Pip Pie001 Process Flow Diagram Documentation Guidelines: January 2018

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The document provides guidelines for Process Flow Diagram documentation including content, layout, and uses of PFDs.

The purpose of the document is to minimize costs for process industry facilities by harmonizing technical requirements into a single set of practices.

According to the document, PFDs are used to convey process information for design, construction, operation, and maintenance.

January 2018


Process Flow Diagram
Documentation Guidelines

In an effort to minimize the cost of process industry facilities, this Practice has been prepared
from the technical requirements in the existing standards of major industrial users, contractors, or
standards organizations. By harmonizing these technical requirements into a single set of Practices,
administrative, application, and engineering costs to both the purchaser and the manufacturer should
be reduced. While this Practice is expected to incorporate the majority of requirements of most users,
individual applications may involve requirements that will be appended to and take precedence over
this Practice. Determinations concerning fitness for purpose and particular matters or application of
the Practice to particular project or engineering situations should not be made solely on information
contained in these materials. The use of trade names from time to time should not be viewed as an
expression of preference but rather recognized as normal usage in the trade. Other brands having the
same specifications are equally correct and may be substituted for those named. All Practices or
guidelines are intended to be consistent with applicable laws and regulations including OSHA
requirements. To the extent these Practices or guidelines should conflict with OSHA or other
applicable laws or regulations, such laws or regulations must be followed. Consult an appropriate
professional before applying or acting on any material contained in or suggested by the Practice.

This Practice is subject to revision at any time.

© Process Industry Practices (PIP), Construction Industry Institute, The University of Texas at Austin,
3925 West Braker Lane (R4500), Austin, Texas 78759. PIP Member Companies and Subscribers may
copy this Practice for their internal use. Changes or modifications of any kind are not permitted within
any PIP Practice without the express written authorization of PIP. Authorized Users may attach addenda
or overlays to clearly indicate modifications or exceptions to specific sections of PIP Practices.
Authorized Users may provide their clients, suppliers and contractors with copies of the Practice solely
for Authorized Users’ purposes. These purposes include but are not limited to the procurement process
(e.g., as attachments to requests for quotation/ purchase orders or requests for proposals/contracts) and
preparation and issue of design engineering deliverables for use on a specific project by Authorized
User’s client. PIP’s copyright notices must be clearly indicated and unequivocally incorporated in
documents where an Authorized User desires to provide any third party with copies of the Practice.

January 2018 Issued

Not printed with State funds

January 2018


Process Flow Diagram
Documentation Guidelines

Table of Contents
9.1 Drawing Size ....................................... 9
1. Scope..................................................2 9.2 Text ..................................................... 9
9.3 Equipment ........................................... 9
2. References ..........................................2 9.4 Process, Utility and Instrument
Process Industry Practices .......................... 2 Lines .................................................. 10
9.5 Drawing Connectors .......................... 10
3. Definitions ..........................................2
Appendixes Summary ............................ 11
4. General Considerations .......................3 Appendix A – Legend Sheets .................... 12
Appendix B – Example PFDs .................... 15
Appendix C – Suggested Equipment
5. Uses for PFDs ......................................3 Data ................................................... 20
6. Document Control ..............................4

7. PFD Drawing Layout ............................4

8. PFD Content........................................5
8.1 Legend Sheets .................................... 5
8.2 Title Block ............................................ 5
8.3 Nameplate Capacity Basis .................. 5
8.4 H&MB/Stream Table and Process
Conditions ............................................ 5
8.5 Heat Exchanger Duty .......................... 7
8.6 Utility Information ................................. 7
8.7 Process Equipment ............................. 7
8.8 Process Conditions.............................. 8
8.9 Process and Utility Lines ..................... 8
8.10 Instrumentation and Controls .............. 8

9. Drafting Guidelines .............................8

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Process Flow Diagram Documentation Guidelines January 2018

