Design Standards-Newark Specifics
Design Standards-Newark Specifics
Design Standards-Newark Specifics
This manual has been developed as a guideline for Architects and Engineers, as well as anyone
who is commissioned to design, renovate and otherwise alter buildings and related facilities for
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. It has been prepared in order to clarify those
procedures and standards that the University has found to be most workable, to indicate Rutgers’
preferences on certain materials used in construction of their facilities, and to answer the
miscellaneous questions that arise on many building projects. It both supplements and
complements the requirements of the Owner-Architect Agreement, and should be considered
as a fundamental part of the Program provided for each individual project.
Whenever the term “Architect” is used, it shall apply equally to “Engineer and
Architect/Engineer (A/E).” Many of the recipients of this manual will have performed work
previously for Rutgers. We beg their indulgence in suffering through a great deal say
“Welcome”, and express our hope that the material contained herein will greatly simplify their
This manual contains both recommendations and mandatory provisions. Mandatory provisions
are distinguished by the words “shall” or “must”. However, except for those items which must
comply with legal requirements, local codes, etc., nothing in this manual is intended to be so
final that variation there from will not be considered and approved if it is in the best interest of
the University to do so. It is the responsibility of Architects and Engineers to produce the best
life cycle cost building possible, within constraints of budget, and the University does not wish
to handicap their efforts by insistence on blind adherence to inflexible requirements. However,
intended variations must be brought to the attention of the University for specific written
approval. Otherwise, Architects and Engineers will be held responsible for any additional costs
resulting from failure to comply with the mandatory requirements of this manual.
A sincere attempt has been made to establish performance rather than specification standards
wherever this has been practical. The manual is not intended to be a “master specification” and
therefore, in most cases, the language in this manual will need modification before it is included
in the Project Specifications.
The temptation to underline words or phrases for emphasis has been resisted. In a guideline of
this type some items must be more important than others, but all, we believe, are noteworthy.
The basic philosophy has been to include only those details and procedures that will make a
complex and delicately meshed operation simpler and more productive. The ideas contained
herein will be helpful, but these are only the raw material from which the imagination and skill
of Architects and Engineers will create buildings that can make a significant contribution to the
fulfillment of the University’s objectives. Initiative, resourcefulness, and creative ingenuity
cannot be prescribed between the covers of a book.
The text of the manual is arranged in four Parts as indicated below. Although there will, of
necessity, be some overlapping of information between Parts, this arrangement provides the most
logical organization of subject matter.
Part I -
Define the administrative procedures, which Architects and Engineers must follow in working
with the University. It is anticipated that this statement of procedures will establish a smooth
operating relationship throughout the entire planning and construction process.
Part II -
Outlines the format, which should be used in assembling the project manual.
Part III -
Part IV -
Establishes standard details. These details are typical standards established by the University
and are included to assist Architects and Engineers in preparing Drawings that are acceptable and
uniform for all projects.
Table Of Contents
PREFACE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
B. Invoices: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11
C. Drawing Standards:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------12
1. GENERAL: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12
2. SIZE AND MATERIAL: -----------------------------------------------------------------------12
3. TITLE BLOCKS: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------13
4. DRAWING TITLE: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------13
5. DRAWING NUMBER: -------------------------------------------------------------------------13
6. DRAWING STANDARDIZATION PROCEDURES: -------------------------------------14
7. NEW DRAWING RELEASE PROCEDURE: ----------------------------------------------16
8. MISCELLANEOUS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------17
9. TITLE SHEET: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------17
10. ROOM NUMBERING ON FLOOR PLANS: -----------------------------------------------18
7. BIDDING DOCUMENT DISTRIBUTION: -------------------------------------------------24
8. ADDENDA: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------24
1. EXTERIOR COLORS:--------------------------------------------------------------------------25
2. INTERIOR COLORS: --------------------------------------------------------------------------25
DIVISION 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------33
GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: ---------------------------------------------------------------------33
A. SPECIAL PROCEDURES ------------------------------------------------------------------33
B. TEMPORARY FACILITIES----------------------------------------------------------------33
C. SCHEDULE OF VALUES ------------------------------------------------------------------33
D. QUALITY CONTROL-----------------------------------------------------------------------34
02050 BUILDING DEMOLITION--------------------------------------------------------------37
02060 UNDERGROUND TANK REMOVAL ------------------------------------------------37
02070 SELECTIVE DEMOLITION OF ROOFING------------------------------------------38
A. Design Considerations---------------------------------------------------------------------38
B. Special Documentation Requirements --------------------------------------------------38
A. Design Consideration----------------------------------------------------------------------39
B. Special Documentation Requirements --------------------------------------------------39
ROOFING MATERIAL ---------------------------------------------------------------------------39
A. Design Consideration----------------------------------------------------------------------39
B. Special Documentation Requirements --------------------------------------------------39
ENCROACHMENT PERMIT --------------------------------------------------------------------40
A. Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plan ------------------------------------------------40
B. Storm Water --------------------------------------------------------------------------------40
02100 SITE PREPARATION --------------------------------------------------------------------40
02200 EARTHWORK-----------------------------------------------------------------------------42
02420 STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEMS -------------------------------------------------------42
02440 UNDERGROUND LAWN IRRIGATION SYSTEM --------------------------------43
02457 BICYCLE RACKS ------------------------------------------------------------------------43
02470 BENCHES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------43
02475 WASTE RECEPTACLES ----------------------------------------------------------------44
02513 HOT MIX ASPHALT PAVING---------------------------------------------------------44
02515 CONCRETE SIDEWALKS --------------------------------------------------------------45
02525 GRANITE CURBS ------------------------------------------------------------------------45
02528 CONCRETE CURBS ---------------------------------------------------------------------45
02831 CHAIN LINK FENCES AND GATES -------------------------------------------------46
02900 LANDSCAPING---------------------------------------------------------------------------46
02930 LAWNS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------48
DIVISION 5 - METALS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------55
GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: ---------------------------------------------------------------------55
05100 STRUCTURAL METAL FRAMING---------------------------------------------------55
05300 METAL DECKING -----------------------------------------------------------------------55
05500 METAL FABRICATIONS ---------------------------------------------------------------55
05520 HANDRAILS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------55
08651 SECURITY SCREENS -------------------------------------------------------------------73
08700 HARDWARE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------74
08725 CARD ACCESS CONTROL SYSTEM ------------------------------------------------77
DIVISION 10 - SPECIALTIES-----------------------------------------------------------------------82
GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: ---------------------------------------------------------------------82
10160 TOILET PARTITIONS -------------------------------------------------------------------82
10440 SIGNAGE-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------82
10800 TOILET ACCESSORIES-----------------------------------------------------------------82
DIVISION 12 - FURNISHINGS----------------------------------------------------------------------89
GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: ---------------------------------------------------------------------89
12345 LABORATORY FURNITURE----------------------------------------------------------89
12510 WINDOW BLINDS -----------------------------------------------------------------------90
12675 ENTRANCE MATS-----------------------------------------------------------------------90
15125 EXPANSION COMPENSATION----------------------------------------------------- 104
15135 METERS AND GAGES ---------------------------------------------------------------- 104
15140 SUPPORTS AND ANCHORS--------------------------------------------------------- 104
15190 MECHANICAL IDENTIFICATION ------------------------------------------------- 104
15250 MECHANICAL INSULATION ------------------------------------------------------- 105
15260 SECONDARY HEATING SYSTEMS (UNDERGROUND) --------------------- 105
15270 CHILLED WATER SYSTEMS (UNDERGROUND)------------------------------ 105
15300 FIRE PROTECTION -------------------------------------------------------------------- 105
15350 DOMESTIC WATER AND FIRE WATER SYSTEMS --------------------------- 109
15411 WATER DISTRIBUTION PIPING --------------------------------------------------- 110
15420 DRAINAGE AND VENT SYSTEMS ------------------------------------------------ 111
15440 PLUMBING FIXTURES --------------------------------------------------------------- 111
15458 WATER HEATERS --------------------------------------------------------------------- 112
15483 FUEL OIL SYSTEMS ------------------------------------------------------------------ 112
15488 NATURAL GAS SYSTEMS----------------------------------------------------------- 113
15501 HEATING BOILERS & ACCESSORIES-------------------------------------------- 113
15510 HYDRONIC PIPING-------------------------------------------------------------------- 113
15520 STEAM AND CONDENSATE PIPING --------------------------------------------- 114
15530 HVAC PUMPS--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 115
15556 CAST-IRON & HIGH EFFICIENCY BOILERS ----------------------------------- 116
15557 SCOTCH MARINE BOILERS -------------------------------------------------------- 116
15558 ELECTRIC BOILERS ------------------------------------------------------------------ 116
15570 BOILER ACCESSORIES -------------------------------------------------------------- 117
15575 BREECHINGS, CHIMNEY AND STACKS ---------------------------------------- 117
15580 FEEDWATER EQUIPMENT---------------------------------------------------------- 117
15620 FUEL-FIRED HEATERS -------------------------------------------------------------- 117
15670 CONDENSING UNITS----------------------------------------------------------------- 117
15683 RECIPROCATING CHILLERS------------------------------------------------------- 117
15685 CENTRIFUGAL CHILLERS - WATER COOLED -------------------------------- 118
15711 COOLING TOWERS ------------------------------------------------------------------- 118
15743 AIR-COOLED CONDENSERS ------------------------------------------------------- 119
15755 HEAT EXCHANGERS ----------------------------------------------------------------- 119
15781 PACKAGED HEATING AND COOLING UNITS -------------------------------- 120
15782 ROOFTOP HEATING AND COOLING UNITS ----------------------------------- 120
15786 WATER-SOURCE HEAT PUMPS --------------------------------------------------- 121
15830 TERMINAL UNITS--------------------------------------------------------------------- 121
15855 AIR HANDLING UNITS--------------------------------------------------------------- 121
15860 CENTRIFUGAL FANS----------------------------------------------------------------- 121
15861 WINDOW AIR CONDITIONERS ---------------------------------------------------- 122
15885 AIR CLEANING------------------------------------------------------------------------- 122
15890 DUCTWORK ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 123
A. Fume Hood Duct Design and Construction------------------------------------------- 123
15980 AUTOMATIC TEMPERATURE CONTROLS ------------------------------------- 124
15990 TESTING, ADJUSTING & BALANCING ------------------------------------------ 125
15995 COMMISSIONING OF HVAC SYSTEMS ----------------------------------------- 126
16000 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ----------------------------------------------------------- 127
16110 CONDUIT AND TUBING SYSTEMS ----------------------------------------------- 127
16115 ELECTRICAL SERVICE AND UNDERGROUND RUNS----------------------- 129
1612 WIRE AND CABLE --------------------------------------------------------------------- 131
A. Secondary Distribution: ----------------------------------------------------------------- 131
B. Primary Distribution: -------------------------------------------------------------------- 132
1614 WIRING DEVICES ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 133
16300 UNIT SUBSTATIONS------------------------------------------------------------------ 134
1639 GROUNDING SYSTEM ---------------------------------------------------------------- 136
16480 MOTOR STARTERS AND MOTOR CONTROL CENTERS-------------------- 140
16500 LIGHTING ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 143
A. Lighting Levels: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 143
B. Interior Lighting: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 143
C. Exterior Lighting: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 144
D. Lighting Control:------------------------------------------------------------------------- 145
16600 SPECIAL SYSTEMS ------------------------------------------------------------------- 146
A. Telecommunications Service Entrance:----------------------------------------------- 147
B. Telecommunications Closet: ----------------------------------------------------------- 148
C. Cabling: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 149
D. Telecommunications Grounding, Bonding and Electrical Protection: ------------ 150
16720 FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS-------------------------------------------------------------- 150
A. Intent: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 150
B. Products: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 151
C. General: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 151
D. Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP): ---------------------------------------------------- 152
E. Power Requirements: -------------------------------------------------------------------- 152
F. Addressable Device Types: ------------------------------------------------------------- 153
G. Addressable Detector Bases: ----------------------------------------------------------- 153
H. Photoelectric Detector Head: ----------------------------------------------------------- 153
I. Addressable Thermal Detector Head: ------------------------------------------------- 154
J. Addressable Pull Stations: -------------------------------------------------------------- 154
K. Addressable Photoelectric Duct Detector: -------------------------------------------- 154
L. Audio/Visual Alarm Indicating Appliances: ----------------------------------------- 155
M. Carbon Monoxide Detector: ------------------------------------------------------------ 155
N. Roll Down Fire Doors: ------------------------------------------------------------------ 156
O. Magnetic Door Holders: ---------------------------------------------------------------- 156
P. Walk Test Program: --------------------------------------------------------------------- 156
Q. Elevator Recall/Shunting:--------------------------------------------------------------- 156
R. Communication:-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 157
S. Fire Alarm Wiring: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 157
1692 ENERGY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS ---------------------------------------------- 158
PART V - ATTACHMENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------160
The A/E will be working primarily with the Project Manager from the Rutgers Newark
Physical Plant Organization. All input and coordination shall be through the Project
Manager. In Part IV, Sketch SK-25N shows the organization.
At award of the Construction contract the Project Manager still has overall responsibility
for the project.
Terms such as “Rutgers" or “the University" used in these Guideline Standards refer to
the Newark Physical Plant Project Manager, especially when approval, permission or
consultation is noted.
No deduction shall be made from the A/E fee for any penalty or liquidated damages
charged to any Contractor. No additional compensation shall be made for preparation of
Alternates, unless the Owner prior to execution of the work approves such additional
compensation in writing.
B. Invoices:
1. Shall be numbered and include the Rutgers Project Name, Rutgers Account
Number, current construction budget, fee rate (if applicable).
project shall be listed (i.e. pre-design, schematic design, design development,
construction documents, bidding / negotiation, construction administration).
3. On each invoice show a separate line indicating amount due for that invoice.
4. All back up with the invoice shall be attached, including any reimbursable
expense documentation.
5. The A/E cannot proceed on change orders without the written authorization from
the University. Change orders cannot be billed without such authorization.
All change orders shall be sequentially numbered. The revised contract amount
shall be shown on the invoice along with the original contract amount and the
previous contract amount if more than one change order. Invoices shall follow
the same format as previously described.
C. Drawing Standards:
a. The A/E shall be responsible for preparation of the bid set of drawings;
these shall be on mylar. The bid set shall be produced per the Size and
Materials section below. The Contractor shall produce “record drawings”
which shall be marked up “blue-lines” showing deviations from the plans
and specifications due to field conditions and construction modifications.
The A/E shall take the record drawings and produce the As-Built drawings
on mylar with a CAD file.
b. All drawings shall be oriented in the same way; i.e. north arrow (as close
to true north) pointed to the top of the page for all plans and site drawings.
c. All floor plans shall be in the same scale to each other. All site plans shall
be prepared in the same scale to each other.
24" x 36"
30" x 42"
b. No font shall be less than 1/8”. In addition, all documentation produced
on CAD must be transmitted to the University on a disc in AutoCAD
release 13 or later.
The A/E may use his / her standard title block provided it contains the following
minimum information:
The A/E title block and name of project shall be in a vertical format down the
right-hand side of the drawing, or blocks in the lower right-hand corner are
A revision block indicating number and date of revisions. Block shall include at
least 6 lines for revisions.
Project Name shall match the title of the project on the project budget analysis
sheet (PBA).
Building Number.
Approval block for the signature of the University Architect to approve the
The A/E shall ask the Project Manager for the building number. This number
shall be on all drawings. Use "T" for title drawings, "SP" for sitework, "A" for
architectural, "FS" for food service, "FL" for interior design or furniture layout,
"LF" for laboratory furniture, "S" for structural, "P" for plumbing, "HVAC" for
heating, ventilating, and air conditioning, "M" for mechanical, if plumbing and
HVAC are combined, "FP" for fire protection drawings, "E" for electrical
drawings, and “ME” for mechanical and electrical combined.
The University has a drawing numbering system that must be adhered to and used
on all drawings. At the completion of a project by the A/E, a disc with each
drawing title and corresponding number shall be transmitted to the University.
1) A sample significant building dwg. file number will look like this:
BSH3573A0001= BSH 3573 A 0001, which consists
of the Campus, Building Number, Drawing type (Arch), and
Sequence No. respectively.
2) A sample significant utility dwg. file number will look like this:
BSHUA0001= BSH U A 0001, which consists of the
Campus, Drawing Type (Utility), and the Sequence No.
2) Assign new file no. to revised dwg. and also record this no. on the
superseded file copy. This will cross reference the two (2)
drawings and render the previous issue (on the superseded dwg.)
3) Make the change to the original file dwg. and indicate the revision
description in the revision block area.
4) The revision issue column in the revision block area will utilize the
alphabet (circumscribed by a triangle) to identify each revision
a. All fields in the title block area of the dwg. are to be completed and a
comprehensive description of the project and dwg. title is mandatory for
documentation and future reference.
c. The issue column in the change block area will display a dash line (-) for
original issues i.e. issued for bids, addenda no. with date, etc. The first
official revision to the drawing will display A see drawing procedure 3
d. The revision block area of the dwg. (above the title block) must indicate
the reason for the issue, i.e. “Issued for Bids,” - “Issued for Addenda” etc.
e. In the event that a new dwg. is created from information extracted and
modified from any file dwg, a cross-reference notation in the changed area
of the file dwg. is to be made to reference the new dwg. This will up date
and highlight the change area of the file dwg. for future reference.
g. For University generated drawings not to be released at time of
completion and kept on hold, it is to be stored in the preliminary dwg. file
cabinet in the appropriate campus area drawer. At this time the project log
is to be updated in the remarks column with the reason for the hold.
a. All outside services drawings (special projects, as-built, etc.) from outside
Architects and Contractors are to be turned over to the Technical Services
File Management Department. The A/E and Contractors shall place a
document retrieval numbering system on the documents. This numbering
system shall be in place prior to shop submittals. A disc with the
appropriate titles and files shall be transmitted to the University at the
conclusion of the project.
A title sheet shall be included on all projects with more than 5 drawings. For sets
of five sheets or less, indicate sheet numbers (for instance sheet 1 of 5). After the
title sheet is developed the A/E shall consult with the Project Manager and the
Manager of Technical Services to assign a block of numbers to the project. The
title sheet shall include the following minimum information (see SK-15):
Name, address and phone number, fax number, email address of the A/E and any
consultants used on the project
Index of all drawings included in the Contract Documents, this should include the
Rutgers drawing sequence number.
Location map indicating the location of the project on the particular campus or
within the town it is located. Campus maps are available from the Manager of
Technical Services.
The Rutgers standard title block (See Part IV with standard details).
With over 800 buildings, in 1970 Rutgers adopted a standard method of handling
room numbers which should be adopted from the earliest possible point in the
design process and carried throughout to completion. The A/E shall use the
Rutgers Room Numbering System on all drawings. At design development
completion, the A/E will work with the Project Manager to develop room
numbers consistent with the University system. Consistent room numbering will
facilitate matters for numerous organizations including Scheduling and Space
Management, Inventory Control, Fire and Emergency Services, and the Facilities
Maintenance Services concerned with the Construction Process. Nothing can be
more confusing in the latter stages of construction as two (or more) room number
plans. Therefore, the following procedure shall be followed by all A/E's:
Corridor: A space normally used for pedestrian traffic, at least 5 feet wide and
enclosed by solid walls.
Room: A clearly defined space not normally used for through traffic and
enclosed by solid walls.
First Floor: The lowest floor of any building, which is, at least 50% above
surrounding grade.
Lobby: A space used for traffic that is a point for ingress or egress to a building
or floor from upper or lower floors.
In general, room numbers will consist of three digits with the first digit
designating the floor. Basement rooms will use a zero (0) as the first digit. If
there are floors below the basement the room numbers should be developed on a
special basis with the appropriate Newark Physical Plant Personnel.
In general, all floors of the building should have similar patterns. Numbering
patterns should begin at the end of the corridor nearest the main entrance or
lobby. Even numbers should apply to rooms on the right side of the corridor and
odd numbers to rooms on the left, moving away from the entrance. Numbers
should be in direct sequence, and only one number should be applied to one room
regardless of the number of doors to that room off the corridor. Rooms, which
have no direct entrance from a corridor, should be designated by adding a letter
after the number of the room through which they are entered from the Corridor
(101A). If they can be entered through more than one room, the number of the
room most frequently used to gain access should be used
While this system is quite sensible, its basic premise assumes a fairly simple floor
plan, a situation that seldom occurs in actual practice. Most new buildings have
complicated floor plans designed to suit a specific purpose without consideration
for creation of any rigid geometric order, and numerous alterations and additions
to older buildings often wreak havoc on established room numbering. However,
it is possible to establish a fairly reasonable room numbering plan for virtually
any building, provided that the basic rules are applied and tempered with common
sense and judgment. It is essential that the numbering system for new buildings
or renovated buildings be developed by someone thoroughly familiar with the
system and the University.
Once the basic floor plan is established, prints shall be submitted to the Associate
Director for Projects for Newark Physical Plant where the appropriate room
numbering system will be marked on the prints. Room numbers will be indicated
with a rectangle drawn around each number. The marked prints will be returned
to the A/E with instructions to adhere to the established room numbers on all
subsequent submissions. Inevitable changes arising during the design process, as
they affect room numbering, will be cleared with the Newark Physical Plant.
Doors should be numbered with a system, which reflects the room number to
which the door allows access. For example, the door to room 104 should be
labeled "104/1" or "104/A" or similar system.
After the final plans are approved, the A/E shall prepare a separate room
numbering plan, drawn to a scale of 1" = 20' on 17" x 22" mylar transparency
showing all rooms and spaces, with numbers as indicated above, and names. This
drawing shall also be transmitted to the University in CAD format on a computer
disc. All CAD files must be AutoCAD release 12 or higher. Drawing shall be
accurate enough to show such things as distinctions in thickness of major walls
and interior partitions. Plan shall also show all entrances and exits, stairways,
elevators, service areas and major architectural features, such as window walls,
plazas, ramps and loading docks. Dimensions need not be shown, and details not
pertinent of the general layout should be omitted.
D. Specification Standards:
A/Es are cautioned that computerized specifications must be heavily edited to suit
the requirements for the specific project. It is recommended that an experienced
dedicated specifications writer be employed to write specifications on Rutgers
Specifications should be coordinated so that issues are addressed only once. For
instance, the engineering specifications should not reiterate the number of shop
drawings needed, or mention additions to the Bid Form. These problems often
arise when the Architect uses consulting engineers. The Architect is responsible
to review the engineers' specifications and coordinate such items. Make sure that
specifications from consultants are submitted to the Architect in enough time to
perform this review.
Use CSI or MasterSpec 3-part format for all specifications. Format should be
consistent throughout the entire specification.
Section Number and Title should be boldly indicated at top of first page of
Section. The first Section of each Division should also indicate the Division
name and title.
Each Section should end with "END OF SECTION" to indicate that this is the last
page of the Section. Each page of the Section should have the Section number
and page number (sequentially numbered) centered at the bottom of the page.
Reason: In printing process it is possible to misplace a page or get pages in
wrong order. The Contractor can easily determine that he has all proper pages by
checking the sequential numbers and will know he has the last page with the
"END OF SECTION" indication. All pages of the specification are to be
sequentially numbered from page 1 to the end of the Division 16. This must be
performed just prior to printing when the entire specification is complete and is
most easily accomplished by using one of the large type numbering machines.
The A/E is responsible to insure that all specifications are proofread. The
omission of simple words as "not" will completely change the meaning of a
sentence. Also, in the proofreading process, additional thoughts or changes in
text are often caught and can be corrected.
b. The note "by others" or Not in Contract (NIC). If this is the case, name
the specific contractor or agent to provide the item.
e. "Is", "are", or "will be". Use the word "shall", or put in imperative mood.
