This document outlines the budget plan for operational costs of the Village Consultative Body (Badan Permusyawaratan Desa/BPD) in Pandemulyo Village, Bulu Subdistrict, Temanggung Regency. It includes costs for office supplies, stamps, photocopying, food and drinks for meetings, and transportation within the district. The total planned budget is 5,000,000 rupiah. The budget will be used for activities like monthly reports, coordination meetings of the BPD, and consultations at the subdistrict level.
This document outlines the budget plan for operational costs of the Village Consultative Body (Badan Permusyawaratan Desa/BPD) in Pandemulyo Village, Bulu Subdistrict, Temanggung Regency. It includes costs for office supplies, stamps, photocopying, food and drinks for meetings, and transportation within the district. The total planned budget is 5,000,000 rupiah. The budget will be used for activities like monthly reports, coordination meetings of the BPD, and consultations at the subdistrict level.
This document outlines the budget plan for operational costs of the Village Consultative Body (Badan Permusyawaratan Desa/BPD) in Pandemulyo Village, Bulu Subdistrict, Temanggung Regency. It includes costs for office supplies, stamps, photocopying, food and drinks for meetings, and transportation within the district. The total planned budget is 5,000,000 rupiah. The budget will be used for activities like monthly reports, coordination meetings of the BPD, and consultations at the subdistrict level.
This document outlines the budget plan for operational costs of the Village Consultative Body (Badan Permusyawaratan Desa/BPD) in Pandemulyo Village, Bulu Subdistrict, Temanggung Regency. It includes costs for office supplies, stamps, photocopying, food and drinks for meetings, and transportation within the district. The total planned budget is 5,000,000 rupiah. The budget will be used for activities like monthly reports, coordination meetings of the BPD, and consultations at the subdistrict level.
Rapat Koordinasi KPMD ( 5 X 5 kgtn) 25 Dos 7,000 175,000
5 Belanja Transport Dalam Daerah 3,875,000
Musdus ( 11 X 1 X 5 ok) 110 ok 25,000 2,750,000 Musdes ( 5 X 1 kgtn) 5 ok 25,000 125,000 Rapat Forum KPMD (5 X 6 kgtn) 30 ok 25,000 750,000 Konsultasi Ke Kecamatan (2 X 5 ok) 10 ok 25,000 250,000
Jumlah Total 5,000,000
Mengetahui, Disusun Oleh :
Kepala Desa Pandemulyo Koordinator KPMD Desa Pandemulyo