1. Scope
This Practice provides general guidelines for the format and content of Process Flow Diagrams
(PFDs) for process and utility systems.
This Practice covers the development of new PFDs and does not apply to existing PFDs
developed before the adoption of this Practice.
The Practice applies to all diagrams that fit the definition of a PFD in Section 3.
This Practice can be applied to any CAD system used for developing PFDs and is not vendor,
hardware, or software specific.
Although this Practice provides general guidelines for the development of PFDs, individual
applications may require differing approaches than those recommended in this Practice.
Determinations concerning fitness for purpose and matters of application of the Practice to a
particular project or engineering situation should not be made solely on the information contained
in this Practice.
Example PFDs in the Appendixes of this Practice are not intended to recommend specific design details
or requirements, but are included to provide illustrations of various options available to the user.

2. References
Applicable parts of the following PIP Practice should be considered an integral part of this
Practice. The edition in effect on the date of contract award should be used, except as otherwise
noted. Short titles are used herein where appropriate.

Process Industry Practices (PIP)

– PIP PIC001 - Piping and Instrumentation Diagram Documentation Criteria

3. Definitions
anchor point: Operating conditions critical to the process performance which are required in
order to achieve the desired processing objective (e.g., distillation column overhead pressure and

block flow diagram: Simplified PFD showing process steps (e.g., unit representation or batch
processes within one vessel or unit) but not necessarily using symbology for equipment

heat and material balance (H&MB): Tabulation of the composition, flow, temperature, pressure
and applicable physical properties (e.g., enthalpy, density, viscosity) of every major stream
shown on a PFD. H&MB may also be known as mass and energy balance

heat exchanger duty table: Listing of heat transfer loads

nameplate capacity: Nominal capacity of a production unit based on the stream factor over a
given period of time

operating conditions: Set of stream properties for manufacture of a particular product

plant: Location of an operating unit depicted by one or more PFDs

process: Equipment configuration and operating conditions for manufacturing of one or more products

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process flow diagram (PFD): Simplified schematic showing process information of a facility.
Process flow diagrams are pictorial representations of the equipment and flow streams that
correspond to the normal operating conditions and equipment configuration required to meet
nameplate capacity of the unit. PFDs may be as simple as a block flow diagram or may be a
complex set of drawings that includes equipment sizes and design criteria.

stream factor: Percentage of the year the unit has to operate at PFD feed rate to meet nameplate
capacity (e.g., If a unit operates at half feed rate for 96 hours after a catalyst change, only
48 hours are counted towards the stream factor). Also may be known as operating factor.

stream number: Number used to identify a process or utility stream on a PFD and associated

stream table: An abbreviated heat and material balance table

4. General Considerations
4.1 A process flow diagram with associated H&MBs provides the following information:
a. Definition of the process equipment and the connectivity between unit operations
b. Illustration of the flow path of main process and utility streams
c. List of operating conditions and critical physical property data
d. Illustration of the basic control schemes for systems critical to plant operation
e. Provision of sufficient process data to initiate and validate engineering design
4.2 Consistent units of measure should be used throughout a PFD and associated H&MBs.
4.3 A H&MB can only document a single set of operating conditions; however, actual
operation typically occurs over a range of conditions. If a unit is designed to operate with
significantly different conditions in the same equipment configuration, a set of H&MBs
should be prepared for each design case.
4.4 A PFD should be prepared for each process. If a unit is designed to operate in multiple
configurations or make different products, a PFD may be required for each.
4.5 The intended use of a PFD determines the level of detail shown. (i.e., A PFD for project
evaluation can be different from a PFD for detailed project design.)
On new or existing documents, new and existing components should be differentiated
from each other by a cloud, a line weight or a line style.
Note: Reference PIP PIC001 for additional details

5. Uses for PFDs

PFDs may be used for the following purposes:

a. Document and communicate the design of a process

b. Conduct design reviews
c. Optimize a design
d. Develop an accurate project scope