This is particularly a problem when copying specifications provided by
manufacturers, which is used as a sales tool. Remove text, which
indicates the advantages for using this product, or other text designed to
sell you on its use rather than indicate the nature of the material or its
proper installation.
E. Estimating Standards:
All estimates shall be based upon Means Estimating handbooks, latest edition. Estimates
shall be detailed enough to fully identify all portions of the work. Estimates should also
identify critical long lead items. The estimate should be done in Construction
Specifications Institute (CSI) format.
The A/E shall prepare estimates at completion of pre-design, schematic design, design
development, 50%, 90% and 100% design completion unless the Owner Architects
Agreement states otherwise. It is the A/E’s responsibility to insure budget compliance
during design and to do estimates as necessary to meet budget fit.
All area and volume calculations shall strictly adhere to the AIA Document D101
"Methods of Calculating Areas and Volumes of Buildings", latest edition.
All Rutgers projects are submitted to the Department of Community Affairs for
code review. Exact procedures will be provided when projects reach the review
All Rutgers' building projects shall conform with the New Jersey Uniform
Construction Code including the following:
Fire Protection and Sub Code (portions of the BOCA Basic Building Code and
National Electrical Code as indicated in the N.J. Uniform Construction Code)
Food Service Equipment shall comply with the National Sanitation Foundation
Gas equipment and work shall comply with Fire Underwriters and Local
Additional standards of Factory Mutual shall be used as mentioned elsewhere in
this manual.
Fire safety and evacuation instructions should be placed in all dormitory and all
high-rise buildings. SK-13 is a sample that can be covered with clear plexiglass.
The A/E shall check with the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs to
determine the latest adopted dates of the above codes. A listing of the codes used
for design of the project, with dates, shall be included in the Supplementary
Conditions of the Specifications.
Building Permits are acquired by Rutgers. The A/E shall provide all data required
and fill in forms for application for building permit. The A/E shall be responsible
for follow-up correspondence directly with the DCA as necessary in order to
obtain permits.
The University must follow Factory Mutual standards. Major projects, roofs,
underground storage tanks, sprinklers, etc. are reviewed by FM. The Project
Manager is responsible for coordination with FM. However, as with building
permits above, the A/E is responsible for follow-up correspondence.
H. Bidding Procedures:
The A/E shall prepare a one-page statement of work briefly describing the project.
Bid forms are included in the Project Manual. The Bidders are to submit their
bids in duplicate. The Bid forms will be provided to the A/E with the exception of
the pricing sheet for the Alternates. It shall be the A/E 's responsibility to develop
this page.
Rutgers prefers add alternates. Alternates should be limited to no more than four.
When providing estimates at the various stages of the project, the A/E must
separate the estimate into the base bid and line items for each of the alternates.
The A/E shall provide the University with the number of calendar days required
for construction completion.
The A/E shall provide the University with a list of Contractors for bidding the
I. Color Selections:
Significant exterior colors such as brick, mortar, window and curtainwall frame
and window colors, etc. shall be established early in the construction stages.
These colors shall be reviewed and approved by the University Architect. A
mock-up panel shall be made by the Contractor in order to approve final colors
and workmanship. See requirements for mock-up panel in Part III-Division
04200, paragraph 5.
The Interior Design Consultant or Architect will select Color of interior finishes
early during construction. The A/E shall obtain submissions from the Contractor
on all manufacturers and products that the Contractor intends to use on the
project. Using the standard or special colors from these manufacturers, the
Interior Design Consultant or the A/E shall prepare a color board indicating the
various spaces and the color schemes for each space or series of spaces. These
color boards shall be submitted to Rutgers Project Manager for review and
approval at the point early in the construction process and no later than the date
that structural elements of the building are 50% complete. Upon approval of the
colors, the A/E shall develop a detailed listing for the Contractor indicating the
colors selected for each material and location on the project.
The A/E shall carefully monitor submissions from the Contractor, especially on
those items requiring color selection and shall remind the Contractor of any
submissions not made which may hold up the color selection. The A/E is
encouraged to include in the Specifications clear instructions to the Contractor to
make this process as painless as possible.
b. The A/E prepares the bulletin and issues it to the Contractor with a copy to
the Project Manager.
c. The Contractor will submit the proposal to the A/E and the Project
d. The Project Manager and the A/E shall review the cost proposal and any
extension of time requested. Any comments or deficiencies will be
reviewed with the Contractor if agreement cannot be reached with regard
to cost and time impact separate change orders may be issued for each.
e. When an acceptable cost and/or time extension has been reached, the A/E
will be directed to issue five (5) copies of the Change Order to the
f. After the Contractor has signed all five copies of the Change Order, it
should be forwarded to the Project Manager for signature by the Director
of Newark Physical Plant and the Project Manager.
g. The Director will route the Change Order through and when the
appropriate signatures have been attained, the Change Order will be
forwarded to Accounting for final processing, one copy to the Contractor,
and A/E.
h. The Contractor may not bill for the Change Order until an executed copy
of the Change Order has been received.
The official Rutgers "Scarlet" color is represented by Con-Lux Coatings, Inc. Enamelite
508, Fire Red/Steel-Guard 8508, Accent Red and Dupont Imron #8554, Flame Red.
Although this is the official "Scarlet" color, it is not intended to indicate a standard paint
manufacturer. Many other paint and coating manufacturers can match this color.
L. Construction Photographs:
M. Health-Safety Requirements:
Rooms designed for a capacity of more than forty-eight (48) students must have
two separate exit doors.
Egress from a low hazard area (office, conference room) may not be through an
area of higher hazard (laboratory, shop, many art studios, darkroom, etc.). Where
possible, the office area should have at least one exit directly into a corridor.
Office space and/or a break area where workers can eat or drink must be located
conveniently and sufficiently close to, but not in, laboratories, shops, art studios,
Decontamination facilities, such as sinks for hand washing and storage of clean
clothes, should be designed into each laboratory, shop, studio or other such space.
These facilities should be located close to the exits to less hazardous areas.
The most hazardous operations areas, such as fume hoods or chemical storage
areas must be located away from exits.
Darkrooms where wet chemicals are used must be furnished with local exhaust
ventilation to control airborne levels of photographic process chemicals. This
shall be in the form of a flanged slotted plenum running the length of and behind
the work area where chemicals are used. A capture velocity of 50 linear feet per
minute (LFM) must be provided at the front edge of the work area. The required
exhaust flow rate to produce this capture velocity shall be calculated by the
following formula:
Q = 2.6 LVX
Q = Volumetric flow rate in cubic feet per minute (CFM)
L = Length of work area, in feet
V = Desired capture velocity (in this case, 50 LFM)
X = Distance from slot to front of work area, in feet
Once the required flow rate is determined, the slot width shall be sized to provide
a slot velocity of approximately 2000 feet per minute. The plenum shall be sized
to provide a plenum velocity of approximately half the slot velocity. (Taken from
the ACGIH Industrial Ventilation Manual, 22nd Edition.)
Lounge and eating areas must be provided in all wet laboratory, shop and studio
buildings. There should be sufficient areas convenient to all laboratories to
discourage eating and drinking in and continuous occupancy of, potentially
hazardous work areas.
1. Natural Surveillance
Maximize visibility with strategic placement of architecture and physical
3. Territorial Reinforcement:
Place architecture, fencing, landscaping, lighting, etc. in order to declare property
4. Maintenance:
Maintain landscaping, buildings, lighting, etc. in order to maintain visibility,
preserve pride in ownership and continue declaration of ownership.
Eric W. Shoemaker, “Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design,” June 1996
O. Barrier Free Design:
All designs for new construction and renovations to existing facilities shall be designed
and constructed in such a manner that the new or renovated facility is readily accessible
to and usable by individuals with disabilities consistent with all applicable state and
federal mandates. Specifically, design and construction shall be done in compliance with
the following:
1. The American with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) including without limitation,
the specifications set forth in the ADA Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG);
2. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (“Section 504”) and supporting
regulations thereto;
Beyond mere compliance, every design component should be examined for its impact on
persons with disabilities and adjusted to achieve the optimum balance between user
requirements and convenient access to individuals with disabilities. At an appropriate
time in the design phase of the project, there shall be a consultation with the University
ADA Compliance Officer, or other designated University official, to review the project
design with reference to applicable federal and state standards.
P. Mail Rooms:
All new buildings, as well as significant renovations to existing buildings, shall include a
mail drop off and pick up. The Architect/Engineer of record shall assist the users to
consider and program the delivery and dispersal of mail. Minimum requirements include
mailboxes, drop-off station, and out-going pick-up for Campus, USPS, and expedited
All new buildings as well as significant renovations to existing buildings shall include the
following custodial requirements:
Minimum of one janitor’s closet per floor of 48 square feet each, having one floor-
installed slop sink, one wall mounted sink, (2) duplex GFI receptacle outlets, and
shelving on walls: minimum of (5) shelves of dimension 36”l x 12”w x ¾” d spaced 18”
apart on heavy-duty brackets and standards. In addition each room needs to have an
additional hot and cold water hose bib that is wall mounted. At the Newark Campus we
have University supplied cleaning chemical dispensing machines that need to be wall
mounted. These dispensing machines are connected to wall mounted hose bib via rubber
R. Sustainable Design Policy Statement:
Rutgers University encourages the use of sustainable design principles in all of our
projects, both new construction and renovation. We will endeavor to make design and
project decisions based on sustainable principles that advance the well being of our
community, and improve the human condition for this and future generations of students,
faculty and staff.
Sustainable design strives to improve the human condition of our students, community,
state and nation through the prudent use of our resources, both natural and fiscal. Site
selection, energy efficiency, energy conservation, indoor air quality, and waste recycling
shall be reviewed thoughtfully for each project with consideration of the university
resources required.
1. The Newark Physical Plant Department has a draft set of General Conditions
(GC’s). It should be noted that these are periodically revised. The Architect /
Engineer (A/E) may review to become familiar with the terms and conditions of
the Construction contract. This will hopefully prevent conflicts between the
A/E’s technical specifications and the GC’s. Please note that when conflicts do
occur, the GC’s and Special Conditions (SC’s) take precedence over the technical
specifications. The Rutgers’ GC’s are NOT to be edited or altered in any way by
the A/E.
2. See Newark Project Manager for a copy of the Special Conditions Library. These
Special Conditions are to be edited by the A/E and augmented as necessary. The
SC’s take precedence over the GC’s when conflicts occur between the two
Sections. The SC’s cover most of the items in Division 1. A/E’s shall coordinate
the use of Division I Specifications sections with the University General
Conditions and Special Conditions. The Project Manager shall review and
approve these sections prior to final printing. If Division 1 is used, these sections
do not take precedence over the GC’s and SC’s.
4. As part of the bidding process, at 90% Design Document completion, the A/E
shall be responsible for the 90% cost estimate, and the Soil Erosion and Sediment
Control permit. At 100% Design Document Completion, the A/E shall have
obtained the DCA release of plans and specifications, list of no more than four
add-alternates, a one page statement of the work, list of owner-furnished
equipment and items for “Not in Contract” and the A/E’s 100% cost estimate. The
A/E’s estimates must be done in the CSI format.
5. Just prior to printing the final specifications for bidding, the A/E is to schedule a
meeting with the Senior Purchasing agent located in the Newark Plant offices to
receive instructions on inserting the most recent set of Instructions to Bidders
(IB), Contract Forms, and General Conditions into the documents. The A/E shall
be required to have a statement of work (limited to one page), a form for pricing
the alternates, and the number of consecutive calendar days to be given to
construct the project. The A/E is not to make any changes to the Newark Physical
Plant’s standard boilerplate and General Conditions. The A/E shall provide the
University with a list of acceptable contractors.
7. For final printing, specifications must be printed double sided. Each new Section
or Division should start on the right hand side of the book
The front and back covers to the specifications shall be 60 lb. weight or heavier
with three holes punched in the left-hand side and bound with aluminum screw
1. Require that the General Contractor engage the services of a New Jersey licensed
land surveyor to locate and record all underground utilities installed as part of
each contract. Survey shall show exact route of each utility invert or depth of
cover and connection points to existing utilities. Identify, locate and dimension
off of above-ground permanent improvements all manholes, catch basins, valve
boxes or other structures.
1. Require the Contractor to construct a 6’ high chain-link fence around the entire
construction area. Specify the Contractor is responsible to erect, maintain and,
upon direction by the A/E, remove the fence and restore the area to its original
condition. All temporary facilities shall be included in the Special Conditions.
(See also part II, Page 1, Paragraph A).
2. The Contractor will normally not be responsible for water and sewage charges,
unless there are some atypically large requirements for water.
1. The Project Manual shall include a written list of the minimum required line items
to be included on the Schedule of Values submitted by the contractor. Separate
lines shall be provided for labor and materials associated with significant portions
of the work. For large and/or multi-trade project, it is preferable to have the list
separated by Project Manual Section and CSI division headings. For small,
primarily single-trade projects, a single listing may be sufficient. A sample
section 01028, Schedule of Values, for a small, primarily single-trade project is
provided in Part IV of this Manual.
For all projects involving roof top work, other than roof system installations,
replacement or repair (i.e. mechanical equipment installations/modifications) or
when projects involve “staging” on existing insulated low-slope roofs, the Project
Manual shall incorporate all requirements of the sample Section 01400 provided
in Part IV of this Manual, pertaining to infrared and alternate roof moisture
A. The A/E shall coordinate all site-work with the University Architect and Project Manager
to the limits of the project including landscape design and construction outside of the
building line to the limits of the project. Landscaping can include regarding, top soiling,
seeding or sodding, plantings, irrigation lighting, site furniture and above ground site
improvements of all types and other site work as required.
C. See Sidewalk Detail in Part IV, the Standard Details Section of this Manual for size and
scoring pattern. Only concrete or pavers are acceptable for pedestrian sidewalks.
D. Bollards shall be installed wherever the need exists to prevent non-university vehicles
from entering authorized areas or to prevent vehicular traffic onto sidewalks. Bollards
shall be per the Bollard Detail in Part IV, the Standard Details Section of this Manual.
E. A Mowing Edge shall be installed at all trees (by Landscaping Installer) and around
perimeter of the Building (by General Contractor) per the Mowing Edge Detail in Part
IV, the Standard Details Section of this Manual.
F. Fencing shall be per section 02831 in this division shall be placed around all climbing
hazards such as cooling towers.
A. Early in the design process, the University will provide site surveys to the A/E. Surveys
will be prepared by a licensed surveyor and will indicate, to the best knowledge of the
surveyor, the surface features of the land, including contours, improvements and all
subsurface improvements readily ascertained from the surface without excavation, and
will include information available from the University and by municipal sources on
underground utilities. The University cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information
contained in the survey. The A/E shall verify locations of all underground utilities.
B. Survey drawings shall be included in a set of documents and shall be plainly marked ”For
Information Only” in appropriate size letters.
A. The University will provide to the A/E geotechnical services performed by a New Jersey
licensed soils engineer including boring logs, engineering analysis and recommendations
based upon the A/E’s preliminary plans. The University cannot be held responsible for
the accuracy of these soils investigations, and they are provided as a guide to the A/E in
design of the project. The A/E will assist the University by providing a general plan of
the area to be investigated and indicating locations where boring are required. At least
two borings will be requested for parking lot areas and major roadways, in addition to the
borings requested for the building itself. The minimum borings for a building shall be six
with one boring for every 2,500 sq. ft. of built over area. Borings shall be to depth no
less than the expected depth of excavation for the project.
B. Copies of only the boring logs will be included in the project manual or shown on the
drawings. The logs shall be marked “For Information Only” in appropriate letters.
C. All excavation for Rutgers University projects shall be unclassified excavation, meaning
that whatever material is encountered during excavation must be removed. If the soils
reports indicate large quantities of rock at the elevations of the building footings, this
procedure may be modified, with the permission of the Project Manager. The Contractor
shall be instructed to stop excavation if anything of archaeological value is encountered.
D. Require the Contractor to hire a Soils Engineer approved by the A/E to perform
Inspection and testing of all earthwork. Soils Engineer shall be a Professional Engineer
licensed in the state of New Jersey and possess professional liability insurance in the
minimum amount of $500,000. Soils Engineer shall provide all field and laboratory
services required to:
1. Test and evaluate all samples of proposed fill materials to determine optimum
moisture density relationship in accordance with ASTM D 1557.
4. Inspect all proof rolling and determine the presence of any local soft pockets.
6. Inspect and test compacted fill to determine compliance with these Specifications.
Field densities shall be determined by ASTM D 1556M, ASTM D 2167 or ASTM
D 2922.
7. Keep written records of all tests and field instructions, and summaries of these
reports shall be mailed weekly to A/E, University, University Code Official, and
Contractor. Final written summaries shall be provided upon completion of work.
E. Foundation elevations shall be shown at elevation of suitable bearing.
F. Prior to performing any excavation, call (1-800-272-1000) for Utility mark outs.
A. When a building is to be demolished, without new construction in its place, all foundation
walls shall be removed to a point 3’-0” below grade. All basement slabs below the 3’-0”
level need not be demolished, but must be broken into approximately 4’ square areas or
less to allow drainage of water. Require the Contractor to hire the services of a New
Jersey licensed surveyor to document the location of all foundations left in place below
the 3’-0” location, as well as abandoned utilities, and utilities relocated as required by the
demolition work. Survey shall become part of the as-built drawing requirements of the
Contractor at completion of the work.
B. All demolition debris shall be removed from the University property and disposed of by
lawful means. Backfill of buildings shall be with clean fill, compacted to at least 95%
minimum density for cohesive material and 95% relative density for cohesionless
material. Area shall be topsoiled and seeded unless otherwise directed by the Project
C. Through the Project Manager, REHS must be contacted for an asbestos determination.
Any asbestos containing materials shall be removed prior to demolition activities.
D. Prior to any demolition of basement floors or making connections into old underground
waste systems it is required that REHS be contacted.
All utilities shall be cut and capped. The location of the preceding cuts / caps shall be
annotated on the as-built survey provided by the Contractor.
E. Concrete, block, or brick must be broken up to the point where it will minimize voids in
the fill. Although this size is interpretative, a good rule of thumb is 8 inches in diameter.
A. For information and specifications on removal as per Rutgers requirements see the
Project Manager. REHS shall be contacted for all tank removals.
A. Design Considerations
A. Design Consideration
1. Section 02071, located in Part IV of this Manual, has been prepared by Rutgers
and is to be included, as written, in the Project Manual for all projects involving
the removal of ACRM. With the exception of “style” changes, paragraph 1.1.B is
the only paragraph the A/E is permitted to modify for content, unless specifically
approved in writing by the Assistant Vice President for Planning and
Development and the Director of Rutgers Environmental Health and Safety
A. Design Consideration
1. Section 02072, located in Part Iv of this Manual, has been prepared by Rutgers
and is to be included, as written, in the Project Manual for all projects involving
the removal of ACRM. With the exception of “style” changes, paragraph 1.1.B
only paragraph the A/E permitted to modify for content, unless specifically
approved in writing by Assistant Vice President for Planning and Development
and the Director of Rutgers Environmental Health and Safety department.
1. All Projects disturbing a ground planed area of 5,000 square feet or more are
required to have a Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan and Certification.
Prior to putting the project out to bid, the A/E shall provide the University with
the necessary documents to allow Rutgers to file with the appropriate Soil
Conservation District (a site plan indicating the proposed soil erosion and
sediment controls as required for each project and storm water runoff
calculations). The University requires that the SCD permit be obtained at 90%
design completion. The Consultant shall provide Rutgers with the necessary
100% complete SCD plan for submission to the appropriate district. The A/E
shall assist in all follow-up correspondence. The University shall be the prime
contact with the conservation district. The SCD approval process takes
approximately 5 weeks. This scheduling time should be taken into account so as
not to delay bidding or the project as a whole. Remember all permits shall be in
hand before the project is bid. The Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plan shall
meet the requirements of the appropriate District Office.
2. The A/E shall require the Contractor to give notification to the appropriate Soil
Conservation district, 3 days prior to start of work on the site.
B. Storm Water
A permit is required for stormwater management if the disturbed area is 5 acres of more.
The permit is the General Permit Authorization GP No. 0088323. If this permit is
required the A/E shall prepare all necessary documentation such that the permit can be
obtained at 90% design completion. See Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Plan section
above for details on sequencing this work.
A. Topsoil shall be stripped to the depth determined by the Soils Engineer, usually not less
than 4”. Topsoil shall be stockpiled in accordance with the requirements of the Soil
Conservation District in locations as directed by the A/E, or elsewhere on University
property. Under no circumstances shall topsoil be removed from University property.
Topsoils shall not be mixed with subsoils or other site debris.
B. Where site demolition is required, provide site demolition drawings showing extent of
removal of vegetation, trees, shrubs and other improvements such as sidewalk, parking
areas, etc.
C. The Contractor while working the site is responsible for protecting all existing trees to
remain such that they will be free from any damage. If damage is done, the Contractor
shall be responsible for replacement of damaged trees. All trees affected by construction
activities shall be protected with snow fencing per the detail in Part IV to the drip line of
the tree. Tree replacement and protection is as follows:
1. Contractor shall take all precautions necessary to protect existing trees scheduled
to remain against injury or damage, including cutting, breaking, or skinning of
roots, trunks or branches; smothering by stockpiled construction materials,
excavated materials or vehicular traffic within branch spread.
a. Tree Replacement Formula: One square inch of caliper lost will equal one
square Inch of caliper replaced. This formula is based on tree trunk
diameter at breast height. Example: loss of one 12" caliper (same as 6"
radius) tree would require replacement with nine (9) 4" caliper trees. [Area
of Circle = 3.14 x r2= 3.14x(62)= 3.14x(36)= 113.04 sq. in. Assuming 4"
caliper trees (same as 2” radius) will be planted as replacements, calculate
the area of a 4" caliper tree: 3.14 x (22)= 12.56 sq. in. Divide the area of
the 4" caliper tree into the area of the 12" caliper tree to determine the
number of 4" caliper trees required to replace the loss of the 12" caliper
tree. 113.04/12.56= 9 trees.]
c. Materials: The replacement tree(s) shall be of the same species and
variety as the tree(s) lost. If the species and variety is not available, a
substitute must be proposed in writing to the Director of Newark Physical
Plant rand approved by the Director of Newark Physical Plant. The
Contractor will be notified of approval of substitution within seven days.
Minimum caliper of replacement tree(s) shall be 2 1/2-3".
A. This section of the Specifications shall contain all earthwork requirements for the project.
Divisions 15 and 16 shall cross reference the Division 2 Earthwork Section. Do not
repeat or reiterate earthwork requirements in Division 15 or 16 as this my cause conflicts
and confusion.
A. During design identify and calculate stormwater running onto the site in addition to the
anticipated runoff from the site. Prepare calculations to support a stormwater system of
capacity to control both. Calculations shall be prepared early in the design process and
be integral in the establishment of finish exterior elevations.
C. Road grates shall be Campbell Foundry Company #2617, or approved equal. These
grates are bicycle safe grates.
D. The top of lawn grates shall be set 1/2” below finished grade level to facilitate drainage.
Lawn grates shall be round.
F. Manholes: Specify precast concrete, 4000 psi minimum with rubber gasket joints. Wall
to be 5” thick with aluminum drop front ladder rungs, 12” oc.
Base, as a minimum, shall be 6” thick with #4 bars 12” o. c. both ways. Manhole
openings shall be 30” diameter with roadway type frame and cover by Campbell or
Neenhah Foundries, or approved equal. Entire interior concrete surface shall receive 2
coats “Drycon” as manufactured by I. P. A. Systems, Inc. See sketch in Part IV.
