Engineering in History
Engineering in History
Engineering in History
Bridges of Steel
Among the great ferrous bridges built with the spread of railroads during
the last half of the nineteenth century, three were outstanding. In con-
ception and design the three structures were distinct. James B. Eads chose
the arch for his bridge, opened in 1874, over the Jlississippi River a t St.
Louis. For their famous Brooklvn Bridge, which was opened in 1883,
John A. Roebling and his son Washington A . Roebling held to the
principle of suspension with which they had been successful a t Niagara. Figure 10.2 Eads’s St. Louis Bridge (From Philip Phillips, The Forth Bridge,
John Fowler and Benjamin Baker used cantilevers in their bridge of 1889)
1890 across the Firth of Forth in Scotland. All had experiences in com-
mon, especiallv with their underwater work, and all used steel. More-
of Illinois at the head of Lake llichigan and in touch there with the
over, all three bridges are still in use.
traffic of the Great Lakes, would be the center of a nenvork of railroads.
One of the first to appreciate this newest form of building material
These might readily bridge the llississippi above the hlissouri and b y p a
was James Buchanan Eads (181~-1887). born of .\lamland stock in
St. Louis into the West. One, in fact, had already done SO at Rock
Lawrenceburg, Indiana, and builder of iron-clad gunboats for the
Island in I 8 jj.
Union government during the Civil War. Eads had steel with chrome
T h e Mississippi had served St. Louis in the past and had brought
.~ it
in it tested bv the British expert David Kirkaldv ( 1 8 2 0 - 1 897) even before
wealth from every quarter. The river must not now be allolved to block
Julius Baur had improved production methods. Eads \vas relentless with
the city’s progress. The Mississippi was a barrier when its surface froze
the manufacturers of the yeel for his bridge until thev delivered a prod-
too thicklv for riverboats and ferries yet remained too thin for wagons
uct that met his requirements. a salvager of sunken river craft before
to cross. The ice jams were fearful when the rising waters of the Ohio
the war, Eads had walked the bed of the Mississippi in a diving bell of
or the Missouri or both swept into the valley before it had cleared with
his own construction 6 j feet under floodwaters and had felt the surging
the spring thaw. The naturalist -\udubon and his partner Rozier had been
sands of the river about his knees. He had seen ice plunge beneath the
delayed more than a month opposite Cape Girardeau before they could
hard-packed surface and scour gorges to great depths. He u-as sure that
xvork their boat through the ice to Ste. Genevihe. The approach of the
to withstand undermining the bridge piers had to go all the u’av down to
railroads across the streams and prairies of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois,
therefore, could mean but one thing to the people of St. Louis. The rail-
The people of St. Louis were eager to build Eads’s bridge. They were
roads must come straight over the Mississippi into their city.
proud of their heritage from the fur-trading post of the French near the
It was nonetheless the river that dictated the terms upon which James
thoroughfares of the Missouri, upper Mississippi, and Ohio; jealous for the
B. Eads was permitted to c o n s a c t the bridge (Figure 10.2). The swirl-
future of St. Louis as the industrial city on the great river and the center
ing flood rose and fell with the seasons. Less usual conditions brought
of trade between Eastern states and the West as far as San Francisco.
torrents as much as 40 feet above normal low water, increasing the speed
They were spurred too by the certainty that Chicago, across the state
of flow from 3 to over g miles an hour and producing capricious currents
in the channel that made a drawbridge inadvisable even if the river men
arches never had been built and therefore could not be built. H e deter-
had not opposed it. Spans would have to be long enough to give ample
mined to set the foundations upon bedrock at depths which never before
room for passing through without danger, and the clearance above high
had been attempted. The results were revolutionary in bridgebuilding.
water great enough for the stacks of the river boats. Eads in 1868 planned
Eads’s first intention had been to excavate within cofferdams. The
his arches to rise about j o feet above the flood level of 184.4, the highest
abutment on the western shore was so constructed, going down 3 0 feet
on record to that time. They were also to exceed in length of span any
through sunken boats, wreckage, and general debris to bedrock. How-
previous arched structure. For Eads was acquainted with the judgment
ever, as the plan for the east pier in the stream was taking shape, Eads
of Thomas Telford that a cast-iron arch of 600 feet could be thrown
suffered from a severe cough and had to leave on a voyage to rest. Whde
across the Thames and was counting upon the much greater strength
recuperating in France he thoroughly investigated the use of compressed
and toughness of steel to make secure his own spans of j o o feet. There
air to keep water out of closed caissons, a technique European engineers
are steel arches today with spans of more than 1,600 feet.
had been employing for some time. H e decided that their method,
Steamboat men could not be satisfied. They wanted no bridge a t all.
adapted to conditions in the hlississippi, would speed his work donn
It was bound to ruin the ferries and to create competition by rail with the
through the sands and would prove less expensive. He had to learn from
river trade. They appealed to the army engineers. There were boats on
experience what would happen to his men under increased pressures at
the river, said the steamboat men, with stacks exceeding 100 feet in
such great depths.
height; there might be need for even higher stacks. Moreover, Eads’s
The revised method was to float an iron-shod wooden caisson (Figure
arches were too long; his piers were so far apart that pilots could not use
10.3) of great strength into position behind icebreakers and protective
them as guides. Eads demonstrated that top sections of the stacks could be
piling and there to build the granite pier upon it while workmen within
lowered and that properly designed stacks not only offered less resistance
the caisson dug away the sand so that its edges cut down to bedrock.
to the wind than older types but obtained better draft. For the charge
Eads invented a high-pressure \vater pump to force the sand, gravel, and
that his piers were too far apart, he had only the amused contempt
small stones up to barges on the surface. H e placed his air locks at the
which it deserved. As the bridge was nearing completion in 1873, a board
bottom of the shaft to the caisson and within the air chamber, so that
of army engineers agreed with the steamboat men that it should come
those w-ho supplied the men within the chamber could get close to them
down But Secretary Belknap heard from higher up. President Grant had
without being themselves under increased air pressure. The caisson, or
lived in St. Louis. and he knew James B. Eads. The bridge was completed.
wooden box, provided for the construction of the east pier was in position
Anticipating the heaviest traffic for this bridge across the A4ississippi,
October I j , 1869, and bv Kovember I j it was on the sand. With crews
Eads designed a double-deck bridge to support as many people, he said,
working day and night, it had reached bedrock by February 2 8 , 1 ~ 2 %
as could “stand together upon the carriage-way and foot-paths from end
feet below the water level. a depth comparable t o the height of a 10-stoq-
to end of the Bridge, and a t the same time have each railu-av track below
building. Meanwhile, operations had begun on the west pier, and by April
covered from end to end with locomotives.”* Even then the bridge
I its caisson was down 86 feet to bedrock. But all had not gone well;
would not be taxed to one-sixth of its strength; it would be capable of
twelve men on the east pier and one on the west pier had lost their lives.
sustaining 2 8,972 tons uniformly distributed and of withstanding flood,
From previous experience with compressed air, the engineers had
ice, and tornado with a safety factor of 6. T o these ends, Eads made t w o
expected that too rapid release of the pressure would cause distress in the
decisions and clung to them against every discouragement, the obsmc-
ears, pain particularly in the joints, and sometimes death. They knew that
tions of envious rivals, ignorant or acquisitive associates, the assaults of
.. . working:” under compressed air felt the exhilaration of the additional
storm and river. He chose to build a bridge of three steel arches sprung
oxygen, sweat profusely, and grew tired sooner than under normal con-
from granite piers set more than joo feet apart. Authorities said that such
ditions. They knew that the gasoline lamps and candles they had to work
‘Calvin %I. Woodward, A Hinory of the St. Louir Bridge, G . I. Jones and Co., SI. hv burned fast under compressed air and that danger from fire was great,
-J - -
Louis, 1881, p. 48.
hut they were not prepared for the muscular paralysis which made work-
came badly paralyzed and even deprived of his speech for a while, but he
had learned much.
Decompression was slowed down so that the workmen could not
hurry through the air lock. Thev were compelled to rest thirty minutes
after coming out of the chamber. Their great loss of body heat with
subsiding pressure was counteracted in some degree by warm food and
covering, and alcohol was strictly forbidden. T h e working period was
reduced to one hour. Eads took further precautions when they came to
building the abutment on the eastern shore, descending more than i 35 feet
below high water. Every workman had to rest a full hour after leaving
the chamber. -At I O O feet under, two working periods of forry-five
minutes each were a day’s labor. There was but a single death on this
abutment. That man had forgotten his lunch and had rushed home to eat;
moreover, he had stopped on the way back for a drink of beer. Eads and
Figure ro.3
Dr. Jaminet had achieved a notable success in engineering. Compressed-
Cross-sectional view of a air safety lalvs of today have been drawn in large part from their conclu-
caisson, Eads’s SC.Louis sions. Their victory, however, was not complete enough at that time to
Bridge (From E. H. save Washington A. Roebling from similar difficulties and personal in-
Knight, American M e - jury in the construction of the Brooklyn Bridge.
chanical Dictionary, vol. I,
As significant as his underwater work were Eads’s steel arches leaping
1874) the Jlississippi in three great spans, each more than joo feet. They were
built as continuous arches, without hinges, four abreast, and held trans-
verselv by wrought-iron braces. The ribs or arch members were made
of two 18-inch cylindrical tubes, one 1 2 feet above the other. Eads’s first
assumption that the stresses in a parabolic arch would prove easier to cal-
men stumble and stoop when the depth reached 6 j feet where the pres-
culate than those in the s e p e n t of a circular one did not survive the
sure had to be raised to nearly 30 pounds to the square inch. The men
checking of his German-born assistant engineer Charles Pfeifer, and his
resorted to galvanic arm and waist bands, rubbing oil externally, and
mathematical adviser William Chauvenet ( 182-1 870), Chancellor of
doubtless alcohol internally. Eads and his family physician Dr. Jaminet
Washington Universiw in St. Louis, but the difference in favor of the
were anxious.
circle was slight. T h e curves of the finished bridge are arcs of circles
T h e working hours had been reduced when a foreman became ill.
that vary from parabolas by not more than 6 inches a t any point. With
T h e shifts had been made 4 hours each with 8 hours of rest between. A t 6 j
Chaut-enet’s expert assistance, Eads and his associate engineers had also
feet the working time was further shortened to a six-hour day, three shifts
calculated in advance the amount of expansion to be expected in the
of two hours each, with rest periods of two hours. At the bedrock of the
arches with temperatures ranging from to0F below to 141O F above zero.
east pier, then under more than 90 feet of water where the pressure was
T h e crown of the center arch, j t o feet in length, would rise 8 inches.
44 pounds above atmospheric pressure, the hard work of concreting be-
T h e roadways of the Yiagara Suspension Bridge, a span of 821 feet,
gan. With it came severe cases of the bends, or caisson disease, and in
which John A. Roebling had built in 1851 to 18jj, had been found to
quick succession, three deaths. Dr. Jaminet went down into the chamber
rise and fall in cold and hot weather, 2 % feet a t the center of the span,
to investigate, fell iU, climbed the long flight of stairs in great pain, be-
with no injury whatever to the bridge.
double tubes of the arch ribs as they grew, section by section, fim the
upper and then the lower tube, simultaneously at each pier, for balance,
with the cross-tying completed as they rose from skewbacks, or inclined
surfaces of cast iron, set in the piers and abutments. The stays were held
by jacks which were raised or lowered with changing temperatures.
When complete the arches came under even stress and there was none
upon the couplings except that ot‘ direct compression. The building out
of the arches, though spectacular to watch from the shore, was relatively
simple as engineering problems go, but there was a tense moment when
the first arch rib arrived at the center. The last tubular section was jusr
too long for the last space. The engineer on the job telegraphed to Eads
for advice and strove meaname to solve the problem in his own way. He
packed the tubes with tons of ice and hoped that the weather god would
join his staff, but Eads’s reply solved the problem. H e had devised a last
section which could be screwed into place and lengthened to make the
Figure 10.4 iMethod of erection by cantilevers, St. Louis Bridge arches (From
Scientific American, Nov. IS, 1873) joinc tight. The news that the arch was closed, it is said, encouraged the
American banking house of Morgan in London to obtain more British
pounds sterling for investment in the St. Louis Bridge.
T o obtain his cylindrical tubes, Eads banded six chrome-steel staves in There was a tense moment when the first teamster crossed the road-
an envelope, like the staves of a barrel, I 8 inches in diameter and I z feet way, another when General Sherman drove the last railroad spike, a
long. There were 6,000 of these staves, carefully machined, each with third when 14 locomotives crossed two abreast and then in single line.
ulamate strength of 1zo,oo0 pounds to the square inch and elastic limit Finally came the Fourth of July, 1874, with President Grant to honor
of j o , m pounds. The tubes were fitted with wrought-iron couplings, Captain James B. Eads, who stood abashed before a high medallion of
tested to 40,000 pounds to the square inch. Both cast steel and “semisteel” himself, with his bald head and his beard, hearing acclaim as one of the
failed in the testing machines. Eads was so exacting that when his con- great engineers of all time.
tractor, Andrew Carnegie, came to write his autobiography, he remem- john A u p s t Roebling ( I 8 0 6 1 8 6 9 ) did not follow the reasoning which
bered the engineer as “an original genius minus scientific knowledge to uoverned James B. Eads. When Roebling and his son Washington A.
guide his erratic ideas of things mechanical.” The editor of Engineering Roebling (1837-1926) came to build the Brooklyn Bridge (Figure 10.5)
for October 10, 1873, had a different view. The alliance between the in I M y , they thought of using steel as Eads was doing, but they conceded
theorist and the practical man was complete, he said; James B. Eads had no superiority to the arch over the principle of suspension. John Roebling
used the “highest powers of modem analysis” to determine the stresses; had been reasonably successful with a suspension bridge for the road and
had taxed the resources of the manufacturer to the utmost in producing railroad across the gorge a t Niagara. H e was triumphing again with
material and perfection of workmanship and had used the ingenuity of the cabies of wrought iron imported from Britain, supporting a highway
builder to put the “unprecedented mass” into place. span of more than 1,000feet across the Ohio River at Cincinnati. His skill
Once the materials for the tubes and couplings were past the testing with the suspended, or catenary, structure was established. There was in
machines and in production, the arches went up easily. As falsework in his mind no reason why +ey could not do as well with a span half again
the river was out of the question, Eads used the system of temporary canti- as long, more than I , j 9 5 feet, from lower Manhattan to Long Island, high
levers (Figure 10.4) which Thomas Telford had thought of using Over above the a m of the sea. The suspended roadway could be made rigid
the iMenai Straits. Stays across towers on the piers and abutments held the and held steady under every kind of traffic; there would be a maximum
the bridge. When fire in the Brooklyn caisson threatened the whole
structure, he stayed in the air chamber from ten at night to five in the
morning. Another experience with the bends in the New York caisson
forced him in 1872 to give up active work altogether. At the age of
tlurty-five he was confined to a chair in the window where he watched
the structure rise, unable to confer with his assistants but sending them
insmctions by his wife.
After the experience in the Brooklyn caisson, Washington Roebling
and his assistants made the wooden top of the New York caisson as fire-
resistant as possible with a sheathing of t h n boiler plate. Lighting was a
major problem. All open flames were especially dangerous in the com-
pressed air of the caisson. Gaslights raised the temperature in the chamber
unduly; the compressed air deadened the sense of smell and made the odor
of escaping gas hard to detect. Oil lamps were too smoky. Calcium lights
Figu7e 10.5 The Brooklyn, or East River, Bridge in 1883 (From Appleton’s gave fair general lighting but were expensive. Candies remained the best
Annual Cyclopaedia and Register, 1883) for close work. The sand hogs in the caissons of the 1870s had to do
without electric lamps, although arc lighting was to be ready for the
roadway when the bridge was finished in 1883. The caisson on the
clearance over the watenvay for the masts of the ships, coastwise and Brooklyn shore came to rest some ++feet below high water upon a con-
ocean-going vessels constantly passing or docking along the East River. glomerate of clay, sand, and boulders that resisted picks, crow bars, and
For Roebling, as for Eads, there was no difficult); xvith size except that of explosives, like solid rock. The caisson on Manhattan Island, however,
expense. encountered quicksands and had to go down more than 78 feet to the
The Roeblings paid little attention to Eads’s design for arches spanning underlying ledge where crags were leveled and crevices blocked with
the Mississippi where John Roebling had once proposed a suspension concrete so that the sands could not flow. Roebling had cautiously experi-
bridge, but Washington Roebling inspected Eads’s undern ater work lvith mented u-ith pistol shots and small explosions under the compressed air
caissons, since the problem of setting foundations in the East Rix-er \\as before venturing to use normal blasts.
similar. While the Roeblings did not have to take into account the turbu- The towers of the Brooklyn Bridge rise 271 % feet above mean high
lence of the Mississippi and its habit of plunging beneath its sands to water. They were built of limestone and granite brought from Kingston
bedrock, they did have to beware of tides that swept through from the on the Hudson, Lake Champlain, and Maine. A t 2 6 6 feet, four saddle
Narrows to Hell Gate. They had to go deep for the footing of the toxvers plates were set in each tower and upon these were placed wrought-iron
for so great a span. Their caissons and piers n-ere larger in every wav, rollers to support the grooved saddles which carried the cables over the
but the basic requirements of the construction varied little from those towers. Thus there was to be no wear upon the cables as they crossed the
a t St. Louis. towers and no lateral stress from the moving loads of the roadway trans-
John A. Roebling lost his life as the work began in 1869. H e was mitted through the cables to the saddles and so to the towers. Eyebars
standing at the edge of the dock sighting across the river to line up the carried through the towers below the saddle plates were to hold the
locations of the towers just as a ferryboat came in. It bumped the piling stays which reached downward and outward to the roadway, where they
where he stood and crushed his foot. Tetanus developed and he died two were attached at s u c c e v e intervals of 15 feet for a distance of 1 5 0 feet
weeks l a t e r m July 22. Washington Roebling took charge to complete his on either side of the towers. These counterstays, with the aid of the truss-
father’s greatest project. Within a year and a half he too fell victim to ing of the roadway, were expected to sustain the roadway which rose in a
slight arc. Together with these supports, the cabIes were to carry the bridge was replaced by a steel arch, not because the cables failed, but be-
weight of the bridge, the snow or ice load, and any traf€ic which might cause the bridge was not strong enough to carry the increasing loads of
cross it. Roebling’s design of his roadway trusses and supporting cables, heavier locomoaves and trains.
together with his massive masonry towers, prevented the excessive vibra- With a footbridge laid on special cables and stayed against air cur-
tions due to aerodynamic instability which developed in some later rents and storms and with cradles hung crosswise from the footbridge on
bridges. other wire ropes to regulate the cable laying, the long process went for-
Distinctive features of the anchorage which Roebling patented were its ward winter and summer in full view of ships and ferries beneath. No
wooden floors, anchor plates, eyebars, and the curves of the anchor chains. scaffolding blocked the watenvay. h traveling sheave or wheel, j feet in
T h e yellow pine floors were to be kept wet so that they would be resistant diameter, passed from Brooklyn to New York, rolling out a loop of wire
to decay. The elliptical anchor plates were cast iron, weighing 2 3 tons as another sheave returned empty to Brooklyn on the carrier. The first
each and measuring I 6 by I 7 % feet, with radiating arms 2 % feet from the running time of 1 3 minutes eventually declined to about 1 0 minutes. The
center. Cpon these rested the huge pile of masonry to offset any pull from 278 lengths composing a strand were actually one continuous wire looped
the cables. The wrought-iron eyebars of the anchorage inclined upward a t both anchorages to make fastening with the anchor bars easy. Men in
through the masonry toward the cable ends in a curve which was de- the cradles on stagings above the river and on the land spans brought each
signed so that the bars would bear downward upon the masonry and thus wire precisely into line with a guide wire which had been measured to the
divert some of the stress from the straight pull upon the anchor plates. length of the finished cable.
In each of the four cables of the Brooklyn Bridge there are j.296 As the wires were properly sagged they were clamped in a hand vise
wires,a total of 21,184 wires. They were made of crucible steel about and gathered with lashin9 a t 28-inch intervals into bundles of 278 wires
5$ inch in diameter, drawn at the Haigh works in Brooklyn according each. S e w wrappings every 10 inches made these bundles or strands more
to john Roebling’s specifications. Their tensile strength was to be I 60,000 compact, and then they were gathered into cables. There were 19 bundles,
pounds to the square inch, several times as great as the load which or strands, in each of the four main cables. -4s the lashings on the strands
Roebling expected ever to come upon the wire. The wires were laid or were removed and replaced by clamps, squeezers consolidated the more
spun straight and bound closely; they were not subject to torsion, shear, than five thousand wires, and xvrapping machines bound them tightll;
or any appreciable stress except tension. For splicing, the ends were xith galvanized steel wire. A coat of white lead and oil immediately
threaded right-hand and left-hand, with corresponding threads in a covered the completed cable; the individual wires had already been pro-
c o u p h g which drew the ends together. The joint, galvanized with melted tected as has been indicated. Twenn- feet a day was good progress with
zinc to prevent rusting in the threads, tested to better than 9 j per cent the wrapping machine operated by three men. On sunny days the work
of the tensile strength of the wire. was speeded as much as 1 0 feet more. Each cable of the Brooklyn Bridge
T o guard further against rust, three coats of oil mixed with resin measures I j inches in diameter. The combined ultimate strength of the
and lead oxide were applied to the xvire as it came from the factorv. Then four has been estimated a t 18 million pounds. In comparison, Chalev’s
it was oiIed again as it ran upon drums through a sheepskin held in a man’s four j%-inch cables in the bridge at Freiburg, built in 1834, had a
hand. The two coats of oil could probably have been omitted since they strength of I,joo,ooo pounds. The four 36-inch cables of the George
did not stick well to galvanized wires; most of it rubbed off before the Washington Bridge of 1931have a strength of 1 8 0 million pounds.
wires were finally compressed into the cables. The precaution, neverthe- Builders before the Roeblings had used cables of wire for suspension
less, was taken, and another coating of white lead and oil was applied to bridges, but none had succeeded so well in reducing vibration and sway.
the wrapping wire. Constant watch has been kept ever since, and a staff John Roebling feared the winds and the impact of unbalance in the driv-
of painters w o h continuously on the bridge. The Roebling engineers had ing wheels of locomotives and the ambling rhythm of marching men even
the satisfaction and reassurance of finding the wrought-iron wires of the more. His able contemporary Charles Ellet (1810-1862) had lost three
suspension bridge a t Niagara in fair condition after forty-two years. That bridges because they had been too free to sway. For additional stiffness,
The Roeblings had begun the Brooklyn Bridge during the rule of the
notorious Tweed Ring which managed the affairs of New York City with
a skill in graft that has seldom been excelled. The original plan was for
the cities of Brooklyn and New York to buy stock in the company dong
with private investors. T h e opportunity for misuse of funds seemed great.
