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Life Science Journal 2014;11(3) http://www.lifesciencesite.


The Effectiveness of Religious Module in Improving Psyco-Spiritual Health for Women Inmates in Prison

Khairul Hamimah Mohamad Jodi1, Mohd Afifuddin Bin Mohamad 2, Wirdati Mohd Radzi3 , Azizi Che Seman4,
Naemah Abd Rahman4, Nurhanisah Senin4, Siti Fairuz Ramlan4 , and Fuadah Johari5
School of Foundation and General Studies, UNITAR International University, 3-01A Level 11, Tierra Crest, Jln
SS6/3, Kelana Jaya 47301, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia.
Advance Medical and Dental Institute (AMDI), Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kepala Batas, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia.
Department of Sport Management, Sport Centre, University of Malaya, 51603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Academy of Islamic Studies, University of Malaya, 51603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Faculty of Economics and Muamalat, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM), 71800 Nilai, Negeri Sembilan,
[email protected]

Abstract: The implementation of religiosity and psycho-spiritual health through the module instrumentation is
deemed significant to the inmates. Both entities are found to be effective in producing positive result. It is also
believed to be able to train and treat patients’ mental state and behavioral state, thus from recurring bad behaviors.
Several methods have been applied including: Cross survey, interview and questionnaire survey, which involves 40
inmates in the prison for various delinquencies. This research is going to analyze the effectiveness of the psycho-
spiritual module on the prison inmates before and after treatment. Due to the respondents’ location, this research
conducted at the Kajang Women prison in Malaysia. This article also evaluates the influence of religiousness
inculcated in the treatment of inmates, which promotes changes in positive attitude, daily lifestyle, mental health and
self-management. The result illustrates positive outcome from the implemented module before and after the psycho-
spiritual treatment. As conclusion, the study findings give strong support for the effectiveness of religious approach
in improving spiritual health for women inmates in prison. Thus, religious approach is recommended as an
alternative to the current allopathic treatment method in dealing with the problem especially for women inmates in
[Mohamad Jodi K.H., Mohamad M.A., Radzi W.M., Seman A.C., Rahman N.A., Senin N., Ramlan S. F., Johari F.
The Effectiveness of Religious Module in Improving Psyco-Spiritual Health for Women Inmates in Prison.
Life Sci J 2014;11(3):146-153]. (ISSN:1097-8135). 20

Keywords: Psycho-Spiritual Module, Health, Treatment, Kajang Women Prison.

1. Introduction
The implementation of religious elements preliminary.html, Accessed March 2, 2012).
proved to be effective to treat human inner wellness. By passing the time, it signifies that spiritual
The wellness itself encompasses three elements. First, health is an important element in psycho-physical
the physical health, second the mental health and the studies due to its ability to cure illness and produce
spiritual health (World Health Organization, 2011) positive results and its notable impacts on the
(Burke, 2005). Most of studies in domain of physical health, besides various clinical treatments
health sciences encompass physical and mental (Burke et al, 2005). This fact was supported by the
aspects of human being. But there is still the dearth of result from a survey conducted by ‘National Cancer
research on spiritual health due to the difficulty of Centre’ in 2004 on 31000 respondents. It is found
measurement. Scholars discovered religious and that more than 45% of the respondents have used
spiritual elements have surged through the medical prayer as a therapy for various reason, 43% has
field, being its capability to influence physical health undergone the prayer therapy for recuperation from
(Ahmad Hisham et al., 2009) (Timothy, 2001). For cancer, 25% request a third party to pray for the cure
instance, in America religion is perceived as an and 10% involved in the prayer congregation for
essential element among local communities. health (Burke et al, 2005) (Barnes et al, 2004). (Jonas
Researchers reported that 95 % of people believe in et al, 2003) has also discovered some patients
God, 80% among them state the significance of diagnosed with serious illness wish to perform
religion in their lives, 80% uses the power of prayer spiritual therapy through praying to God, in the hope
for the purpose of well-being, and more than 50% of to lighten the burden whenever they face
attended in monthly religious and divine difficulties. Furthermore, it justified the ability of
congregation (Smith et al., 2002), spiritual therapy for the prospective of the latest
treatment medium for the patient and prison inmates.