G. Where down spouts are utilized, these should be tied into adjacent storm drainage.
A. All new buildings shall have interior piping and fixtures installed to accept an irrigation
system whether the exterior irrigation system is to be part of the new building
construction or not. Preparation shall include a location within an appropriate
Mechanical or Electrical Equipment Room for a controller, with designated circuit
breaker, pipe sleeves through the foundation, and empty 1” conduit with pull rope to a
point 5’ outside the building, 3’ - 0” below grade, with shutoff valve inside the building
in an accessible location. Conduit and pipe sleeves shall be capped and clearly identified.
Regardless of the system being installed, a backflow preventer must be installed as part
of irrigation system under the building contract. Rainfall sensors must be included in the
design of system. Irrigation system design will be by A/E.
A. Standard bicycle rack is by Cora Bike Rack Inc., or equal, fabricated of ASTM A-363/4,
Schedule 40 TP 304 carbon steel. See Part IV for standard details. Finish - BLACK
A. Site furnishings are to be provided under the Landscape work, which will be provided by
the A/E as part of their scope of basic services. Rutgers has adopted the following
standard benches for use on the campuses noted.
Cook/Douglass Campus
Manufacturer: Lister or British American Imports
Model: Medway, 6', #MD6
Busch/Livingston Campus
Manufacturer: Landscape Forms
Model: Petoskey Bench with back #PK3005-BS-72
Redwood with black metal
Camden Campus
Manufacturer: Contours & Profiles
Model: Liberty Bench
Newark Campus
Manufacturer: Victor Stanley
Model: #RBF-28 Powder Coated Steel 6’ Length
B. All benches shall be securely mounted on hard surfaces (concrete walks, plazas, etc.). At
the Newark Campus all Bolts and Nuts/lockwashers must be specified as 316 stainless.
See SK-40 in part IV detailing.
Manufacturer: Victor Stanley
Model: Iron-sites Series Model S-42 with S-2 dome lid and in laid ashtray, with plastic
** Will come in 36 gallon (not listed in catalogue
Newark Campus: see trash receptacle
Manufacturer: Victory Stanley
Model: Iron sites #SD-42 with dome lid and inlaid ashtray color - black
Refer to New Jersey Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and
Bridge Construction, Division 900- Materials for mix description
* Shall also include all access roadways used for service and emergency vehicles.
A. In general all permanent sidewalks shall be poured concrete. If temporary walkways are
required, they may be asphalt. Concrete will not be accepted if graffiti is present.
Concrete with graffiti shall be removed by the Contractor and replaced at Contractor’s
B. Rutgers' standard sidewalk is minimum 6’ wide, constructed of 4500 psi air entrained
concrete reinforced with 6 x 6 #10 welded plain cold drawn steel wire fabric, with hand
wood float finish (see detail in Part IV). Sidewalks shall be minimum 4” thick, on
compacted base of naturally or artificially graded mixture of natural or crushed gravel,
crushed stone, crushed slag, natural or crushed sand, Type I-5 complying with NJDOT.
A. The University preferred curbing material is granite “Belgium Block” curbs. Decision
concerning the use of concrete or granite curbs is a function of cost and existing
conditions. Check with the Newark Associate Director for Projects for determination.
B. All granite curbs shall conform to the standard granite curb detail shown in Part IV of this
Manual. Concrete used with granite curbs shall be formed of minimum 4500 psi
A. The University preferred curbing material is granite “Belgium Block” curbs. Decisions
concerning the use of concrete or granite curbs is a function of cost and existing
conditions. Check with the Newark Associate Director for Projects for determination.
B. All exterior concrete shall be air entrained. Where concrete curbs are required, they shall
conform to the standard concrete curb detail shown in Part IV of this Manual. Concrete
curbs shall be formed of minimum 4500 psi concrete.
A. Black Vinyl chain link fencing is required around all climbing hazards and grade
installed mechanical and electrical equipment (i.e. cooling towers, emergency generators,
A. All new lawns and plantings shall have an underground irrigation system. See Section
C. All new lawn areas shall have a minimum cover of six inches (6”) of sandy loam topsoil
as specified in this text. Topsoil shall be placed above the tilled and uniformly graded
D. Specify that all topsoil shall be tested against the following Specifications:
Soil should be free of under composed organic material like roots, sticks, leaves
and paper and of any other undesirable trash like glass, plastic or metal fragments
that would have to be removed before Laying new Sod or planting.
2. Chemical Analysis:
Organic matter content (% oven dry weight of soil):
Sandy loam 1.25% to 20%, Loam and Silt Loam 2.5% to 20%
On soil with less than 10% organic matter, use wet oxidation method of analysis.
On soil with more than 10% organic matter, use loss on ignition method of
E. Plant Materials: All plants, including trees, shrubs, vines, groundcovers, annuals and
perennials shall comply in form and vitality with industry standards as described in the
American Standard for Nursery Stock as published by the American Association of
F. Plant Installation: All trees shall be installed according to the standards as prescribed by
International Society of Arboriculture and as shown in Part IV, Standard Details section
of this Manual.
G. Guarantee of Plants:
1. Specify that the Contractor shall guarantee newly installed plants for a period of
one year after date of acceptance against defects, including death and
unsatisfactory growth. Trees which are not healthy, dying, or the design value of
which, in the opinion of the OUPD, has been destroyed through root damage, loss
of branches, bark damage, etc. shall be replaced by the Contractor at no cost to the
Owner. Exceptions are defects resulting from abuse or damage by others, or
unusual phenomena or incidents which are beyond landscape installer’s control.
2. Specify that plants which are determined to be defective shall be replaced at the
proper season or planting time after the guarantee period is complete and
replacement plants will be guaranteed by the Contractor for an additional growing
season under an extended guarantee at no additional cost.
3. Specify that, during the guarantee period, the Contractor shall, from time to time,
inspect the watering and other maintenance practices carried on by the Owner and
promptly report to the Owner any practices which he considers unsatisfactory and
not in his interests or good horticultural practices. The failure of the Contractor to
inspect or report shall be construed as an acceptance by him of the Owner’s
maintenance practices and shall not thereafter claim that any defects which may
later develop are the result of such practice.
02930 LAWNS
A. Sod is preferred over seed, especially near the building perimeter. Sod is always to be
used in interior courtyards. Decision as to the use of seed or sod will be a budgetary
decision. Hydro seeding is not preferred. The Director of the Newark Physical Plant will
indicate the type of lawn treatment that will prevail.
B. Sod shall be certified Kentucky blue grass grown locally near the area of proposed site
work. The soil in which the sod is grown at the sod farm shall be physically and
chemically compatible with the soil at the work site. Sod shall be 12-18 months old and
1” thick, 12” - 18” wide and 2’ - 6’ in length cut in strips. Rolled sod is acceptable upon
approval of the Director of the Newark Physical Plant.
C. All new lawn areas sodden or seeded shall have the entire perimeter staked and roped off
immediately upon completion. Stakes shall be no less than 30” high installed and string
banner shall be two strands stake to stake.
D. Straw Mulching:
Salt hay with nonasphaltic liquid tackifier is preferred. For finished grades having slopes
in excess of 20% shall be mulched with erosion control fabric run vertically from top to
bottom of slope and stapled with wire staples .125” in diameter or greater and spaced at
4’ intervals. In areas of high velocity runoff such as receiving swales and drainage
ditches fabric of sufficient strength and density shall be used and installed in direction of
flow and stapled at 2’ intervals.
E. Seed Mixtures:
1. Mixes are conditional on specific site conditions; soil, water and sunlight, and
intended use. The following are approved for typical use.
Shade Mixture:
30% Chewing Fescue
15% Creeping Red Fescue
20% Kentucky Bluegrass
35% Hard Fescue
1. At completion of the soil-loosening phase to insure that the minimum depths have
been achieved.
2. At completion of the removals and /or screening phase to insure that specified
dimension material has been removed.
3. At completion of the topsoiling phase to insure that full depth of cover has been
4. At completion of the fine grading phase to insure that specified slopes, uniformity
and positive drainage have been achieved.
A. The latest edition of American Concrete Institute (ACI) standards shall be followed.
B. Testing: The Contractor shall be required to retain and pay for the services of an
University approved laboratory to perform all concrete testing and inspections in
accordance with applicable ASTM standards. For floors, use ASTM E1155 “Standard
Test Methods for Determining Floor Flatness and Levelness Using the F Number System.
C. Air-entrained concrete shall be used where concrete is exposed to the weather. With the
exception of air-entrained agents, no antifreeze or other admixtures are permitted.
Newly placed concrete for walks, plazas, pads, and other surfaces exposed to the public
shall be placed by Contractor to insure that concrete shall be free of graffiti. Freshly
placed concrete with graffiti shall be removed and replaced and repaired by the
Contractor at no additional cost to the University.
D. All concrete floors, which will be exposed within the finished building, which are not
scheduled to receive an applied finish, shall be sealed.
E. All concrete additives, where required must contain not more than 0.1% chloride ions and
shall be certified as such by the Contractor.
F. If Concrete is to be used for exterior walls, a mock-up panel shall be constructed. See
Division 4 - Masonry for details on panel.
G. In areas to receive resilient flooring applied directly to the concrete slab, wet curing is
preferred. Curing compounds, when utilized, must be completely removed from the
surface of the concrete prior to installation of resilient flooring (see Section 09650).
Combination "cure & seal" type products are not permitted on concrete in areas to receive
resilient flooring.
A. Design Considerations
2. Lightweight concrete roof insulation systems shall be designed to provide 1/4"
(min.) slope to drain in all directions. For new construction, the slope of the
structural substrate should be known by the A/E and the thickness of lightweight
concrete shall be designed accordingly to achieve required slope. For existing
construction, it is the responsibility of the A/E to determine the slope, if any, of
the existing structural substrate, and design the thickness of lightweight concrete
as appropriate to achieve the desired finish slope.
2. For roof replacement projects, with existing deck construction, the drawings must
also indicate the slope and taper pattern of the existing substrate, if any, in
addition to the slope and taper pattern of the new lightweight concrete roof
04100 MORTAR
A. All mortar additives, where required must contain not more than 0.1% chloride ions and
shall be certified as such by the Contractor.
B. All colored mortar must be pre-approved by the University along with the brick colors as
noted below.
A. All thru-wall flashing systems are to be metal type. In roof level applications the
flashings should be deformed 16 oz. copper, 16 oz. lead-coated copper (unless otherwise
restricted) or 26 gallon. Stainless steel. The thru-wall flashing assembly should be two-
piece type with receiver and removable counter-flashing of the same material. In
conditions where the flashing is not extended to the exterior of the wall, such as at lintels,
the flashing material may be 7 oz. fabric-clad copper. Fabric-clad copper flashing should
be installed to extend past the exterior face of the wall, and be cut flush with the face of
the wall after the masonry construction is complete. For all thru-wall flashings, the
designer should provide details and/or specifications for proper installation of inside
corners, outside corners, vertical offsets, end dams and methods of flashing around
concealed obstructions.
B. Wherever possible, lightweight concrete block shall be used in masonry walls. Four-inch
thick CMU walls shall be avoided.
C. Brick: Facing brick shall be FBX and shall have absorption factor of 7.0 or less as
defined in ASTM C 216 shall be used wherever possible. On projects requiring new
brick to match existing brick, the research, selection and specification of matching brick
is the responsibility of the A/E, with approval of the Director of Newark Physical Plant.
During the design process, the A/E shall utilize consultants and contractors as required to
determine the most appropriate brick selection. All related costs are to be included in the
A/E design fee. Contract documents must specify the specific manufacturer and brick
designation of matching brick.
D. In exterior masonry cavity walls, plastic weep holes shall be provided spaced not more
than 2’-0” o.c. at all interruptions in the cavity caused by thru-wall flashing. Weeps shall
be placed at the lowest point to avoid a gutter effect at the wall cavity. Aluminum weep
hole vents shall be avoided. Open cavity spaces are to be filled with continuous,
inorganic mortar-catching material from all thru-wall flashings to approximately 10”
above the weeps. Material to be manufactured by Mortar Net USA, Ltd. or approved
E. Sample panels: Prior to installation of masonry work, the Contractor shall be required to
erect up to 3 sample wall panels for the Director of Newark Physical Plant approval of
Materials selected. After materials’ approval, the Contractor shall be required to erect a
complete mockup on the site in locations as directed by the A/E. Retain mockups during
construction as standard for judging completed masonry work. As a minimum, the
sample panel shall be “L” shaped 8’-0” high by 4’-0” wide with 4’-0” leg. Brick shall be
on outside corner of panel. Panels shall show the proposed color range, texture, bond,
mortar joints, and workmanship of all facing materials and shall include a sample of the
proposed fenestration. If contrasting elements such as doors and frames are proposed, a
sample of these materials shall be included in each mock-up panel. Obtain A/E and
University approval prior to start of exposed finished masonry work. Approved panels
shall become the standard of comparison for all materials included and the panels shall
remain undisturbed at the jobsite until the project is accepted by the University. The
contractor shall then demolish mockups and remove from site. Where new brick
installations are required to match existing construction, sample panels shall be 2’-0”
high by 2’-0” wide and shall be installed in an area of existing wall designated by Rutgers
University, including removal of existing materials as required. Any sample panels
containing material not selected for the project shall be removed and replaced with
selected materials prior to final completion of the project. The mockup shall be required
to include all components necessary for a complete project, including but not limited to
the following: back-up width of construction; all waterproofing and flashing accessories,
including end damps, etc.; masonry ties; masonry sill and/or lintel; and door and/or
window frames. The mockup shall be used to verify aesthetics and workmanship
acceptance criteria. Aesthetic shall include: tolerance of units, even distribution or
blending of different colored units, joint tooling, joint color uniformity. Workmanship
and procedural requirements include such items as placement of reinforcement,
embedment of connectors, installation of flashing and end dams, and control of mortar
F. Metal caps such as copings or gravel stops shall be placed at top of masonry walls.
Brick, stone or concrete caps are prohibited.
G. Coursing for both brick and CMU shall be coordinated with windows and door heads so
that fractions of courses are avoided.
H. Roof parapets are preferred on buildings greater than one-story in height for safety
Beall, Christine, Masonry Design and Detailing, 4th Edition, © 1997.
B. Samples of materials are required for approval before proceeding with any work,
showing shape and colors as required. Submit samples of all anchors and relieving
angles for A/E approval.
D. Inspection: The A/E should inspect all material, equipment, fabrication, curing and
storing of cast stone work at the cast stone plant. Units shall be marked for identification
and the day of casting of each unit recorded.
E. Tests: The A/E may select or cause to be selected at random from the job, representative
pieces of cast stone for testing. Tests shall be made at the Manufacturer’s expense and
pieces of cast stone taken for testing shall be replaced by the Manufacturer without
charge. A minimum of one unit per 50 units may be selected from the stone delivered to
the job to be sent to an approved testing laboratory. Samples shall be tested to
destruction in accordance with ASTM C 116 and test reports shall be submitted to the
A/E and University.
A. Cleaning of masonry, be it brick or stone, shall be done using brushes (not those with
metal bristles) and water. Diluted detergents may be used. Repeated washings are
preferred to fewer washings that are too abrasive or chemically laden.
C. For all structures, mortar joint profiles and mortar colors are critical and must be
specifically approved by the University.
D. Waterproof covering of masonry work is required during nonworking hours and for
freshly laid masonry during periods of inclement weather.
A. For erection of structural steel, the Contractor is required to provide an affidavit, at the
completion of the job, to the effect that the structural steel frame is plumb and level
within the normal tolerances specified by code, or the more stringent tolerances specified
in the Specifications, if applicable.
B. The Contractor shall provide a certified survey showing the exact location of the centers
of the columns at their top most level, exactly as installed. This information shall be
incorporated into the “as built” drawings.
C. If metal is to be used for exterior walls, a mock-up panel shall be constructed. See
Division 4 Masonry for details on panel.
A. Galvanized metal decks conforming to ASTM A 525, G 60 are the only material to be
used for metal decks, floor slabs and roof decks. Prime painted decks are not acceptable.
A. Ventilation shafts penetrating the roof shall be equipped with welded anti-personnel
screening to prevent unauthorized access to the building.
B. All exterior miscellaneous steel shall be galvanized and prime painted, ready for field
A. Clear anodized aluminum handrails should be used both inside and outside of buildings.
Provide protection from dissimilar metals and lime mortar (type N).
A. For both woods and plastics, special attention is called to matters of flame spread, fuel
contribution, smoke generation and toxicity.
C. For exterior wood or plastic framed structures, see Division 4 for dimensions of Sample
B. All lumber must be inspected, marked according to grade and certified by the appropriate
bureau governing that product.
A. Require that the Contractor provide a complete design analysis of structural components
along with shop drawings. Data shall bear the seal and signature of a New Jersey
registered professional Architect or Engineer, attesting that design of trusses meets
requirements of the specifications and complies with requirements of all codes and
ordinances applicable to the particular project.
B. Cabinet hardware shall be furnished and installed by the installer of cabinetry.
C. Plastic laminates: When specified by the designer, due consideration must be given to
the particular condition of usage that will be encountered. Of special concern is flame
spread, chemical resistance, fuel contribution, smoke generation and toxicity for plastic
laminates and for the adhesives used to install them.
D. Prior to delivery of materials on site for installation, the Contractor shall provide the
proper environmental controls for material storage (i.e. weatherproofing, climate control,
etc.). These controls shall be maintained for the duration of the project.
B. Material shall be protected against damage during backfill by minimum 1" thickness of
extruded polystyrene insulation.
A. Generally, water repellents shall not be used on exterior brick or masonry walls. Where
required on existing buildings, silane based water repellents such as the following shall
be used:
A. Design Considerations
assembly in the latest edition of the FM Approval Guide for Building Materials or
other written approval or acceptance from Factory Mutual.
2. The design layout of tapered insulation board systems with internal drains should
utilize "four-way" slope to the greatest extent possible. The use of "crickets" or
"gussets" should be minimized.
2. Fastening requirements for all insulation and overlay boards must be illustrated
and/or specified, including fastener density for the "field" and any required
increases for perimeter and/or corner attachment. Fastening requirements
specified shall be in accordance with Factory Mutual requirements. The
specifications shall not rely solely on reference to FM requirements.
A. Design Considerations
1. The A/E should consider that slate shingles are expected to provide a service life
of at least 75 years, therefore, all related components, particularly those that are
fully or partially concealed by the slate shingles (i.e. valley flashings, step
flashings, built-in gutter flashings, etc.) should be designed using materials and
installation methods which can be expected to provide equivalent longevity to the
greatest extent possible.
B. Special Documentation Requirements
1. All details must clearly delineate all roof system components and their order of
installation, including but not limited to “ice and water shield” membrane, metal
components, cleats, eave cants, “ice and water shield” stripping plies, felt
underlayment, rosin paper underlayment, slate starter course, slate shingles,
finishing nailers, slate finishing course, hip/ridge nailers, hip/ridge flashing,
hip/ridge slate, etc.
2. Specifications shall include specific sizes for slate shingles, starter slates,
finishing slates, finishing nailers and hip/ridge nailers.
3. Specifications are to provide specific products and manufacturers for all roof
system components, including but not limited to “ice and water shield”
membrane, felt underlayment, plastic cement, etc.
1. All slate shall be specified to meet the requirements of ASTM C 406, Grade S1.
2. “Ice and water shield” shall be polymer-modified bitumen sheet type. Sanded or
granular surfaced materials are not acceptable in any condition where the material
must be striped off with same material.
4. With the exception of starter slates, all slates are to have nail holes punched from
the back, providing a countersink on the front (beveled side) to receive the nail
head. Starter slates are to be installed with front (beveled side) down, therefore,
starter slates are to have nail holes punched from the front, creating a countersink
on the back side to receive the nail heads.
5. Valleys are to be open, with “w-style” metal flashing and tapered. All valleys
should have “ice and water shield” membrane installed, covered with rosin paper,
before installation of the metal valley flashing. Closed valleys should be avoided
unless required due to historic considerations, in which case the closed valley
should utilize stepped metal flashing, not continuous metal flashing.
6. Metal crickets are to be used on the upslope side of all chimneys and curbs.
7. Hips are to be installed with slate or metal caps. Slate caps are to be installed in
saddle hip fashion. Mitered hips, fantail hips and Boston hips should be avoided,
unless required due to historic considerations. Slate hip caps are to be detailed to
incorporate continuous “ice and water shield” underlayment along the hip, prior to
installing the slate cap, and stepped metal flashing installed with each course of
cap slate. When metal hip caps are used, they are to be detailed to incorporate
continuous “ice and water shield” underlayment along the hip and must have all
concealed fasteners/cleats.
8. Ridges are to be installed with slate or metal caps. Slate caps are to be installed in
saddle ridge fashion. Strip ridges and comb ridges should be avoided, unless
required due to historic considerations. Slate ridge caps are to be detailed to
incorporate continuous “ice and water shield” underlayment along the ridge, prior
to installing the ridge cap, and stepped “ice and water shield” flashing membrane
installed with each course of cap slate. The ridge slate must be pointed with UV
resistant adhesive to prevent degradation of the flashing membrane. When metal
hip caps are used, they are to be detailed to incorporate continuous “ice and water
shield” underlayment along the hip and must have all concealed fasteners/cleats.
A. It is preferred that such systems be avoided. When required, only the "hard coat" systems
defined as Class PM, Type A, polymer modified protective finish coating, externally
reinforced as developed by the Exterior Insulation Manufacturers Association (EIMA)
may be used. Such systems require mechanical fastening of extruded polystyrene
insulation and reinforcing mesh, and rigid acrylic modified cement plaster finish.
B. The A/E shall pay special attention to locations of crack control joints and details of
flashing and sealing at penetrations to insure a properly designed and watertight
A. Design Considerations
2. Metal roof systems are to be designed and specified to provide a
twenty (20) year watertight guarantee and a twenty (20) year guarantee on all
metal finishes.
4. Metal roof panels vary in configuration, including seam style and height, pan
stiffening (i.e. ribs, striations, etc.) and metal type (i.e. aluminum, galvanized or
galvalume coated steel) and metal thickness. During the design phase, it is the
responsibility of the A/E to confirm that potential metal roof panels can be
installed in accordance with the details developed using NRCA recommendations.
As an example, if details require a panel end to be “hemmed”, the A/E may need
to request a “hemmed” panel sample from the manufacturer, confirming that the
potential panel profile can be “hemmed” without detrimental effect to the panel
and/or is aesthetically acceptable.
5. All metal roof systems shall incorporate snow guards at all roof eaves. Snow
guards are be continuous bar type, with non-penetrating brackets mounted on
raised metal panel seams.
1. All details must clearly delineate all roof system components and their order of
installation, including but not limited to, “ice and water shield” membrane,
fastening clips, cleats, metal flashing components, “ice and water shield”
stripping plies, felt underlayment, rosin paper underlayment, metal closures, metal
caps, sealant locations, etc.
2. Specifications are to provide specific products and manufacturers for all roof
system components, including but not limited to metal panels, “ice and water
shield” membrane, snow guards, etc.
C. Materials and Methods of Construction
1. All metal roof systems are to utilize structural-type panels with minimum two-
inch (2”) high machine-seamed standing seams, incorporating factory-applied
seam sealant.
2. Panels are to be maximum 18” wide, with stiffening ribs or striations to minimize
“oil-canning” and shall be minimum 24 gauge galvanized or galvalume coated
steel with fluoropolymer finish.
3. “Ice and water shield” shall be polymer-modified bitumen sheet type. Sanded or
granular surfaced materials are not acceptable in any condition where the material
must be striped off with same material.
5. Metal valley flashings are to have 1” raised center rib, continuous intermediate
“S” bend to receive hemmed edge of roof panels and continuous hemmed edge to
receive fastening cleats, similar to NRCA Manual Figure 4.13C. All valleys
should have “ice and water shield” membrane installed, covered with rosin paper,
before installation of the metal valley flashing. Metal panels are to be hemmed
onto valley flashing and shall not utilize exposed fasteners.
