Microsoft Word - Civil Engineering Syllabus Old
Microsoft Word - Civil Engineering Syllabus Old
Microsoft Word - Civil Engineering Syllabus Old
Semester III
Semester IV
West Bengal University of Technology
Civil Engineering Syllabus_Old
Semester V
West Bengal University of Technology
Civil Engineering Syllabus_Old
Semester VI
West Bengal University of Technology
Civil Engineering Syllabus_Old
CE-698 Structural
Drawing-IIDesign and 0 0 3 3 2
Semester VII
CE 794 Highway Engineering Lab. 0 0 3 3 2
CE 795 Computer Lab 0 0 3 3 2
West Bengal University of Technology
Civil Engineering Syllabus_Old
Semester VIII
CE 892 Project Work 0 0 12 12 8
CE 893 Seminar 0 0 3 3 2
CE 894 Comprehensive Viva-Voce 0 0 0 0 3
CE 895 Institutional Participation 0 0 0 0 3
West Bengal University of Technology
Civil Engineering Syllabus_Old
Civil Engineering
Code : CE-301
Contact : 3L + 1T
Credits : 4
Each question consists of three parts. The first part comprises of short objective type questions, carries four marks. The
remaining two parts carry eight marks each. Candidates will answer FIVE full questions choosing one from each Unit.
Vector Calculus: gradient, divergence and curl, their physical meaning and identities. Line, surface and volume integrals. Simple
problems. Green’s theorem, statements of divergence and Stokes’theorems. Simple applications.
Fourier Series: periodic functions, Euler’s formulae. Fourier series of odd and even functions and functions with arbitrary period.
Half range expansions. Fourier sine and cosine transforms. Fourier integrals. Application of Fourier series to forced vibration
Partial differential equations: basic concepts, solutions of equations involving derivatives with respect to one variable only.
Solutions by indicated transformations and separation of variables. Derivation of one dimensional wave equation (vibrating
string) and its solution by using the method of separation of variables. Simple problems. D’Alembert’s solution of wave
equation. Derivation of one dimensional heat equation using Gauss divergence theorem and its solution by seperation of
variables. Solutions of 2-D Laplace equations.
Introduction to probability: finite sample space, conditional probability and independence. Bayes’ theorem, one dimensional
random variables. Two and higher dimensional random variables: mean, variance, correlation coefficient and regression.
Chebyshev inequality.
Distribution: binomial, Poisson, uniform, normal, gamma, chisquare and exponential. Simple problems.
Text Books :
West Bengal University of Technology
Civil Engineering Syllabus_Old
3. P.L.Meyer : Introduction to probability and Statistical Applicaitions, second edn. 979, Amerind Publishing Co.
Reference Books :
1. Bengamine A.R. and Cornell C.A : Probability and Statistics second edn. 1970, McGraw Hill.
2. Ang. A.H.,S. and Tang V.H. : probability concepts in Engineering, Planning and design, Vols. I and II, John Wiley.
3. Hogg and Craig; Introduction of Mathematical Statistics, fourth edn. 195 Mac Millan International. 4. B.S.Grewal :
Higher Engineering Mathematics edn. 1989, Khanna publishers.
Fluid Mechanics -I
Code : CE-302
Contact : 3L + 1T
Credits : 4
Introduction : Scope and importance of subject. Fundamental concepts relating to fluid definition, molecular structure, continuum
principle. Machanics of fluids as an engineering science – Eularian and Langrangian approach.
Fluid properties : Density, specific volume, specific weight and relative density, viscosity, Newton’s law of viscosity.
Classification of fluids based on viscosity,Surface tension and capillarity, Pressure, compressibility and vapour pressure.
Fluid Statics : Pascal’s law, pressure variation in a static fluid, piezometer, manometers-simple, differential, inclined and
micromanometers, pressure gauges. Forces on plane and curved surfaces. Centre of pressure, buoyance and stability of floating
Fluid Flow Concepts : Streamlines, pathlines and streaklines. Stream tubes, steady, unsteady, uniform and non-uniform flows.
One, two and three dimensional flows. Laminar and Turbulent flows. Rotational and irrotational folw. Continuity equation in
differential form, Euler’s equation in one dimensional and Bernoullis’s equation.
Discharge measuring devices : Application of Bernoulli’s equation-pitot tube, venturimeter and orificemeter, orifices and
mouthpieces, Rectangular, triangular, Cippoletti notch, sharp crested and broad crested weirs, submerged weirs..
Flow in pipes : Turbulent flow through pipes, fluid friction in pipes, head loss due to friction. Darcy-Weisbach equation, Friction
factors for commercial pipes, use of Mody’s diagram, minor losses in pipes. Pipes in series and parallel. Syphon and negative
pressure in pipes.
Unsteady flows : flow under variable heads, time of emptying and filling rectangular and circular tanks through orifices and
pipes. Water hammer in pipes. Pressure rise due to sudden and gradual closure. Effect of compressibility of liquid and elasticity
of pipe material, surge tanks – functions and types.
Boundary layers : Thickness of boundary layer. Laminar and turbulent boundary layer on a smooth plate. Drag and lift on
sumberged bodies. Boundary layer seperation.
Reference Books :
1. Fluid Mechanics by Modi & Seth Standard Book House, New Delhi
2. Fluid Mechanics by A.K.Jain, Khanna Publishers, Nath Market, Nai Sarak, New Delhi.
3. Fluid Mechanics & Machinery by H. M. Raghunath – CBS Publishers. New Delhi
Code :CE- 303
Contact : 3L + 1T
Credits : 4
Introduction : Definition, classification of surveying objectives, History of surveying, Modern trends in surveying, Principles of
Chain surveying : Measuring instruments, chain and its types, tapes, steel band, optical square, cross staff. Methods of measure –
horizontal distances, Ranging chain surveying – reconnaissance and location, locating ground features by offsets – field book.
Chaining for obtaining the outline of structures. Methods for overcoming obstacles, conventional symbols, plotting chain survey
and computation of areas. Errors in chain surveying and their elimination – problems on above.
Compass surveying : Principles of compass, types of compasses, use and adjustments-Bearings, local attraction and its
adjustments. Chain and compass surveying of an area. Booking and plotting. Adjustments of traverse, errors in compass
surveying and precautions. Problems on above.
Plane table surveying : Equipment, Levelling, Orientation Different methods of plane tabling, working with plane table, Two and
three point problems. Errors and precautions.
Levelling : Introduction, Basic definitions, Levelling instruments and their features, Temporary adjestments of levels, Levelling
staffs. Methods of levelling – Differential, Profile fly levelling, cross sectioning and reciprocal. Methods of booking,
Sensitiveness of bubble tube. Curvature and refraction effects. Reducing errors and eliminating mistakes in levelling. Permanent
adjustments of dumpy level. Modern levels – Tilting level, Automatic or self levelling precise levels. Plotting longitudinal and
cross sections. Measurement of areas and volumes, Problems on above.
West Bengal University of Technology
Civil Engineering Syllabus_Old
Contouring : Topographic map, Contours characteristics of contour, Contour interval, Methods of locating contours,
Interpolation of contours. Uses of contours-area and volume measurement from contour map. (5 hrs)
Minor Instruments : Clinometers, Ceylon Ghat tracer, Use of planimeter (mechanical and digital)
Computer programs in surveying : Computer program for calculation of area, volume, application of Bowditch rule rate for
calculation of co-ordinates.
Text books :
Reference books :
Engineering Materials
Code :CE- 304
Contact : 3L + 1T
Credits : 4
Properties – Physical and Mechanical, Definitions Stones – Classification of rock – characteristics of building stones – uses –
common building stones – Artificial stones
Structural clay products – Bricks – classification – characteristics – Different forms – Testing of bricks as per BIS – Heavy duty
burnt clay bricks – Burnt clay paving bricks, soiling bricks, hollow bricks. Clay tiles – mangalore Roofing tiles characteristics
and uses – Refractory bricks – Types, Terracota uses, classification and characteristics Building mortars – classification –
charateristics – Types and uses – Special mortars – uses.
Wood and wood products – Classification of trees and timber – structure of timber – characteristics of good timber Defects –
Seasoning – Decay – Prevention – Suitability of timber for specific uses – Wood products. Veneers plywood, Fibre boards, chip
boards, black boards, batten boards and laminated boards – characteristics and uses. (15 hrs).
Concrete : ingredients – Cement – Chemical composiion – Composition of cement clinker – Hydration – testing as per BIS –
Common types of cement – Properties and uses – Admixtures – Functions – A brief study of acceleration retarders and air
entraining agents – aggregates – classification – characteristics – Testing of physical properties as per BIS – Quality of mixing
water – Pozzolanas – Applications – Brief study of Fly ash, surkhi, rice husk ash and ground blast furnace slag.
Preparation of concrete – Water cement ratio – Definition of curing, workability and strength – Characteristics and uses of RCC,
PSC, FRC, Ferrocement – Mix proportions – Classification of concrete
Lime – various types and uses Floor tiles – Types – Properties and uses. Ceramic materials – Classification – Glass Different
types and uses.
Polymeric materials – Introduction – Rubber – Natural and synthetic – Vulcanisation of rubber – uses – plastics – properties and
Paints, Enamels and Varnishes – Properties and uses Tar, Bitumen and Asphalt – Properties and uses Miscellaneous materials-
Heat insulating, Sound insulating, Geosynthetics, Adhesives, - properties and uses.
