A Contribution For Developing More Efficient Dynamic Modelling Algorithms of Parallel Robots
A Contribution For Developing More Efficient Dynamic Modelling Algorithms of Parallel Robots
A Contribution For Developing More Efficient Dynamic Modelling Algorithms of Parallel Robots
1, 2013 15
1 Introduction
to choose a methodology to describe the relations among the end-effector coordinates, the
actuators coordinates and the auxiliary coordinates. A general and renowned
methodology to achieve this goal is the homogeneous transformations method (Craig,
1989). By this analytical mechanics method, coordinates of points described in different
coordinate systems can be related, which enables the development of the constraint
equations (with these equations, given an independent set of coordinates, like the
coordinates of the end-effector, for example, all the other coordinates of the model can be
obtained by the solution of these equations). With the constraint equations the complete
kinematic analysis of the system can be carried out.
With a good description of the kinematics of the system, the development of the
dynamic model is more properly done by methods of analytical mechanics such as
Kane’s and Lagrange’s (Kane and Levinson, 1985; Leech, 1971; Lanczos, 1983). In a
comparison with the classic approach of Newton-Euler, the main advantages of those
methods are that inertia forces can be methodically obtained by the kinematic analysis of
the system and the included active forces are only those which actually matters and not
the constraint ones. The description of such active forces may sometimes require the
definition of more coordinates in order to simplify this process. This can be done by
adding new constraint equations to the original model.
Finally, as proper values of the parameters of the system are suitable estimated,
numerical simulations can be performed, making it possible to assess the dynamic
behaviour of the system. Actually, all the methodology described here is applied to a
3-dof parallel asymmetric mechanism, showing the advantages of the methods selected to
develop each part of the analysis of such system.
In Section 2 some discussion about the methods applied is done; in Section 3 a simple
example of application of the methods to obtain the dynamic equations of a slider-crank
mechanism (with a non-rigid connecting rod) is presented in order to make the reader
familiar with the purposed approach; in Section 4 the 2RSS + PPaP mechanism is
presented, its dynamic model is detailed and some numerical simulations results are
shown and discussed, leading finally to the conclusions in Section 5.
2 Methodological background
interaction (the numbers of the stages indicate the order of the first occurrences of each of
them in the overall process and the arrows indicate the precedence in their interaction). It
is worth noting that of all stages, only the definition of coordinates is iterative, and also it
is not computer aided. As it will be discussed in subsequent sections, it is one of the most
important stages of the modelling processes, being the way to deal mathematically with
the motions of a mechanical system, so that an adequate choice of a set of coordinates is
determinant to obtain a model with the desired characteristics cited at the beginning of
this section.
Figure 1 Flowchart showing the steps of modelling a mechanical system, integrating the
topology, kinematic and dynamic analysis
Table 1 Description of the stages of the modelling process of a mechanical system according
to the flowchart shown in Figure 1
The main objective of the procedure in Figure 1 is to obtain the constraint equations
(or kinematic equations), which corresponds to stage 4, and the dynamic equations,
which is the stage 11. There is then a need to develop a routine to simulate the system
constituted by these equations, which may involve techniques to deal with algebraic and
differential non-linear equations. Again, the choice of an adequate set of coordinates may
be responsible for avoiding the occurrence of non-linear functions that can present
singular points where the numerical algorithms used may fail.