6. Metal crickets are to be used on the upslope side of all chimneys and curbs.
This Section applies generally to all roofing work. Additional requirements for specific roof
system types are located in separate specification sections.
A. Design Considerations
1. All proposed roof systems shall be included in the Schematic Design Phase for
review and approval by the University.
2. Low-slope roof systems are to be designed with 1/4" per foot (min.) slope to
drains, but not greater than the recommended limits of the specified system.
There shall be no exception to this requirement for new construction or additions
where the structural roof deck is new. It is preferred that "four-way" slope be
incorporated in the design to the greatest extent possible, with the use of
"crickets" or "gussets" minimized. It is further preferred that slope be provided
by the structural framing/deck system where possible.
3. For replacement of roofs on existing buildings only, it is the responsibility of the
A/E to evaluate the design and construction cost implications of compliance with
Item #A.2 above and present the information with the Schematic Design. Typical
implications to be addressed include, but are not limited to: 1) existing through-
wall flashing heights and need/cost to raise, 2) heights of major mechanical
equipment and need to temporarily or permanently raise, 3) new roof surface
heights at roof edges and possible aesthetic considerations. Based on the
information provided by the A/E, the University will determine if exceptions to
Item #A.2 above will be granted and to what extent. When exceptions to Item
#A.2 above are authorized by the University, the following requirements shall
a. The roof system shall be designed with at least 1/8" per foot slope to
drains to the greatest extent possible.
b. The roof system selection must be appropriate for locations where ponding
water is likely to occur, and the system manufacturer must provide a
written warranty/guaranty that does not have exclusions for damage
relating to ponding water.
5. All roof systems shall be designed to be eligible for a 20-year "total system"
warranty/guaranty from the roofing material manufacturer. The "total system"
shall include roof membrane, membrane flashings, insulation, insulation
fasteners/adhesive and accessory products supplied or approved for use by the
manufacturer. The warranty/guarantee shall provide for the following:
6. All roof system assemblies, including roof membrane plies, insulation layers and
fasteners/adhesive, must be "approved" or "accepted" for use by Factory Mutual
Research Corporation. "Approved" roof assemblies must be listed in the most
recent edition of the FM Approval Guide for Building Materials or the A/E shall
submit other documentation from FM as evidence of approval. Where use of an
"accepted" roof assembly is intended, it is the responsibility of the A/E to obtain
and submit written evidence of acceptance from FM prior to preparation of
construction documents. All roof systems shall be designed and specified to meet
Factory Mutual recommendations and requirements, except as follows:
7. The following roof systems are not acceptable, unless specific written permission
is provided by the University:
8. All roof systems are to be designed, detailed and specified in general accordance
with recommendations provided by the NRCA Roofing and Waterproofing
Manual (Fifth Edition), published by the National Roofing Contractors
9. For roof replacement projects on whole or portions of existing buildings, the A/E
shall be required to perform the following tasks during the Schematic Design
Phase, in order to properly evaluate existing conditions and provide appropriate
recommendations to the University:
b. Perform on-site survey of all roof areas to confirm all roof area
dimensions and locations of all associated roof elements, including, but
not limited to, roof drains, scuppers, vent pipes, chimneys/flues, curbs,
mechanical equipment, conduit and miscellaneous roof penetrations.
c. Perform on-site survey of all detail conditions effecting the design and
installation of the new roof system, including, but not limited to, perimeter
edges, parapet walls, rising wall, flashing and counter-flashing heights,
coping conditions, drainage components and related building components
impacting the watertight integrity of the roof system.
1. Drawings, including roof plans, sections, details and others as required, shall fully
depict the extent of work and methods of construction. Shop drawings shall be
used only for verification that the A/E's intentions are understood and are not to
relieve the A/E from design responsibility.
4. Walkway protection pads shall be specified and indicated on the roof plan,
leading from roof access points to and/or around all serviceable mechanical
equipment and appurtenances.
5. The specifications shall include language stipulating that the roofing contractor or
sub-contractor must be pre-qualified by Rutgers University, prior to submitting a
bid, in the specific roof system category or categories appropriate for the project.
The appropriate roof system category designation will be provided by the Office
of Facilities Design through the Project Manager.
6. The specifications for all roofing projects utilizing heated bitumen and/or torch-
applied roofing materials must incorporate Article 1.1 and/or Article 1.2 provided
in “Rutgers Fire Safety Precautions”, located in Part IV of this Manual, without
modification of content. The specifications should also include all other language
the A/E feels appropriate and necessary for the project.
1. For all low-slope insulated roof systems, the Contractor shall be required to have
an infrared roof moisture survey performed after installation is complete, and
before final acceptance by the University. The contractor shall be responsible for
permanent repair of all required invasive test locations. The contractor shall be
responsible for removal and replacement of all moisture-containing insulation,
including all necessary roofing and related work required. The roof moisture
survey shall be ground-based, walk-over type, and performed in accordance with
ASTM C-1153; Standard Practice for the Location of Wet Insulation in Roofing
Systems Using Infrared Imaging, with the following additional requirements:
a. The entire survey shall be recorded on VHS videotape, one copy of which
shall be provided to the University with the report. In addition, the report
shall include thermograms of all suspect areas and corresponding daytime
photos of the same locations.
2. Existing materials being removed shall be recycled to the greatest extent possible,
with the exception of asbestos containing roofing materials (see Section 02072 -
A. Metal coping shall be used. Cast Stone, brick, and concrete copings are prohibited.
B. Access to the roof from both the interior and exterior of a building shall be restricted. If
interior roof hatches are used, they must be padlocked and located in areas restricted to
the general public and accessible only by authorized personnel.
C. All roof areas must be easily accessible by Rutgers personnel and promote routine roof
system maintenance and mechanical equipment service, without the need for portable
1. All roof areas must be accessible vial stairs and/or full size doors, except as
otherwise noted in these Standards.
2. Roof level changes of less than one story in height may have exterior stairs,
fabricated from aluminum or hot-dipped galvanized steel, to provide access
between roof areas. Stair and/or door access will only be required to one of the
roof areas, provided there are no obstructions between the roof access point and
the exterior stair location.
3. Stair tower and elevator penthouse roofs may be accessed via interior “ships
ladder” and roof hatch.
4. Stair tower and elevator penthouse roofs without serviceable equipment may be
accessed via exterior metal stairs, exterior “ships ladder” or fixed vertical ladders,
provided height from roof surface to top vertical ladder platform does not exceed
12’-0”. Exterior vertical ladder must be aluminum or hot-dipped galvanized steel
and are to be fabricated with a top platform, platform handrails on both sides.
A. Skylights shall be avoided. Special permission for the use of skylights must be obtained
from the Director of Newark Physical Plant and generally will not be granted without
extremely strong reasons.
A. The A/E shall pay special attention to the use and misuse of the word "caulk". Such
materials are generally no longer used in modern construction and consist of oil-based
materials used to glaze windows. "Caulk" is not used as a sealant in masonry joints or
other exterior wall joints.
construction joints in traffic bearing locations such as concrete walks, patios, steps and
similar locations.
A. Exterior doors shall be not less than 16 gauge steel. The top channel of each metal door
shall be solid without pockets which collect dirt and water. All exterior doors and frames
shall be galvanized.
C. All door frames shall be 16 gauge. Knock-down frames are prohibited unless specifically
approved in writing by the Physical Plant Department.
A. Exterior wood doors are prohibited except when replacement of existing doors on
historical buildings require wood doors.
B. All interior wood doors shall be solid core, either mineral core where a fire rating is
required, high density particle board core, or wood stave core.
C. Wood doors which are to receive clear or stained finish shall be factory finished and pre-
machined for hardware. Specify that the door edges are fabricated of matching wood to
the face.
D. Doors to rooms storing high value items such as computers, scientific equipment, etc.
shall have solid doors without vision panels and without adjacent sidelights.
E. The A/E must review door manufacturer list early in the design process and receive
approval for the list from the Project Manger.
A. Aluminum doors shall have minimum 5” stiles, 5” stop rail and 6-½” bottom rail (wide
stile doors).
B. All hardware, with the exception of cylinders, shall be provided and installed by the
aluminum door manufacturer. Cylinders shall be provided under finish hardware section
of the Specifications.
C. Hardware: The following hardware shall be provided (No substitutions except those
D. All finish hardware shall be supplied US26D, with the exception of door closers which
shall be sprayed aluminum finish.
E. Overhead concealed door closers, floor closers, pivot hung doors and door
manufacturer’s pull trims are not acceptable.
a. Each Leaf
1 - Hinge Roton 780-053HD X Alum., if electrified then add Power
Model No# EPT 2, or EPT 10 SP28
1 - Panic Device Von Duprin 99 X 99 2L, or 992EL, when
1 - Door Closer LCN 4041X CUSH X Alum.
1 - Yale Rim Cylinder 0 Bitting 7 pin 1109.
b. Per Pair;
1 - Removable Mullion Yale M-100
1 - Threshold Zero or Approved Equal.
2. Single Aluminum Entry Door
1 - Hinge Roton 780-053HD X Alum., if electrified, then add Von Duprin, EPT.
2 or the EPT 10-SP28
1 - Panic Device Von Duprin 99 X 992L, or 992EL, when
1 - Door Closer LCN 4041 X CUSH X Alum.
1 - Yale Rim Cylinder 0 Bitting 7 Pin 1109
Threshold Zero or Approved Equal
Silencers GJ-64
A. Hinge and Panic Device shall be installed with thru-bolts. All exposed screw and bolt
heads shall be spanner head.
B. Sufficient reinforcement shall be provided for overhead surface mounted door operators.
D. Door operator controls: A self-contained solid-state circuit shall control the operations
and switching of the swing power operator. The electronic control shall provide low
voltage power supply for all means of actuation. No external or auxiliary low voltage
power source will be allowed. The control shall also include time delay 1-60 seconds, for
normal cycle, as well as the following built-in features:
3. Special circuitry for reducing power to the motor when door is in “Hold-Open”
mode, extending longevity and assuring reliability.
E. Safety Sensors: VISONPULSE: The swing door presence sensor shall be mounted to
each side of the swing door approach and swing path and shall be complete in all respects
consisting of the following:
1. Extruded Aluminum housing of 6063-T52 alloy sized to run full width of door,
integral high impact, tinted acrylic lenses and injection molded end caps.
2. Solid state electronics interfaced to alternating rows of light emitting diodes and
receivers contained within the extruded aluminum housing.
A. Wherever possible, windows should be specified that have the mountings installed
between the panes of glass.
B. Exterior sills at all windows and clerestory units shall be designed to provide a 15-degree
slope (minimum) to drain water away from the window frame.
A. All first floor and fire escape windows on dormitory buildings shall be equipped with
“Crime Shield” security screen as manufactured by “Exeter” in Wyoming, PA. 18644 or
approved equal.
B. The New Jersey Uniform Construction Code, Barrier Free Sub-code requires that door
handles be easily grasped by handicapped persons. This necessitates lever handles on
virtually all doors in University buildings.
1. Non-Public Toilet:
Note: Same set shall apply to Mechanical and Electrical Rooms. However, lever
trim shall not be used (knurled knob trim required). CRR Trim
1-1/2 pr. Butts Stanley FBB179 X US26D
1 Lockset Yale 8705FL CRR-US26D
Silencers IVES SR64
3 Office Doors
4. Public Toilet
Best Key 1AP1 WB1 – KS 609 K800
Best Core 1CP7 WB1 - 626
Best Shell 1E74 Best Mortise Cylinder
5. Classrooms, Laboratories
6. Stairwell
D. Hardware: The following hardware for the types of buildings indicated shall be provided
(No substitutes except those indicated in the table below).
E. Mop plates and kick plates shall be 1” less than width of door on hinge side, 1-1/2” less
than width of door on stop side.
F. Hardware items, not set forth herein, shall be subject to verification by application, on a
per project basis.
H. Concealed Vertical Rod Type Panic Devices are NOT acceptable. Panic devices by
manufacturers other than specified above are NOT acceptable. Panic devices by the
specified manufacturers, shall be acceptable ONLY in the SERIES specified herein.
I. Removable Mullions, as specified herein, shall be used on entry doors, where doors are
K. At drywall or plaster walls, use closers with CUSH function. Wall bumpers on drywall
or plaster are prohibited. Floor bumpers are prohibited.
L. Exterior doors which are not the main access point to the building shall be exit only, and
shall be connected to the fire alarm system. Such doors shall be clearly marked on the
inside that opening the door will sound an alarm.
A. Card Access Control (CAC) systems where required shall meet the following criteria:
The CAC system shall be low voltage, flexible and expandable. It shall employ state of
the art digital and coding technologies, be designed and manufactured for high-speed
processing and maximum reliability. It shall be of modular design capable of interfacing
with IBM or compatible type PC’s.
Software programs employed in the system(s) shall be capable of controlling from one
(1) to eight hundred (800) access points per site. All access attempts are to be recorded,
printed and/or displayed at the operator’s option.
The CAC system shall be designed to operate in automatic and command programming
modes, respond to alarm generated reports and modify the data base configuration with
all activities available to be stored, printed or displayed at the operators option.
Operator interface with the system shall be through a video display monitor and/or
automatic printer and/or IBM or compatible type PC’s. Monitor displays and printed
information shall use clear, complete English language descriptions and shall not require
the operator to interpret numeric or coded data.
The CAC system shall be compatible for interface with the Galaxy model 160 and 260
controllers, using compatible software and card technologies. Proposals for card access
systems must be approved by the University Security Specialist.
B. Main entrance doors to all dormitories shall be equipped with card access control
systems. Generally there shall be only one main entrance to a dormitory.
C. Elevators in dormitories shall be equipped with card key access control to restrict
unauthorized use.
D. If a card key access control system is required for the building, specific specifications
may be obtained from the Project Manager.
E. The card key system shall be coordinated with the Rutgers Newark Campus Safety
A. The following is a general guideline for finishes in various locations. This is offered as a
suggestion only and is subject to the specific building requirements.
Offices: Carpet.
Seminar and conference rooms: Carpet.
Library and reading rooms: Carpet.
Restrooms: Ceramic tile, dark colored grout. Dark grout and
ceramic tile covered base should extend up walls at least 4”.
Classrooms: Vinyl composition (VCT).
Corridors: Terrazzo or VCT. Carpet may be used on upper
floors in buildings where spills are not anticipated.
Lounges: VCT unless no vending area nearby, in which case
carpeting may be considered.
Stairs: Terrazzo or rubber tile.
Laboratories: Seamless Epoxy or Sheet Vinyl (vinyl tile is prohibited).
Entrances and Vestibules: Pedigrid/pedimat for recessed
and on-surface areas (recessed preferred).
Lobbies: Terrazzo, Ceramic Tile or VCT.
Multi-Purpose Rooms: Wood flooring.
Janitor’s Closets: Ceramic tile with 4” base and dark colored grout,
B. Special attention shall be given to flame spread ratings of all finishes. All materials shall
be specified with flame spread requirements. Require the Contractor to indicate the
actual ratings on all submissions.
C. All interior treatments and finishes (e.g. carpets, carpet glue, mastics, etc.) shall conform
to State of New Jersey Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) environmental regulations.
D. Floor treatment for exit stairways, corridors, common areas, assembly rooms, resident
hall rooms and apartments shall be constructed of not be less than Class I materials as
tested to ASTM E648. Testing must be performed by an approved agency and each lot of
carpeting procured shall be accompanied with a certified test report identifying the carpet
by manufacturer and style name, and shall be representative of the current construction of
the carpet. The carpet must also pass the DOC FF-1 “pill test” (CPSC 16 CFR, part
E. Floor treatment for offices and other areas not specified above shall be classified not less
than Class II in accordance with ASTM E648. Testing must be performed by an
approved agency and each lot of carpeting procured shall be accompanied with a certified
test report identifying the carpet by manufacturer and style name, and shall be
representative of the current construction of the carpet. The carpet must also pass the
DOC FF-1 “pill test” (CPSC 16 CFR, Part 1630).
A. Do not use “accessible concealed spline” ceilings. Such materials may only be used
where acoustical materials are directly adhered to the underside of concrete slabs and as
approved by the Project Manager.
B. For suspended ceiling systems, ceiling grids, runners and tees shall not be less than
15/16” wide in profile.
1. Avoid use of fissured, or ribbed or otherwise textured vinyl composition of rubber tile,
unless slip resistance is important. Such tiles are very difficult to clean.
B. Notarized Statement from Manufacturer: All carpeting and assembly (including padding)
shall be certified to have a minimum flame spread and smoke developed rating of 75 or
less, by either a copy of the ASTM E-84 Tunnel Test from an approved testing laboratory
or a notarized statement from the manufacturer that their product has passed this test, in
an approved independent testing laboratory. A list of all toxic-gases noted during the
combustion test, including the relative quantities developed, shall be included with the
notarized statement. Chemical analysis of the gases shall show degree of toxicity,
irritability and such other characteristics which might be dangerous to the health of
building occupants during a fire. Excesses of toxic gases may be cause for rejecting
proposed materials.
Specify environmentally – preferable paints for all architecture and anti-corrosive paints. Paints
containing the following ingredients shall be prohibited.
Organic compounds: mythylene chloride, 1,l,1, - Tri – chloreothane, Benzene, Toluene,
(Methylbenzene), Ethylbenzene, Vinyl Chloride, Naphthalene, 1,2 – Dichlorobenzene, Di (2 –
ethylhexyl) phthalate, Buty 1 phthalte, Di – n – buty1 phthalate, Di – n – octy1 phthalate,
Diethy1 phthalate, Dimethy1 phthalate, Isophorone, Formaldehyde, MEK (methyl ethyl ketone)
Methyl isobutyl ketone, Acrolein, Acrylonitrile.
Maximum Permitted VOC (volatile organic compound) levels for architectural and anti-
corrosive paints:
See Part IV of this Manual for a list of environmentally preferable paints (alphabetical by
manufacturer per finish). This list is not inclusive, but is given merely as a guide; the maximum
VOC levels above shall govern paint selection.
A. Ceiling hung and wall hung partitions shall be used. In either case, adequate structure
shall be employed to prevent sagging and warping.
A. Interior signage for all Capital Improvements Projects will specified to meet criteria
standards set by New Brunswick University Interior Design Services. Signs required by
building codes shall be included by the A/E.
A. Fire extinguishers are to be specified by the A/E for the Newark Campus that the general
contractor is to purchase and install.
B. Break-glass faced fire extinguisher cabinets are prohibited. Use solid cabinet, unlocked,
with small window made of polycarbonate or other plastic glazing to verify the presence
of fire extinguisher.
A. Toilet Tissue Dispensers: Kimberly-Clark Professional Series In-Sight JRT twin Jumbo
Roll Toilet Dispenser with see through face in smoke gray high-impact plastic, Model #
B. C-fold paper Towel Dispensers: Manufacturer: Impact, Model: Enamel Metal Combo
Towel Dispenser-White # IM – 4090W.
D. Sanitary Napkin Dispensing unit: Rochester Midland Products vendor for #4 models 2
Napkins and Playtex Tampons (JGN Dual Napkin/Tampon vendor).
A. The A/E shall use the services of a food service equipment specialist in preparation of
kitchen areas and other food preparation areas when required in the building. Such areas
shall be designed in close coordination with the University food service personnel.
A. Fume Hoods
1. General
All new hoods shall meet testing criteria established by the American Society of
Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers, Inc. (ASHRAE) in
ANSI/ASHRAE 110-1995, "Method of Testing Performance of Laboratory Fume
Hoods". All hoods, bench, distillation, or walk-in types, shall have proper
aerodynamic design to minimize eddy currents and assure against air movement
from the hood into the laboratory. This is accomplished by airfoil sides and an
aerodynamically designed sill with a one-inch air gap between it and the hood
floor. An "air by-pass" shall be present on all constant volume hoods to control
the range of the face velocity as the hood sash is raised and lowered. The face
velocity at any sash position should never exceed three times the "open face"
velocity. It is necessary to keep the air velocities within this range to reduce eddy
currents around the edges of the hood face. Hoods used in conjunction with
variable air volume HVAC systems shall be designed for this application.
2 Location
All new fume hoods shall be an integral part of the laboratory design and all
laboratory renovations shall also rectify improper hood locations.
Fume hoods shall be located in a room so that air currents generated in the room
will not interfere with the hood's ability to capture and eliminate vapors, mists,
and airborne particles. Therefore, hoods shall be located as far away as possible
Supply air diffusers
Windows which can be opened
Heavy traffic areas
Other local exhaust ventilation devices
Room air current velocities at the face of the hood should not exceed twenty
linear feet per minute (LFM) from any source and should be as close to zero as
In general, all fume hoods should be constructed and contain materials that will
permit their planned use to be carried out safely; therefore, their intended use
must be known.
a. Sides:
Hood sidewalls shall be 3 1/2 - 6 1/2 inches wide, and shall be properly
formed to present a smooth airfoil to the inflowing air. The hood interior
lining shall be flush with the sides. These features shall, over the range of
the hood's designed air face velocity, prevent significant eddy currents
from circulating air from inside the hood through the plane of the face of
the hood.
b. Sill:
c. Sash:
Vertically tracked sashes are preferred. Horizontal sash hoods shall have a
device to lock the sash in its tracks. Removal of the sash only is possible
with special tools or keys. Glass used in the sash shall be at least 7/32"
thick combination sheet. The sash shall be securely enclosed in a
complete frame, welded and ground smooth at the corners. Stainless steel
or a baked on epoxy coat is to be used for the sash frame. Vertical sashes
shall be counter-balanced with sash weights, suspended from each side of
the sash and shall be easily operated. Vertical sashes shall drop to the
University standard 18 inch operating height unless manually locked in the
full open position for set-up purposes. The sash frame must be held in a
stainless steel track and have plastic guides. Sashes shall be anti-
d. Interior:
The interior lining of the hood must be resistant to the materials and
chemicals to which it will be exposed. Stainless steel is acceptable;
suitable compositions, including composition board, must be painted or
coated with an impervious sealer such as epoxy paint. The selection of
resistant materials must be made through consultation with the Rutgers
Environmental Health and Safety Department (REHS).
e. Exterior:
Cold rolled steel shall be used for the hood exterior. All parts shall be
joined together with screws to allow for dismantling and access for
service. After fabrication and before final assembly, all component parts
shall be given an acid, alkali and solvent resistant finish on both exterior
and interior surfaces.
f. Frame:
The exterior and interior walls of the hood shall be rigidly supported by a
full frame.
g. Working Surface:
All hood services shall be specified by the user. All electric service shall
be located on the exterior of the hood. Plumbing services shall be brass,
chrome-plated, or acid and organic vapor resistant plastic. All fixtures
shall have color-coded end caps. All controls for plumbing services shall
be located on the hood exterior.
i. Lighting:
j. Air By-Pass Mechanism:
A plenum shall be located in the rear of all fume hoods. It must have at
least two but no more than three slots. The lower slot shall be furnished at
the working surface level and be locked at 2 to 2 1/2 inches or have the
baffle removed entirely. The upper slot shall be located in the upper
section of the hood. The opening shall be set at 3/8 to 1/2 inch maximum.
A middle slot, if furnished, shall is to be fixed and have an opening no
greater than 2 inches.
Face velocity alarm monitor and control systems shall be of type and
configuration as listed in Section 15980-2.C of these standards. Provision of
control components (i.e. field versus factory furnishing, mounting and wiring)
shall be coordinated with Section 15980.
6. Special Hoods
b. Construction:
All interior surfaces of the hood and ductwork shall be smooth and
seamless, and constructed for easy cleaning. The work surface shall be
smooth and watertight with a minimum of 1/2" dished front and sides and
an integral trough at the rear to collect wash-down water. The hood shall
be designed to allow easy visual inspection of all interior surfaces.
d. Construction:
e. Radioisotope Hoods:
B. Eyewash units
Eyewash units shall be installed at or near sinks within the hazardous operations space.