Text books :
Engineering Geology
Code :CE- 305
Contact : 3L + 1T
Credits : 4
Physical Geology : Geology and its importance in Civil Engineering : Earth as a planet – its internal structure and composition.
Earthquakes and seismic hazards : Causes and effects, seismic waves and seismographs, Mercelli’s intensity scale and Richter’s
scale of magnitude. Distribution of Earthquakes in the world and India with examples. Earthquake resistant structures.
Weathering of rocks – Agents and kinds of weathering. Soil formation, soil profile, classification of soils, soil Erosion and soil
conservation. Measures, coastal erosion and protective measures.
Geological work of rivers – origin and stages in the system. Erosion, transporation, Deposition, Floods and flood man agement
measures with Indian Examples.
West Bengal University of Technology
Civil Engineering Syllabus_Old
a) igneous rocks – classification, mode of occurrence, forms of igneous rocks, texture and engineering importance.
b) Sedimentary rocks – process of sedimentation, primary structures, classification and engineering importance.
c) Metamorphic rocks – agents and types of metamorphism, classification and engineering importance. Engineering properties
of rocks – Compressive strength, tensile strength, tensile strength, porosity, permeability, specific gravity, Abrasive
resistance. Rocks as construction materials – qualities required for building and ornamental stones, foundations, concrete
aggregate, railway ballast, road metal, pavement, flooring and roofing.
Structural geology : Stratification. Dip and strike, compass clinometer. Definition, description, classification of folds, faults,
joints and unconformities, and their recognition in the field. Importance of geological structures in Civil Engg.
Resource Engg : Types of resources, Earth resources – renewable and non renewable resources – forest, water, minerals, oil,
coal, soil. Remote sensing – introduction to remote sensing, aerial photographs and satellite imagery. Advantages and limitations
of remote sensing. Interpretation of satellite data. Applications of remote sensing in geology, ground water investigation and
Civil Engg.
Hydrogeology : Hydrological cycle, waterbearing properties of soils and rocks, ground water occurrence and distribution.
Aquifers, types of aquifers, coastal aquifers and their management, springs and geysers, Geological work of ground water,
ground water investigation, selection of well sites, types of wells, quality or ground water, ground water management.
Geophysical exploration – Methods of Geophysical Exploration Electrical resistivity method – principles of electrical resistivity
survey. Field procedure – sounding and profiling, electrode configuration, interpretation of resistivity data Geophysical surveys
in ground water and other Civil Engg. Projects.
Applied Geology : Surface and subsurface geoloical and geophysical investigations in major Civil Engg. Projects. Geological
studies of Dams and reservoir sites, Geological studies for selection of tunnels and underground excavations.
Landslides : Types of landslides, causes, effects and prevention of landslides. Environmental Geology – problems of pollution
and their investigation. Hazards to surface and groundwaters. Impact of mining, quarrying, Dams & reservoirs etc., on
Reference Books :
1. A text book of Geology by Mukherjee P.K. Eleventh revised edition. The World Press Private Limited, Calcutta –
2. Engineering and General Geology by Parbin Singh, Fourth edition. Katson publishing house Delhi 1987.
3. Engineering Geology by Blyth, F.G.H & de Frcitas M.H.ELBS, 7th Ed. 1984.
4. Remote Sensing Principles and Interpretation – Floyd F.Sabins, H.Freeman and Co.
5. Engineering Geology for Civil Engineers – D. Venkat Reddy, Oxford, IBH, 1995.
6. Cornllius S.Hurlbut, Jr. : Dana’s Manual of Mineralogy, 17th edition. John Wiley & Sons, New York. 1985
7. Tyrell : Prinicples of petrology, 1972, Asia, Bombay.
8. Marland P.Billings : Structural Geology, fourth edition, 1975, Wiley eastern Prentice-Hall, U.S.A. 1972.
9. Todd D.K. : Ground Water hydrology. Jonh Wiley & Sons, Second edition, 1980.
10. Robert F.Legget : Geology and engineering, third edition, McGraw Hill book company Singapore, 1988.
Foundations : Objectives of preliminary investigations; definition and importance of safe bearing capacity of soils; types of
foundations; spread footings and piles; design of a spread footing for a wall.
Masonry : Stone Masonry : Coursed and uncoursed random rubble masonry; fine tooled and rough tooled ashiar masonry.
Brick Masonry : Rules for brick work bonding; stretcher bond, header bond; English and Flemish bonds for one, one and a half
and two brick thick walls.
Stairs : Types of R.C. Stair cases with sketches; cross-section of R.C.C. stair cases; design principles and design of a dog-legged
stair case.
Roofs : Types of pitched roofs and their sketches; Lean – to, coupled and collared roofs; king-post truss, queen-post truss and
simple steel trusses; roof covering materials-tiles, AC sheets, and G.I. sheets.
West Bengal University of Technology
Civil Engineering Syllabus_Old
Plastering and Painting; Plastering with cement and lime mortar; white-washing, colour washing and distempering; Painting new
wood and metal work.
Ancient History : Ancient history of human settlement and factors which shaped urbanization; Indus valley civilization (origin,
religion, and general features); list of Manasara’s Village/town classifications; Dantaka village plan and features.
Slums and Housing : Causes and effects of formation of slums; Slum clearance methods; preventation of formation of slums;
building-bye laws/specifications for construction of houses; neighbourhood units; green belt.
Town Planning : Objectives and principles of town planning; Origin and growth of towns; Development of new towns; Features
of the Chandigarh City.
Master Plan for cities: Objectives and elements of a procedure, execution, an dreport.
Zoning : Definition, objectives, and principles of zoning; various aspects of zoning (land use zoning, density zoning, and height
Architectural Aesthetics: Ancient and modern views on architecture; basic concepts of architecture (truthfulness, goodness and
beauty); aims of good architecture; three important theories of architecture; A brief description of principles of architecture.
Details on Principles of Architectural Composition:Unity and harmony; balance, proportion, scale, and rhythm in architecture
with examples from Indian Architecture.
Text Books :
References :
Surveying Practice-I
Code :CE- 393; Credits -2
Chain surveying :
Preparing index plans, Location sketches. Ranging
Construction of Geometric figures, Heights of objects using chain and ringing rods.
Getting outline of the structures by enclosing them in triangles/quadrilaterals.
Distance between inaccessible points.
Obstacles in chain survey.
Compass surveying :
Measurement of bearings, Construction of Geometrical figures
Distance between two inaccessible points by chain and compass.
Chain and compass traverse
Levelling :
Temporary adjustment of Dumpy level and Differential levelling.
Profile levelling and plotting the profile
Longitudinal and cross sectioning.
Gradient of line and setting out grades.
Reciprocal levelling.
Sensitiveness of Bubble tube
Permanent adjustment of Dumpy levels – third adjustment (Two peg method).
Contouring and Instruments :
Direct contouring
Indirect contouring – Block levelling
Indirect contouring – Radial contouring
Demonstration of minor imstruments.
West Bengal University of Technology
Civil Engineering Syllabus_Old
Contact- 3L + 1T
Credits- 4
Interpolation and application, finite differences, Newton Gregory and Lagrange's interpolation formulae, Inverse interpolation.
Error expression in interpolation formulae, Numerical differentiation. Numerical. Integration : trapezoidal rule and Simpson's
thIrd rule. Error expressIons for the Integration rules. Curve fittIng by method of least squares'
. Numerical solution of algebraic and transcendental equation using methods of ordinary iteration, regula-Falsi and Newton-
Raphson, condition for convergence and rate of
convergence and rate of convergence. Multiple roots polynomial equations, Solution of '
systems of non-linear equatIons by Newton-Raphson method. SImple problems. Solutions of systems of linear equations: Gauss
Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel and Relaxation methods. Solutions of tridiagonal systems. Eigen values and eigen vectors of matrices and
elementary properties. Computation of largest eigen value by Power Method.
Numerical solution of initial value problems in ordinary differential equations by Taylor series method, Euler's methods of
second and fourth orders, predictor corrector methods, Adams Bashforth, Adams-Moulton and Milne's method.
The moment generation function and its properties, functions of random variables, sampling theory, sampling distributions, weak
law of large numbers, central limit theorem. Applications.
Text Books: ..- S.S.Sastry: Introductory Method of Numerical Analysis, end 1990, Prentice Hall. "";
P.L.Meyer : Introduction to probability and Statistical applications. Second edn. 1979,
amerind Publishing Co.
Reference Books:
Hogg and Craig: Introduction of Mathematical Statistics, fourth edn. 1975, Macmillan i International. "
Ang. A.H.S. and Tang V.H.: Probability concepts in Engg. Plannijing and Design vols I
And II , John Wiley.
Francis Scheid : Numerical Analysis edn. 1968 Schaum Publishing Co.
Gerald C.F and Patrick D. Wheatley : applied Numerical analysis , third end. 1984 Addison Wesley.
M.K.Jain , S.R.K. Iyengar and R.K. Jain : Numerical Methods for scientific and Engineering Computation , edn. 1985, Wiley
Fluid Mechanics II
West Bengal University of Technology
Civil Engineering Syllabus_Old
Steady, Unsteady; Uniform, Non uniform, gradually varied flow, rapidly varied flow. Types of open channels, Geometric
Steady uniform flow: Characteristics, Chezy's and Manning's formulae, Hydraulically efficient Rectangular and trapezoidal
sections. Design features of rigid boundary channels.
Specific Energy - Definition, Diagram. Critical, subcritical and supercritical flows. Channel transitions - construction and raised
bed. Establishment of critical flow. Venturiflume and Parshall flume. Specific force - Definition and diagram.
