UC San Francisco Previously Published Works
UC San Francisco Previously Published Works
UC San Francisco Previously Published Works
Mindfulness intervention for child abuse survivors: A 2.5-year follow-up
Journal of Clinical Psychology, 70(10)
Earley, MD
Chesney, MA
Frye, J
et al.
Publication Date
Peer reviewed
Keywords: mindfulness intervention; meditation; child abuse; sexual abuse; posttraumatic stress dis-
order; long-term follow-up
Childhood sexual abuse (CSA) has been defined as a sexual act between an adult and a child
in which the child is utilized for the sexual satisfaction of the perpetrator (Briere, 1992). Rates
of CSA among women vary widely by study, from 9% to 33%, while the rate for men has been
reported at 14% (Briere & Elliott 2003; Finkelhor & Dzuiba-Leatherman, 1994). As alarming
as such figures are, CSA is likely still underreported due to the stigma associated with sexual
abuse and fears that disclosure could invoke further abuse from the perpetrator or other negative
While the precise prevalence of CSA is unclear, the host of long-term behavioral, psycho-
logical, and social difficulties that afflict CSA victims have been well articulated. Briere and
Jordan (2009) report that CSA survivors show increased rates of posttraumatic stress, cognitive
disturbance and distortion, mood and anxiety disorders, somatic complaints, identity disorders,
emotion regulation disturbances, and interpersonal difficulties. Victims of childhood sexual
This project, in its entirety, was conducted through the Center for Integrative Medicine at the University of
Maryland Baltimore.
Dr. Elizabeth “Lisa” Kimbrough lost her battle with brain cancer in early 2011. Both the original MICAS
project and this follow-up study were the fruits of her passionate commitment to grounding integrative
medicine in clinical research. This manuscript is published posthumously in her honor.
We thank Laura Benzel for her assistance in coordinating this research and Mary Bahr-Robertson for her
support with the IRB submission process. We are most grateful for the commitment and generosity of
The Mental Insight Foundation, which provided the funding for both the initial MICAS project, and this
follow-up study. Finally, we express our sincere gratitude to our participants, without whom none of this is
Please address correspondence to: Michael D. Earley, 520 West Lombard St. East Hall Baltimore, MD
21201. E-mail: [email protected]
abuse are also known to have significantly increased risk of suicidality (Dube et al., 2001) and
high rates of revictimization (Messman-Moore & Long, 2003; Widom, Czaja, & Dutton, 2008).
Furthermore, rather than presenting as a uniform syndrome, these complaints are often inter-
woven in a manner that renders the conceptualization and development of effective treatments
Though the presenting symptoms of CSA are not uniformly captured by a diagnosis of
posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), most available treatments for CSA are theoretically
linked to PTSD. In one study, 49% of sexually abused children evidenced no PTSD symp-
toms (Lev-Wiesel, 2008). Nonetheless, most extant treatments for CSA survivors are variations
on cognitive-behavioral therapies (CBTs) such as prolonged exposure and cognitive processing
therapy (CPT; Resick & Schnicke, 1992; Foa, Keane, & Friedman, 2000), which have strong
empirical support. In response to this discrepancy, some scholars have chosen to revise and
tailor existing PTSD treatments to meet the specific needs of survivors of CSA, e.g., Chard’s
(2005) cognitive processing therapy for sexual abuse survivors.
Alternatively, others have sought to develop or test distinct treatments that might be particu-
larly effective in addressing the range of symptoms experienced by victims of CSA. For example,
Lorenz, Pulverman, and Meston (2013) have shown that patient-directed expressive writing
about one’s trauma can significantly and suddenly reduce symptoms of depression. Another
approach has been to utilize so called “third wave” treatments, those that integrate mindfulness
training with traditional CBT and behavioral principles, and have been shown to be efficacious
in treating a broad range of clinical problems including mood and anxiety disorders, substance
abuse disorders, and personality difficulties (Baer, 2003). These therapies include acceptance
and commitment therapy (ACT; Hayes, Luoma, Bond, Masuda, & Lillis, 2006) and dialectical
behavior therapy (DBT; Linehan, 2000), among others.
