1. The document discusses the relationship between mental states like obsession and physical states like cancerous growths. It proposes that repeated suppression of natural behaviors and thoughts can lead to either schizophrenia externalized in fantasy or cancer internalized in the physical body.
2. On the mental level, obsession arises from suppression and conditioning. This can create a fixed, obsessive personality and disconnect one from the world. On the physical level, obsession becomes excrescence or figwart-like growths.
3. Cancerous tissue forms where there has been injury, trauma, or unnatural habits. It is a final physical manifestation of subtler realms involving obsessive thoughts and emotional gloom. Homoeopathic treatment aims to
1. The document discusses the relationship between mental states like obsession and physical states like cancerous growths. It proposes that repeated suppression of natural behaviors and thoughts can lead to either schizophrenia externalized in fantasy or cancer internalized in the physical body.
2. On the mental level, obsession arises from suppression and conditioning. This can create a fixed, obsessive personality and disconnect one from the world. On the physical level, obsession becomes excrescence or figwart-like growths.
3. Cancerous tissue forms where there has been injury, trauma, or unnatural habits. It is a final physical manifestation of subtler realms involving obsessive thoughts and emotional gloom. Homoeopathic treatment aims to
1. The document discusses the relationship between mental states like obsession and physical states like cancerous growths. It proposes that repeated suppression of natural behaviors and thoughts can lead to either schizophrenia externalized in fantasy or cancer internalized in the physical body.
2. On the mental level, obsession arises from suppression and conditioning. This can create a fixed, obsessive personality and disconnect one from the world. On the physical level, obsession becomes excrescence or figwart-like growths.
3. Cancerous tissue forms where there has been injury, trauma, or unnatural habits. It is a final physical manifestation of subtler realms involving obsessive thoughts and emotional gloom. Homoeopathic treatment aims to
1. The document discusses the relationship between mental states like obsession and physical states like cancerous growths. It proposes that repeated suppression of natural behaviors and thoughts can lead to either schizophrenia externalized in fantasy or cancer internalized in the physical body.
2. On the mental level, obsession arises from suppression and conditioning. This can create a fixed, obsessive personality and disconnect one from the world. On the physical level, obsession becomes excrescence or figwart-like growths.
3. Cancerous tissue forms where there has been injury, trauma, or unnatural habits. It is a final physical manifestation of subtler realms involving obsessive thoughts and emotional gloom. Homoeopathic treatment aims to
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from Thuja to the cancerous state -
"A morbid obsession"
by Misha Norland In the light of David Mundy's article on Carcinosin , I submit a few thoughts of my own. Although I wrote these down fouryears ago, and feel inretrospect that someofthe ideas are undeveloped,yet still Ihope that the general tone and content is comprehensible and helps to illuminate a dark area in which there is much room for speculation
The mental sphere of Thuja's action is characterised by obsession. Obsession arises
when the individual has been forced into submission by suppression. We become attached to ourconditioning,just as the Conditioning has been attached to us.We then condition the future,impressing upon it the projections of our psyche,a pseudo-masochistic type of response to the world, exemplified by such behaviour traits as:- "Kick me again to prove to me that life is unjust, so that I can feel the bruise, the tangible manifestation of my inner torment".This creates a sense ofsecurity, it ist he expected response: it hurts, therefore I am! Or again the fixed ideas typical of Thuja may be felt as though there were a watcher, a third party, one's internal censor; it is as though the mind is separated from the body. The world becomes an untrustworthy place, nature herself has become suspect and we cannot feel our bond with her. The threads of connection with which we touch the world are loosened. Think of the gonococcus weakening the bonds between the cells; their natural cohesion is disturbed and they are given to unruly multiplication typified by sycotic growths. This condition is produced by the suppression of bodily secretions and eliminations,where upon disease is forcedi n wards to internal organs. Vaccinations owe their action to the mobilization of the body's defence systems,they are left in a state of readiness,perpetually armed against the invader.What a good foundation for an obsessive personality! On a personality level therepeated suppressions of natural modes of behaviour, thoughts and actions may end in a schizophrenic state. We may hypothesize that cancer and schizophrenia are polarized manifestations of suppression, the former being internalised in the physical body, while thelatteris externalised inthe formof"non-reality" fantasy projections.Forinstance, the child of a parent whorepeatedlynegates the child's independence, suppressingthe libido, (seeR.D. Laing's thesis on the "double- bind" and schizophrenia) whereupon the child is forced ever and again into the land ofimaginationuntiltheboundariesbetweenthe internal and external world dissolve