Steady Non-Uniform open channel flow- Rapidly Varied Flow :- Definition, characteristics, examples, uses. Hydraulic jump in
horizontal rectangular channel. Gradually Varied Flow:- Definition, characteristics, examples. Classification of channel slopes.
Assumptions and derivation of gradually varied flow equation,. Classification of gradually varied flow profiles. Details of M-
type profiles and examples.Direct step method of computation of M-I type profile.
Dimensional Analysis and Model studies, Dimensions and dimensional homogenity, Importance and use of dimensional analysis.
Geometric, kinematic and dynamic similarity. Froude and Reynold model laws and applications. Distorted models.
Hydraulic Turbines Importance of hydropower. Classification of turbines, description, typical dimensions and working principles
of Pelton, Francis and Kaplan turbine (detailed design need not be dealt with) Unit and specific quantities . Performance
characteristics and selection of turbines. Description and functions of drafttube.
Pumps Classification of pumps . Description and general principle of working of centrifugal and reciprocating pumps (detailed
design need not be dealt with ). Unit and specific quantities , Performance characteristics . Description of multistage , jet and
airlift pumps . Cavitation in pumps and turbines.
Reference Books :
Fluid Mechanics by Modi & Seth , Standard Book House , New Delhi
Fluid Mechanics by A.K.Jain , Kanna Publishers, Nath Market, Nai Sarak ,, New Delhi
Fluid Mechanics & Machinery by H.M. Raghunath- CBS Publishers New Delhi
Origin & formation of Soil :- Types, Typical Indian Soil, Fundamental of Soil Structure, Clay Mineralogy.
Soil as a Three Phase System :- Weight- Volume Relationship, Measurement of Physical Properties of Soil: Insitu Density,
Moisture Content, Specific Gravity, Relative Density.
Index Properties of Soil :- Attarberg’s Limits- Determination of Index Properties of Soil by Casagrande’s Apparatus, Cone
Penetrometer, Soil Indices.
West Bengal University of Technology
Civil Engineering Syllabus_Old
Soil Classification :- As per Unified Classification System, As per IS Code Recommendation, AASHTO Classification, Field
Identification of Soil, Consistency of Soil.
Soil Moisture :- Permeability, Capillarity in Soil, Darcy’s Law, Determination of Coefficient of Permeability of Soil in
Laboratory & in Field, Permeability for Stratified Deposits.
Two Dimensional Flow Through Soil :- Laplace’s Equations, Flow nets, Flow Through Earthen Dam, Estimation of Seepage,
Uplift due to Seepage, Design of Fillers.
Effective Stress Principles:- Definition of Effective Stress, Estimation of Effective Pressure Due to Different Flow Conditions,
Critical Hydraulic Gradient, Quick Sand Condition.
Stress Distribution In Soil :- Bousinesq’s & Westergaad’s Assumption & Formula for Determination of Stress due to Point
Loads, Stress Beneath Line, Strip & Uniformly Loaded Circular & Rectangular Areas- Pressure Bulbs, Newmark’s charts- Use
For Determination of Stress due to Arbitrarily Loaded Areas, Contact Stress Distribution for various types of Loading & on
Different Types of Soils.
References :-
1.Principles of Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering by – V.N.S. Murthy (UBS Publishers).
2.Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering by – B.C.Punmia (Laxmi Publications).
3.Introduction of Soil Mechanics by- B.M.Das (Galgotia Publications).
4.Soil Mechanics by – T.W.Lambe & R.V.Whitman.
5.SP-36 (Part – I & Part - II).
6.Basic & Applied Soil Mechanics by- Gopal(Ranjan & A.S.R.Rao (Willes EasternLtd.)
Structral Analysis- I
Code :CE- 404 ;
Contact : 3L + 1T ;
Credits : 4
Structural Systems : Conditions of equilibrium, degrees of freedom, simple systems, Compound systems, Redundant systems,
Linear and non-linear structural systems.
Strain energy : Strain energy and complementary strain energy, Strain energy due to axial load, bending and shear, theorem of
minimum potential energy, law of conservation energy, principle of virtual work, the first theorem of Castigilano, Betti’s law,
Clark Maxwell’s theorem of reciprocal deflection; deflections of beams and frames using Strain energy method and Unit Load
Rolling loads and influence lines : Statically determinate beams and bridge trusses, series of loads and uniformly distributed
loads, criteria for maximum and absolute maximum moments and shears.
Redundant Structures : The second theorem of Castigliano, Consistent deformation method for Fixed beams and frames – fixed
end moments for beams due to udl,, noncentral load, external moment, uniformly varying load, support settlement Analysis of
frames (maximum two degree of indeterminacy).
References :
Structural Design- I
Code :CE- 405 ;
Contact : 3L +1T ; Credits : 4
A] Reinforced Concrete :
Basic concepts of reinforced concrete and conventional theories. Balanced,under reinforced and doubly reinforced
section – Rectangular , T and L section – Analysis.
West Bengal University of Technology
Civil Engineering Syllabus_Old
B] Steel : Materials and Specification . Structure connections-Rivet and Weld. Different types strength and failure of
joints.Design of Connections- different types , bracket. eccentric connections, moment resistant connections. Design of tension
and compression members – I.S code provisions. Permissible stresses , Design rules . Examples . Design of beam and plated
beams. I.S code provisions. Design of columns under axial load.
Text Books :
I.S. 456-2000
SP : 16-1980 Design aids for reinforced concrete – Bureau of Indian Standards
Reinforced concrete Design by Mallick & Gupta
Reinforced concrete Limit state design by Ashok K. Jain
Reinforced concrete by H.S.Shah.
Reinforced concrete structure by I.C. Sagal and A.K. Goel
Fundamentals of reinforced concrete by N.C.Sinha and S.K. Roy-S.Chand &CO..
Limit state theory and design of reinforced concrete by S.R.Karve and V.L. Shah.
IS 800 – 1984
Pasala Dayaratnam – Design of steel structures A.H.Wheeler & Co Ltd. 1990
S.Alam Raj- Structural Design in Steel.
A.S.Arya and J.L.Ajmani – Design of steel structures – Nem chand & Bros.,
Ramachandra – Design of steel structures, Vol. I & II
B.S.Krishnamachar and D.Ajitha Sinha – Design of steel structures Tata McGraw – Hill publishing Co. Delhi.
S.M.A.Kazmi and R.S.Jindal – Design of steel structures – Prentice Hall of India – 1988.
Ramamurtham – Design of steel structures.
S.P.: 6(1) – 1964 Structural Steel Sections.
L.S.Negi – Design of steel structures, Tata McGraw-Hill.
Foundations : Spread foundation for walls, and columns of brick masonry; footing for an RCC Column; raft and pile foundations;
Doors and Windows; Glazed and panelled doors standard sizes. Glazd and panelled windows standard sizes, special windows
and ventilators
Stairs: Proportioning and design of a dog-legged, open well RCC stari case for an office residence building; details of
reinforcements for RCC stair cases: plan and elevation of straight run, quarter turn, dog-legged and open well RCC stair cases.
Roofs and Trusses : Types of sloping roofs, leanto roofs; pitched roofs (showing gabled ends and hipped ends); RCC roof with
details of reinforcements; Kingpost and Queenpost trusses.
Functional Design of Buildings : To draw the line diagram, plan, elevation and section and line of the following
Residential Buildings (flat, pitched and combined roofs)
Office Buildings (flat roof)
Hostel block
The designs must show positions of various components and their sizes.
References :
West Bengal University of Technology
Civil Engineering Syllabus_Old
5.Measurement of water surface profile for flow over Broad created weir
6.Preparation of discharge rating curve for a sluice .
7.Measurement of water surface profile for a hydraulic jump
8.Measurement of point rain fall by Raingauges.
9.Measurement of evaporation loss by I.S I Standard Pan.
10.Visual observation of wind vane , Anemometer etc.
1.Field indentification of different type of soil as per Indian standards [ collection of field samples and indentification without
laboratory testing ] , determination of natural moisture content.
2. Determination of specific gravity of i) Cohesionless ii) Cohesive soil
3.Determination of Insitu density by core cutter Method
4.Determination Insitu density by sand replacement method
5.Grain size distribution of cohessionless soil by sieving.
6.Grain size distribution of finegrained soil by hydrometer analysis.
7. Determination of Attenberg’s limit (liquid limit, plastic limit & shrinkage limit)
8. Determination of co-efficient of permeability by constant head pemeameter (coarse grained soil)
9. Determination of co-efficient of permeability by variable head parameter ( fine grained soil).
1.Soil Testing by T.W. Lamb (John willey)
2.SP-36 (Part-I & Part-II)
3.Measurement of Engineering properties of soil by E. Saibaba Reddy & K. Rama sastri.(New age International publication.
Geology Lab
code-:CE- 495;Credits -2
Exercises in geological maps: drawing sections, and interpretation of geological , structures. Dip and strike problems.
Thickness problems. Bore-hole problems.
Capitalistic, Communist and mixed economics - Developing and developed economies - Characteristics of Indian economy -
Economic developments in India. Economic Concepts:
West Bengal University of Technology
Civil Engineering Syllabus_Old
. Meaning and importance of consumption - Wants - characteristics and classification of wants. Utility - Meaning of marginal
utility - Law of diminishing utility - Concept of consumer surplus.