One hypothetical advantage of incorporating mindfulness into treatment for CSA survivors is
the likelihood that mindfulness may improve not only the presenting symptoms of a given disor-
der but also psychosocial functioning more broadly. Recent research has shown that mindfulness-
based treatments can increase positive affect while improving mental and physical health, quality
of life, and even the quality of one’s sleep (Gayner et al., 2012; Kearney, McDermott, Malte,
Martinez, & Simpson, 2012). While the study of the mechanisms of mindfulness that account
for these changes is still in its infancy, there are several proposed means by which improved
mindfulness skills may enhance psychological well-being. Deyo, Wilson, Ong, and Koopman
(2009) have written that mindfulness practice is associated with decreases in ruminative thinking.
They speculate that “mindfulness training aims to teach people to decenter from their thoughts
and emotions . . . to see their thoughts and feelings come and go without attaching important
truth or meaning to them.” This concept of decentered thinking aligns with Malinowski’s (2013)
Liverpool model of mindfulness that posits that mindfulness practice enhances emotional and
cognitive flexibility by enhancing an individual’s nonjudgemental awareness of their experience.
Kimbrough, Magyari, Langenberg, Chesney, and Berman (2010) conducted the first study
to specifically employ mindfulness in the treatment of CSA and was designed to assess the
effectiveness of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR; Kabat-Zinn, 2005) for a group
of adult survivors of CSA. The project Mindfulness Intervention for Child Abuse Survivors
(MICAS) was conducted between May 2007 and August 2008, with three successive cohorts
of individuals participating in an 8-week MBSR course. Cohorts completed identical MBSR
interventions comprising weekly 2.5–3-hour classes that involved sitting meditation, gentle yoga,
stretching, and body scanning, a technique in which one progressively moves attention through
the body to identify points of sensation. Additionally, participants attended a single 5-hour
silent retreat and were asked to practice meditation at home for 20–30 minutes per day, 6 days
per week.
The findings from the MICAS Study were quite promising, with participants reporting
significant decreases on all indicators of distress as well as substantial subjective emotional
improvement. Mean levels of depression, PTSD symptoms, and anxiety were all observed
to be significantly lower at treatment’s end (8 weeks), with significant effects maintained
through follow-up (24 weeks). Simultaneously, mindfulness scores were significantly increased by
treatment’s end, with this effect also maintained at 24 weeks (for complete results, see Kimbrough
et al., 2010).
While a growing body of literature has reported on the sustained long-term benefits of
mindfulness interventions, specifically MBSR, for varied conditions such as chronic pain (Kabat-
Zinn, Lipworth, & Burney, 1985), anxiety and depression (Miller, Fletcher, & Kabat-Zinn, 1995),
and fibromyalgia (Grossman, Tiefenthaler-Gilmer, Raysz, & Kesper 2007), there is no such
evidence for the maintained benefits of MBSR within the CSA survivor population. Therefore,
due to the encouraging initial results from MICAS, the authors endeavored to assess the sustained
efficacy of MBSR by conducting a follow-up evaluation with MICAS participants. For the
purposes of this study, we have defined “long-term” follow-up as 2.5 years because the results
reported here were efforts beyond the scope of the original project and required acquisition of
additional funding and institutional review board (IRB) approval.