Such spaces include wet laboratories, areas where dust is generated, darkrooms and other
areas where liquid chemicals are used or handled. Handheld hose type units providing a
soft spray of 3-7 gpm at a pressure of 30 pounds per square inch are recommended.
These may be mounted bench or on the side of the bench or wall, and should be readily
accessible and located in a high area or near the main door. Wall mounted units,
pedestal-mounted units; eye/face wash units combination safety shower/eyewash units
must provide a soft spray of 3-7 gpm at 30 pounds per square inch of pressure.
All eyewash units must flush both eyes simultaneously, the flow must remain on without
the use of the operator's hands, the unit must remain activated until intentionally cut off
and the nozzles must be protected from airborne contaminants.
A sign must be posted to identify the location of the eyewash unit and the area behind or
around the eyewash unit must be painted with a bright color. Eyewash-units for non-
ADA compliant units should be installed between 2’-9” and 3’-9” from, the floor. For
ADA compliant stations, for dimension references CABO ANSI A117.1 standards for
drinking fountains shall be followed. However, the appliance shall be eyewash units.
C. Safety Showers
Safety showers are to be installed so that the center of the shower head is at least 25”
from the nearest wall, bench or furnishing and at a safe distance away from electrical
equipment or outlets. The base of the shower must be between 6’-10” and 8’ above the
floor. The shower head should be a deluge-type head, and should be made of plated brass
or plastic. The safety shower unit be capable of providing a flow of 30-50 gallons of
water per minute at 30 pounds per square inch of pressure.
Safety shower activating valves are to be operated by pulling either a chain, a cord
attached to die valve lever, an 8 inch minimum diameter ring or a triangle connected by a
chain or cord to the lever. The lowest point of the ring, triangle or cord should be located
no more than 48” from the floor for frontal approach and no more than 54” from the floor
for a side approach, and should run within 1-2 inches of a wall or bench. Safety shower
activating valves are to be quick opening, self-closing globe valves. A shut off valve
accessible via a 6-foot ladder is to be installed for each shower head.
A sign must be posted to identify the location of the safety shower, and the area behind or
around the safety shower must be painted with a bright color. Exterior safety showers
and water supply lines must be protected from freezing.
Installation and operation of safety showers and eyewash units must comply with ANSI
A. Furniture should be approved for laboratory work, i.e. chemical resistant, impervious and
easily cleaned.
B. As a general rule, desks are discouraged in laboratories. When required, desk locations
should be carefully selected to prevent accidents, spills or releases of toxic materials from
endangering the occupants. Desk space design should be limited to laboratory work only.
1. Materials:
Sheet steel, cold rolled furniture stock. All gauges shall be U. S. standard.
2. Gauges:
Drawer bodies, shelves, interior door panels, security panes, sloping tops shall be
20 gauge. Ends, backs, case tops and bottoms, bases, exterior door panels, and
vertical posts shall be 18 gauge. Top front and intermediate rails, gussets, table
legs, frames, leg rails, and stretchers shall be 16 gauge. Drawer suspensions, door
and case hinge reinforcements, and L-shaped front corner gussets shall be 14
gauge. Table leg corner brackets and leveler gussets shall be 11 gauge.
3. Construction:
Base units which are 3’ and narrower in width shall not have center support posts,
cupboards shall full width. All units shall have adjustable leveling screws which
can be accessed in the toe base.
Drawers shall be full extension type. Sliders shall be rated for 150 pounds.
E. Wood Casework:
All casework surfaces exposed to view after installation including those behind glass
doors shall be Oak. All casework not exposed to view after installation shall be
hardwood plywood. Ends shall be oak hardwood plywood, 3/4” thick.
A. Vertical blinds are preferred over horizontal blinds. The A/E should allow for vertical
blinds in designing window heads, including but not limited to blocking. Only blinds
which are lead free shall be specified.
B. Entrance mats shall be of the type, which are easily picked up and moved for cleaning
purposes. Mats should be recessed wherever possible. Do not use cocoa mats.
B. Require that the Contractor submit written certification prepared and signed by a
Professional Engineer, registered to practice in the State of New Jersey, verifying that
building design meets indicated loading requirements and codes of authorities having
A. As a minimum, comply with applicable requirements of the “Safety Code for Elevators,
and Escalators”, ANSI A17.1, hereinafter referred to as the “Code”.
B. All elevators shall meet the requirements of the New Jersey Barrier Free Subcode,
Federal ADA Law, and ASME A17.1 provisions for the handicapped.
e. Car/Hall Door Panels – EDI/ECI, National Cab & Door, Tyler, H&B,
Columbia, Brice Southern, C.E.C, Gunderlin, Unitech.
procedures, maintenance requirements and a list of components including
manufacturers and catalogue numbers. The manual shall be provided in four (4)
identical bound and organized volumes of printed information, and shall comprise
of the following:
2. The Contractor shall also provide four (4) sets of “AS INSTALLED” straight-line
wiring diagrams in accordance with the following requirement:
b. Electrical circuits depicted shall include all those which are hard wired in
both the machine room and hoistway.
D. All key switches used in the hallway or inside the elevator should be on the University
master key system. An exception is the emergency fire key which shall be Chicago Key
Way H2389. Twelve copies of the key shall be provided to the University for the
Physical Plant’s use.
E. Require double wall hydraulic piston casings on hydraulic elevators with waterproof
seals at pit floor, and with waterproof, high-pressure seal at bottom of casings. (See SK-
16) Part IV - Standard Details.
F. Control System:
The elevator manufacturer / vendor shall provide a new control system with all required
functions including, but not necessarily limited to call allocation, logic functions, door
control, speed sensing / position, all with microprocessor operation. The control system
shall not require the use of any proprietary or specialized manufacturer diagnostic tools
for purposes of trouble shooting and / or repair. No hand held tools (data entry devices)
will be acceptable for diagnostic or adjusting use. The manufacturer will turn over to the
University all tools / devices required for the maintenance of the elevator including
equipment to reprogram software source codes at no extra cost to the University at the
completion of the project.
All software, diagnostic, adjustment / tune-up manuals and documentation and any other
documentation required for the maintenance of the elevator including tools or devices
necessary to reprogram the software source codes shall be provided to the University
for approval prior to commencement of the installation of the elevator equipment.
Once provided, no substitution of the equipment described in the manuals and
documentation will be acceptable.
All printed circuit boards shall be available to the University for purchase as spare parts
in any quantity deemed reasonable by the University. These spare printed circuit boards
shall be exact duplicates of those in use and shall be provided with “as-installed”
software programs. Overnight delivery of printed circuit boards must be available for
emergency repairs. Printed circuit boards will be accompanied by all pertinent
documentation for installation and use. All components of the elevator must be
commercially available from standard parts suppliers.
G. Elevator manufacturers shall provide a one-year warranty for all service and maintenance
during a one-year period after acceptance. Require the Contractor to submit monthly
service reports to the University during warranty period. In addition, the warranty shall
include an 11th month walk-through to insure equipment quality, reliability and
serviceability. During the one-year warranty period, the elevator manufacturer shall
provide emergency service on a twenty-four (24) hour basis. The mechanic shall respond
with two (2) hours of the call.
H. Install a ladder, stop switch, a light and a sump pit in the elevator pit. Sump pump
(provided under Division 15) may be required where there is a problem with water.
I. Provide a malfunction signal to the controller which will indicate when the elevator is out
of order. Rutgers will take the responsibility of transmitting this signal from the
controller to its emergency maintenance system. Auxiliary contacts shall be provide by
the Contractor to achieve this function.
J. If the elevator is a hydraulic elevator, the motor starters shall be one size larger than
recommended due to their frequent starting and stopping.
K. The design of hydraulic elevator machine rooms should be such as to provide for proper
environmental conditions to prevent overheating or congealing of the oil.
O. Elevators shall be integrated with the fire detection system and A. contain an ADA
compliant visual alarm device, and B. an automatic return to lobby and shutdown feature
in the event of fire detection.
For two (2) floor structures with a maximum rise of 18’-0”, use of a holeless hydraulic is
For three (3) to six (6) floor structures with a maximum rise of 60’-0”, use of a roped or
conventional hydraulic is preferred.
For all structures containing seven (7) or more floors with a rise exceeding 60’-0”, use of
a geared traction type elevator is preferred.
Q. Where hydraulic elevators are installed, car speed shall not exceed 150 feet per minute.
R. Where geared traction elevators are installed, car speed shall not exceed 350 feet per
S. The car capacity for any elevator installed will be a minimum of 2,500 lbs., with a
maximum of 5,000 lbs. The maximum may be exceeded based on requirements for a
special application, and requires the prior written approval of the Director of the Newark
Physical Plant.
3. Non-elevator related equipment or piping may not be located or run through the
machine room.
4. The elevator mainline electrical disconnect and the machine room light switch
must be located adjacent to the machine room door and arranged so they may be
accessed without entering the room.
5. Clearance shall be provided for all control panels and equipment cabinet doors to
open at least 90 degrees, and at least three (3) feet free of obstructions on all sides
of machinery.
6. The machine room must be equipped with a minimum of one (1) wall mounted
fire extinguisher.
U. Signal Fixtures
c. Three (3) position key switch/locks, all floors except the ground floor.
The position shall be lock on, lock off, spring loaded “call” switch
position which automatically returns to “lock off”.
1) Light Switch
3) Fan switch
4) Duplex receptacle
A. General:
2. For all new construction, renovations and alterations, the Contractor shall mark-
up the contract documents to indicate any changes in construction and installation
due to field conditions or other deviations from the plans and specifications. The
A/E shall take the record drawings and produce the As-Builts on mylar with a
CAD files.
3. The A/E shall be responsible for preparation and follow-up correspondence with
the DEP for all permitting required for fuel burning equipment.
Ventilation intakes and discharges must be located so that exhaust air is not
entrained into the building. Exhaust air discharges are to be roof mounted; air
intakes must be located at ground level. Air intakes must be located in areas
where they will not introduce air pollutants into the building (e.g. away from
loading docks, high traffic areas, exhaust discharges from other buildings, etc.)
No roof top mechanical equipment shall be located closer than 10’-0” to a roof
edge, or adequate guardrail protection must be provided.
6. When central chilled water is being utilized for cooling, the engineer-of-record
shall contact the Newark Physical Plant Director to determine the maximum
chilled water temperature and capacity that will be provided at any given time of
the year to the facility in question. The engineer-of-record shall use this
information to design HVAC systems (i.e. select chilled water coils, select
supplemental chillers, select supplemental dehumidification equipment, etc.).
7. The engineer-of-record shall coordinate with the project architect to ensure that
related mechanical and architectural plans and specification sections are properly
coordinated. Specifically, fume hood configuration, controls, fixtures &
appurtenances must be coordinated between engineering and architectural
disciplines. Fume hood sash shall be vertically tracked unless otherwise directed
by Rutgers. Fume hoods shall be of constant volume (i.e. bypass type) or variable
air volume configuration as dictated by HVAC design.
Note that the usual ranges of accuracy for temperature is +2o F and
usual range of accuracy for relative humidity is +5%. Both ranges
are as measured at the location of the controlling instruments.
c. For ordinary spaces, including offices, classrooms, and residence rooms,
there are the 2-1/2% and 97-1/2% values in the ASHRAE guide:
The Engineer of Record shall bear full responsibility for designing all mechanical
systems as required to achieve maximum noise levels set forth in the ASHRAE
hand books for the occupancy classification of the individual space served.
Specifically, Chapter 13 of the 1999 ASHRAE Applications Handbook, Chapter
43 of the 1995 ASHRAE Applications Handbook and Chapter 7 of the 1997
ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook have been adopted by the University as
acoustic design standards for HVAC systems. The University reserves the right
to require more stringent acoustic design criteria be used of design on a project-
by-project basis. The University also reserves the right to hire an independent
acoustic consultant to review “as installed” noise levels for conformance with the
aforementioned acoustic design standards.
10. All designs shall conform to the requirements of the latest issue of
ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1 Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise
Residential Buildings.
A. This Section must be coordinated with Rutgers’s General Conditions and should be
submitted for Rutgers review and approval. Do not address items such as handling of
shop drawings, maintenance manuals and other information contained in the General
Conditions or written by the Architect in Division 1.
B. Coordination drawings should be prepared at a scale of 3/8" = 1'-0".
B. Access for mechanical devices installation and future maintenance is essential. When
access doors are specified, check with the Project Manager for need of locks.
A. All new H.T.H.W. direct Burial .systems should be the Multi-Therm 500 Perma-Pipe
C. "Victaulic" pipe will be allowed for condenser water and chilled water.
D. Do not use sheet metal sleeves through outside walls. Sleeves shall be pipe conforming
to ASTM A 120. At outside walls provide "leak plate" and install "Link-seal".
1. Pipe:
Schedule 80
A106-Grade B
2. Fittings
3. Flanges (all sizes): 300 pound class, forged steel, welding neck type, ASA B 16.5
ASTM A 181 Grade I.
4. Gaskets (all sizes): Spiral wound, type 304 stainless steel, non-asbestos filled,
3/16" thick with centering guide, 300 pound class, Flexitallic style CG, or
approved equal.
5. Strainers (all sizes): Y-type; same size as pipe in which they are installed.
Strainers shall have cast steel bodies suitable for 425o F temperature and 600 psig
pressure, bottoms drilled, directional arrow on body. Strainers shall be equipped
with easily removable cover and basket. Basket shall be stainless steel, 3/32"
perforations, net free area through back of basket shall be 2-1/2 times the area of
connecting pipe. Flow shall be into basket and out through perforations.
6. Unions (normally not to be used on pipe larger than 1"): 3,000-pound class
forged steel, socket-welded type, with steel to steel seat, ASTM A 105 Grade II,
as manufactured by Henry Vogt Machine Co. or approved equal.
7. Bolts and Studs: Alloy steel studs threaded full length and fitted with two
hexagon nuts per stud for all flanged joints. Bolting to conform to ASTM A 193
Grade B-7, threads class 7 fit. Nuts shall be semi-finished hexagonal, ASA B
18.2 ASTM A 194 Grade 2H.
F. Consult with Project Manager regarding piping materials for other services not
mentioned in these Design Standards.
15100 VALVES
A. Chain-wheel operators for valves, where required, shall be located in a place where they
will not interfere with normal access and shall be restrained at wall or column if
B. Butterfly valves shall be Lug type, with memory stop and shall have EPDM (or better)
C. Valves for High Temperature Water Service (no butterfly valves will be allowed):
1. 3" and Larger: Shall be of the ASA 300 pound class, cast steel body, 13% Cr.
stainless steel trim, flanged at connections to equipment, butt-weld at other than
equipment connections, bored to match outside diameter of pipe.
2. 2" and Smaller: Shall be of ASA 600 pound class, cast steel or forged carbon
steel, socket weld pattern, 13% Cr. stainless steel trim, bored to match inside
diameter of pipe.
3. Gate Valves: Shall be solid wedge with stainless steel wedge or wedge faces,
stainless steel seat rings. Stainless steel bonnet bushings and beveled collar on
valve stem for back seating. Provide braided non-asbestos, bolted gland flange
with minimum of 2 eye bolts. Valves, with their bypasses, need to be installed for
proper operating access and when improperly located in the `opinion of Rutgers,
shall be removed and reinstalled at no cost to Rutgers.
b. Gate Valves 2" and Larger: Provide with a minimum of 6 packing rings.
c. Gate Valves 6" and Larger: Provide with a minimum of 6 packing rings.
Provide forged steel, globe valve bypass, minimum 3/4". Provide with
tapered roller or ball bearing yokes and button type grease gun fittings and
adapters to allow charging a reservoir with valve lubricant.
d. Gate Valves 8" and Larger: Provide with a minimum of 6 packing rings.
Provide forged steel, globe valve bypass, minimum 3/4". Provide with
tapered roller or ball bearing yokes, Provide with bevel gear operators,
clockwise rotation to close, lamented lubricating fittings and approved
grease seals.
4. Globe and Angle Valves: Shall be of the cast plug disc with bevel seat, separately
screwed or pressed in disc and seat rings, long disc locknut, port opening full pipe
diameter. Provide stainless steel seat ring and disc: stainless steel bonnet bushing
and beveled collar for backseating. Provide braided, non-asbestos, teflon
impregnated packing rings in a large, deep stuffing box suitable for high
temperature water service. Insert a bottom of stuffing box to serve as base for
packing. Packing glands shall be non-corrosive and shall have bolted gland
flange with minimum of 2 eyebolts. Valves with their bypasses shall be installed
for proper operating access.
a. Globe & Angle Valves 1-1/2" and Smaller: Shall have minimum of 4
packing rings.
b. Globe & Angle Valves 2" and Larger: Shall have minimum of 6 packing
c. Globe & Angle Valves 6" and Larger: Shall have minimum of 6 packing
rings. Valves shall have forged steel, glove valve bypass; button-type
grease gun fittings and adapters to allow charging a reservoir with valve
lubricant tapered roller or ball bearing yokes.
d. Globe & Angle Valves 8" and Larger: Shall have minimum of 6 packing
rings. Valves shall have forged steel, globe valve bypass; button-type
grease gun fittings and adapters to allow charging a reservoir with valve
lubricant; and tapered roller or ball bearing yokes. Shall be equipped with
impactor or hammer-blow hand wheel.
5. Check Valves: Shall be horizontal swing check, 300 lb. cast steel, with 13% Cr.
stainless steel disc, disc face and barrel type seat rings. Provide full port opening.
Disc and seat shall be removable without removing valve from line. Acceptable
manufacturers: Crane, Jenkins, Powell, Vogt.
6. Gage and Instrument Valves: Shut-off valves for pressure gages and instrument
isolating valves shall be of the "bar-stock" construction, with stainless steel body
and stainless steel plug type disc integral with stem. Ends shall be I.P.S. screwed.
Rating shall be 600 psig at 75°F. Valves shall be 1/2" size, Crane Co. or
approved equal.
Blow-down Valves: Blow-down valves for cascades, expansion drums, hot water
generators shall be unit-tandem type valves, consisting of one hard-seat and one
seatless valve in one common steel body to conform with the ASME Boiler Code.
Valves shall be rated at 400 psig and suitable for pressures to 665 psig. Valves
shall have welding ends and alloy steel trim.
8. Drain and Vent Valves: Drain and vent valves shall be ASA 600-pound class 1
forged steel globe or angle valves, as specified above. Drain and vent valves shall
be two globe valves in series. Drain valves need to be sized and shown on the
Drawings. Unless otherwise required, vent valves shall be 1/2" size.
9. Control Valves: Flanged 300 lb. cast steel, 316 stainless steel trim, Fisher Type
ES body with pneumatic 667 actuator. Valves 1-1/2" should not require a
positioner; valves larger than 1-1/2" should have a positioner. Use equal
percentage contour plug. Preliminary sizing shall be based on 20 psi. pressure
differential (verify with Project Manager). Valves shall be capable of closing off
against a 100-psi pressure difference.
A. Do not use expansion compensators on HTW and MTW. Use expansion bends
(calculated) for all pipe flexibility situations.
A. Use bimetallic temperature indicators in 5" diameter case. Orient gage so that special
flexible joint is not needed.
B. Use materials compatible with service for pressure indicators, temperature Indicators and
flow meters. Use diaphragm where needed.
A. Provide calculations for pipe line flexibility. Anchor as needed. Conform to ASME
Code for allowable stresses. Furnish calculations for spring hangers.
B. All piping with insulation shall be supplied with saddles and rigid insulation at pipe
hanger locations.
A. Provide strap-on markers for pipe. Pressure-sensitive type markers are not acceptable.
C. All underground piping runs, both mechanical and plumbing shall be protected with
buried pipeline marker. Marker to be 6-mil thick, 3" wide, fluorescent yellow
polyethylene. Tape to be "metalicized" and imprinted to read "Caution- buried pipe
below". Before excavation is started, call (1-800-272-1000) for utility markouts.
D. Tape to be placed 1' 0" directly above top of pipe, over entire length of run.
E. Tape to be placed on top of 4" deep x 6" wide layer of clean white sand.
F. Any existing tape which is encountered, removed or disturbed during excavation shall be
replaced in conformance with items no 1-3 above and to the approval of Rutgers, prior to
G. Seismic requirements must be considered as required.
D. Mineral wool and calcium silicate may be considered for high temperature (greater than
300o F.) service insulation.
E. Insulation specification shall describe what systems and services are to be insulated.
F. High temperature hot water insulation for new piping below grade shall consist of Multi-
Therm 500 Perma-Pipe System. Foamglass insulation with pitwrap jacket shall be used
for repair/replacement of insulation on existing below grade piping.
A. 2" and smaller should be socket weld and schedule 80 carbon steel.
B. Foam glass insulation with Multi-Therm outside jacket or approved equal can be used.
A. Chilled Water mains 3" and above shall be ductile iron cement lined, mechanical joint
with wedge action retaining glands.
B. All fittings shall be mechanical joint with wedge action retaining glands.
A. Sprinklers are MANDATORY in all new construction, new additions and renovation
projects exceeding 25% of the gross area of the facility being renovated. Sprinkler
design for new facilities shall include a new fire service (including fire pump as
applicable) as required to provide a complete and fully functional system. Where an
addition is being added to an existing unsprinklered or partially sprinklered building or
sprinklers are being added to the renovated portion of an unsprinklered or partially
sprinklered building, a new fire service (including fire pump as applicable) sized to
handle the future fully sprinklered requirements of the ENTIRE facility shall be provided
as required. In the event that a fire pump is required to satisfy the future fully sprinklered
building needs of an existing facility being renovated or added to, but is not necessary to
satisfy the present sprinkler requirements of the addition or renovation project under
consideration, the fire pump requirement may be waived subject to the approval of
Rutgers University.
B. Factory Mutual, University Construction Code Official, and REHS will review all project
plans when they are approximately 50% complete for major topics of concern such as
sprinkler system density/area specification, standpipe systems, most recent water supply
information, and major construction aspects such as type of roofing system, live load roof
design and drainage.
C. All 90% complete drawings and specifications will again be provided to Factory Mutual,
OUPD, REHS and Rutgers Construction Code Official for a more detailed review and
D. All fire protection systems shall be approved by Factory Mutual and shall conform with
FM standards. All equipment shall bear FM label where appropriate.
E. All fire protection systems shall be wet type unless otherwise approved by the Rutgers
Fire Marshall.
F. A/E shall provide a complete set of drawings and specifications which can be approved
for compliance with the NJ Uniform Construction Code by the authority having
jurisdiction. The A/E shall design the sprinkler system and provide FM and the
University with all calculations.
G. Reference Standards: Installation of automatic sprinkler systems for fire protection shall
comply with the following standards:
3. BOCA National Building Code, the New Jersey Fire Protection Subcode
H. Design Density:
1. Design densities for hydraulically calculated sprinkler systems shall comply with
the following standards (review with F.M. for any changes):
Classrooms and offices 0.15 gpm/sq. ft., 2000 sq. ft area
2. Hose stream allowances shall be provided for each system,. and shall be not less
than 150 gpm for interior hose stream and 250 gpm for outside hose stream. The
interior hose stream location, for the purpose of hydraulic calculation, shall be at
the hose valve nearest to the riser supplying that floor. In buildings not equipped
with a combined fire standpipe/sprinkler riser, the interior hose stream allowance
may be deleted.
I. Flow Velocity: The maximum permissible flow velocity through automatic sprinkler
piping shall be 20.0 feet per second.
J. Minimum Pressure: The minimum starting pressure at the most remote sprinkler head
shall be not less than 7 psi.
