. The 9mm Luger/Parabellum is one of the most popular pistol cartridges used today.
It is used by the U.S. military and by NATO allies.

.38 Super Colt Automatic—Introduced in 1929 by Colt, the .38 Super is a more powerful
version of the .38 ACP cartridge. Dimensionally the same as the .38 ACP but loaded to
higher pressures, the .38 Super should not be fired in guns intended only for .38 ACP

.38 Special—Introduced by Smith & Wesson about 1902. One of the most popular
revolver cartridges made. Police officers around the country have traditionally carried .38
Special revolvers. This cartridge is available in standard pressure loadings, and in + P and
+ P + loadings. However, before using + P or + P + cartridges in a pistol, be sure that it is
approved for such use.

.357 Magnum—Introduced by Smith & Wesson in 1935. More powerful than the .38
Special, the .357 Magnum is based on the .38 Special cartridge case lengthened by about
1/10th of an inch.

10mm Auto—Designed in early 1980s for the Dornaus and Dixon Bren Ten pistol, the
10mm Auto cartridge has gained in popularity. Today, a number of manufacturers make
pistols that are chambered in this caliber. More powerful than the .357 Magnum, the
10mm Auto cartridge brings magnum power to average-sized semi-automatic pistols.

.40 S&W—Introduced commercially about 1990 for use in semi-automatic pistols. The
.40 S&W is a shorter version of the 10mm Auto cartridge, and produces less recoil and
muzzle blast. This cartridge performs well for self-defense purposes.

66 Chapter 9: Popular Pistol Cartridges

.41 Magnum—Introduced by Remington in 1964 for the Smith & Wesson Model 57
revolver. The .41 Magnum and the .44 Magnum are similar in power however, the .41
Magnum has not achieved the popularity of the .44 Magnum discussed below.

.44 Special—Introduced in 1907 by Smith & Wesson, this cartridge was designed to be
more powerful than the .44 S&W Russian cartridge (which was originally loaded with

.44 Magnum—Introduced by Remington for Smith & Wesson in 1956. This cartridge was
the most powerful standard handgun cartridge at that time. It is used in hunting medium
sized game at close ranges.

.45 ACP—Delevoped by John Browning in 1905, and adopted as the U.S. military pistol
cartridge from 1911 to the late 1980s. This cartridge is currently used in conventional and
other types of pistol shooting competitions.

.45 Colt—Also incorrectly referred to as the .45 Long Colt. Introduced in 1873 as a
blackpowder cartridge for the famous Colt Peacemaker single-action revolver. Today, the
.45 Colt is loaded with modern smokeless powder by many ammunition companies, and
a number of gun manufacturers currently produce revolvers that are chambered for this
powerful cartridge. (Early-model Colt revolvers with serial numbers 160,000 and below
were made during the era of black powder. Such revolvers should not be fired with smoke-
less powder ammunition.)

Chapter 9: Popular Pistol Cartridges 67


Fundamentals of Pistol Shooting

Successful pistol shooting is based upon the fundamental principles of marksmanship.

These fundamentals are aiming, breath control, hold control, trigger control and fol-
low-through. Although these fundamentals may be applied in different ways, depending
upon whether the pistol is used for plinking, hunting, formal target shooting or self-de-
fense, they must always be observed for the most consistent results.
Prior to mastering these fundamentals, the pistol shooter must address two other critical
aspects of technique: hand and eye dominance, and grip.


Shooting any firearm involves coordination between the eyes and hands. For the major-
ity of people, best shooting is accomplished by firing the gun with the dominant hand and
aiming with the dominant eye.
Most people have a dominant hand, making them definitely right- or left-handed.
Relatively few people are truly ambidextrous, or able to perform skills involving manual
dexterity equally well with either hand. In most cases, the dominant hand is easily deter-
mined, as it is the hand that is used for most one-handed tasks. The dominant hand and
arm are often stronger and demonstrate better coordination.
Just as one hand tends to be dominant over the other, the brain also has a preference for
one eye over the other, which is known as eye dominance. Most often the dominant eye is
on the same side as the dominant hand, but there are many individuals in whom this is


Establishing eye dominance. First, focus on a distant object with both eyes open (A). Extend the
arms forward with the hands brought together to form a hole between the thumbs, and look at
the object through this hole (B). Bring the hands close to the face, still observing the object (C).
When the hands are just a few inches from the face, the hole between the hands will be directly in
front of the dominant eye.

Chapter 10: Fundamentals of Pistol Shooting 71

not the case. Many people are not even aware that they have a dominant eye, as in almost
all normal activities, both eyes act in concert, and there are few if any normal activities in
which one eye only is used. Eye dominance is important in shooting, however, as only one
eye is used to aim.
Determining eye dominance is easily accomplished through the following exercise. With
both eyes open, focus on a small object at some distance (at least 10-12 feet away). Then
extend both hands forward at arm’s length, bring the hands together to form a small hole
between the webs of the thumbs, and look at the distant object through this hole. Slowly
bring the hands to the face, keeping the object in view through the hole between the
hands. When the hands are only a few inches from the face, they will be in front of one eye
or the other. That eye is the dominant eye. Alternatively, this exercise may be done using a
shooting partner, coach or firearm instructor to observe which eye is dominant.

There are many shooting positions which may be used for firing a pistol, some of which
are specific to certain shooting disciplines. Even before any shooting positions can be
introduced, the new pistol shooter must know how to assume a proper one- or two-hand-
ed grip.

The Two-Handed Grip

For most pistol shooting activities, a two-handed grip will be used. The vast majority of
pistol shooters find that such a grip provides more control of the firearm, steadier aiming,
better recoil absorption, and stronger gun retention.


The steps in assuming a proper two-handed grip on a handgun.
Letters refer to steps described in text.

72 Chapter 10: Fundamentals of Pistol Shooting

To assume the grip, first grasp the pistol behind the muzzle in the support (non-firing)
hand. Make a “Y” of the thumb and fingers of the firing hand (A), and place the gun’s
backstrap firmly in the web of the firing-hand thumb (B). When this is done, wrap the
firing-hand fingers around the pistol’s grip (C).
Next, bring the support hand around the front of the grip (D) so that its fingers overlie
and overlap the firing-hand fingers (E). The knuckles of the second joint of the sup-
port-hand fingers should be roughly aligned with the same knuckles of the firing hand.
Gripping the gun with tension from both the support and
firing hands creates a steadier hold on the pistol.
With a semi-automatic pistol, the support-hand thumb
should lie directly forward of and below the shooting-hand
thumb (F). With a revolver, the support-hand thumb lies
directly overtop the firing-hand thumb (G).
Grip consistency is essential for accurate shooting. Use
G dry-fire practice to check and reinforce the correct trigger
finger placement. Note that the proper grip for one firearm
may not be appropriate for another firearm; your grip may
vary depending upon the shape of a gun’s grip frame. Also, your grip may vary slightly
from position to position.

The One-Handed Grip

The one-handed grip was at one time the most common way to hold a pistol. Today it
is used primarily in certain forms of target competition, such as NRA and Internation-
al bullseye shooting. One-handed shooting may also be practiced by those who own a
pistol for self-defense. A description of the one-handed grip is found in Appendix A: The
One-Handed Shooting Position.

Aiming is the process of aligning a firearm with a target so that a bullet fired from
that firearm will strike the target where desired. In other words, the point of aim will
coincide with the point of impact. Aiming is accomplished using the gun’s sights. Most
pistols feature iron sights (non-optical sights) consisting of a flat-topped front post and a
square-cornered rear notch.
Aiming consists of two stages: sight align-
ment and sight picture. Sight alignment refers
to the proper positioning of the shooting eye,
the rear sight, and the front sight in relation to
each other. With the notch-and-post system
on most pistols, proper sight alignment for
precise shooting occurs when the front post
is centered laterally in the rear notch, with the
same amount of space on either side of the

Aiming involves both the proper relationship be-

tween the front and rear sights (sight alignment)
and the proper relationship of the aligned sights
with the target (sight picture).

Chapter 10: Fundamentals of Pistol Shooting 73

post, and the tops of both the post and the notch are aligned.
Sight picture refers to the relationship between the gun’s properly aligned sights and the
target. This relationship will vary, depending upon the pistol shooting activity in which
one is engaged. In traditional bullseye target shooting, the aligned sights are placed at the
6 o’clock position in relation to the round black bull. In other target sports, such as pistol
silhouette, cowboy action and practical pistol shooting, the aligned sights are placed at
the center of the target. In hunting, the proper sight picture depends upon the vital area
of the game being hunted. And for defensive shooting purposes, the pistol’s aligned sights
are placed on the center of exposed mass of the target. That is, the sights are placed in the
middle of the target area that is exposed. Note that the 6 o’clock hold used with bullseye
targets applies only to iron sights. Shooters using optical (telescopic) sights or red-dot
sights put the crosshairs or dot exactly at the spot on the target where a hit is desired.
Visual focus with iron pistol sights should be on the front sight. This will often make
both the rear sight and the target somewhat blurry, but in almost all situations they will
be sufficiently clear for the shooter to establish good sight alignment and proper sight

Breath control is the method used to minimize gun movement due to breathing. With
each breath, your ribcage expands and your shoulders rise slightly. This movement is
transmitted to your arms, causing your pistol to shift position in relation to the target.
In pistol activities involving a deliberate and unhurried pace of shooting, breath control
is achieved by simply taking a few normal breaths, expelling about half the air out of the
lungs, and then holding the breath for the few seconds required to fire the shot. Typically,
maximum steadiness is achieved within about three to eight seconds after breathing has
stopped; the shot should thus be fired within that time period. After the shot is fired, the
shooter relaxes, resumes breathing and starts the process over again.
In any situation in which the shooter may need to fire a shot quickly, under mental or
physical stress, the heart will be pounding and the lungs will be demanding air. Breath
control under these circumstances involves simply stopping and holding your breath.
Breathing should simply cease momentarily while the shot is being fired. This will steady
the position and allow for a quick shot or series of shots.

Maximum accuracy is achieved when the firearm is held motionless during the process
of aiming and firing. Hold control is the method by which both the body and the gun are
held as still as possible during the period of time when the shot is fired.
Hold control is achieved primarily through a proper grip, and a well-balanced, stable
shooting position that is naturally aligned with the target, as well as extensive practice.
Physical fitness and good muscle tone also contribute to a steady hold. Some positions
allow a more stable hold than others. More information on positions and on target align-
ment is found in Fundamentals of Pistol Shooting Positions.
Some novice shooters make the mistake of firing a string of shots without allowing the
arm and shoulder muscles to rest. The first two or three shots may be fired accurately, but
by the fifth or sixth shot, muscle fatigue sets in, producing tremors and other
74 Chapter 10: Fundamentals of Pistol Shooting
movement that prevent good shooting. Until the muscles that hold and support the pistol
are strengthened, the shooter should fire only a few shots, and then lower the gun to rest.

Trigger control is one of the most important shooting fundamentals. The term refers to
the technique of pulling the trigger without causing any movement of the aligned sights.
Proper trigger control is achieved by applying gradually increasing pressure to the trig-
ger until the shot is fired. This pressure is applied in a rearward direction, not to the side
or up or down. The goal of this technique is to produce a “surprise break,” in which the
shooter cannot predict the exact moment at which the gun will fire.
A surprise break is desired to prevent the shooter from anticipating the shot. New shoot-

Proper trigger finger placement on a revolver

ers are not accustomed to the recoil, flash and blast that occur when a gun is fired, and
thus are prone to reacting more or less instinctively by tightening their muscles, squint-
ing their eyes, and making movements that attempt to counteract the gun’s recoil. These
involuntary movements are collectively called flinching or anticipating the shot, and have a
negative effect on accuracy by disturbing sight alignment and sight picture just before the
shot is fired.
Even in a shooting situation in which a slow, gradual pull may not be possible, such as

Proper trigger finger placement on a semi-automatic pistol

during a hunt or a defensive encounter, trigger control should still be practiced. In such
situations, trigger control involves speeding up the process of squeezing the trigger with-
out jerking or flinching. The smoother the trigger is pulled, the less the gun’s sights will be
disturbed during the firing process, even when the time period is compressed.

Chapter 10: Fundamentals of Pistol Shooting 75

Good trigger control also involves the proper placement of the trigger finger on the
trigger. A properly placed trigger finger allows the force of the pull to be directed straight
to the rear, minimizing a tendency to jerk the gun to the right or left. Proper placement
also allows the gun to be fired by moving only the trigger finger.
For single-action shooting, the trigger should be pulled using the middle of the last pad
of the trigger finger. For double-action shooting, the trigger should be placed approxi-
mately on the joint between the last and middle pads of the trigger finger. The ideal trigger

The proper gap between the trigger finger and the frame of a revolver (left) and a semi-automatic

finger placement can be achieved through dry-fire practice at a sheet of white paper. Ad-
just your finger position until there is no movement in sight alignment when the trigger is
pulled and the hammer or striker falls. Note that the proper contact point on the trigger
finger may change from gun to gun and firing position to firing position.
If possible, there should also be a small gap between the trigger finger and the pistol
frame to prevent the finger from contacting or dragging on the frame and thus disturbing
sight alignment as the trigger is pulled.

The concept of follow-through is common to many sports, such as golf, tennis, baseball,
bowling and archery. In shooting, follow-through is the effort made by the shooter to inte-
grate, maintain and continue
all shooting fundamentals
before, during and immedi-
ately after firing the shot.
It is true that any alteration
in the gun position, stance,
sight alignment, and so
forth that occurs after the
bullet has left the muzzle
has no effect whatsoever on
accuracy or shot placement.
Nonetheless, it is important
to consciously maintain the
shooting fundamentals for Proper follow-through, as well as good recoil control, combine
a brief time after the shot to allow this shooter to fire several accurate shots in rapid
has been fired because only succession.

76 Chapter 10: Fundamentals of Pistol Shooting

by doing so will you be absolutely certain that those fundamentals are applied before and
during the firing of the shot. Thus, proper follow-through minimizes gun movement as
the shot is fired. A shooter who fails to follow through and applies the fundamentals only
up to the breaking of the trigger will (in anticipation of the shot) sooner or later abandon
one or more of the fundamentals just prior to firing, resulting in errant bullet flight and
poor grouping.
Proper follow-through does more than just ensure adherence to the shooting funda-
mentals through the firing of the shot. Follow-through also sets up any successive shots,
whenever a shooter may be called upon to fire multiple times accurately and rapidly. The
follow-through used in these situations is highly compressed to last only a fraction of a
second, but still allows the shooter to maintain a position in alignment with the target and
to quickly recover the proper sight picture.
During follow-through, the trigger finger pressure is relaxed, allowing the trigger to
reset. However, the trigger finger still maintains contact with the trigger face.
All of the fundamentals of pistol shooting are integrated in the firing of a shot, no matter
what the target. The shooter aims (maintaining both sight alignment and the proper
sight picture) while momentarily stopping respiration (breath control) and movement
(hold control). Only the trigger finger, properly placed, is moved to fire the shot (trigger
control). Before, during and after the shot is fired, the shooter observes all the proper
shooting fundamentals (follow-through). The two most important fundamentals are
aiming and trigger control.

Chapter 10: Fundamentals of Pistol Shooting 77

Fundamentals of Pistol Shooting Positions

As presented in the previous chapter, the fundamentals of pistol marksmanship are ob-
served regardless of the type of pistol shooting being performed. Effective shooting takes
more than just adherence to these fundamentals, however. An effective shooting position is
the platform from which the fundamentals are applied.


Although there are many effective shooting positions for different situations, all share a
number of common characteristics: consistency, balance, support, natural aiming area and

Consistency is critical because variations in position produce variations in impact point
and/or group size. You must strive to assume each position in the same exact way every
In the training phase, this is accomplished by conscious attention to each aspect of the
position and each step taken to assume it. With repetition, this process of developing a po-
sition “by the numbers” will become ingrained in your subconscious, eventually enabling
you to flow into the position quickly, effortlessly, naturally and consistently. The “muscle
memory” thus developed through rigorous practice will allow the position to be assumed
easily and automatically.

Balance is also an essential component of a
proper firing position. Balance is usually best
achieved in a stance with the feet spaced at
shoulders-width, even weight distribution, and
a slightly forward lean with the majority of the
weight on the balls of the feet.
A balanced position provides the most stable
shooting platform, one that absorbs recoil
and facilitates both movement and accurate
follow-up shots. A balanced position with the
head upright and level is also important for
controlling body movement. The brain senses
body position by a number of mechanisms,
including a structure in the inner ear known as
the labyrinth. An upright, level head position
will maximize the ability of the labyrinth to
promote body equilibrium and efficient body
movement. A balanced shooting position

Chapter 11: Fundamentals of Pistol Shooting Positions 79

A good position also offers support to
minimize gun movement while aiming.
Support can be provided by the skeleton,
muscle tension or an external object, such
as sandbags on a bench. A two-handed grip,
for example, efficiently uses muscle tension
to provide more support than a one-handed
grip. Generally, standing positions offer less
support than kneeling and prone positions.
The benchrest position provides the most
support of any shooting position. Even the
more limited support offered by one-hand-
ed positions can be maximized by ensuring
that the stance is balanced, the grip is firm,
and the shooter is properly aligned with the
target. The benchrest position, in which sandbags are
used to support the wrists, offers the greatest
Natural Aiming Area (NAA) shooting support.