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e. Develop equipment lists

f. Provide basis for material selection diagrams
g. Develop Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams (P&ID)
h. Develop written specifications
i. Drive detailed design activities
j. Aid in documenting environmental emissions data
k. Facilitate early safety reviews
Comment: Safety systems may be shown on a PFD based on project requirements, but if
they create too much drawing complexity then a separate safety flow diagram
should be developed.
l. Aid in documenting necessary PSM (process safety management) and PSI (process safety
information) information
m. Prepare preliminary cost estimates
n. Train engineers, operators, and maintenance personnel
o. Troubleshoot process problems

6. Document Control
6.1 PFDs may contain confidential and proprietary information. Distribution of PFDs should
be controlled to minimize the potential loss of sensitive information.
6.2 PFDs may be subject to US export controls. Legal counsel should be consulted before
distributing PFDs to foreign nationals both inside and outside of the USA. An example of
a typical export compliance statement for a PFD is as follows:
6.3 Distribution of PFDs to suppliers and contractors should only be made after appropriate
non-disclosure agreements have been executed. An example of a typical confidentiality
statement for a PFD is as follows:
WRITTEN CONSENT OF (company name).

7. PFD Drawing Layout

7.1 See Appendix B for examples of different layouts and levels of complexity for PFDs.
7.2 Title block should be at the bottom right corner.
7.3 A revision history and approval block should be included.

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7.4 If a stream table or H&MB is shown, it should be located at the bottom, starting from the
left margin.
7.5 If nameplate capacity information is shown, it should be located prominently, near or in
the title block.
7.6 Notes should be located at the bottom or right side.
7.7 If a heat exchanger duty table is shown, it should be located to the right of the stream table.
7.8 If a batch sequence table is shown, it should be located to the right of the stream table.
7.9 Process flow should be shown from left to right. Exceptions may be made if it makes the
PFD easier to understand (e.g., recycle lines). Lines should not be shown entering or
leaving from the top or bottom.

8. PFD Content
8.1 Legend Sheets
See Appendix A for symbology and nomenclature for use on PFDs. Additional symbols
may be included to address industry specific needs.
8.2 Title Block
A title block should contain the following minimum information:
a. The drawing title, “Process Flow Diagram”
b. Area or unit number or description
c. Descriptive title for the process or section shown
d. Drawing number and revision
8.3 Nameplate Capacity Basis
A PFD should document the nameplate capacity of the process. Each company will need to
determine what basis they will use for this calculation. Suggested calculation methods follow:
8.3.1 For continuous processes, the days of operation per year at PFD rate should be
shown. This may be expressed as a percent by dividing the days of operation per
year by 365 calendar days per year.
8.3.2 For batch processes, the number of batches per day should be shown with the
stream factor.
8.3.3 For operating units that can produce different products calculate the nameplate
capacity assuming the unit makes one product for the entire year with the highest
system demands or calculate the capacity based on the design product slate
considering required unit switches.
8.3.4 For operating units that can produce different products, the number of days of lost
production each time the unit switches from one product to another should be shown.
8.3.5 Design utilization or feedstock conversion efficiency should be shown.
8.4 H&MB/Stream Table and Process Conditions
8.4.1 H&MB(s) should be developed. It may be a companion document to a PFD or it
may be shown on a PFD.