Work was delayed for months as John Kelly, Comptroller of New York,
refused to pay its share, and trustees for the company had io take their
suit to the court of appeals. B)- special acr of the state legislature, June j,
187+ the two cities assumed full control of the corporation and the
bridge a t last progressed to completion.
On .\lay :+, 1883, President -1rthur and his cabiner xere present for
the f01~1-131 opening of the Brooklyn Bridge as were Grover Cleveland,
Governor of the State of S e w York. and other dignitaries. Warming to
the occasion, the orator, Abram S. Hewitt, declared that “the faith of the
saint and the courage of the hero have been combined in the conception,
the desin. and the execution of this \r-ork.” Hewitt took note also that
cities in the Jliddle -4,oes had “walled each other out”; now men were
“breaking down the barriers established by namre or created by man.” *
It could no longer be claimed that one traveled bv rail from Albanv TO
Yew J-ork in less time than it took during the winter to cross the ice-
filled East River from Brookh-n to Jlanhattan. and the bridge had a
Figure 10.6 Brooklyn Bridge, original walkway, tower, and cables (From
ven- lar,oe share in consolidating and expanding the nr-o cities into the
Scientific American, 1883)
metropolis of -America. W i t h its rail\vavs noxv replaced by lanes for motor
cars and buses but no trucks, the Brooklyn Bridge carries a tvpe of traffic
verv different from that planned for by John A. Roebling. H e had set
the Roeblings drew their cables laterally out of line. T h e inside cables of
the pattern for the huge suspension bridges of today.
the Brooklyn Bridge spread outward as they descend to the floor level.
Britain’s engineers lvere an-are of the success n-hich the Roeblings
T h e outer cables draw inward toward the center of the span from the
i t ere hax-ing in America M ith suspension bridges, because the communi-
towers, and there are diagonal braces underneath the roadway, diverging
cation of engineering advances had been vastly improved. T h e Scirnntific
from the towers to the sides of the roadway opposite those from which
Americm had carried British correspondence from the I 840s; Britain’s
they spring (Figure I 0.6). learned societies were recording addresses and papers oi members from
Injuries and deaths marred the construction of the Brooklyn Bridge.
other countries. The London journal Engineering, founded in 1866, had
Lines fouled, derricks fell, loose boards and falling objects accounted for
become a clearinghouse for the profession throughout the world. Its spe-
many accidents. Disregard of rules caused cases of bends which took the
cial articles were reappearing on the Continent and in the United States.
lives of three men. Many of the men would not obey the rules about
Reports from military and civilian imperialists overseas, on Chinese,
food, rest, and sleep, or report their illnesses, or avoid alcohol. The work-
Tibetan. Indian, and early Egyptian building, had long since been sup-
ing day under compressed air was maintained at eight hours since the plemented by news from America. It was well known that Finley, Pope,
depths were not as great as a t St. Louis and the men were never under
pressures more than 34 pounds above atmosphere. SAbram S. Hewitt, “The &leaning of Brooklyn Bridge,” in Selected Writingz of
Aham S. H m i t t , Columbia University Press, New York, 1937, p. 300.
Wernwag, and others there, as well as the Red Indians in the British
Dominion of Canada, had ideas about suspension bridges and cantilever-
ing. Thomas Telford had profited from the work of engineers abroad,
and his successors kept informed.
Many engineers prefer cantilever to suspension cables for railway
bridges because of greater rigidity. None of the several railway sus-
pension bridges built had been altogether satisfactory. Teiford’s achieve-
ment at the Menai Straits in Wales had been overshadowed by the nearby
tubular smcture of Stephenson and Fairbairn. With all its shortcomings,
the Britannia Bridge of 1850 had demonstrated the superiority of rigid
structures in comparison with suspension bridges for railways. Prior to Figure ro.7 The Forth Bridge (From Philip Phillips, The Forth Bn’dge, 1889)
the construction of the Forth Bridge, one of the largest cantilever bridges ‘
was that which Charles Shaler Smith ( 1 8 3 6 1 8 8 6 ) had built over the deep of the trains which were to cross the bridge a t full speed and to cope with
gorge of the Kentucky River where John A. Roebling had raised towers the winds of the firth.
for a suspension bridge. Speaking before the Institution of Civil Engi- The Forth Bridge engineers designed approaches of traditional short
neers in 1878 on the subject of long-span iron railroad bridges, the Ameri- spans uniform in depth. There were I j of these, counting both sides of the
can engineer Thomas C. Clarke had declared that Smith‘s bridge was firth, appro.ximately 168 feet each in addition to masonry arches. Then
one of the most bold and original in the United States and had placed it came the innovation. The two great spans reached 1,710 feet on either
high among the engineering suuctures of the world. Smith had thrown side of the Isle of Inchgarvie and weighed some 16,000 tons apiece. The
three 375-foot spans across a canyon I , ~ O O feet wide and 27j feet deep. anchor spans at the shoreward ends were each 6 j j feet long. The canti-
H e had intended originally to build a continuous Whipple truss but had levers with their central girders or suspended spans, assembled as a whole.
altered his plan to the extent of insemng hinges in the outer spans. The consatuted a giant’s stride in engineering (Figure 10.8). The tow-ers of
result was a combination of balanced trusses, or cantilevers. the Forth Bridge, 330 feet high, were given a uniform lateral batter or
Following the tragic failure in 1879, during a December gale, of a inward slope so that they were 1 2 0 feet wide a t the bottom and only
large part of the iron railway uuss bridge across the Firth of T a y near 3 3 a t the top to provide the straddle with which Fowler expected to re-
Dundee in Scotland, the en,gineering firm of Fowler and Baker took over duce the stresses due to the wind upon the structure. The same batter
a site on the Firth of Forth near Edinburgh where work on a suspension was carried into the bays as they were also narrowed laterally. The central
bridge had already begun. John Fowler ( I 8 I 7-1 898) had distrusted the spans, simple trusses with curved upper chords joining the cantilevers,
r-mile-long Tay Bridge of 8 j spans, then the longest bridge in the world, were 3 j o feet long and, like the rest of the bridge, wide enough to carry a
which had been opened for general traffic in 1878, and had forbidden his double-track railway. Benjamin Baker ( 1840-190j) operated upon the
family to go upon it. He remarked to James Nasmyth that the bridge assumption that stresses caused by the winds were greater dangers to
might have stood if the designer had used for its tall piers the k r a d d l e large bridges than the heaviest trains which could run on them. H e ex-
of Henry VIII” in Holbein’s portrait. Fowler and Baker determined in perimented with models to determine the action of wind upon flat sur-
their proposed bridge for the Firth of Forth to make use of such a faces, curved secdons, and cubes, and set gauges to take the record of the
straddle, together with the principle of cantilevering which they had winds in the Firth of Forth. These came for the most part from the
studied for severaI years (Figure 10.7). The adaptability of the principle southw-est and not from tfie North Sea as one might expect. The easterly
to railway bridges of long span became more apparent as Bessemer made gales scored from 1 5 to 20 pounds per square foot; the westerlies up to
cheaper steel available that had the rigid strength to carry the rolling loads more than 40 pounds, with the greatest pressures coming in gusts and
squalls. A maximum of 56 pounds was chosen for purposes of design.
and the cylindrical tubes in the Eads bridge of r87+ Baker, like Eads, had
realized the obvious fact that the hollow cylindrical form was the strong-
est, inch for inch and pound for pound. The steel was made by the
Siemens-iMartin, or open-hearth, process a t Glasgow and at Swansea near
Cardiff, Wales. Fowler and Baker expected the rolling load on the bridge
to be j per cent of che dead weight of each of the long spans, or some
800 tons. T o prevent tilting in case nvo trains happened upon one span
a t the same momenr: with no crams on the next span, they weighted the
fixed ends of the cantilevers nearer the shores with counterpoises equal
to the maximum train load plus one-half of the weight of the suspended
The river bottom, consisting of whinstone or basaltic traprock and a
hard boulder clav just as stubborn, was excellent for the foundations of
the heavy structure. On the Fife shore, piers could be built within coffer-
Figure 10.8 The Forth Bridge under construction (From Philip Phillips, The dams offering few difEkulties that were new to engineers. On the Isle of
Forth Bridge, 1889)
Inchgarvie and the southern shore, the foundations had to go down so
far that pneumatic caissons were as necessary as a t St. Louis and Brooklyn.
Instead of the rectangular wooden boxes of Eads and Roebling, the Forth
The sun also had to be taken into account. At the sliding ends of the engineers used wrought-iron cylinders for their caissons. It was kept in
suspended spans an expansion of t feet was anticipated, and the ends mind that Washington Roebling had come near to disaster with fire in
of the cantilevers were certain to move a foot. The only breaks were to his caisson on the Brooklyn shore and that cylindrical caissons are more
be at these junctions of the cantilevers with the suspended spans, and so efficient under compression than any other shape.
the whole structure would expand and contract with the cantilevers. The Ofice divers had leveled off the bottom, the caissons went down with
engineers solved the problem with an ingenious combination of ball and few mishaps to their final locations, the deepest being 89 feet below high
socket in a rocking post. What to do about the complex distortions occur- water. Their double skins were filled with concrete to $jive greater weight
ring with direct sun on one side of the bridge and shade on the other to the cutting edge and resistance to the water pressure. The mud en-
was a different question. Fowler and Baker were confident that if they countered was diluted with water, forced down one pipe into the air
made. provision for a margin of safety (or ignorance) in the strength of chamber and blown out through another pipe by the compressed air.
the materials over and above the requirements then known, they would The caisson was entirely filled with concrete after it reached its final
have thFstrongest and stiffest as well as the biggest railway bridge in the location. The pressures in the air chambers were raised and lowered to
worId. Its margin of safety has been ample to this day. But an enormous balance the weight of the water as the tide rose and fell, but in no in-
number of unknown factors remain. Engineering still is in some respects stance were the men obliged to work under more than 3 j pounds to the .
empirical. square inch above atmosphere, There was temporary paralysis on occasion
All tension members in the Forth Bridge are of open-lamce construc- but no death from the bends as there had been at Eads’s St. Louis Bridge,
tion. But the great steel columns under compression were built of cylin- possibly because the depths were not so great. It is possible, too, that the
drical tubes, I inches thick and as much as I Z feet in diameter. Baker physicians in charge took better care of their men because of the ex-
had given much time to investigating their construction and seems to have periences of Eads and R6ebling. The workmen of the Forth had a great
ruled out the rectangular tubes of Stephenson and Fairbairn. H e had then advantage over the sand hogs under the Mississippi and the East River.
as precedents only the elliptical tubes in Brunel’s Saltash Bridge of 1859 Incandescent lamps were a “great and lasting boon” in the air chambers.
Even the divers were supplied with watertight lighting equipment, and so for itself.‘ This statement may not have been a satisfactory answer
there were arc lamps with as much as 1,500 to 2,000 candlepower in the to William Morris but it certainly was for the supporters of the new
shops. The construction company installed steam engines and generators movement for “morality in architecture.”
to supply its own electricity. In spite of the experience with the St. Louis and the Brooklyn Bridges,
Laborers came for the most part from neighboring Scottish villages the great bridge across the Firth of Forth marked in a way a transition in
and towns, though some were imported from Belgium and France. The engineering practice in the use of steel in place of iron, particularly for
problems of housing and transporting the workmen were much the same structural purposes. Twenty years after steel had become available in
as anywhere else. There were special trains and paddle steamers to take quantity, builders had clung to the use of wrought iron. The lag was due
them to and from their homes and so keep them out of nearby public in largest pa^, no doubt, to the fact that railways absorbed the increasing
houses. In all some 3,joo men were employed on the Forth Bridge, 900 supply of steel; iron rails were so inferior that steel quickly became a
working on the Isle of Inchgarvie a t one time. necessity. But even when sreel was cheaper and prevalent, man>- engineers
As the Forth Bridge came into operation in I 890 John Fowler extolled still preferred structural iron for its uniformity and proven capacity. By
the advances that had been made in comparison with the Britannia Bridge I 890. however, this conservatism had given wav; manufacturers were list-
of but forty years past. T h a n k s to the achievements of Bessemer, Siemens, ing steel shapes for bridges and buildings in their handbooks. to the
Thomas, and others, steel could now be produced a t less cost than iron. neglect of iron. Steel today is in general and virtually exclusive use for
If built of iron, said Fowler, the Forth Bridge would have both weighed rails, girders, beams, and every sort of structural form, although wrought
and cost twice as much. Plates in the Britannia Bridge measured I Z by z iron is preferred by some builders in such particular uses as pipes. For
feet; many in the Forth Bridge were as large as 3 0 by j feet. Fowler these, it is still thought by some to be the better material because it is
quoted the engmeer of the Menai tubular bridge as having calculated that less subject to corrosion than carbon steel.
with the iron of 18jo a bridge of the span of 1,710 feet “might be con- After Eads’s initial success with steel at St. Louis in 187+ his friend
structed” but “not an ounce of weight” must be put upon it or “a breath William Sooy Smith (183-1916) completed an all-steel railroad bridge
of air allowed to impinge against it.” Fowler added, “Each span of the for the Chicago & Alton across the Missouri River at Glasgow, Jlissouri.
Forth Bridge happens to be 1,710 feet. When tested by the Board of in I 879. It was notable for its five spans of Whipple trusses, each 3 I I
Trade inspectors, 1,830 tons were put on the 1 , 7 1 0 feet, but 4,000 tons feet lon,o, but although it remained in service for tn-enn--t\vo years until
might have been put on it without injuriously affecting the structure.” replaced by a heavier structure, it had started no trend toward steel
As for aesthetic qualities, the critic William- .Clorris, given to com- trusses in bridge construction. Charles Shaler Smith attracted more atten-
ments on the art of living, declared that the Forth Bridge was the “su- tion in 1877 with his wrought-iron cantilever spans 3 7 j feet long over the
premest specimen of all ugliness.” However, Morris also stated that every Kentucky River.
improvement in machinery was uglier than the last and that there never French engineers were to gain even wider notice v-ith their high
would be an architecture in iron. Benjamin Baker replied to William wrought-iron viaducts. One of these, built for the Paris and Orleans Rail-
Morris that beauty was relative to function; the duties of a structure way in the 1860s, was a single-track bridge extending over 1,000 feet in
should be considered when determining its place in art. In a lecture be- fire trussed spans which were set upon clusters of cast-iron columns rising
fore the Edinburgh Literary Institution on November 27, 1889, Baker more than 181 feet above the Cere River. The Garabit L‘iaduct, designed
explained why the underside of the Forth Bridge had not been made a by Alexandre Gustave Eiffel (1832-1923) and completed in 1884, was
true arc instead of a series of chords. T o have done so, he said, would have still more impressive with its parabolic central span of latticed construc-
“materialized a falsehood.” The Forth Bridge was not an arch and it said tion, reaching j 4 1 feet. Preceding the work of Fowler and Baker on the
6 Thomas Mackay, The Life of Sir john Fowler, John Murray, London, IF, pp. Forth, it was spread laterally to 66 feet at the spring line though but zo
308-309. ‘Zbid., pp. 314-315.
Figure 10.9 Eiffel’s Garabit Viaduct (Courtesy French Government Tourist
tower at the Centennial Exhibition of 15-6 in Philadelphia; Eiffel made EiEel Tower (From
Engineering News,
it a realin- a t Paris in I 889 ( Fi=wre 1 0 . 1 0 ) .-Although Fowler and Baker
Supplement, June 8, 1889)
uere building in Scotland u-ith steel, EifFel preferred to use iron despite
the fact t h a t more metal xvould be required. Like Baker. Eiffel calculated
the wind pressures t h a t v m d d come upon the tower a t all heishts and
made certain that its design uould be more than strong enough to lvith-
stand those pressures. The toner has J height of-98+ feet; \rich lightning scientific research, first in astronomy, more recently in radio and radar.
conductor it rises above 1.000 feet. Xeither of the two structures was planned to give economic return, but
The most distinctive feature of the Eitfel Tower is its careful design. the EiiTel Tower has paid for itself in sightseers’ fees.
The structural members numbered I 2.000; each required a special draw-
ins, and all lvere finished at the shop and delivered ready to place. Of
some 2 , joo,ooO rivets, Xvere set b>- hand. The work. including the High Buildings
foundations, was completed in tirenty-sis months with so much pre- hien have always yearned for the sky. Though varying their struc-
cision from design to construction that no corrections were necessary. tures in form from ziggurat and pyramid to cathedral and skyscraper,
The Scientific Americni of June I 5, I S89, applauded the achievement as they have expressed conanuing ambition. The t o w e m g hotel and office
“without error, without accident, and without delay.” buildinp had begun to take shape before Gustave Eiffel raised his iron
The contrasts with another famous edifice in Paris have passing in- column. T o achieve tall buildings there were combined two developments
terest. Napoleon’s Arc de Triomphe, mimicking Roman tradition and the that were seemingly urndated to one another. Undl elevators were de-
architecture of the past, proclaims a warrior’s success. T h e Eiffel Tower, vised, the useful height of a structure was limited to the five stories or
heralding the buildings of the future, rises above the Champ de Mars; so that an average person could climb on stairs and still have breath left
the laboratory high in the lantern has from its origin been devoted to to speak of the business on which he had come. Also there was the very
3’8 3’9
practical Wculty of raising walls beyond a certain level without having
them fill the lower stories with inordinately thick masonry. A structural
steel framework, supporting walls as well as floors, eliminated the need for
bulky masonry walls.
There had been hoisting machines since the time of -4rchimedes or
before, but rhe Romans and their successors were not interested in im-
proving the mechanism for daily use. They felt no great need, although
the occupants of the Roman insulae, or apamnent houses, might have
enjoyed the service. It was not until railways hastened the congestion of
urban centers that engineers put their minds really a t work upon vemcal
lifts and made crowding in the cines worse. Freight elevators of a crude
type were running in some S e w York buildings by the 18jos. Their
power was quite generallv . hvdraulic,
. based on Pascal’s hvdraulic prin-
ciple. Capacities and speeds were low. James Bogardus (1800-1874),
enthusiast in the use of cast iron, proposed to build a 300-foot tower for
the S e w l-ork World’s Fair of 18j3 that would be firmer the higher it
rose and would have a steam elevator to take observers to the top. It
xvas his fellow townsman Elisha Graves Otis ( I 8 I 1-1 86 I ) who put into
operation the first passenger elevator. Otis demonstrated his safety ap-
pliance a t the l-ew Tork fair of 18j3 and in 18j7 installed his elevator
in a five-story store a t Broadw-ay and Broome Street. A n appliance to
check the fall of the car came into play if the rope broke or the mechanism
failed. Bt- Sol-ember, I 866. the Franklin Institute of Philadelphia had
taken note of an 11-story house in Paris that would have “a platform
ascending noiselessly eve? minute, and raised by hydraulic power.” Sig- Figure 10.11
fried Giedion states that the first passenger elevator in Paris was at the Thie Pulitzer (New
Exposition of 1867. Both quietness and speed seem to have appealed, in- x l r IYorld) BuiIding
dicating factors besides safety that were essential. .l-01rid \Vide Photos)
Allison, Archibald: T h e Outline of versity Press, Cambridge, Mass.,
Steel m d Iron, H . %. & G. With- 1954-
erby, Lrd., London. r936. leans, James S.: Steel: Its History,
Xshton, Thomas S.: iron and Steel in .Mmufacture, Properties and User,
the Industrial Recolution, The Uni- E. Sr F. _V. Spon, London, 1880. ELEVEN
versity Press. Manchester, 1924. Steinman, David B.: T h e Builders of
Burn, Duncan L.: T h e Economic the Bridge, Harcourt, Brace and
History of Steelmaking, 1867-1939,
T h e Cniversity Press, Cambridge,
Company, Inc., New York, 1945. Electrical Engineering
Swank, James %History I.: of the
1940. dManufucture of Iron in All Ages,
Burnham, Thomas H.. and G. 0.Hos- and Pmticularly in the United
kins: Iron and Steel in Britain, States f r o m Colonial Times to 1891,
187e1930, George Allen k Cnwin, rd ed., The American Iron and Steel Three developments in nineteenth-century engineering have changed
Ltd., London, 1943. -association, Philadelphia, I 892. the ways of human life and altered the evolution of history. The first was
Fairbairn, William: Iron, Its History, 'CVoodward, Calvin XI.: A History of
Properties, and Processes of .Manu- the expansion of the Industrial Revolution described in Chapters 7 to 10.
the St. Louis Bridge, G. I. Jones
facture, 3d ed., A. and C. Black, The second was the emergence of civilian engineering as a profession,
and Co.. St. Louis. 1881.
Edinburgh, 18%. Zucker, Paul: Die Bnrcke, E. Was- bringing realization of the importance of scientific and technical educa-
Giedion, Sigfried: S p x e , T i m e and muth A. G., Berlin, 1921. tion as a prerequisite for engineering practice. The third and most im-
Archirecture, 3d ed., Harvard Uni- portant development, correlated to the second, was the introduction of a
new method of approach to the achievement of engineering advances-
the method of applied science. The subject of this chapter, the inception
and growth of electrical engineering, is an outstanding example of this
new and revolutionary method.
Professional engineers, men who earned their living from the prac-
tice of engineering, had come into being in France during the seven-
teenth century. The French also established the earliest schools for in-
struction in engineering in the eighteenth century. The first civilian
engineering school was the celebrated Gcole des Ponts et Chausstes
(School of Bridges and Highways) of 1747. However, the French insti-
tutions largely employed the apprenticeship method of instruction, and
the teaching staff only occasionally gave general theoretical lectures.
These schools ceased to function at the start of the French Revolution.
The Ecole Polytechnique in 1794, and later other schools, notably the
rejuvenated gcole des Ponts et Chausstes, the Gcole des Mines, and the
Gcoles d'Arts et Nkiers, superseded them. These schools initiated in-
struction in such basic sciences as mathematics, physics, and chemistry.