All effective firing positions incorporate the shooter’s natural aiming area (NAA). NAA
refers to the natural alignment of the shooter and the gun in any position. To determine
your NAA, first assume your position, with your eyes open and your gun aimed at a
target. Next, close your eyes. With your eyes still closed, make a circle with the pistol,

In the NAA (Natural Aiming Area) exercise, the

shooter first assumes a position with the gun
aimed at a target (A). Then the eyes are closed,
and the gun moved in a small circle (B) until
it comes to rest in the position that feels most
naturally stable and comfortable. The eyes are
then opened (C) and the shooter observes where
the pistol’s sights are in relation to the target. If
the “wobble area” of the sights is not centered on
A the target, the shooter’s foot position or some other
aspect of the stance should be modified to achieve
the proper sight picture while taking advantage of
the body’s natural alignment.


80 Chapter 11: Fundamentals of Pistol Shooting Positions

and then settle into the position that feels most stable and comfortable, and take several
breaths. Then, open your eyes and observe where your gun’s sights are pointed in relation
to the target. Ideally, the sight picture will be aligned with the target. If the sight picture is
aligned to the right or left or slightly high or low, you will have to modify your foot posi-
tion or some other aspect of your stance to achieve the proper natural alignment.
Of course, the sight picture does not stay perfectly still, as it is impossible to hold a pistol
without some movement. When proper NAA is achieved, the “wobble area” of the sights
will be centered on the target.
Repeat the NAA exercise until your stance is adjusted for the proper natural align-
ment. You should make every effort to adopt this same alignment each time the stance
is assumed in order to take advantage of your NAA. Also, periodically repeat the NAA
exercise, as changes in shooting experience, posture, age and so forth can affect the body’s
natural alignment.

Finally, a proper position should be comfortable. A stance that is not comfortable—one
that is forced, awkward, strained or painful—is unlikely to be consistent or stable, and
thus will not contribute to effective shooting. When practicing shooting positions, you
should be conscious of how natural and comfortable each position is. Positions that do not
feel comfortable must be modified as necessary. However, in some cases discomfort may
be the result of the lack of joint flexibility or muscular strength. In such cases, a minimal
amount of physical training is usually all that is needed to allow the shooter to comfort-
ably assume a proper shooting position. Of course, any shooter should consult his or her
doctor prior to starting any physical training regimen.


The pistol shooter may have the need to learn only one or two, or many, shooting posi-
tions. Whether the position is simple or complex, the process for mastering it is the same,
and involves a specific process.
The first step in learning a shooting position is to study the position. This means knowing
what is involved in the position, how it is assumed, and the purpose of the position.
The second step is to practice the position without a pistol. Just about every shooting
position places special demands upon the shooter in terms of balance, coordination, hand
and foot placement, and more. Practicing these aspects of the position without a pistol
simplifies the position, breaking the learning process into a number of steps that build
upon each other.
Next, practice the position with an unloaded pistol. Any shooting position can effective-
ly be practiced using an empty gun in the dry-fire mode, with care taken to observe all
dry-firing safety rules (see Pistol Shooting Activities and Opportunities for Skill Develop-
During dry-fire practice, align the position with the target. Each shooter will have a
different alignment with the target for each shooting position. Perform the Natural Aim-
ing Area (NAA) exercise described earlier in this chapter with every shooting position
Once the position has been acquired using an empty gun, test the position with live

Chapter 11: Fundamentals of Pistol Shooting Positions 81

ammunition. Live-fire testing will reveal if there are aspects of the position, or the shoot-
ing fundamentals, that need to be corrected.
After the skills presented in this chapter have been mastered, proceed to learning the
various shooting positions. The positions taught in the NRA Basic Pistol Shooting Course
are the Benchrest position and the Isosceles two-handed standing position. The Weaver
two-handed standing position is also presented in this book. These positions, presented in
succeeding chapters, should suffice for the great majority of shooting activities in which
the novice will take part. However, because there are some activities, such as NRA bull-
seye pistol shooting, in which the pistol is fired with one hand only, a single one-handed
position is described in Appendix A: The One-Handed Shooting Position.

82 Chapter 11: Fundamentals of Pistol Shooting Positions

The Benchrest Position

The most fundamental position that any new pistol shooter should learn is the benchrest
position. The position derives its name from the fact that the shooter fires from a seated
position, using a rest on a shooting bench for pistol support.


Before assuming the benchrest position, a number of items must be assembled. First
and foremost is a shooting bench approximately 30"-36" high, with sufficient space for the
shooter’s elbows, sandbag rests, ammunition and spotting scope, if used. Sturdiness and
stability are a must; card tables, planks across sawhorses, etc., do not afford the steady rest
necessary for accurate shooting. Best are benches designed expressly for shooters; some
may have a cutout for the shooter’s upper body.
The next requirement is a chair or stool for use with the shooting bench. This should be
high enough so that about half of the shooter’s torso is above the bench. Proper height in
relation to the shooter’s legs is also important. The seat should allow the shooter’s feet to
be flat on the ground, with an angle at the knee joint of approximately 80-90 degrees. The
exact angle will vary somewhat, depending upon the leg length of the shooter.
Also needed is a rest for
supporting the pistol. There
are many types of these, from
simple sandbags to elaborate
devices providing support for
both the pistol and the shoot-
ing hand, and offering various
types of adjustments. Even
homemade rests, such as old
telephone books or a rolled-
up jacket, can be used with
some success, although such
expedients often do not offer
the consistent performance of
products made specifically for
supporting firearms.
Hard-kicking pistols tend
to lift the shooting hand and,
as a consequence, drive the
elbow of the shooting arm
downward. Thus, for extended Proper benchrest technique: head erect, back straight, feet
benchrest sessions with solidly on the ground, arms extended, pistol in a proper
heavy-recoiling centerfire two-handed grip at eye level, and wrists supported by the
pistols, an elbow pad is often sandbag rest
Chapter 12: The Benchrest Position 83
Some of the accessories useful for benchrest shoot-
ing: rest, sandbags, spotting scope, targets, posters,
stapler, and eye and hearing protection
Another accessory that can make the
benchrest range session more productive is a
spotting scope, an optical device that allows the
shooter to see bullet holes at 25 to 50 yards and
more. The shooter should also have a supply
of targets, a stapler for affixing the targets to a
target board or backer, target pasters, and of
course, eye and hearing protection. More information on useful shooting accessories is
found in Selecting Pistols, Pistol Ammunition and Accessories.


Before assuming the benchrest position, assure that the bench and shooting stool are sit-
uated on level ground, and do not rock or wobble. Sit at the bench with the chair or stool
positioned so as to allow a comfortable, upright position with your feet flat on the ground
and your body weight equally distributed. Your upper body should be near the benchtop,
but not touching it.


Proper seat height is critical to the benchrest position. Seat position in (A) is too low; after adjust-
ment (B), seat is at proper height (C).

84 Chapter 12: The Benchrest Position

Once a comfortable and stable seated position is achieved, use the unloaded pistol to try
different rest positions to find the one offering the greatest stability, balance, and comfort.
Rest height is of considerable importance. The proper height allows your arms and elbows
to contact the rest and benchtop comfortably and naturally, and allows your head to be in
a natural upright position.
There are many ways in which a rest may be used with a pistol. For example, a sandbag
may support the wrists and palms, but not the pistol itself. Alternatively, the rest may
support some or most of the gun’s weight, either on the frame or barrel (if the latter is long
enough). With either method, the barrel must protrude significantly—at least 2"—beyond
the rest. Also, for best accuracy, the bottom of the gun butt should not contact the bench
top or any other hard surface. Finally, it must be remembered that the barrel/cylinder gap
of revolvers allows the escape of hot, high-pressure gases, which can discolor any object
near this gap.
Once you have obtained a comfortable, stable and balanced position, with the pistol
properly supported, dry-fire the pistol to verify the position. A proper position allows the
pistol to be held and dry-fired with no movement of the sights.
While the pistol may be fired with one hand, best accuracy, control and hold stability
are achieved with a two-handed grip, as presented in Fundamentals of Pistol Shooting
Positions. This is particularly true for heavy-recoiling pistols.
After successfully dry-firing, you may proceed to live ammunition. Recoil may require
minor modifications of the position. In general, the most accurate benchrest shooting is
done with relaxed hands and arms, rather than a “death grip.“


One of the first tasks any new gun owner must do is to zero the firearm. Zeroing involves
making the pistol’s sights and point of impact coincide, with a particular brand of ammu-
nition at a given distance. The benchrest position is ideal for pistol zeroing because it is
the position that affords the least pistol motion and thus greatest accuracy, allowing higher
confidence in the observed changes in bullet impact that occur with sight adjustments.
Zeroing an adjustable-sight pistol, or one having a red-dot or telescopic sight, is
relatively easy. Use a fairly large target—an 8 1/2" by 11" sheet of paper or larger—with
a relatively small
aiming point, such as
a 1"-diameter dot, in
the center. With the
target placed in a safe
direction about 5-7
yards downrange, fire
one to three shots at
the dot, concentrat-
ing on the shooting

Adjusting iron sights (l.) and a telescopic pistol sight

Chapter 12: The Benchrest Position 85

All shots fired should impact close together, forming a shot group. If the shots do not
coincide with the dot used as an aiming point, the sights must be adjusted. Most com-
monly, both windage and elevation are adjusted using knobs or screws on the rear sight
unit. The rear sight is moved in the direction of the desired change in bullet impact. Thus,
if the bullet hits below the aiming point, the rear sight must be adjusted so that the blade
sits higher, to raise the location of bullet impact. Similarly, to move bullet impact to the
right, the rear sight blade must be moved to the right. Most adjustable rear sights have an
engraved arrow or letter to indicate the direction of adjustment achieved by turning the
windage and elevation adjusting screws or knobs in a particular direction.
Once the point of aim and the bullet impacts coincide at 7 yards, the target may be
moved back to 15 or 25 yards, or further if desired, and the gun re-zeroed for that range.
The actual distance for which a gun may be zeroed will vary with the gun’s purpose—7-15
yards for most self-defense pistols, and 50-75 yards or more for hunting pistols. For target
shooters, the pistol should be zeroed for the precise range(s) used in competition.
Many target-style adjustable sights have “click adjustments” that give the shooter a pal-
pable click each time the adjusting knob or screw is turned through a small arc. Each click
produces a standard or predictable amount of change in bullet impact at a known distance
(e.g., 1/2” at 50 yards), making precise and repeatable sight adjustments easier.
Red-dot and telescopic sights have similar windage and elevation adjustments, usually
by means of knobs or dials that are often located roughly in the middle of the sight. The
direction of adjustment, and the value of each click, are normally found on the scope’s ad-
justment knobs or dials. Many click values are given in minutes of angle (1 m.o.a.=1.04" at
100 yards). Common click values for pistol scopes are 1/2" and 1/4" at 100 yards, or 1/2 and
/4 m.o.a. Adjustment instructions and other information are found in each pistol scope’s
owner’s manuals.
Once the gun is zeroed at the desired range with the ammunition to be used, different
zeros can be established at different distances, or using different ammunition.
Zeroing pistols with fixed iron sights can be
challenging, as there is no easy or precise means
to bring the point of aim into alignment with
the point of bullet impact. Some changes in
elevation can be produced by using different
loads. In general, at relatively short distances
(25 yards and under), heavier, slower-moving
bullets will print higher on a target than lighter,
faster-moving bullets. This is because gun recoil
begins while the bullet is still in the barrel, and
slower-moving bullets are in the barrel longer,
and thus exit the bore when the muzzle is elevat-
ed at a higher angle due to recoil. Experimenta-
tion with different loads will often bring bullet
impact acceptably close to the sights’ point of
aim at a reasonable target distance. When it does
not, the only recourse may be for a gunsmith to
With a given cartridge, it may be neces-
install a higher front sight (if bullet impact is too
sary to try both high- and low-velocity
high) or remove material from the front sight (if
loads to bring bullet impact into align-
bullet impact is too low). ment with the point of aim at a specific
When the rear fixed sight is mounted on the distance.

86 Chapter 12: The Benchrest Position

gun’s slide or frame by way of a transverse dovetail, windage adjustments can sometimes
be effected simply by drifting the sight laterally in the dovetail. This task is usually best left
to a competent pistolsmith.


Many novice pistol owners, when shooting offhand or from various other pistol posi-
tions, spend most of their concentration and energy in trying to hold the pistol steady on
target, and, as a result, often fail to observe all the shooting fundamentals. The benchrest
position, because it eliminates the need to hold the pistol steady, allows the shooter to
focus on the fundamentals, and is thus a good tool for refining shooting technique.
Shooting from the benchrest position is not just for beginners, however. Most top com-
petitive shooters regularly spend time shooting groups from the benchrest position. This
activity allows them to consciously focus on, and review, individual aspects of technique.
In addition to technique, many other things may influence shooting accuracy. Accuracy
refers to the ability to deliver shots to the point of aim consistently, repeatably and with a
high level of precision. Different ammunition loads, gun components such as barrels and
triggers, and even accessories such as shooting glasses can all affect the level of accuracy
that is achieved. The benchrest position, because it affords the most stable and precise
technique for pistol shooting, is ideal for evaluating the effects of different loads, gun
modifications and other factors on accuracy. For the same reason, it is the position most
often used to perform accuracy comparisons between different guns.
Meaningful accuracy comparisons can only be obtained by the proper testing procedure,
performed in a consistent way. For more information on such a procedure, see Chapter
16: Selecting Pistols, Pistol Ammunition and Accessories.

Chapter 12: The Benchrest Position 87

Standing Pistol Shooting Positions

Except for certain types of pistol competition in which a one-handed position is man-
dated, most shooters will use two hands to shoot a pistol. A two-hand hold is steadier,
allowing greater accuracy, and also permits a faster recovery from recoil, which can be
important in hunting, practical pistol competition, or self-defense.
Two basic two-handed shooting positions are presented in this book: the Isosceles posi-
tion and the Weaver position.


The Isosceles position is so named because in this
position the extended arms, when seen from above,
resemble an isosceles triangle. In the Isosceles po-
sition, the feet are placed at about shoulders width,
and the feet and shoulders are square with the target.
The knees are slightly bent and the weight is slightly
forward, on the balls of the feet. The pistol is grasped
in a normal two-handed grip, and is held with both
arms extended fully forward. The elbows are straight
but not locked. The head is erect, not hunched; the
shoulders are at their normal height, not raised; and
the firearm is lifted to the level of the eyes for aiming.
The Isosceles position is a very natural shooting
position, and may be assumed simply by standing
up from the benchrest position, described in The
Benchrest Position. Under stress, many shooters auto- The Isosceles position. The weight
matically and reflexively adopt a modified “instinc- is equally distributed on both feet,
tive” form of the Isosceles position. which are on a line perpendicular
to the target. The body is straight or
Should the need arise to address a target at an angle
leaning slightly forward, the head
to the original position, a shooter using the Isosceles
is erect, and the pistol is held at eye
position can simply pivot at the waist. The upper body level in a two-handed hold, with
acts like a turret, easily rotating to the right or left. both arms extended fully forward.
The primary advantage of the Isosceles position
for novice pistol shooters is that it is natural and easy to assume. As mentioned earlier,
for most shooters, simply standing up from the benchrest position puts them in a close
approximation of the Isosceles position.


The Weaver position is named for former Los Angeles County Sheriff ’s Deputy Jack
Weaver, who is credited with originating it in the late 1950s. To assume the Weaver posi-
tion, the body should be placed in a rough boxer’s stance with the foot on the firing-hand
Chapter 13: Standing Pistol Shooting Positions 89
The Isosceles position, from the front (l.) and
from above. Both arms are extended fully for-
ward, approximating an Isosceles triangle when
seen from above. The Isosceles position is more
naturally and easily assumed by many novices.
side placed rearward, the support-hand shoulder angled toward the target, the knees
slightly flexed and the body weight carried slightly forward, on the balls of the feet. The
pistol should be grasped in a normal two-handed grip, but with both elbows bent (the
support-hand elbow pointing somewhat downward) to bring the pistol closer to the body
than in the Isosceles position. The location of the pistol often requires that the head tip
slightly to properly view the sights.
Tension between the two hands is perhaps the most functionally significant feature of
this position: the firing hand is pushed forward into the support hand, which simultane-
ously pulls rearward. This push-pull tension creates great stability and steadiness.
The Weaver position gives considerable support to the firearm. Moreover, the Weaver’s
bent elbows and asymmetrical foot position enhance recoil absorption. When a shot is
fired, the bent elbows act as springs, bending to absorb recoil forces and then returning
the gun to its original position. With heavy-recoiling pistols, the Weaver position affords
fast shot-to-shot recovery for many shooters. Finally, the boxer’s stance gives excellent
balance and mobility.
The Weaver position’s asymmetry puts a greater premium on proper body alignment,
however; thus, establishing and maintaining a proper Natural Aiming Area (NAA) with
the position is critical. Shooters using the Weaver position should regularly verify their
NAA, and adjust the position accordingly. Because of differences in flexibility and body
proportions, the exact placement of the feet and the degree of offset of the shoulders will
differ for each shooter, and should be established using the NAA exercise as well as actual
shooting practice. Some shooters will end up with a Weaver position in which the upper
body is only slightly bladed away, and the head held fully upright, while others will turn
the upper body away from the target to a greater degree, often requiring a head position

90 Chapter 13: Standing Pistol Shooting Positions

that slightly angles or leans toward the shooting-hand side.
Also, different shooters may assume different degrees of flexion at the elbows. For
some shooters, the elbow of the shooting hand arm will point nearly straight down at the
ground, while the elbow of the support-hand arm will point slightly out to the side. This
position places the gun closer to the body, and may be preferable under some circum-
stances. Other shooters nearly fully extend the shooting-hand arm, with the support-side
elbow only slightly bent. These are just guidelines, however.
Shooters using the Weaver position often report a greater level of hold stability resulting
from the push-pull tension between the shooting and support hands. A similar tension
can be achieved in the Isosceles position, without bending the arms at the elbows and
modifying the position. It should also be noted that there are “hybrid” stances that com-
bine elements of both the Isosceles and Weaver positions. These stances are described in
the NRA Personal Protection Outside the Home Course and its companion student text,
The NRA Guide to Personal Protection Outside The Home.

