Co-Taught Lesson Plan

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Kaitlyn Phillips and Brenda Cisneros

4/24 Co-Taught Lesson Plan

6th Grade Social Studies

History: Standard 1: I can analyze historical sources to ask and research historical questions.
Geography: Standard 2: Examine places and regions and the connections among them

Learner Outcomes and Objectives

1. Students will be able to reflect on their learning about current immigration law and
a. This means students will use one class period to brainstorm, plan, and draft their
own self-portrait and, if they so choose, share it with the class.
2. Students will be able to use similes and metaphors to convey how they feel, experience,
and exist in the world.
a. This means students will produce similes and metaphors about themselves and
their experiences which they will craft into a self-portrait poem.

Learning Target
I can reflect on my learning by asking and answering questions about current U.S. immigration
policies and the visa/green card process.

● Social studies notebooks
● Immigration station completed packet
● Visa/green card completed activity

Teaching the Lesson

1. ASAB: How are your immigration station activity and your visa/green card activity
connected? What do you notice about them? What do you wonder about them?
2. Circle-Up debrief: Immigration Stations + Visa/Green Card Activity
a. Everyone needs a pencil, clipboard, and their immigration station and green
card/visa worksheets
b. Sit in a circle on the floor
i. Pass around the hacky sack to discuss and ask questions
c. Questions for Discussion
Brenda and Kaitlyn take turns asking questions like the ones below and co-facilitate a debrief of
the learning that had taken place that week.
i. What is a visa? What is a green card?
ii. What is the difference between the two?
iii. How is U.S. citizenship defined?
iv. What are the U.S.’s priorities when it comes to immigration?
1. Do you agree or disagree with these priorities? Why or why not?
v. Compare your green card/visa activity to our immigration stations packet.
How are they connected?
vi. In your opinion, how effective are our current immigration laws? What
could we do or change to make them more effective?

Closure (5 min)
Discussion about the privilege of being able to criticize and have our voice heard by our
government; connection back to a lot of the civics work we did in Q3 by discussing our civic
responsibility for understanding how our country works so we can have a say in how to make it
work better.

➢ Brenda and Kaitlyn sit in between certain students and across the circle from one another
to discourage side-conversations
➢ Hacky sack encourages all voices; quieter students aren’t talked over or disregarded, and
louder students don’t dominate the conversation

➢ Speaking and listening assessment for participation in circle
➢ Informal assessment of students’ higher level thinking through questioning and

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