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Name: Katie Imbriano

Grade Level: 8th

Content Area: Social Studies
Technology Used (check all that apply): Movie Audio Podcast Vodcast Other: (list)
Content Area/Grade/Standards/Topics Addressed: Georgia History
Brief Description of Learning Experience: W i t h t h i s l e s s o n p l a n , I w i l l b e i n t r o d u c i n g a n e w
standard to my students. This short clip will introduce key characters from history such
as Martin Luther King, Jr. and John Lewis, as well as SNCC and SCLC, and lastly the Albany
Movement and the March on Washington. This short video will grasp the student’s
attention and create a sense of curiosity to want to learn more. We will further discuss
each topic in depth a detail to cover the key concepts of this lesson.
Student Engagement/Higher-Order Thinking: LoTi 5 (expansion). The students will be engaged at this level due to the
use of multiple technologies, and the activity being student centered.
Importance of technology: Using a multimedia authoring tool is critical to any middle grades project to engage and
motivate students. This project could not be completed without an audio/video technological software. The meaning
could be lost without the visual and audio effects. The other technologies that will be incorporated are: audio and visuals
Inspiration (optional): N/A
Internet Safety and Student Privacy: Some of the issues that could occur surrounding internet safety is the privacy of
your students. You will first and foremost need to notify and get approval from the parents of your students prior to using
technology software within the classroom.
Other comments about your proposed student multimedia authoring activity: N/A

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