A contribution for developing more efficient dynamic modelling algorithms 19
2.2 Topology analysis and kinematic modelling: constraint equations and the
homogeneous transformations method
The first stage of the modelling process of a parallel robot is the identification of chains
and links. It is necessary to consider that such systems generally have two most relevant
parts which are the base of the robotic mechanism and its end-effector, whose motion
relative to the base is the main object of study in a modelling process. Then, it is
necessary to analyse the restrictions that each chain of mechanism impose to the motion
of the end-effector relative to the base. Such approach is a mobility analysis based on the
method of the Lie group of rigid body displacements (Hervé, 1999). After this analysis it
is possible to determine the number of degrees of freedom of the system, which is the
maximum number of independent virtual displacements that can occur in the
neighbourhood of any possible position of this system. This kind of analysis also
determines the number of degrees of freedom of the end-effector and the number of
inputs (external forces and torques) which are normally the same, so that this method
leads to the following natural definitions of coordinates:
• a first set consisting of coordinates that describe all the possible motions of the
end-effector of the system
• a second set consisting of coordinates that describe the motions imposed by the
actuators of the system
• a third set consisting of auxiliary coordinates defined to describe motions of links of
the mechanism’s chains which cannot be described trivially by the coordinates of the
two first sets (these variables have to be carefully chosen, otherwise the increase of
the number of variables might not lead to a significant benefit).
It is worth noting that this method is similar to one which has been very successful in
both kinematic and dynamic analysis of complex mechanical systems such as kinematic
structures presented by Tsai (1999) and Merlet (2006). In this methodology, coordinates
are defined to describe the motion of the main link of the mechanism and to describe the
motions done by the systems’ actuators. Calling z the vector constituted only by the
coordinates of the motions of the actuators and x the vector constituted by the coordinates
of the end-effector, Tsai (1999) and Merlet (2006) purpose that the constraint equations
can be written in the following form: J z z = J x x, where Jz and Jx are called the system’s
Jacobians with respect to the actuators coordinates vector z and with respect to the
end-effector coordinates vector x. Also noting that this relation is equally valid to
infinitesimal variations of the configuration of the system (i.e., Jzδz = Jxδx), this approach
leads to two independent sets of coordinates (z and x) which can be easily related and
interchanged, enabling an easy description of the main motions of the system (the most
relevant motions of the system are those of the end-effector and this approach leads
to an easy computation of the motions of the actuators related to any motion of the
end-effector, which is called an inverse kinematic analysis of the system). When
designing a dynamic model of such system, however, not only the description of the
motions of the main link and of the actuators are required, but also the motions of all
links whose inertia can have a significant influence in the system’s dynamics. Depending
on the complexity of the chains which constitute the kinematic structure studied, using
only the coordinates of z and x may lead to some complex descriptions, involving
20 R.M.M. Orsino and T.A.H. Coelho
fi q1 ,… , qn* = 0 ) (1)
This text will make the option of using a more simple notation, referring to such equation
as fi (q* ) = 0 and to the full set of constraint equations as f (q* ) = 0 (here, all the
equations fi are treated as components of a column vector f). Any relation among the
system’s coordinates that cannot be described by this kind of function characterises a
non-holonomic constraint. A remarkable type is those Kane and Levinson (1985) call
simple non-holonomic constraint that can be described in the following form:
∑ J ( q ,…, q ) dq
j =1
i, j 1 n* j =0 (2)
values where each variable must be is well known, and an initial estimation can be done
by selecting a value in this interval. This, however, is not enough to ensure convergence
of the solution algorithm. Here comes the need for an adequate definition of redundant
coordinates. Noting that a coordinate may be related to the position and the motion of a
particular link of the system studied, the definition of such coordinate (even if it is not
independent) may define uniquely a position or a motion of this link. That is why
defining additional coordinates and making good initial estimates may contribute to a
proper convergence of the numerical solution algorithm.