In the early decades of the nineteenth century, Germany and one or two
other continental European countries established engineering schools
modeled after the French. However, by 1840 in the United States there old, and of electronics, a more recent development, demonstrates dra-
were only two schools offering instruction in engineering, the Military matically how rapidly an engineering field evolves when based largely
Academy a t West Point and the Rensselaer School a t Troy. In the ten on science. The invention of the method of applied science in the last
years following the passage of the Morrill Land Grant Act of 1862, the half of the nineteenth century was one of the most important innovations
objective of which was to stimulate the establishment of new technological in the history of engineering.
schools by the granting of lands from the public domain, the number of
such American schools jumped from 6 to 70. In Seneral. American schools
up to 1900 adapted European educational techniques and “had little direct History of Electricity
share in the advancement of the art.” American schools did not begin to Since from its very beginnings electrical engineering has been based on
give formd instruction in electrical engineering until toward the end of the science of electricity, it will be necessary to review the early develop-
the nineteenth century-. ment of man’s knowledge of electricity. Electricity is one of the youngest
The rapid rise of engineering science in the nineteenth century ex- branches of physics. The Greeks knew that rubbed amber would attract
tensively alrered the practice of engineering and lent considerable im- straw, but subsequently the electrostatic attraction of the rubbed amber
petus to the evolution of technical education. Engineering science may was confused for a time with the magnetic attraction of a lodestone. The
be described broadlv as abstract theories such as those of statics and Italian physician Geronimo Cardan ( Ijar-1 j76) differentiated these
dynamics together with the use of scientific methods to solve engineering nvo wpes of attraction. In 1600IVilliam Gilbert (ca. I j++-1603). a court
problems. Once again i t was the French in the eighteenth century who physician to Queen Elizabeth, published his De magnete in which he
rapidIy developed vm’ous aspects of engineering science. T h e rise of pointed out the difference benveen the attraction of amber and that of a
engineering science in the eighteenth century was typical of the Age of lodestone. Amber attracts only small light bodies, not including iron,
Reason, when scientific methods began to be used in the study of many whereas a lodestone attracts iron only. Gilbert found that other substances
questions, notably social probIems. When it became obvious in the earlv than amber, such as glass, various gems, sulfur, hard sealing w;ty, and hard
nineteenth century that, for instance, a structure or mechanical device resin also exhibit a similar attraction when rubbed. The Greek word for
scientifically designed to carry maximum contemplated loads or perform amber is elektron, and Gilbert used the Latin word elecmmm. Fcx c h e r
a specific function and no more was more economical than one designed substances which behaved like amber he coined the word ‘‘eleccrica.”
on the basis of “experience,” engineering science began to develop rapidlv. which is best translated “elecuics.” It xvas in 1646that Sir Thomas Browne
It was also clear that technical schools were far more competent for giv- (16oj-1681)first used the English word electricity.
ing instruction in the new science than was the age-old institution of In 1629 an Italian Jesuit, Siccoli Cabeo ( Ij8j-16j0), made an im-
apprenticeship. portant observation of electrical repulsion. Otto von Guericke of Alagde-
More important than the rise of professionalism and the use of scien- burg, Germanv, Xvho had invented the air pump, built the first electrical
tific techniques in engineering has been the application of ever-growing machine about 1660, although he seems not to have investigated the
scientific knowledge to engineering. As A. N. Whitehead has put it, “The phenomena produced in terms of electricity but rather as a manifestation
point is that professionalism has now been mated with progress. The of the ~-irtusconsematiz.‘a, the attractive property of the earth and matter
world is now faced with a self-evolving system, which it cannot stop.” in general. It was Francis Hauksbee (d. 1713) in England who used a
The phenomenal growth of electric power, which is hardly eighty years static electric machine with a spinning glass globe to conduct the first im-
1 WiUiam E. Wickenden, “A Comparative Scudy of Engineering Education in the portant electrical experiments. Hauksbee’s work stimulated the develop-
United States and in Europe,” Society for the Promotion of Engineering Education, ment of electrical sciecce in the eighteenth century. Although von
Report of she Investigation of Engineering Education, r923-19~9,2 vols., Pittsburgh, Guericke had observed electrical conduction, he apparently did not
1930, VOl. I, p. 822.
2Alfred N.Whitehead, Science and the Modem World, The Macrnillan Company, recognize it as such. In 1731 and 1732 Stephen Gray (16961736)pub-
New York, 1931, pp. 294-295. lished papers in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society *
which demonstrated that some substances were conductors of electricity reports were so inadequate that most of the scientists who read of them
and others were nonconductors, or insulators. were unable to repeat his experiment. The first discharge Musschenbroek
Charles Frangois de Cistemay du Fay (1698-1739) of Paris, superin- received from his “bottle” gave him such a powerful shock that he began
tendent of gardens for Louis X V , constructed the first theory of elec- his letter to RCaumur with the sentence, “I wish to tell you of a new but
trical phenomena. After reading Gray’s papers in 1733, du Fay immedi- terrible experiment which I advise you never to attempt yourself.”’
ately began to experiment with electrical conduction and found that an Volta later gave this device the name condenser, because electricity a t
“electric” on a glass stand and charged by a glass tube would repel other that time was regarded as an “imponderable fluid” which could there-
substances repelled bv the tube but would attract those also amacted by fore be “condensed.” It is now also called a capacitor.
a charged cylinder 0; “Gum Lack” (gum-lac). Having investigated this By the time the Leyden jar was only two years old, Benjamin Franklin
phenomenon further, he wrote, T h a n c e has thrown in my way another ( I 7 0 6 1790) had used it in experiments to demonstrate an important new
Principle, . . . which casts a new Light on the Subject of Electricity. theory of electrical phenomena. Franklin’s great contribution to electrical
This Principle is, that there are two distinct Electricities, very different science was his one-fluid theorv of electricity, which replaced du Fay‘s
from one another; one of which I call vitreous Electricity, and the other two-fluid theory and, with important modifications, was useful and pro-
resinous Elecm’city. The first is that of Glass, Rock-Cwstal, Precious ductive of new experiments for over a century. Franklin expressed his
Stones, Hair of Animals, Wool, and many other Bodies: -The second is new concept in 1747 when he wrote, “We had for some time been of
that of Amber, Copal, Gum-Lack, Silk, Thread, Paper. and a vast Num- opinion, that the electrical fire was not created by friction, but col-
ber of other Substances. The Characteristick of these nvo Electricities is, lected, being really an element diffused among, and attracted by other
that a Body of the vitreous Elecrricity, for Example, repels all such as are matter, pardcularly by water and metals.” When Franklin wrote this
of the same Elecmcicy; and on the contrary, attracts all those of the sentence he did not know about du Fay’s theory. Charles Augustin de
resinous Electn’city .” Coulomb ( I 7 3 6 1 806), French civil engineer and physicist, made the next
Du Fav assumed that a neutral substance has an equal amount of great advance when in 1 7 8 j he verified the inference made in 1766 by
vitreous and resinous electricicy and that it was a characteristic of any one Joseph Priestley, English philosopher and chemist, that the force of either
substance that it gives up only one kind of electricity when rubbed and attraction or repulsion between t w o small spheres charged with electricity
becomes charged with the other electricitv. Du Fav’s theory explained is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.
many electrical phenomena and nas a useful concept. Its chief defect was Coulomb’s law was the first quantitative law in the history of electricity.
that it did not account for the fact t h a t the charge on any given body also Luigi Galvani (1737-1798). professor a t Bologna, found in 1786 that
depends on the substances used in rubbing. a dissected frog’s leg would twitch if touched with a scalpel while an
T w o men working independently arrived a t the principle of the electric machine in the same room was in operation-hence one of the
electrical condenser. T’hs is a device to hold a charge of static electricity meanings of our word galvanize. After investigating this strange phe-
by means of two conducting plates separated by a nonconducting material. nomenon further, he eventually found that a frog’s leg would convulse
Pieter van [Musschenbroek (1692-1 7 6 1 ) of Leyden discovered what is when he simultaneously touched a muscle and its connecting nerve with
now called the Leyden jar-a glass bottle or jar coated inside and out the ends of a metallic conductor, one-half of which was a rod of zinc
with metallic surfaces separated by the nonconducting glass. ,Musschen- and the other half a rod of copper. T h e frog’s leg would not convulse
broek reported his discovery in a letter to RCaumur in Paris, who read it when the metallic conductor consisted of only one metal. Galvani was
to the French Academy of Sciences in January of I 746- In October, I 745, confronted with two possible interpretations of these interesting observa-
Ewald Georg von Kleist ( I 700-1 748), Dean of the Cathedral of Kammin
in Pomerania, had also discovered the principle of the Leyden jar, but his 4 M h o i r e s pour l’histoire des sciences et des beaux-arts, TrOvoux, p. 2078, October,
3 Charles du Fay, “A Letter . . . concerning Electricity,” Philosophical Transactions 1746.
5I. Bernard &hen (ed.), B e n j m k Franklin’s Experiments, Harvard University
of the Royal Society, vol. 38, pp. 263-264, January-March, 1734. Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1941,p. 174.
dons; either the two conductors of different metals were producing elec-
through it and that two such coils attract and repel each other just as do
tricity by contact and the frog’s leg was acting as an electrometer de-
magnets but without the presence of an iron magnet. H e must also be
tecting the charge, or the nerve and muscle of the frog’s leg were produc-
credited with having precisely defined electric potential or electric pres-
ing the electricity with the rods serving as conductors. Unfortunatelv
sure as distinguished from electric current, in a paper published in 1820.
Gdvani erroneously chose the second explanation and coined the term
By 1 8 2 2 Ampkre had firmly established by experiment and quantitaave
“animal electricity” when he published his paper in 1 7 9 1 .
analysis the science of electrodynamics, or what may be called elecmcity
The professor of physics a t Pavia, Italv, Alessandro Volta ( I;+S- in motion.
1 8 2 7 ) ~a t first accepted Galvani’s theory of animal elecuicitv. However.
Meanwhde Michael Faraday (1791-1867). an English chemist and
in a series of experiments similar to Galvani’s, Volta found that he could
physicist, had shown that a wire suspended with one end free to move
not explain all of his results on the basis of the animal-electricity theorv.
and dipping into a bowl of mercury would revolve continuously around
Suspecting that the source of the electricity might be the contact between
a permanent magnet supported in the mercury as long as the wire and
the two metals, he substituted for the dissected frog’s leg a sensitive
the mercury were connected to opposite poles of an electric battery. This
electroscope, a device he had invented in 1 7 8 2 to indicate the presence
discovery of electricity producing motion was the fundamental discovery
of a minute charge of static electricity. With his electroscope he was able
which eventuallv led to the invention of the electric motor, In 1826
to detect an elecuic charge when two different metals were brought into
Georg Simon Ohm (1787-1854). a German school teacher, announced
contact without any frog’s legs or other biological material being in-
the fundamental law which now bears his name. His discovery was as
volved. Pushing his investigations further, Volta discovered the principle
important as Amp4re’s distinction between electric potential and current
of his pile, now called a primary elecmc battery. which he announced in
and is equally indispensable in engineering. Ohm made many precise
1800. For the first time, with Volta’s introduction of the electric primary
experiments before he was able to state that the amount of current in 3
battery, a continuous flow of elecmc current was available. For electrical
circuit is directly proportional to the difference in potential or pressure
science and subsequently for electrical engineering, Volta’s discovery
and inversely proportional to the resistance.
of what we shall call current electricity as distin,ouished from static elec- Faraday u-as convinced that if electricity could produce magnetism,
triciw was of the utmost importance. The discoveries of electrical con-
as Oersted had found, then magnetism could produce electricity. He
duction, the condenser, or capacitor, and current electricity are the three
had been searching for electricity which could be produced by magnetism
most important eighteenth-century discoveries used in electrical engineer-
for a half dozen years before he came upon the principle of induction
ing today.
in 1831. It was in this year that he, for the first time, realized that a cur-
For some time before 1800 various investigators had attempted to dis-
rent was induced in a conductor while the intensity of a magnetic fieid
cover a relationship between electricity and magnetism. These investiga-
was either increasing or decreasing or while the conductor was being
tions were in vain because there is no connection between static electricity
moved in the magnetic field. Faraday also found that he could produce a
and magnetism but only between an electric current and magnetism. In
current in one of nvo coils by moving the coils toward or away from
1 8 2 0 a Copenhagen professor, Hans Christian Oersted (1777-18 j ~ )first ,
each other while a current was flowing in the second coil. H e then sub-
reported the existence of electromagnetism. Oersted found that an electric
stituted a magnet for the coil carrying the current and produced the same
current passing through a wire suspended over and parallel to a magnetic
effect. Using two coils wound on separate sections of a closed iron ring,
compass needle caused the needle to swing out from the parallel position
with one coil connected to a galvanometer and the other to a battery,
to a position almost a t right angles to the direction of the wire. Oersted’s
Faraday observed that when he completed the circuit to the second coil,
finding was a great stimulus to scientific activity. Within two weeks after
the galvanometer needle jfrked in one direction and then returned to zero.
it was announced to the French Academy, AndrC-Marie Ampere (1775-
When he broke the battery circuit, the galvanometer jumped about the
1836) observed that a coil of wire acts as a magnet when a current flows
same distance in the opposite direction and again returned to zero. In
1 ~ 3 1 ,Faraday also demonstrated that by rotating a copper disk between propemes of the waves which Hertz discovered in 1887and the existence
magnetic poles he could generate direct current. It is on these discov- of which iMaxwell had predicted nearly two decades earlier.
eries that the mechanical production of electricity is based. Thus Michael While these advances were being made in the knowledge of electro-
Faraday had found not only the basic principle of the electric motor but magnetic waves, two other avenues of research were opening which were
also the basic principle of the generator and of the induction coil and to produce important information for subsequent application in radio or
transformer. wireless and television. One line of research was on cathode rays, rays pro-
However, Faraday must share the honors of discovery of induction jected from the cathode or negative terminal of a vacuum tube through
with the American physicist Joseph Henry ( 1797-1 878). Priority clearly which a current is flowing. Julius Plucker (1801-1868) of the University
belongs to Faraday who was first to publish his results, in April, 1832. of Bonn discovered cathode rays in I 8 j9. The other line of research was
Henry, working independently, had discovered induction before Faraday, on the so-called “Edison effect” discovered in 1883 by Thomas Xlva
but Henry did not publish his paper until later in 1832. The discovery of Edison ( I 847-193 I ) . Ten \*ears after Plucker’s discovery of czthode
induction completed the great findings which immediately followed ’ raw, his student Johann Wilhelm Hittorf ( 1824-1914) showed that these
Oersted’s detection of electromagnetism. The next important advance ravs were propagated in straight lines and that a magnetic field a t right
occurred in 186jwhen Scottish-born James Clerk Alaxwell ( I83 1-1879) angles to the line of discharge would deflect the rays. By 1879 William
published a paper entitled “A Dvnamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Crookes (1832-1919).English phvsicist and chemist. had shown that
Field.” In this work Maxwell presented his equations describing the cathode rays had momenrum and also definite ener,gy. In 1897the English
phenomena which relate the electric conductivity, the dielectric con- physicist Joseph John Thomson ( I 8j6-1940) demonstrated conclusively
stants, and the magnetic permeability of matter, all with electric and that cathode rays are nesadvely charged atomlike pamcles which he
magnetic fields and with mechanical force. One of Xla?nvell’s interesting called “corpuscles” and \vhich are now called electrons. Thomson’s dis-
conclusions drawn from his analyses was that an oscillatory or alternating covery of the electron was the first physical evidence that such pamcles
electromagnetic disturbance would produce electromagnetic waves hav- exist in nature, and together with the discovery by Xntoine Henri Bec-
ing the speed of light. querel (18j:-1908) of radioactkin- in the previous year, 1896,forms the
There was little experimental evidence for this remarkable prediction. stardng point for the remarkable development during the twentieth
but in 1887, Heinrich Rudolph Hertz (18j7-1894)~ young German centuq- of the science of atomic physics.
physicist, announced that he had been able to produce and detect waves Thomson’s discovery made it possible for him to explain what was
of “etheric force,” vibrating in an “all pervasive ether” and which had known as the Edison effect. Edison had found that a small current would
electromagnetic propemes. Hertz had emploved an “electrical oscillator” pass from the carbon filament of his then newly invented incandescent
consisting of two metal balls separated by an air gap and connected with light bulb from which air had been pumped to an electrode sealed into the
either terminal of an induction coil so that a spark would jump between bulb when the electrode was charged positivelv. No current would flow
the balls. His detector was a piece of wire about 7 feet long with a small when the electrode was charged negatively. TWO British investigators,
metal ball at each end. Hertz bent the wire into a ring and varied the William Henry Preece (1834-1913)in 188jand John Ambrose Fleming
distance between the balls. When he achieved the proper distance, a spark (1849-1945) in 1890and 1896,had studied the Edison effect in great detail.
would jump the gap in the detector when the oscillator sparked. H e m In 1903,Thomson proved that electrons were the carriers of the current
was able to show that these new waves (hertzian waves) are subject to observed in the Edison effect. Application of this knowledge has been of
reffection and bending or refraction, just as light and radiant heat waves great importance in the field of electronics. The radio tube or electric
are. Later Hertz calculated that the speed of his electromagnetic waves valve is an application of,this phenomenon fundamental to communica-
was the same as that of light and thus confirmed Maxwell’s prediction. tions engineering.
H e a i a n waves are now known as radio waves or wireless waves. Radio In the following sections of this chapter we shall discuss how knowl-
and television transmission are directly based on a knowledge of the edge of electricity has been used to establish electrical engineering, h-
cluding communication and power production and utilization. The first
important practical application chronologically was the electromagnetic
During the first thirty to forty centuries after man began to live in
villages, roughIy seven?-five centuries ago, he began to extend political
control over groups of villages and later cities and to carry on trade
throughout large areas. Ever since the extension of governmental con-
trols and commerce beyond the limits of the local village, he has had
need to communicate messages over considerable distances. Until the
nineteenth century men transmitted messages by signal fires, smoke,
drums, runners, pigeons, ships, posmders, and by sentinels who relayed
shouted messages. Indeed, primitive tribes still use some of these tech- Figure I I .I
niques. Our word marathon derives from the Marathon Plain, 26 miles Chappe telegraph on the
outside the city of Athens. In 490 B.c., the Persians invaded the Greek Louvre, Paris (From
Peninsula, and the Athenians attacked and defeated them on the Marathon Chappe, Beschreibung,
1795 1
Plain. A young Athenian, Pheidippides, ran the 26 miles to Athens bring-
ing the news that the Athenians were victorious.
In the sixteenth century, Europeans literally explored the world. The
colonization which followed their explorations brought about an enor-
mous extension of known distances and greatly increased the volume of operated the first Chappe telegraph between Paris and Lille, a distance
of I++ miles. It was a success. and use of the system spread rapidly. The
commerce. These developments in turn produced more urgent require-
ments for the rapid communication of messages. British subsequently built several Chappe lines connecting London with
Several men proposed optical telegraphs in the seventeenth century; various channel ports where it was feared that Napoleon’s fleet might land.
Robert Hooke’s is perhaps the best known. Following the discovery of In 1800 Jonathan Grout built the first semaphoric telesraph line in the
electrical conduction in 1 7 3 2 came many recommendations for the use United States. This 6j-mile line connected Martha’s Vineyard with Bos-
of static electricity to communicate messages. None, however, was prac- ton and was built to transmit commercial news, especially of the arrival
ticable. In 1794, Claude Chappe (1763-1805) developed what he called an of ships. Although some of the Chappe telegraphs were still in operation
ocular, or semaphore, telegraph (Figure I I . I ), which was the first prac- a t the middle of the nineteenth century, the semaphore system was ex-
tical device. His system consisted of a line of towers 6 to ro miles apart. pensive to operate since it required men to be stationed at every tower
T h e operator at each tower, usually using a telescope, could see the tower and was dependent upon clear weather.
on either side of him in the line if visibility was good. On the top of each Volta’s invention of the electric battery in 1800 stimulated efforts to
tower was a semaphore consisting of a wooden beam pivoted midway so develop an electric telegraph. Following Oersted’s discovery of electro-
that it could be rotated in a vertical plane. In addition there were movable magnetism, William Sturgeon ( I 783-1 8jo), English physicist, constructed
arms at each end of the beam. It appears that the speed of transmission an electromagnet about 1 8 2 j , and the next year Ohm announced his law
could be fairly rapid. For instance, over the 47j-mile line with its 1 2 0 concerning the flow of a; electric current in a circuit. These discoveries
towers between Paris and Toulon, it is said that the operators were able to were essential for the development of practical electromagnetic teleg-
transmit a message in ten to twelve minutes. The French sovernment raphy. The demand for rapid communications was so insistent by 1830
that there were literally dozens of men trying to produce an electrical for London. Someone who had seen him leave the house described him
telegraph. In 1820 Ampkre had suggested that by using a circuit for each to the telegraph operator who a t once wired the news to the Paddington
letter and a magnetic needle a t the terminal it would be possible to uans- Station, adding that the murderer was on the train which had just left
mit messages. One of the first practical electromagnetic telegraph systems Slough and that he was dressed like a “Kwaker”-there was no “Q” in
was based on Ampere’s idea. Ten years later William Ritchie demon- the Cooke and Wheatstone system a t that time. The Paddington operator
strated Ampere’s proposal on a small scale. In 1832 Paul von Schilling- nodfied a railroad detective, who spotted Tawell as he left the train and
Cannstadt (17861837). a native of Estonia, worked out a system also [railed him to his home. Early the next morning the police of Slough
based on Ampere’s suggestion, but he never produced a practical telegraph. arrived and Tawell was arrested. He was subsequently tried and hanged.