K. Test Connections - Each water flow indicator shall be provided with an Inspector's Test
Connection, consisting of a test pipe of not less than 1" diameter terminating in a smooth
bore corrosion resistant orifice giving a flow equivalent to one sprinkler head of the type
installed on the system. Test connection shall discharge to the building exterior. The 1"
control valve for the Inspector's Test Connection shall be located not more that 7' above
finished floor. An alternative arrangement for the Inspector's Test Connection is the
“Testmaster", manufactured by the Victaulic Corporation.
L. Equipment Type Acceptance: All sprinkler heads, valves, fittings and appurtenances
shall be Factory Mutual approved types and shall bear the Factory Mutual acceptance
label. All main control valves shall be provided with tamper contacts for connection to
the building fire alarm system.
1. All sprinkler heads, valves, fittings and other appurtenances shall be installed
prior to conducting the final hydrostatic test which shall be witnessed by the
University Construction Code Official or his designate.
2. A Contractor's Material and Test Certificate for Aboveground Piping shall be
completed and submitted, by the Contractor, to the University Construction Code
Official, Factory Mutual Engineering, and Rutgers’s Newark Project Manager
responsible for the project. Obtain a copy of the form from Rutgers.
O. Hydraulic calculations shall be based on approved flow tests which will be performed by
Rutgers. All hydraulic calculations shall be reviewed by Owner and Factory Mutual.
P. Hydrants on New Brunswick Campus where served by Rutgers Fire department shall be
as manufactured by Mueller or as approved by Owner. Elsewhere, hydrants shall
conform to the City of Camden, New Brunswick, or Newark standards. Generally use
National Standard hose threads but A/E shall verify.
Q. Standpipes shall be wet type without hose cabinets. Provide 2 1/2" x 1 1/2' removable
valved capped connection at each floor.
R. Preaction systems shall be used only when approved by the Rutgers Fire Marshall. These
systems are not preferred. Where dry or preaction systems are required, use standard wall
galvanized pipe as approved by Factory Mutual.
S. Fire pumps on low rise buildings (buildings less than 3 stories) should not be used.
T. In seismic areas (New Brunswick and Newark) serving buildings covered by BOCA high
rise code shall be designed with a secondary source of water (10,000 gallon capacity or as
required) and shall be as approved by Factory Mutual.
U. All fire pumps and sprinkler supplies from city water services shall be installed per city
requirements. A/E must contact and coordinate with city officials and design all
installations in accordance with their requirements.
V. Do not provide fire hoses. All fire extinguishers at the Newark Campus shall be specified
by the A/E after consultation with the University Fire Marshall’s office for type desired.
The general contractor must provide and install.
W. Plain end pipe couplings should not be used in systems unless they are the positive
locking type specifically approved by Factory Mutual for above ground sprinkler piping.
X. The design area for gridded sprinkler systems shall be the hydraulically most demanding
"rectangular area" having a dimension parallel to the branch lines equal to 1.4 times the
square root of the area of sprinkler operation corresponding to the density used.
Y. To facilitate flushing of the sprinkler system, the ends of all crossmains should be
provided with a threaded flushing connection no more than 2" in diameter.
Z. Pipe hanger installation shall be in accordance with Factory Mutual Data Sheet 2-8N
(NFPA #13).
AA. A permanent placard should be provided at the base of each riser stating the design
criteria of the system for hydraulically designed systems.
A. Reference Standards: Installation of underground fire protection mains shall comply with
the following standards:
1. NFPA No. 24, Private Fire Service Mains and their Appurtenances
B. Underground mains shall be cement lined ductile iron mechanical joints. Retaining
glands shall be the mechanical joint wedge action type.
C. Depth of Cover: The depth of cover over fire protection water mains shall be not less
than 4 1/2 feet, measured from the top of the pipe to finished grade.
D. Pipe Joints: All bolted joint assemblies shall be cleaned and thoroughly coated with
asphalt or other corrosion-retardant material after installation of the assembly and prior to
inspection and backfilling.
E. Anchoring: Mechanical joints shall be utilized on all tees, plugs, hydrant branches and
bends. These joints on underground pipe shall be restrained against movement. Restraint
shall be via thrust blocks, and/or rods and clamps.
F. Thrust Blocks: Thrust blocks shall be provided at all tees, plugs, caps, bends and
hydrants and shall be of concrete mix having not less than 2,000 psi strength at 28 days.
Thrust blocks shall be poured between the underground pipe and undisturbed earth,
leaving the pipe joint accessible for inspection and repair, and not obstructing the fire
hydrant drain ports. Thrust blocks shall be sized in accordance with table 8-6.2.7 of
G. Flushing: Underground mains and lead-in connections to system risers shall be flushed
thoroughly before connection is made to sprinkler, standpipe, or other fire protection
system piping in order to remove foreign materials which may have entered the pipe
during the course of the installation. The minimum rate of flow shall be not less than the
demand rate of the system or the following rates, which ever is the greater:
5" 600 gpm
6" 750 gpm
8" 1000 gpm
H. Fire Hydrant: The University standard fire hydrant is Model A-423 (Centurion),
manufactured by the Mueller Company. The hydrant shall contain one 4-1/2" National
Standard Fire Hose Thread (NST) pumper outlet and two 2-1/2" NST hose outlets. The
pumper outlet shall be adjusted to face in the direction prescribed by the University
Construction Code Official, and such adjustment, if necessary, shall be made by the
installing contractor prior to acceptance of the installation by the University Construction
Code Official.
1. All fire hydrants shall be set on a gravel bed of at least 12" deep, minimum to
ensure quick drainage from the ports provided near the base of the hydrant barrel.
2. The center of the plumper connection shall be not less than 12" above final grade.
I. Inspections and Tests: No underground fire protection pipe assembly or fire hydrant
shall be backfilled prior to inspection and approval of the installation by the University
Construction Code Official or his designee.
A. Water mains 3" and above shall be ductile iron cement lined, mechanical joint with
wedge action retaining glands.
B. All fittings shall be mechanical joint with wedge action retaining glands.
C. Cover exterior pipes per Factory Mutual requirements (or minimum 3'-6")
A. Hubless cast iron pipe is acceptable above grade (not acceptable below grade).
B. Provide at least 2 roof drains per section of reel. See Uniform Construction Code for
additional requirements.
C. Minimum cover under roads for Sanitary Sewer systems shall be 3'-6" and minimum
slope shall be 1" in 15'-0" (.55% slope).
A. Shower control valves shall be pressure balance type, solid brass construction.
C. All plumbing fixtures must be tight fitting to walls and be neatly sealed at joint with
silicone sealant.
E. Plumbing fixtures and fittings for laboratory furniture shall be provided by the laboratory
furniture manufacturer.
F. Provide freezeless wall hydrants every 50' on exteriors of new buildings. Model B65
series as made by Woodford Manuf'g. Inc. or approved equal.
H. All ADA water closets, urinals, sinks and hand dryers shall be automatic flushing and
turn on/off. Automatic fixtures shall be battery-operated type as manufactured by Sloan,
Zurn or Chicago Faucets. Model/configuration of automatic operator specified shall be
as approved by the University Compliance Officer.
I. Provide “lead free” materials certification from drinking fountain manufacturer prior to
A. Water heaters generally should be heated with HTW or MTW when central heating
systems available. Check with Rutgers for specific requirements. Use 2-way, cast steel
control valves as approved by Rutgers.
C. All water heaters shall comply with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and shall be
stamped with appropriate code symbols.
D. Oil fire water heaters shall be used only with Rutgers’s approval.
C. All new underground tank installations shall consist of double wall underground tank
with a primary welded steel tank and a secondary FRP laminate outer tank, as
manufactured by Plasteel Elutron or approved equal. The tank shall meet all required UL
and Factory Mutual standards. At a minimum, the tank shall include a tank access
manway, piping sump, fill port, interstitial monitoring port and vent connections.
D. The hold-down concrete pad shall be sized to prevent the underground tank from floating.
Preferred backfill material is pea gravel. However, the backfill material shall be as
confirmed with the equipment manufacturers.
E. All product piping shall be double wall piping system. All components of the piping
system shall be made of non-corrosive materials, or if metallic, such as fittings and
couplings, isolated from corrosion causing agents. The piping shall be sloped back to the
sump mounted on the underground tank and monitored by the tank monitoring system.
G. All tank systems shall include a tank monitoring system. The system shall monitor the
interstitial of the underground tank, the interstitial of the underground piping, and the
amount of product in the tank. The system shall also be capable of performing tank
tightness tests. Audible and visual alarms shall be a part of the monitoring system. The
monitoring system shall be a Veeder Root TLS 350. For tank installations 1,000 gallons
or smaller, a Veeder Root TLS 300 may be used.
H. The tank shall include a grade level spill containment manhole with a cover color coded
to meet NJDEP regulations.
J. A concrete pad shall be appropriately designed and installed over the tank at grade level
to protect the tank from anticipated loading.
K. All above ground tanks shall be a double wall tank with an interstitial monitoring port or
shall be a tank inside a self contained dike. The double wall tanks may be a concrete
encased steel tank or a double wall steel tank. The secondary tank shall be 110% of the
primary tank capacity. If a self-contained dike is used, provisions must be made to keep
water from collecting inside the dike. The dike shall be sized to maintain 110% of the
tank capacity. All above ground tanks must meet UL and Factory Mutual standards.
L. A tank tightness test shall be conducted on each tank and its associated piping after
completion of the installation.
A. University gas systems are natural gas and are considered to be permanent, reliable
A. Boiler design and sizing of boilers shall conform to the requirements of the current
“Boiler Pressure Vessel and Refrigeration Code” as issued by the NJ Department of
Labor; Office of Pressure Vessel Compliance. Stand-alone boilers shall be designed
such that a licensed operator is not required to monitor boiler plant operation.
Consult with Newark Physical Plant Director prior to selection. The designs must
be such to keep below 100H.P.
A. Medium temperature water systems are designed at 300o F. Use 150# AISI design
B. High Temperature water systems are designed at 400o F. and 400 psig, depending on
campus: use 300 Lb. ANSI design standards.
C. Chilled Water systems are designed at 44o F to 56o F. nominal temperatures. (Use a 120o
F. temperature difference)
D. Dual temperature systems shall be designed for 100-125o F., winter and 44o F top 56o F
summer. Use A. O. Smith "green thread" or approved equal.
H. Steel and copper pipe can be used for hydronic piping. Do not use plastic piping.
I. Flexible connection shall be installed at pumps only when directed by Rutgers or when
acoustic consultant recommendations are accepted by Rutgers.
L. Minimum cover for High Temperature Hot Water (HTHW) lines shall be 4'-0" from top
of pipe to finished grade. Road crossing shall have a reinforced concrete slab 8" thick or
cover shall be extended to 6'-0" below road surface.
A. Steam system shall be designed for low pressure (15 psig or less) unless otherwise
approved by Rutgers. When steam is obtained from a HTW steam generator, it is
especially important to realize that pressures of 30 psig or greater are difficult to justify
because they use an enormous flow of primary HTW. All kitchen equipment
(dishwasher, steam tables, etc.) should be operated at less than this pressure. Autoclaves,
sterilizers and cage washers should be capable of operating at less than 30 psig steam. If
this is not possible, the use of an electrically driven steam generator that can be separately
metered (electrically) can be considered.
E. Use steel pipe conforming to ASTM A 53, Grade B. Use of copper pipe shall be subject
to approval by Rutgers. If copper pipe is used, modify fittings accordingly.
F. Adjust class of safety valves for pressure and temperature used in each system.
G. Steel piping 1" or less for low-pressure steam shall be Schedule 80.
I. Sizing of reducing valves shall be clearly shown on the Drawings for all equipment.
J. Pipe discharge from safety valves shall be terminated at a safe height and location to
prevent personnel harm.
A. Consult with Rutgers about pump selection philosophy. Limit speed to 1750 RPM. Any
pumps handling HTW shall be selected with Rutgers’ input. Industrial pumps may be
1. For small flows and low heads, in-line circulators may be used, this application is
limited to zoned residential-type (or similar) systems and may include systems
intended to prevent cold freeze-up. Typical limits are 80 GPM at 25 feet TDH.
2. Vertical in-line pumps may be used for systems similar to those described in the
paragraph above where a larger system head exists. Typical limits are 3", 7-1/2
3. Base-mounted close coupled and separately controlled, end suction pumps shall
be used when flows are between 100 and 500 GPM. The suction connection
should be less than 4". Close-coupled pumps should not exceed 10 HP and
should not exceed 15 HP for the separately coupled pump. Base mount or
separately coupled pumps should be of the back pull-out type.
4. Base-mounted, separately coupled double-suction, horizontal split-case type
pumps should be used for connections 4" and larger. B&G VSC may be used.
Consider vertical pumps, such as Aurora 413, where space is at a premium.
5. Selection should be made for high efficiency. Consideration of life cycle cost
study of variable speed pumping should be made.
6 Use mechanical seals when choice is available. Use cyclone separator type seal
waste cleaning device on all pumps that can be equipped with it (generally on all
double suction pumps).
B. Vibration control is usually not needed when pumps are mounted on basement slab. All
vibration controls need to be carefully examined. Pads, isolated from the slab may be
acceptable. Inertia blocks need to be considered when the pump room is below an
acoustically important room. Flexible connectors should also be minimized in use.
A. Cast iron sectional boilers or approved non-condensing high efficiency boilers are the
preferred boiler for remote locations and relatively small boiler plants. Use hot water
generators when possible. Approved cast iron boiler manufacturers are Buderus, Utica
and Weil-McLain. Buy as a package unit when possible with high-efficiency burners
approved by Rutgers. High-efficiency boilers shall be "P-K Thermific" as manufactured
by Patterson-Kelly Co. or approved equal. All boiler installations shall comply with all
Factory Mutual requirements.
A. Such boilers may be considered for installations larger than 50-horse power. They should
be multi-pass and have an efficiency of greater than 80% at the design point. Comply
with Factory Mutual requirements. Buy a packaged boiler whenever possible. Consult
Rutgers for use of dual-fuel burners for type of burner to use, turndown desired and type
of control to use.
A. Do not use electric boilers except for small outputs which serve a special piece of
equipment (5 HP or less).
A. Water treatment systems are required. A/E’s must discuss with Director of Newark
Physical Plant for specifics.
A. The Masterspec version of this specification can be used for relatively small, isolated
boiler plants. For larger plants, consult Rutgers.
C. Rutgers may require an analysis of effluent flume shape and dispersion by a specialist in
air wake analysis. Specialist shall be approved by Rutgers. Such analysis is typical for
all discharge stacks such as laboratory fume hood or other laboratory discharges.
A. Do not use without permission of Rutgers. If so, use less steel heat exchangers that are
gas-fired units (not oil fired), using spark ignition only.
A. Use only on very small projects, with Rutgers permission. Water-cooled units should not
be specified. Air-cooled units must be justified by life cycle cost analysis.
B. If the unit is pre-purchased, the A/E shall obtain pre-purchase specifications from
A. Rutgers prefers cooling towers with propeller fan, packaged, cross flow (induced draft)
with plastic fill (plastic shall be fire retardant and Factory Mutual approved in a stainless
steel casing and pans). Use a Marley selected for low horsepower, or approved equal.
C. Winterizing requirements shall be discussed with Rutgers. The appropriate design shall
be reviewed prior to such application.
D. Fan motors shall be single- speed, VFD controlled to obtain the condenser water
temperatures needed. Size of conduits to starter located in Mechanical Room shall take
this into account.
G. Provide flow control valves for all outlets. Provide all needed screens and protective
devices. Discharge hoods and sound control measures shall be provided to attain noise
levels acceptable to local conditions and ordinances.
H. Water level control is preferable located indoors with a conductivity type level sensor
wired to the control. Water level may also use float switch. Control should activate EP-
pneumatic or slow closing solenoid valve, blow down solenoid valve and chemical feed
pump. EP, BD and chemical pump should have H-O-A- selection switch.
J. Water treatment shall be specified and included in the design.
A. Limit air-cooled condensers to very small systems or for equipment such as constant
temperature rooms unless life cycle cost indicate otherwise.
B. Where air cooled condensers are used, they shall be designed for low ambient
temperature operation.
B. HTW heat exchangers shall be shell and tube type. HTW shall be in tubes. Tubes shall
be 90-10 copper-nickel. Heads shall be forged steel. In water-to-water exchangers, the
water flow shall be upward. In water-to-steam generators, the controls shall be similar to
those used for fired steam generators, excluding low water cutoff. Provide separate over-
temperature control on leaving hot water. Provide required level controls, relief and/or
safety valves on water or steam generators. Provide increase tube pitch on steam
C. Add Yula to list of acceptable manufacturers found in Masterspec. Shell flow designed
for 100% of system flow.
D. Provide units with a fouling factor of 0.0005 for water or as approved by Rutgers. For
glycol exchangers, consult with Rutgers. 30% glycol solution should provide adequate
freeze protection; consult with Rutgers if it is felt that a greater percentage is required.
Propylene glycol may be required for certain food handling operations.
E. HTW-to-water heat exchangers shall have the temperature sensing elements operating
plus over temp. located in the shell near the outlet nozzle, on immediately adjacent to
outlet nozzle.
G. Investigate energy reclamation and savings. The Engineer of Record shall provide
calculations based on payback and life cycle costs to Rutgers University Newark Physical
Plant Director and Development for review and approval with the Design Development
Submission. Payback and life cycle cost calculations shall be performed using the
“Trane” Trace computer program or other methodology subject to Rutgers University
A. Do not use packaged heating and cooling units without Rutgers permission.
A. These may be used only with Rutgers written approval. When used, the only acceptable
types are:
1. Trane
2. McQuay
3. Aaon
4. Governair
5. York
6. Miller-Picking
7. Air Enterprises
8. Marcraft
9. Webco
10. Pace
B. When rooftop equipment is suggested for the project, the access to the roof shall be as a
minimum a stair tower meeting applicable codes extended full-size to the roof. In
addition, an available elevator may be required to extend to the roof.
D. Coils shall be fully drainable and fin spacing shall not exceed 120 fins per foot as
specified for coils in air handling units.
E. Heating and cooling should be from external sources of hot water (or glycol mixture) or
chilled water; do not use gas-fired exchangers or air cooled refrigerant (DX) systems
without Rutgers approval.
A. Use only after detailed life cycle cost analysis and approval of Rutgers.
A. HW and ChW coils shall have no more than 120 fins per foot of tube length, where
possible. All coils shall be completely drainable at each row. Drainage of coil shall be
accomplished by removing the drain and vent plugs; no other means shall be required.
Copper tubes with aluminum fins are satisfactory. HW coil temperature drop should be
high (over 40o F.) with an entering water temperature of 180o F to 200o F. ChW
temperature drop should be 12o F. with an entering temperature of 45o F. For 100%
outside air applications, a higher delta T maybe used with Rutgers permission.
D. Properly locate face and bypass dampers on 100% outside air systems so that no coil will
receive a low temperature blast of cold air when bypassed, or provide a properly sized
pumped water protective system.
E. Humidifiers should be used only with Rutgers approval. Use canister type steam
generator with proper distributing grid if approval is obtained.
F. 30% Filters shall be installed in manufactured filter frames. Precede higher efficiency
filters with roughing filters. Use HEPA or other high efficiency filters when required or
directed. Provide pressure differential gage to monitor filter performance on all major
air-handling units.
A. In-line or tubular fans are not preferred and such use shall be approved by Rutgers.
B. Drives for centrifugal fans used for general exhaust (i.e. non-fume hood) applications
shall be direct drive multi-belt. Direct drive is preferred to belt drive where practical.
Where belt drives are utilized, generous size pulleys shall be used to reduce the belt
C. Fume hood exhaust fans shall be “Tri-Stack” direct drive type as manufactured by Stobic
Air Corporation or approved equal. Fans shall be provided with all factory options as
required to suit application.
D. Drains shall be provided in fan scrolls, especially when the fan may receive storm water
in its ordinary course of duty. This applies to most of the fume hood exhaust fans that
use the Rutgers' preferred vertical discharge stackhead.
E. Fume hood fans shall be non-sparking and Teflon P coated. Wheels and scrolls may be
heresite coated for corrosion protection. Use explosion proof motors when required.
Exhaust fans and duct systems for hoods are to be sized and designed to provide an
average hood face velocity of 80-100 LFM, as measured at the face, with the sash wide
open. Deviations in this value shall not be greater than 20% at any point across the hood
face. To assure this standard, the designer must work closely with the duct installer to
determine the effects of duct routing on motor sizing.
Exhaust fans shall be located on the roof, or in an adequately ventilated fan loft. Exhaust
motors shall be located to allow access for maintenance.
F. Do not use backdraft dampers on laboratory fume hood fans unless specifically approved
by Rutgers.
A. Window air conditioning units shall be equipped with a timer which can be programmed
to shut off when the space is not occupied. The timer can be part of the unit, or at the
panel as appropriate.
A. Duct Cleaning shall be based upon the National Air Duct Cleaners Association
(NADCA) specification.
1. Ducts
Bio-Safety cabinets shall not be connected to the general exhaust system or the
fume hood exhaust system. Bio-Safety cabinets shall be connected to a dedicated
exhaust system.
Ductwork shall take the straightest route to the roof, minimizing bends and
horizontal runs. Increased distances and bends create resistance to air flow and
require larger exhaust motors. When elbows are necessary, they shall have proper
centerline radius (one-and-one-half times the diameter of the ducts) to minimize
eddying and resistance to air flow. All elbows shall have removable wear plates
when operations will involve heavy dust concentrations. Ductwork shall not enter
the blower motor on an elbow. Exhaust blower motors shall be located on the
roof so that a negative pressure will be maintained in the ductwork and prevent
escape of toxic material through holes and cracks in the duct.
2. Filter Housing
HEPA or charcoal filters are not required for most routine uses of fume hoods.
Install a filter or filter housing only if specified by REHS. Where filters are
required, the housing shall be located in the fan room or roof before the blower.
The filter housing shall be located to allow for easy filter changing by the bag-in
bag out technique. Exhaust fans shall be sized accordingly to handle the
increased pressure drop across the filter.
3. Discharge
The discharge point must be at a proper height above the highest point of the roof
or parapet (10-15 ft.) to reduce air-streaming effects of the building. Air shall be
discharged vertically with at least 3500 feet per minute stack discharge velocity.
The discharge stack should be located in the prevailing downwind direction of air
intake point.
The discharge stack shall be uncapped, straight, and cylindrical. The discharge
duct shall overlap the fan ductwork 6" and have a 1" greater diameter, to provide
for rain drip discharge. Deflecting weather caps are prohibited on discharge
stacks, as they reduce the effective stack height, reduce air velocity, are not
effective rain shields, and increase final cost.
4. Special Hoods
Each perchloric acid hood shall have an individual exhaust system (i.e.,
individual duct to individual fan). The ductwork shall go straight from
the hood to the roof with no horizontal runs or sharp turns. "Wash-down"
facilities shall be built into the hood and ductwork. An air ejector system
or an exhaust fan may be used. An air ejector exhaust system eliminates
the possibility of acid reaction with fan components and allows for ease of
cleaning. If a fan is used, the blades shall be made of acid resistant metal
or a metal protected by an inorganic coating. The fan shall be lubricated
with a fluorocarbon type grease.
B. Laboratory Controls:
2. Each fume hood shall be equipped with a face velocity alarm monitor or
controller and associated components that are compatible with the specified
laboratory HVAC control system and components (i.e. supply & exhaust valves,
etc.). At a minimum, the system shall have a visual indicator of the hood face
velocity. Additionally, adjustable low flow/caution alarm points with audible
alarm are recommended. It is also recommended that each fume hood be
equipped with a local high sash alarm activated when the sash height exceeds 19
inches. High sash alarm shall be equipped with a silence button with an
adjustable timing device that resets when the sash is lowered. Fume hood
controls may be either factory mounted/wired or field mounted/wired at the
discretion of the engineer-of-record. Provision and specification of fume hood
controls must be coordinated with section 11600 "Laboratory Equipment" of these
Design Standards. The control system chosen must be approved by REHS.