Life Science Journal 2014;11(3)

2. Definition of spiritual health employed to observe and monitor few important

There are numerous definitions for the concept subjects namely the effectiveness of module, the
of spiritual health. Batson et al. (1993) defines inmates’ accommodation, the reaction towards
spiritual health as complex entities, an module and the perception towards the module in the
interchangeable phenomenon, and a narration of a process of rehabilitation. In observation method, the
person’s life. The spirituality can be gained through a session was conducted from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
person’s effort that combines the purity of heart during five ordinary working days within a month.
through observation (National Center for Such session was conducted to view the application
Complementary and Alternative Medicine process of the psycho-spiritual module.
(NCCAM), 2010). Other scholars support this by Questionnaires were also distributed among inmates.
quoting that spiritual health is part of religion and the Some of the literate inmates completed
spiritual elements could be actualize through the questionnaires, and others were assisted by specific
religion (Medical dictionary, 2011) (Koeing, 2002). researchers. The questionnaires features Likert scale
According to Olsen Steggink (1991), spiritual is not with five levels; being scale one represents extreme
something that is outside ordinary life, but it is a life disagreement, and ends with scale five which
experience that is created by certain culture, place represent extreme agreement. Last; semi-structured
and time (Dunn et al, 2007). Sa’id Hawwa (2010) interview was conducted towards forty inmates and a
pointed out the spiritual elements relates to the reason few of prison officials. The data analysis was
and heart, that can be cured through the devotion accomplished through the SPSS (version 20) software
towards god (Olsen Steggink, 1991). It can be for the purpose of a thorough review.
concluded that there is connectivity between spiritual
health and religious values although it could be 5. Research Sampling
influenced by societal belief and practical behaviors. The aim behind the sampling process is to
Therefore, the spiritual elements that formed the basis obtain the average information and perspectives
of one’s religion can be one of the influencing factors towards the research (Patton, 1990). The research
in due to its ability of creating belief and meaning in sampling was selected from women inmates who
a person’s life (Sa’id Hawwa, 2010) (Breitbart, undergone the module on its second phase only. The
2002). Women progressively mature in building reason for such selection is that the first phase of
networks, exchanging ideas and generally learn from rehabilitation is the orientation period, which runs for
the experiences of others women (Megat Daud six months. Consecutively, the inmates will enter the
M.A.K et. al. (2013), more importantly those women- second phase, in which the period emphasizes on
headed households, in the sense that women are character building throughout six to seven months
expend their income mostly to support the family and will be evaluated before being allowed to
members Abdussalam O.I. (2013). Hereby, this undergo the third phase. During this phase, the
study is conducted to analyze the effectiveness of the inmates are more directed towards skill training and
implementation of religious values in psycho- mental therapy, in preparation for the release. It
spiritual based elements towards rehabilitant prison should be noted that not all of the inmates are
inmates in Kajang women prison, Malaysia. allowed to undergo the last phase, as the
imprisonment period is subjected to the
3. Problem of study delinquencies. Therefore, the researchers are allowed
This study aims to identify the relationship to monitor only the second phase in due to the safety
between the psycho-spiritual modules inspired by reason.
religiosity as the fundamental framework for There are 40 inmates, who have been selected as
rehabilitation in prison. The contribution of this study respondents and involved in the second phase. The
is seen in two folds of (a) to compare behavioral group is further divided; where only twenty three of
pattern, lifestyle and inmates’ attitude during them (56.5%) involved in the Community Therapy,
rehabilitation process, which inculcate religious which is designed for inmates with the drug
elements in the program itself; (b) to evaluate the delinquency and the remaining 17 (42.5%) involved
effectiveness of the religious and spiritual module in the Halaqah programme, which cater to
towards mental health and positive behavioral delinquencies other than drugs. (Halaqah programme
changes. is designed specially for the Muslims who are not
involved in any forms of drug cases. This programme
4. Methodology and research instrument is conducted for six months and its learning process
This research methodology focused on library is merely on religious/spiritual matters. This
and field based researches (i.e. survey, observation, programme too, is aimed at producing residents who
questionnaires and interview The survey method is can embrace and implement the Islam as a way of