In order to obtain the holonomic constraint equations of a kinematic structure, one
adequate method is the use of the homogeneous transformations (Craig, 1989). To
introduce how it is used, consider that two rigid bodies A and B of the system studied. In
the most general case, B is able to describe translation (at most three degrees of freedom)
and rotation (at most three degrees of freedom) relative to A. The description of the
translation involve at most three independent functions of the coordinates which may
represent three components of the position vector pOAOB of a point OB of B relative to a
point OA of A in an adequate vector basis. The description of the rotation may involve at
most three independent parameters which are called the Euler angles (which have to be
functions of the coordinates). Considering two vector basis {a1, a2, a3} and {b1, b2, b3}
fixed in A and B respectively, the matrix of the directional cosines ARB whose element of
the ith row and jth column is ai ⋅ bj (i = 1, 2, 3 and j = 1, 2, 3) can be written as a function
of the Euler angles. Consider, for instance, a vector u whose components in the basis {b1,
b2, b3} are given by the 3 × 1 matrix Bu. Its components on the basis {a1, a2, a3}, can be
obtained by the relation Au = ARBBu. Now, consider a point P and call A P = ApOA P ,
P = B pOB P and A
p ; A p OA P = A OAOB
p + ApOB P and A
pOB P = A
R BB pOB P ,
so that:
⎡ A P⎤ ⎡ A RB A
d⎤ ⎡ B P⎤ A A
⎢ ⎥=⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥ or P= T BB P (3)
⎣ 1 ⎦ ⎣⎢ 01×3 1 ⎦⎥ ⎣ 1 ⎦
⎡ A RB A
d⎤ ⎡ A P⎤
TB = ⎢ ⎥ and A
P= ⎢ ⎥ (4)
⎣⎢ 01×3 1 ⎦⎥ ⎣ 1 ⎦
The matrix ATB is called the homogeneous transformation matrix between the coordinate
systems attached to A and B. The main property of these matrices is that ATB = ATCCTB
where C is any reference frame with a well defined coordinate system. This leads to
T T = I, so that ATB = (BTA)–1.
The use of homogeneous transformations in order to obtain holonomic constraint
equations can be done by the following procedure: consider that the rigid bodies A and B
are connected by two kinematic chains K and L (which can be real or fictitious) so that
the links K1 and L1 constitute kinematic joints with A and the links Kk and Ll (where k and
l are the total number of links in K and L) constitute kinematic joints with B. Considering
the properties of the homogeneous transformations, and using the system’s coordinates to
describe each of these matrices (which is also a way of guiding the coordinates selection)
it can be stated that:
22 R.M.M. Orsino and T.A.H. Coelho
TB = A
T K1 …K k T B = A
T L1 …Ll T B (5)
These identities lead to the holonomic constraint equations among the coordinates which
constitutes the vector q* . Some of these equations will lead to trivial relations among
coordinates (i.e., two of the coordinates in q* are permanently equal or proportional)
which allows a reduction in the set of coordinates. The ones to be eliminated are those
considered as auxiliary (it is preferable to keep the coordinates defined to describe the
motions of the end-effector and the motions imposed by the actuators because they are
more relevant to the analysis). The coordinates vector obtained after this simplification
process will be called q (consisting of n variables qi), the trivial holonomic constraint
equations can be eliminated and the remaining holonomic constraint equations will have
the form f(q) = 0. Its differential form is dq j = 0 which can be joined with the
j =1 ∂q
The homogeneous transformations method can also be used to achieve the second
objective of the kinematic analysis which is the description of positions, velocities and
accelerations of relevant points and the angular velocities and angular accelerations of the
links of the system. Suppose that A is attached to an inertial reference frame, P is a point
in B (so that BP is a constant vector). Using the homogeneous transformation
P = AT BB P , A v P = A P and A a P = A v P . Also, adopting an identity presented in Kane
and Levinson (1985), the angular velocity of B relative to A can be determined by the
A ⎛
ωB = ⎜ B R A
⎝ dt
d A BB
) ⎞ ⎛
R b 2 ⋅ B b3 ⎟ b1 + ⎜ B R A
⎠ ⎝
( A
) ⎞
R BB b3 ⋅ B b1 ⎟ b 2
+ ⎜ B RA
⎝ dt
d A BB
) ⎞
R b1 ⋅ B b 2 ⎟ b3
The corresponding angular acceleration AαB is the vector whose components in the vector
basis {b1, b2, b3} are the time derivatives of components of the angular velocity vector
ω in the same basis.