The Low Ready Position

In some shooting situations, you may not immediately go into a firing position, but may
have to hold your firearm in a ready position for a period of time, in anticipation of use.
Alternatively, after firing a number of shots, you may want to lower the gun temporaily,
to rest the arm muscles, before continuing shooting. In both circumstances, a ready posi-
tion is used. One ready position is presented in this course: the low ready position.
To assume the low ready position, take the
proper grip on the pistol and extend the arms
outward and downward at approximately a
45-degree angle. The firearm will be oriented
toward a point on the ground several feet in
front of you. Your knees should be slightly bent
and the weight slightly forward, in anticipation
of either movement or the acquisition of a full
firing position. Your foot and shoulder position
should reflect the firing position that you plan
to assume (e.g., Isosceles, Weaver, etc.).
Another way of visualizing the low ready
position is to adopt the shooting position and
then simply lower the extended arms approxi-
mately 45 degrees downward.
The simplicity of the low ready position, and
the unobstructed view it gives of the target, are
two of its primary advantages. The position
also permits easy assumption of the shooting
position. With the arms already extended, the
wrists already locked and the feet and shoul-
ders already aligned, the gun is simply raised to
eye level to acquire the sights and fire. The low ready position

Chapter 13: Standing Pistol Shooting Positions 91

92 Chapter 13: Standing Pistol Shooting Positions
The One-Handed Shooting Position

The well-rounded pistol shooter must be as comfortable with one-handed firing po-
sitions as with the more familiar two-handed ones. There are many situations in which
one-handed firing may be necessary. Some shooting sports, for example, require a
one-handed grip. In some hunting or defensive situations, moreover, a shooter may find
it necessary to take a one-handed shot.
The one-handed shooting position taught in this course is the basic position used
in NRA bullseye pistol competition. This position is readily adaptable for use in other
pistol sports, or in other activities in which one-handed shooting is used.


Because the one-handed pistol shooting position offers less support and stability than
any of the two-handed positions, good shooting performance in this position is even
more reliant upon proper technique.
Perhaps the single most critical factor in one-handed pistol shooting is establishing
and using the Natural Aiming Area (NAA).
To this end, target shooters, plinkers and
others who wish to use any one-handed
position should regularly perform the NAA
exercise, presented in Chapter 10: Funda-
mentals of Pistol Shooting Positions.
In the one-handed position, the shooter
assumes a stance, with the strong-side
(firing) foot forward, the weak-side foot
back, and the body facing at an angle from
the target. Depending upon body type and
proportions, some shooters will end up
with the feet aligned directly with the target
and the body at roughly a 90-degree angle
to the target, while others will position
the weak-side foot slightly forward for an
“open” stance. The specific foot placement
will depend upon the shooter’s natural
alignment with the target, as revealed by One-handed standing shooting position
the NAA exercise. Regardless of foot po-
sition, the weight should be distributed evenly between the feet, with the knees neither
bent nor locked.
The head should be held erect and at an angle that allows the sights to be viewed out
of the center of the eye. The strong-side arm and shoulder should be relaxed, with the
shoulder in a low position. The firing arm should be bent slightly at the elbow, rather
than locked.

Chapter 14: The One-Handed Shooting Position 93

Variations on the one-handed standing shooting position: Left,
feet aligned with target; center, extreme open position with feet
parallel to target; right, slightly open position favored by many
bullseye shooters

When the one-handed posi-

tion is used for bullseye pistol
competition, the non-firing
arm is placed in a relaxed
position on the waist or in a pants pocket. Many bullseye
shooters prefer to rest the hand on the belt buckle, as shown
When the one-handed shooting position is used for bullseye target competition, there is
no need for the shooter to lean toward the target (as in the Isosceles and Weaver posi-
tions), as neither of these activities usually requires rapid shooting and recoil control.
However, under circumstances in which a heavy-recoiling pistol is used, or during the
rapid-fire stage, the shooter’s upper body may lean slightly forward, with most of the
body weight on the forward (strong-side) leg. The weak-side leg acts as a brace to support
an aggressive, forward-leaning stance, with most of the weight carried on the ball of the
strong-side foot.
The one-handed position can easily be assumed from the low ready position, simply by
stepping toward the target with the strong-side foot and raising the gun with the strong
hand. With practice, the shooter will come to automatically assume the proper foot and
body position that is consistent with a proper NAA.

94 Chapter 14: The One-Handed Shooting Position

To assume the standing one-handed shooting position from the low ready position, the pistol is
simply raised to eye-level, with the final position aligned with the target. If the feet are positioned
close together in the low ready position, a small step toward the target may also be necessary.

Chapter 14: The One-Handed Shooting Position 95

96 Chapter 14: The One-Handed Shooting Position
Common Pistol Shooting Errors

In principle, shooting a pistol is simple: keep the sights aligned on the target as the trig-
ger releases. In practice, however, shooting is a highly refined skill that takes coordination,
discipline, and a great deal of practice. Moreover, there are many errors or habits that may
contribute to poor shooting, without the shooter himself or herself being aware of them.
In general, pistol shooting errors may be traced to either a lack of consistency or a lack of
proper form. Consistency refers to the ability to perform an action in exactly the same way,
time after time. Proper form refers to the manner in which an act, such as aiming, holding
the pistol or pulling the trigger, is performed. While some shooters who use poor form,
but use it consistently, may still be able to shoot well under some circumstances, proper
form is still preferable because it allows the shooter to more easily achieve or maintain
consistency, accuracy, recoil
control and so forth.
Note that in the following
discussion, the changes in
group position produced by
various errors are described
as they would occur for a
right-handed shooter. A
left-handed shooter would
experience changes in the
opposite direction. Note also
that some shooting errors
will be more evident from
a one-handed shooting

Aiming errors can make
it impossible to reliably hit
a target. There are two basic
types of sighting errors. Er-
rors in sight alignment result This wide, random pattern is typical of a novice pistol shooter
when the proper relationship who lacks consistency in virtually every aspect of technique. A
of the front and rear sights more experienced shooter usually succeeds in achieving tighter
is not maintained while the grouping. Even for an inexperienced shooter, group placement
shot is fired. Such errors can may reveal a specific type of pistol shooting error.
occur only with iron sights.
Errors in sight picture result when the aligned iron sights, the dot of a red-dot scope, or the
crosshairs of a telescopic sight, are not properly aligned with the target when the shot is
fired. This most commonly happens simply because it is difficult to hold a pistol perfectly
still in relation to a target.

Chapter 15: Common Pistol Shooting Errors 97

Sight alignment errors are a greater accuracy problem than errors in sight picture. Small
errors in sight picture generally cause a small shift in bullet impact. Small errors in sight
alignment are magnified with greater distance, and thus produce a larger shift in bullet

... ... ...

Errors in sight picture (left) and sight alignment (right) and their effects on bullet placement. Note
that a sight aignment error results in greater group deviation from the desired point of impact.
Proper sight picture and sight alignment are shown at center.

   For maximum consistency and accuracy, the trigger of a firearm must be pressed or
pulled with a uniform movement that acts in a straight rearward direction. The pull must
be properly controlled to allow the sights to remain perfectly aligned with the target until
the hammer, sear or firing pin is released and the shot is fired.
Poor trigger control can simply result from inconsistent application of trigger technique,
or it may reflect the development of bad habits. Jerking the trigger may result when the
shooter attempts to fire the shot at the exact instant the moving sights cross the target.
Jerking the trigger invariably results in poor accuracy, as it cannot be performed with any
consistency and pulls the sights out of alignment. Jerking the trigger often results in either
a too-large group, or a tendency to group shots low and to the left. The solution to jerking
the trigger is to concentrate on a trigger squeeze that produces a surprise break in firing
the shot.
Another kind of problem arises when the trigger finger is not placed properly on the
trigger, makes contact with the pistol frame, or is pulled sideways and not straight to the
rear. Any of these conditions can result in lateral pressure of the trigger finger, or fingering.
This can cause shots to deviate directly to the left of the aiming point (for a right-handed
A third type of trigger problem is produced when the shooter fails to employ a proper
follow-through and instead jerks the trigger finger forward just as the shot breaks, pro-
ducing a group in the 9:30 to 12 o’clock position. This same pattern can also be produced
when the shooter, anticipating recoil, jerks the whole pistol in a recoil-like movement as
the shot is fired. This is called riding the recoil.
Trigger problems can often be diagnosed through the use of a laser pointer attached
to the firearm. Observing the movement of the laser dot when the trigger is pulled often
reveals faulty trigger technique.

98 Chapter 15: Common Pistol Shooting Errors


Examples of grouping errors

resulting from improper
trigger techniques: jerking the
trigger (A), fingering” or ap-
plying trigger pressure laterally instead of straight rearward
(B), and “riding the recoil,” or jerking the trigger finger (or,
sometimes, the entire gun) forward before firing, causing the
muzzle to rise to the left (C).

For the novice, hold errors result from a lack of hold control, and reflect an inability to
keep the firearm still while the sights are aligned and the trigger is pulled. With any pistol
held at arm’s length, there will inevitably be a certain amount of movement, which will be
seen in the changing relationship of the sights and the target. A beginning pistol shooter
will experience a great deal of this arc of movement, as his or her arm muscles and nervous
system are not accustomed to the challenge of holding a pisol in an extended position.
One sign of a lack of hold control is an increase in group size as the shooting session
progresses. Simple muscle fatigue can be made even worse when the shooter fails to rest
between shots, or strings of shots. With practice, the muscles that are used in holding a
pistol acquire better tone, and gun movement while aiming decreases.

Grip errors are errors in the way that the pistol is
held. A too-loose grip allows excessive gun movement
upon firing. Also, in the case of some semi-automatic
pistols, a loose grip can lead to cycling malfunctions. A
too-tight grip is also often a problem, as it is not possi-
ble to maintain a consistently hard grip for long before
muscle fatigue and tremors set in.
Grip inconsistency can produce variations in the
pistol’s movement under recoil. This affects accuracy
because the pistol begins recoiling while the bullet is
still in the bore. Good grouping depends upon the Typical error produced by antici-
bullet exiting the muzzle at the same point in the pis- pating the shot, sometimes called
tol’s recoil pattern. A consistent grip allows this. “breaking the wrist”

Chapter 15: Common Pistol Shooting Errors 99


Grouping patterns produced by several common grip errors: heeling the gun (A), thumbing (B)
and tightening the grip as the trigger is squeezed (C).

Ideally, the grip should allow some degree of recoil control, channeling the recoil move-
ment in a rearward direction. Improper hand placement, and misalignment of the gun,
hand, wrist and arm can cause the gun to twist or angle sideways when fired, making good
grouping more difficult.
Certain grip errors produce specific group patterns. Virtually all such errors are the
result of the shooter anticipating the recoil or muzzle blast of the shot. The most common
of these is breaking the wrist, which occurs when the shooter drops the gun slightly down-
ward at the moment the trigger is pulled in order to counteract the upward movement
of the recoiling pistol. Although this dropping movement is often produced by simply
breaking the wrist, it can also occur when the entire arm moves downward. Groups in the
5:30 to 6 o’clock area below the point of aim are often produced by breaking the wrist.
Another type of grip error, heeling the gun, occurs when the shooter anticipates the shot
and gives the gun butt a slight push with the heel of the hand. Groups above and to the
right of the point of aim are produced by this condition. Thumbing—applying pressure
with the strong-hand thumb to the side of the gun as the shot is fired—will tend to throw
groups to the side, away from the thumb (the 3 o’clock direction for a right handed shoot-
er). Low right grouping can be caused by another hold error, called tightening, which is
produced by tightening the grip as the trigger is squeezed and the shot is fired.


When a person takes a breath, the abdomen, chest, shoulder girdle and arms move.
Precision shooting, such as in bullseye competition, or when testing pistols from a bench,
demands that gun movement be reduced to a minimum. Normally, this is done by taking
a few deep breaths, letting the last breath about halfway out, and then firing the shot
during a window of time about three to eight seconds after breathing stopped. This period
represents the interval in which gun movement is at a minimum.
Breath control problems may occur when a shooter may simply forget to hold his or
her breath during shooting, resulting in excessive gun movement during aiming, usually
in rhythm with the breaths taken. Sometimes a shooter will stop breathing at the proper
time, but may forget to resume breathing, or fail to take in enough air between shots to
replenish the body’s supply of oxygen. Lack of oxygen can result in muscle fatigue and
even lightheadedness.

100 Chapter 15: Common Pistol Shooting Errors

Sometimes a shooter will aim a pistol using the non-dominant eye. This often happens
when a shooter is cross-dominant (i.e., has the dominant eye and dominant hand on dif-
ferent sides) and learned to shoot by using the eye and hand of the same side. In general,
cross-dominant individuals should aim with the dominant eye, and hold and shoot the
pistol with the non-dominant hand. For more information on determining the dominant
eye, see Fundamentals of Pistol Shooting Positions.
Failure to use the Natural Aiming Area (NAA) can also lead to poor shooting. In rela-
tively static pistol sports, such as bullseye shooting, a proper NAA is important to place
the body in a stable, relaxed and supportive position. In more dynamic pistol activities,
such as practical pistol competition and even self-defense, shooting is often done very
rapidly, almost reflexively. Using the NAA will properly index the body in relation to the
target, and will make it possible to fire rapidly in a natural and efficient manner. For more
information on determining a shooter’s Natural Aiming Area, see Chapter 9: Fundamen-
tals of Pistol Shooting.
Lack of proper follow-through can also lead a shooter to “give up on the shot.” In this
error, the shooter fails to observe the shooting fundamentals all the way through the
firing of the shot, and for a few moments afterwards. In the absence of a deliberate fol-
low-through effort, the shooter will inevitably fail, on occasion, to maintain one or more
of the shooting fundamentals before the bullet leaves the muzzle.
Some errors may not relate solely to shooting technique. High-recoiling ammunition
can produce any number of shooting errors, particularly in a novice shooter. Also, a bro-
ken scope sight or adjustable sight, or an inaccurate gun or ammunition can produce the
appearance of shooting errors.


Shooting errors can be diagnosed in several ways. Using a video camera to record a
shooter during a range session can allow his or her form to be reviewed later, in slow-mo-
tion if necessary. When using a video camera in this way, care must be taken not to put
either the camera or the camera operator in front of the firing line or the gun’s muzzle.
Also, as mentioned earlier, a laser mounted on the gun may also reveal these errors.
Shooters wishing to improve their pistol shooting may consult the numerous books and
magazines listed in Appendix B: Information and Training Resources.

Chapter 15: Common Pistol Shooting Errors 101

102 Chapter 15: Common Pistol Shooting Errors
Clearing Common Pistol Stoppages

Though modern repeating pistols offer far greater reliability than their predecessors,
they are still machines and thus can malfunction. An occasional jam is a minor annoy-
ance for a casual plinker, but may cost a target shooter a win, or have even more dire
consequences for a person who owns a pistol for protection. Thus, the ability to quickly
recognize and resolve a stoppage is a skill every pistol shooter should possess.

Most pistol stoppages are related to ammunition problems, including improperly made
reloaded ammunition or, with semi-automatic pistols, factory ammunition too weak to
cycle the action. Some semi-automatics also are finicky regarding the feeding of different
bullet shapes and cartridge lengths, so various loads may have to be tested to find one that
fires and functions reliably in a particular gun. Persistent reliability problems may indicate
a gun problem that must be addressed by a gunsmith.
Stoppages can also be caused when the gun is dirty, rusty, poorly maintained, or simply
worn or damaged through frequent use (see Cleaning and Maintaining Your Pistol). Al-
ways follow the manufacturer’s recommendations regarding the replacement of parts that
can wear out or fatigue, such as recoil springs.