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8.4.2 All PFDs for a project should be consistent in presentation of operating conditions.
8.4.3 The process stream operating conditions may be tabulated separately from a
PFD. If the process stream design conditions are tabulated separately, a reference
to the associated H&MB may be included on the PFD.
8.4.4 Preferably, an H&MB should be developed using a spreadsheet or material
balance software that can be imported into the PFD. Typically, drafting and
simulation software can be linked to provide automatic updating.
8.4.5 Each stream should be identified by a unique number. The number should be placed
in a diamond on or in the process line and at the top of the stream information on the
H&MB/stream table. Utility lines may also be identified in this way.
8.4.6 Operating conditions critical to process performance may be shown as an anchor
point on the PFD. This designation should be used with discretion because it
affects detailed engineering significantly.
8.4.7 In the left-most column of the table, all the major stream components used in the
process should be listed, followed by physical/thermal properties. It is acceptable to list
minor components with one or more major components or in a pseudo-component
(e.g.: “low boilers” or “high boilers” or “C6+”). For examples, see Appendix B.
8.4.8 For a stream table, all the components need not be shown on every PFD sheet.
Components introduced in later PFD sheets need not be listed on the prior sheets.
Conversely, components that are removed from the process on a prior sheet need
not be listed on the later sheets.
8.4.9 As a minimum, for each stream the following values should be shown with the
appropriate units:
a. Mass, molar, or volumetric flow of each component
b. Total flow
c. State (i.e., gas: g, liquid: l, solid: s, mixed: g/l/s)
d. Temperature and pressure (required for gases; optional for liquids and solids)
8.4.10 Other pertinent information may be shown in the H&MB/stream table. The
information may include the components in weight percent, maximum flow for
certain streams, and other physical and thermal properties (e.g., density,
viscosity, stream enthalpy, particle size) needed to adequately define the material
and conditions of the process.
8.4.11 For a batch process, the components and total flows should be shown as mass per
batch and with the design feed rates. Batch information may be shown on the
H&MB/stream table or on an additional batch sequence table listing all the steps
and the requirements for each step. This information may be a separate document
that is referenced by a note on each PFD.
8.4.12 For a batch process within a continuous process, the streams included in the
batch part of the process should be shown twice: first as the average flow rate;
and second as the actual design batch flow rates.

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8.5 Heat Exchanger Duty

8.5.1 Heat exchanger duties should be developed and may be included on a PFD. The
data should include the heat transferred by the process and the utility information
(e.g., type, amount, inlet/outlet conditions).
8.5.2 For electrical heaters, power consumption should be shown.
8.5.3 For fired process heaters, the total fuel gas flow should be shown. If a fired
heater is used to heat more than one process stream, the duty for each stream
should be shown separately.
8.6 Utility Information
8.6.1 Utility requirements (e.g., cooling water, air, steam) should be developed and
may be shown either on a PFD or as a companion document (e.g., utility
summary). This data should include flow, temperature, pressure, etc.
8.6.2 The maximum cooling water operating temperature (i.e., summer) and flow to
the exchangers should be shown.
8.6.3 Steam or fuel to turbine driven pumps or compressors and power usage for
electric motors may be shown.
8.7 Process Equipment
8.7.1 Number of pieces of equipment shown on a PFD should be limited to make sure
that all the information is clear.
8.7.2 Each piece of equipment should be identified with a unique tag number located
near the equipment.
8.7.3 Equipment tag number and name should be shown along the top of a PFD and
aligned above the equipment, if possible.
8.7.4 Appendix C lists the additional information that may be included with the
equipment tag number and name on a PFD for various types of equipment.
Equipment not listed should be described as appropriate to convey important data.
8.7.5 See Appendix A for equipment symbols that may be used. More detailed
symbols from PIP PIC001 may also be used.
8.7.6 Duplicated equipment (e.g., pumps) may be shown by a single symbol, showing all
equipment tag numbers next to the symbol.
8.7.7 Trayed columns should show as a minimum the top, feed, side draw, and bottom
trays. Alternate feed tray locations may also be shown with a clarifying note.
Tray numbers should be shown on each of the trays shown. Typically, trays are
numbered starting at the top of the column. This method is in accordance with
the numbering convention used by many simulation programs.
8.7.8 Packed columns should show the number of packing sections.
8.7.9 Packaged systems (e.g., refrigeration units) may be shown as a box. Key sizing
information should be listed similar to individual equipment. A vendor drawing
may be referenced in the box.