Demand and supply analysis - Meaning of demand, Determinants of demand. Exception to the law of demand. Elasticity of
demand - Meaning, Price elasticity of demand, Cross elasticity of demand. Income elasticity of demand, advertisement elasticity
of demand. Demand forecasting - Basic concepts and tools used in analysis of demand forecasting for new products, existing
products and consumer products. Measurement of elasticity. Law of supply.
Cost and Production Analysis:
Cost concept - Classification of cost - Cost output relationship - Cost allocations. Economics and diseconomies of scale Cost
control - Cost reduction. Cost benefit analysis - Cost effectiveness analysis.
Financial Management;
Meaning, nature and scope of financial accounting, cost accounting and management accounting. Financial accounting. Meaning
and uses of financial statements - Balance sheet and Profit and Loss account. Accounting concepts. Financial statement analysis -
Ratio analysis - Fund flow analysis - Cash flow analysis.
Capital budgetin techniques - Capital structure decision - Cost of capital - Sources of financial Institutions. Working capital
management. Investment evaluation - NPV - IRR method.
Introduction : Definition and scope of Hydrology , Hydrologic cycle , The Global water Budget, Practical Applications.
Precipitation : Definition , Forms of precipitation , Measurement of Precipitation , Errors in measurement of Rainfall , location
of Raingauge , Raingauge network , Adequacy of raingauge station , preparation of data- Estimation of missing data , Test for
consistency of records ( double mess curve analysis ),Presentation of rainfall data, Mean precipitation over on area-( Thissen
polygon method ,Isohyetal method), Frequency of point rainfall , plotting position ,PMP ( Probable maximum Precipitation),
Rainfall data in India, examples.
Abstractions from precipitation : Evaporation – the process , factors affecting and measurement , concept of pan co-efficient ,
method for reduction of evaporation losses, Transpiration- factors affecting, measurement .Evapotranspiration -
Definition,AET,,PET,Measurement-Iysimeter,FiledPlots,Perimansequation,Examples. Initial loss- Interception , depression
storage . Infiltration – infiltration capacity , infiltration rate , factors affecting measurement.
Infiltration Indices: - ϕ- index , w index , Example
West Bengal University of Technology
Civil Engineering Syllabus_Old
Stream flow Measurement : Introduction, Determination of stream discharge , Measurement of stage , measurement of velocity
, Stage discharge relationship – permanent control , shifting control, examples.
Run-off : Introduction, factors affecting, computation, concepts of Direct Run-off, Base flow, water year,
Runoff characteristics of streams – Perinnial, intermittent , ephemeral, yield ( Annual Runoff volume) – i) correlation of stream
flow and rainfall ii) Empirical equations Binne’s percentages, Barlow’s tables, Strange’s tables, Khosla’s formula , Flow –mass
curve and their uses, examples.
Hydrographs : Introduction, factors affecting flood Hydrograph , Components of a Hydrograph, Base flow separation, Concept of
Direct Run-off Hydrograph (DRH) ,Effective rainfall, Unit Hydrograph- definition, assumptions, Derivation, Limitations and
use,Unit Hydrograph of different durations-Method of superposition, The S- Curve ,Syenthetic UnitHydrogrph. Snyder’s
Method, concept of instantaneous unit Hydrograph (IUH), examples.
Floods : Definition and causes , Estimation of the magnitude of a flood peak- rational method, empirical method , flood
frequencies studies. Important definitions- Design flood , Standard project flood (SPF) , Probable maximum floods(PMF) .
Element of water power Engineering : Introduction, comparison of Hydro-electric and thermal power plants, classification of
Hydel plants- i)Runoff river plant ii)storage plant iii)Pumped storage plant iv) Tidal plants. Some important terms and
definitions- storage and Pendage , lood factor, demand factor, capacity factor, utilization factor, firm power secondary power
Examples .
1. Engg. Hydrology – K.Subramanya- Tata Mc Grow hill Publishing Col.
2. A Text Book of Hydrology – P. Jaya Rami Reddy- Luxmi Publication ,N.Delhi
3. Hydrology & Water Resources Engg.- S.K. Garg –Khanna Publishers.
4. Applied Hydrology – K. N. Mutreja - Tata Mc Grow hill Publishing Co.
5. Irrigation ,Water Resources & Water Power Engg.- Dr. P.N. Modi, Standardard Book House, New Delhi.
Environmental Engineering -I
Contact: 3L + lT Credits: 4
Water demands: Types of demands domestic, commercial, industrial, fire, public use and losses, per capita demand, variations in
demand, factors affecting demand. Design period. Forecasting population-different methods and their suitability.
Sources of water: surface sources rivers, streams, lakes and impounded reservoirs, determination of quantity of water in the
above sources. Under ground sources Springs, wells and infiltration galleries, measurement of yield of open wells., tube wells,
artesian wells and infiltration galleries. Comparison of surface source and subsurface sources in respect of quality and quantity.
Quality of water: Pollution and contamination of water. Sources, classification and prevention of pollution. Water borne diseases.
Impurities in water. Collection of water samples. Water analysis Physical chemical and biological tests, standards for potable
Collection and conveyance of water: Intakes-river, lake, reservoir and canal. Hydraulic design of pressure pipes. Hydrostatic tests
on pipes.
Treatment of water: Aeration, Plain sedimentation, sedimentation with coagulation- coagulant feeding devices, optimum dosage
of coagulant. Filters and their different types, disinfection, water softening. The functional design of treatment unit. Removal of
iron, manganes, colour, odour and taste, Fluoridation, desalination.
Distribution: Systems of distribution, layout of distribution system, Pressure in distribution system, Storage and distribution
reservoirs. Capacity of reservoirs. Type of reservoirs. Detection and presentation of leakages. Design of distribution system
Nomograms, Hardycross method, valves and pipe fittings, Hydrants. Necessity of pumps in water supply, types of pumps,
.determination of capacity of pumps required (no derivation)
References :
West Bengal University of Technology
Civil Engineering Syllabus_Old
Water Supply & Waste Water Disposal –G . M . Fair ,J . C . Geyer ,D . A . Okun . –Jhon Wiley & Sons .
Water Supply Engineering Volume I by Kshirasagar.
Manual of Water Supply & treatment - A Government of India Publication.
Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering By G.S.Birdi
Water supply engineering by Babbit and Doland
Water supply sanitary engineering by G.S. Birdi
Code :CE- 504
Contact: 3L + lT Credits: 4
Theodolite surveying: Components of a theodolite. Adjestments, Horizontal and vertical angle measurements, Trigponometric
Tacheometer : Definition, Principles of stadia, tangential systems, Details of stadia system. Analytic tacheometer, Horizontal and
inclined sight with staff verical and normal for both fixed and movable hair tacheometer, Errors in tacheometer methods.
Thoery of errors: Errors Definition, Laws of errors, Priniciples of least square, Laws of weights, Determination of probable error
and its distribution, Normal equations, Method of correlates, Triangulation adjustments station and figure adjustments, Levelling
adjustment, Method of equal shifts.
Curve surveying: Simple curves Definition, Notations Designations, Elements of simple curve, Setting out by linear methods and
Rankine's tangetial method. Two Theodolite and Tacheometric method, Compound reverse curves. Transition curves, Bernoulli's
Lemniscate, Vertical cUrve types and calculations.
Hydrographic surveying: Shore line surveying sounding Locating sounding and reduction, Three point problems, Nautical
sextant and station pointer.
Electro Magnetic Distance Measurement: Introduction, Electromagnetic waves, Modulation, Types of EDM instruments,
Principle of their working.
Photographic surveying: Terrestrial-Principles-Phototheodolite-Horizontal and vertical distances of points from photographic
measurements, Determination of the focal length of camera lens, Aerial photogrammetry, aerial camera, scale of vertical
photographs, Flight planning, Drag and lift, Computation of flight plan, Ground control, Stereo scope and parallax principles.
Text Books:
Reference books:
Surveying by Higgins.
Structural Analysis-II
Code: CE- 505; Contact: 3L + 1T;
Credits: 4
West Bengal University of Technology
Civil Engineering Syllabus_Old
Moment distribution method - solution of continuous beam, effect of settlement and rotation of support, frames with
or without side sway.
Un-symmetrical bending.
CE506 Contact : 3L + 1T ;
Credits : 4
B] Steel : Design of roof truss – connection details . Built up columns under combined loading. Design of lacing
and batten plates.
ColumnBase&Base Plate- Connection details.
Design of plate girders – stiffeners , splicing, curtailments-Riveted& Welded.
Design gantry girder considering lateral buckling – I.S code provisions.
I.S. 456-2000
SP : 16-1980 Design aids for reinforced concrete – Bureau of Indian Standards
Reinforced concrete Design by Mallick & Gupta
. Design of concrete structures – Ramachandra.
Reinforced concrete Limit state design by Ashok K. Jain
Reinforced concrete by H.S.Shah.
Reinforced concrete structure by I.C. Sagal and A.K. Goel
Fundamentals of reinforced concrete by N.C.Sinha and S.K. Roy
Limit State Design of Reinforced concrete –P.C. Varghese –PHE Publisher.
Limit state theory and design of reinforced concrete by S.R.Karve and V.L. Shah.
IS 800 – 1984
West Bengal University of Technology
Civil Engineering Syllabus_Old
Note: Students will have to study the Layout experimental units in the laboratory.
Tests on cement – specific gravity, fineness, soundness, normal consistency, setting time, compressive strength on cement mortar
Tests on fine aggregate – specific gravity, bulking sieve analysis, fineness modulus, moisture content, bulk density, voids and
deleterious materials.