A failure to fire occurs whenever the hammer or firing pin falls on a loaded chamber (or
what is thought to be a loaded chamber) and the gun does not fire. This type of stoppage
can occur with any kind of pistol.
With a revolver, a failure to fire can occur when all the cartridges in the cylinder have
been fired, or when the hammer has fallen on an empty chamber. Similarly, when a
semi-automatic pistol fails to load the top cartridge in the magazine into the chamber, a
failure to fire can take place when the ham-
mer or firing pin falls on an empty chamber.
If the hammer or firing pin of a pistol falls
on a live cartridge and fails to fire it, the
most common problem is the ammunition
used—a “dud “ cartridge, a hangfire or mis-
fire (see Ammunition Fundamentals). The
recommended procedure is to wait 30 to 60
seconds with the muzzle pointed down-
range, in the event that the condition you
are experiencing is a hangfire. In situations
in which this is not practical, as in a defen- A faint firing pin indentation (left case) can
sive encounter, the shooter should simply result in a failure to fire, and may indicate a
pull the trigger again, if that is possible with problem with the pistol.

Chapter 16: Clearing Common Pistol Stoppages 103

the particular pistol. With a revolver, this will bring a fresh (and hopefully functioning)
cartridge in line with the firing pin. With a double-action semi-automatic, a second firing
pin hit on the primer may discharge the cartridge.
A persistent failure-to-fire problem, especially when good-quality factory ammunition is
used, may indicate a problem with the pistol, such as a broken firing pin. Examination of
the primers of both the functioning and non-functioning cartridges for proper firing-pin
indentation could reveal if this is the case. Generally, a failure-to-fire condition that is not
ammunition-related requires the attention of a gunsmith.


Failure to Go into Battery
This stoppage occurs when the
slide does not return all the way
forward and the cartridge is not fully
seated in the chamber. Usually the
slide is left about 1/8" to 1/4" short of
going into battery.
Most commonly this type of stop-
page is caused by a round that gets
jammed on the feed ramp leading
into the chamber, or by an oversize
or over-length cartridge. On occa- Failure to go into battery; note overhang at the rear of
sion, failure to go into battery can the slide.
also be produced by an excessively
dirty chamber.

Failure to Eject
In this condition, the fired case is
extracted at least partially from the
chamber, but is not completely eject-
ed from the pistol. The fired case
may remain inside the slide, possibly
becoming jammed into the chamber,
or it may be partially protruding
from the ejection port, a condition Failure to eject, as evidenced by empty case in ejection
known as a stovepipe stoppage. port


Just about all semi-automatic pistols can be cleared of all three of the above stoppag-
es—failure to go into battery, failure to fire, and failure to eject—using a single immediate
action drill consisting of three steps, referred to as tap, rack and assess.
When a stoppage occurs, your trigger finger should be removed from the trigger. Next,
tap the base of the magazine with the palm of the support hand to ensure it is fully seated
(A). Then, invert the pistol by rotating toward the thumb of the shooting hand, and rack

104 Chapter 16: Clearing Common Pistol Stoppages

the slide vigorously by pulling it all the way to the rear (B) and releasing it to go forward
under spring tension (C). Inverting the pistol before racking the slide and shaking the
gun while the slide is held fully back will dislodge all but the most stubborn empty case or
jammed cartridge. Finally, reassume the shooting position, assess the target area down-
range, and resume firing, if appropriate (D).




Failure to Eject Cases from the Cylinder
Difficulty in ejecting fired cases from a revolver
cylinder may result from oversized or high-pres-
sure cartridges, dirt in the chambers or roughly
machined chambers. When rapid reloading is
necessary, the action to be taken to overcome this
is to hit the ejector rod again with greater force.
Be careful to strike in a straight line with the
rod to prevent bending it with an off-axis strike.
If this problem is encountered during practice
sessions, a gunsmith’s assistance should be sought
to eliminate it.

If the first strike of the ejector rod fails

to eject all the cases, strike it again with
greater force, in a straight line to prevent
bending the rod.

Chapter 16: Clearing Common Pistol Stoppages 105


108 Chapter 16: Clearing Common Pistol Stoppages
Selecting Pistols, Ammunition, and Accessories

Today’s pistol buyer has an unprecedented range of choices of pistol manufacturers,

models, action types and calibers, not to mention ammunition and accessories. This can
be confusing, especially for the first-time gun buyer. For such an individual, a logical
selection process is needed.

Stage 1: Research
Before the research process is even started, the following question should be answered
by anyone thinking of buying a pistol: Am I a sufficiently responsible person to own a
firearm?  While gun ownership is a Constitutionally guaranteed right, there are still those
who lack the maturity, emotional stability, or willingness to accept the responsibility of
gun ownership. Anyone who recognizes this in him- or herself, and chooses not to own a
firearm, should be commended for their responsible decision.
For those who elect to own a pistol, the single most important selection criterion
revolves around the purpose of the firearm. In some cases, there will be a single clear-cut
reason for pistol ownership—formal target shooting, hunting, or self-defense, for example.
The identification of this reason greatly simplifies pistol selection.
Many shooters, however, intend to use a pistol for a number of activities, such as target
shooting, plinking and self-defense. Generally, any claim that one pistol will do everything
should be met with skepticism. Most multipurpose pistols embody a series of compro-
mises that may make them mediocre, at best, for any single function. The shooter wishing
to engage in several different shooting
activities will usually end up with a
separate gun for each activity, or a
single gun that is best suited for the
highest-priority purpose.
The action type of the desired pistol
should also be selected in this stage.
Sometimes the action type will be
determined by the purpose. Cowboy
Action shooters, for example, will usu-
ally select a single-action revolver. For
most other activities, the choice will be
between a semi-automatic pistol or a
double-action revolver. The semi-au-
tomatic has the edge in concealability,
cartridge capacity (as many as 18 to Pistols for different purposes, including concealed
20 rounds) and speed of reloading, carry, hunting, and bullseye, Cowboy Action, and
while the revolver offers simpler silhouette competition

Chapter 17: Selecting Pistols, Ammunition, and Accessories 109

operation and greater reli-
ability. A revolver is also pref-
erable for shooters lacking
mechanical aptitude.
The prospective gun buyer,
in the research stage, should
also look into the reputation
of the manufacturer and
model of any pistol under
consideration. Usually, the
best choice is a standard
model of proven design, made
by an established, reputable
gunmaker. Newly introduced
or innovative designs from
new gun companies should
probably be avoided.
The pistol’s materials may
also influence pistol selec- Modern pistols may be made completely of steel (top row), or
tion. At one time all guns have frames of aluminum (middle row) or polymer materials
were made of steel and wood; (bottom row).
now, titanium and aluminum
alloys, as well as polymer materials, are commonplace. As a general rule, steel is still the
strongest material, but most pistol owners will not shoot enough to see a difference in
longevity between steel and any other material. Steel is also heavy and can corrode, while
aluminum alloys and polymers do not corrode to any appreciable extent. Because of their
light weight, titanium, aluminum and polymer materials are often used in carry pistols.
There is a downside to such materials, however. Lightweight guns are easy to carry, but
give more recoil than heavier, all-steel firearms of the same size.
A final, crucial factor to be researched is safety. While modern firearms from reputable
manufacturers are generally over-engineered, with multiple safety features built in, some
designs may confer an additional margin of safety in certain situations, such as in house-
holds in which there are children or others not authorized to use or handle the firearm.
Both revolvers and semi-automatic pistols can have a variety of safety features; such as
manual safety levers, magazine disconnectors, grip safeties, and even key-operated action
locks. The prospective gun buyer should weigh the merits of such features in light of his
or her own particular living situation. Some safety features may compromise rapid pistol
deployment in an emergency situation.
As a general rule, the novice pistol owner is best with a new firearm having a full war-
ranty, rather than a used model whose previous history of use or abuse may be unknown.
An exception might be made for a used pistol sold with a warranty by a reputable gun
A variety of information resources can be consulted in the research phase, including
books, magazines, gun dealers, gun clubs and the internet (see Appendix B: Information
and Training Resources).

110 Chapter 17: Selecting Pistols, Ammunition, and Accessories

Stage II: Examination
Once the research stage has narrowed the range of choices down to a dozen models or
fewer, the prospective gun buyer should examine these choices in a gun shop.
Here, the shooter may learn much about each model—how it feels in the hand, how
large and heavy it is, the ease with which the controls may be manipulated and so forth.
With the help of a knowledgeable store clerk, the gun buyer can go through the opera-
tions required to load, unload, and fire the firearm, using an empty gun.
Gun fit is an important factor in pistol selection, and is largely subjective. Small
differences in grip shape, thickness and angle, and even barrel length and slide weight
may radically alter the feel of the gun in the hand. Ideally, the trigger reach—the distance
from the backstrap of the frame to the trigger face—should allow the trigger finger to
engage the trigger somewhere from the middle of the pad of the fingertip to the first joint.
Small-handed persons often have difficulty with pistol grips that are too thick or a trigger
that is too far forward, or may have problems in reaching all the pistol’s controls. This is
a particular problem with high-capacity semi-automatic pistols. Most such persons are
better off with small- to medium-frame semi-automatics and revolvers. Less commonly, a
large-handed person will encounter a small pocket or defensive pistol having a too-small
grip or trigger guard, or controls too small for easy manipulation.
Also important is the physical strength required to operate the pistol. Many people have
difficulty retracting the slide of a semi-automatic pistol with a stiff recoil spring. Some
persons may also lack the finger strength to pull the trigger of a double-action revolver.
Pistols vary in recoil spring stiffness and trigger pull weight, so a prospective gun buyer
should try many different models.
Cost and quality are also factors. While low-price models may be appealing, they can
represent false economy if they fail to provide the desired reliability, durability or accura-
cy. The price and availability of ammunition, parts, accessories and so forth should also be
considered. Also, certain models are supplied with a greater number of aftermarket parts
and accessories, or may be easier for a gunsmith to work on.
Through the process outlined above in Stage II, the prospective gun buyer should be
able to further narrow the number of potential choices.

Stage III: Test Firing

The final stage in the pistol selection process involves test firing representative samples
of the remaining viable choices. This often may be accomplished at ranges having a variety
of pistols for rent. In this activity, the individual can judge the recoil, accuracy, comfort
and feel of each. Any stoppages or other problems can be noted.

Test firing of semi-automatic pistols should involve various firing orientations.

Chapter 17: Selecting Pistols, Ammunition, and Accessories 111

Semi-automatic pistols should be fired
with one- and two-hand holds, with both a
tight and a loose grip, and with the gun held
in various positions—upright, sideways and
upside-down. The shooter should note the
trajectory of the fired brass; ejected shells
should land around five to six feet away.
Loads of different levels of power and with
different bullet shapes should also be tried.
Revolvers should be fired with loads of dif-
ferent power levels, in both the single-action
and (if applicable) double-action modes.
With all loads, fired cases should easily
Fired cases should show deep primer indenta-
eject from all cylinders. tions (right) rather than light indentations.
With all pistol types, firing pin inden-
tations should be deep and round, whether the firearm is fired in the single-action or
double-action mode (if applicable). Recoil and accuracy should be evaluated with various
loads. Adjustable sights should be evaluated to ensure that sight adjustments are crisp and
accurate. Fixed-sight guns should be tested to note the degree of deviation of the bullet
impacts from the point of aim.
Finally, the test firing session will help the gun buyer determine the appropriate caliber
to buy. Many gun designs are produced in similar models in several chamberings, such
as 9 mm Para, .40 S&W and .45 ACP. Thus, in many cases, a new gun buyer may decide
upon a specific pistol design, and have the further choice of a variety of chamberings, with
different levels of recoil.


Accuracy, reliability and other aspects of pistol performance depend at least as much
upon the ammunition chosen as on the particular gun design. Also, even after the proper
gun and ammunition are chosen, a variety of pistol accessories can further enhance a
shooter’s enjoyment and performance in any shooting activity.

Selecting Pistol Ammunition

The selection of the proper ammunition type and load involves consideration of several
factors, among the most important of which are: safety, purpose, reliability, accuracy, and
Safety: Ammunition safety primarily involves using the proper ammunition for the
firearm. As described in Ammunition Fundamentals, this is accomplished by matching the
caliber designation on the barrel and/or slide with that on the ammunition package and
cartridge headstamp. Additionally, higher-pressure “+P” and “+P+” loads should be used
only in those firearms certified for them.
As a general rule, the novice pistol owner should avoid reloaded ammunition, as well
as military surplus ammunition, and purchase only new ammunition from a reputable

112 Chapter 17: Selecting Pistols, Ammunition, and Accessories

Purpose: The intended purpose of the pistol/ammunition combination is the main
factor in determining the choice of caliber, cartridge power, and bullet weight, design and
construction. For example, target shooting, hunting and self-defense all require different
types of ammunition.
Information on the general ammunition types required for different pistol shooting ac-
tivities can be found in many gun books, magazines and videos, as are listed in Appendix
B: Information and Training Resources.
Reliability: Reliability is the ability of a load to consistently feed, fire, eject and cycle the
action. Factors that may influence ammunition reliability include load power, bullet shape,
cartridge overall length, crimp and much more. In general, any load used in a critical
application should be absolutely reliable during a test of 200 to as many as 500 rounds.
Persistent reliability problems with various loads may indicate a situation that must
require resolution by a gunsmith.
Accuracy: Accuracy is a function of several factors: the gun, the load used, and the
skill of the shooter. The level of accuracy required in different activities can vary greatly.
Information on the accuracy needed in various pistol shooting activities can be found in
various books, magazines and videos.
Accuracy testing should ideally involve a number of five-shot groups fired from a bench-
rest position at a target placed at an appropriate distance (see The Benchrest Position).
Recoil: The recoil or “kick” felt by the shooter upon firing a gun will vary with gun
weight, cartridge power, bullet weight, grip size and shape, and more. Additionally, shoot-
ers differ in their sensitivity to recoil. Excessive recoil can inhibit the ability to quickly fire
multiple accurate shots, and can produce a flinch reflex that impairs accuracy.
Determining the recoil a shooter can tolerate is usually made by test-firing different
guns in different calibers. Novice shooters should avoid hard-kicking pistols, as early
exposure to high levels of recoil can cause flinching, shot anticipation, jerking the trigger
and other unwanted habits. Note that many cartridges come in several loads that may vary
greatly in recoil.

Selecting Pistol Accessories

Various types of pistol accessories can add greatly to one’s enjoyment of any pistol shoot-
ing activity, as well as contributing to better shooting performance.
Eye and hearing protection are perhaps the most important accessories a shooter must
have (see Basic Firearm Safety).
A range bag of leather, canvas or nylon allows convenient carry and storage of the pistol,
ammunition, eye and hearing protection, targets and more. Although the pistol may be
carried loosely in the range bag, a pistol rug or pistol box is usually preferable. The latter
has the advantage of being lockable with a padlock, and thus provides some security when
transporting or storing the firearm.
Also for inclusion in the range bag is a small tool kit containing, at a minimum, the
items used for disassembling the pistol. A basic cleaning kit may be included (see Cleaning
and Maintaining Your Pistol).
Other items for the range bag are a small first aid kit, a stapler for mounting targets on
the target frame and a recoil-absorbing shooting glove.

Chapter 17: Selecting Pistols, Ammunition, and Accessories 113

For semi-automatic pistols, additional magazines are mandatory, as they can be easily
damaged, even in normal use. Factory or high-quality aftermarket magazines should be
favored over inexpensive “no-name” units, which may not function properly. Note that
some pistols function better with one brand of magazine than another. Loading high-ca-
pacity semi-automatic pistol magazines to full capacity is made easier with another acces-
sory, the magazine loader. For revolvers, speedloaders make reloading faster and easier.
A holster is essential for concealed carry or hunting purposes, and may also be conve-
nient when shooting at a range or in an outdoor environment. Holsters come in many
different styles and materials, with carry holsters being different in design from hunt-
ing and general-purpose models. Also useful, for some purposes, are holster belts and
magazine or speedloader pouches. Information on selecting a carry holster can be found in
the NRA Personal Protection Outside the Home Course and its companion textbook, the
NRA Guide to the Basics of Personal Protection Outside the Home.
Many pistol accessories take the form of aftermarket parts, which can improve a pistol’s
ergonomics and accuracy, decrease recoil, or enhance controllability. Examples of such
parts include sights, triggers, match-grade barrels, springs and different grips or stocks. A

Various pistol accessories, including range bag, pistol rug, holster magazine pouches, and maga-
zine loader

gunsmith should be consulted regarding the selection and installation of any such parts.
Pistol targets come in a variety of sizes, shapes and colors. While pistol competitors will
use the targets of their particular discipline, recreational shooters have a variety of targets
for practice, testing and plinking. Target pasters cover bullet holes in the target, extending
target life.
Depending upon the shooting activity, other accessories may also be useful. A spotting
scope allows bullet holes to be seen in a distant target; a chronograph measures bullet
muzzle velocity, which is crucial to the calculation of bullet energy and trajectory; and a
shooting timer is used for shooting practice or competitions conducted under time limits.