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8.8 Process Conditions

8.8.1 Process conditions may be shown for selected streams or equipment to facilitate
process understanding. A process value may be inserted within a symbol attached
to the stream or equipment. For examples, see Appendix B.
8.8.2 Distillation columns may show the top pressure, temperature, and reflux rate (as
a flow or ratio). For columns with a vapor product and an external liquid reflux,
the reflux line should be assigned a stream number and included in the
H&MB/stream table.
8.8.3 For heat exchangers, the inlet and outlet temperatures with state should be shown
on the PFD or the H&MB/stream table.
8.9 Process and Utility Lines
8.9.1 Major process streams should be shown.
8.9.2 Significant alternate flow paths (e.g., startup, shutdown, recycle) may be shown
with a clarifying note.
8.9.3 Auxiliary piping and pump recirculation lines should not be shown.
8.9.4 Process streams entering or leaving a PFD should be shown by an off-page or
off-plot connector indicating the service description and source or destination of
the stream, including equipment name, equipment tag number, and PFD number.
If no PFD exists for a utility stream, use utility connector symbol shown in
Appendix A-1.
8.9.5 Utility stream lines should originate and end near the equipment shown instead of
at the edge of a PFD. Utility streams should not be shown as manifolded with the
same utility going to other equipment.
8.10 Instrumentation and Controls
8.10.1 PFDs are only intended to give an overview of the process control philosophy.
Only major primary instrumentation for the process should be shown.
Instrumentation details should not be shown.
8.10.2 Control loops should be shown by an instrument bubble connected by a solid line
to the process/utility line or equipment to show the measuring point, and a second
dashed line to the control element (i.e., valve or other control device) on the
process line or utility line. Minor control loops should not be shown.
8.10.3 Monitoring instrumentation should be shown by an instrument bubble connected
by a solid line to the process/utility line or equipment to show the measuring point.
8.10.4 Instrument bubble labels should be shown identifying function only (e.g. FC, LC,
TI, and AI). Instrument tag numbers should not be shown.

9. Drafting Guidelines
Comment: The drafting guidelines presented in this section are recommended as optimal;
however, deviations may be required because of CAD system configuration or
standards. The guidelines are a simplified version of drafting guidelines provided in

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9.1 Drawing Size

PFD drawing size should be ANSI D size, 22 inches by 34 inches. If reduced to 11 inches
by 17 inches, the document should still be legible.
9.2 Text
9.2.1 Many variables may adversely affect text legibility (e.g., font availability and
plotter/printer limitations). Text heights are recommended as optimal, and slight
deviation, although not encouraged, may be required for legibility.
9.2.2 Text Arrangement Text should be shown horizontally if possible. Vertically oriented text should be read from bottom to top.
9.2.3 Drawing Notes General text and drawing notes should be shown using a text height of
0.1 inch at a weight of 0.010 inch (0.25 mm). General text and drawing notes should be aligned left and start in the
upper-left corner of the notes area in accordance with Appendix B. If a note contains more than one line, the line spacing should be
0.05 inch between each line. Spacing between notes should be 0.25 inch beneath the last line of the
preceding note maintaining a top and left text justification.
9.3 Equipment
9.3.1 Equipment outlines should be shown in accordance with Appendix A at a weight
of 0.020 inch (0.5 mm).
9.3.2 Equipment tag numbers should use a text height of 0.16 inch at a weight of
0.014 inch (0.35 mm). Equipment tag numbers should be underlined.
9.3.3 Equipment internals should be shown using a short dashed line at a weight of
0.010 inch (0.25 mm). Vessel internals should be shown only if they affect the
hydraulics or nozzle location.
9.3.4 Equipment Descriptive Labels All equipment should have associated equipment descriptive labels (i.e.,
equipment numbers and descriptions) shown along the top of a PFD and
aligned above the equipment, if possible. Alternatively, if a stream table
is not included on a PFD, rotating equipment may have associated
equipment descriptive labels shown on the bottom of the PFD. Equipment descriptive labels should be located 0.25 inches minimum
from the top or bottom border. Equipment tag numbers should use a text height of 0.16 inch at a weight
of 0.014 inch (0.35 mm) and be underlined. Equipment data should use a text height of 0.1 inch at a weight of
0.014 inch (0.35 mm). Equipment tag numbers should be top aligned, and each line of the data
center justified.