A. Rutgers reserve the right to bid "Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing" as a separate contract
on any given project with the testing, adjusting, and balancing contractor working
directly for Rutgers University. Direction shall be requested from the Physical Plant prior
to developing design documents with regard to how the "Testing, Adjusting, and
Balancing" portion of any given project will be bid.
B. HVAC Testing, Adjusting & Balancing contractors shall be limited to those listed below
unless otherwise approved in writing by Rutgers:
C. All new and relocated fume hoods shall be commissioned/balanced in accordance with
ANSI/ASHRAE 110-1995, “Method of Testing Performance of Laboratory Fume
Hoods” both as manufactured and following installation/relocation at both full operating
velocity (100 fpm) and reduced operating velocity (60 fpm).
2. The Owner reserves the right to hire a third party Commissioning Agent at the
inception of any project. The Commissioning Agent will be responsible for
reviewing and commenting on the design concept and design documents prepared
by the Design Engineer of Record in order to ensure conformance with University
requirements, Industry Standards and maximize value to the University. The
commissioning Agent shall also review the installation and operation of all
mechanical equipment and systems with the Design Engineer of Record as well as
all pertinent trades to ensure conformance with contract documents prepared by
the Design Engineer of Record. The Design Engineer of Record shall be
obligated to work amicably with the Commissioning Agent throughout the design
and construction process.
A. Codes and Standards: All drawing and specifications and construction shall
conform to the following:
C. Three copies of the following shop drawings should be requested from the Contractor for
review by Rutgers, in addition to the normal A/E review:
A. Galvanized rigid steel conduit shall be Hot-dipped galvanized steel inside and outside
comply with UL Standard 6, Federal Specification WW-C-581-D and ANSI C 80.1.
Galvanized rigid steel conduit shall be used for the following:
1. Buried raceways in concrete slabs (except for main services which shall be PVC
conduit concrete encased ductbank) or in the ground. Where directly buried, two
coats of asphaltic compound shall be applied.
4. Any raceway in hazardous areas.
B. Electro-Galvanized Steel Metallic Tubing (EMT) shall comply with UL Standard 797,
Federal Specification WW-C-563 and ANSI C 80.3. EMT shall be used for the
1. Interior branch circuits exposed, concealed in hung ceilings and wall partitions, in
masonry or concrete.
4. Interior control, signal and sound wiring exposed, concealed in hung ceilings and
wall partitions.
C. Rigid Plastic Conduit, Schedule 40 PVC, shall be used for the following:
D. Underground ductbank runs shall be installed minimum of 30" below grade to top of
bank, wherever possible. If 30" is not possible, concrete encased ducts may be installed
to minimum burial depth stipulated in NEC. Underground runs cable markers shall be
installed for all direct-buried cables and cables in non-metallic and metallic raceways.
Marker shall be located directly over buried lines at 8 to 10 inches below finished grade.
Marker tape shall be standard metallic lined, permanent, bright red colored continuous
printed plastic tape for direct burial service, not less than 6 inches wide by 4 mils thick,
and printed, "caution electric line buried below."
F. Hot-Dipped galvanized, single strip flexible steel conduit, not exceeding 6' in length shall
be used for connections to recessed and chain hung lighting fixtures.
G. Metal-clad cable type "MC" with THHN insulation rated 600 volts and with an insulated
grounding conductor shall be permitted for branch circuits where concealed above hung
ceilings or in furred partitions where permitted by code. MC is only permitted after a
junction box located above the acoustical ceiling (near the area being served) or on the
circuit and for flexible connection to recessed or chain hung fixture. Only EMT conduit
shall be allowed to terminate in the electrical panels. All MC cable must be properly
supported and run in a neat workman-like manner.
H. Plastic jacketed rigid steel galvanized conduit shall be used in corrosive atmospheres.
I. Rigid aluminum conduit may be used in lieu of rigid steel conduit, except where in
contact with or in earth, concrete or masonry.
J. Conduit shall be 3/4" size minimum. Flexible steel conduit of 1/2" diameter may be used
for connections to recessed and chain hung lighting fixtures.
K. Where empty conduits are required to be installed, provide a continuous #12 nylon draw
line with identification tag securely attached to both ends.
L. Suitable expansion and deflection fittings with grounding continuity shall be provided in
each conduit run at each point where the conduit run crosses a building expansion joint.
M. All wiring shall be installed concealed in ceilings, walls, slabs, pipe chases and furred
spaces whenever possible. Conduit may be installed exposed only in Mechanical Room,
Electrical Room and Janitors Closets. Concealed conduit shall be installed in a direct
line, with bends as long as practicable. Exposed conduit shall be installed parallel to or at
right angles with the lines of the Building, as closely as possible to walls, ceilings,
columns and other structural parts, consistent with proper space for access to boxes and
so as to occupy a minimum of space. Where exposed conduits are grouped, they shall be
run parallel and equally spaced.
N. Surface metal raceways with snap-on covers shall be used for exposed runs in finished
areas, for counter and workbench power and data outlets where required. Acceptable
manufacturers are Wiremold, mono-systems and Isoduct.
A. In all cases, Rutgers shall be consulted regarding source of power. The primary or main
distribution service voltage utilized at various Rutgers installations are as follows:
Busch Campus: 13,200 volt 3 phase 60 Hz dual loop feed underground distribution from
a 26,400 to 13,200 volt Rutgers grounded system. The 26.4 KV service is provided by
Public Service Electric and Gas Co. Building unit substations transforms and distributes
power within each building.
2. College Avenue Campus: Source is from a Rutgers 4160 volt 3-phase radial or
loop underground system supplied from a 26,400 to 4160 volt grounded system.
The 26.4 KV service is provided by Public Service Electric & Gas Co. Building
unit substations transform and distribute power within each building.
5. Newark Campus: Source is from a PSE&G Co. 265/460 volt 3-phase 4-wire
network system. Distribution is underground, and Rutgers and the utility
company shall be consulted regarding power source location.
6. Other Remote Locations: Rutgers and the utility company shall be consulted
regarding power source, location and characteristics.
B. Service runs from existing manholes and/or buildings to new buildings shall be run in
duct banks. Duct banks shall use 4" minimum PVC schedule 40 ducts supported on
approved spacers and encased in red concrete, and located a minimum of 30" below
grade to top of bank. Runs under traffic areas shall be reinforced. Duct bank runs shall
be no greater than 300 feet long, unless otherwise approved, and run into manholes as
needed to serve the facility.
C. Service runs to outdoor or indoor building unit substations shall be underground conduits
two 4" schedule 40 PVC runs minimum; use four 4" PVC if for loop feed service; and
encase in red concrete. Low voltage service runs to buildings shall be sized per load
being served and shall include a minimum of 2 spare ducts.
D. Duct run terminations shall be made using rigid galvanized steel conduit. Slope duct runs
into manholes to drain, and runs shall be essentially straight between manholes. Ducts
shall be run below gas lines, and where ducts cross high temperature water lines a
minimum separation of 3 feet shall be maintained, and a minimum of 6" thick foamglass
type insulation extending at least 4 feet in both directions of crossing shall be used.
E. Manholes:
2. Drains: Manholes shall be provided with a drain to the storm sewer that will not
backwash and shall have a sump cast into the floor next to the ladder into which a
portable sump pump can be installed. Floor shall slope to sump.
3. Covers: Manhole covers shall be round, having a standard manhole frame and
cover. The cover shall be 30" in diameter and have the word ELECTRIC or
TELEPHONE cast into it. Install frame and cover assembly on at least 4 courses
of brick or precast concrete rings to allow adjustments to surrounding finish
grade. Manholes shall be labeled as confined spaces.
4. Ground: A copperweld ground rod shall be installed in each manhole for bonding
of hardware and cable sheaths.
A. Secondary Distribution:
1. Wire for low voltage (600 volts and below) circuits shall be single conductor
stranded copper of not less than 98% conductivity with 600 volt, Type
THHN/THWN insulation. Type XHHW may be used for sizes #2AWG and
2. Metal-Clad cable Type "MC" with THHN insulation rated 600 volts & with an
insulated grounding conductor shall be permitted for power and lighting branch
circuits on the normal and standby systems where concealed above hung ceilings
or in walls. The insulated grounding conductor and the cable sheath shall be
bonded to the supplying panelboard and each receptacle or lighting fixture
connected to the circuit.
3. Wire and cable shall be No. 12 AWG and smaller, shall be made with approved
insulated indentation or spring insert type pressure connectors. Connections and
splices in low voltage wire, No. 8 AWG and larger, shall be made with approved
insulated spring insert type pressure connectors or bolted or compression-crimped
type pressure connectors covered with an insulating filler tape, "Scotch-fil", or
approved equal, and two half-lap servings of vinyl electrical tape, Scotch #33 or
approved equal. All taped connections exposed to weather or moisture shall be
given two coats of weatherproof insulating paint, Okonite, or approved equal.
4. All conductors shall be color-coded throughout and numbered and tagged to each
junction box, pull box, panel and device with suitable fireproof tags or adhesive
identification bands. Color-coding of conductors for power and branch circuits
shall be as follows:
5. Branch Circuit Feeders: The design shall be for acceptable voltage drop and
capacity for 20% load growth above initial design.
6. Branch Circuits: These circuits shall not be loaded to more than 80% of panel
breaker ratings. Not more than six unassigned general use duplex convenience
outlets shall be on any one 20-ampere branch circuit.
7. Feeder sizes and protections shall not be such a large percentage of the main that
coordination of devices cannot be achieved.
8. Use two wire circuits with individual neutral conductors for all branch receptacle
circuits in administrative, office, computer laboratory and classrooms, and general
laboratory areas.
B. Primary Distribution:
1. All high voltage cable shall conform in material, construction and tests to all
applicable requirements of the Insulated Cable Engineers' Association.
2. All cable for primary service and distribution circuits shall be single conductor,
copper conductor, copper tape shielded type with a solid dielectric, vulcanized,
rubber-like, elastomeric, thermosetting insulation, ozone-moisture-corona
resistant, rated 90o C., and PVC sheath, as manufactured by the Kerite Co. or with
an extruded semi-conducting strand screen, okoguard insulation extruded semi-
conducting insulation screen, copper tape shield and okolon jacket as
manufactured by the Okonite Co., or equivalent as manufactured by Pirelli. Cable
shall be rated 5KV, or 15 KV depending on distribution system at campus
location, and shall have 133% insulation level. Cable shall be UL listed as Type
3. All cable in manholes shall be wrapped in two "opposing layers” of fireproofing
tape secured in place with glass-cloth binder type. Slack cable shall be provided
in manholes by routing the cables by the longest path possible through the
Phase A: Black
Phase B: Red
Phase C: Blue
9. Tests: High voltage DC proof tests shall be specified on all primary cable
installations in accordance with the cable manufacturer's recommendation and
written report shall be supplied to Rutgers.
A. Local wall switches shall be heavy-duty specification grade, toggle, quiet type, ivory,
fully enclosed in composition cases, rated 20 amp. 120/277 volt AC; Hubbell #1221
Series, or approved equal.
B. Receptacles generally shall be duplex, specification grade, 2 pole, 3 wire grounding type
conforming to latest NEMA standards for 20 amp, 125 volt with back and side wiring,
ivory; Hubbell #5362, or approved equal.
C. Receptacles for use with specific equipment, special applications, etc. shall be suitable
for the load to be served, and of proper configuration for the mating plug.
D. Switches and receptacles for wet hazardous areas shall be an approved type for the
environment served.
E. Receptacles fed from emergency power upon failure of normal power shall have cover of
steel with red baked enamel and word "EMERGENCY" engraved in white letters on
G. Device plates, telephone outlet plates, and blank plates in finished areas shall be .04
gauge 302 stainless steel with brushed finish.
1. Multi-outlet systems shall consist of surface mounted metal raceways for use with
number and type of wiring devices as required. Systems shall be complete with
all fittings, etc. and shall be equal to Wiremold 2000 and G-3000.
I. Provide 20 amp duplex outlets at each floor landing of each stair. Provide at least one 20
amp duplex outlet in corridors and space such outlets at 75 feet on center in all corridors.
J. All receptacles shall have engraved nameplates fastened to the coverplate, stating the
panel and circuit number.
A. Buildings and their equipment shall be served by unit substations where applicable as
required for the load. Generally substations shall be single ended type, and the secondary
or building distribution system voltage shall be as follows:
1. 480Y/277 volt 3 phase 4 wire 60 HZ for buildings with large power loads
utilizing 277 volt for most lighting, and small 480 to 120/208 volt transformer for
receptacles, lighting and small equipment loads as required.
2. 208Y/120 volt 3-phase 4-wire 60 HZ for buildings with small power loads that
can be readily served by this voltage.
4. Double-ended substations may be used to serve buildings and their equipment
when associated with high technology research facilities. This should be
established and discussed with Rutgers.
2. Indoor unit substation shall consist of a load break primary disconnect, or two
"on-off" load break disconnects for loop feed service where required by campus
distribution system, primary fuses, primary lighting arresters; dry type ventilated
power transformer; and main secondary power distribution switchboard. Unit
substations shall be provided as a completely enclosed, integrated and coordinated
line-up by the manufacturer. The two primary "on-off" load interrupter switches
for loop feed shall be in individual vertical section connected together on the load
side and key interlocked to prevent both incoming circuits from being connected
to transformer at the same time. Primary sections shall be equipped with copper
ground bus. Incoming primary service shall be underground wherever possible.
Primary fuses shall be disconnect type S & C type SM5, or approved equal. Dry-
type ventilated transformer to have maximum temperature rise of 115o C. above a
40o C. maximum ambient, to be equipped with provisions for forced cooling, to
have 4 - 2-1/2 full capacity taps in high voltage winding 2 above and 2 below
normal, and ground pad. Main secondary switchboard shall be front accessible,
with vertical sections as required bolted together to form one metal enclosed rigid
switchboard constructed to NEMA PB-2 and UL 891 standards. It shall be
equipped with Owner's metering section with digital SQUARE “D”
POWERLOGIC CM2350 meter (no substitutions). Unit shall have a main circuit
breaker, and feeder branch circuit breakers as required to serve loads plus two
spare feeder breakers. Rating of main bus, circuit breakers, etc. shall be
determined based on building transformer rating and building distribution system
to serve loads. Interrupting capacity shall be determined and noted on system
one-line diagram main buses and equipment. Provide a ground copper bus in
switchboard for its entire length firmly secured to each vertical section. Provide
space for future breakers. Incoming secondary service shall be underground
wherever possible. Breaker loading shall be maximum of 80% of its rating unless
breakers are specified and available as fully rated units for switchboard service.
Each breaker on the switchboard assembly shall have an engraved lamacoid
nameplate to designate load served.
3. Selection of 1. or 2. above will depend on site location of new facility, indoor
space availability for mechanical and electrical equipment, etc. and shall be
determined by discussions with Rutgers.
C. Secondary Distribution Systems: Due to the increasing use of solid state devices for
personal computers, data processing units, electronic ballasts, and variable speed drives
in a facility, the building electrical system in a facility must be designed to accommodate
these non-linear loads. Where these loads are prevalent, the design must include
transformers designed for non-linear load application, and oversizing of distribution
panel neutrals as well as the neutral conductors of the system feeding these panels.
A. Drawings shall show ground systems, protective conduit sizes, and relative locations.
Specifications and drawings shall include detailed requirements of the grounding system.
A reference only to the National Electrical Code and/or specifying requirements only be
referencing the code are not acceptable.
B. Service grounding electrode shall be on the street side of cold-water valve and also
provide a made grounding system. A reference only to the National Electrical Code
and/or specifying requirements only be referencing the code are not acceptable.
C. Ground connections that are permanently concealed shall be made by the exothermic
process to form solid metal joints. Accessible ground connections shall be made with
mechanical pressure type connectors.
E. Grounding conductor in metallic conduits shall be 600 volt green insulated copper
conductor sized per NEC code. Where a shock hazard to personnel may exist by the
frequent and continued contact with machines or equipment (fixed or portable), a wire
equipment ground shall be installed in the branch circuit conduits and be grounded to the
cabinet of the panelboard by an uninsulated ground bus. The neutral bar of the panel
shall not be used for equipment grounds.
F. The complete electrical installation shall be permanently and effectively grounded per
code. This includes switchboards, panelboards, cabinets, transformer neutral, transformer
ground pad, motor frames, motor starters, lighting fixtures, lightning arresters, conduit
systems, and all non-current carrying metal parts of electrical equipment. Steel frame
buildings shall be grounded through a low resistance ground system.
G. Convenience outlets shall have a wired ground for continuity of ground path from the
device-grounding pole.
H. Provide a driven ground rod at outdoor lighting poles for equipment grounding, and
provide an equipment ground wire in PVC underground conduits to the poles.
I. A system ground shall be provided for each separately derived system including service
entrance, each voltage level, and generators.
J. An isolated ground shall be provided where required for designated sensitive electronic
equipment in any facility. An isolated ground bus must be provided in the source panel
and connected back to the service ground point by an insulated ground conductor.
A. All panelboards shall be rated for the intended voltage and shall be in accordance with
Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc., standards for panelboards and standards for cabinets.
Panelboard boxes shall be so labeled.
B. Construction:
2. Boxes shall be 20 inches wide and fabricated from unpainted, galvanized code
gauge sheet steel having multiple knockouts with lapped and screwed or welded
corner construction. Boxes shall be of sufficient size to provide a minimum gutter
space in accordance with NEC Tables 373-6(a) and (b), but not less than four
inches at the side and six inches at top and bottom. Multi-section panelboards
shall be provided with a minimum top and bottom gutter space of 8 inches.
Where feeder cables supplying a panel are carried through its box to supply other
panels the box shall be provided with a separate barriered side gutter. Cables
shall be bundled, routed and supported within the gutters. This wiring space shall
be in addition to the minimum gutter space specified above. A minimum of four
interior mounting studs shall be provided.
3. Trims shall be fabricated from code gauge galvanized sheet steel. Trims shall be
fastened to cabinets by means of machine screws with captive nuts or clamps and
shall be self-supporting on the cabinet after trim holding screws have been
removed. Trim for flush panels shall overlap its perspective box by at least 3/4
inch all around. Surface trim shall have the same width and height as its
respective box. Doors and trims shall each be in one piece so designed that door
will close without a rabbet.
4. Panel doors shall be fabricated from the same material as the panel trim and shall
be fastened thereto by continuous concealed hinges. Doors shall be so installed
that no live parts are exposed when the door is opened. Doors shall be complete
with flush type combination lock and catch with keys. Doors over 48 inches high
shall be provided with vault handle, built-in locks and three point catch fastening
door at top, bottom and centers. All panels shall be keyed alike. Doors shall be
provided for access to contactors, time clocks, relays, and similar devices as
5. Backbox interiors, inside trim, door and exterior shall be treated with a rust
inhibiting phosphatized coating after pickling and finished in ANSI-61 gray
enamel. A typewritten directory, eight inches by ten inches, with metal frame and
clear plastic face shall be furnished and installed upon the inside of the door of
each panelboard, indicating the room or area and the service controlled by each
6. Bus bars shall be hard drawn copper and extend the full height of the panel
without reduction. Buses shall be arranged for sequence phasing of branch
circuits. Circuit loading shall be distributed evenly over all phases. The neutral
bus shall have a suitable lug for each outgoing branch circuit requiring a neutral
connection. Neutral bus shall be full size and electrically isolated from the
cabinet. Ground bar shall be bare uninsulated and suitable bolted to the cabinet
for equipment grounding. Busing shall be braced throughout to conform to
industry standard practice governing short circuit stresses in panelboards.
Bracing shall be equivalent to, or compatible with, the rated interrupting capacity
of the smallest overcurrent device in that panelboard. Spaces for future devices
shall be bussed for the maximum device that can be fitted into them with suitable
insulation and bracing to maintain proper short circuit rating. All provisions shall
be made for ready insertion of future protective devices. Provide an isolated
ground bus where required by special sensitive equipment.
7. All interiors shall be completely factory assembled with switching and protective
devices, connectors, etc. They shall be so designed that switching and protective
devices can be replaced without disturbing adjacent units and without removing
the main bus connectors and shall be so designed that circuits may be changed
without machining, drilling or tapping. Branch circuits shall be arranged using
double row construction.
8. Multiple section panels shall have feed-thru lugs with full capacity taps to
adjacent panel sections.
9. Lighting and power panels for 480Y/277 volt system and receptacle, appliance
and power panels for 208Y/120 volt system shall be of the bolted circuit breaker
type with single, two and three pole branches of quantity and trip setting as
required. Panelboards shall be furnished with main overcurrent interrupting
devices consisting of circuit breakers of size and capacity as required.
10. Multiple cable lugs for incoming feeder cables shall be furnished where required.
Lugs shall be secured to bus by stud bolts. Where several panels are fed by one
feeder, solid tap connections shall be made in separate side gutters as required
with tap connectors. Suitable lugs or connectors shall be provided for connecting
feeders. Tap connections to multiple lug feeders shall be made to all lugs at each
tap joint.
11. When lighting circuits are switched in groups, these circuits shall be controlled by
contactors mounted under a separate door in the lighting panel.
C. Circuit Breakers:
1. Circuit breakers shall be of the molded case, bolted in type consisting of the
number of poles and ampere ratings as required. Two and three pole breakers
shall be of the common trip type. Handle extensions providing manual operation
will not be accepted.
2. Circuit breakers shall be of the indicating type providing "on", "off" and "tripped"
position of the operating handle. When the breaker is tripped the handle shall
assume a position between "on" and "off" positions. Breakers shall be of the
quick-make and quick-break type toggle mechanism with inverse time trip
characteristics. Automatic release shall be secured by a bimetallic thermal
element releasing the mechanism latch. In addition, a magnetic armature shall be
provided to trip the breaker instantaneously for short circuit currents above the
overload range.
3. Circuit breakers shall be rated for the voltage of the circuit on which they are
used. Circuit breakers with 225 ampere or larger frame sizes shall have
interchangeable trips.
4. Locking tabs shall be provided on all circuit breakers serving emergency lighting,
fire alarm system, security systems and other emergency or critical equipment.
6. Circuit breakers feeding 120-volt lighting circuits that are not controlled by local
wall switches shall be approved type "SWD" circuit breakers.
D. Panelboards shall be initially designed to that they are not loaded more than 75%.
Provide spare breakers and spare space.
A. Motor voltages: Motors 1/2 HP and larger shall be 3 phase 60 Hz, 208 volt or 460 volt
based on system secondary distribution. Motors under 1/2 HP shall be single phase 60
Hz, 115 volt or 208 volt.
B. Motor Control: A motor control center shall be provided to handle 3 phase motors in a
given area. Single-phase motors can be fed from lighting and/or power panels. Motor
control circuits shall be 120 volt 60 Hz.
1. Starter units for three phase motors shall be the combination full voltage type,
consisting of a magnetic starter containing three manual reset thermal Bimetallic
overloads and low voltage protection. Each starter unit shall include a circuit
breaker (MCP) disconnect for short circuit protection and provisions for locking
switch, handle in the "on" and "off" positions. Each starter unit shall be complete
with 2 extra normally open interlock contacts. Starters shall be mounted in
NEMA 1 enclosure indoors and NEMA 4 outdoors. Minimum size shall be
3. Starter shall have "Hand-Off-Auto" selector switches and indicating red "run"
light mounted on the starter. Control units shall be of the heavy-duty oil tight
type. Lights shall be 120/6-volt type with lamp voltage rated 150% of normal
voltage and of the miniature bayonet type only.