114 Chapter 17: Selecting Pistols, Ammunition, and Accessories

Cleaning and Maintaining Your Pistol


A gun that is regularly fired accumulates dirt, powder residue and other foreign mat-
ter, all of which can make it more prone to stoppage, wear and corrosion. Even a firearm
that is left untouched on a shelf or in a drawer can accumulate sufficient dust and dirt to
affect functioning. Responsible gun owners understand that removing such material is
critical to ensure gun reliability and readiness. A gun that is properly maintained at regu-
lar intervals—including regular cleaning, inspection and lubrication, as well as a periodic
gunsmith check-up—will function more reliably, shoot more accurately and last longer
than one whose care is neglected.
Every gun owner should have a gun cleaning kit consisting of:
• cloth patches,
• a cleaning rod and cleaning rod attachments, including a bore
brush and tips to hold patches,
• a small brush (for cleaning gun crevices),
• gun solvent (bore cleaner),
• gun oil, and
• a soft cloth.




The components of a basic gun cleaning kit, including (A) a bore brush and jags for holding clean-
ing patches, (B) a cleaning rod, (C) a small brush, (D) cotton cleaning patches, (E) gun oil, (F)
gun cleaning solvent, (G) a soft cloth, and (H) eye protection. Also shown are thin rubber gloves
(I), which may help protect the skin from dirt, oil, and solvent.

Chapter 18: Cleaning and Maintaining Your Pistol 115


Kits containing all or

most of these items are
commercially available at
any gun shop and many hardware, sporting goods and large discount stores. Make sure
that any such kit, or any individual cleaning rod, jag (a tip designed specifically to hold a
cleaning patch) or bore brush is the proper size for your pistol’s caliber. Also, select patch-
es of the proper size.
Additionally, you need safety glasses to protect your eyes from cleaning solvents and
spring-loaded parts that may be inadvertently released from your gun. Also recommend-
ed are thin rubber gloves to protect your skin from exposure to solvents, lubricants, firing
residues and lead particles. Be sure that your gun-cleaning area has good ventilation, and
do not eat, drink or smoke while performing
firearm cleaning or maintenance.
The first step in cleaning your firearm is to
ensure that it is unloaded (A). No ammuni-
tion should be in the cleaning area.
Next, disassemble your firearm according to
the instructions in the owner’s manual for the
gun (B). If you do not have an owner’s manu-
al, you can usually obtain one from your gun’s
manufacturer. Also, a professional gunsmith

116 Chapter 18: Cleaning and Maintaining Your Pistol


may be able to show you how to

disassemble your gun.
Attach the bore brush to the
cleaning rod and moisten it with gun
cleaning solvent (C). If possible, use
a dropper or spray to put solvent
F onto the brush; avoid dipping the
brush in the solvent, as this contam-
inates the clean solvent with dirt
and grit that may be on the brush.
Push the brush all the way through the bore, then pull it back through (D). Do not try to
reverse direction with the brush still in the bore. Run the brush through the bore about
10-15 times, adding solvent to it as necessary.
Attach the jag to the cleaning rod (E) and push a patch moistened with solvent through
the bore (F). This patch will come out quite dirty with the material that was loosened by
the solvent and the bore brush. Run several dry patches through the bore. These should
come out progressively cleaner, until virtually no fouling is visible. If the patches keep
coming out somewhat dirty, repeat the cleaning process as outlined above. Visually check
the bore for any remaining fouling, lead, or powder residue.
In cleaning a revolver, the cylinders are cleaned with the bore brush and patches using
much the same technique as is employed in cleaning the bore (G).
Once the bore is clean, residue must be removed from other gun surfaces. Use a
solvent-soaked patch, cotton swab or toothbrush, as appropriate, to loosen and remove
powder residue and other matter from working surfaces (H). On a semi-automatic pistol,
such surfaces include the interior of the slide, the slide and frame rails, and the exterior
barrel surface. On a revolver, such surfaces include the crane, frame, and any action parts
that are accessed by the removal of the stocks. Finally, reassemble the pistol and wipe it


Chapter 18: Cleaning and Maintaining Your Pistol 117


with a soft, lightly oiled cloth (I).

Maintenance of semi-automatic pistol mag-
azines is critical for proper pistol functioning.
Most magazines are designed to be disassembled;
instructions should be in your owner’s manual.
Once the magazine is disassembled, remove dirt
and powder residue from the inside of the magazine body using a brush and patches (J).
In most cases, the owner’s manual will present only basic disassembly instructions for
general cleaning and maintenance; further gun disassembly by the owner is usually dis-
couraged. However, dirt and powder residue col-
lects in interior action areas that can be accessed
only by complete disassembly. A partial cleaning
of these inaccessible areas may be achieved by
flushing the action with gun cleaner or a solvent
that leaves no residue, such as brake cleaner. The
J solvent is sprayed into the action in such a way as
to allow the excess to drain freely (such as with
the stocks removed), dissolving and flushing away
loosened dirt and residue.


The ideal time for giving your firearm a thorough visual inspection is when it is disas-
sembled after cleaning. Defects are easiest to spot on parts that are free of dirt, residue and
oil. Look for cracks, burred, pitted or indented areas, broken components and so forth.
Also be aware of screws or pins that have worked loose, sights that have drifted from recoil
forces, or parts that seem to have shifted from their normal positions.
Additionally, every time you pick up your firearm, whether to practice at the range, dry-
fire in your basement, or clean it in your workroom, you should give it a cursory inspec-
tion (after, of course, making sure it is unloaded). Look for the buildup of firing residues;
grips screws or other parts that have become loose; excessive oil leaking out of the joints
between parts; and any other condition that may affect the functioning of the gun. Getting
in the habit of making this kind of inspection will help you determine when cleaning or
lubrication is necessary, or if there are any conditions that may make your gun unsafe or
118 Chapter 18: Cleaning and Maintaining Your Pistol


Lubrication points for a revolver include the cylinder latch (A), the junction of the trigger and the
frame (B), the crane (C), the ejector rod (D), and alongside the hammer where it meets the frame
(E). With the hammer back, a few drops of oil may also be dripped into the action to lubricate
internal action parts. Internal parts may also be accessed for lubrication by removing the stocks.


Cleaning powder residues and other foreign material from the gun usually removes nec-
essary lubrication from working surfaces. Thus, it is essential to re-lubricate the firearm
after it has been cleaned.
The owner’s manual for your gun will likely contain detailed instructions on the proper
method of lubrication. In general, lubricate revolvers in the areas of the crane, ejector
rod, and cylinder latch, and around the sides of the hammer and trigger. With the stocks
removed, you may also squirt oil into action areas to smooth the trigger pull.
Semi-automatic pistols should be lubricated on the slide and frame rails, at the muzzle
(where the barrel engages the slide), and in the barrel locking area. Also apply a small
amount of oil to the sides of the trigger and hammer where they enter the frame, and drip
a little lubricant into action areas. If you desire, you may put a very light film of oil on the
exterior surface of the magazines to prevent rust.
It is critical not to allow oil to be transferred to the cartridges carried within the mag-
azine. Oil on cartridge cases can penetrate to the primer, making its ignition unreliable,
and may have other harmful effects on gun functioning as well.

Chapter 18: Cleaning and Maintaining Your Pistol 119


Lubrication points for a semi-automatic

pistol include the slide and frame rails (A), the
hammer (B) and trigger (C) where they enter
the frame, the muzzle end of the barrel (D) and
E guide rod (E), and the top of the chamber end of
the barrel (F).
Use only those lubricants designed expressly for use in firearms. Over time, improper
lubricants may become gummy, impairing proper gun functioning, or may be too thin
or runny to provide lasting protection. Also, firearms that are used in climates that are
extremely hot, cold, wet or dusty often have very special lubrication needs, as do firearms
that will be stored for extended periods. Consult with a gun shop or gunsmith to deter-
mine the proper lubricants to be used with your firearm.
It is also important to avoid over-lubricating your pistol, or leaving oil in certain areas.
For example, while a thin film of oil should coat the bore of a firearm that is to be stored,
all oil should be removed from the bore before the gun is fired. Excess lubricant can also
penetrate wood stocks and cause them to deteriorate. Too much oil left on the exterior of a
pistol that is carried in a leather holster can soak into the leather, softening it. This can be
of particular concern with leather holsters that are molded to snugly fit a particular pistol
model. As explained above, oil left inside the magazine of a semi-automatic pistol or the
chambers of a revolver cylinder can contaminate cartridge primers and lead to misfires.


After cleaning, inspecting and lubricating the firearm, the final stage is reassembly and
function checking. The inspection process referred to previously should continue during
reassembly. Be aware of parts that do not go together as they should, a sudden increase in
the play or looseness of pins and other components, and so forth.

120 Chapter 18: Cleaning and Maintaining Your Pistol

When the firearm is reassembled, make sure that it is unloaded and then dry-fire it a
few times to see if there are any changes in the feel of the trigger or the functioning of the
controls. With a revolver, swing the cylinder out and test the action of the extractor rod.
Rack the slide of a semiautomatic and ensure that its various safety controls are function-
ing. Don’t just look with your eyes; listen with your ears. Sometimes the sound of the gun
as it is cycled or dry-fired can reveal a functional problem.
Similarly, when firing live ammunition at the range, be aware of any changes in the
gun’s function or feel. Gradual changes in gun function such as sluggish cycling, frequent
stoppages or larger groups can result from a buildup of dirt, powder residue, congealed
lubricant and so forth. Thorough cleaning and lubrication often restores proper function-
ing in such cases. However, a sudden tendency of the gun to misfire, jam, or change the
size or location of its groups may be a sign of a broken part or other serious mechanical
problem that usually requires gunsmith attention.

Firearm maintenance involves more than just
cleaning, inspection, lubrication and function test-
ing. Both semi-automatic pistols and revolvers are
powered by springs, which can, over time, fatigue.
The springs that power revolver hammers generally
last for many years, however, revolvers having a
tendency to produce light hits on the primer may
be suffering from weak springs.
Recoil springs on semi-automatic pistols should
be regularly replaced, usually every several thou-
sand rounds. Your owner’s manual should have
specific recommendations regarding recoil spring
replacement, as well as directions for installing new
springs. Magazine springs, too, sometimes require
replacement, as some will lose stiffness over time
(particularly when left compressed) and produce Performing regular maintenance, such
feeding problems. A competent gunsmith can as the replacement of fatigued recoil
diagnose and remedy problems stemming from springs (above), is a part of responsible
fatigued springs. firearm ownership.

In addition to the normal maintenance you can perform, it is important to periodically
have a gunsmith completely disassemble, clean, inspect and lubricate your firearm. This is
also an opportunity for an experienced eye to look for wear, breakage or other conditions
that may affect your gun’s ability to function properly.
The frequency of this kind of gunsmith examination depends upon your shooting hab-
its. In general, if you practice regularly with your firearm, an annual check-up is recom-

Chapter 18: Cleaning and Maintaining Your Pistol 121

Pistol Shooting Activities & Skill Development

In general, there are four main uses to which a firearm may be put: recreational shooting,
hunting, target competition, and self-defense. Despite claims to the contrary by those
seeking to further restrict their ownership, pistols are commonly employed for all of these

Although many thousands of shooters own pistols for hunting, for formal target shoot-
ing, or for self-defense, by far the greatest number of shots fired from pistols each year
involve casual recreational shooting, often called plinking. Plinking is quite simply the
name given to any form of informal target shooting, done with any type of pistol at any
type of safe target. The only limitations placed on this activity are those imposed by safety,
legal restrictions, and the shooter’s imagination.
Plinking can be done at a dedicated indoor or outdoor range facility, or on private or
public land (subject to applicable local, state and federal laws). Indoor pistol ranges are
fairly common, and are often found near large metropolitan areas in states and local
jurisdictions that permit citizens to own pistols. Shooting ranges can usually be found by
searching the Internet, or by asking a local gun shop.
Each range will have rules dealing with safety, permissible shooting positions, drawing
from holsters, caliber restrictions and so forth. Some ranges may have a Range Safety

Receational shooting, or “plinking,” involves any safe, legal informal target shooting.

Chapter 19: Pistol Shooting Activities and Opportunities for Skill Development 123
Officer on duty. Every shooter is responsible for learning and observing all range rules.
Some shooters may prefer to shoot on public or private land rather than a range. In such
situations, however, safety is even more of a concern. The shooter must be responsible
for always pointing the pistol in a safe direction, establishing a proper backstop, ensuring
that unauthorized persons do not wander into the line of fire and so forth. The safety rule
“Know Your Target and What is Beyond” is particularly important, as a bullet from even a
.22 rimfire may travel a mile or more, when fired from a pistol pointed skyward. Shooters
must also be good stewards of the land, not trespassing on private property, removing
all their spent cases and trash, and avoiding improper targets, such as glass bottles, old
batteries, etc.
Pistol owners may use recreational shooting to sharpen their skills for hunting, target
shooting or self-defense; most often, however, the emphasis is simply on fun. While
standard bullseye targets are extremely popular, other types of targets—many in vogue de-
cades ago—including those consisting of small dots (used for “dot shooting”), playing card
decks (used to shoot poker hands), are also used. In the absence of a printed target, chal-
lenges may be improvised. For example, a piece of 8 1/2" by 11" piece of paper may be put
out at 10 yards or so, and a single bullet hole put somewhere on the sheet. Each successive
shooter must attempt to place his or her shot as close as possible to the original bullet hole.
In addition to a gun and ammunition, recreational shooting usually requires additional
gear, such as a shooting bag, cleaning kit, tool kit and, of course, eye and ear protection.
Finally, recreational shooting is the best way to introduce a new shooter to pistol
shooting, and to ingrain the rules of safety and the principles of good marksmanship in a
relaxed and friendly atmosphere.

The claim that pistols have no sporting use is easily disproven by the several million
hunters who use pistols to harvest everything from birds and squirrels to big-game such as
deer, elk, moose and bear. Using
specialized single-shot pistols or
highly powerful revolvers, some
intrepid hunters have even hu-
manely taken dangerous African
There are basically three types
of pistol hunting activities: small
game hunting and pest control
(involving game such as squirrels,
rabbits and crows), varmint hunt-
ing (involving game such as prairie
dogs, groundhogs and coyotes),
and big-game hunting (involving
deer-sized and larger animals).
Each type of hunting involves
different types of firearms, ammu-
nition and accessories, as well as Pistol hunting typically involves skill in stalking, marks-
different shooting skills. manship and woodsmanship.

124 Chapter 19: Pistol Shooting Activities and Opportunities for Skill Development
Some jurisdictions have certain requirements for hunting pistols, such as a minimum
muzzle energy for pistols used for deer-size game, or limitations on the capacity of mag-
azines for semi-automatic hunting pistols. Almost all jurisdictions mandate every hunter
to have a hunting license, usually issued upon successful completion of a hunter education
course. Regulations regarding hunting on public or private lands are usually readily avail-
able from the state fish and game service or other similar office.
Advice on the selection of pistols, ammunition and accessories for a particular type of
hunting can be obtained from a variety of sources, including local gun shops, gun clubs,
hunting guides or outfitters, videos and DVDs, books, hunting websites on the internet,
and hunting-oriented magazines such as The American Hunter.

Many pistol owners participate in various types of target competition, sometimes simply
to sharpen their skills for other shooting activities. There are far too many pistol target
shooting sports to discuss all of them here. The vast majority of pistol target shooters
compete in one or more of four main activities: bullseye shooting, practical pistol shooting,
silhouette shooting and cowboy action shooting.

Bullseye Competition
Bullseye pistol shooting is conducted using a one-hand hold. Firing is generally at round
targets, called bullseyes, with a series of concentric scoring rings. Most bullseye shooting
is normally conducted in a relatively slow, deliberate manner, with a high premium placed
on accuracy.
NRA conventional pistol (bullseye) competition consists of slow-, timed- and rapid-fire
strings fired at bullseye targets which can be set from 50 feet to 50 yards. Four general
types of pistols are used in NRA conventional pistol competition: the .45 Caliber Pistol,
Service Pistol, Center-Fire Pistol, and .22-Caliber Pistol. Additionally, the Distinguished

NRA bullseye shooting generally involves several types of guns. Here are shown a .22 pistol, .45-
cal. pistol, and a .38 Spl. revolver.

Chapter 19: Pistol Shooting Activities and Opportunities for Skill Development 125
Revolver category specifies the use
of a factory .38 Special Revolver. In
some bullseye matches, the com-
petitor will fire three different types
of guns—the .45 caliber pistol,
center-fire pistol, and .22 caliber
pistol. Red-dot sights are allowed,
and light target loads are usually
favored, although standard-power
.45 ACP ammunition is required in
certain matches for the .45 caliber
International Pistol competition All bullseye shooting is done using a one-handed stand-
is practiced worldwide, and is ing position. Many disciplines allow the use of red-dot
featured in the Olympics. Five sights, as shown.
types of pistols are utilized in this
type of competition. Free pistols are specialized .22 Long Rifle single-shot arms with very
light triggers and iron sights. Free pistol competition is very exacting, with the 10-ring of
the 50-meter free pistol target being only 50 mm (slightly more than 2”) in diameter. The
rapid-fire pistol is a semi-automatic or revolver in .22 Long Rifle, designed for a course of
fire featuring five turning targets exposed for only a few seconds, during which time one
shot is placed on each target. The international center-fire pistol can be an iron-sighted
semi-automatic or revolver in any caliber from .30 caliber to .38 caliber. The standard
pistol and women’s sport pistol are similar to the center-fire pistol, but are chambered for
.22 Long Rifle ammunition. Finally, international air pistol competition is limited to .177”
air pistols with iron sights. All air pistol competition is conducted at 10 meters.
Typical accessories for all forms of bullseye shooting include a spotting scope and stand,
ammunition blocks, and a pistol box that can hold several pistols as well as the spotting
scope and ammunition.
To contact the sanctioning bodies for these forms of bullseye competition, see Appendix
B: Information and Training Resources.