Finally, its worth discussing that some modelling approaches such as Newton-Euler’s,
Kane’s (Kane and Levinson, 1985), Hamilton’s (Lanczos, 1983) or Poincaré’s (Udwadia
and Phohomsiri, 2007) make use of kinematic variables which replace the time
derivatives of the system’s coordinates, simplifying even more the models developed.
These variables can emerge from the physical description of the system by a well defined
relation as in Hamilton’s approach (where the generalised momenta are defined by partial
derivatives of the system’s Lagrangean function with respect to the time derivatives of
the system’s coordinates) and Newton-Euler’s approach (where the components of the
angular velocity vector of a rigid body are obtained as affine transformations involving
the time derivatives of the Euler angles which describe the orientation of this body) or
can be freely defined during the developing of the model as in Kane’s and Poincaré’s
A contribution for developing more efficient dynamic modelling algorithms 23
where V = X–1 and w = –X–1y. The reader will find several examples of ways to define
these new kinematic variables ui (i = 1, … , n) as affine transformations of the time
derivatives of the coordinates in Kane’s approach, where they are referred as generalised
speeds, in Kane and Levinson (1985) and Mitiguy and Kane (1996).
As the variables in u replace the time derivatives of the system’s coordinates, it is
necessary to express the constraint equations (6) in terms of the vector u. This can be
easily done using the transformation (9) leading to:
J (q, t )u + w(q, t ) = 0 (10)
Considering also that u = I p× p u (I denoting the identity matrix), and that every variable
in u is either in u or in u, it can be stated that the constraint equations can be written in
explicit matricial form as:
u = B (q, t )u + d (q, t ) (12)
By equation (12) it can be noted that all the kinematic variables in u can be expressed in
terms of only p independent ones among then (that constitute the column vector u ). This
interpretation leads to physical a way of finding an invertible matrix Ĵ constituted by
(n – p) columns of the (n – p) × n of the matrix J : it is sufficient for the variables chosen
to constitute the column vector u to be independent, i.e., they must represent
independent motions of the system. The most common choice of an independent set of
variables includes the ones used to describe the motions of the end-effector, or
24 R.M.M. Orsino and T.A.H. Coelho
alternatively the ones used to described the motions imposed by the actuators
(more variables must be included in u if the number of degrees of freedom of the whole
system p is greater than the number of degrees of freedom of the end-effector).
Among the methods of analytical mechanics which are able to employ redundant
coordinates, there is one very suitable proposed by Kane and Levinson (1985). Kane’s
method is based on the approach previously developed by Gibbs and Appell, who gave a
modified formulation of the Gaussian principle of least constraint, which is a variant form
of d’Alembert principle, as shown in Lanczos (1983), that is suitable for a formulation of
dynamical equations based on kinematic variables (also called generalised speeds).