In I 836 a young Englishman, William Fothergill Cooke ( I 8 0 6 1 879), The Slough murder case proved an excellent advertisement for telegraphy.
saw some electromagnetic experiments in Heidelberg where he was study- While Cooke and Wheatstone were developing their telegraph system
ing anatomy. H e was immediately impressed with the possibilities of using which became standard in England. Samuel Finley Breese Morse (1791-
an electric current for the operation of a telegraph. Within three weeks he 1
r872), an American artist, was perfecting a different type of electromag-
had put together his first instrument; it was the magnetic-needle type and netic telegraph. Returning to the United States in 1832 after a three-year
similar to Schilling’s device. After Cooke’s return to England, Faradav stay in Europe, Morse discussed various problems of e1ecuomaFetisr-n
introduced him to Charles Wheatstone (1802-18j j) of King’s College, with a fellow passenger, Dr. C. T. Jackson of Boston, Massachusetts,
London, who had already done impartant work on an electric telegraph. who apparently told Morse about various experimental electric telegraphs
Later, in 1837,the two formed a partnership. Before they had signed the in Europe. Jackson later claimed to be the originator of the idea of the
partnership agreement, Cooke and Wheatstone had constructed in I 83j electromagnetic telegraph. This claim is of questionable validity, but
a telegraph line along the London and Birmingham Railway north from there can be little doubt that Jackson was a man with useful ideas. It was
Euston Sration, London, about a mile to Camden Town, and successfully he who more than ten years later suggested to Dr. W.T. G. Morton the
transmitted their first messages. The early instruments of Cooke and use of ether as an anesthetic and then claimed a share in that great dis-
Wheatstone required five or six wires for transmission and correspond- covery. He also claimed in 1844 that he had given Christian Friedrich
ingly five or six magnetic needles, each pivoted benreen the two sections Schonbein the idea he used in developing gun cotton.
of a double wire coil. The needles swung to right or left and indicated After Morse arrived in S e w York in the autumn of 183’. he immedi-
specific letters, depending on the sender’s setting of a dial. atel? set to work on a telesraph, but it was not until 1836 that he com-
By arrangement with the incompleted Great Western Railway, the pleted his first instrument. Shortly thereafter he learned from his colleague
partners established a telegraph line along the railway out of Paddingon Leonard D. Gale of the University of the City of New York about
Station and in 1839 extended it 7 % miles to Hanwell. By 1843 this line Joseph Henry’s improved electromagnets wound with many turns of
reached Slough, I 8 ‘/z miles from Paddington. Their telegraph system insulated wire. Morse found that the new magnet would greatly increase
received considerable publicity when the news of the birth of Queen the distance over which he could transmit a signal. Morse’s receiver at
Victoria’s second son was transmitted over it on -August 6, 1 8 ~ The . that time xvas a pen in constant contact with a strip of paper moved by a
device had created so much public interest that there was a charge of a clock mechanism. When the electromagnet was energized, it moved the
shilling for admission to the office to see it work. pen so that it traced a notch on the paper. Morse formulated messages by
However, the part the telegraph played in the capture of a murderer varying the time intervals between the notches or by inverting them by
brought the system its greatest publicity. On New Year’s Day, 18qj, a reversing the polarity or direction of flow of the sending current of the
Londoner named John Tawell took the train to Slough where he gave a signal. On September 4, 1837,the same year that Cooke and Wheatstone
woman a fatal dose of poison. Realizing she had been poisoned, the un- first operated their Eusthn Station to Camden Town telegraph, Morse
fortunate victim began to scream. This screaming aroused the neighbors, transmitted his first message through 1,700 feet of wire.
and Tawell, alarmed, rushed to the station and immediately boarded a train Shortly thereafter iMorse made two important improvements. First
he developed a relay to increase the practicable distance of uansmission owing to the efforts of Cyrus West Field (181g-1892),after many tragic
of messages. In this device the signal activated an electromagnet which failures. The Atlantic Telegraph Company had been organized in 18j6,
closed a contact in a local battery circuit, thereby transmitting the signal and the first attempt to lay a cable between Ireland and Newfoundland
to the next relay by means of this second battery circuit. This process was made the following year. This cable broke after 33 j miles had been
could be repeated indefinitely. Curiously, Henry and Wheatstone were laid, owing to an accident in the paying-out machinery. X second attempt
developing similar relays a t the same time. Morse’s second improvement in June, 18j8, similarly failed, but later in the summer of that year the
was the widely used dot-and-dash code system and the sounder suggested company completed, on August j, the laying of a cable. The “first” com-
by h younger colleague Alfred Vail (1807-!8j9), which greatly facili- mercial message was sent on August 17 after a congratulatory message
tated the reading of messages. In this scheme, the operator completes the from Queen Victoria to President Buchanan. This cable remained in op-
circuit by closing the sounding key, and the sounding device attached eration only a short while for it gradually failed and by October 2 0 ceased
to an electromagnet moves with an audible click. This dot is a very short to function. One of the messages transmitted while the cable was snll in
signal of onlv a fraction of a second duration, and the dash is about three service was a communication from the British government to Canada,
times as long. peace having been concluded with China, countermanding an order for
.Morse was able to obtain some private financial support, but his the departure of two regiments of soldiers which were about to return to
efforts to get a grant from the C‘nited States Congress were unsuccessful England for service in India. If the cable had not been in operation a t that
until January, 1843, when Congress appropriated $30,000 for the con- time the regiments would have sailed and considerable unnecessary ex-
struction of a 38-mile tine along the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad between pense (estimated a t & j0,wo) would have been incurred.
Baltimore and Washington. On May 2% 18% the first message-“What During the neXt seven years a group of scientists and engineers
hath God wrought”--was transmitted from Washington to Baltimore worked for the Atlantic Telegraph Company to improve the insulation
over this line. and the Morse system of telegraphy was established. After and mechanical strength of the cable, the paying-out apparatus, the re-
this success, other lines were rapidly built. By 1846, telegraph lines ceiving mechanism, and the type of signals to be used. Sir William Thom-
stretched from Washington to Portland, Maine, and westward to Louis- son (Lord Kelvin, 1824-1907),professor of natural science a t Glasgow.
ville, Kentucky, and ~lil\~-aukee, Wisconsin. The development of duplex, was largely responsible for the ultimate success of the cable. The com-
quadruplex, and multiplex telegraphy many years later has greatly in- pany secured the Great Eastern for the next attempt, which began a t
creased the economy of transmission. The multiplex system enables oper- Valencia, Ireland, on July 23, 186j.-4fter 1,100 miles had been payed
ators to transmit messages simultaneously over the same set of wires, and out, the cable parted in 2,100 fathoms ( I 2,600 feet, 2 $4 miles) of water,
perforated tape devices permit far higher speeds than are possible with and the project was abandoned for that year. The Atlantic Company
manual key operation. failed and was succeeded by the Anglo-American Company, which con-
Short lengths of cable were laid under rivers as some of the earliest tinued the project. On July 13, 1866, the Great Eastern again steamed
telegraph lines were strung. One of the first cables was that under the west from Valencia with a new cable which was landed at Newfound-
harbor a t Kew York by Morse; it was insulated with gutta-percha, a land on July 27. The Grest Eastern then conducted a successful search
rubberlike substance discovered in I 834. The first submarine cable of con- for the cable which had parted the previous year. A new cable was spliced
siderable length, from Dover to Calais, was put down in I 850. The insula- to the recovered end, and the second landing was made at Newfoundland
tion on this cable proving inadequate, a greatly improved cable was on September 8. Cables have been in continuous service ever since; nine-
opened for service in November, I 85 I, and gave satisfactory service for teen cables now cross the Atlantic. In the summer of 19jj, H A I T S
many years. In the next few years a cable connected Denmark and Swe- Monarch was laying a new type of transatlantic cable, a coaxial cable
den, and cables were laid in the Mediterranean Sea. with a repeater employink three vacuum tubes every 40 miles, for trans-
The first successful Atlantic cable began operation in 1866,largely mitting telephone messages in one direction. After a second cable has
gone down in 1956, the system will be able to carry 36 conversations laboratories. It remained for Philipp Reis (1834-1874) of Friedrichsdorf,
simultaneously. The aggregate length of submarine cables in use in 1955 Germany, to construct in 1860 an apparatus by means of which a melody
exceeds 3 0 0 , 0 0 0 nautical miles. produced in one place could be transmitted electrically and reproduced
The method of sending and receiving messages by submarine cables at a distance. Reis’s first apparatus consisted of a frustum of a cone inserted
differs from that of the standard telegraph because the electric capacity in the bunghole of a beer barrel. The small end was covered by an animal
of a long cable requires considerable time for charging and discharging membrane upon which a small platinum wire was fastened by means of
it. The current used is therefore relatively weak, because the weaker the seaIing wax. The platinum wire formed part of a battery circuir and
current the shorter is the time required to charge and discharge the cable touched a metal strip in such a manner that it could make and break contact
and so to transmit an individual signal. In other words, the weaker the as the diaphragm vibrated and interrupt a battery circuit with a frequency
current the more rapidly can a message be transmitted. A mirror galva- corresponding to the vibration of the diaphragm. The wires of the battery
nometer generally replaced the sounder to receive the signals. The mirror circuit led to a coil which was wound around a knitting needle. The rapid
reflects a beam of light from a lamp in such a way that a small deflection I
magnetization and demagnetization of t h s needle caused sound waves
of the coil on which the mirror is mounted gives a percepable motion to of the frequency of the note sounded into the diaphra,om. Reis success-
the spot of light. The mirror was replaced in 1870 by the siphon recorder fully demonstrated the transmission of musical notes in an improved appa-
developed by Sir William Thomson, consisting of a light coil of wire ratus based on these principles a t Frankfurt in I 861. He claimed in a letter
suspended between the poles of a powerful electromagnet. The motions to a colleague in 1863 that “. . . if you will come and see me here, I
of the coil are transmitted bv silk threads to a small glass tube, one end will show you that words also can be made out.” This claim has not been
dipping into an ink reservoir and the other recording on a paper tape. fully established, however. Be this as it may, Reis’s contribution was im-
Some idea of the part played by telegraphy in communications can portant in the history of the transmission of sound.
be gained from an analysis of 6j0,ooo telegrams which the British Post In 187j, m o men in the United States were working independently
Office transmitted during one week in 1934. Two-thirds of the messages and unknown to each other on telephonic transmission. They were Elisha
were commercial and one-third were social. There can be little doubt Gray (183j-1901), inventor and manufacturer of Chicago, and Alexander
that commercial demand for rapid transmission of messages was the prin- Graham Bell (1847-19”) of Boston. Gray developed an instrument verv
cipal incentive for the erection of the early telegraph lines in the 1840s. similar to Reis’s except that h e used a sinall iron rod attached a t one end
The telegraph business steadily increased during. the nineteenth century, to the diaphra,m with the other end immersed in a fluid of low conduc-
but it has declined during the twentieth. One of the principal causes for tivity that formed part of the batten- circuit. The vibrations of the
this decline has been the telephone. diaphragm, by moving the rod up and down, varied the resistance in the
The incentives for developing the telephone were different from those circuit, so that the resulting fluctuating current, depending on the varying
which produced the telegraph. By the time the first work on telephones resistance of the fluid, corresponded to the original sound vibrations im-
was being done, the telegraph had already satisfied much of man’s need pinging on the diaphragm. This fluctuating current was conducted to a
for speed in the transmission of intelligence. Because of the less impera- receiver consisting of the coil of an electromagnet and a diaphragm on
tive incentives for the invention of a practical telephone, there were fewer which was mounted a small piece of soft iron. The fluctuating current
men who worked on its invention, but they also were men of ability varied the magnetism and caused vibration of the iron on the diaphragm,
and imagination. which duplicated the vibration of the sending diaphragm and thus the
In I 837 an American physician, Charles Grafton Page ( I 8 I 2-1 868) of sound. On February 14, 1876, Gray filed in the Cnited States Patent
Salem, Massachusetts, discovered that when there are rapid changes in Office a caveat, or formal notice of his claim to the idea of his instrument.
magnetism of iron it gives out a musical note of a pitch depending on the H e filed this caveat to gndeavor to prevent others from patenting his
frequency in the changes in magnetization. He called these sounds “gal- 6Alfred R. von Urbanitzky, Electricity in the Service of iMan, Cassell & Co., London,
vanic music,” and many physicists studied this phenomenon in their 1886, p. 662.
It was on March 10, 1876, that Bell spoke the first words clearly tesy Southern New England Telephone Co.)
heard over a telephone when he called to his assistant in his bedroom,
“Mr. Watson, come here, I want you!” Bell had spilled some acid on his sages over lands and across oceans, especially from ships a t sea. \i-ithout
clothes and wanted help, but he forgot the accident when Watson told wires or cables was an economic incentive. ll-hen the radio. o r \vireless,
him how plainly he had heard his summons. Later in I 876, Bell showed his was first contemplated. its inrentors thought of it o n i - in terms of point-
instruments at the Centennial Exhibition in Philadelphia, where they to-point transmission, and ic nor: until after the First li‘orld l i - a r that
created much interest. A commercial type of telephone was constructed radio’s many potentialities for broadcasting h e p to be re:ilized. Today
early in 1877, and by September there were 1,300 in use in the United general broadcasting is more imporrant to our society than point-to-point
States. The first community central station switchboard for intercon- message transmission.
necting subscribers’ instruments was placed in operanon with 2 2 sub- Hertz’s discovery u-as fundamental to the invention of the radio.
scribers in New Haven, Connecticut, on January 28, 1878 (Figure I 1 . 2 ) . Hertzian waves c a r n the radio signal. and without 3 knoxvledge of them
Numerous improvements were made in the years immediately following, i t would not be possible to have radio. Several ph!-sicists, includins the
and the use of telephones spread rapidly and continuously throughout English Oliver Joseph Lodge ( 1 S j i - 1 9 p ) . realized the possibilit\- of
the world. using hertzian waves for the transmission and reception of telegraphic
The stimuli for the invention of radio, like those for the telephone, messages. In 1 8 9 4 Lodge described a device which consisted of a receiver
were not as intense as the incentives for the invention of the electromag- tuned in proper resonance to collect waves, a detector. i.e.. a rela)- to
netic telegraph. By I 887, when Hertz discovered electromagnetic waves, amplify the signals and a printer for recording dots and dashes. Lodge’s
there were in operation extensive wire and cable lines transmitting tele- detector was called a coherer, which involved also a trembler, and was
graph and telephone messages. However, the possibility of sending mes- based on the phenomena ,discovered in 1879 by David Edward Hughes
7 Thomas A. Warson, Exploring Life, Appleton-Centv-CrofB, Inc., New York, (1831-1900). The coherer, which had been used two vears earlier for
1926, p. 7% other purposes, was a short glass tube containing loose nickel filings. With
its terminals, it formed part of a local battery circuit. Heraian waves cap- alternating or oscillating charge on it would repel the electrons when
tured in this receiver decreased the resistance of the filings, which negative and reinforce the electron stream when positive, giving a much
“cohered” and allowed the current to flow from the battery through more effective control of the current than was possible with the diode.
them. After conductivity had been established in the coherer, the filings Because it has three elements, De Forest’s tube is called a triode. Both the
continued to be a good conductor and therefore indicated no further re- diode and triode were operated a t partial vacuums.
sponse to the waves. Lodge restored the resistance of the filings by knock- At the same time that rhe deveiopment of the vacuum tube was
ing them loose with the trembler, which tapped the tube. Lodge’s re- progressing, the evolution of connnuous-wave transmlssIon 3s opposed
ceiver worked, but as he was more interested in teaching and scientific to the make-and-break telegraphic spark was proceeding. Conunuous-
research than in practical application, he did not devote himself to im- wave transmission is, of course, necessary for voice transmission. Reginald
proving it for commercial purposes. Aubrey Fessenden ( I 8661932) in -America. realizing the need for a con-
In 189% the same year that Lodge demonstrated his receiver, tinuous wave, first produced one with an alternator in 1903.It ~ v a Fessen-
Guglielmo Marconi (1874-1937), a young Italian inventor, read about ’ den who invented the heterodyne circuit for receivers util~~zing differences
Hem’s discovery. He immediately started to devise a practical method for in frequency benveen the sending and receiving circuits. In I 9 I .+ Edwin
wireless transmission. ,Marconi made an improved oscillator or transmitter Howard Armstrong ( 1890-19j4) of Columbia Universin- evolved the
using an aerial carried on a mast and also increased the effectiveness of feed-back circuit, which greatly increased the reception sensitivin; of a
the coherer. In 1896 he succeeded in transmimng and receiving code vacuum-tube receiver, and in 1918 the superheterodyne circuit. w h c h is
messages over a distance of nearly t miles. Believing that there were basic for modem radio and radar reception. By 1 9 1 9it was possible to
better opportunities to develop his wireless commerciallv in England, produce efficient transmitters and receivers for voice broadcasts using the
he went there later in 1896. Soon he was sending messages 8 miles. Be- inventions of the previous twenty years.
ginning in 1897, Marconi began experiments with long-distance trans- C‘nal 1919 radio had been developed principally for point-to-point
mission, which culminated on December 1 2 , 1901,when he heard on his communication. like the telegraph and telephone. Since the early 1920s,
receiver in Sewfoundland the three clicks of the Alorse code “S” which however, broadcasting has brought receiving sets into individual homes
were sent out from his station a t Poldhu in Cornwall. England. where they provide a varied and popular form of entertainment. Home
In the meantime, in 1898, Lodge had invented the selective tuner. The radios also bring news of all types, including commercial nelvs such as the
coherer as a detector was inadequate, and John Ambrose Fleming, who day’s market prices for the farmer. Radio often serves as a means of rapid
was then a consultant with Marconi, invented the two-element, or diode, communication to members of a community during local disasters. It is
vacuum tube using the principles of the Edison effect described above. used to attempt to mold public opinion, and in countries where broad-
The nvo terminals of this relay were an anode and an incandescent cathode casting is a monopoly of the government a considerable degree of con-
which emitted electrons continuously. Fleming placed the tube, or valve trol can be maintained over the public by propaganda. During the past
as he called it, in the aerial circuit of a receiver. The alternations of the three decades radio has become one of the most important channels for
incoming signals changed the anode from positive to negative, so that communications.
during the negative interval it repelled electrons emitted by the cathode The original broadcasting stations used amplitude modulation (-AM)
and no current flowed. During the positive period the anode attracted of the radio wave, whereby the frequency of the sound waves varies the
electrons from the cathode, and the resulting current operated a printer amplitude of the high-frequency radio waves which transmit the message
or telephone receiver. Although Fleming’s invention is basic for radio, for receipt and reconversion to sound. Defective electric motors and
his diode was not very satisfactory in operation. The American inventor other apparatus, electrical storms, and electric discharges may add their
Lee de Forest (1873- ) greatly improved the diode in 1906 by insert- own amplitude to the Gave, causing interference or what is known as
ing a grid in the vacuum tube between the cathode and anode. The grid, static. The most important development in radio since broadcasting be-
or metal screen, was attached electrically to the radio aerial, and the came common has been the introduction of frequency modulation (FXl),
invented in 1933 by E. H. Armstrong of feed-back and superheterodyne ning, o r sweeping the electronic beams in the sending and receiving tubes
fame. FM has a higher fidelity than AM and is relatively free from inter- across the plate at the sending station and the screen at the receiving
ference. In the FM system the variation in the radio waves as produced station. The scanning is similar to the technique of reading a printed page,
from the sound waves is a variation in frequency rather than amplitude. line by line and word for word in each line. The electron beam in the
Since the signals are not dependent on the amplitude of the radio wave, receiving set must, of course, be perfectly synchronized in both vemcal
the outside interference referred to is not experienced in this system. It and horizontal mouon a t all times with the beam in the sending camera.
is the FM system which transmits the signals accompanving television An enormous amount of applied research was necessary to bring tele-
broadcasts in the United States. vision to its present status. In 1862 the Italian Abbe Giovanni Case&
Teievision, a word formed by the combination of Greek and Latin ( 1815-1891) used a crude mechanical scanning device in his partially
words meaning “sight a t a distance,” s i g d e s the broadcasting of live successful attempt to transmit images over a telegraph wire, and in 1884
scenes or moving pictures bv radio waves. Television is a direct develop- Paul Gottlieb Sipko\v (186+1940), a German engineer, further de-
ment from sound broadcasting and consists of convemng light into elec- , veloped mechanical scanning. His device consisted of ;1 disk perforated
uical impulses, transmitting these impulses and reconvemng them at the, with a series of holes in the form of a spiral, each hole being jusr a little
receiving station inro their original form, namely, light. The foundations nearer the center of the disk than the one preceding it. In 1907 Boris
on which electronic television rest are three-radio, the cathode tube Rosing of the St. Petersburg Technical Institute using an electronic re-
already described, and what is known as the photoelectric effect, which ceiver. 3 cathode-ray rube having an electron gun at one end and a
Heinrich Hem first discovered in 1887. fluorescent screen a t the other, endeavored to develop a mechanical
Fundamentally, television is a scanning process a t both the sending scanning transmitter consisting of mirrors on nvo drums revolving at
and receiving stations. At the sending station a beam of electrons from an right angles to one another. The verrical drum revolving a t Iugh speed
elecuon gun in a cathode-ray tube called an Iconoscope or Orthicon scanned horizontally and the horizontal drum, revolving much more
scans exceedingly rapidly a mosaic of photoelectric cells on a plate on sloulv. shifted the scanning line. Although Rosing’s system xvas capable
which a camera lens has focused an image. Each minute photoelectric of transmitting and reproducing poorly defined action images, it was far
cell has on it a positive eiectric charge proportional to the amount of from having an?- practical value, mainly because it did not have an ampii-
light falling on the cell. The electrons in the scanning beam discharge fier. Herbert E. Ives and Charles F. Jenkins in the United States and John
each of the more than 3 0 0 , 0 0 0 cells individually, and the resulting electric L. Baird in England developed mechanical scanning s\-stems in the late
impulse proportional to the amount of light falling on the cell is collected 1920s. Ives used 48 lines and Jenkins between 30 and 60. The Jenkins
from a conductive surface on the back of the mosaic and transmitted. Television Companv failed financially before it began broadcasting, and
T h e Orthicon thus converts the optical image into corresponding elec- although the British Broadcasting Company began limited television
trical impulses. The electron beam in the present black-and-white tele- programs in 1929 usins the Raird system, mechanical scanning has not
vision camera in the United States scans each one of jzj horizontal lines been a commercial success.
of photoeIecuic cells on the mosaic thirty times each second. Since each In a letter to the magazine h’dtzire, in 1908, -4. A. Campbell-Slvinton
of these lines in the devices now standard in the Cnited States has about (1863-1930) of London UniversiT suggested a television system using
600 photoelectric cells, 3 1 j,mo separate impulses are sent out in %n an electronic scanner as xvell as an electronic receiver. In I 9 I 7, Vladimir
second. Iiosma Zwoq-kin (1889- ), one of Rosing’s students, began to de-
At the receiving station another cathode tube called a Kinescope is so velop electronic television for the Russian Wireless Telegraph and Tele-
arranged that the electron beam, the size of a pinhead, impinges upon a phone Company. After the Russian revolution, Zworykin emigrated to
fluorescent screen, illuminating a spot in proportion to the energy in the the United States, where he subsequently invented the Iconoscope.
beam a t a given instant, and thus converting the electrical images back Zworykin also developed the Kinescope based on the principle which
into light. The transmission of the picture consists of synchronously scan- Rosing used in 1907. The first demonstration of Zworykin’s system was
at Rochester, New York, in 1929; the number of scanning lines was 120. An example of the interrelation between pure science and engineering
Following extensive improvements in the details of Zworykin’s electronic lies in radio astronomy. The astronomers of the seventeenth century were
system, television broadcasting began in the United States on Julv I , I 94 I . able to use the then recently developed technical knowledge of glass lens
The Second World War prevented the extension of television facilities, grinding and metallurgy for the construction of optical telescopes with
but beginning in 1946 they expanded rapidly. Commercial television was which they made important new discoveries. Similarly, astronomers in
in black and white until 1954 when color television, which could also be the 1940S, using the knowledge of radio engineering applied to astro-
received in black and white, began to be broadcast. nomical radio telescopes, have been able to “observe” astronomical phe-
In addition to broadcasting programs for purposes of education and nomena which could not be detected even with the most powerful optical
amusement. there are manv special uses of radio and television. Radio telescopes, by tuning in ultrashort radio waves emitted by various astro-
beams help pilots to find their airports. One of the applications of radio is nomical materials. The electron microscope is another example of the in-
known as radar (radio detection and range). First patented in Germany terrelationship benveen pure science and engineering. The application of
in 1904 and developed during the 19;os by the armed services in the electronics and radio ensineering \vas a t first based on purely scientific
L‘nited States, England, France. and Germany, radar initiallv found wide, development. Conversely, during the I 940s. microscopists and astronomers
use during the Second IVorld War. With this device it is possible to have been able to apply the developmenr of electronic and radio engi-
detect objects and to determine how far away and in Ivhat direction neering to construct the instruments with which they have made dramatic
they are from the observer. Csing very short radio waves, a radar set discoveries in pure science.
sends out a pulse which is reflected by objects. The set then picks up the
reflected rays, or echo, and the distance to the object is determined by
the elapsed time benveen the sending of the pulse and the reception of Electric PoGer: Generation and Utilization
the echo measured in hundredths of a microsecond, the speed of the waves An electric motor, unless supplied by an electric bane?, 1, not in the
being a known quantitv. The direction of the object is ascertained by a strictest sense of the term a prime mover because it must be supplied with
directional antenna. ener,gy from an artificial and not a natural source. Electricity, a form of
A radar device on board a ship may pick up any object, such as anothzr energy, is either converted mechanicall!- from natural e n e r g by means
vessel, an iceberg, or an exposed rock, even when visibilitv is zero, as in fog. of a prime mover driving a generator or is chemically produced in a
Many airports are equipped with radar to facilitate the control of air traffic battery. The principal prime movers now producing electricicy are water
and to assist in guiding planes safely into the airport during periods of wheels, steam turbines, and internal-combustion engines. Engineers are
low visibility. Meteorologists also employ it to detect and trace storms. A currently developing atomic energy as another source to replace fuel.
number of other specialized applications of radio waves have been de- The importance of electricity as a form of power is its economy and
veloped, pamcularly to assist in navigation of ships and aircraft. Some its flexibility. It is no longer necessa?, as it xvas a c e n t u v ago 2 locate
of the devices have been given names made up as acrostics similar to that a factory or an industrial c i v near a stream where water power is vail-
designating radar, such as loran (long-range navigation) and shorun able or on a harbor or river to obtain condensing water. High-volc
(short-range navigation). Some of the schemes make use of the known transmission lines can now carry power from a generating plant to a
speed of radio waves emitted from the shore or from a ship or aircraft to community hundreds of miles axvay. S o r is it any longer necessary to
shore stations. Others employ waves of differing frequencies broadcast allow many remote natural resources to remain undeveloped for want of
from shore stations and analyzed on the ship or plane. Soundings are power. Electric power is transmitted not only into isolated regions but
taken by a Fathometer, a device reflecting from the ocean bottom radio also from far-off water-power sites to centers of population. Moreover,
waves sent out by the ship, as sonar does with sound waves. Not the least electricity now supplies rhost homes, a t least in the United States, with
of radio aids to navigators is the dissemination of time signals, which per- power for a multitude of purposes-not only for heating, ventilation,
mit the navigator to check his chronometer accurately. refrigeration, washing, water pumping, cleaning, and illumination, but
also for recreation and information in the form of moving pictures, radio,
television, and telephones.