The present study (MICAS-II) invited the original MICAS participants to return for a single
session follow-up assessment to contribute to a better understanding of the ongoing effects of
MBSR among those recovering from CSA. Invitations were extended to participants who had
attended at least four MBSR sessions, i.e., 50% of the initial intervention. This cutoff was chosen
to ensure that participants had received an ample dose of the treatment, and because there is little
research in the literature on the efficacy of MBSR in smaller doses. The 23 eligible participants
(of 27 originally consented) were first contacted by telephone to inform them of the study and
review the purpose and procedures of the follow-up. For those who could not be reached by
phone, staff sent identical information via e-mail and subsequently by a formal IRB-approved
Interested participants next completed telephone prescreening and scheduled their appoint-
ment with study staff, with the option to participate either in person or from a distance, via
mailed assessments and phone interviews. Of 23 potential MICAS-II participants, two lacked
updated contact information and two others, who consented to participate from a distance,
failed to return their questionnaires. Therefore, the follow-up sample represents 19 of 23 po-
tential responders. Detailed demographic information for the study sample and information on
recruitment, inclusion and exclusion criteria, etc., can be found in the original MICAS outcome
study (Kimbrough et al., 2010).
The MICAS-II study comprised a single 3-hour research visit that was completed in person,
or over the phone if necessary. Participants first spoke with the research coordinator, who
completed the informed consent process, before completing a series of self-report questionnaires
requiring approximately 1 hour to complete. Finally, each participant completed an interview,
with their original MBSR teacher, designed to assess the participant’s health and wellness and
gain valuable feedback for improving the intervention for potential future interventions for this
Depression was assessed via the Beck Depression Inventory, 2nd Edition (BDI-II; Beck, Steer,
Ball, & Ranieri, 1996), which comprises 21 Likert-type items that evaluate subjective affec-
tive, behavioral, biological, motivational, and cognitive elements of depressive symptomatology.
PTSD symptom severity was assessed via the PTSD Checklist (PCL; Weathers, Litz, Huska,
& Keane, 1993), which comprises 17 items that indicate the degree to which respondents are
bothered by particular PTSD symptoms. Anxiety was measured using the Anxiety subscale
of the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI; Derogatis & Melisaratos, 1983). Trait mindfulness was
4 Journal of Clinical Psychology, xxxx 2014
measured via the Mindfulness Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS; Brown & Ryan, 2003), which
comprises 15 Likert-type items that assess one’s tendency to stay aware of what is taking place
in the present moment.
Study Outcomes
Mean depression, PTSD, anxiety symptoms, and mindfulness scores at baseline and weeks 4, 8,
24, and 128 are shown in Figure 1 below. Mean scores of PTSD symptom clusters B, C, and D
are shown in Figure 2. Only the scores at 128 weeks correspond to the follow-up study reported
here; data from weeks 4, 8, and 24 were gathered under the auspices of the original MICAS
1 While re-examining analyses conducted for the original MICAS study, it was noted that the original MAAS
analysis had erroneously utilized a mean of the first 14 items of the MAAS with number 15 omitted. To
meaningfully compare results, we decided to utilize an identical 14-item mean for the current study. A test
of mean difference confirmed that there was no significant difference between the 14- and 15-item mean for
the MICAS-II sample.
Building on the findings of the MICAS Study, significant improvements in depressive symptoms
were sustained from the 24-week follow-up visit, remaining decreased at the 2.5-year follow-up.
The mean levels of depressive symptoms were 22.1 (1.8) at baseline, 13.7 (1.7) at 4 weeks, 7.8
(1.3) at 8 weeks, 12.4 (2.2) at 24 weeks, and 12.1 (1.8) at 2.5 years. The effect size for depression
was 1.1 at 128 weeks; depression model: F(4, 83) = 27.1, p < .0001.
Significant decreases in mean anxiety scores from baseline levels persisted at the 2.5-year visit,
with a reduction of 7 percentile points from baseline scores remaining stable from the 24-
week to 2.5-year visits. Mean levels of anxiety scores were 1.7 (1.2) at baseline and 0.9 (0.2) at
2.5 years. The effect size for anxiety was 0.9 at 2.5-years; anxiety model: F(4, 83) = 13.0, p <
Average MAAS scores at 2.5-year follow-up remained significantly improved from baseline levels
and comparable to levels found in nonpsychiatric community populations, 4.0 (0.2; Brown &
Ryan, 2003; Carlson & Brown, 2005). The effect size for mindfulness was 1.1 at 128 weeks;
mindfulness model: F(4, 83) = 11.5, p < .0001.