Life Science Journal 2014;11(3)

life). Most of the inmates in the second phase aged qualified up to secondary education (70%), six of
between twenty six to thirty years old (nine of them; them up to primary education (15%), two of them
(22.5%); twenty one to thirty five years old (seven of qualified as diploma holder (5%), one of them as a
them; (17.5%), twenty one to twenty five years old degree holder (2.5%) and three of them have never
(six of them; (15%), thirty six to forty years old (six attended schools (7.5%). Majority of the inmates was
of them ;( 15%), forty six to fifty nine years old (six imprisoned for the first time (twenty seven inmates,
of the; (15%), forty one to forty five years old; (67.5%), six of them was imprisoned between two to
(10%), fifty one to fifty five years old (one of them; three times (15%), two of them between four to 6
(2.5%) and sixty years and above (one of them; times (5%) and the remaining five is more than ten
(2.5%). times (12.5%). The types of delinquencies are
In reference to the racial background, thirty of recognized as drug Trafficking (nineteen inmates,
them are Malay (77.5%), four of them are India (47.5%), breach of trust (five inmates, (12.5%),
(10%), four of them are Chinese (10%) and the rest bribery (three inmates, (7.5%), more than one
are from other races (2.5%). In addition, fourteen of delinquency (three inmates, (7.5%)), conspiracy (2,
them are married (35%), thirteen are divorced (5%), impersonification dan threatening, extramarital
(32.5%), 11 unmarried (27.5%) and the remaining pregnancy, killing attempt, abuse, kidnapping,
acquired other marital status (5%). In regard to the robbery, owning robbed items and other
educational qualification, twenty eight of them delinquencies that is represented by one (2.5%).

Figure 1: Module instrumentation design for the prison inmates

Based on the above figure 1 flow chart, the The last phase is to uproot the learning during
prison’s nurturing phase is segmented to three phase. the previous phase, where inmates are directed
In the first phase (the orientation phase), the inmates towards building skills and entrepreneurship for the
are thought on basic subjects such as belief towards upcoming new life outside. Here, the religious
God, the religious practices: obligation and teachings are being implemented but in various style
prohibitions. They are also educated on basic such as Qur’anic recitation, sermon, lecture and so
religious law such as prayer, business transaction, on. Usually, this phase are attended by inmates who
matrimony, pilgrimage and so on. are imprisoned for two years and above; it means all
In the following phase, the religious teachings is of them will not have the chance to undergo the
imparted further in depth. The difference between period.
this phase and the former is that the teaching does not
only remain in the theoretical aspect, but it is also 6. Finding
transferred to the practical life in prison. In addition, After the coding and consensus process, the
the phase also emphasize on the character building, inmates are segregated according to four main
where attitude and discipline teaching is enforced in categories (i.e. based on the questionnaires): (1)
the aim of amending the previous bad lifestyle. Every Religious belief; (2) Positive Intentionality, (3)
past time is filled up with the Qur’anic recitation slot, Positive self development (4) Agency. Each of these
supplications, and complimentary prayers and so categories is discussed in verbatim which has been
forth. coded from the inmates’ response.