Practical Pistol Competition

The various pistol shooting sports known collectively as practical pistol competition were
originally derived from the training regimen of the Mexican Federales, which utilized life-
size silhouette targets, a two-handed shooting grip, and rapid multiple-target engagement
at relatively close range. Practical pistol shooting is generally done “from the leather,”
by drawing a gun from a holster. Targets are fairly large—cardboard silhouettes with
embossed scoring rings, or steel plates of various sizes and shapes—and close, most set at
25 yards or less. Some sports utilize Comstock scoring, in which both the point value of the
hits, as well as the total elapsed time to shoot the stage, are used to compute the score.
International Practical Shooting Confederation (IPSC) and International Defensive Pistol
Association (IDPA) competition are similar in many respects. Both employ humanoid
cardboard targets; both utilize Comstock scoring; and both employ ever-changing target
arrays, rather than standard courses of fire, to challenge competitors’ problem-solving
skills. While “race guns” with compensators and red-dot sights are allowed in IPSC’s Open
class, they are forbidden in IDPA competition, which stresses defensive guns, tactics and

126 Chapter 19: Pistol Shooting Activities and Opportunities for Skill Development
NRA Action Pistol shooting is a type of practical pistol competition requiring accuracy, consisten-
cy and speed. The Action Pistol guns shown here range from highly specialized pistols (top row) to
stock revolvers and semi-automatics.

shooting scenarios. IDPA offers classes for most types of stock and custom defensive
semi-automatics and revolvers.
NRA Action Pistol competition, like IPSC and IDPA shooting, starts from the holster.
However, this sport utilizes a number of standardized stages, and each string is usually
fired under time limits rather than Comstock scoring.
Because of its ergonomics, light and crisp trigger pull, robust design and virtually un-
limited potential for customization, pistols of the M1911A1 design are the most popular
in IPSC, IDPA and Action Pistol events. However, other makes of semi-automatic pistols,
as well as revolvers, are also popular, particularly in IDPA matches, which have separate
classes for such pistols.
Popular practical pistol calibers include 9 mm Para, .38 Super, .40 S&W and .45 ACP.
Practical pistol sports commonly require loads that meet a minimum power factor, calcu-
lated by multiplying bullet weight
in grains by muzzle velocity in
feet per second, and dividing by
1,000. Minimum power factors
for various practical pistol sports
range from 120 to 165.
Bull-barreled revolvers are pre-
ferred in a fourth type of practical
pistol shooting, Police Practical
Competition (PPC), although the
sport also has classes for standard
revolvers and duty-type semi-au-
tomatic pistols. Intended to test
shooting skills relevant to the
law-enforcement environment,
PPC shooting is done at full-size NRA Action Pistol shooting involves a number of unique
B-27 silhouettes, at ranges from courses of fire, such as the Falling Plate event.

Chapter 19: Pistol Shooting Activities and Opportunities for Skill Development 127
Police Practical Competition
(PPC) tests shooting skills rele-
vant to law-enforcement. Here
competitors shoot at B-27 targets
at extended range.

Many PPC competitors use

bull-barreled .38 Spl. revolvers
with iron sights.

seven to 50 yards. A number of standard

courses of fire are used, shot under time
limits, and usually requiring shooters to fire
from behind barricades in various positions.
Target loads in .38 Special or 9 mm Para. are
In all practical shooting disciplines, most
shooters employ specialized holsters, a
matching gun belt, and one or more mag-
azine or speedloader pouches to facilitate
To contact the sanctioning bodies for the various forms of practical pistol competition,
see Appendix B: Information and Training Resources.

Silhouette Competition
In silhouette shooting, the targets are life-size or reduced-size steel silhouettes of four
game animals—ram, turkey, pig and chicken—that must be knocked over to score a hit.
Banks of targets for each animal are set at differ-
ent distances from the firing line. In some classes
of competition, the furthest (ram) targets may be
placed as far as 200 meters from the shooter.

Handgun silhouette competitors

shoot from the standing position
(left), often with highly specialized
pistols, or from a variety of freestyle
positions, such as shown at right.

128 Chapter 19: Pistol Shooting Activities and Opportunities for Skill Development
Handgun silhouette competition utilizes a variety of pistols, fired at ranges as much as 200 yards
at full- or reduced-size steel silhouettes of chickens, pigs, turkeys and rams. Most favored are
specialized single-shot pistols or single-action revolvers.
Shooting is done from the standing position or the freestyle position, in which the shooter
is positioned on the ground. Competition is held in a variety of classes, for both .22
rimfire and centerfire pistols, with both iron and optical sights, and using standing and
freestyle positions. Some shooting classes favor long-barreled .22 target pistols, while oth-
ers are dominated by typical big-bore hunting revolvers and specialized single-shot pistols
in rifle calibers. There is even a class for air pistol shooters.
To contact the sanctioning body for NRA silhouette competition, see Appendix B: Infor-
mation and Training Resources.

Cowboy Action Competition

Cowboy Action Shooting is a relatively new sport, and reflects a resurgence in interest in
the historical American West. Cowboy Action competitors are required to dress in period
clothing and assume nicknames reflecting the flavor of the Old West. Most matches
have events for pistols, rifles and
Courses of fire are similar to
those used in practical pistol
competition, in that they reflect
the originality and creativity of the
course designer. Thus, the stages
at each match are likely to be very
different. Extensive use is made of
period props, such as barrels, hay
bales, and even small buildings to
give the shooter new and interest- The single-action revolver is the proto-typical pistol for
ing challenges. Some pistol events Cowboy Action shooting. Period clothing is a must.

Chapter 19: Pistol Shooting Activities and Opportunities for Skill Development 129
even involve shooting balloons
with special shot cartridges while
riding a horse. Successful Cowboy
Action pistol shooters must be able
to fire from a variety of positions,
at ranges up to 25 yards, with
two hands as well as with just the
strong and weak hands.
Targets include metal plates,
cardboard silhouettes and the
aforementioned balloons. Scoring
is calculated on the basis of both
the hits achieved and the time
Part of the enjoyment of Cowboy Action competition is
taken to complete the stage.
dressing in period clothing and gear.
Pistols for Cowboy Action
Shooting are limited to those guns (or modern copies) whose designs originated prior
to approximately 1900. This generally means a revolver, such as a Colt Peacemaker (or
modern copy), Smith & Wesson Schofield or Russian (or modern copy), 1875 Remington
(or modern copy) and other similar models.
Cowboy Action shooters have an extensive range of accessories from which to choose,
from period clothes, boots and hats to various types of holsters, gun belts, cartridge belts
and more.
To contact the sanctioning body for Cowboy Action Shooting see Appendix B: Informa-
tion and Training Resources.

Although nearly all of the millions of rounds fired by civilian pistol shooters each year
are expended at targets or game, most pistol owners cite “self-defense” among the reasons
for owning a gun. The right of self-defense is enshrined in American law, and the majority
of states acknowledge the right of law-abiding citizens to carry a firearm for self-protec-
There are generally two situations in which a firearm is used for personal protec-
tion: home defense, in which the firearm is stored in the home, and concealed carry, in
which the firearm is carried on the person in public. The requirements of these two types
of self-defense are different, and thus usually involve different pistol types and cartridge
In general, any pistol used for self-defense purposes must be able to fire several shots
without reloading; and should be reliable, easy to use and easy to reload. Also, it should be
chambered for a reasonably powerful cartridge. Semi-automatic pistols and double-action
revolvers most closely fit these requirements, and are thus best suited for self-defense use.
The subject of self-defense in or outside the home is far too complex to summarize here.
The defensive-minded pistol owner not only must choose among many pistol types, sizes
and calibers; he or she must also be proficient in a variety of shooting techniques. Just as
importantly, he or she must know techniques for avoiding or evading attacks, the physio-
logical and psychological phenomena that often accompany or follow a violent

130 Chapter 19: Pistol Shooting Activities and Opportunities for Skill Development
confrontation, and the mental, legal
and social aftermath of using a firearm
to protect oneself or one’s family. Final-
ly, the pistol owner must also know his
or her legal rights and responsibilities
regarding self-defense.
Owning a pistol for self-defense is
a great responsibility, not to be taken
lightly. The proper training will build
the knowledge, skills and attitude to
use a firearm safely and responsibly for
self defense. The NRA offers two com-
prehensive and highly rated defensive
pistol courses: the Basic Personal Pro-
tection In The Home Course, for pistol
owners interested in home defense,
and the Personal Protection Outside
The Home Course, for those wishing to
obtain a concealed carry permit. For
more information about these courses,
visit www.nrainstructors.org.
Almost any type of pistol can be used for personal
protection. Full-size pistols are often used for home
OPPORTUNITIES FOR defense, while compact models may be preferred for
concealed carry.
The NRA Basic Pistol Course should not be regarded as the endpoint of the train-
ing experience, but rather as the first step in the development of pistol shooting skills
and abilities. There are many ways in which the knowledge, skills and attitude that are
acquired in the Basic Pistol Course can be enhanced, from individual practice to formal
training and official competition. The selection of the appropriate activity is based on your
needs, resources and time schedule.

Dry-fire practice is an inexpensive, safe and time-efficient way to enhance shooting
fundamentals and practice the various shooting positions. Dry-firing involves practicing
every phase of the firing process using an unloaded firearm.
All dry-fire practice must be performed under the following safety rules:
• The firearm must be completely unloaded.
• All dry-firing is done in a dedicated dry-fire area having a safe
backstop at which the gun is pointed.
• No live ammunition is allowed in the dedicated dry-fire area.
• Reloading drills are performed only with dummy ammunition.
Of course, even though the firearm is unloaded, it is important to still observe the first
Rule for Safe Gun Handling—ALWAYS keep the gun pointed in a safe direction.

Chapter 19: Pistol Shooting Activities and Opportunities for Skill Development 131
Dry-firing can be used to practice a variety of skills, including reloading a revolver or
semi-automatic pistol; clearing stoppages (using dummy ammunition); practicing various
shooting positions (kneeling, squatting, prone, etc.); and, of course, mastering the shoot-
ing fundamentals as well as grip, position and NAA (Natural Aiming Area). The ways that
dry-firing can be used to enhance shooting skills are limited only by the imagination.
Laser technology affords a variation on traditional dry-fire techniques, in the form of
target systems allowing an unmodified firearm to “fire” a beam of laser light at a target
sensor. Such systems use a cartridge-shaped laser light inserted into the gun’s chamber and
activated by the firing pin strike.

Although dry-fire practice, as well as the review of books, videos and other materials,
can add considerably to your knowledge and ability, there is no substitute for live-fire
practice in improving pistol shooting skills. Initially, the novice shooter should con-
centrate upon drills that promote mastery of the shooting fundamentals. Later, as skill
improves, more challenging drills may be practiced.
A shooting partner during live-fire exercises not only provides an additional incentive
to practice; such a partner can help you better assess your progress. During a live-fire
practice session, a partner can observe and give feedback on stance, grip, and shooting
fundamentals. On occasion a video record of the practice session may be useful in perfect-
ing form or diagnosing shooting problems, particularly when played back in slow motion.
The video camera must always be placed at or behind the firing line, never in front of the



The Winchester/NRA Pistol Marksmanship Qualification Program offers recognition for increas-
ing levels of shooting skill.

132 Chapter 19: Pistol Shooting Activities and Opportunities for Skill Development
Any pistol shooter can develop skills and gain recognition for his or her level of profi-
ciency in the Winchester/NRA Pistol Marksmanship Qualification Program, a self-paced
recreational shooting activity that provides shooters of all skill levels with both fun and a
sense of accomplishment. The Program consists of seven different skill ratings which are
earned by attaining the required scores on a series of increasingly challenging courses of
fire. For more information on the Winchester/NRA Pistol Marksmanship Qualification
Program, see Appendix B: Information and Training Resources.

The NRA Basic Pistol Course provides a thorough grounding in the fundamentals of
safe and effective pistol shooting. Practice and application of these techniques will greatly
enhance pistol shooting skill and enjoyment.
In recognition of the fact that self-defense is a concern of many pistol owners, the NRA’s
Education and Training Division offers the NRA Personal Protection In The Home and
NRA Personal Protection Outside The Home Courses. These courses cover the essential
shooting skills required for effective home defense and concealed carry, and, in terms
of the number of shots fired and the diversity of skills taught, are comparable to courses
offered at elite shooting schools. In addition to varied shooting and gun handling tech-
niques, these courses also present ways that an armed citizen can avoid, deter, escape or
evade a violent confrontation.
Some shooters may wish to avail themselves of non-NRA training available at numerous
facilities throughout the country. The instruction provided at such facilities may vary in
terms of length, quality, type and cost. Shooters contemplating enrolling at such a facility
should consider:
• Reputation of facility
• Geographic location
• Cost of course
• Credentials of instructors
• Student-teacher ratio
• Safety record of institution
• Types of courses offered
• Availability of nearby lodging (for multi-day courses)
Pistol enthusiasts who are primarily interested in improving their skills in a compet-
itive discipline may avail themselves of NRA’s Coach Program. This program provides
advanced individualized coaching to pistol owners at all levels who are competing in
NRA Bullseye, NRA Action Pistol, and NRA Air Pistol matches.

Chapter 19: Pistol Shooting Activities and Opportunities for Skill Development 133
NRA Concealed Carry Holster Guide

The NRA Concealed Carry Holster Guide has been created by civilians that actually carry
a concealed firearm, day in and day out; by individuals that have had to think ahead and
choose the right holster for the right attire and/or occasion. In most cases, the first holster
was never the “right” holster. As you will see with this guide, we have thought about all the
attributes and principles associated with carrying a concealed firearm. We will introduce
various methods of concealed carry and explain the advantages and disadvantages of each
type. Hopefully, this guide will help you make the proper selection the first time in your
quest for the “right” holster.
However, you must also keep in mind that there is no specific “perfect” holster or carry
mode for all occasions. Ultimately, if you decide to carry a pistol on a daily basis, you will
end up owning and incorporating different types of holsters for the same gun. Holster
selection will become seasonal and your selection will be driven by what you are wearing.
This may require a lifestyle change. You will need to consider your wardrobe, versus your
carry mode, and choose the appropriate attire that will keep your firearm concealed and
still provide you with a level of comfort and security as you go about your daily routine.
A gun left at home will do you no good when you need it. As a wise man once said,
“carrying a personal protection firearm is meant to be comforting, not comfortable.” As
we may not necessarily agree with this, hopefully our guide will help enhance your holster
shopping experience and help you find the correct holsters to meet all your daily carry


Selecting a suitable carry holster is only part of your overall pistol concealment strategy.
Your carry holster must be integrated with the proper clothing and you must constantly
be aware of the body positions, actions and activities that promote or hinder gun con-
cealment. There are a number of basic principles, techniques and tips to help you better
conceal your gun.

Concealed Carry Gun

Chances are, you may have already selected and purchased your concealed carry firearm.
In many cases, an individual selects the largest, most powerful gun that they can shoot
well to incorporate into their daily lives. Unfortunately, this first selection may not always
be the best one or the gun that you actually will carry on a daily basis. From experience,
these large, heavy guns may end up locked up in a drawer or in your safe and not actually
be on your person when you need it. If you already have the big heavy gun, all is not lost
and there is no need to worry. You may also choose to purchase another firearm specific
to your needs on any given day. Many people who have introduced a firearm into their
daily personal protection strategies own several guns. If you wear a business suit all day,
you can carry a large framed heavy pistol, as long as you have the appropriate holster and
belt to complement it. However, this attire is not always appropriate or desired. If you live

Appendix A: Concealed Carry Holster Guide 137

in a “beach” community or go on vacation where you will be wearing shorts and a t-shirt
or other casual attire, you may wish to carry a different gun and utilize a different carry
mode. It is important that you are able to blend in with the crowd and do not appear
“odd” for the occasion.
Though this guide will focus on the carry system and concealed carry, it is important to
introduce some factors that should be considered when selecting the pistol that you will
carry. First, the gun must be easy to conceal, but just as important, it should be easy to
draw from under clothing. For maximum concealment, the smallest gun you can shoot
well, in the caliber you have selected, would be the best.
Some considerations when choosing your pistol should outweigh others, such as gun
width. The narrower the gun, the less it will protrude. Semi-automatic pistols are generally
more “concealable” than revolvers. If you choose a revolver, consider a five-shot revolver,
over a larger capacity, as the cylinder diameter will be slimmer. The cylinder of a revolv-
er is most likely the widest part of the gun. Smaller, light framed hammerless five shot
revolvers make fine pocket pistols, which we will cover in more detail later in this guide.
The dimension of the grip or gun butt is
also an important consideration and could
determine the manner in which you choose
to carry. The gun is usually positioned by
the holster in a manner that will place the
grip so that it will stick out slightly from the
body for access. This can produce a bulge
in your clothing. A long bulky grip will
produce a larger bulge and will require a
lot of thought in your chosen carry mode
and attire. Smaller gun butts/grips would be
best. In addition, the grip should be made
of relatively hard, smooth materials, such as
wood or hard plastic. Although soft rubber
grips may help absorb felt recoil, they will
cause your clothing to stick, bunch or ride
up the grip. This will also happen with very
heavy checkering or “skateboard” taped
grips. If you have wood grips with heavy
checkering, you can “dull” the sharp edges
with fine sandpaper.
The gun’s dimensions are also an important
Gun length is not as important as the width
consideration and could determine the manner
or gun-butt size, yet it is still an important
in which you choose to carry.
aspect to consider. A pistol with a six or
eight inch barrel will not only be heavier to carry, it will be tougher to conceal, unless you
wear a heavy coat and carry it in a muzzle down shoulder holster, which we will introduce
later in this guide. In most cases, you can own the same gun, in the same caliber with a
much shorter barrel. This will provide the security of your chosen caliber, yet give you
more options when considering your concealed carry mode. Let’s face it, even if you start
out with that six-inch, large framed revolver in a shoulder holster, you will most likely
determine later that a smaller, lighter gun would be preferred.
Your concealed carry firearm should be as “snag-free” as possible. With some guns,
dehorning may be desirable. Dehorning is the process of making the gun as smooth as

138 Appendix A: Concealed Carry Holster Guide

possible, without sharp edges that can abrade clothing or snag clothing during the draw.
Certain guns can be dehorned even further, by removing the spur from the external ham-
mer. This is usually performed by a gunsmith. Some short-barreled revolvers incorporate
a hammer shroud, which not only provides a snag-free draw, but also allows the gun to be
fired repeatedly from a pocket, if necessary, without the danger of the fabric being caught
between the gun’s hammer and frame.