The battery, originally developed by Volta in 1800, was the principal
source of electricity until the early 1870s. It supplied elecmciry for such
projects as the early telegraph, telephone, electroplating, and railroad
signals. Michael Faraday discovered the fundamental principle of the Figure 11.3
electric generator in I 8 3 I when he found that he could produce an electric Pacinotti's generator, 1863
(From Urbanitsky,
current by moving a conductor in a magnetic field. Unlike the direct cur-
Elecm'city in the Service
rent supplied from a disk, a rotating wire coil would produce only of Man, 1886)
alternating or fluctuating voltage a t its terminals as the wire was moved
within the magnetic field. -4s there seemed to be no wav to use alternating
current advantageously a t that time, scientists and inventors evolved a ,
generator which would produce direct current. In 1 8 3 2 , the year Fara-,
day published his discoven- of current produced in a copper disk rotat-
rotating armature. LIoses G. Farmer of Salem. Jlassachusetts, and the
ing in a magneric field. Hippolvte Pixii in Paris consuucted a machine for
Siemens brothers of Berlin, also built \elf-e\cltlng generators in 1566, as
generating an alternating current by rotating a permanent horseshoe
did Cromwell F. l-arley, of London. and Chnries 1C'heatstone. I t was now
magnet in the field of an electromagnet. The next year, a t the suggestion of
possible to produce a practical generator for commercial use.
Ampkre, he added a single commutator to change the current which
During the same decade that the generator was first being improved,
alternated in each revolution to direct current flowing always in one
electric motors were also being developed from Faraday's discoveries.
direction. The commutator was in contact with brushes which collected
In 1 8 i 1 Faraday had demonstrated that d:-namic, or current, elecrricity
the current generated bv the rotation of the coil in the magnetic field.
in a conductor in a magnetic field could produce continuous motion, but
In London, from 1833 to 183j, three men, William Ritchie, who had
it was not until 183j that Francis W'atkins of London produced in model
demonstrated in I 830 Ampere's suggestion for a telegraph, Joseph Sax-
form the first motor which xvould do uork, albeit xvith models. The
ton, and Edward Xi. Clarke, constructed generators which had commuta-
Watkins model motor consisted of stationar!. coils surrounding a shaft on
tion devices. X generation later, in 1863, a young Italian professor a t Pisa,
which a bar magnet was mounted. The shaft had a set of contact makers
Antonio Pacinotti (1841-1912), built a generator (Figure I 1.3) which
xvhich sent a battery current through successive coils, causing the magnet
possessed marked improvements over the machines of the r830s. His major
and shaft to spin. In 1837 Thomas Davenport ( 1802-18j1), originally a
contribution consisted in increasing the number of cornmutator sections
blacksmith, of Brandon, Vermont, made the first electric motors that
from t u o bars to many separate bars, each connected to a continuous
performed industrial xvork. Davenport's first motor had a permanent
a-inding which rotated m the magnetic field. Pacinotti's commutator made
magnet for the field, but he equipped his subsequent motors with elecuo-
it possible to increase the amount of current and therefore the power
magnets. Davenport used his motors for drilling iron and steel and for
u hich could be produced bv a generator. One feature which Pacinotti's
turning wood in his small shop. His first motors were rotary, but in
design had in common with earlier generators was the permanent magnet
1838 he began to evolve a reciprocating motor based on a design used
which produced the field. During the year 1866 no fewer than five
earlier by Joseph Henry. In 1839 a German-born physicist, hloritz-
different men replaced the permanent magnet by an electromagnet con-
Hermann de Jacobi ( I 801-1 87 j ) of St. Petersburg, Russia, built and
sisting of an iron core surrounded by coils through which electric current
tested an electric boat with a 1z8-cell battery having platinum and zinc
passed-a remarkable example of simultaneous invention. In England,
electrodes to supply pod%r for the motor. Jacobi's boat had paddle wheels
Henry Wilde, of Manchester, was apparently the first to invent field
devised by William Robert Grove (1811-1896) of London. In spite of
excitation, using electromagnets excited by the current generated in the
generous aid from the Russian czar, the tests made it apparent that power
supplied from a battery was far too costly even for experiments, and
ualized the same principle of bright incandescence a t high temperatures
Jacobi discontinued them. Most of the men who built these early motors
in a gas flame. At the beginning of the twentieth century. gas was sdll
realized that the expense of operation was prohlbitive and that the amount
an important source of illumination, although the number of electric-
of power available from a battery was extremely limited. T h e great cost
lighting installations was rapidly increasing.
of electricity retarded the evolution of the electric motor. It was not
In 1801 Humphry D a y (1778-rS29), English chemist. had discovered
generally understood that motors and generators could be made inter-
that he could produce a brilliant spark or arc between m.0 slightly sepa-
changeable until Pacinotti in 1863 produced a machine that was equally
rated carbon rods in a battery circuit. Davy’s batterv, holvever, w a s not
effective for either purpose.
powerful enough to produce a srabie. continuous arc. It was not until
Man has always had need for illumination and has made use of manv 1863, subsequent to a trial installation of a n arc light in :he Dungeness
devices since he first tamed fire. In 1800 the principal sources of illumina-
lighthouse on the south coast of Kent, England. in 1862. rhat the first
tion were candles, generally of tallow, and oil-burning lamps, sometimes
practical application was made ot’ arc lights. \\-hen thev \\-ere put into
using petroleum but usually using animal or vegetable oils. William M u r - one of the nvo La Heve lighthouses near Le Havre, Frmce. Inefficient
dock produced the first illuminating gas in the r 790s by heating coal and aenerators of the Pixii type, which had been designed earlier bv Florise
drawing off its volatile components, which were combustible in air. In I‘ollet I ;94-1853), professor of physics a t Brussels. supplied the elec-
1798 he provided gasworks for lighting the Boulton & Watt en@ne-
tricin.. -Arc lighting Xvas not conimercially feasible until more than a
shop building a t Soh0 in Birmingham, England. In France, Philippe decade later when electric pou‘er far cheaper than that furnished by
Lebon ( r 767-1804) obtained a patent in I 799 on gaslighting, using the batteries or bv the earlv inefficient generators had become available.
voIatiIe gases from heated wood, but Lebon died before he had developed The Belgan-born Ztnobe Thkophile Gramme ( rS16-1901)did more
his invention beyond lighting his own house and grounds. Pall Mall in than any ocher man to develop the generator and the motor commercially.
London was illuminated bv gas in 1807 and Westminster Bridge in 1813. His first hand-driven experimental generator of I S - I was very similar to
Paris first had a few gaslights on its streets in 1820. In the United States Pacinods, although Gramme seems not to have lino\vn of the Italian
in 1812 David iClelville ( 1 7 7 3 - 1 8 j 6 ) lit his house in Newport, Rhode professor’s work. In 1873 Gramme installed his first machines for arc
Island, with coal gas which he manufactured on the premises, and he in- lighting to replace the older generators in the French lighthouses. A t the
stalled gas illumination in a cotton mill in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, in same time he built several generators to replace batteries then being
1813. Baltimore was the first American city to have a gaslighting svstem;
used for electroplating nickel and silver. Gramn~e’sgenerators v e r e
a company organized in I 8 I 6 began to furnish gas a few years later. The driven by reciprocating steam engines and \\-ere superior to the few
first community to be lit with natural gas was Fredonia, Chautauqua other commercial generators of his day. In 1876 Gramme further im-
County, New York, where a I %-inch pipe was driven into the ground proved his design; he was now able to produce generators that ran a t
near a gas spring in 1 8 2 1 , and the gas obtained supplied t h i w street higher speeds, were lighter, and had much greater poxl-er capaciv. An
lights for a number of years. extensive line of Gramme motors and senerators, based largely on the
Thomas Drummond ( I 797-1 840) introduced incandescent gaslighting 1876 design, was still being xvidely sold in the late i8Sos.
in 1 8 2 j by placing a solid stick of lime in a gas flame. T h e idea had been While working a t the Paris facton. that turned out Gramme gen-
known for some time but was first applied practically by Drummond. erators, the Russian-born Paul Jablochkofi ( I S47-I 894) invented in I 876
T h e brilliant light produced by the white-hot lime became known as the Jablochkoff candle, a type of arc light. The “candle” consisted of
calcium light or limelight, a word which, because of the use of limelight two carbon rods side by side but insulated from each other by the white
to illuminate a star performer on the stage, has also come to mean a con- clay, kaolin, which vaporized as the rods burned down. Since one rod of
spicuous position in public. The widely used incandescent Welsbacb a carbon arc using direct current burns more rapidly than the other,
mantle, developed in 1885 by Carl Auer von Welsbach, an Austrian, Gramme designed an alternating-current generator to be used with the
Jablochkoff candle. The first of these new lights appeared in 1878 on
Paris streets. Compared with the existing gas lamps they were so brilliant
that the system was adopted by many European cities. SERIES CIRCLJIT
Charles Francis Brush (1849-1929) of Cleveland, Ohio, installed the
first Brush arc street-lighting system in Cleveland in 1879 and another in $ 1
New York in 1880. Brush’s system was more satisfactory than Jabloch-
koffs because the Brush lamp would burn twice as long as Jablochkoff’s
G l w
before it was necessary to replace the carbon rods. Brush also designed
a generator wherein the voltage was variable and Tvas controlled by the
load while the current remained constant. T o regulate the arc in the lamp
as the carbons burned down, Brush invented an automatic clutch that kept
the burning ends of the rods a t a constant distance from each other. .\lanv .
large cities in the United States and Europe installed the Brush system in
the early 1880s. The arc light w3s popular in street lighting and for large
indoor areas until well into the twentieth century.
Thomas A h a Edison ( I 847-193 I ) b e p n work on an incandescent tem, where, with distribution a t 2 2 0 volts, each lamp uses only I 10, any
lamp in 1877. He was by no means the first to try to develop incandescent unbalanced current returning through a “neutral” uire.
lamps or even the first to produce one that would function. In fact, such The adoption of the higher voltage for rhe lamps presented new
a lamp had been made as earlv as 1820, and during the ensuing half problems in using metal filaments; Edison therefore began to try out
century scores of men, including, among others, Joseph Wilson Sxvan various other types of high-resistance filaments. In his first successful
(1828-191+) in England, had fashioned incandescent lamps of many de- high-resistance lamp he used a filament of carbonized thread in a vacuum,
signs. However, it was Edison Ivho first developed an incandescent lamp but it burned for only two days. After a wide search for a material
desi,m suitable for quantitv manufacture and use. 1Vhen Edison began his wluch, when carbonized in the absence of oxygen, u-ould provide a long-
work enough was known about arc lights to make it obvious t h a t they lasting filament, Edison finally chose split bamboo. In 1880 he arranged
were too brilliant for use in the home. Edison therefore tried to produce a public exhibition of joo of his lamps in and around his laboratories a t
a lamp that would give a softer, less intense light. His first lamps devised in illenlo Park, New Jersey. This demonstration attracted so much atten-
1878 had a platinum-wire filament in an evacuated glass bulb and oper- tion that the Pennsylvania Railroad had to run special trains to carry the
ated at 10 volts. These series-connected lamps did not prove to be as crowds of visitors to the laboratories. The first application of the Edison-
reliabIe as Edison had predicted. hloreover, he came to realize that ai- lamp sy-stem was in 1879 aboard the DeLong arctic-expedition steamer
though series operation was satisfactory for street lighting, parallel cir- Jeannette, which was equipped with a generator and electric lights that
cuits with each lamp controlled separately (Figure I 1.4) would be much served dependably for nvo years until the vessel was crushed in the ice.
more desirable for general use. In an electric series circuit the whole Edison furnished another steamship, the Colmbia, with electric lights in
current flows in sequence through each piece of apparatus, whether a 1880; each stateroom had a j-candlepotver lamp. Built a t Chester, Penn-
lamp, motor, or other device. In a parallel circuit the current divides, so sylvania. for the Oregon Railway and Savigation Company, the Columbia
that only part of it flows through each device. T o reduce transmission operated between San Francisco and Portland, Oregon. Her 1880 power
losses he decided to use I I O volts rather than lower voltages-a decision plant was dismantled in 1895. By 1882 Edison had installed over 150
more far-reaching than he could have known. T o obtain still further the plants in individual rescdences, hotels, mills, offices, stores, and steamers.
advantages of higher voltages in distribution without increasing the volt- In the meantime the newly formed California Electric Light Company
ages impressed upon individual lamps, Edison developed a three-wire sys- had opened in September, 1879, a little experimental power plant consist-
Figure I 1.y Generator room of Pearl Street Station, New York, first Edison
--( I
. .row..
c p -
elecmc lighting central staaon (From Scientific Americm, Aug. 26. 1882) Figure 11.6 Boilers, engines, and generators in Pearl Street Station (From
Electrician, 1882)
were obvious difficulties and limitations in operating a steam boiler and volts nominal pressure. T h e conductors were half-round copper bars
generator in the cellar. T h e central-station generation of electric power about 20 feet long and inserted into iron tubes from which they were
and its distribution by wires was much more satisfactory, as well as more separated by cardboard washers. T h e tubes were then filled with asphaltum
economical, and made electricity widely available. compound for insulation. T h e station proved to be a success, 2nd central
*4fter the San Francisco installations, the next central station of im- stations were soon installed in other sections of N e w York and in other
portance was built on Holbom Viaduct, London. This station began cities. T h e original Pearl Street Station burned on January t, 1S90.
operations o n January 1 2 , 1882, and furnished p o v e r for 3,000 incandes- Although direct-current central stations greatly increased the avail-
cent lamps from Edison Jumbo direct-current dynamos driven b y ability of electric power and although they had the advantage that storage
Armington and Sims steam engines. However, the British Electric Light- batteries could be used for stand-by emergency service, they had serious
ing Act of the same year, aimed a t preserving the gas-lighting monopoly, limitations because of the necessarily low distribution voltages. These
forbade the construction of large generator stations and seriously im- low voltages seriously limit the distance over which direct current can be
3 58 3 59
economically transmitted. A volt is a measure of the electric pressure in a alternating-current system became a strong competitor of the Edison
conductor; it is analogous to the hydraulic pressure in a water pipe. T h e direct-current system, which already served manv localities.
current, measured in amperes, is the quantity of electricity flowing in the Recognizing that they had serious competition, the operators of direct-
conductor and is analogous to the quantity of water flowing in a pipe. current poxver systems, who had held a virtual monopoly, became much
EIectric power is measured in watts and is a product of volts times concerned. In the middle of 1888 they tried to discredit alternating-cw-
amperes. This statement is true in direct-current systems, but in the case rent po\ver projects by attacks which. among other things, purported to
of alternating-current systems it must be qualified, since the current and show that alternating current ~ v a s“a horrible menace to human life.”
voltage alternations mav not be entirely in step with each other, in which These atracks became verv bitter and for a time The two systems de-
case a factor must be emplo>-ed in calculating power to indicate how far veloped independently of one another. T h e direct-current system gen-
apart they are in the cycle. erally served urban districts, \\;here poxver demands Ivere concentrated
Losses in the transmission or distribution of power are in general in limited areas. and the alternating-current s>-stemsupplied ourlying ter-
proportional to the square of the number of amperes flowing. Other ‘ ritories. n-here transmission lines were necessarily more extended. Before
things being equal, if the transmission voltage is doubled and the current ven- long, holvever. The advantage of combining the tu.0 svstems to obtain
halved, the power is unchanged, but the transmission losses are reduced the advantages of each became evident. Direct-current systems then Lvere
to one-quarter. Similarly, all other things being equal, if the voltage is designed to utilize alternating current for transmission from the pon-er
increased tenfold with a corresponding decrease in current, the losses plants to outlying substations n.hich converted it t o direct cuirent for
are reduced to one one-hundredth in transmitting a given amount of local distribution.
energy. There are other important factors affecting losses, but it is ap- T h e earl\- JVestinghouse alternating-current installations produced
parent that the higher the voltage o r pressure, the greater the distance single-phase I 3 ~ 1 , i cvcles per second po‘.ver a t transmission voltages
over which electricity can be economically sent. In an alternating-current nominal]\- of either 1,000 or 2.000 volts. These early installations provided
system, transformers step up the voltages a t the p o n e r plant f o r long- electricin for illumination only, and it xvas not until a year and a half
distance transmission. Alternating current of ~ ~ o , o ovolts
o is common in after the first IVestinghouse installation at Butialo in 1S86 that a reliable
long-distance transmission today, and voltages of more than 300,000 are ajternating-current motor \\as invented. A number of individuals work-
occasionally used. Direct current is not adaptable for the production of ing independentlL- of each other in the United States and in Europe in the
widely diverse voltage requirements, but in alternating-current s\-steIns late I S8os developed pol!-phase-current senerators and motors. T h e
the transformer ma>- be designed to produce anv desired voltage. Croat-born S i k o l a Tesla (iS;6-1943) \\as one of these inventors. and it
Alternating-current si-stems xvere being developed in Europe in the \vas he \vho \{‘as alvarded patent rights, after much litigation, for his
1880s; one of the most successful lvas that of Lucien Gaulard and J. D. invention of the polyphase-current s!-stern to run an induction motor.
Gibbs of Paris, who first demonstrated their svstem in London in 1881. Polyphase, as distinguished from single-phase, alternatin,o current comes
In I 88 j George \Vestinghouse ( I 846-1 9 I 4) acquired the American patent from coils in the generator. wound to produce t1i-o or more separate
ri,oha of the Gaulard-Gibbs system and immediatelv directed his small circuits delivering current to the ternrinals in such a \v3?- that the output
electrical engineering staff to deveIop improvements in the generators of the machine is in txvo. three, or more circuits in which the alterna-
and particularly in the transformers. Appointed chief engineer of the tions are in sequence as the machine rotates. During the next few decades
Westinghouse Companv in I 88j, William Stanley ( I 8j8-1 91 6) devised there were innumerable improx-ements in motors and a tremecdous di-
an efficient alternating-current distribution system which he installed a t versification of designs to run almost anything from a toy train to a ship.
his own expense in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, to serve about I jo However, because the early Westinghouse I 3 3 ’/&cycle alternators. as
incandescent lamps for lighting streets and stores. T h e Westinghouse an alternating-current ienerator is often called, produced power at a
Company installed a similar plant for commercial operation in Buffalo,
8“Gibbens Gets Frightened; Experiments on a Dog Prove That There’s Death
New York, in November, 1886. During the next year the Westinghouse
the Wires,” N e w Yolk Herald, July 3 1 , 1888, p. 10.
frequency too high for efficient motor operation, 7 j- and 60-cycle alter- Just and Franz Hanaman of Vienna in 1902, was introduced for street
nators gradually became standard in the United States. A t 40 cycles the lighting in 1907; an improved tungsten street lamp with a drawn-wire
human eye does not detect flicker in an incandescent lamp, while at 2 j filament first appeared in I 9 I I . Both of these early tungsten lamps were
cycles a flicker is quite noticeable, especially in small lamps. So for a time vacuum bulbs. Large tungsten lamps filled with nitrogen were first pro-
60 cycles was used when lighting loads predominated. and 2 j cycles when duced in 1913, b u t it was not until after 1918 that gas-filled lamps became
power for motors was more important. In countries other than the United generally available for domestic use. T h e modern general-service lamp
States the standard lighting frequency became 50 cycles and power 16?4 filled with 8 j per cent argon and I j per cent nitrogen produces as many
cycles. T h e large Wesnnghouse alternators at the Columbian Exposition as Z L lumens per watt.
at Chicago in 1893 were 40-cycle machines. T h e voltages of alternating- During the twentieth c e n q - many new types of lamps, such as the
and direct-current were also becoming standardized in the I 890s, and by sodium arc and mercury arc, have been introduced for specialized uses.
the end of the century I I O volts was the common -American voltage for The fluorescent lamp was first available in G e m a n y in the early 1930s
lighting circuits. and in the United States in 1938. It consists of a glass tube, the inside of
After the development of dependable alternating-current transmission \vhich is coated with a fluorescent material. the light being emitted when
and motors, there remained the problem of convemng alternaang current this material is excited by the ultraviolet rays of an arc passing from the
to direct current for railroad service and for electroplating and other in- elecuode a t one end to that at the other. The fluorescent lamp is the
dustries which can use only direct current. About 1892 electrical engi- most important recent introduction and is another step forward in in-
neers invented the synchronous rotary converter consisting of a rotating creased efficiency; it produces 6 j lumens per watt, many ames the 1.68
unit receiving at one end alternating current and a t the other delivering lumens per watt of the earIy carbon filament lamps.
direct current. The rotam- converter was extremely useful in various
fields where the alternating-current transmission 2 t high voltages and
direct-current utilization were either desirable or necessan-. Subsequently, Power Plants
in 1902, the American Peter Cooper Henitt (1861-1911) originated the The water wheel and the steam turbine are now the two principal sta-
static rectifier consisting of an evacuated tank containing mercurv vapor, tionary prime movers that senerate electric power. In the United States
using the principle that current will flow in mercun- vapor from metal in I 9 j 4 hydroelectric production accounted for 2 3 per cent and steam for
anodes to a mercury cathode in the bottom of t h e tank but \vill not flow ;5 per cent of electrici? produced for general distribution. Internal-com-
in the opposite direction. It thus converts or rectifies alternating current bustion stationary engines generated but t per cent; the internal-combus-
to direct current by suppressing the flo\v of current in cne direction and tion engine, discussed in the next chapter, is achieving increasing im-
thus acts as a sort of check valve. portance for generating electricity in locomotives for transportation.