That which isobsession on the mentallevel,becomesexcrescence, figwart-like growth
upon the physical. It is attached,typicallybyastalk, itis an appendage, anextraconsciousness.Byitsverynatureitisgiventoexcessiveness and greed.Itdesiresto growand toobtainindependent status. Itisbornbecauseofgreed,for itowesits existence to gonorrhoea, and had man remained at home, satisfied with his lot, thecontagionwouldneverhavebeen transmittedtohim.Associatedwiththe excrescence, its companionsand allies on themental plane areguilt, envy and jealousy, born out ofa deep rooted selfdistrust and disgust. These attributes are tightly bound up together, locked in one another's arms. One cannot see the component elements. The secret is concealed and the case is all jammed up. Slowness of recovery typifies the state ofaffairs,ortherecurrenceofillnesses,or accidents. The desire to smash and to destroy, to defile and denigrate,addthistothepicture,andyoucannolongerdetect the mother ship of all diseases: Psora , she is obscured by the flotilla of her satellites: the multifoldand colourful symptoms of Sycosis and Syphilis . The reciprocal action of these twomiasms is characterisedbythe impulse todestroy, going berserk,overgrowing,multiplying, devouring, aparasitic exuberance. This growth is morbid, for it lacks integration withinthebodilystructure;itiscomposedofundifferentiatedcancerous tissue which has assumed its own identity. Since it is composed of the body's own cells, the natural channels of defence and elimination are closed. The body succumbs to the disease and all subjective symptoms cease. Depression is the mentalstate,thebody havinggivenupthe fight. Thismorbidityisatfirstmanifestedbythepersonalityat the causativerealm of desires - that istosay at the incarna- tional vortex where the descending spiritclothes itselfwith the garment ofmateriality according to its nature, selecting the bodywithwhich it hasaffinity.Atthementallevel themorbidity is felt as the obsessive recollection and mulling overpast unpleasantness, undressed wrongs, guilt, and traumas.At the emotional level there is gloom, depression, a dreadful sinking of the spirits. At the physical level there is the cancer which forms at the sight of injury, or in the weakest organ. Thesedays, thiswilloftenbe thebowel.This is because of indulgent living and anxiety producing acidity. In women the trouble spotis oftenthe breasts,which have, ofcourse becomeobjectsof desire arousal,ratherthantheir intended function of suckling the young. In either case there is an unnatural redistribution of the vital body's activities. The bodybecomesstuckwiththe obsessionofthemind,withunnecessaryand harmful desires,and the groundwork formorbidity is laid. Homoeopathic cure is effected by arousing the body's vital force, so that symptoms are manifested and treated from time present towards time past, from above to below, and from the centre towards the periphery. Thus in the treatment of cancer, whichisthe final physicalmanifestationof thesubtlerrealms, wetreat thephysicalsymptomswithlowpotencyremedies.We must wait forphysicalchanges tooccur, for the unique symptomsof disease to appear before we can tackle the higher realms with higher potencies. We must prompt the individual up out of the physical state of inertia, help him to clear his house oftheareasofchaos andunrulyproliferationoftissueswhichthreatento usurphislife. Wemust also helpthebody'seliminative system to copewiththe toxicoverload, and give remedies tocleansetheblood,advise uponapurifying,vegetariandiet, free of the salts of sodium, etc., etc. To sum up, we have said that cancerous tissue is born ofthe cells ofhighlyintegrated structuresthat,having harbouredtraumaorunnaturalhabits,have gone primitive,regressed into the state of their embryological past. Shock produces a state ofethericstasisinwhichthebodycanno longerhealitself. Morbidityresults in the shuttingdownofwholeareasofnatural protection, so that cellular anarchy may result. Obsessive thoughtsfind their physicalcounterpart inovergrowth, overproductionandrecurrentconditions. Addto this Sycosis the Syphilitic colouring of self destructiveness, and the cancerous diathesis isborn.Weuselowpotenciestopromoteclearing anddisintoxication, to freeup the conditionsofphysical and etheric stasis, and to tone up the organs. High potencies are used to release theauricandemotional levels, and the highestpotenciesto redirecttheflowof astral energies, toreach uptowardsthe causal realm of desire. From The Homeopath Vol.1, No.4, Summer 198