Tests on coarse aggregate-specific gravity, sieve analysis, fineness modulus, bulk density and voids.
Test on bricks and tiles (Roofing and Flooring) – Water absorption, breaking loads
References :
BIS on testing of cement, fine and coarse aggregates, Bricks and tiles.
Laboratory manual of concrete testing (PartI) – V.V Sastry and M.L. Gambhir.
Surveying Practice II
Code :CE- 594
Credits: 2
Theodolite surveying: Measurement of horizontal angles, repetition and Reiteration methods, Single plane and double plane
method of trigonometric levelling, Theodolite traverse adjustments.
Tacheometric surveying: Tacheometric constants, Measurement of horizontal and vertical distance. Tacheometric traverse and
Curve surveying: setting out simple curve by chain and tape, offsets from longchord and tangent, from chord produced, Simple
curve by rankine's method, Setting out compound and reverse curves, Transition curves, Bernoulli's Leminscate.
Demonstration: Box-Sextant, Nautical sextant and EDM instruments.
West Bengal University of Technology
Civil Engineering Syllabus_Old
General considerations , design principle of R.C.C. sections, limit state method of design. Loads and stresses to be considered in
the design as per I.S. code provision.
Design of different units –slab , beam column, roofing and staircase from floor plan of a multistoried frame building – two way
action of floor slab.
Compaction of Soil :- Principles of Compaction, IS Light & Heavy Compaction Test, Field Compaction Equipments, Various
methods of field Compaction Control, CBR Test (Soaked, Un-soaked & Field ) as per IS recommendation.
Compressibility & Consolidation of Soil :- Terzaghi’s Theory of One Dimensional Consolidation, Compressibility
characteristics of Soils, Compression Index, Coefficient of Compressibility & Volume change, Coefficient of Consolidation,
Degree & rate of Consolidation, Consolidemeter & Laboratory One Dimensional Consolidation Test as per latest IS Code,
Determination of Consolidation Parameters under Consolidated, Normally Consolidated & Over Consolidated Soil, Secondary
Shear Strength of Soil :- Basic Concept of Shear Resistance & Shear Strength of Soil, Mohr- Columb’s Theory, Determination
of Shear Parameter of Soil- Stress Controlled & Strain Controlled Test, Laboratory Determination of Soil Shear Parameter-
Direct Shear, Tri-axial Test, Unconfined Compression, Vane Shear Test as per Relevant IS Codes, Stress- Strain Relationship of
Clays & Sands, Concept of Critical Void Ratio, Stress Path and its Application.
Earth Pressure Theories :- Plastic equilibrium of soil , Earth pressure at rest , Active & passive Earth pressure ,
Rankin’s&Coulombs earth pressure theories , wedge method of analysis , estimation of earth pressure by graphical construction
( colmann & Rebhann’s method).
Retaining Wall & sheet pite structures: Proportions of retaining walls, stability checks , cantilever and anchored sheet piles ,
free earth and fixed earth method of analysis of anchored bulk heads , coffer dam structures types and suitability.
Stability of slopes : Analysis of finite and infinite slopes , swedish
And friction circle method, Taglor’s stability number , Bishop’s method of stability analysis stability consideration of Earthen
West Bengal University of Technology
Civil Engineering Syllabus_Old
Transportation Engineering- I
Code :CE- 602
Contact: 3L + lL Credits: 4
Highway Alignment:
Requirements; factors controlling alignment; engineering surveys for highway alignment and location.
Pavement design: Evaluation of soil subgrade, sub-base, base and wearing courses; design factors for pavement thickness
(including design wheel load and ESWL, strength
of pavement materials and plate load tests, and effect of climatic variations) Group Index and CBR methods of flexible
pavement design; Westergaards analysis of wheel load stresses in rigid pavements; frictional stresses and warping stresses; IRC
recommendations for design of rigid pavements; design of expansion and contraction joints. Benkelmen Beam Test .
Road Materials and Testing : Soil, Stone Aggregate, Bitumen, Marshal Stability Test .
West Bengal University of Technology
Civil Engineering Syllabus_Old
Sewage and drainage: Definition of some common terms used in sanitary engineering. Systems of sanitation, systems of
sewarages. Types of sewage. Sources of sanitary sewage. Estimating the quantity of sanitary sewage and storm sewage.
Design of sewers.Nomograms, partial flow diagrams. Testing of sewer lines Sewer appurtenances. Pumping of sewage. House
Characteristics of sewage: Physical, Chemical and Biological. Test on sewage; Solids, dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen
demand, stability and relative stability, chlorides, sulphide, nitrogen. pH value, grease, oil and fat. Biological tests, carbon,
nitrogen and sulphur cycles.
Solid waste disposal: Quality and quantity of refuse, Collection and conveyance of solid wastes. Disposal of solid waste by
composting, and other methods, Salvaging, grinding
and discharging into sewers. '"
Disposal by other methods: Oxidation pond, oxidation ditch, aerated lagoon, septic tank, Iimhoff tank, Disposal by dilution,
irrigation and farming, stream sanitation.
Treatment of sewage: Primary treatment - screen, grit chamber, detritus tank, skimming tank, plain sedimentation sedimentation
with coagulation. Secondary treatment - Filtration, normal rate trickling filters, high rate trickling filters activated sludge process,
aeration units, types of activated sludge process, sludge digestion. Functional design of primary and secondary treatment units.
Water Supply , Waste Disposal &Enviormental Pollution Engineering – A . K . Chatterjee – Khanna Pub .
Water Supply & Waste Water Disposal –G . M . Fair ,J . C . Geyer ,D . A . Okun . –Jhon Wiley & Sons .
Sanitary Engineering Volume II by Kshirasagar.
Manual of treatment - A Government of India Publication.
Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering By G.S.Birdi
A. Reinforced concrete
Design of building frames, Design of beams and columns,Effect of lateral loading, {Wind &earthquake). Earthquake
resistant provisions, bracing and shear wall, I.S.Code provisions – Design Examples.
Design of liquid storage structure resting on ground, circular and rectangular tank- approximate method and I.S
method , permissible stresses as per code provisions,
Design of elevated water tanks, stagings – effect of lateral load.
Design of Mill bents, Design of industrial building with multiple truss system, bracing.-lateral and longitudinal – I.S
Code provisions.
Simple Design of multi-storied building-effect of lateral load as I.S.code provision.
Design of water tower-staging,effect of wind and earthquake I.S.Code provision , Design examples.
Reference Books :
I.S. 456-2000
SP : 16-1980 Design aids for reinforced concrete – Bureau of Indian Standards
Reinforced concrete Design by Mallick & Gupta Reinforced concrete Limit state design by Ashok K. Jain
Reinforced concrete by H.S.Shah.
Reinforced concrete structure by I.C. Sagal and A.K. Goel
Fundamentals of reinforced concrete by N.C.Sinha and S.K. Roy
Limit State Design of Reinforced concrete –P.C. Varghese –PHE Publisher.
Limit state theory and design of reinforced concrete by S.R.Karve and V.L. Shah.
IS 800 – 1984
Pasala Dayaratnam – Design of steel structures A.H.Wheeler & Co Ltd. 1990
West Bengal University of Technology
Civil Engineering Syllabus_Old
A.S.Arya and J.L.Ajmani – Design of steel structures – Nem chand & Bros.,
Ramachandra – Design of steel structures, Vol. I & II
B.S.Krishnamachar and D.Ajitha Sinha – Design of steel structures Tata McGraw – Hill publishing Co. Delhi.
S.M.A.Kazmi and R.S.Jindal – Design of steel structures – Prentice Hall of India – 1988.
Ramamurtham – Design of steel structures.
Design Of Steel Structures by I.C.Syal & S.Singh – Standard Publishers.
Steel Designers Manual -E.L,B.S Edition.
S.P.: 6(1) – 1964 Structural Steel Section.
1) Analytical Methods in structural Engineering-S.A.Raz, New Age International Pub.
2) Structural analysis-Negi & Jangid.-Tata McGrawhill Co.
3)Theory of structures by S.P.Timoshenko
4)Theory of structures by S.Ramamurthum.
5)Matrix method of structural analysis by M.B.Kanchi
6)Structural analysis – A matrix approach by G.S.Pandit and Gupta
7)Theory of structures by Vazirani and Rathwani Vol. II and Vol. III.
8)Intermediate structural Analysis by Wang.
Introduction : Definition, necessity, history advantags and disadvantags of Irrigation, Benefits and Ill-effects of Irrigation, Types
of Irrigation systems, methods of Irrigation, quality of Irrigation water, examples.
Water Requirements of crops : Crop period or Base period , Duty and Delta of a crop, relation between duty and delta,Duty at
various places , flow duty and quantity duty, factors affecting duty, measures for improving duty of water, crop seasons and
Indian Agriculture, Kor watering , optimum utilization of Irrigation water,Irrigation efficiencies,
Estimation of PET- ,Penman’s method,Blaney-Criddle method,Thornthwaitemethod,Soil moisture Irrigation relationship- field
capacity ,permanent wilting point, available and readily available moisture, Depth and frequency of Irrigation,Soil erosion and
conservation measures,Examples.
Canal Irrigation : Introduction, classification of Irrigation canals, certain important definitions – G.C.A,C.C.A, intensity of
irrigation, area to be irrigated , Time factor , capacity factor, full supply co-efficient , Nominal duty.,Channel losses, Examples.