During the period when alternating-current motors and converters The Westinghouse Company installed the first hydroelectric power-
were being perfected, the carbon filament incandescent lamp was being transmission system in the Cnited States in 1891,six !-ears after the Great
steadily improved. This continuing improvement culminated in the in- Barrington project, to carry power generated a t Willamette Falls, Ore-
troduction of a metallized carbon filament lamp. the GEXI(General Elec- gon, 1 3 miles to Portland, where transformers stepped down the 3,300
tric Metallized) lamp in I 90j. The G EM lamp produced about 4.25 lumens transmission voltage to 1,100 volts for the city prima? distribution cir-
per w a t t compared with the 1.68 lumens per watt of the 1881 and 3.4 cuits. Local transformers converted the current to j o or 100 volts for
lumens per watt of the 190j carbon filament lamps. 4 lumen is a unit of lamps; lamp voltages were not standard a t that time. The most important
light flow, or flux, and is a measure of luminous output of a lamp related early long-distance alteFating-current transmission line was also con-
to a standard candle source. The GEbr lamps were manufactured until stmcted in 1891 from Lauffen to the Frankfurt Electro-Technical Exposi-
1918 when they were completely superseded by tungsten lamps. T h e tion in Germany. T h e loo-horsepower transmission at 30,000 volts for
tungsten filament lamp giving 8 lumens per watt, invented by Alexander 19 miles was a convincing demonstration. There had been an earlier ex-
Figure 11.13
British thermal units
required to produce I
kilowatt-hour in United
States (Based on data :
in National Electric ,
Light Association
Bulletin, 1931, and Yeor
Edison Electric Insti- Figure zi.24 Kilowart-hours of electric e n e r 9 produced by United States
mte Statistical Bulletin, utility companies (Based on data in Elecrticd LVorld, Supplement, Jan. 19,
0 I
7890 7900 1910 7920 7930 1940 ?950 7960
! 1946, and Edison Electric Institute Statistical Bulletin, r9*, 19j3)
of 2 2 0 gallons daily per capita seemed adequate. The Old Croton Dam,
built in 1842, of granite ashlar masonry, was jo feet high with a very
wide spillway 166 feet above sea level. Croton water had been brought Aqueduct was completed late in 1842. New Yorkers were properly
4 j miles to the city in a horseshoe-shaped brick-and-stone aqueduct about rhrilled when they realized the generous supplv of “pure and whole-
7 feet wide and 8 feet high. In the main the devious course of this aque- some water” that had thus been brought to their very doors. Their con-
duct had followed the contour of the ground nearly parallel to the fidence, it \sas said, in “the abundance of the source relieves from all
Hudson River, so that, as in the old Roman aqueducts, the water took solicitude as to adequate supplies for the multitudinous population of
a generally uniform slope, ahich was about 1 3 inches to the mile. At hereafter.” Boston a t that time had only a most unsatisfactory supply,
the crossing of the Harlem River, the lofty monumental High Bridge of and Philadelphia’s water, pumped from the nearby Schuylkill, was not
I j semicircular arches was in appearance noc unlike certain late Roman too pure or inviting. In October of 1842 the Croton Aqueduct was
structures, such as Segovia and the Pont du Gard. It was, however, built finally put into use-not, however, without appropriate pomp and cir-
a few feet below the hvdraulic grade line, and so carried the water under cumstance. John Tyler, President of the United States, headed the list
some pressure in two 36-inch cast-iron pipes to which a 90-inch wrought- of notables who, unable to be present, \vrote congratulacory messages.
iron pipe was later added. High Bridge has been replaced by a steel-arch The October 14th parade \vas a gala affair, “the most numerous and im-
bridge. After reaching itlanhattan Island the aqueduct continued down posing procession ever seen in an American city.” Seven miles long, it
Tenth Avenue to a receiving reservoir south of West 86th Street in took more than two hours to pass the City Hall. Four thousand fire
w h a t later became Central Park, and from there down Fifth Avenue to fighters from ninety-two companies participated, firm in their belief
the final or distributing reservoir “at Murray Hill, a short drive from that hand-pumping engines were now outmoded. Temperance and total-
the city.’’ TGs reservoir was on the west side of Fifth Avenue between abstinence societies to the number of thirty also marched, convinced
40th and:42d Streets, where the New York Public Library now stands as they were that Croton xcater was to be the beverage of the future for
(Figure 13.3). The water surface was I I j feet above sea level, about all proper New Yorkers. Those who attended the official City Hall col-
8 feet above the roofs of the houses a t the bottom of the hill. The Croton lation which followed found that they could drink either Croton water
or lemonade, but no wine or spirituous liquors. “It was a well arranged much smaller dam completed in 1842. This dam, with its total height
republican repast.” The ceremonies closed with “nine hearty cheers for of nearly 3 0 0 feet, flooded out the old dam, raised the water level 36
the City of New York and perpetuity to the Croton water.” “Mag- feet, and transformed Croton Lake into a reservoir 19 miles long, holding
nificent fountains in the [City Hall] Park and Union Square . . . formed about a third of the more than IOO bdlion gallons stored in the entire
the most novel . . . feature of the day.” Croton system. T h e new dam is a graceful structure of stone masonry,
Within a few years, following a succession of 9 seasons, the Croton and when completed in 190j. was the tallest dam in the world. Although
Lake storage supply was substantially augmented by more and more Fteley had prepared the original plans and directed the construction dur-
reservoirs, almost all of them on the Croton River or its many tributaries. ing the first seven years, he did not complete the dam; William R. Hill
Meantime the citv’s population increased steadily. Finally, during the succeeded him in 1900 and was in turn succeeded by J. Waldo Smith,
vears 1 8 8 j to 189; a new Croton Aqueduct, its horseshoe cross section who complefed the major construction.
of 160 square feet more than three times that of the old one, was built For some years what to many seemed an audacious, even foolhardy,
connecdng Croton Lake with the Central Park reservoir. Its form was plan had been under consideration for securing a greatly enlarged supply
the same as the old one, but instead of following a meandering route from several streams in the Caskill hlountain area, j o to 90 miles farther
and being laid close to the surface, it was generally straight and bored north and a few miles west of the Hudson. After extensive studies by
practicallv altogether as a tunnel on the hydraulic grade through rock. a board of distinguished engineers, including a comparison with severaI
There were 30 shafts. averaging 1 2 7 feet deep, the deepest nearly 400 other schemes. the undertaking gradually took shape; construction started
feet below the ground surface. The jo-mile tunnel was the longest in in 1907 and continued until 1937. During part of this time as many as
the world a t the time and for long afterward. The Harlem River l’alley I 7,000 workmen were daily engaged on the project. T h e cost has already
was crossed this time bv a pressure tunnel or inverted siphon, joo feet exceeded z j o million dollars. This Catskill water-supply system began
deep and nearly j miles long, car?-ing water a t a depth of 4 2 0 feet as a project to bring to S e w I-ork City the water from the relatively
below hvdraulic grade. This river crossing was an unprecedented pro- pure Esopus Creek, a tributary of the Hudson. Here, about 1 4 miles west
cedure. easilv the boldest underraking on the entire aqueduct; nothing of Kingston and 80 air-miles from New York, \vas erected the Olive
like it in magnitude had ever been attempted anywhere. It was made Bridge Dam, an epoch-making structure t j t feet tall, built largely of
possible and sure by an extensive svstem of diamond-drill borings down concrete with large boulders embedded, k n o u n as cyclopean masonry,
through the various underlying strata and well into hard limestone and and faced \vith concrete blocks. From the Xshokan Reservoir thus formed
gneiss. The entire tunnel escavation brought out a number of new fea- the Catskill .Aqueduct extends southerly in a somewhat Tvinding course
tures. Incandescent lamps were used as early as 1886; ventilation was through Clster and Orange Counties to a point midway between New-
provided mainly bv air discharged from the compressed-air drills. T h e burgh and West Point. Then i t snings east and a t Storm King Alountain
average progress of excavation in the tunnel headings was t j to 40 feet drops vertically to a point 1,joo feet below the hydraulic grade or
per week. At the time of the completion of the new Croton Aqueduct natural flow- line as it passes 1 , 1 0 0 feet below the Hudson in a 14-foot
in 1892 the population of the cin- had increased to nearly two millions cylindrical tunnel through bedrock. On the east bank it rises vertically,
and the daily per capita consumption to about roo gallons. The capacity and the natural gradient is resumed, except for a few inverted siphons,
of the new aqueduct was in excess of 340 million gallons daily, consid- until it reaches the Kensico Reservoir 3 miles north of White Plains.
erably greater than the anticipated yield of the entire Croton watershed. This reservoir will hold about a month’s supply for the city.
Just as the New Croton Aqueduct was being finished, work began Fifteen miles beyond the Kensico Reservoir is the Hill View Reservoir,
under the direction of Chief Engineer Alphonse Fteley on the h’ew east of Yonkers and just outside the New York City limits. In its 98
Croton, or Cornell, Dam several miles down the Croton River from the miles the average fall of the Catskill Aqueduct is about 2.2 feet to the
1 Charles King, A .Memoir of the Construction, Cost, and Capacity of the Croton mile. I t brings water into the Hill View Reservoir a t an elevation of t 9 j
Aqueduct, printed by the author, N e w York, 1843, passim feet above sea level as compared with the I I j feet elevation of the old
F _I-
, * ~ . . ..',
Figure 13.4
Cross sections of Roman
and N e w York Aqueducts
(From Johns Hopkins
Cniversity, School of
Engineering, Lectures on
Engineering Pr.wtice,
1921-1922; courtesy. Johns
Hopkins University Press)
this lake constitutes the middle half of the entire canal. Beyond the lake
the Culebra or Gaillard Cut was sliced through the ridge. S o t h i n g like
this escavation, carried to a total depth of '71 feet, had ever been at-
tempted anynhere. T h e material composing the ridge was of uncertain
and unpredictable composition, and countless slides tased the patient in-
genuity of engineers for years, even after the rest of the canal was com-
plete and in operation. Potential slides are still a source of jvorry in 195j .
T h e escavadon and transportation of this material presented problems
of a mapirude never before encountered. T h e construction of the canal
furthered the development of large-scale machiner). for excavating and
Figure 13.7 The Panama Canal (From N.J. Padelford, T h e Panama Canal
in Peace and W a r , 1942; courtesy N.J. Padelford and Harvard University) the handling of materials, much as the Suez project had done on a much
smaller scale nvo generations earlier (Figure I 3 . 8 ) .
T o attain the level of 8 j feet above the sea, three steps of twin con-
succeeded him. Goethals supervised the construction of the locks and crete locks with chambers I 10 b y 1,000 feet were built on the Atlantic
saw the canal through to completion. On the Atlantic side a tempera- side and three more on the Pacific side, giving a total of twelve lock
mental, .often tempestuous river, the Chagres (Figure 1 3 . 7 ) , had to be chambers in all, six in each direction. Gatun Lake furnished most of the
controlled. Next came the Continental Divide, a ridge 3 1 2 feet high water for lockage, but since it proved inadequate during prolonged
which must be sliced through before the canal could be dropped down drought periods, an additional supply was later provided by damming
to the Pacific. T h e engineers blocked off the Chagres River by a huge the Chagres River near its source and bringing the water of the upper
earth dam, forming the inland Gatun Lake with a shore line of 1,100 Chagres into Gatun Lake. T h e lock gates presented delicate and interest-
miles a t an elevation of 8 j feet above the sea. A devious channel through ing problems in the fabrication and machining of steel, which were a
454 455
challenge to the designers of gate mechanisms. The first ship passed knows when the venture was abandoned permanently. The series of
through the canal in August, 1914,but shortly thereafter slides in the arches were photographed in 1888 when some of the arch centers of
Gaillard Cut closed it; regular traffic did not begin until 191 j. adobe were d standing. It is of interest that the structure is in an
About 65 per cent of the traffic through the Panama Canal is between earthquake region.
the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of Central and S o r t h America. The dis- It was not until three centuries after the construction of the Zempoala
tance from New York to San Francisco through the canal is only 40 per Aqueduct that the first irrigation projects in the United States were under-
cent of the voyage via the klagellan Straits. Thmy per cent of the canal taken, I, joo miles to the north of Mexico City. Between I 860 and 18j o
traffic travels between Europe and the Pacific coasts, and the voyage from the .\/formons in Utah constructed 2 7 7 canals, totaling 1,043miles and
Liverpool to San Francisco is only fifty-eight per cent of that via Magellan. bringing water to I I j,ooo acres. Utah did not become a state unal 1896,
and cooperation with the United States dates from 1902.Where and how
the Mormons acquired their engineering skills is not certainly known,
Irrigation and Reclamation
perhaps on S e w York State canals or in Great Britain. It is not unlikely
Like man, domesticated plants cannot live without water nor can they that, beginning very gradually with the crudest of tools and equipment,
thrive with too much of it. Irrisation of land to make it arable probably the Mormons proceeded by trial and error, under gradually increasing
began about 6000 to 4000 B.C. in the S e a r East during the stages of the legislative grants provided by what was then the state of Deseret. During
great food-producing revolution. For perhaps six or seven thousand years, the first decades of the twentieth century a number of high dams were
engineers in some countries have increased food production by providing built in the Western United States to furnish water for irrigation. One
water to land normally too drv to support cultivated plants. Restraining of the most notable of these is the Arrowrock Dam, completed 191j, on
floodwaters so that they do not drown out cultivated lands is a more the Boise River in Idaho, and the Owyhee of 193z,on the OLwhee River
recent undertaking. The most dramatic reclamation project is in Holland. in Oregon. The latter was the first to exceed 400 feet in height.
This long-term Dutch project is not only one of flood control-it is re- The US. Bureau of Reclamation completed in 1936 what was then
clamation in the most literal sense of the word. the world’s most extensive river-control project, the damming of the
Perhaps the earliest Sorth American irrigation projects were those Colorado River \vhere it forms the boundary between southeastern
of the Spaniards in Jlesico during the latter half of the sixteenth century. Sevada and northwestern Arizona. The great Hoover Dam. the highest
Several Augustinian and Franciscan friar-engineers planned and con- in the world, is its central feature, holding back the waters of Lake
structed not only irrigation and land-reclamation projects but also more >lead, an artificial lake of unprecedented size. The project is one of flood
than one monumental and well-designed aqueduct, not unlike those of the and silt control, irrigation, municipal water supply, and hvdroelecmc
Roman type with which they had been familiar in Spain. One of the power; it includes also a national recreational park. The irrigation areas
most important of these Alesican aqueducts, built just after the middle lie more than too miles below the dam, both west and east of the river.
of the sixteenth century, was the Zempoala ,4queduct of Padre Francisco The municipalities using the Colorado River water are a group of 14
de Tembleque. It brought water, mainlv for household use. but doubt- cities in the Los Angeles area of California, more than zoo miles to the
less also for irrigation, 2 8 or more miles to the little convent town of southu est across a mountain range. Hydroelectric power is furnished to
Otumba between Mexico City and Vera Cruz. The open conduit fol- these same cities and to many other California, Nevada, and Arizona
lowed the contour of the ground, except for the crossing of three vallevs, communities.
where it was carried a t a height in some places exceeding roo feet bv The Hoover Dam was projected as early as 1919,at first as a river-
three series of narrow and bold masonry arches, respectively 13, 47, and control project. The Colorado, in its lower reaches, had for years been
67 in number. The water channel was very small-less than a square foot difficult, indeed almost impssible, to control, even with expensive levees;
in area. The aqueduct is said to have served for 1 2 3 years. The supply extremes of flood and drought followed each other all too frequently. At
was temporarily interrupted late in the seventeenth century, and no one the beginning of the twentieth century the river had been tapped for irri-
gation by private interests at points close to the Mexican border, but the
engaged. Never in history, not even in Khufu’s day, had SO many skilled
farmers of California’s rich Imperial Valley to the west of the river
men been required on a single project-the number here reached a peak
clamored for a less temperamental stream. They were especiallv vocifer-
of 5,250. All were provided for in a model city built entirelv for the
ous after the river’s 190j to 1907 rampage. In 1904engineers had cut a
purpose, Boulder City, Nevada. Electric power was brought z2z miles
narrow channel through the western levee 4 miles to the south of the
across the desert, from San Bernardino, California, to serve the new city
border, confidently expecnng that enough river water would be diverted
and the contractors for every power purpose.
through it to scour the silt out of the almost dry parallel Imperial irriga-
Like a number of earlier and much smaller dams, the Hoover Dam is
tion canal. An untimely and unexpected series of floods enlarged the open-
curved in plan, convex upstream, a concrete arch wedged benveen
ing into a wide crevasse through which silt-laden Colorado water poured
canyon walls. Before it could be constructed the entire flow of the river
down to drown out the Imperial Vallev, the lowest point of which at
had to be drawn off by means of four diversion tunnels. nvo on each side
Salton Sea is nearly Zjo feet below sea level. In a short time the sea was
of the canyon, which in themselves were noteworthy projects, each 50
enlarged until it covered an area of 400 square miles, a t some points j o feet
feet in diameter and 34 mile long. The artificial cooling to facilitate the
deep. Nearly two years of costly, padent. and often discouraging efforts
proper setting of the enormous mass of concrete containing j million
to restore the river to its nanlral bed were successful only after a pair
barrels of cement was an unusual and almost unprecedented operation.
of railroad trestles of 90-foot piles were built across the crevasse and
The refrigerating system, with more than j;o miles of I-inch tubes
3 , 0 0 0 carloads of rock, followed bv small stones and gravel, had been
embedded in the entire concrete mass \\hen it xvas poured, accomplished
dropped into the current below, all within I j days, to form a dam. For
the curing of the more than 3 million cubic yards in about nvo years.
its boldness and ma,gnitude this procedure was unique in the annals of
This huge mass, with its carefully grouted contraction joints, has been
engineering. From that rime until the completion of the Hoover Dam
called “truly monolithic.”
in 1936 the complete control of the river was increasingly certain.
Lake Mead, formed by the Hoover Dam. IS the world’s largest arti-
The engineering studies made of the lower Colorado River basin dur-
ficial lake, I I j miles long. Below the Hoover Dam several others have
ing the decade following I 9 I 9 were epoch-making in their comprehensive
been built, most of them to provide \vater for irrigation. The largest is
thoroughness and were carried on in the face of almost insurmountable
the Parker Dam, 1 2 0 miles below the Hoover. Here a reservoir 4-70 feet
physical difficulties. Finall!- a dam site lvas chosen about 100 miles down-
above sea level furnishes water through the Colorado River -Aqueduct
stream from the lower end of the celebrated Grand Canvon and zoo miles
to the Aletropolitan Water District of Southern California. The Colorado
from the Mexican border. Here, the engineers decided, could be built a
River ,Aqueduct is not only the longest in the orid. it 1% as a t the time
dam high enough to provide a lake of capacity sufficient to impound the
it was built the onlv important aqueduct t h a t pierced a mountain range.
entire normal flow of the river for two years. The dam would fit neatly
The water it brings from the Colorado River flon-s by gravity for nearly
between the canyon walls but would have to be more than 700 feet high.
all of its length of 2 4 2 miles. However. a t five points on the eastern half
At that time the few high dams in the world were onlv slightlv more than
of the aqueduct, electrically driven pumps, po\vered from the Hoover
400 feet tall; one was in France, nx-o or three in the western United
Dam, raise the water a total of I ,6 i 7 feet.
States. Finally, in 1931,the labor contract for the construction of the
In addition to its great length and its equally unprecedented profile,
Hoover Dam was let to a combination of six large Western contracting
several features make the Colorado River Aqueduct unique. For its first
firms, but the United States government supplied the bulk of the materials
zoo miles it crosses an arid, almost rainless and practically barren, desert
for the project throughout. For the Bureau of Reclamation, the chief engi-
where more than I jo miles of modern surfaced roads had to be built
neer was Raymond F. Walter and the chief designing engineer, John L.
before construction could proceed. At points along the aqueduct 10
Savage. Situated as it was, Z j miles from a town or railroad, the first
wells of 16 inches diamete; were drilled and connected with pipelines that
problem of the contractors, after a branch railroad had been provided,
practically paralleled the aqueduct and supplied water necessav to the
was to create a community for the thousands of men who would be
construction. There are 144 inverted siphons, all of monolithic concrete
below sea level. The greatest reclamation project of all times has required
the incessant labor of countless generations, at first using only crude im-
plements. T h e Frisian Dutch who inhabited the coastal marshes a few
centuries ago lived in almost constant peril from the sea and from the three
rivers of which Holland forms the deltas. In December of 1.87, fifty
thousand Frisians are said to have been drowned in a single night. The
idea of using windmills for pumping seems to have come from the Near
East, but they were not used on a large scale unul about 1600. Perhaps
the outstanding leader in the use of windmills for reclaiming land in Hol-
land was Jan -4driaensz Leegh\vater ( Ij7j-16j0), who called himself a
“mil1 constructor and engineer.” The professional work of Leeghwater
took him to the North Sea coastal areas of France, Germany, Denmark.
and Poland. One of his better-kn0n.n followers Cornelius Vermuyden
(ca. I j90-16j6),who spent much of his life reclaiming the fen lands of
eastern and southeastern England in the days of Charles I and Cromwell.
