Co-Taught Lesson Plan
Co-Taught Lesson Plan
Co-Taught Lesson Plan
History: Standard 1: I can analyze historical sources to ask and research historical questions.
Geography: Standard 2: Examine places and regions and the connections among them
Learning Target
I can reflect on my learning by asking and answering questions about current U.S. immigration
policies and the visa/green card process.
● Social studies notebooks
● Immigration station completed packet
● Visa/green card completed activity
Closure (5 min)
Discussion about the privilege of being able to criticize and have our voice heard by our
government; connection back to a lot of the civics work we did in Q3 by discussing our civic
responsibility for understanding how our country works so we can have a say in how to make it
work better.
➢ Brenda and Kaitlyn sit in between certain students and across the circle from one another
to discourage side-conversations
➢ Hacky sack encourages all voices; quieter students aren’t talked over or disregarded, and
louder students don’t dominate the conversation
➢ Speaking and listening assessment for participation in circle
➢ Informal assessment of students’ higher level thinking through questioning and