Life Science Journal 2014;11(3)

Table 1. The category of questions on spiritual health and its influence on religious and societal belief
Religious belief (Core belief)
 The end result is solely for Allah S.W.T
 The resolution to devote to Allah
 Performing the five compulsory prayers

Positive Intention Turnover

 Making full use of opportunity towards the better
 Fulfilling task without asking for any compliment
 Doing the best in any work
 Keen to learn and gain skill
 Avoiding peer conflict
 The resolution towards contributing to the society
 The resolution to avoid betraying the family
 The willingness to turnover for the sake of self and family

Positive self changes

 More motivated after involvement in the program
 Practice hygiene and cleanliness in lifestyle
 Keen to offer the helping hand
 No suicide attempt
 No law obstruction
 Not emotional during the decision making process
 Does not procrastinate
 Prompt in fulfilling promise
 Not involved in confrontations

 The Halaqah program
 The Community Therapy program
 The prison nurturing method
 The period of rehibilitation
 The counseling for inmates

Religious Belief to get fully recovered in the prison and transforming

The strength of belief is the root of person their bad attitudes into better ones.
strength. Belief is perceived to restrain a person from “After going out from the prison later, I want to
committing delinquencies that contradicts the search for a permissible (halal) job. I don’t want to
religious commands. A firm assurance in God will be involved with drugs anymore. I used to sell drugs
enlighten the mission and vision of a person’s life. to help my husband as he was not working and don’t
“Before my imprisonment, I do not know how to have enough money. I’m tired of getting imprisoned
perform my prayer and how to recite the Qur’an. I because of drugs; the sentence is six years long. I
know that for the fact that I am a Muslim, but I do not don’t want my children to follow my footsteps. I will
execute it well. After undergoing the prison program, prove that I am going to be a good mother.”
I feel more serene, and I did not miss prayer as well (Respondent 2, inmate. Interview on 14 January
as digging more into the religious learning. 2011)
(Respondent 1, the prison inmates”, Religion Has This shows that the inmates were determined to
Helped Me To Change A Lot. An interview on 14 perform their best throughout their presence even at
January 2011) Kajang prison. Besides, they are also motivated to
Positive output change for the sake of family and aspired to be a
‘Determination to be the best’ is the goal of the productive Muslim who can contribute towards
inmates when they leave the prison in future. religion, country and nation. Skills obtained in the
Therefore, the inmates did not waste the opportunity

Life Science Journal 2014;11(3)

prison will be utilized optimally to find compatible believe it.” (Respondent 3, inmates. Interview on 15
jobs with their status as the ex-inmates. January 2011)
Positive Changes Post-Program Agency plays an important role in transforming
The program held by the prison management attitudes of the inmates. Through exercises, methods,
brings about changing the inmates’ attitude from programs, modules, planning and social aids from
negative to a more positive one. For instance, they peers and staffs will speed up the efforts of
are more motivated after joining the programs such as rejuvenating their morals and self-confidence. The
seminars, skill development workshops and others. Halaqah program, for example, use 100% religious
Besides, they have also eliminate their unpleasant elements to cure the inmates’ morals. Their hearts are
habits such as wasting time, unhygienic, attempts on soften and revived with learning religion, the
committing suicide and violating the law. Through importance of religion in life, application of the
participating in the phase two for a period of six religious obligations and the consequences of not
months, they have successfully educated the inmates practicing it. Quoted by the respondent:
to be more patient, hygienic and thinking more “I feel more calm and spend more time in
maturely before making decisions. performing the sunnah prayers and reciting the
“While at my house, I was not as clean as I’ve Qur’an” (Respondent 4, inmates. Interview on 20
been in the prison. All house chores were done by my January 2011)
mother. If my mother sees me now, surely she won’t The process of statistic data codification can be
referred to the table obtained below:

Table 2. Qualitative Report Result of the Competency Test on the Program Applied
Mean (After Mean Differences
(Before Correlation(sig.)
treatment) (sig.)
E1l – Being Here is an Amanah 2.87 3.75 -0.069 (0.677) 0.949 (0)
E2al – Attempted Suicide 4.00 4.23 0.611 (0) 0.231 (0.13)
E2bl – Attempted Escaping 4.23 4.20 0.475 (0.002) -0.025 (0.85)
E2cl – Pretend to be Sick 4.08 4.05 0.784 (0) -0.025 (0.812)
E3l – Ultimate Goal is Allah 3.13 4.08 0.207 (0.201) 0.95 (0)
E4l – Reluctant to Perform Obligatory
3.53 3.78 0.549 (0) 0.25 (0.151)
E5l – Promise Not to Break Family’s Trust 2.82 3.55 0.65 (0) 0.684 (0)
E6l – Enroll in the Center Voluntarily 2.69 3.73 0.445 (0.004) 1 (0)
E7l – Performing Tasks Without Hoping for
3.77 3.85 0.708 (0) 0.051 (0.675)
E8l – Ready to Change Attitude for Oneself
2.79 2.58 -0.102 (0.536) -0.179 (0.514)
and Family
E9l – Have Violated the Laws Here 3.51 3.70 0.319 (0.048) 0.231 (0.193)
E10l – Give the Best in Each Task 3.72 4.05 0.491 (0.002) 0.308 (0.032)
E11l – Like to Seek Knowledge and Skills 3.51 4.10 0.483 (0.002) 0.564 (0.001)
E12l – Determine to Obey Allah 3.69 4.38 0.323 (0.045) 0.667 (0.001)
E13l – More Motivated After the Program 3.16 3.85 0.357 (0.028) 0.658 (0.002)
E14l – Practice Hygiene in Life 3.85 4.05 0.474 (0.002) 0.179 (0.228)
E15l – Emotional in Making Decisions 3.05 3.20 0.569 (0) 0.205 (0.16)
E16al – Like to Waste Time 3.68 3.98 0.483 (0.002) 0.3 (0.032)
E16bl – Hard to Fulfill Promise 3.73 3.83 0.679 (0) 0.1 (0.352)
E17l – Rigid by the Design Timetable 3.51 3.43 0.583 (0) -0.128 (0.442)
E18l – Like to Help Peers 3.92 4.05 0.894 (0) 0.103 (0.044)
E19l – Avoid Conflicts Between Peers 3.82 3.90 0.763 (0) 0.053 (0.571)
E20l - Do Not Mind to Partake in Fights 3.90 4.03 0.747 (0) 0.125 (0.303)
E21l – Selfish 4.13 4.13 0.695 (0) 0 (1)
E22l – Life in Prison is Suffering 2.50 2.83 0.628 (0) 0.325 (0.074)
E23l – To be a Contributive Individual 3.58 4.38 0.364 (0.021) 0.8 (0)

The tables above illustrate the output from the item is to get the responds from respondents
paired sample t-test. Test was conducted among the regarding certain items before and after the program
paired items (before and after) in E Section of the participation. Items with negative statements are
questionnaire form. The purpose of the questioned recoded to show the same direction with other

Life Science Journal 2014;11(3)