PTSD Symptoms
Mean PCL scores of 46.8 (2.7) at baseline decreased significantly after the intervention and
increased slightly between 8-week and 24-week follow-up, but remained significantly decreased
from baseline levels at the 2.5-year follow-up, 36.5 (2.4). The effect size for PTSD was 0.8 at
128 weeks; PTSD model: F(4, 83) = 36.1, p < .0001.
6 Journal of Clinical Psychology, xxxx 2014
The results of the MICAS-II follow-up study support the notion that MBSR may be an effective
treatment for individuals with a history of CSA. The maintenance of all significant changes
observed since the initial baseline demonstrates that, in this sample, an intervention involv-
ing meditation, yoga, stretching, and enhanced body awareness was quite effective in reducing
emotional distress over the long term. Given that CSA affects a large and diagnostically hetero-
geneous population, these results are encouraging. Although the study was conducted with a
small sample of 19 individuals, this group comprised 73% of the initially consented group, and
83% of those who had participated in at least half of the original intervention. In addition to
sample size, the findings from the original MICAS study are limited by the lack of a control
group. Ideally, future research would attempt to replicate these findings using a larger sample
and a controlled randomized design.
A final limitation involves the fact that participants who attended the follow-up study were
aware that they would eventually meet with their original MBSR instructor. While self-report
data were collected by a research assistant unknown to the participants, future research would
do well to disentangle data collection from possible distortions due to social desirability bias.
Furthermore, future efforts could explicitly explore the mechanisms of change responsible
for the observed impact of MBSR in this population. For example, the present moment “I,”
as encouraged and fostered via mindfulness meditation, likely differs qualitatively from the
phenomenon of peritraumatic dissociation that is emblematic of attempts to avoid and protect
oneself from overwhelming traumatic experiences. The mindful state fostered and encouraged
in MBSR is characterized by a focus on the present and an awareness of the transitory nature of
thought and feeling. Such a stance may represent an effective means for confronting memories
of childhood trauma.
Other authors have noted this potential, writing that mindfulness and acceptance-based inter-
ventions may be uniquely effective in fostering behavior contradictory to the chronic avoidance
that often underlies anxiety disorders and pathological trauma reactions (Thompson, Arnkoff,
& Glass, 2011; Follette, Palm, & Pearson, 2006; Batten, Orsillo, & Walser, 2005; Treanor, 2011).
Therefore, future research might explore whether mindfulness interventions function as a form
of exposure therapy, a means of systematic desensitization in which survivors of CSA, demon-
strated to be at great risk of dissociation, are compassionately and consistently encouraged to
engage the present moment. Rather than avoid, ruminate, or dissociate, individuals may develop
new and more adaptive means of managing intrusive memories and other trauma symptoms.
Indeed, mindfulness-based interventions have demonstrated efficacy in reducing cognitive
and physiological reactivity to stress and negative mood states, lending support to the notion
that such treatments may decrease avoidant behavior (Brewer et al., 2011; Raes, Dewulf, Van
Heeringen, & Williams, 2009). Therefore, it is imperative that future research continue exploring
the mechanisms by which MBSR, and meditation more generally, may be a particularly effective
skill for those learning to tolerate the normally feared and avoided distress caused by CSA.
Despite its limitations, the present study provides evidence to support the hypothesis that MBSR
may have substantial benefits that can be maintained for at least 2.5 years. This outcome
is important given the difficulty of maintaining long-term behavior change, especially for a
population of victims for whom the stigma of seeking treatment can be a tremendous barrier to
change. Such data continue to build the evidence base for the sustained efficacy of MBSR, not
only in samples with chronic pain or anxiety but also for those victims of CSA. While MBSR in
this population needs further study, the MICAS-II project suggests that this group intervention
is effective for those recovering from the complicated sequelae of CSA.
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