Concealment Clothing
As indicated in the introduction, incorporating a concealed gun into your daily life may
require quite a lifestyle change. Not only do you need to consider the pistol you will
choose to carry, you also should consider the clothing you will wear that will afford the
comfort, concealment and facilitate a smooth presentation of your firearm, should the
need exist. There are basic principles to follow when selecting concealment clothing.
First and foremost, you should wear clothing that is appropriate for the occasion. It should
blend in with the style and type of clothing that is appropriate to the weather and the
circumstances. A lightweight sport coat worn to conceal a gun in a hip holster would fit
in an office or city street, but would be totally inappropriate on a beach or a jogging trail.
Any jacket at all may be out of place on a sweltering summer day. If you have a coat on
and everyone else is wearing nothing but t-shirts, you’ll certainly stand out and attract the
attention of any reasonably observant person.
Loose clothing will hide the signs or bulges that may alert the casual observer that you are
carrying a gun. It will also make it easier for you to access and draw your gun if needed.
Yet, you must also keep in mind that clothing that is excessively loose can draw unwanted
attention and gather in folds that may actually impede the draw.
If you carry your gun under a jacket, make sure you can comfortably button or zip it up to
keep it from blowing open on a windy day.
Heavy clothing or clothing made of heavy fabric would be preferred over clothing that is
made of a light fabric. However, you must consider what is appropriate and possible for
the climate and occasion. A light fabric can easily conform to a protruding stock or holster
and easily reveal the straps of a shoulder holster. Heavy fabric will usually hang in a way
that conceals any irregular shape that lies beneath it. Of utmost importance, the heavy
fabric tends to be easier to sweep aside to access your firearm.
Avoid very light-colored clothing. Bulges in clothing caused by a concealed handgun cre-
ate hollows and shadows. These can be more evident when the clothing is light-colored.
Clothing with regular patterns, such as stripes, geometric patterns, plaids and so forth
create a visual reference that easily reveals any irregularities in the way the clothing hangs
on the body. Solid-colored fabric or fabric with a random pattern should be your choice
when carrying a concealed firearm.

Holster Selection Fundamentals

As with any purchase, you should consider the ultimate goal of the product and apply
certain fundamentals in your decision prior to purchase. For instance, when selecting
your automobile, you need to consider in what conditions you want to remain mobile. If
you live in a snowy environment, you may want to purchase an all-wheel or four-wheel
drive vehicle. Having a top quality holster and belt is essential for proper carry. The basic
fundamentals you should consider prior to purchase are; concealment, access, retention
and comfort.

Appendix A: Concealed Carry Holster Guide 139

The single most important aspect of concealed carry is to actually have your gun on your
person when you need it. The best pistol and holster in the world will do you no good if
you left them at home when you are confronted with violence.
For safety, all pistol carry devices should cover the trigger while it is in the holster. This
would prevent the inadvertent pulling of the trigger during presentation and prevent any
other object, such as fabric of a shirt or blouse snagging and pulling the trigger.
Concealment: The primary function of your holster or other device used to carry your
pistol is to conceal it on your person. Concealment means that a reasonably observant
person would have little or no suspicion that you are carrying a pistol.
In many situations, it is just as bad for a person to suspect you are carrying a gun as it is
for that person to know you are carrying.
Access: You must be able to get to your gun immediately when you need it. There are two
components to access. These are physically grasping the firearm and being able to remove
it from the holster or other carry device.
Whatever carry mode you choose, you must be able to access and present your firearm as
quickly as possible.
There is often a tradeoff between concealment and accessibility. Holsters and other con-
cealed carry devices offering the greatest concealment often do not afford optimum access
and vice versa.
As you will come to determine, an example of a holster that provides high concealment,
yet does not afford the ability to draw very quickly would be an ankle holster. On the
contrary, a holster that can provide immediate access, yet is not very concealable would be
a crossdraw holster.
Keep in mind that the selection of any particular carry device is usually a compromise
between concealment and access. The relative importance of each will be a primary con-
sideration for the gun owner.
Retention: Your holster or other carry device should be able to retain its grip on your
pistol. Consider activities such as running, jumping or any other strenuous activities. It
should also retain if you sit, bend over, fall to the ground or end up grappling with an
assailant. You should also consider retention in the event an attacker attempts to take your
gun from you.
The best form of retention is accomplished with snug-fitting holsters that are molded to a
specific gun (friction fit) or held in place by spring tension.
Although retention straps or devices that must be manually manipulated to remove your
firearm from the device may afford a higher level of retention, they must be unfastened
prior to the draw. This represents another step that must be performed under stress, which
may slow your presentation.
Ultimately, a properly made holster that is snugly fitted to the pistol usually allows a draw
in one direction only, making removal by an assailant more difficult. Hip holsters with a
forward tilt (“FBI cant”) make it harder for an assailant to remove the gun from behind.
Fitted holsters often provide the individual a good level of retention with the ability to
perform a fast presentation, unimpeded by straps that must be unfastened.

140 Appendix A: Concealed Carry Holster Guide

Keep in mind that some carry devices, such as holster purses and fanny packs, almost
always employ some sort of hook and loop retaining straps to secure and position the gun
inside the device.
Comfort: Finally, the often most overlooked factor in choosing a carry device is comfort.
If your carry device is not comfortable, you are more likely to leave your gun at home. In
addition, you may reveal the fact that you are carrying a gun if you are frequently read-
justing its position and scratching where it irritates you.
An uncomfortable holster or other carry device often indicates that something is not
quite right. The gun may be too heavy, the belt is too thin or tight or the holster may not
position the gun in a manner that affords the most comfort.
Choosing appropriate equipment will contribute to comfortable carry for extended pe-
riods. Consider the belt you choose for a hip holster. It should be a “gun belt” or a heavy,
wide belt that fits the holster belt openings tightly. If you choose a shoulder holster, con-
sider wide, smooth cross straps. Be sure to choose a holster that has rounded edges where
it contacts the body.
Many holster manufacturers offer a “body shield” on their holsters. This is a process in
which the holster material that lies against the body rises to the height of the gun, so
safeties, sights and otherwise steel or plastic edges are not rubbing your body while you
are carrying.
Unfortunately, experimentation with different types and brands of carry devices may be
the only way to find the one that is right for you. Also be mindful that some combinations,
such as a heavy, large-framed pistol worn in a belt holster by a small person may never
afford complete comfort.

Holsters and other carry devices are usually constructed of leather, nylon fabric or plastic/
Leather holsters can be made to snugly fit a pistol, making a safety strap unnecessary on
some designs. Fitted leather holsters can expand with use, making some sort of tension
adjustment desirable. Holster purses are usually made of leather to make them resemble
traditional purses. Leather is reasonably tough and durable, but can deteriorate when
exposed to moisture, oils, solvents and extreme temperature conditions.
Nylon fabric is used for many types of pistol carry devices, including holsters, holster
purses and fanny packs. This material is soft and flexible and is often used in several layers
with a layer of padding sandwiched between. Holsters made of nylon fabric cannot be
made to fit a pistol as snugly as fitted leather holsters do and usually require a safety or
retaining strap.
Holsters made of Plastic or polymer are usually hard stiff holsters that offer retention
equal to fitted leather holsters. Plastic or polymer designs have an ability to retain their
shape over time and are more resistant than leather to moisture, solvents and oil. Pistols
may move slightly inside hard polymer holsters, producing noise and wear on the gun’s

The Holster
A gun holster is a carry device that positions the gun on the body, leaving both hands
free. Holsters are the most common carry devices for pistols and are the best for most

Appendix A: Concealed Carry Holster Guide 141

people under most condi-
tions. A properly designed
holster positions the gun in a
consistent manner and helps
conceal the gun under ap-
propriate clothing. The most
common holsters are strong-
side hip, shoulder, crossdraw,
small-of-the-back, ankle and
pocket holsters.
The strong-side hip holster
is the most familiar type of
A selection of concealed carry holsters holster. These holsters are
positioned on the shooting
hand side, usually between the kidney and the point of the hip. These holsters offer the
best combination of concealment, access and retention.
When selecting a holster for concealed carry, keep in mind that the holster must ride as
high as possible, while still allowing a proper draw. It should hold the gun tight against the
body for maximum concealment and be silent when the gun is carried. Squeaking leather
or clicking hard plastic can give away the presence of a pistol. There are several different
types of strong-side hip holsters.
Belt slide, pancake or other kinds of holsters that attach to the belt by way of belt slots or
loops provide extreme stability and consistent positioning on the body. The different types
of such holsters vary primarily in the pattern of the belt slots or loops. Pancake holsters,
which are flat and wide with widely-spaced belt slots, position the gun close to the body,
promoting concealment.
Inside-the-waistband holsters place the holster inside the
waistband of the pants instead of outside, as in other hip
holster designs. Belt loops encircle the belt and retain the
holster in place. Such holsters provide excellent conceal-
ment. Note that you will need to wear one size larger
pants and belt to provide adequate room to use an in-
side-the-waistband holster comfortably.
Paddle holsters are secured by means of a large flat paddle
that fits inside the waistband rather than by belt slots or
loops. The main advantage of
a paddle holster is their ease Inside-the-waistband holster
of attachment and detachment.
Often, the paddle design tends to push the holster farther
out from the body, causing it to be slightly harder to con-
Strong-side hip holsters have a number of strengths to con-
sider. Pistol retention with strong-side hip holsters is very
good. They probably afford the fastest presentation speed
among the holster types and provide a safe draw. The gun
is presented in a natural motion that goes straight toward
the target with the muzzle pointing downward until it is
Paddle holster

142 Appendix A: Concealed Carry Holster Guide

rotated toward the target. This natural presentation motion
minimizes the risk of sweeping innocent bystanders or parts
of your body.
Even though their strengths may outweigh their limitations,
you must consider that they generally must be worn with
a jacket or coat or, at best, a larger or loose shirt that is not
tucked in. The clothing must be long enough to conceal the
holster. Gun access may be limited when seated in a chair or
in a vehicle.
Shoulder holsters suspend the
Strong-side hip holster firearm under the support
side arm from a harness
made of leather or fabric straps that wrap around the back
and shoulders. Like belt holsters, they are available in ver-
sions that suspend the pistol in various ways.
Upside-down shoulder holsters put the pistol in the armpit,
suspended butt-down. They offer good concealment for
small-frame revolvers and semi-automatics.
A vertical shoulder holster suspends the pistol muz-
zle-down, with the butt under the armpit. Such holsters are
Vertical shoulder holster
often preferred for large-frame or long-barreled pistols.
Horizontal shoulder holsters place the gun with the muzzle
pointing directly to the rear and the butt forward. These
holsters put the gun in perhaps the most natural drawing
position. These holsters work best with fairly short pistols.
The best shoulder holsters offer good concealment, reten-
tion, access and comfort. They are usually the only holsters
that can conceal a pistol under a short jacket, such as a
“bomber” jacket. Some vertical shoulder holsters use spring
steel inserts, while vertical and upside-down shoulder
holsters may use a simple thumb-break retention strap to
retain the gun. These devices
Horizontal shoulder holster enable a simple draw.
Consider their weaknesses as well. During presentation
from a shoulder holster, the firearm often sweeps a wide
arc or otherwise points in an unsafe direction. Shoulder
holsters that carry the pistol pointing to the rear potentially
endanger persons behind the wearer. Upside-down shoul-
der holsters carry the firearm with the muzzle pointing
upward into the armpit, a potentially unsafe direction. Both
the horizontal and vertical shoulder holsters position the
pistol so that it could easily be grabbed by an assailant.
Shoulder holsters are able to
The crossdraw holster positions the pistol on the belt on the
conceal a pistol under short
support side with the butt facing more or less forward. In
jackets like this.
use, the shooting hand reaches across the body to grasp the
gun and draw it from the holster.

Appendix A: Concealed Carry Holster Guide 143

Crossdraw holsters provide a moderate to good level of con-
cealment, fair retention and good access and comfort. Many
crossdraw holsters are fitted snugly to the gun, eliminating
the need for a safety strap. They provide good access and
comfort while seated.
One of the drawbacks of a crossdraw holster to consider
would be your size. A person having a large girth, a pro-
truding abdomen or short arms will have to position the
gun further forward in order to access it with the shooting
hand. This, in turn, makes concealment difficult. Since the
gun is positioned with the butt forward, it makes grabbing
it easier for an assailant at arm’s length. While presenting Crossdraw holster
the gun, it is easy to point the gun rearward or to sweep a wide
Ankle holsters position the gun on the lower leg, on or just
above the ankle. Typically, a cuff or series of straps wrap
around the lower leg, with the gun positioned muzzle-down
on the inside of the leg. The gun is most often located on the
inside of the support side leg.
The primary benefit of an ankle holster is concealment. The
ankle holster is an example of compromising accessibility with
a good level of concealment, provided you wear pants in which
the pant legs are sufficiently loose.
Accessing the gun in an ankle holster requires a relatively com-
Ankle holster plex sequence of events: Bending down or lifting the leg, lifting
the pants leg and releasing the safety strap before the gun can be drawn. During the draw,
if you are trying to maintain balance on one leg, you may inadvertently point the gun in
an unsafe direction. For some people, the extra weight on one leg makes the ankle holster
feel awkward or uncomfortable.

Small-of-the-back holster
The small-of-the-back holster provides excellent concealment of the gun when you are
viewed from the front. However, when you are viewed from the side or rear, a bulge may
be readily visible if a medium- or large-frame gun is carried. A small gun will often be
well concealed in such a holster. Concealment is enhanced with an inside-the-waistband
small-of-the-back holster, as the lower part of the holster and the gun are hidden inside
the waistband of the pants.

144 Appendix A: Concealed Carry Holster Guide

There are drawbacks with a small-of-the-back holster as well. Retention can be problem-
atic if an assailant observes the holster and grabs for the gun, considering how difficult
it is to struggle with an assailant who is behind you. Comfort may be a big factor with
this type of holster, especially when sitting. Additionally, when taking a seat in a chair or
hard backed bench, the gun butt can knock against the back with a telltale sound. Access
is only fair, since you need to reach behind the back and under your clothing. In regard
to safety, is is very easy to inadvertently point the gun’s muzzle at your thigh or side or to
sweep others in a wide arc.
A pocket holster is a staple in many people’s concealed carry
arsenal. So many people start out with large pistols and
determine after time that a small pocket-sized pistol may
be perfect in many situations in which a larger gun may be
inconvenient or uncomfortable. Pocket pistols can easily be
tossed into a pant or coat pocket if you are making a quick
trip to the all-night convenience store.
First and foremost, to be considered a “pocket pistol” the
gun must generally be small in size, light weight and made
with rounded edges and has very few controls to prevent
snagging during presentation. They are comfortable to carry
and easy to conceal. Pocket holster

Why bother with a pocket holster you ask? Good question! A gun carried in a pocket
without a holster may rotate so that its butt is downward when you go to access it. Obvi-
ously, this would make presentation more difficult. Even the smallest pistols will tend to
“print” through clothing and may alarm a reasonably observant person.
Pocket holsters that fit inside the pocket and hold a small pistol, serve to both orient the
gun’s butt in a consistent position and break up the gun’s outline through the clothing.
The main strength of pocket holsters is that they allow the concealment of a small “pocket
pistol” with virtually any type of clothing. They are extremely convenient, which may en-
courage people to carry a defensive pistol more frequently and they are usually relatively
You may wish to consider the drawbacks. First of
all, only a small pistol can be carried concealed
in a pocket. In addition, no other objects, such
as loose change, matches, keys or any other com-
monly carried items should be mixed in the same
pocket that you carry your pistol in and they can
be difficult to draw from a seated position. The
good news is, they have become so popular, most
manufacturers offer them in powerful calibers
and have developed them to a point as to be
considered very reliable.