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9.4 Process, Utility and Instrument Lines

9.4.1 All lines should be spaced 0.5 inch minimum from each other on the full size
drawing grid.
9.4.2 Process and instrumentation lines should be routed as directly as possible in
vertical and horizontal orientation with minimal changes in direction. Showing
lines in non-vertical and non-horizontal routing should be avoided.
9.4.3 Lines should not be routed across equipment and text.
9.4.4 Flow arrows should be shown at direction changes, pipe intersections, and
equipment entrances.
9.4.5 Control valves should be shown in the horizontal position if possible.
9.4.6 Line Weights Different line weights should be used to differentiate between primary
process streams and secondary streams. Primary process lines should be shown as solid lines at a weight of
0.028 inch (0.70 mm). Secondary process and utility lines should be shown as solid lines at a
weight of 0.014 inch (0.35 mm). Instrument lines should be shown as dashed lines at a weight of 0.01 inch
(0.25 mm).
9.4.7 Line Breaks Vertical lines should break for horizontal lines. Secondary lines should break for primary lines. Instrument signal lines should break for process and utility lines. Line break gaps should be maintained at 0.13 inch.
9.5 Drawing Connectors
9.5.1 Off-page and off-plot connectors for process and instrumentation lines should be
shown entering a PFD horizontally 0.25 inch from the left inside borderline, and
exiting 0.25 inch horizontally from the right inside borderline.
9.5.2 For drawing connectors for each line entering or leaving a PFD, the following
data should be located as follows for both process streams and instrument loops:
a. The drawing number of the connected drawing should be shown inside a
b. The service description should be shown above a connector and should
contain the general stream name (e.g., cracked gas) or line description (e.g.,
reactor feed, tower overhead)
c. The description or equipment tag number of where the stream is coming
from or going to should be shown below a drawing connector.
9.5.3 Text associated with off-page and off-plot connectors should be left justified.

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Appendixes Summary
The Appendixes of this Practice contain tables of commonly used symbols, abbreviations and other
identifiers; example PFDs; and suggested data for equipment types.

Appendix A contains symbols and text organized into legend sheets. Legend sheets are also commonly
referred to as lead sheets or cover sheets.

Appendix B contains example PFDs that illustrate the text and utilize the symbols and legends on the
legend sheets.

Appendix C contains suggested data that may be listed on PFD labels for the different equipment classes. This
list is taken from Section 4.3 of PIP PIC001 – Piping and Instrumentation Diagram Documentation Criteria.

Comment: The legend sheets and PFDs are drawn as standard, D-size (22 inches x 34 inches)
drawings, but reduced to standard 8-1/2 inch x 11-inch pages for electronic distribution
purposes. It is recommended that the legend sheets and PFDs be printed on 11-inch x
17-inch pages.

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Appendix A – Legend Sheets

A-1: Symbols and Nomenclature – Typical Piping & Abbreviations

A-2: Symbols and Nomenclature – Typical Equipment

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Appendix B – Example PFDs

B-1: Example PFD 1 – Block Flow Diagram

B-2: Example PFD 2 – Detailed Batch Process with H&MB
B-3: Example PFD 3 – Detailed Continuous Process with H&MB

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[Company Name] Heat & Material Balance Document Number: PIE001-B-003-2
[Project Name] Capacity: [ ] Project Number: [ ]
[Location] [Design Basis or Case] Revision [ ] & [Date]

