Unit 1 Lesson 5 Scientific Method

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3 The Scientific Method 7

Many of the objectives refer to stepwise procedures. This book will suggest one
procedure, and sometimes your instructor will suggest another. Write out the steps that
you think will work best for you. The act of writing will help you remember longer,
and you will find it much easier to picture a study sheet written out in your own
handwriting than one printed in this book.
Use the computer-based tools that accompany the course. This textbook is accompanied
by an Internet site that supplements the text. If you have access to it, you will find it
useful at this stage in your studying.
Work some of the problems at the end of the chapter. Do not try the end‑of‑chapter
problems too soon. They are best used as a test of what you have and have not mastered
in the chapter after all the previous steps have been completed. Note that many of I hear and I forget.
I see and I remember.
the problems are accompanied by the number of the learning objective to which they I do and I understand.
correspond. (In fact, the problems serve as examples of ways in which you might be Chinese proverb
tested on various chapter objectives.) Use the same 15‑minute rule for the problems as
for the chapter concepts and exercises: If you have spent more than 15 minutes on any
one problem, it is time to seek help.
Ask for help when you need it. Don’t be shy. Sometimes five minutes in the instructor’s
office can save you an hour or more of searching for answers by other means. You He who neglects to drink
of the spring of experience
might also consider starting a study group with fellow students. It can benefit those of is likely to die of thirst in
the desert of ignorance.
you who are able to give help as well as those who need it. There is no better way to
Ling Po
organize one’s thoughts than to try to communicate them to someone else. There may
be other ways to get help. Ask your instructor what is available.
Review for the exam. Read the list of objectives, asking yourself whether you can meet
each one. Every time the answer is “No,” spend some time making it “Yes.” This might
mean meeting with your instructor or study group, rereading this text, or reviewing
your notes. Ask your instructor which objectives are being emphasized on the exam
and how you are going to be tested on them. Your lecture notes can also provide clues
to this. Lastly, work some more of the end‑of‑chapter problems. This will sharpen your
skills and improve your speed on the exam.

1.3 The Scientific Method

It’s as simple as seeing a bug that intrigues you. You want to know where it
goes at night; what it eats.
David Cronenberg, Canadian filmmaker

Before beginning our quest for an understanding of chemistry, let’s look at how science
in general is done. There is no one correct way to do science. Different scientific
disciplines have developed different procedures, and different scientists approach their
pursuit of knowledge in different ways. Nevertheless, most scientific work has certain
characteristics in common. We can see them in the story of how scientists discovered
the first treatment for Parkinson’s disease, a neurological condition that progressively
8 Chapter 1 An Introduction to Chemistry

affects muscle control. The principal steps in the process are summarized in Figure
Objective 2 Like most scientific work, the development of a treatment for Parkinson’s disease
began with observation and the collection of data. In the 1960’s, scientists observed that
South American manganese miners were developing symptoms similar to the muscle
tremors and rigidity seen in Parkinson’s disease. Next, the scientists made an initial
hypothesis on the basis of their observations. Perhaps the symptoms of the manganese
miners and of Parkinson’s sufferers had a common cause. The initial hypothesis led
to a more purposeful collection of information in the form of systematic research or
experimentation. Systematic study of the manganese miners’ brain chemistry showed
that manganese interferes with the work of a brain chemical called dopamine. Because
dopamine is important in the brain’s control of muscle function, anyone absorbing
abnormally high levels of manganese would be expected to have troubles with
Objective 2 The hypothesis was refined based on the new information, and research was designed to
test the hypothesis. Specifically, the researchers hypothesized that the brains of Parkinson’s
sufferers had low levels of dopamine. Brain studies showed this to be the case. The
results were published so that other scientists might repeat the research and confirm or refute
the conclusions. Because other scientists confirmed the results of the dopamine research,
the hypothesis became accepted in the scientific community.
Objective 2 The discovery of the dopamine connection started a search for a drug that would
elevate the levels of dopamine in the brain. This provides an example of what is very
often the next step of the scientific method, a search for useful applications of the new
ideas. Dopamine itself could not be used as a drug because it is unable to pass from the
blood stream into the brain tissue. Instead, the researchers looked for a compound that
could penetrate into the brain and then be converted into dopamine. Levodopa, or
L-dopa, met these requirements. (It should be noted that significant scientific research
does not always lead directly to applications, or even to a published paper. One of the
main driving forces of science is just the desire to understand more about ourselves and
the world around us. Any research that increases this understanding is important.)
Objective 2 The development of applications often leads to another round of hypothesizing and
testing in order to refine the applications. There was some initial success with L-dopa.
It caused remission of Parkinson’s disease in about one-third of the patients treated
and improvements in one‑third of the others, but there were also problematic side
effects, including nausea, gastrointestinal distress, reduced blood pressure, delusions,
and mental disturbance. The drug’s effects on blood pressure seem to be caused by the
conversion of L‑dopa to dopamine outside the brain. For this reason, L‑dopa is now
given with levocarbidopa, which inhibits that process.
And the cycle of hypothesis, experimentation, and finding new applications, which
leads to further refinement of the hypotheses continues…
1.4 Measurement and Units 9

Figure 1.1
The Scientific Method

New Objective 2
Observation observations
are made.
Collection of
information leads to
The hypothesis
a testable hypothesis.
is subjected to Disproof
The experiment
Further research is done to Experimentation
refine the applications.

Application results are
are sought.
Publication The experiment
Confirmation is repeated
The experiment without success.
is repeated successfully.

1.4 Measurement and Units

Measure what is measurable and make measurable what is not so.

Galileo Galilei

The practice of chemistry demands both accuracy and clarity. The properties of matter
must be measured correctly and reported without ambiguity. For example, a chemist
has a lot of measuring to do while testing to see whether the pesticide methyl bromide
might be destroying the protective layer of ozone gas in the earth’s upper atmosphere.
(The ozone in the upper atmosphere filters out harmful radiation from the sun.) She
or he might add a carefully measured amount of methyl bromide to a reaction vessel
that already contains ozone and perhaps other chemicals found in our atmosphere. In
such an experiment, the temperature, too, would be carefully measured and adjusted
to duplicate the average temperature in the ozone layer, and then the substances in the
vessel might be subjected to the same measured amounts and kinds of radiation to which
ozone is exposed in the atmosphere. Chemical changes would take place, after which
the amounts of various substances found in the resultant mixture would be measured
and reported at various times. All of these measurements of amounts, temperatures,
and times must be carefully reported in a way that enables other scientists to judge the

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