About 1640 Leeghwater wrote the unique little book Het Hmrlem-
mer-Alee?-Boek, by which he is best known. In it he set forth his revolu-
tionary plan for pumping out the Haarlemmermeer, a shallow fresh-
Figure 13.9 An inverted siphon on the Colorado River Aqueduct (Courtesy water lake or “sea” some 7’ square miles in area which lay a few miles
Metropolitan Water District of Southern California) southwest of Amsterdam. He proposed installing I 60 windmills, each
with its pump. T h e plan was doubtless too ambitious 2ven for the per-
sistent Dutch; it w-as not undertaken in Leeghuater’s day, nor in fact
and totaling 29 miles in length (Figure 13.9).Three of these cross what until nearlv nvo hundred years after his death. In his book he had cau-
are known as active earthquake faults Lvhere the monolithic construction tioned against undue haste. Later he assures his countr!-men, “The drain-
was interrupted each 2 0 feet or so by special joints that could resist ing of lakes is one of the most necessary, most profitable and the most
shear but could not resist tension. One of these siphons at a valley holv works in Holland.” *
crossing is about j miles long. Except for the 63 miles of open, lined Xearly nvo centuries later than Leeghwater‘s day, about 1840, after
concrete canals, the cross section of the Colorado River Aqueduct is prac- the Haarlemmermeer had enlarged itself perilously close to Leiden and
tically the same as that of each of the New York City aqueducts, roughly Amsterdam as the result of hurricanes, the Dutch decided that the time
I j or 16 feet wide and high. It will eventually deliver to Lake iMatthews, had come to turn the ,\leer into a fertile polder. By this time steam-pump-
an artificial reservoir some 60 miles east of Los Angeles, about I billion ing engines of the type used in the Cornwall tin and copper mines were
gallons of water daily, which will double the present supply of southern available. Three were bought and set up around the edges of the lake.
California. New York City’s two principal aqueducts, whose combined They were of the compound vertical type, with one high-pressure cyl-
length is nearly equal to that of the Colorado River Aqueduct, are both inder inside the other. The three engines seem to have developed a total
gravity supplies and in general traverse the Hudson River Valley. T h e horsepower somewhat in excess of 1,000,and each engine operated a
total yield of hTew York’s sources is expected to be about I ‘/z billion number of pumps cleverly arransed in a circle around it. T h e lake was
gallons daily. pumped dry in less than four years, between 1848 and 18jz.T h e Haar-
In the course of many centuries Holland has wrested about a quarter lemmermeer water surface was about 14 feet below high water in the
of its land from the North Sea; some 3,000 square miles are therefore
4 John van Veen, Dredge, Lbain, Reclaim, Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague, 1948, p. 45.
North Sea; the polder is about I feet lower still. The water was raised
into a canal and then up to the level of the North Sea, a few miles away. Bibliography
Pumping continued intermittently after 1852 merely to keep the land
arable, one of the pumps being in continuous service for 84 years. Modem Baker, Moses N.: The Quest for Pure Mack, Gerstle: The Land Divided,
Water, American Water Works Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., New York,
pumping engines have replaced the original engines, but the tower and one
Xssn., New York, 1948. ‘944.
original engine, the Croquius. have been preserved as a museum. Internaaonal Engineering Congress, Metropolitan Water Disnict of
Until the completion in 1 9 3 2 of a r7-mile dam which shut out most of San Francisco, 191j, Transactions, Southern California, The Great
the salt water, the Zuider Zee was thought of simply as a tidal gulf pro- 1 2 13, vol. I, The Panama Aqueduct, Los Angela, 1941.
jecting southeasterlv from the North Sea into the heart of Holland. Canal, San Francisco, 1916. New York City, Board of Water
Kirkwood, James Pugh: Report on Supply, The Water SUQPiy of the
Geologists say, however, that it was not always salt, but that North Sea
the Filtration of River Waters, f o r City of N e w York, New York,
storms about the year 1300 gradually forced an opening into what had the Supply of Cities, as Practised in 1950.
been a large fresh-water lake. Plans for shutting out the North Sea be- Europe, D. Van Nostrand, New Siegfried, Andri: Suez and Panama,
gan to take shape as early as the 1840s at the time the Haarlemmermeer York, 1869. Harcoun, Brace and Company,
was reclaimed, but the project was much too vast for the mechanical Kunz, George F.: Catskill Aqueduct Inc., New York, 1940.
appliances available. It had to await the development of hydraulic dredg- Celebration Publications, The Veen, John van: Dredge, Drain, Re-
Mayor’s Cankill Aqueduct Cele- cLi7n, Martinus Nijhoff, The
ing, diesel engines, electric power, and bulldozers. Following the First Hague, 1948.
bration COITIIniKee, New York,
World War a plan finally crystallized and shortlv secured enthusiastic
popular support. The dam is 600 feet wide at the base with its crest t o to
2 2 feet above sea level and carries double lanes of highway and an electric
railway track. Secondary dikes which surround the four polders are
slightly lower. The area of the polders is more than two-thirds that of
Rhode Island.
The Zuider Zee reclamation project has been the most ambitious that
Holland, or indeed anv nation, has undertaken. When completed, half
of the area will be dried up and restored to cultivation, adding 900 square
miles to Holland’s arable land. The two dams that shut out the sea water
have already been completed. Both are of earth fill, generous in their
width, and faced with masonry. One is over 1 7 miles long, the other I )$
miles. The project involves surrounding four areas, or polders, with dikes
and pumping them dry. The northwest polder was pumped dry by
pumping units located near two of its comers. One station comprised
6-cylinder diesel engines of 400 horsepower each, direct-connected to
centrifugal pumps with horizontal axles; the other contained electric
motors operating on 3,000-volt current and direct-connected to centrifu-
gal pumps with vertical a;ules. This 77-square-mile polder, the smallest,
was producing crops by 1936. A considerably larger second polder had
been unwatered as the Second World War began. The cost of the entire
project may exceed 2 0 0 million dollars, almost half as much as that of
the Panama Canal.
Figuse 1-f.1
Modern skyscrapers, bridges, and tunnels are vuly daring accomplisli- Jenney's Home Insurance
ments of the construcaon engineer. Skyscrapers rise over 1,000 feet, Building, Chicago. I 884
bridges span 3,000 and 4000feet benveen piers, and tunnels bore through (Courtesy Yale School of
Fine h)
miles of rock. Like most other engineers the construction engineer must
be able to draw together many types of engineering knowledge and many
different engineering techniques. He must also use numerous materials
and above all he has to employ power in countless ways during construc-
don. Engineering began to be diversified into its various specialties in the percentage of time which people spend within them. In fact, when the
nineteenth century, just as did natural science and other areas of knowl- Home Insurance Company in Chicago gave the commission for the design
edge. By the middle of the nventieth century, however, the engineer v 3s of its new office building to William Le Baron Jenney in 1883, the com-
integrating the many specialties on large projects. The construction engi- pany specified that the building should be fireproof and should have a
neer is not the only engineer who effects such integration. For instance, maximum amount of natural light in each room (Figure '4.1). It was
the petroleum engineer, with whom we have not dealt in this book, has this demand for a safe and comfortable building that led to the construc-
t o bring together many types of engineering to plan and to build a large tion of the first skvscraper. W e have already noted in Chapter 1 0 the
oil refinerv. The integration of the engineering specialties to produce three main factors that made modern skyscrapers possible-the elevator,
specific works is one of the important engineering developments of the the skeleton framework. and relatively cheap steel. It is not too much to
twentieth century, and construction engineering illustrates this integration sav that the limitation on the height of buildings is a matter of economics
particularly well. rather than of engineering.
T h e hydraulic elevators described in Chapter 10 had served a number
Sky scrapers of the older type of notable tall structures like the Pulitzer Building in
T h e skyscraper in America has become of considerable economic im- S e w York Citv. They continued to be used in many tall buildings well
portance. With the great population migration from rural to municipal into the nventieth century, long after electric motors became common.
areas, there has come a significant change in living habits. Today the T h e first successful electric, elevators date from about 1889. In the earliest
majority of Americans spend more of their lives inside buildings than of these, worm gears were used to revolve the drums, and it was necessary
out of doors. Architects and engineers have therefore striven to make for the motor to rotate these gears if the elevators were to move. How-
buildings more attractive and livable because of the increasingly high ever, if power should fail and the motor did not rotate, the car would
ing gales approaching 100 miles an hour. The steel columns are sub- The Empire State Building
(Courtesy Engineering
jected to a constant compressive stress b y the sheer xveight of the stnic- Xe-s-RtcorJ)
ture itself; the eighc!--fifth story is thus actuallv 6'4 inches lower than
its elevation would have been had there been no compressive stress.
T h e water-distribution s n t e n i in the building consists of a series of
xvater tanks at different levels; if the a-ater svstem \\-ere not thus divided.
a faucet on a lolver floor would be subjected to a pressure of about 600 floor when the pipes xvere hot. T h e building has 69 electric elevators of
pounds a square inch, too great for even modern plumbing. T h e building \vhich 63 carry passengers; their maximum speed is 1.000 feet per minute.
has its own water pumps; the Catskill gravity water would reach to only T h e Empire State Building was ready for occupancy Jiay I , 1931. 1 4
a fraction of the height. Steam pipes posed the problem of expansion from months after the first steel'was placed on the footings-a record speed for
heat. Radiators on the top floor, if rigidlv attached to vertical feed pipes construction. A t the peak of operations there were 3,400 workmen of j o
without provision for expansion, would rise more than a foot off the different trades employed on the 104 floors.
Szlspension Bridges
In most bridges, as in skvscrapers, there is much structural steel. T h e
first steel bridges, described in Chapter 10, preceded the first skyscrapers.
Like the skvscrapers, the large bridges of the twentieth century x e not-
able engineering accomplishments, the design and construction of which
brought into play manv . mpes
. of engineering, scientific. and administra-
cive skills. T h e Brooklvn Bridge dates from 188;. _After seventy years'
service i t is carrying traffic of a tvpe of which the Roeblin,as never
dreamed. Its span of I . j 9 j !/z feet was exceeded bv the cantilever spans of
the Forth Bridge in Scotland in 1889, but not b\- . m k.- suspension bridge
until 1903 when the IVilliamsburg Bridge was built across the East
River, more than a mile northeast of the Brookh-n Bridge. m i t h a span
onlv a few feet longer than t h a t of the Brooklyn. Then in 1924 came the
somewhat longer but much lighter Bear Mountain Bridge, which crosses
the Hudson 40 miles to the north of N e w York Cin-.
During the next few years two suspension bridges, both in the United
States, of still longer spans were built. T h e Philadelphia-Camden Bridge F&ire 14.3 Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco (Courresy Redwood Empire
span is 170 feet longer than the Brooklyn, half again .IS wide, and con-
siderably heavier. This suspension bridge was the first to exceed the
spans of the Forth cantilever structure. T h e Ambassador Brid,me at Detroit later. The bridge has cost to date more than 55 million dollars and is
is still longer, 1,8jo feet span; when built in 1929 it had the longest span rnpidiJ- being paid for bv the motorists \vho use it.
of any bridge. A t this point suspension-bridge spans seemed to have -
-1bridge across the Golden Gate a t San Frmcisco \\-as first suggested
reached their economic limit. T h e cost of the Brooklyn Bridge had been in the earlv 1920s. T h e success of the George \\.'shington Bridge project
about I j million dollars, that of the slightly longer Philadelphia-Camden indicated hou-. hi- the formation of an Authorit\-. such bridge construc-
Bridge more than twice as much-36 million. Bv the early 1920s the in- tion could be pubiiclv financed. particularlJ- on a much-traveled arterial
crease in motor-vehicle traffic was taxing the capacity of the many IiighwaL- like t h a t extending north from San Francisco. Joseph B. Strauss
Hudson River ferries. T h e year 1921 marked the incorporation of the \\-as the chief engineer. T h e spot chosen for the Golden Gate Bridge
Port of S e w b-ork Xuthorin;, established b y the States of S e w l-ork (Figure 14.3) is a t the narrou'est part of the entrance to San Francisco
and X e w Jersey to finance, construct, and maintain tunnels, bridges, and Bay, ]\.here it is a mile wide. The configuration of the bottom determined
various facilities in the S e w l-ork City area. The problem of financing r h a t the span had to be slight1J- longer than 4,000 feet. The main part ot'
such construction, which would eventually be paid f o r b y tolls, now the channel is more than loo feet deep; however, for some distance from
proved easy to solve. T h e Authority soon planned the George Washing- the south (San Francisco) shore the depth increases only gradually, reach-
ton Bridge at I 79th Street, extending to the Palisades at Fort Lee, X e w ing 6 j to 80 feet at 1,100 feet out. T h e south pier was accordinglv located
Jersey, with a span of 3,joo feet. Designed by Othmar H. Ainmann, con- here, and the north pier on the Alarin County shore, 4,200 feet distant.
struction of the bridge began in 1927, and it was opened in 193 I . I t does The location of this bridge presented a combination of difficulties
n o t yet carry all of the traffic for which it was designed; a lower deck, that had not been encountered in previous structures. Earthquakes are not
f o r either rapid-transit railroad tracks, or motor vehicles, can be added uncommon in this entire region. T h e site is practically in the open sea, a
storm-swept area subject to heavy ground swells and cross winds, with At jo-foot intervals double suspenders of wire rope support the 15-foot-
tidal currents reaching a maximum of nearly 7 or 8 miles an hour. The deep stiffening trusses which in tum carry the floor system. There is
bottom is hard smooth rock, basalt on one side, serpentine on the other. enough flexibility in the central floor system to allow for a lateral deflec-
One of the first problems was how, under such circumstances, to anchor tion of about 2 8 feet from winds of 60 miles an hour or for upward and
the south pier at such a depth. The north pier, on dry land, presented no downward deflections totaling some 16 feet. 4 unique protective device
unusual difficulties. For the south pier, the engineers built a steel trestle saved the lives of 19 workers during construction. It was a safety net
2 2 feet wide and 1,100 feet long out from the shore to the pier location,
of manila rope, woven with a 6-inch mesh, which extended under the
each vemcal tubular steel pile anchored into the solid rock floor. Around entire structure and 10 feet out on either side, The Golden Gate Bridge.
the pier site a boat-shaped wall of concrete about 1 7 0 by 3 I I feet was with approaches, was built in four years; the Brooklyn Bridge required
built, having been started from bedrock a t a depth of 100 feet below sea fourteen, the George Washington Bridge, four. The actual cost of con-
level. This wall was originally intended simply as a protective fender struction was slightly more than 2 7 million dollars. Its estimated capacit)
inside of which a pneumatic caisson was to be set up. However, since is 5,000 motor vehicles per hour.
heavy seas made the use of a caisson impossible, the concrete fender wall,.
3 0 feet thick at the base, was finally built up to serve also as a cofferdam.
The concrete in this wall was deposited under water through a tremie Steel Arch Bridges
(elongated hopper). The water inside the wall was pumped out, and the The Eads bridge at St. Louis, as has been noted, was erected benveen
pier was built in the open air. The concrete in the fender wall and pier I 869 and I 874. During the following quarter century some eleven iron or
was made from a newly developed high-silica cement, highly resistant steel arches longer than its central span of 5 2 0 feet were built. Three of
to sea water. Tests showed that it had the high compressive strength of these were completed during 1898, the Xiagara-Clifton Bridge across the
+ooo pounds per square inch 2 8 days after it had been poured. Niagara River between the United States and Canada, and two across the
The two towers, or pylons, are 700 feet tall. their tops 746 feet above Rhine, one a t Diisseldorf, the other a t Bonn, in Germany. The arch of rl-e
sea level. Each is made up of twin cellular shafts built up of riveted an,ole Niagara-Clifton Bridge was for years the longest in the world--840 feet.
irons and plates. The shafts are spaced 90 feet apart on centers and are the Bonn Bridge had the longest arch span in Europe-72 I feet. At the end
connected by transverse framing a t four points above the bridge floor. of still another decade Gustav Lindenthal (1850-193j) was completins
The towers were designed to resist stresses due not only to dead loads, the Hell Gate Arch Bridge across the East River a t New Tork (Figure
live loads, and wind, but also to earthquakes. They are considered espe- 14.1).It is an imposing and beautifully proportioned structure, carryins
cially notable not only on account of their size, but also because they were the four tracks of the A-ew J-ork Connecting Railroad across the East
designed to satisfy architectural as well as structural requirements. Silicon River, thus forming a rail connection between the S e w York, New
steel with a tensile strength of 80,000 to 9 j.000 pounds per square inch Haven and Hartford Railroad and the Pennsylvania Railroad. Its span
and carbon steel about two-thirds as strong were used in the towers. is 977% feet. Lindenthal designed it for moving loads heavier than those
The main supporting cables are 36% inches in diameter as compared carried by any steel arch in the world-3 tons per lineal foot on each of
with 16 inches on the Brooklyn Bridge and 36 inches on the George the four tracks. It was completed in 1917.
Washington Bridge. Each cable is composed of 61 strands of 452 wires Fifteen years later Australian and British engineers had completed
each. The cables do not slide or roll over the tops of the towers; instead across Sydney Harbor, New South Wales, Australia, an arch with a span
they are rigidly fastened to them and therefore pull them back and forth of 1,650 feet (Figure 14.5) of the same type as the Hell Gate. It carries,
longitudinally, with variations in temperature and loading. A tower may however, besides four electric railway tracks, a six-lane highway and side-
be deflected from the vertical as much as 18 inches toward the channel walks, making its total deck width 160 feet. No wider bridge has ever been
or 2 2 inches toward the shore from a combination of these two causes. built. The engineers designed it to carry a total live or moving load of
The cables hang like gigantic hammocks benveen the tops of the towers. more than 6 tons per lineal foot. The arch span of the Bayonne a l l van
Figure 144 Hell Gate Bridge, New York (Courtesy Sew York, New Haven
and Harrford Railroad)
Kull Bridge at New York, which 0. H. Ammann had designed and Figure if. j Sydney Harbor Bridge (Courtesy Engineeiing News-Record)
which was built during the same period, was purposely made about t
feet longer, but it carries only highway traffic. There were no panicularly bridge is the principal supporting member, is divided internally into thr5e
puzzling foundation problems in the building of the Svdney Harbor sections. The upper and lower chords of the Eads bridge are, it will be re-
Bridge, for bedrock is only 30 feet down. In this respect the Eads bridge membered, 30-inch cylinders of chrome steel. The curve of the Sydney
and the Hell Gate Bridge tzxed the ingenuity of their engineers consider- Harbor arch, that is, the lower chord. is parabolic; the upper chord re-
ably more. The larger part of the structural steel a t Sydney Harbor was verses its curvature as it approaches the piers. The arch, as stated above,
rolled in Britain, more than I 2.000 miles away. London engineers prepared was built out from each pier as a cantilever, anchored by the 1 2 8 wire
plans and calculations for the structure as a whole. The steel was fabri- cables, until the ends came to within about 40 inches of meeting. Hy-
cated in extensive and well-equipped temporary shops built on the north draulic jacks then slackened off the cables until the ends met and the
shore of the harbor. opposite Sydney. Each half of the arch was erected kevs connected. The temperature range allowed for a t Sydney was only
as a cantilever and anchored back by 1 2 8 Tvire cables, each 2 % inches in 60"; a t the Eads bridge it was assumed as about 160'. The dead weight
diameter, over a concrete pier into curved tunnels cut into bedrock. As of the Sydney Harbor span is about 28% tons per lineal foot, that of the
the structure progressed, each steel member was Ioaded on a lighter and Hell Gate Bridge is just over 2 6 tons.
towed out until it was directly under the spot in the structure xvhere it
belonged; electrically operated traveler or creeper cranes of I t o tons
capacity, one on each cantilever, then hoisted the member into position.
Rei?2forced-c072crete Bridges
At the Eads bridge the material was floated on barges, and then men on Stone-masonry structures approached perfection late in the eighteenth
each cantilever laboriously hauled it up by hand. century with the bridges of Perronet. Until early in the twentieth century
The arch trusses of the Sydney Harbor Bridge are of silicon steel, the world's longest stone arch was that of the Cabin John Bridge span-
the lateral and deck members of carbon steel. All truss members are rec- ning Rock Creek on the Washington, D.C., Aqueduct completed in
tangular in cross section, made up of plates and angles riveted together. 1864. Its span is z z o feet. Comparatively few stone arches have been built
The heaviest portion of the truss, the lower chord, which in this type of since. The longest stone arch ever built was the Syra River Bridge, at
474 475
Plauen (Saxony), Germany. Its span is 295 feet, and it was completed looked askance at combining iron or steel with a relatively unmed and
in 1903. unpredictable material such as concrete-at least in thin slabs. A zo-foot-
T h e use of concrete in modem engineering construction dates back a span reinforced-concrete arch built in a San Francisco park in 1889
little more than a century. For many years engineers were cautious about seems to have been the first in the United States, and in 1894 the
using it except in large masses. In the nineteenth century the French were first American reinforced-concrete highway bridge for heavy t r d c was
the chief pioneers in concrete construction. Poirel, in 1833, used massive built in Iowa; its span was 30 feet. European engineers had by this time
precast concrete blocks. Some I 6.000 concrete blocks, averaging 20 built many reinforced-concrete bridges; in Switzerland there were three
tons each, were used a generation later for the jemes a t the Port Said of the Monier type with spans of 118 feet. Rolled-steel rods gradually
entrance to the Suez Canal. Among the earliest large concrete bridges supplanted wire nemng.
were those of the Vanne Aqueduct which brought water to Paris After 1894 reinforced concrete came gradually into favor as archi-
through the Fontainebleau Forest in 1870. There were nearly 3 miles tects and engineers relied more and more confidently on the results of
of these aqueduct bridges, some of ~zs-footspan. The aqueduct pipes, , experimental research and experience. By 191I the Tiber at Rome for the
also of concrete, were 6 feet in diameter. first time in history had been crossed by a single arch, the Risorgimento
The idea of reinforcing concrete with iron or steel should be credited Bridge, a reinforced-concrete structure of 328 feet ( 1 0 0 meters) span and
chiefly to Joseph iMonier of Paris whose patent of 1867 covered the con- slightly less than ;3 feet (10 meters) rise. On completion, the bridge was
struction of basins or tubs of cement with embedded iron netting. Monier, subjected to unique strength and stiffness tests. Eleven hundred soldiers
the proprietor of a commercial gardening establishment, came gradually marched over it a t double-quick, and three I j-ton road rollers abreast
to realize that his idea could be extended to such structures as railway crossed it forward and back; the greatest deflections were of the order of
sleepers or ties, even to floors, footbridges, arches, and pipes. The several ‘I;,, inch, and the vibrations were negligible. The Risorgimento Bridge
Monier patents led to the Monier system of reinforced structures, with was the longest masonry arch in the world for some years. In the twenty
iron bars embedded in the concrete and crossing each other a t right angles. years following the completion of this bridge engineers learned much of
A few years later Monier built, in France, a resemoir, or tank, more than the possibilities of reinforced concrete. Continental European engineers,
50 feet in diameter. llonier was not the first in this field; another French- especially, learned how to produce, when necessan;, a dense concrete
man, Joseph L. Lambot, in 1849, and at least two Britishers, William B. \\-hose tensile strength was considerably greater than had previously been
Wilkinson, in 18jj. and William Fairbairn, in 186+ had preceded him. considered possible. Subjecting the steel reinforcement to preliminary
Monier, however, with no technical training or experience but only a keen stretching also has the effect. when the stretching force is released, of
native intuition, seems to have been the first to combine iron and concrete artificially precompressing the concrete and thus counteracting tensile
scientifically, so that they acted together as a unit, the metal taking stresses which may be due to shrinkage in semng and to temperature
nearly all of the tension and the concrete most of the compression. Other change as well as to loading.
patented systems that followed Monier’s were those of Hennebique The Plougastel, or Albert-Louppe, Bridge over the river Elorn,
(French), Melan and von Emperger (Austrian), Ransome, Thacher, and France, is one of the boldest concrete bridges thus far built (Figure I 4.6).