D. Manual motor starters for single phase motors shall be 2 pole, have a quick-break quick-
make toggle mechanism that can be locked in "off" position, with a neon pilot light to
indicate when motor is running, with thermal overload units as required. Enclosure shall
be NEMA 1 for indoors, NEMA 4 for outdoors, or NEMA 7-9 for hazardous areas.
1. Motor control centers shall be NEMA Class 1, Type B wiring. The 480V motor
control centers shall consist of independent vertical sections, free standing on 4"
channel iron sills with sections bolted together to make up the center. The section
shall be 90" overall height, including the mounting sills. The width of each
section shall be 20" (except large starters or other special panels which may be
30" in width). Structure depth shall be 20" and designed to mount starters in the
front only. A maximum of six starter units shall be stacked in one vertical
section. Terminal blocks for wiring shall be mounted within each starter unit and
shall be factory wired. Each section shall be dead front, and rear access shall not
be necessary for connections. Removable rear plates shall, however, be employed
on the rear of the structure. Pan type doors shall be used for all units and future
spaces. Doors shall be hinged to the structure with a concealed hinge and
fastened with pressure type fasteners. The top of each section shall have
removable plates for access to the horizontal feeder bus and for conduit entry. A
minimum of 12-gauge steel shall be used throughout the structure, including all
doors and plates. All painted steelwork shall be treated with a primer coat and a
finish coat.
2. The top of each section shall contain horizontal feeder bus bars of tin plated
aluminum or copper which shall run continuously through the center from section
to section. Provisions shall be made for easy addition and connection to adjacent
sections. The horizontal bus shall be sized as required by the load, but in no case
less than 600 amperes. The horizontal bus shall be braced to withstand the
maximum fault current available at that point. The bus supports shall be formed
of high dielectric strength, low moisture absorbing, high impact material with
ample creepage distance between bus bars. Each section shall contain 3 vertical
bus bars running the full working height of the section and connected to the
horizontal feeder bus bars. The vertical bus bars shall be braced to withstand the
maximum fault current available at that point. The bus support shall be formed of
high dielectric strength, low moisture absorbing, high impact material with ample
creepage distance between bus bars. Vertical bus shall be sized as required by the
load, but in no case less than 300 amps.
3. Each section shall have a top horizontal wiring trough in front of the main
horizontal bus. This wiring trough shall be protected from the horizontal bus bars
by means of a steel barrier plate. The wiring trough shall be equipped with cable
supports and the structure shall have a cutout in the end for continuous cable runs
through the motor control center. A vertical wiring trough shall run the full
working height of each section and shall be equipped with cable tie clamps. This
vertical wiring trough shall be designed so as to allow installation wiring to the
units with the unit doors open, but with the units in place.
4. Motor starter units shall be of the combination type with motor circuit protectors
coordinated with motor overload relays. The interrupting rating assigned to the
complete combination motor starters shall exceed the system short circuit capacity
at the starter terminals. Starter units shall meet the requirements specified above.
5. A magnetic trip only molded case circuit breaker which serve as a main
disconnect shall be provided where required. A horizontal copper ground bus
1/4" x 1" shall be provided with lugs for termination of the feeder and branch
circuit ground conductors. Motor starter units shall connect to the vertical bus bar
in each section with stab-on connectors shall be free-flowing silver plated clips,
self-aligning and backed up with steel springs. Units shall be capable of being
withdrawn from the structure with a minimum of difficulty. Unit support brackets
shall be provided in the structure to properly align the units. Cam latch fasteners
shall be employed on each unit to latch the unit in one of two positions in the
b. The test position - With units withdrawn from the vertical bus, but still
supported by the structure. In the test position, the pull-apart terminal
block must still be capable of being engaged for electrical testing
6. In either engaged or test positions, the cam latching mechanism on the unit must
be capable of being padlocked to prevent unauthorized movement of the unit.
Units shall have complete steel top and bottom plates to provide maximum
isolation between units. Units shall be of modular dimensions so that it is
possible to readily interchange units of the same size without modifications in the
7. Motor disconnect switch operating handles shall be interlocked with the door so
that the door cannot be opened with the switch in the "on" position, except
through a hidden release mechanism. The operating handle shall be arranged for
padlocking in the "off" position with up to three padlocks. Motor starters shall be
built, tested, and sized in accordance with NEMA Standards for Industrial
Control, except that no smaller than NEMA Size 1 starters shall be employed in
any unit. Motor overload protection shall be effected by three element overload
relays with adjustable heater element positions.
8. Engraved nameplates shall be provided for each unit of the motor control center
as well as the assembly.
E. Motor Disconnect Switch: Provide a motor disconnect switch for any motor located from
its starter unit. Switch shall be horsepower rated, heavy duty type, switch blades fully
visible in off position when door is open, quick-made and quick-break mechanism,
handle positions shall indicate and be lockable in "on" and "off" positions. Enclosures
shall be NEMA 1 indoors, and NEMA 4 outdoors.
A. Lighting Levels:
B. Interior Lighting:
1. Fluorescent fixtures are generally preferred. Use of the more efficient H.I.D.
fixtures is encouraged only where practical indoors. Incandescent lighting may be
used only for special effect architectural lighting or for limited dimming
2. Fluorescent fixtures of the static recessed type shall be used for most hung ceiling
applications. They shall be 2' x 4', 1' x 4', or 2' x 2' based on ceiling grid, size of
room or area, and architectural arrangement. Generally lenses shall be plastic
injection molded prismatic type of 100% virgin acrylic. In areas requiring low
brightness, numerous CRT's, or similar equipment, parabolic type louvered
fixtures shall be used. Commercial fluorescent fixtures shall be used where
applicable for surface or stem mounted fixture shall be metal with hinged
shielding lens of 100% virgin acrylic prismatic type. Industrial type fluorescent
fixtures with reflector but no lens shall be used in Mechanical Equipment Rooms,
Storage and Receiving areas, and similar spaces.
4. Fluorescent lamps shall be T8 rapid start Sylvania Octron F032/835 for 4 ft. units,
and Sylvania Octron Curvalume FB031/835 (for 1 5/8” leg spacing) or
FBO32/835/6 (For 6” leg spacing) for 2’ x 2’ fixtures, CRI 80 (minimum) 3500K
color temperature or equivalent by G. E. or Philips.
5. Incandescent lamps when required shall be rated 130-volt for 120-volt circuits.
6. Stairwells in buildings shall have sufficient fixtures so that loss of one lamp or
ballast will not leave the area dark.
7. Emergency exit signs shall be Hubbell led exits, models LED-1EM RB or LED-
2EM RB or approved equal with light emitting diodes as the light source.
C. Exterior Lighting:
1. Lighting for the entire site development of a building shall be included in the
building contract documents.
2. High Intensity Discharge (H.I.D) fixtures shall be used for exterior lighting of
parking lots, walkways, roadways, and building perimeter security lighting.
These fixtures shall be mounted on suitable standards and/or building for site
lighting. Walkways, pathways, and sidewalks shall use high-pressure sodium
(HID) fixtures, Antique Sheet Lamps -Hartford series lamps Model:
BOL/CH44/12/DTL/CA-BK/S100/QV. 277V. High-pressure sodium bulbs –
GE-LU100/ME, and Chicago series bollards Model: H14S5/16-CA-BK/DTL 26.
277V. High-Pressure sodium bulbs with dome top or approved equal. Roadways
and parking lots shall use high-pressure sodium fixtures, Kim Lighting Type EKG
501, or approved equal.
3. Lighting standards (poles) and fixtures shall be black anodized cast aluminum.
Poles shall be round-tapered rain cast with 16” base. Mounting height for
walkways and pathways is 14 ft; and for parking lots will vary depending upon
5. Lens control shall be provided on all exterior lighting fixtures. Vandal proof
fixtures shall be used if fixtures are mounted 10' or less off the ground.
6. Fixtures shall be located so that dark voids and excessive glare in windows are
eliminated. Accessibility for servicing and spillage onto adjacent facilities must
be considered.
7. For covered walkways use metal halide or mercury vapor H.I.D. downlights or
wall mounted type fixtures depending on application.
D. Lighting Control:
1. Timers and photoelectric control shall be used for all entrance site lighting.
2. The use of multiple switching shall be evaluated for each space and condition.
Where possible, switching shall be used to effectively reduce artificial lighting
near window, permit light reduction for non-critical tasks and during partial
occupancy, and reduced lighting for custodial activity.
3. All exterior and security lighting shall be powered from one location in the
building, namely the main electrical room.
5. Remote switching by means of central control shall be evaluated for special areas.
A. Lightning Protection:
Each building shall be considered individually to determine the necessity for lightning
protection. The building location, height, proximity and height of surrounding facilities,
etc. should be analyzed in determining the need for this protection. If lightning
protection is to be provided, it shall be designed and specified to comply with NFPA
#780 "Lightning Protection Code” and the completed system and its installation must
have a U.L. master label.
1. During the design development phase of any facility, the extent of emergency
lighting and power required shall be determined in order to establish the alternate
power source. The total requirement shall dictate the use of engine generator,
local battery or central battery stand-by sources. Location of exhaust outlet must
not be located where it would affect building occupants.
4. Emergency generator drives shall be natural gas fuel where available at site and
shall be equipped with heat exchanger for city water-cooling. If natural gas is not
already available near site, then diesel fueled type with minimum of 8-hour
operation fuel tank built into base of unit wherever possible. When diesel fueled
generators are used a fuel containment pad must be designed per all State and
Federal regulations.
6. Emergency lighting shall be provided in toilet areas, outdoors at all egress doors,
and in laboratory areas.
7. Emergency and Exit lights shall be connected to the engine generator when a
generator is existing in the building.
1. Power wiring shall be run to the elevator line terminals and a circuit breaker line
switch provided adjacent to elevator controller.
3. A light, light switch, and convenience duplex receptacle shall be provided in each
elevator pit.
2. Install four (4) - Four (4) inch diameter polyvinyl chloride PVC schedule 40
conduits from existing and/or new manholes to the building shear line. The
conduits will be installed at a minimum depth of 30" and backfilled with select
material. An orange warning tape will be placed in conduit trench approximately
12” below the surface. Encase conduits in concrete (2,500 PSI), except when
terminating at a pole. When terminating at a pole, clamp the conduit(s) rigidly to
the field side of the pole at a 90o separation from power.
3. Galvanized steel conduits should be used from the inside of the, building to
undisturbed earth to Prevent a "shearing point" at the building edge. Conduits
terminating inside a building will be installed so that the conduit extends four (4)
inches beyond the surface from which it emanates. Conduits shall be plugged
with inserts to ensure that foreign matter does not enter the building. The ends of
metallic conduit shall be reamed, bushed and grounded according to the National
Electric Code. All conduits are to be installed with a minimum 200 lb. test non-
corrosive graduated pull tape.
4. Provide and install the 6’W X 12'L X 7’D in-line manholes allowing two splicing
bays and 7’W X 9'L X 7’D auxiliary manholes as needed. Prefabricated
manholes preferred whenever possible. Manholes should be equipped with cable
racks, pulling irons, 8” sump hole, frame, cover and ladder. A 6’-6” galvanized
straight steel ladder is required when the chimney height is 12 inches or less.
When the chimney height is 12 inches or more, a hooked ladder is required and
manhole steps are to be provided at 12-inch intervals. The frame shall have a
nominal opening of 27 inches and the cover is to be marked with a "C";
“Communications", or ”T”; “Telephone”.
5. Terminating Space for the service entrance shall have a 3/4' trade size A-C
plywood 8 ft. High X 4’ Wide. The terminating space shall include a two 11O V,
20 -amp AC Power outlets and lighting equivalent to 50 foot-candles 3 feet above
the floor. A #6 ground should be provided at the terminating space.
B. Telecommunications Closet:
3. All Walls of the closet shall be lined with rigidly installed wall-to-wall framing of
¾” trade size A-C plywood, 8 ft. high. Backboards shall be rigidly installed and
painted with a nonconductive fire-retardant overcoat.
4. The temperature of the room shall be kept between 64oF and 75oF.
5. Humidity in the telecommunications room shall be kept between 30% and 55% of
relative humidity.
7. Lighting intensity shall be at least 50-foot candles at 3 feet above the floor.
9. The rated distributed floor loading shall be greater that 250 psf.
10. The rated concentrated floor loading shall be greater that 1000 lbs.
11. Telecommunications closets shall not have doorsills or center posts. The door
shall be 7’ H X 3' W.
12. Sleeves or dam walls around floor slots shall extend 4 inches AFF.
13. Conduits and cable trays located in ceilings shall protrude 2" into the closet.
14. Ventilation shall accomplish one air change per hour (minimum).
15. Closets shall include a minimum of 2 dedicated 110 V AC 20 ampere quad outlets
on separate branch circuits.
16. Each floor of the building should have at least one centrally located closet. These
closets should be vertically stacked and connected with four - 4" sleeves for a
clear cable pull without offsets extending 2" AFF and below ceiling level on the
lower floor. Conduits, reamed and bushed at both ends are to be installed with a
minimum 200 lb. test pullwire and no more than two 90o bends without a pull box
being placed (See the attached diagram for pullbox installations. Bends are to be
10 times the I.D. for all conduits. The sizing and placing of pull or splice boxes
shall not be used in place of 90o bends.
C. Cabling:
1. Location and number of telephone/data outlets will vary and must be determined
by consultation with building occupants. Typically one telephone / data outlet
consists of a double gang outlet box with a reducer plate and a one (l) inch
conduit extended to a location above the hung ceiling. Poke through outlets
should be avoided. In addition to this, a separate data outlet with a double gang
outlet box and a reducer plate with a blank cover plate should be provided for
future use with coaxial video or fiber optic cable.
2. Labs and other heavily wired locations require proper sizing of conduits feeding
computer workstation clusters.
3. No more that three (3) outlet boxes in any conduit run will be allowed. If
multiple boxes are chained together, then the conduit size must be increased
2. Bonding conductors shall be routed with a minimum number of bends. The bends
placed in the conductor should be sweeping.
3. Make all bonding connection with listed bolts, crimp pressure connectors, clamps,
or lugs. Exothermic welding may be used.
A. Intent:
Is not the intent for this section to include all components of a fire alarm system. It must
be used in conjunction with the NFPA 70 and 72 codes.
2. The engineer shall provide complete wiring diagram and shall include devices,
wiring, raceways, and connections and terminal designations.
3. Indicate all duct mounted smoke detectors on the electrical drawings and remote
key switches.
4. Indicate all of the interconnection between the fire alarm system and or HVAC
systems on the electrical drawing.
6. Indicate all of the interconnection between the fire alarm system and the elevator
7. The engineers shall provide As-built drawings indicating all Mapnet addresses
next to their respected devices. As built drawings shall be submitted on diskette
using Autocad2000 (or latest version).
B. Products:
C. General:
1. Furnish and install a complete Fire Alarm System as described herein and as
shown on the plans; to be wired, connected and left in first class operating
condition. The system shall be fully addressable. Include a control panel, manual
pull stations, horns strobes, tamper and flow switches, monitoring Zams, Iams,
etc. and all wiring connections to devices, outlet boxes, junction boxes and all
other necessary material for a complete operating system.
2. All panels and peripheral devices shall be the standard product of Simplex-
Grinnell and shall display the manufacturer name on each component.
5. The coverplates of all IAMS, and/or Zams must be labeled indicating the device it
controls and its location.
D. Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP):
3. Fire Alarm Control Panels (FACP) are to be located at the main entry to the
buildings, or at the entry point, which will be used by the responding fire
4. Remote Annunciate panels when permitted at the main lobby by the authority
having jurisdiction shall be capable of only monitoring the fire alarm system. All
controls (i.e. signal silence, system reset, etc.) must be done at the FACP only.
5. All water flows and tamper switches SHALL report as individual zones.
Grouping of tamper and/or flow switches is not allowed.
E. Power Requirements:
1. The control panel shall receive 120 VAC power via a dedicated circuit. Circuit
breaker shall be red and be provided with a lock.
2. The system shall be provided with sufficient battery capacity to operate the entire
system upon loss of normal 120 VAC power in a normal supervisory mode for a
period of twenty-four (24) hours with five (5) minutes of alarm operation at the
end of this period. The system shall automatically transfer to the standby batteries
upon power failure. All battery charging and recharging operations shall be
F. Addressable Device Types:
1. The system control panel must be capable of communicating with the type of
addressable devices specified below. Addressable devices will be located as
shown on the drawings. The location of addressable devices will be selected
along with conventional devices to optimize the system layout in order to provide
the level of protection, zone identification and control as shown on the drawings.
1. All addressable smoke and heat detector heads specified below will be able to
plug into their bases. The base will contain electronics that communicate the
detector status (normal, alarm, trouble) to the control panel over Mapnet wiring.
The same wire shall be interchangeable. Upon removal of the head, a trouble
signal will be transmitted to the control panel.
1. The photoelectric type detector shall be a plug-in unit, which mounts to a twist-
lock base, and shall be UL approved.
2. The detectors shall be of the solid-state photoelectric type and shall contain on
radioactive material. They will use a pulsed infrared LED light source and be
sealed against rear airflow entry.
3. The detector shall fit into the base that is common with the heat and shall be
compatible with others addressable detectors, addressable manual stations, and
addressable zone adapter modules on the same circuit. The detector shall also fit
into a non-addressable base that is capable of being monitored by an addressable
zone adapter module.
4. There shall be no limit to the number of detectors or zone adapter modules, which
may be activated or “in alarm” simultaneously.
5. Smoke detectors shall be located per NFPA72 and shall be installed in all
common areas (i.e. corridors, foyers, break rooms, stairwell, etc.) in fully
sprinkled buildings.
I. Addressable Thermal Detector Head:
1. Addressable pull stations will contain electronic that communicates the station’s
status (alarm, normal trouble) to the FACP over the Mapnet wiring which also
provides power to the pull station. The address will be set on the station. They
will be manufactured from high impact red Lexan. Station will mechanically
latch upon operation and remain so until manually reset by opening with a key
common to all system locks. Pull stations will be single action.
1. The detector shall be a non-polarized 24VDC type which is compatible with the
fire alarm panel and obtains its operation power from the supervisory current in
the fire alarm detection loop. Detectors shall be of the solid-state photoelectric
type and shall operate on the light scattering photodiode principal. To minimize
nuisance alarms, detectors shall have an insect screen and be designed to ignore
invisible airborne particles or smoke densities that are blow the factory set alarm
point. No radioactive material shall be used.
2. The 24 VDC detector may be reset by actuating the control panel reset switch.
3. All HVAC units that are provided with duct mounted smoke detectors SHALL
reported to the FACP individually not zoned together.
4. All duct-mounted smoke detectors must shut down their respective HVAC
equipment upon the detection of smoke. HVAC equipment must be programmed
with delayed start up upon reset of FACP.
5. Provide each duct mounted smoke detector with a Remote test station and power
on indicator mounted for easy access. Location of test station to be directly under
duct detector approximately 1’-0” below the ceiling or where approved by
Rutgers University.
7. Provide each Signaling circuit with a Truealert Isolator module and termination
8. All horn/strobes must produce the same sound. When doing a renovation to an
existing alarm system, all horn/strobes must be changed.
9. Provide a weatherproof horn/strobe located above the main entry to the building
or at the entry point where the FACP or the remote Annunicator will be located.
1. Shall be U.L. listed for use with Fire alarm Control Panel that has 24VDC alarm
initiating circuits.
2. Provide a ZAM that must be dedicated to the carbon monoxide detector. Do not
connect detectors to other Alarm devices.
N. Roll Down Fire Doors:
1. Doors shall have separate power source. USING FACP AS A SOURCE IS NOT
2. doors shall be controlled with fusible links. Smoke detectors are not allowed.
1. Power supply for Magnetic door holders shall be from the independent source.
2. All doors normally held open by door control devices should release from the
activation of any manual station, automatic detection device, or sprinkler flow
1. The actuation of the enable walk test program at the control panel shall activate
the “Walk Test” mode of the system, which shall cause the following:
5. The alarm activation of any initiation device shall cause the audible signals to
code a number of pulses to match the zone number.
Q. Elevator Recall/Shunting:
1. Each elevator lobby shall be equipped with a smoke detector zone separately.
2. Provide a detailed riser diagram showing all smoke and heat detectors in the
lobby, elevator machine room, elevator pit, and top of shaft. Providing a
sequence of operation for the elevator recall.
3. Where buildings are equipped with a sprinkler system provide heat detectors in
the machine room, elevator pit, and elevator shaft.
4. Heat detectors shall be of the dual contact type wired directly to the shunt trip
breaker and the Fire Alarm Control Panel. THE FACP SHALL NOT CONTROL
5. The alarm activation of any manual or automatic device shall, in addition to the
operation listed above, cause the elevator cab to be recalled.
6. If the alarm device is on any floor other than the main level of egress, the elevator
cabs shall be recalled to the main level of egress.
7. If the alarm detector, elevator lobby, is on the main egress level, the elevator cabs
shall be recalled to the predetermined alternate recall level as determined by the
University Fire Marshall.
R. Communication:
At Newark: all Campus Buildings shall communicate to the Police Head Quarters Via
Fiber. No phone lines are allowed.
1. The wiring methods are subjected to the National Electrical Code (NEC) latest
2. Only copper conductor may be used, 14AWG THHN. Signal circuit and 24VDC,
1 PR #16 twisted shielded communication.
3. Metallic conduit, metallic raceway, plastic pipe, plastic raceway be used. All
conduits and junction boxes to be painted RED.
4. All wires installed above acoustical ceiling to be plenum rated and properly
6. Each peripheral device (pull station, detector, horn, etc.) must have its own
enclosure (back box, outlet box, etc.) per instructions provided with each device.
7. All wiring shall be terminated with U.L. listed devices (wire nuts, pressure
connector, etc.). Wiring terminated with only electrical tape is not permitted. All
splicing (free ends of conductors shall be covered with and insulation equivalent
to that of the conductors.
A. All buildings larger than 5,000 sq. ft., or containing research equipment or other
mechanical/electrical gear operating on a continuous basis must be equipped with an
energy management system that ties into the existing campus EMS system (Honeywell
on Newark). This system shall have the capability of monitoring the conditions of the
environment within the building for temperature, humidity, and movement; determining
the operating status of all environmental control equipment in the building; and changing
the status of the equipment to effect changes in the environment inside the building.
B. In general, the system shall include an electrical or electronic processing unit receiving
information on the status of various sensors in the building and comparing this
information with standard instructions relayed from a central processor. The local unit
then makes changes required according to programming already present in its memory or
overridden by the central processor located on the 2nd floor of the Physical Plant building
at 85 University Ave.
The building controller also receives alarms concerning off standard environmental
conditions or emergencies such as high temperature in a room and relays the alarms to
the central processor for further action. This system should operate electronically using
1-5 volts or 4-20 milliamp signals although the final control device may be powered by a
pneumatic system with clean, dry air with a 20-psi system pressure. Final control devices
will consist of valves and damper positioners. If devices are used that require air then
provisions must be made in the design that details a separate air compressor, air dryer and
receiver including all other associated appurtenances required for compressed air supply
to these devices.
C. The building control device must also be able to communicate data concerning building
status to the central processor upon demand. The design must detail method of tie-into
existing EMS system over the Newark Campus Intra-Net and must detail how the
connection is to be made. The engineer must specify installation of a Campus data line
be wired to the new building controller. The design must also detail what programming
has to be done to main EMS system in order to accept new signals. The cost to hook-up
and reprogram the EMS system must be included in the cost of the project.
D. The design engineer should determine the campus system being used at the location of
the building being designed before beginning design work. This information will be
available through the Director of the Newark Physical Plant.
These attachments are samples only. Please contact the Associate Director of Physical
Plant at Newark for the latest revisions.
General Conditions
Special Conditions