Design of unlined alluvial channels by silt Theories: Introduction, Kennedy’s theory, procedure for design of channel by
Kennedy’s method, Drawback in Kennedy’s
Theory , use of Garret’s diagram, Lacey’s theory, concept of True regime Initial regime and final regime, design procedure for
Lacey’s theory, comparison between Kennedy’s and Laccey’s theories,Methods of prevention of silt deposition in canals and
reservoirs, examples.
Lining of Irrigation Cannals : Objectives, advantages and disadvantages of canal lining , economics of canal lining, requirements
of canal lining, Types of lining, Design of lined
Canals- examples.
Canal Falls : Definition and location of canal falls , Brief description of ogee fall , Notch-fall , Sarda type fall and montague type
fall .
Water logging of Agricultural lands and land drainage-
Definition, effects, causes, measures for prevention of water logging ,Reclamation of saline & alkaline lands ,Examples.
Land drainage – Open drains, Tile drains – Layout of a closed drainage system , Discharge and spacing of closed drains, drainage
co-efficient , examples.
Reservoirs : Introduction, selection of a suitable site for a reservoir ,typs of reservoirs , capacity- elevation curves, storage zones
of reservoir , Fixation of reservoir capacity with the help of mass curve of inflows and out flows , safe yield , Reservoir
sedimentation –Density convert , Trap efficiency , sedimentation index , capacity inflow ratio, sedimentation control , Reservoir
Losses , clearance, examples.
West Bengal University of Technology
Civil Engineering Syllabus_Old
Necessity of planning , steps involved in planning , function and objective of a multipurpose project , Cost allocation to various
uses in multipurpose project planning i)Remaining benefits method
Ii}ultimate justifiable expenditure method , Important multipurpose projects of India , examples..
Reference Books :
References :
BIS Codes on Concrete, Steel.
Laboratory manual on Concrete Testing (Part II) V.V.Sastry and M.L.Gambhir
Highway Materials Testing – S.K. Khanna and C.E.G Justo
CODE- CE-697
Experiments :
pH colour , turbidity
Solids – suspended , dissolved , settleable and volatile ,
Dissolved oxygen, BOD , COD
Determination of fluorides and Iron
Hardness , Chlorides
Nitrite – Nitrogen and Ammonical – Nitrogen
Available chlorine in bleaching powder,Residual chlorine in water &
Chlorine demand .
Bacteriological quality of water – presumpting test,confirmation test
and Determination of MPN
Jar Test.
Books: 1.Design of steel structure – L S Negi(Tata Mccrawhill
2. Design of steel structures- Arya and Ajmami
(Nem Chand & Brs; Roorkee ,U.P.)
3.Design of Streel Structures- Duggal(Tata Mc graw hill)
4.I.S. Code 800
5.I.S. SP-6
6.Handbook on Design and Detailing of Structures-Dayaratnam P.(Wheeler)
7. Design of steel Structure-P. Dayaratnam
8. Structural Design in steel- S.A. Roy (NewAge Int. Pvt. Ltd.)
Ground Water : Introduction , Modes of occurance of ground water , Dare’s Law for determining ground water velocity ,
Empirical formulae for ground water velocity determination. Concept of aquifer , confined aquifer, unconfined aquifer , leaky or
semi-confined aquifer, perched aquifer , aquielude , aquifared ,aquifuge, steady flow to wells- Dupit-Thiem’s theory of well
hydraulics- for both unconfined and confined aquifers- assumptions, derivation of the mathematical expressions. Unsteady
radical flow towards wells- Thies non-equilibrium formula for confined aquifers, Evaluation of acquifer parameters from Thies
equation-Thies method, Cooper and Jacob method, Artifical recharge of ground water – spreading method , recharge – well
method, induced infiltration method, Sea water infrusion in coastal
Aquifers, Advantages of ground water reservoir. Ground water
exploration in brief, safe yield , Examples.
Wells: Definition, Types-open well or Dug well, Tube well, open well-shallow open well, deep open well, cavity formation in
open wells, construction of open wells, Yield of an open well – Equilibrium pumping test, Recuperating test , examples , Tube
wells- Strainer type, cavity type, slotted type.Construction and Boring of Tube wells, Examples.
River Engineering : Introduction, types of rivers and their characteristics , classification of rivers , Meanders- causes, Meander
parameters, Development of a cut-off, cut-off ratio.
Control and Training of Rivers: Concept, objectives.
Classification of River Training : Marginal embankment or levees, Guide Bank, Groynes or spurs, Artificial cut-off, Pitched
Island, Pitching of banks and provision of launched apron, Miscellaneous method such as sills, bamdalling etc. Examples.
Bridges and culverts: Introduction , Data Collection , High flood discharge computation, Alignment, waterway, Number of
spans, economic span, scour depth, Afflux, clearing depth of foundation causeway, submersible bridges , Examples.
Planning and analysis of water Resource system:
Introduction to water Resources planning, Identification and evaluation of water management plans-Basic Concept, evaluation of
time streams of Benefits and costs, plan formulation , planning models and solution procedures- Dynamic programming,
Recursive equations, Bellman principle of optimatically Reservoir operation , single reservoir problem- i)with release as decision
variable ii) with storage as decision variable , related computer programming ( not for examination).
West Bengal University of Technology
Civil Engineering Syllabus_Old
Code : CE - 702
Contact : 3L+IT
Credits : 4
Railway Engineering :
Introduction to Railway Engg.: Railway terminology, survey for track alignment, railway track component parts, gauges, wheel
and axle arrangements.
Tractive Resistance : Resistance to traction, various resistances and their evaluation, hauling capacity and tractive effort.
Permanent way : Permanent way component parts, rails, railway sleepers, types, railway creep, anti creep devices check and
guard rails, ballast requirements, types specification, formation, cross section and drainage.
Geometric Design : Alignment, horizontal curves, super elevation, equilibrium cant and cant deficiency, Gradients and grade
Railway Station Yard : Site, requirements, classification of railway stations.
Signalling and Inter looking : Objectives, principles of signaling, classification and types of signals in stations and yards &
methods of interlocking.
Tunnels :
Introduction to tunneling : Considerations in tunneling, shape and size of tunnels, tunnel alignment, shaft, pilot tunnels.
Tunneling through soils and soft rock : methods of tunneling through soils and soft rock, tunnel lining, shield method of
Tunnelling in hard rock : Methods of attack, grouting and lining.
Tunnel ventilation, Dust Removal etc.
Airports :
Introduction to airport planning and development : General philosophy of airport planning and development, ICAO classification
o fairports, site selection factors characteristics and jet aircraft.
Airport design standards ; Orientation of runways, length of runways and corrections, width of runways, sight distances,
gradients and clearance, taxiways and Aprons.
Airport planning : Centralized and decentralized planning concepts, terminal requirements, terminal facilities and Typical layout
of airports.
A Text Book of Railway Engineering – S.P. Arora & S.C. Saxena
Docks, Harbours and Tunnels by Srinivasan
Transportation Engineering by Vazirani & Chandola
Airport planning and Desigri. S.K.Khanna & M.G.Arora
Foundation Engineering
Code – CE- 703
Contacts-3L + 1T
Site Investigation & Soil Explanation : Planning of sub-surface explanation , methods , sampling, samples, Insitu
SPT, SCPT, OCPT, field vane shear , Plate load test, Bore log, preparation of sub-soil Investigation report .
West Bengal University of Technology
Civil Engineering Syllabus_Old
Foundation shape on bearing capacity , Bearing capacity on layered media, Bearing capacity as per 1S 6403.
Settlement : Immediate and consolidation settlement , correction for rigidity and dimensional effects, settlement in various types
of soil , IS-1904 recommendations.
Allowable bearing capacity : Definition , Determination of allowable bearing capacity from insitu test- SPT , SCPT and Plate
load test.
Deep foundations : Pile : Types, load transfer mechanism , method of installation of piles- classification base on material ,
Installation Techniques – Selection and uses, Determination of load carrying capacities of piles by static and Dynamic formulae,
Pile group .
Group efficiency, Negative skin friction , pile load test ,
Drilled staffs : Types , Design consideration , Load carrying capacity : Types, Selection – well sinking,
Cassions : Problems & remedies.
Introduction to Ground Improvement Technique : Stabilisation using admixtures , stone columns , sand drains, grouting,
geotextiles ibroflotation.
Foundation on problematic soil : Foundation on expansive soil: Foundation on expansive soil, swelling potential , swelling and
it’s prevention , foundation on swelling soils.
Basic principles of Pre-stressed concrete. High strength concrete and high strength steel used in pre-stressing –properties and
characteristics . Stress- strain and load balancing concept . Pre-tension & Roof-tensioning ,tensioning methods and end-
anchorages. Losses of prestress. Stresses in concrete due to pre-stresses and load – Analysis in flexure.
.R.C.C.Bridges- Different Types – IRC loading – General consideration IRC specification simple design of a solid slab bridge.
Steel Bridges – Introduction – Different types, class of loading . Design of stringer and floor beams.
Plastic Design of steel structures- Introduction. Plastic hinges & Collapse mechanism . Design of beams , portals, gables frames
and associated connections . I.S code provisions.
Prestressed Concrete – S. Ramamath - Jhanpat Rai Publishers.
Fundamentals of Prestressed concrete – N.C. Sinha & S.K.Roy.
Design of Bridge Structures – Jagadish & Jayaram – Prentice Hall
Principle & Practice of Bridge Engineering – S.P. Bindra- Dhanpat Rai.