Turner (American). All of these techniques were developed in the clos- E. Freyssinet was the chief ensineer. This structure consists of three 612 -
ing years of the nineteenth century and found wide use in Europe and foot arches spanning the river where it flows into the harbor of Brest.
the United States. The underlying theory of reinforced-concrete design .At the time it was completed in 1930 its arch spans were the longest ever
developed only slowly, and the art advanced for some years in part by the built in concrete; only two exceed it today, one each in Spain and Sweden.
expensive method of trial and error. It carries a single-track railway and above it a roadway 26.2 feet wide
The earliest reinforced-concrete bridges in the United States were across a river in which the tidal range is 26 feet and the current is some-
light footbridges of modest spans in parks. American engineers at first times very strong. The river piers and the abutments rest on rock. The
moved to the next span. Construction materials were handled by twin
cableways nearly half a mile long running across the river from bank to
bank, some 250 feet above low tide.
There are striking differences between the problem presented to the
engineer of this bridge and that which Eads had to meet sixty years earlier.
The Elorn, like the Mississippi, could not be entirely obstructed, for the
Brest harbor is often busy. ,Arch centers were provided at Plougastel,
one arch at a time. Eads could not have used centers; he was obliged
instead to build hls arches out from each pier bv the cantilever method,
hoisting the separate parts by derricks from barges, using only hand
power. The Plougastel arches were slightly longer than those of the
Mississippi bridge. The rise a t the center of the arches is about I 10 feet for
Plougastel. about +3 feet in the Eads bridge. The Plougastel traffic is the
Figure 14.6 Plougastel or Aberr-Louppe Bridge, Brest, France (Courtesy lighter, both on the bridge and under it. The French engineers had manv
Societe Technique pour 1’Utilisation de la Precontrainre) types of apparatus that Eads lacked-cableways, diesel engines, electric
power, concrete mixers. and telephones, to name only a few. The Plou-
gastel foundation problems were much simpler.
arches are cellular in construction. Between the lower and upper slabs The Swiss Robert Maillart (1872-1940) was the first to use reinforced-
(intrados and emrados) are four spandrels, or vertical walls, which bind concrete slabs as active-bearing structural elements. Maillart dispensed
the nvo slabs together. The outermost of these spandrels constitute the with suppomng beams and developed in 1900 a new structural principle.
arch faces. T h e arch is built of concrete with relatively tittle reinforcing Active-bearing concrete-slab floors are an appropriate type for buildings
steel to take care of secondary stresses such as those due to shrinkage of with nonbearing walls; the slabs can be cantilevered out to support cur-
the concrete in setting. tain walls, floor bv floor. Although C. A. P. Turner (1869- ) used
The piers were built in two sections, and the lower section or base slab construction in the Johnson-Bovey Building in Alinneapolis in 1906,
shaft presented no great difficulties. The pier tops, or umbrella cantilever and there are many applications of this type of construction especially
sections, about zz feet high, j Z feet wide, and very heavily reinforced, in roof design, American engineers were slow to adapt the principles in
were precast on shore and floated into position. where they were attached bridgebuilding, largelv perhaps because in the United States labor costs
to the piers a t low tide to form the bases of the individual arches. These are higher and material is more plentiful than in Europe.
pier tops are almost entirely of a curved V shape and are designed to
support the two arches on either side, forming indeed the first few feet
of each arch. Only one arch center or supporting frame for the concrete h i l r o a d Moimtain Tzinnels
form, constructed almost entirely of wood, the ends being tied together Modern tunnels may be classed in groups according to the purpose they
by cables to take the horizontal thrust, was used in turn for all three arches. serve and the methods employed in their construction. This section will
It was built close to shore and floated out on two large barges, one at each discuss in detail two of these groups: one mainly through solid rock, the
end, and was secured to the umbrella sections a t the pier tops. The con- other through pressure-exerting subaqueous material. France had taken
crete was poured in four successive stages, or layers. The intrados slab the initiative in canal-tunnel construction in the seventeenth century with
formed the first stage, two of the four vertical walls the second, the other a 500-foot tunnel bored thiough solid rock on the line of the Languedoc
two the third, and the extrados slab the fourth. A very few days after the Canal. Most canal tunnels, however, date from the latter half of the
concrete in the extrados slab was poured, the center was detached and eighteenth century and the first few years of the nineteenth, and the
greater number are in England where the aggregate length of 45 exceeds
40 miles. The use of hand drills and blasting powder together with im-
proved surveying instruments and methods gave contractors of this
period a decided advantage over the ancient Romans in the construction
of water tunnels. In a French tunnel of about 1800 were developed the
first systematic schemes for supporting by timbering any loose rock and
earth inside a tunnel more than a few feet wide. One of the two Ameri-
can canal tunnels, completed in I 8 28 on the line of the Union Canal near
Lebanon, Pennsylvania, is now preserved as a local monument to a by-
gone transportation era.
The first railroad m‘nel in the United States, like the Lebanon Canal
tunnel, is also in Pennsylvania, four miles east of Johnstown. It was bored
in 1831 to 1833 and was abandoned after 18j7 when the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company bought the line and straightened it, making the tunnel
unnecessary. Two early epoch-making railroad tunnels were the Hoosac
Tunnel, on what is now the Boston and Maine Railroad in northwestern
Massachusetts, and the Mont Cenis Tunnel piercing the Alps between Figure 14.7 Work at a Hoosac Tunnel heading (From Science Record, 1872)
France and Italy. The Hoosac had been suggested in 182j for a canal to
connect Boston with the Hudson Valley. It was begun in 18j4 and re-
quired twenty-two years to complete (1876), while the Mont Cenis, and is still much traveled. The pass is 6,772 feet above sea level and lies
nearly twice as long, was b e p n three years later ( I 8 j 7 ) but was finished on a quite direct line between Lyon and Turin. The Mont Cenis road
five years earlier (1871) than the Hoosac. Both of these tunnels served thus serves to link Savoy in France with Piedmont in Italy, both, until a
as laboratories in which many an experiment in excavation methods was century ago, part of the Kingdom of Sardinia. Railroads across the Alps
tried out. While rock excavation in the Hoosac began with hand drills seem to have owed much of their inspiration to the success of Benjamin
(Figure 1+.7), these were shortly replaced by steam drills and a few Henry Lauobe in carrying the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad over the
years later by some drills operated by compressed air. Black powder Alleghenies from Cumberland, Marvland, to IVheeling, Virginia, in
served for the first few years in blasting a t the Hoosac until nitroglycerine 1842to 18j3. Carl von Ghega ( I ~ o z - I ~ ~who
o ) , had examined and written
replaced it. The Hoosac was probably the first tunnel in which blasts about the Baltimore and Ohio, built the first transalpine railroad. This line
were set off by electricity, a method t h a t had been used in only a few was the bold Semmeringbahn across the ruggedly picturesque Styrian
localities earlier. The following is a detailed description of the Mont Cenis Alps, the vital link in the 1-ienna-Trieste line; the tunnel was built in
Tunnel. 1848 to 1 8 j + The summit level on this ;+-mile road a t the Semmering
Some of the sixteen or more passes through the Alps, like the Brenner, Pass, some j o miles from Vienna, is 2,892 feet above sea level. The summit
may have been used by sturdy-wheeled conveyances since Roman days. tunnel was less than a mile long, but there were many short tunnels
Augustus Caesar’s engineers may have built a short-lived carriage road and viaducts. The maximum gradients were z % per cent and the sharpest
across the Little St. Bernard pass. Napoleon’s engineers, Polonceau and curve had a radius slightly over 600 feet. The second railroad across the
others, built several transalpine roads, of which the best known was the Alps went through the Brenner Pass, the lowest of the passes (4,497 feet)
Simplon. The road over the Mont Cenis Pass, some 40 miles east of through the principal Alpine range, some 2 0 0 miles to the west of the
Grenoble and an equal distance south of Mt. Blanc, was finished in I 8I o Semmering. This road furnishes the connection between Innsbruck in
the Austrian Tirol and Verona and Venice, Italy. It was built by Karl
von Etztl (1812-1865) and was completed in 1867. There is no summit
and Grattoni, date from the 18jos. On August I j, 1 8j7, the Italian par-
tunnel; the maximum gradients were the same as those on the Semmering,
liament passed a bill authorizing the boring of the tunnel between Modane
but the curves were easier.
and Bardonecchia. Only two weeks later King Victor Emmanuel fired the
T h e third railroad across the Alps was called the Mont Cenis, because
first blast at the Italian end. S o t much was accomplished in I 8 j7, because
it follows in large part the line of Napoleon’s Mont Cenis Pass road. It
working seasons in the high ,Alps are short. In the spring of 18 j8, however,
was realized at least as early as 1 8 4 0 that there should be a connection be-
work on both ends of the tunnel began in earnest although the surveyors
tween the railroad systems of Savoy and Piedmont in order to expedite
had only barely started their triangulation and leveling. In the course of
travel from Lyons, Paris, and London down through central Italy. By 1863
the summer of 1 8 j8 the surveyors spread ;t geodetic nenvork of trianpla-
the Italians had ceded Savoy to the French, and the railroad on the French
tion over the Mont Frejus area above the tunnel site; this nenvork enabled
side had reached St. ,Michel in the valley of the River Arc and that on the
them to lav down its axis n i t h certainty and to calculate its length. T o
Italian side had progressed to Susa in the Dora River Valley. Between
this end thev established I I geodetic stations. or survey points or obser-
the two railheads there was a gap of 48 miles along the old Mont Cenis ,
vatories, on nearby heights, and u ith a hrgh-po\\ ered theodolite meas-
Pass road. However, some years earlier it had been pointed out that the
ured 86 angles, each of them ‘it least 1 0 times, some 60 times. to ensure
Arc River near Modane, Savoy, just above St. Michel, was only about 8
accuracy. They prolonged the axis on each end. thus giving ranging points
miles in a direct line through the mountain from Bardonecchia in the
to use as the boring progressed in order to make sure that the headings
Dora River Valley, Piedmont. I t was even then predicted that a tunnel
would meet. T h e engineers also carried a line of levels high over the
driven through the mountain some 14 or I j miles to the west of the Mont
summit of Mont Frejus. in itself no mean feat considering the difficult
Cenis Pass and under the Col de FrCjus would make the ideal connection
terrain and the prevalence of storms. They were thus able to establish the
between the two railroad systems.
tunnel grades from poKal to portal. -411 of the surveying was completed
The bold and revolutionary idea of boring an 8-mile tunnel without
by the fall of 18j8. Never before had tunnel contractors been prepared
intermediate shafts through an Alpine mountain seemed foolish and
to proceed with such confidence in the accuracy of the preliminary
frightening to many sensible people in the late 18jos. T h e summit tunnel
on the Semmering railway in Austria, only 7/e mile long, had been com-
Afuch of the time during the first two or three years was necessarily
pleted several years earlier, using nine shafts. of which five had been left
taken up with the establishment of extensive machine shops, power plants,
permanently open for ventilation. No one was really certain that enough
and workmen’s living quarters, all necessarily in duplicate, for the only
air to prevent asphyxiation of workmen would penetrate horizontally into
connection benveen the Italian and French ends was over the mountain.
a tunnel like the Mont Cenis; what would happen if and when a steam
By the end of 1860, the tunnel excavation had proceeded about 14 mile
locomotive passed through was still another question. hTor did anyone
a; the north end and nearlv X mile a t the south end, all b>- hand drilling.
actually know what the temperature of the rock would be a mile below There were by this time many ho, while not exactly scoffing, predicted
the surface; geologists could only guess that it would be higher than a t the
rhat the tunnel could not be bored in less than t h i T years. Thus for
surface. T h e geologists could not even guarantee that after months of
several years work on the tunnel progressed slowly. The promoters were
blasting, the overlying strata might not weaken at a number of points
and cause the tunnel roof to collapse without warning and bury the work- -
not discouraged, but in 1863 they xvere glad to @ve John Barraclough
Fell, of England, permission to build one of his patent railways along the
men. There was even some apprehension that the reputedly bottomless
of the IMont Cenis road from St. Michel up and over the pass and
little lake high up in the Mont Cenis Pass might pour down into the tunnel
down to Susa, about 48 miles in all. This was a temporary permission, for
at such a rate as to flood out the works and drown the workmen.
everyone knew that if and when the tunnel should be completed the
T h e Mont Cenis Tunnel was an Italian project throughout. Preliminary
Fell road would forthwith become practically worthless. Fell began his
investigations, under the direction of three young, enthusiastic Italian
extraordinary railway in I 866, finishing it in two years a t a cost exceeding
engineers, Germain Sommeiller ( I 8 I 5-1 87 I ) and his colleagues Grandis
z million dollars. I t was in operation only three years instead of the ex-
pected ten and was later sold to Brazilian interests for reinstalladon in sive used at Mont Cenis despite the fact that nitroglycerin dates back to
Brazil. T h e road had a ;-foot 7 %-inches, o r I . to-meters, gauge. It climbed 1847 and was used on the Hoosac Tunnel as early as 1866. Sforeover.
gradients as steep as 8 per cent, and some of its curves had radii as short Alfred Nobel had invented dynamite in 1867, four years before the last
as 13' feet. Instead of rack and pinion the track had a central third rail. blast at Alont Cenis.
laid on its side and ;!/. inches higher than the running raiIs. T w o smooth T h e difficulties to which pessimists had directed atrention before the
wheels on the locomotire. revolving horizontally, gripped this central w-orl; began were met and solved as they arose -b! the resourceful en+
rail between them to obtain sufficient traction, neers. \-entilation was a troublesome question throughout although 2s-
The boring of the tunnel had been begun in 1857, using hand drills haust 3ir from the drills freshened the air somen-hat. Dividing the runnel
only. Compressed-air drills, or boring machines of the Sommeilier tvpe, bv a slightl!- arched horizontal brattice, or temporary !ow roof, helped
were introduced in 1S61 on the Italian end and two \-ears later on the to induce a circulation of air. The temperature of the roc!; seldom es-
north o r French end. The total progress during 18j S bv hand drilling Ivas ceeded -5'. in part because of the welcome seepage o i cooling water. -1
1.j06 feet; during IS-o with machines it was 5.364 feet. Slachine drills '
few cases of weakened rock strata lvere prompt!:- and properlv dealt
thus proved to be ; i i tLimes as rapid as hand drilling. In both cases the . with. The ceiling arch varied in form and thickness to xvichstand
rock was schist; in fact. except for a vein of quartz and one of limestone. vaq-ing pressures. Trouble from the "bottomiess" littie lake. xrhich hsb
the tunnel passed entirely through two kinds of schist. with the calcareous been feared. did not materialize; the lake is r + !ong miles from the tunnel.
type predominating. T h e boring machine consisted of a heavv carriage T h e headings met on Christmas Dav. r 8 y . T h e French side was 3 Sir
mounted on wheels. moi-able along a track. and carn-in,a a batten- of
. & -
higher chan the Italian-perhaps 1 feet; the error in aliznment ~ v a ssonic-
usually seven to nine drills or perforators, each of which could deliver \{-hat less. T h e tunnel proved to be about 4; feet longer than calcuiated.
zoo powerful strokes a minute against the rock at a spot selected. T h e T h e point of meeting 1%-asnot midn.a!- on the tunnel; the Italian en;
holes were laid out according to a pattern so that each blast xvould loosen had been excavated about 423 miles. the French end about ; I n miles. The
the greatest quantic- of rock in pieces that could be easily handled. Com- tunnel \vas finall!- completed during the slimmer or' 1 A - r ( Figure ri.8 ! :
pressed air operated the drills. France and ItalJ- shared the total cost of about r 5 million dollars.
T w o hvdraulically operated compressor plants, one near each portal. . from St. Jlichel, France, in the \-alley of the Arc. the Jlont
furnished compressed air for the drills. -At Bardonecchia. on the Italian Cenis Raillvav continues up the valleJ-, close to the oid .\Ion[ Cenis road.
side, a 2-mile canal was built to bring the u-ater power under a head of 1 0 miles to JIodane, passing through 14 short tunnels. Here it takes
S j feet to the compressors. T h e compressor system furnished air a t 6 hairpin turn and lvinds up the hill for 3 more mi!es. reaching the tunnel
atmospheres, 5 above normal. T h e compressor ~ v a sa form of hvdraiilic entrance, Fourneaus, after ha\-ing climbed 1,460 feet from St. Sfiche!. f r
ram (compressezcr 2 cozq de be'lier), very irasteful of energv.'At ,\lod-,ne then continues on a 2 . 1 per cent gradient into and halfn-a!- through the
a similar system n-as set up at first. but using -Arc River xvater which IXO tunnel. which is straight for more than 7 miles. At the highest point the
water wheels, each working two pumps, raised to the ST-foot level. X more rails are 4.393 feet above sea level, and there is nearlJ- a mile of solid rock
direct and less wasteful system was finally installed a t Alodane. T h e corn- ox-er the tunnel roof up to the Col de Frkjus. From here the rest of the
pressed air throughout the tunnel was furnished to the machines tunnel is nearly- level to Bardonecchia. the southern portal. T h e railn-av
through 8-inch pipes laid along one of the walls of the tunnel. Another on the Italian side for the next 1 5 miles winds down the slope at a rather
pipe carried water to the drill points. T h e inau,wral blast t h a t King Victor steeper rate than on the French side. It passes over 8 viaducts and through
Emmanuel fired in I 8 j7 was the first of some three million blasts, extend- 26 tunnels, descending to just less than 1,600 feet above the sea at Bus-
ing over fourteen years. During this time nearly I milIion cubic yards of soleno, which is on the ?Id Mont Cenis road just below Susa, where it
rock were excavated and disposed of; the average haul for the broken connects with the Susa-Turin line. T h e Mont Cenis Tunnel led the way
rock approximated z miles. Ordinary black powder was the only explo- for other great Alpine tunnels even longer and of bolder design, the St.
Figcr? Jf.8 Placing :he 13st \tune :n rhe Bardonccchia port.11 arch of the
Mont Cenis Tunnel. Aug. 18. is-i (Frorn L'lllrr.!tr.~tio,~.
Sept. 9, r X - r \ Figure 14.9 Brunel's Thames Tunnel, completed IS+; (From Charles Knight
(ed.), London, VOI. j, I S j r )
0 ?9?0 7920 7930 7940 ?950
1940 1945 1950
Year Year
Figure I J . I Kilowatthours per indusmal worker per year in the United Figure i j . 2 Kilowatthours per family per year in the United States (Based
States (Based on data in Edison EIectric Institute, About the Electric Industry, on dara in Naaonal Electric Light .lssociauon Bulletin, 1931, and Edison
1952-1953. 1954-1955) Electric Insdrute Statirtical Bulletin, 19j+)
engines and electric generators and motors in the nineteenth century, new
applications of power to perform heavy tasks have recurred a t an ever- T h e switchboard operator of a large power plant may control by a twist
increasing rate. The average power which a man can exert b y muscular of his fingers over ~,ooo,ooohorsepoxver-more power than the entire
effort throughout the day has been estimated to be about 3 j watts ( !/30 population of the state of Connecticut could produce by muscular effort.
horsepower).? If he worked 240 eight-hour days in a year, this would T h e largest source of power available to most Americans is the
amount to 6 j kilowatthours per year. Edison Electric Institute statistics automobile engine producing upward of 100 horsepower. But the house-
indicate that the electrical energy used by each Ivorker in industry in the wife, especially in the United States, has control of electric-motor appli-
C‘nited States amounted in 1 9 j 4 to about 1 7 , j 14 kilo\vatthours per worker ances in her home, such as washing machines for dishes or clothes,
( F i p r e I j . 1 ) . Electricin- furnishes approximately 9 j per cent of power vacuum cleaners. refrigerators, misers, ventilating fans, and automatic
used b y industry. On this basis each individual engaged in manufacture furnaces, each of which does an amount of work equivalent to that of
had under his control an amount of energy equivalent to the muscular several human beings. Although it has been claimed that such electrical
effort of 2 s men! T h e average family in the United States used about conveniences have solved the problems of the shortage of domestic
z,j49 kilowatthours in 1 9 j 4 (Figure I j . 2 ) . On the same basis of calcula- labor, the authors have it on good authority that the solution is not
tion the family employed the equivalent of about thirty-three laborers entirely satisfactory. Sevenheless, as Philippe Le Corbeiller has stated:
each dav to help in the household duties! Each driver of a roo-horsepower “. . . mechanical power has changed the status of woman in our society.
automobile has under his control the equivalent in mechanical effort of I t has brought it about that the motor which one worker in a plant has
more than two thousand slaves to speed him on the road! to control is operated b y pushing a button or twisting a dial, and this
T h e locomotive engineer and the airplane pilot control impressive can be done b y a girl without expenditure of strength; she may well be
amounts of power. T h e locomotive engineer often has under his full con- more useful in that capacity than a big burly man with brawn and perhaps
trol an engine capable of exerting u p to j , O O o horsepower. A t cruising less brains. T h a t means economic independence, the possibility of get-
speed, the pilot of one of the newest British Comet passenger jet airplanes ting away from the family cell if she wants to and cares to. W e have
controls about 3 j,ooo horsepower- the equivalent of 700,000 humans. already said that easy qansportation brought about social fluidity; this
2 C. M. Ripley, “A Kilowanhour,” Edison Electric Institute Staristical Bulletin, vol. means for a woman the possibility of rebuilding in another town a life
7, p. 326, June, 1939. that for one reason or another has not been successful; it creates in her a
496 497
completely different psychology-one of self-reliance and independence.
W e could go on and on about the consequences of that!”
It would be diacult to overemphasize the social importance of
mechanical power as replacing muscular effort of human beings. Mechan-
ical power has become something far more than a substitute for human
effort. Obviously 700,000 people could not directly supply the power
to fly the equivalent of a jet airplane carrying only fifty persons at
over joo miles per hour. Western societies, having adapted themselves Figure ir.3
to mechanical power, have used it for many purposes other than as a x “fly” to keep main sails
substitute for human muscles. The extension of power utilization has truly in the wind
made the twentieth century the Golden Age of power.
The development of automatic controls in the twentieth century may 1