Other Carry Modes

You may consider other holster-type pistol carry
devices, of which there are many. Other choices
include such things as holster vests/holster jackets.
These specialized pieces of clothing have pockets Holster jacket

Appendix A: Concealed Carry Holster Guide 145

or compartments that contain integral holsters capable of concealing pistols of almost any
size. While these articles offer a reasonable level of access and concealment, care must be
taken not to carelessly put the jacket aside or hang it up. They also tend to sag very visibly
to one side, unless you add equal weight to the opposite side. In addition, since most of
these garments tend to place the gun on the support side, the same safety concerns applied
to presenting the pistol from a shoulder holster
must be considered.
The underwear holster lies completely inside the
pants with the pistol positioned in front of the
crotch. Accessing the gun involves reaching down
inside the pants. Concealment and retention of a
small pistol can be excellent, but access obviously
takes some effort.
Belly bands are wide elastic bands that fit under
the shirt or blouse and into which pistols can be Underwear holster (pictured on the
inserted for carry. Most designs incorporate a outside of clothing)
holster or pocket
to locate the gun. Drawing your gun requires opening or
pulling up the covering clothing.
Thigh holsters are usually made with wide elastic bands and
incorporate a holster or pocket to locate the gun. They are
very similar in design to the ankle holster, yet they are to
be worn with shorts, skirts and dresses, on the support side
thigh. Drawing the gun requires pulling up the short’s leg,
dress or skirt.
Bra holsters have become
available and are gaining
Belly band holster popularity in some circles.
They are usually made with
thin fabric and are snapped directly to a brassiere, placing a
very small pocket pistol between the breasts.
All such devices provide primarily “deep cover” carry in
which concealment is the primary concern and access is
often limited.
Bra holster
Holster Accessories
Holster accessories can increase the effectiveness of the chosen holster. Note in the illus-
tration that the holster design incorporates a “body shield” on the side of the holster that
lies against the body to prevent abrasions and discomfort.
Gun belts are extra-thick leather belts having the requisite rigidity to support the weight

Gun belt (note the “body shield on the holster)

146 Appendix A: Concealed Carry Holster Guide

of a pistol and holster without bending or curling over. Proper gun belts help position the
gun consistently on the body. The width of the belt should match the width of the holster’s
belt loops or slots. It is easy to find gun belts that are made to resemble standard dress
belts, aiding gun concealment. The length of the belt may need to be longer than a normal
dress belt.
Magazine or speedloader pouches can be mounted on the belt if a covering garment is worn
or may be carried in a pocket; carried in either location, these devices allow an individual
to carry extra ammunition in an acces-
sible location. It is equally important
to ensure these accessories are also
concealed. If worn exposed, they may
give away the fact that one is carrying a
firearm as well.
Holster purses are designed to look and
function like normal women’s purses.
The best holster purses are designed
expressly for carrying a concealed Holster purses
pistol and incorporate a dedicated gun
com-partment and utilize steel reinforced straps that resist cutting. They hold the gun in a
position for a proper grip with easy-access closures.
An assortment of purses should be obtained to ensure a pistol can be carried no matter
what style or type of clothing is worn.
Holster purses that can be hung off the
support side shoulder are more easily
carried and retained than those which
can be carried only by handles.
Holster purses provide excellent con-
cealability and good access and comfort.
The level of retention they offer depends
upon the purse design as well as the
way in which the purse is carried and
Holster purses
Holster purse strengths include fast
pistol access provided by some models that have separate gun compartments featuring
quick-opening closures. They are often the only method of concealed pistol carry for
women wearing clothing that does not allow the use of a
holster. They are identical in appearance to standard purses
and thus provide strong pistol concealment.
You should consider that some designs place the firearm in
a position so that it points directly to the rear when carried.
Many holster purses are suspended from a shoulder strap
on the support side; others have handles. With either type,
one hand—usually the support hand—is always engaged in
retaining or carrying the purse.
Drawing from a holster purse usually requires both hands, Fanny pack holster
one to retain, stabilize or open the purse and the other to grasp the gun inside. Special
vigilance is required to keep from carelessly leaving the purse unattended or to make it a

Appendix A: Concealed Carry Holster Guide 147

tempting target for a purse snatcher. When drawing from a purse, special techniques must
be used to avoid sweeping a wide arc and possibly innocent bystanders.
Briefcases and day planners are available that feature a compartment or internal holster for
a pistol. The advantages and disadvantages are very similar to those of a holster purse.
Fanny packs are small pouches of fabric or, less frequently, leather that fit around the waist
with an attached belt. Despite their name, most fanny packs today are worn at the front of
the body. They are commonly worn during physical activity such as running or riding a
bike or when the clothing does not employ a belt, such as gym shorts.
Like holster purses, the best fanny packs are those designed expressly for carrying a pistol.
Avoid fanny packs bearing logos of gun related companies; criminals know these compa-
nies and will recognize your fanny packs as containing a gun. Fanny packs designed for
concealed carry utilize separate quick-opening gun compartments.
Even though a specifically designed fanny pack is desirable, many people simply drop a
small pistol in a regular fanny pack.
Fanny packs do a good job of concealing a small to medium sized pistol and offer many of
the same benefits of holster purses, though they have an additional advantage of freeing
up both hands when worn. They may offer the only way of carrying a concealed pistol
when light jogging or workout clothing is worn in warm weather. Fanny packs specifically
designed for guns offer good concealment, access, retention and comfort.
As with any other device, these have their limitations as well. If a regular fanny pack is
used, the compartment in which the gun is carried should be absolutely free of other ob-
jects. Many criminals are aware that fanny packs are often used to carry pistols. They look
out of place in many situations or with inappropriate attire.

Testing the Concealed Pistol Carry Device

You have your pistol and have decided on a carry de-
vice to incorporate it into your daily life. Testing the
carry device for concealment, retention, access and
comfort is your final step.

All tests of a carry device must

be performed with an
unloaded pistol.
Use a full-length mirror or two mirrors, if necessary,
to determine if your pistol is concealed from different
Turn, bend, stoop, squat and reach while wearing
your gun to determine if it is revealed by movement.
Have a second person observe you as you move. Use a full-length mirror to deter-
Raising your arms above your head causes your mine if your pistol is concealed
concealing garment to ride up several inches, poten- properly.
tially revealing the bottom of a belt holster. Bending
forward can make the butt of a gun worn in a hip holster stick out toward the rear.
Test the device for concealment in the wind. A gun concealed under a jacket can easily be
revealed should a gust of wind blow the jacket open.

148 Appendix A: Concealed Carry Holster Guide

Test retention while jumping, jogging or engaging in
other strenuous activities. Have a friend attempt to
snatch your gun from the carry device. Any retention
problems may require adjustment or replacement of
the device.
Be sure to test the device for rapid access to the
firearm by practicing presentation while wearing your
concealing garment. You can have a friend time your
presentation with a stopwatch. An elapsed time of
much more than two seconds is too slow.
Finally, test the device for comfort by wearing it
around your home for extended periods of time.

Be sure to test your device for rapid


We hope that this guide has provided you with the

necessary information to assist you in your search
for the perfect concealed carry solution.
Remember, with this right comes responsibilities.
It is the gun owner’s responsibility to learn and obey
all applicable laws that pertain to the purchase,
possession, carry and use of a firearm in their locale.

Appendix A: Concealed Carry Holster Guide 149

NRA Facts

Established in 1871, the National Rifle Association of America (NRA) is a non-profit

organization supported entirely by membership fees and by donations from public-spirit-
ed citizens.
The NRA does not receive any appropriations from Congress, nor is it a trade organiza-
tion. It is not affiliated with any gun or ammunition manufacturers, or with any businesses
which deal in guns or ammunition.
The membership roster of the NRA has included seven Presidents of the United States,
two Supreme Court Chief Justices of the United States, and many of America’s outstanding
diplomats, military leaders, members of Congress, and other public officials.
Originally formed to promote marksmanship training, the NRA has since reached out
to establish a wide variety of activities, ranging from gun safety programs for children and
adults to gun collecting and gunsmithing.
Law enforcement personnel throughout the country have also received training from
NRA Certified Law Enforcement Instructors in the firearm skills needed to protect them-
selves and the public.
In addition, clubs that are enrolled or affiliated with the NRA exist in communities
across the nation, teaching youths and adults gun safety, marksmanship, and responsibili-
ty while also providing recreational activities.
The NRA cooperates with federal agencies, all branches of the U.S. Armed Forces, and
state and local governments that are interested in training and safety programs.
The basic goals of the NRA are to:
• Protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, especially in regard to the
Second Amendment right of the individual citizen to keep and bear arms;
• Promote public safety, law and order, and the national defense;
• Train citizens and members of law enforcement agencies and the armed forces in
the safe handling and efficient use of firearms;
• Foster and promote the shooting sports at local, state, regional, national, and inter-
national levels; and
• Promote hunter safety and proper wildlife management.
For additional information about the NRA, including programs, publications and mem-
bership, contact: National Rifle Association of America, 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax,
VA 22030, (800) NRA-3888, www.nra.org.

Appendix B: NRA Facts 151


ACP: An abbreviation for Automatic Colt Pistol. Used in conjunction with caliber desig-
nations. Example: a .45 ACP cartridge

Action: A series of moving parts that allow a firearm to be loaded, fired, and unloaded

Backstrap: The rear, vertical portion of the pistol frame that lies between the grip panels

Bore: The inside of the barrel of a firearm

Caliber: The diameter of a projectile or the distance between the lands in the bore of a

Cartridge: A complete single unit of ammunition including the projectile, case, primer,
and powder charge

Centerfire: A type of cartridge which has the primer centrally located in the base of the

Chamber: The part of a firearm in which a cartridge is contained at the instant of firing

Cylinder: The part of a revolver that holds ammunition in individual chambers that are
rotated into firing position by the action of the trigger or hammer

Double-action: A type of pistol action in which squeezing the trigger will both cock and
release the hammer or internal firing mechanism

Dry firing: Activating the firing mechanism of an unloaded gun

Ejector: The part of a pistol which ejects an empty cartridge case or a cartridge from the

Grooves: The shallow, spiral cuts in a bore that together with the lands make up the rifling
in the bore of a barrel

Hammer: The part of a pistol that pivots on an axis at the rear of the frame, and, when
activated by the trigger, causes the firing pin to strike a cartridge

Hangfire: A perceptible delay in the ignition of a cartridge after the primer has been
struck by the firing pin

Misfire: A failure of a cartridge to fire after the primer has been struck by the
firing pin

Muzzle: The front end of the barrel from which a projectile exits

Glossary 153
Parabellum: Taken from Latin, this term translates as “prepare for war.” During World
War 1, the Deutsche Waffen und Munitionsfabrik (DWM) used this term for its Luger
pistol and a machine gun. Parabellum is used today as a synonym for Luger to identify
7.65mm and 9mm Luger ammunition.

Patridge Sight: A type of sight designed by E.E. Patridge in the late 1800’s,
generally used on handguns. It has a rear sight with a square notch, and a front sight con-
sisting of a thick blade that is flat on top.

Pistol: A gun that has a short barrel and can be held, aimed, fired with one hand.

+P (Plus P): Cartridges which are loaded to higher pressures than standard

+P+ (Plus P Plus): Cartridges which are loaded to higher pressures than +P

Plinking: Informal shooting at a variety of targets

Revolver: A pistol that has a rotating cylinder containing a number of firing

chambers. The action of the trigger or hammer will line up a chamber with the
barrel and firing pin.

Rifling: Spiral lands and grooves in the barrel bore that provide a stabilizing spin to a
bullet so that it will be more accurate in flght

Rimfire: A cartridge which has the chemical compound of the primer located inside the
rim of the case

Round: Another term for a cartridge

Semi-automatic: A pistol that fires a single cartridge each time the trigger is pulled, and
which automatically extracts and ejects the empty case and inserts a new cartridge into the

Single-action: A type of pistol action in which pulling the trigger will release the hammer

Sights: Mechanical, optical, or electronic devices used to aim a pistol

Squib load: A cartridge which develops less than normal pressure or velocity after igni-
tion of the cartridge

154 Glossary

Aiming, 73 semi-automatic pistols, 42 Firing sequence of a

cartridge, 61-62
Ammunition, 59 single-action revolvers,
55-56 Fixed sights, 86
components, 59-61
Double-action revolver, 45-49 Follow-through, 76-77
safety, 63
semi-automatic, 34 Frame, 25, 26
selecting, 112
Double-action-only Function checking a fire-
Balanced shooting position, 79
semi-automatic, 34 arm, 120-121
Barrel, 25
Dry-fire practice, 81, 131-132 Grip, one-handed, 73
Benchrest position, 83-87
safety, 131 Grip, two-handed, 72
Blowback operation, 32
Dummy ammunition, 131 Gun cases, 20-21
Bore, 26
Eye dominance, 71-72 Gun fit, 111
Breath control, 74
Eye dominance exercise, 71 Gun powder, 61
Breech, 25
Eye protection, 16 Gun safes, 21-22
Breech-loading firearms, 25
Firearm accessories, 112-114 Gun safety, 15-22
Bullet, 61
Firearm cycle of operation, Gunsmith checkup, 121
types, 61 29
Gun storage, 19-22, 113
Cartridge, see Ammunition revolver, 49
Hearing protection, 16
Cartridge case, 59-60 semi-automatic, 35-37
Hold control, 74-75
Cartridge firing Firearm maintenance
Information resources,
sequence, 61-62 cleaning kit, 115
Centerfire cartridge, 59 cleaning process, 115-118
Inspecting a firearm, 118
Chamber, 26 cleaning pistol magazines,
Isosceles position, 89
Cleaning a firearm, 115-118
Jams, see Stoppages
function-checking, 120-121
Cleaning kit, 115
Live-fire practice, 132
inspection, 118
Clearing stoppages, 103-105
lubrication, 119-120
Comfortable shooting
double-action revolvers,
position, 81 gunsmith checkup, 121
Competitive shooting other maintenance, 121
pistol magazines, 39
activities, 125-130
Firearm safety, 15-22
semi-automatic pistols,
Cycle of operation, see
Firearm storage, 19-22 39-41
Firearm cycle of operation
Firing single-action revolvers,
Cylinder, 45-48
double-action revolvers, 52-53
Cylinder latch, 46, 51 53-54
Loading gate, 45, 52-53
Decocker, 34-35 semi-automatic pistols, 41
Locked breech, 25, 28
Decocking single-action revolvers,
Locking mechanisms (gun
double-action revolvers, 54-55
Firing pin, 31

Index 155
keyed locks, 19 Revolver Sight adjustment, 85-87
double-action, 45-48
combination locks, 19 Sight alignment, 73-74
operating, 51-57
Simplex® locks, 19-20 Sight picture, 73-74
parts and operation, 45-49
Low ready position, 91 Sights, pistol
single-action, 52-53 adjustable, 85-87
Lubricating a firearm,
119-120 Rimfire cartridge, 59 fixed, 86
Magazines, pistol, 33 Safety Simplex® locks, 19-20
fundamental rules for
cleaning, 118 Slide, 27, 31
safe gun handling, 13-14
loading, 39 Speedloaders, 114
rules for using or storing a
Magazine release, 31, 42 gun, 14-17 Stoppages
causes, 103-105
National Rifle Associa- safe firearm storage, 19-22
tion of America (NRA), failure to fire, 103-104
Safety devices
active, 27 revolver, 105
Natural Aiming Area
passive, 27-28 semi-automatic, 104-105
(NAA), 80
Selecting a pistol, Storage of firearms, 19-22
exercise, 80
Striker, 31
One-handed shooting
Selecting pistol acces-
position, 93-95 Trigger control, 75-76
sories, 112-114
Pistol accessories, 113-114 Trigger finger placement,
Selecting pistol ammu-
Pistol action types nition, 112-113
bolt-action, 28-29 Two-handed shooting
Semi-automatic pistol
positions, see Shooting
break-action, 28
blowback-operated, 32 positions
double-action revolver,
double-action, 34 Unloading
double-action revolvers,
gas-operated, 32
double-action semiauto- 56-57
matic, 34 magazines, 33
semi-automatic pistols,
single-action revolver, operating, 39-43 42-43
parts and operation, 31-37 single-action revolvers, 57
single-action semi-auto-
recoil-operated, 32 Weaver position, 89-90
matic, 34
single-action, 34 Winchester/NRA Pistol
Pistol aftermarket, 112-114
Marksmanship Quali-
Shooting accessories, 112-114
Pistol selection, 109-114 fication Program, 132-133
Shooting fundamentals,
Positions - see Shooting
Shooting position
Powder, 61
benchrest, 83-87
elements of, 79-82
dry-fire practice, 131-132
isosceles, 89
live-fire practice, 132
learning, 81-82
Primer, 60-61
standing, one-handed
Propellant, see Powder
Ready position
standing, two-handed
low ready, 91
Recoil operation, 32
Weaver, 89-90

156 Index

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