West Bengal University of Technology
Civil Engineering Syllabus_Old
Hydraulic Structures
Code CE 705
Contacts- 3L + 1T
Credits: 4
Necessity, Difference between weir and Barrage, Type of Weirs, Selection of site , layout and description of each part, Effects of
construction of a weir on the river regims, causes of failure of weirs on permeable foundation and their remedies.
Failure of Hydraulic Structures Founded on Pervious foundations: I) By piping ii) By Direct uplift, Bligh’s creep theory of
seepage flow , Lane’s weighted creep theory, Khoslas theory & concept of flownets, concept of exit gradient and critical exit
gradient, Khosla’s mathod of independent variable for determination of pressures and exit gradient for seepage below a weir or a
barrage, necessary corrections, examples.
Gravity Dam :
Definition, Typical cross- section, Forces acting on Gravity Dam, Combination of forces for design, Mode of failure and criteria
for structural stability of Gravity Dams, Principal and shear stresses. Elementary profile of a Gravity Dam, Concept of High and
low Gravity Dam, Profile of a Dam from Practical consideration,
Design consideration of Gravity Dam- in brief. Foundation treatment of Gravity dam Examples.
Spillways, Engergy Dissipators and Sillway Gates :
Introduction, Location, Essential requirements, spillway capacity. Components of spillway, Controlled and un-controlled
spillways, various types of spillways- description of each type in brief, Energy Dissipation below overflow spillways- Hydralic
jump formation, stilling basins, spillway crest Gates- various types and description
Of each type in brief. Examples.
1.Irrigation Engineering and hydraulic structures By Santosh Kumar Garg. Khanna Publishers.
2.Irrigation , water Resources and Water Power Engg. – By Dr.P.N. Modi,Standard Book House. Post Box : 1074- Delhi-6
3.Water Resources Engineering Principle and practice By Satya Narayana Murthy Challa. New Age ,Internation (P) Ltd.
Publishers. New delhi, Bangalore, Chennai , Hyderabad, Kolkata, Lucknow , Mumbai.
4.Design of Small Dams. United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation.
5. Concrete Danms- By- R.S. Varsney , Oxford & I & H Publishing Co. New Delhi, Bombay , Calcutta.
Code CE 794
Credits –2
Tests on highway materials – Aggregates- Impact value , los-Angeles Abrasion value water absorption , Elongation & Flakiness
Bitumen & bituminous materials – specific gravity , penetration value , Ductility, softening point, loss on heating, Flash & Fire
point test.
West Bengal University of Technology
Civil Engineering Syllabus_Old
Computer Lab.
Code : 795
Credits: 2
West Bengal University of Technology
Civil Engineering Syllabus_Old
1. Soil testing by T.W. Lamb ( Joh willey)
2. SP-36 (Part-I & Part –II )
3. Measurement of engineering properties of soil by E.Jaibaba Reddy & K. Ramasastri.
Highway Engineering by Khanna and Justo
- - Highways by O'Flahrty
West Bengal University of Technology
Civil Engineering Syllabus_Old
Introduction : Environment , Ecosystem, Ecological Balance, Impact, Pollution ,control. Pir Pollution : Pollutants, Effects,
Sources, Dispersion, Lapse Rate, Inversion, Impact of wind, atmospheric pressure moisture and precipitation on dispersion
Of air pollutants, Design of stack height. Air Pollution Control: self Cleansing properties of the environment. Dilution method,
Installing engineering devices, control of parfticulate pollutants, control of gaseon pollutank, controlling air pollution from
Water pollution : Pollution characteristic of certain typical
Industries, Suggested Treatment.
Environmental Impacts: Thermal Power Plant, Mining, Radioactivity. Global Engironmental issues : Osone depletion, Acid rains
Global Warming- Green House Effect.
Moise Pollution: Definition, effect Characteristics measurement. Levels, sources, control.
Administrative control on Environment
Water Act 1974 , Water less Act. 1977, Air Act 1981. The Environmental Act, 1986 , Motor Vehical Act. 1988.
Enviormental engineering- S.K.Garg – Khanna Publisher
Water Supply , Waste Disposal &Enviormental Pollution Engineering – A . K . Chatterjee – Khanna Pub
West Bengal University of Technology
Civil Engineering Syllabus_Old
Credits- 4
1.Brief review of soil exploration : Preparation of borelog. Geophyscial exploration : Scismic refraction survey dectrical
resistivity method , No and depth of bore holes, soil investigation report.
2. Shallow Foundations : Bearing Capacity from SPT CPT , field load tests bearing capacity of foundation with uplift or tension
forces. Safety factors in foundation design.
Foundation Settlement : Immediate settlement, size effect on settlement and bearing capacity, consolidation settlement,
proportioning of footing based on equal settlement.
3.Deep Foundations : Pile : Tension pilas, Laterally loaded piles, latoral modulus of subgrads reaction pile groups, settlement of
pile groups, pile caps, batten piles, Negative skin friction.
Drilled piers : Analysis and design of drilled piers, settlement of drilled piers.
Caissons : Types, Caison design Sinking and control.
4.Retaining walls and sheet pile structures.: Gravity cantilever and counter fort retaining walls: Stability checks and design,
cantilever sheet piliag. Enchored sheet and fixed earth support , Route’s amount redication to free earth support , sheet
pile anchorages.
5Design of foundation for vibration control : elements of vibration theory, vibrating base , soil springs and damping constants,
dynamic soil parameters, embodment effect on dynamic base response . general consideration in designing dynamic bases.
6.Earthquake effects on soil foundation system:
Influence of soil condition on shaking intensity and structural damages , ground settlement , liquifaction potential and on
1. Foundation Analysis & Design By J.E. Bowels ( Mc Graw Hill)
2. Principles of Foundation Engg. By B.M. Das (PWS Publishing)
3.Construction and Geotechnical Methods in Foundation Engineering By – R. M. Koener (Mc Graw Hill Publications )
Basic concepts :
Matrices related to structural analysis:
Solution of simultaneously linear equation , Gaussian Elementation Method , LOL decomposition.
Different storage Half band width and skyline.
1.Energy and Finite Element methods in Structural Mechanics – Z.H. Shames and C.L. Dym (New Age International Publishers
Ltd. Wiley eastern Ltd. , India.)
2.Matrix Finite Element computer and Structural analysis- M. Mukhopadhayay,(Oxford & IBM)
3.Finite element analysis – C.S. Krishnamurthy( TMH – Tata Mc Graw Hill.
4.Finite element method – by R.D. Cook.
5.The finite element method- Vol.I & II – O.C.Zienkarcz & R.L. Taylar Mc Graw Hill – New York
West Bengal University of Technology
Civil Engineering Syllabus_Old
Code :CE-801/6
Contact : 3L + 1T
Credits : 4
Various aspects of programming – Compiled and interpreted programs – interactive programs – Modular programs – Modular
programming – Program planning and sequencing – Object oriented programming – Parallel computing techniques Programming
in C/C ++ Modules and Functions – Declarations and displays ; The decision control structure; Arrays ; Structures Programs for
matrix operations.
Computer aided design : Stages in structural design – Structural planning – Analysis of structure – Design of structural elements
and programming aspects – Detailing of reinforcement and preparation of schedules.
Flow chart, and programs for Limit state theory for RC members – Flexure, shear and torsion – Serviceability, Bond
Flow charts and programmes for Design of beams, slabs and columns
References :
Code CE 801/7
Contact 3L +1T
Credits: 4
Introduction : Basic design criteria, permissible amplitudes, soil parameters in the design of machine foundations.
Theory of Vibrations : Free and forced vibration of single degree of freedom system with and without damping, two degrees of
freedom with and without damping, Natural frequency and resonance and its effects.
Dynamic soil properties ; Insitu measurement, field tests, I.S. code method, elastic half space theory to evaluate soil properties.
Foundation Under Reciprocating Engines : Principles and design considerations, I.S. code specifications. Unbalanced internal
forces, Vertical Two cylinder engine, Multicylinder Dynamic analysis of vertical compression.
Deep foundation : Design criteria, Mathematical model, Lumped parameter model, stiffness and damping of piles and pile
Machine Foundations for Generators : Design consideration and applications.
Isolation Techniques : Active and passive isolation, absorbers, principles and design considerations, methods of decreasing
vibrations of existing foundations.
References :
West Bengal University of Technology
Civil Engineering Syllabus_Old
Advanced Structure
Code- 802/1
Influence lines for statically indeterminate cases, Moment Distribution techniques- Buckling, Elastic & Inelastic problems,
enerby methods, methods of successive approximation , compression flange, Beams on Elastic foundation- Beams of unlimited
length , semi infinite beams, finite beams.
Non liner ( Non hooken) – Redundent structures , problems.
Matrix method- Stiffness and flexibility approach Indeterminate cases problems.
Model analysis : Direct and Indirect method of model analysis.
Advanced Theory of Structures – by N,C.Sinha ,P.K.Gayen
Dhanpat Rai Publications (P ) Ltd.
Advanced Structural Analysis by Genaro
Analysis of Engineering Structures by Pippard & Baker.
Advanced Strength of Materials by Timoshenko.
Advanced strength of Materials by Murphy
Analysis of Grid Frames by Henry and Jaeger
Static Structures by Matheoson Vol. I & II.
Matrix method of Structural Analysis by C.K.Wang
Theory of Structures by Timoshenko & Young
Statically Indeterminate Structures by Paul Anderson
Matrix Method of Structural Analysis – by Pandit & Gupta
Advanced Mechanics of materials by Boresi and O.M.Sidebottom
Theory of Structures by A.S.Anand.
