Name: Zaffar-Ul-Lah Khan Class: Bba Vi Sec: (Ii) GR#: 252066
Name: Zaffar-Ul-Lah Khan Class: Bba Vi Sec: (Ii) GR#: 252066
Name: Zaffar-Ul-Lah Khan Class: Bba Vi Sec: (Ii) GR#: 252066
GR#: 252066
“Corporate Strategies and its Implementations”
There are two basic descriptive dimensions of corporate strategy, how diversified and
how vertically integrated an organization is. It may be helpful to think of both of these
dimensions as a continuum.
• Diversification occurs when a firm enters a new industry or market. Just like
when we discussed Porter's Five Forces, the definition of an industry or market is
critically important. There are formal classification codes, the North American
Industrial Classification System (previously Standard Industrial Classification
codes – see box in external analysis), for trying to classify all industries in an
economy. However, for our purposes the NAICS is not very useful. However, it is
critical when doing your analysis to carefully define industries in describing firm
diversification. For example, was Coca-Cola's move from carbonated beverages
into bottled water an instance of diversification? Depending on how you define the
industry, it could be yes or no. How diversified a firm is can be determined by
what portion of its sales are derived from different markets. The larger a
percentage of sales are derived from different markets/industries the more
diversified the firm can be said to be. A wide range of labels can be applied to the
level of a firm's diversification from single business (95% of sales from one
industry), dominant business (70% from one industry) to diversified (less than
70% from any one industry). While single business firms are usually found in fast
moving, rapidly evolving industries where there is a need to focus, there are
exceptions. William Wrigley, the chewing gum manufacturer, is perhaps the most
famous single business firm. However, most large firms engage in some
Diversification can be either related or unrelated. The key issue here is if the
operations of the firm in the new industry share some link in with the firm's existing
value chain. Is there some value adding activity that can be shared? For example, is
there a production facility, a distribution network, or a marketing competence that
both can use? Historically it was thought that related diversification would be better
than unrelated diversification. However, the
Coordination costs of related diversification appear to consume a lot of the expected
benefits. Therefore, while most firms seem to engage in related diversification its
benefits are only slightly, if at all, better than unrelated.
All (well 90 %+) corporate strategies are motivated by what we'll term the three
building blocks of corporate strategy: shared resources, transferred competencies, and
the creation of specific assets. While there are many possible reasons given for things
like diversification, they can almost all be traced back to one of these three
• Specific Assets Much more complex is the idea of specific assets. Specific
assets are assets that have a much lower value in their next best use OR to their
next best user.8 A great example of a specific asset might be a textbook for a
college course. It has great value if you are a college student in that course, but
it doesn't have many alternate uses, e.g. fire starter, and few people other than a
college student taking that course would pay a lot of money for it. Therefore, it
is a specific asset. Common examples of specific assets are things like
uniforms and pipelines. It may be helpful to think of specific assets as assets
that have been customized. This is because by customizing something it
frequently becomes more valuable to the person or firm who did the
customizing but less valuable to everyone else. Specific assets are important for
corporate strategy for two reasons. First, if you don't own the specific asset it
probably will not get created at all. After all Ford is not likely to ever produce a
car in your school’s color scheme with your mascot painted on the hood. If you
want one, you’ll have to have it done yourself. Second, you frequently want to
own specific assets so that you are not "held up" by an opportunistic partner.
Hold up can occur when the provider of a specific asset decides to withhold it
from you at a critical time. For example, what if you rented your textbook from
me rather than owned it? I might have an incentive to increase the rental rate
right before the exam when you needed the book the most. You might be able
to take me to court and win for violation of contract, but by then the test is long
past. You’ll have to pay my higher rent.This is what economists mean when
they refer to “hold up.” A great illustration of the building blocks comes from
Jack Welch’s managerial evaluation system at GE - probably the most
diversified large company in the U.S. The central focus of the system was the
divisional director's ability to recognize, develop, and SHARE the talent of
their executives. If someone had someone who was really good at solving
problem X that another division had, then they were expected to share that
person. This further encouraged employees to devote themselves to learning
about GE and doing a great job, they knew good work would be rewarded. This
is a classic example of why sharing resources, transferring competencies, and
getting people to invest in specific assets (especially important for
organizational knowledge) is important for the management and ongoing
success of diversified corporations. Managerial attention should be paid to
these three factors on an ongoing basis, not just at the time a diversification or
vertical integration decision is made. Therefore, in order for a corporate
strategic decision to help result in a sustained competitive advantage for a firm
the benefits from the shared resources, transferred competencies, and specific
assets must be greater than the integration and bureaucratic costs of performing
the function internally. However, this leads to an interesting question, what
about firms that have pursued completely unrelated diversification yet have
performed quite well? While these are rather rare, examples of these firms have
included Hanson Trust and present day Berkshire Hathaway (BRK). What may
have happened is that these firms wind up embodying a control or resource
allocation function (perhaps capital) that is superior to what their component
firms could do individually. For example, Warren Buffet often targets
acquisitions on the foundation of taking away the current CEO's headaches of
dealing with boards and regulators and letting the CEO get back to focusing on
running the company that they love.9 This of course is just a transferred
competency on the part of BRK that takes over corporate governance concerns
of the CEO. Warren Buffet’s exceptional skill in investing could also be a
transferred competency and his company's excellent Credit rating a shared