Stream Number 20 21 22 23 24 30 31 32 33 34 35 40 50 51
Stream Description Depropanizer Depropanizer Overhead Reflux Depropanizer Bottoms to Vapor Return Depropanizer Depropanizer Bottoms to Bottoms to Reactor 1R-2 Hot Oil Supply Hot Oil Return
Feed Overheads Condenser Overhead Reboiler Bottoms Bottoms Plant Storage Outlet
Outlet Product Product Product
Overall Properties
Pressure, psig 250.0 225.0 225.0 225.0 225.0 235.0 235.0 235.0 220.0 215.0 215.0 300.0 65.0 55.0
Temperature, °F 100.0 118.7 116.8 116.8 116.8 213.0 219.0 219.0 213.4 150.0 150.0 100.0 500.0 325.0
Mass Flow, lb/hr 77,346 121,378 121,378 64,643 56,735 184,308 163,698 20,610 20,610 0 20,610 10 16,350 16,350
Mole Flow, lbmole/hr 1,635 2,756 2,756 1,468 1,288 3,153 2,806 347 347 0 347 0 - -
Vapor Weight Fraction 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0.041 0 0 1 0 0
Enthalpy Flow, MMBtu/hr -81.56 -119.53 -134.79 -71.79 -63.00 -144.05 -110.24 -16.15 -16.15 0.00 -17.15 -0.01 - -

Composition, mole% Mol Wt.

Methane 16.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 - -
Ethane 30.1 1.00 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 95.00 - -
Propene 42.1 2.00 2.54 2.54 2.54 2.54 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - -
Propane 44.1 75.00 94.92 94.92 94.92 94.92 1.78 1.88 1.01 1.01 1.01 1.01 4.00 - -
i-Butane 58.1 8.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 38.61 39.17 34.01 34.01 34.01 34.01 0.00 - -
n-Butane 58.1 5.00 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 22.89 22.83 23.43 23.43 23.43 23.43 0.00 - -
1-Butene 56.1 2.00 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 9.70 9.77 9.05 9.05 9.05 9.05 0.00 - -
i-Butene 56.1 2.00 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 9.78 9.88 8.96 8.96 8.96 8.96 0.00 - -
tr2-Butene 56.1 1.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 4.61 4.60 4.69 4.69 4.69 4.69 0.00 - -
cis2-Butene 56.1 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.43 4.40 4.70 4.70 4.70 4.70 0.00 - -
n-Pentane 72.2 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.20 7.46 14.14 14.14 14.14 14.14 0.00 - -

NOTE: Stream numbers refer to PIE001-B-003-1.

Process Flow Diagram Documentation Guidelines January 2018

Appendix C – Suggested Equipment Data

The following content is taken from Section 4.3.3 of PIP PIC001. The following suggested
information may be shown in detailed equipment labels on the PFD, if necessary.

4.3.3 Equipment Data

Units of measure (e.g., GPM, PSIG, BTU/hr) for equipment data should be
shown as required. Equipment not listed should be described as appropriate to
convey important data. Agitators, Mixers
• Equipment/Item Number
• Title/Service
• Power Requirements
• Materials of Construction Blowers
• Equipment/Item Number
• Title/Service
• Capacity (Flow and D/P)
• Power Requirements
• Materials of Construction Compressors
• Equipment/Item Number
• Title/Service
• Capacity (Flow and D/P)
• Power Requirements
• Materials of Construction Heat Exchangers
• Equipment/Item Number
• Title/Service
• Duty
• Surface Area
• Shell Design Pressure @ Temperature
• Tube Design Pressure @ Temperature
• Materials of Construction (Shell/Tubes)

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• Insulation Fired Equipment
• Equipment/Item Number
• Title/Service
• Duty Filters
• Equipment/Item Number
• Title/Service
• Size, Capacity
• Design Pressure @ Temperature
• Materials of Construction Material Handling Equipment
• Equipment/Item Number
• Title/Service
• Size, Capacity
• Materials of Construction Pumps
• Equipment/Item Number
• Title/Service
• Capacity (Flow and TDH)
• Power Requirements
• Materials of Construction
• Insulation/Tracing Vessels/Tanks
• Equipment/Item Number
• Title/Service
• Size, Capacity
• Design Pressure @ Temperature
• Materials of Construction
• Insulation/Tracing

Process Industry Practices Page 21 of 21

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