Structural Dynamics
Code – CE 802/2
Introduction : Dynamic disturbances – Earthquakes, blasts, oscillating machines, wind gust etc., response of structures,
Definitions and fundamental aspects of periodic motion, Newton’s law of motion
Albert’s principle,different types of damping.
Vibration of structures with single degree of freedom :
Degrees of freedoms and modes of vibration : Undamaged and damped free vibration,Undamaged and damped forced bibrations
due to harmonic excitation.
Response to unbatanced machinery: Response to harmonic excitation ,force transmulated to the foundation and base isolation.
Response to architrary periodic excitation- Fourier analysis.
Response to non periodic arbitrary, step and pulse excitations-
Convolution integral and time stepping methods.
Response spectra-Definition , characteristics, construction and peak structural response.
Generalised single degree of freedom system and Rayleigh’s method.
Vibration of strtuctures with multi degrees of freedom:
Two degrees of freedom system- a single mass structure : Coupled Extension rocking mode, coupled flemoral torsional mode
mix and coubpled flexural rocking mode, two mass structures.
N- degrees of freedom system.
Nodal – analysis and structural response .
Vibration of beams: Transverse-bending deformation , shear deformation and rotatary inertia,axial and torsional.
Energy method.
Raylegh’s method, Variational approach – Largrange equation.
West Bengal University of Technology
Civil Engineering Syllabus_Old
1.Elementary Structural Dynamics – by V.K. Manicks Selvam.
2.Advance Structural Dynamics by V.K. Manick Selvam.
3Dynamics of Structure – Clough and J. Penzien
4 do- Thomson.
5.- do- MarioPaz.
6.- do- A.K.Chopra.
7. -do- Timoshehenko and Young
1.Soil Stabilisation : Introduction , Stabilisation of soil with granular bearing skeleton and otherwise soil without granular
skeleton, common nomenclature of stabilization soil systems and stabilization methods, specific methods of soil stabilization:
Stabilisation with comment, lime flyeth and bitumen.
2. Insitudensification : Introduction, Compaction : methods and controls densification of granular soil: Vibration at ground
surface , Impact at ground surface vibration at depth, Impact at depth.
Densification of Cohesive Soils : Preloading and devatoring Band drains and stone columns, dectrical and thermal methods.
3.Geotextiles : Over view, Geotextiles as separators , reinforcement. Geotextiles in filtration and drainage, geotextiles in erosion
4.Grouting : Over view , suspension and solution grout, grouting equipment and methods , grount design and layout grout
monitoring schemes.
5.Soil stability : Rock enchors, soil tistacks, soil nailing. Reinforced earth , undapinning.
M.R.Hausmann (1990), Engineerng Principles of Ground Modificaitions, McGraw Hill Publishing Co.
Shroff. A.V & Shah D.L(1986), Grouting Technology in tunnelling and dam construction, Oxford and IBH Publishing
Co.Pvt.Ltd., New Delhi.
Koerner. R.M. (1986) Designing with Geosynthetics’. Prentice Hall.
Jones C.J.F.P (1985), Earth Reinforcement and structures’, Butter Worths, London
Rankilor P.R. (1981), Members in ground Engineering,’ John Wiley and Sons.
Koerner R.M. (1984), Construction and Geotechnical methods in foundation engineering.’ McGraw Hill, New York.
Ingold T.S. & Miller K.S. (1988), Geotextile Hand Book,’ Thomas Telford Ltd.
Bridge Engineering
Code – CE 802/4
Contact- 3L + 1T
Credits- 4
Loading standards- I.R.C Loads, Analysis of IRC loads, Impact Factors . Different other loads to be considered.
West Bengal University of Technology
Civil Engineering Syllabus_Old
Planning and analysis of Water Resource Systems- Introduction , System Analysis . Engineers and Policymakers, characteristics
of systems analysis applications.
Methods of Analysis:
Introduction, Evaluation of Time streams of Benefits and Costs.Plan formulation, Planning models and solution procedures ,
lagranges Multipliers, Dynamic programming , Recursive equations , Principle of optimality, Bellmans’, principle of optimality.
Curse of dimensionality of discrete dynamic programming . Examples.
Reservoir operation :
Sequential process, single Reservoir problem- with release as decision variable with storage as decision variable ( deterministic
approach).Examples, Related Computer Programming.
Introduction, probability concepts and Methods- Random variables and Distributions, univariate probability Distributions,
properties of Random variables – Moment and Expectation ( Univariate Distributions),Moment Generating Functions, Measures
of Central tendency, Measures of Disperation, Measures of symmetry (Shakeness) , measures of peakadness (kurtosis) examples.
Introduction , Reservoir operation, Stochastic Dynastic programming operating Model, probability Distribution of storage
volumes and Releases, examples.
West Bengal University of Technology
Civil Engineering Syllabus_Old
Code :CE-802/6
Contact : 3L + 1T
Credits : 4
Introduction, Ideal Remote Sensing system, EM spectrum, atmospheric windows, Ranges of sensing system, Spectral signatures,
Type of sensors, Radar
Basic principles of photogrammetry, Areal photography, Interpretation, various applications like water resources, Terrain
Evaluation, Forestry, Agriculture, Landuse, Viisual interpretation, groundwater verification Radiometer.
Multispectral, Multitemporal, Multistage concept, Satellite images, FCC, Digital image processing, Image restoration, image
enhancement, False color imagery
Pattern recognition and Digital signal processing, Basic introduction, Band interieave method, Clustering analysis, Statistical
Applications of Remote Sensing to Civil Engg. Problems like cloud cover, Surface water hydrology, river drainage and flood
flow. Watershed mapping, Groundwater inventory, Soil mapping, Soil moisture mapping, Land use & Land cover mapping,
Drought assessment, Coastal processes, Urban studies, Disaster warning system.
Introduction to GIS, Advantages, Data storage and retrieval & monitoring in GIS desmonstration of typical GIS tool/software
References ;
Theory :
Introduction : Engineering applications, Statement of the problem, classification of optimization problems and optimization
Linear Programming I : Simplex method – solution of a system of linear simultaneous equations , pivotal reduction of a general
systems of equations, simplex algoritham.
Non-linear Programming- II : Unconstrained optimization techniques. Direct Search methods, Random search methods,
univariate method, Pattern search method.
Descent methods- steepest descent method , conjugate grandout method , variable metric method.
Non-linear Programming III : Constrained optimization Techniques , Direct method and Indirect methods.
Introduction :Optimum Design Methods and Classifications.
Mathematical Modelling : Design variables, objective functions, constraints etc.
West Bengal University of Technology
Civil Engineering Syllabus_Old
Sequential linear programming : Cutting plane method & non limit method.
Optimum Design of reinforced concrete structures – Isolated column fortings, retaining walls, Intze water tank silos, shells etc.
Reference :
Planning : General consideration , Definition aspect, prospect, roominess, grouping, circulation privacy, acclusion.
Regulation and Bye laws : Bye Laws is respect of side space, Back and front space , Cavared areas, height of building etc.,
Lavatory blocks , ventilation .
Requirements : for stair lifts in public assembly building, offices,
Fire Protection :- Fire fighting arrangements in public assembly buildings, planning , offices, auditorium.
Construction plants & Equipments:- Plants & equipments for earth moving , road constructions, excavators, domers, scrapers,
Spreaders, rollers, their duses, choices. Plants &Equipments for concrete construction :- Batching plants, concrete winers,
Vibrators etc., quality control.
Planning & Scheduling of constructions Projects :-
Planning by CPW & PEART,Preparation of network, Determination of slacks or floats. Critical activities. Critical path, project
duration . expected mean time , probability of completion of project, Estimation of critical path, problems.
Management : Professional practice, Defination, Rights and responsibilities of owner, engineer, Contractors, types of contract,
Invitation of tender, tender notice, acceptance of tender Arbitration.
P.P.Dharwadkar, ‘Management in construction industry’. Oxford and IBH Publishing company New Delhi (1979)
J.O.Brien, ‘Construction Management’, Critical path Methids in Contruction’, Wiley Interscience. (1966)
Puerifoy, R.L. ‘Construction Planning, Equipments and methods’, McGraw Hill. (1973)
B.C.Punmia and K.K.Kandelwal, ‘Project planning and control with PERT and CPM’ (1977)
PWD codes A and D code.
PERT and CPM by L.S. Srinath
Construction equipments and its management by S.C.Sharma
Definition – Types – Methods of estimating – Units of measurements –taking out quantities – Detailed estimate for the following
: Single room building, double room building with and different thickness of walls, residential and public buildings (single
storeys and double stories) – Slab culvert – pipe culvert – Elevated rectangular water tank Computer application for quantity
Detailed specifications for building items such as earthwork, foundation, flooring, RCC roof, brick masonry plastering, pointing,
white and colour washing, distempering
Analysis of rates for the following items of works – Foundations – Brickmasonry for walls, RCC roof, flooring and flooring
finishes – Plastering, painting, white and colour washing.
Departmental procedure – Administration, technical and financial sanction – Operation of PWD and other public sector
Organisations – Tender and its notification, EMD and SD – Different methods of execution of works, Modes of payments to
contractors – Arbitration – Appointment – award – fees
References :
1,2,3 Estimating and costing by Chakraborty / Datta or Birdi
Madras detailed standard specifications
Standard data book
Elements of estimating and costing by S.C.Rangwala . ‘D’ code of PWD