statements. Items involved are as such e2a, e2b, e2c,

e4, e9, e15, e16a, e16b, e17, e20, e21 and e22. As a background, there are two programs which
As a background, there are two programs which have been implemented such as TC (Community
have been implemented such as TC (Community Therapy) and halaqah . The table above shows the
Therapy) and halaqah. The table above shows the output of the overall samples (those who participated
output of the overall samples (those who participated in both mentioned programs).
in both mentioned programs). Generally, there is a significant connectivity
between the preceding items and the succeeding
7. Discussion and conclusion items. The insignificant relation only was found at
The objective of this research in to identify the the item e1, e3 and e8. For all the mentioned items,
health report of the inmates before and after there is a positive relation between ‘before and after’
undergoing the psycho-spiritual module at Kajang joining the program. In other hand, if responds
Women Prison found to have a positive results. towards the preceding item is high, the responds
Through this research, application of both towards the succeeding item is similarly high and
instruments, spiritual and religious elements, manage otherwise.
to stimulate, harmonise and recover the health of the Regarding the mean value showed by the
inmates. The result shows that there is an inter- preceding and succeeding items, it is found that there
relationship between the religion and spiritual is an increase in the mean value for the total item
influence towards the respondents’ changes (including the item transformation from negative to
development through the obtained report. positive) except for item e2b, e2c, 2e and e17.
There are four values which do not show any Nevertheless, the negative differences for the four
apparent changes to the inmates’ attitudes comprising items are not significant. Besides, from all 26 items
of selfishness, controlled by the design schedule held involved, only 11 items show the different
in the prison, have the inclination to escape from the significance between before and after (item e1, e3,
prison in addition to have once cheated by pretending e5, e6, e10, e11, e12, e13, e16a, e18 dan e23). It can
to be sick in order to skip programs held by the be concluded that this program is efficient in certain
prison and lastly ability to change for the sake of aspects and otherwise in other aspects.
oneself and the family. The inclination to escape is The efficiency of the spiritual development and
due to the tight learning schedule which emphasizes health modules which instill religious values can be
on imposing disciplinary. This is evident through the obtained from the table above which is strengthened
researcher’s observation of the class which starts at 7 by the previous researches. Among the scholars
a.m. and ends at 6 p.m.. In second phase program, the involved is Jones (2004), model which is proposed by
inmates are really accentuated with the importance of him is built based on the effect of religion unto
time. They are strongly prohibited from small talks health. He found that there are several factors that
unless it involves matters regarding the ongoing bind the religious belief, practices of religion and
programs. As the interview with a respondent health. Among them are:
follows” i) The application and practices of religious
“…I’m fatigue and tired of the program’s activities promote to the responses of serenity from
schedule. I don’t have time for myself at all. I hope the health aspect. The activities are as such;
that I would be able to be out of this program as soon performing prayers, reflections and meditations.
as possible” (Respondent 5, inmate. Interview on 9 ii) Religion also entails to the declination of
August 2011) human involvement in the unhealthy activities for
The stern and tight program application is never instance indulge in an unhealthy diet, adultery,
supported in Islam as mentioned in Qur’an 3: 159 smoking and others.
connote the meaning: iii) A religious observant helps to increase the
“So by mercy from Allah, [O Muhammad] you social support within the community and assist in
were lenient with them. And if you had been rude [in producing positive physicals and good psychological
speech] and harsh in heart, they would have health compared to those who do not practice
disbanded from about you…” religion.
This proves that the program which was Models which is established by Jones is further
practiced with a stern and rigid cause the respondents supported by the Koenig et. al (2001), religious
to feel lazy, bored, unappealing and lost interest to model and bio-psychosocial health which is
continue. It indirectly entails a negative attitude and introduced by Koenig. It found that health sustains an
others such as pretending to be sick and inclination to extremely close relation with religion. Figure 2 as
escape from the institution as elaborated in Table 1 follows illustrates the model by Koenig;

Life Science Journal 2014;11(3)



Figure 2. Source is a modification from the Religious Model and Bio-Psycho-Social Health by Koenig et al. (2001)

Based on the created model above, there is a effective method of module application which is
close relation between the application of religious embodied with religious and spiritual elements found
belief, execution of religious practices and its to have produced positive results and become the
correlation with the society. This model further alternative to the current allopathic treatment method
supports that the instillation of religious values and in dealing with the problem.
the internalisation which were incorporated within
the psycho-spiritual model of the prison has Corresponding Author:
promoted towards the betterment or the inmates. Dr. Khairul Hamimah Mohamad Jodi
Moreover, by obeying and practicing religious School of Foundation and General Studies, UNITAR
values, it influences individuals’ health, both physical International University,
and spiritual. 3-01A Level 11, Tierra Crest, Jln SS6/3,
Rizzuto (2005) mentions, through exercising Kelana Jaya 47301, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia.
towards the religious obligations will eventually lead Tel: +60133025397. Fax: +60376277486.
to serenity, happiness and will escalate the quality of E-mail: [email protected]
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