According to the discussion presented in the previous subsection, in a mechanical system
with p degrees of freedom where n generalised coordinates are defined, all the
generalised speeds u1, …, un can be expressed as functions of u1, …, up, q1, …, qn, t only,
according to equation (12). Moreover, q = B (q, t )u + d (q, t ) (where B = VB and
d = Vd + w ), so that, all the expressions of velocities and angular velocities can be
expressed as functions of u1 ,… , u p , q1 ,… , qn , t only. Kane and Levinson (1985) define
the ith partial velocity of a point P in a reference frame N (which in this text will be an
inertial reference frame) and the ith partial angular velocity of a body B in a reference
frame N respectively as:
v iP = ∂ v and
ωi =
∂ ( N
ωB ) (i = 1, … , p) (13)
∂u i ∂u i
After defining the partial velocities and partial angular velocities, the generalised active
forces and the generalised inertia forces can be determined. The former are defined as the
sum of the scalar products of the external applied forces and a given partial velocity of
the point of application of this force along with the scalar products of the external
applied torques and the respective partial angular velocity of the body where
this torque is applied, that is the ith generalised active force of the system can be
computed as:
Fi = ∑ (F ⋅
vi j + ) ∑ (T ⋅
N Bj
ωi ) (14)
Fi* = ∑ ( −m
a j ⋅ vi
j P
) (15)
For a rigid body B the system of inertia forces of all its particles is equivalent to a single
force R* and a single moment T*, with:
R* = − m N a B and T* = − N α B ⋅ I* − N
ω B × I* ⋅ N
ωB (16)
A contribution for developing more efficient dynamic modelling algorithms 25
where m is the total mass of B, I* is its central inertia tensor, N a B is the acceleration of
the centre of mass B* of B and NωB and NαB are its angular velocity and angular
acceleration, so that the ith generalised inertia force due to B can be calculated as:
(F ) B
* = R* ⋅ v i + T* ⋅ ωi (17)
Noting that all the velocities and angular velocities can be written as functions of q, u and
t only, with all the components linear in u, the accelerations and angular accelerations as
its time derivatives are functions of q, u, u and t (remembering that u replaces q ), and
by the chain rule (from differential calculus), it can be stated that all its components are
linear in u and the terms where some u j is present are independent of u; moreover, as
partial derivatives of the velocities and angular velocities with respect to u, the partial
velocities and partial angular velocities are functions of q and t only. Taking all this into
consideration, it is possible to state that all the generalised inertia forces can be expressed
as Fi* = − M i , j (q, t )u j − gi* (q, u , t ) while all the generalised active forces can be
j =1
expressed as Fi = − gi (q, u,τ , t ), where τ is a vector which expresses all external input to
the system, such as torques and forces provided by the system’s actuators. The dynamical
equations of the system can be expressed as:
If in a particular system all the inputs in the vector τ are control inputs, if the number of
inputs is equal to the number p of degrees of freedom of the system and if the system is
not in a singular configuration (when it is uncontrollable), then the equation (19) can be
used to determine numerically the inputs associated with a specified motion (when q and
u are prescribed time functions that respect the kinematic constraints) in a process called
inverse dynamics. However, sometimes the numerical integration of such equations is
needed for a given set of inputs, in order to determine the system motion. In this case,
which is called direct dynamics, the integration of the dynamical equations needs to occur
simultaneously with the integration of the constraint equations. This is done using the
time derivative of the equation (10) which is: Ju = −( Ju + w). The equations to be
numerically integrated can be expressed as:
q = Vu + w
⎡M ⎤ ⎡ g* + g ⎤ (20)
u = −⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎣J ⎦ ⎢⎣ Ju + w ⎥⎦
Finally, it is important to mention that the main advantage of Kane’s approach compared
to Lagrange’s (Leech, 1971; Lanczos, 1983), which is one of the most used methods of
analytical mechanics, is that the number of dynamical equations is equal the number of
degrees of freedom of the system and not equal the number of coordinates defined
26 R.M.M. Orsino and T.A.H. Coelho
(which requires the use of the method of undetermined multipliers to obtain the
Lagrange’s dynamical equations). However, Kane’s method requires the evaluation of
accelerations and angular accelerations, which may be cumbersome, while Lagrange’s
approach requires only the evaluation of the kinetic energy of the system such that
knowing the expressions of velocities and angular velocities is enough.
In order to illustrate the complete modelling process described on the previous section, a
simple example of application will be made using a slider-crank mechanism with a
non-rigid connecting rod as the one shown on Figure 2 (this connecting rod will be
considered as a linear spring with stiffness k and natural length a3 that can suffer
longitudinal deformations in tension and compression). The crank will be considered
actuated by a torque τ (with the imposed rotational motion described by the coordinate
q2) and the piston will be considered as the end-effector. A mobility analysis allows
noting that although the end-effector has only one degree of freedom, which is described
by the translational coordinate q1, the whole system has two degrees of freedom, because
an elongation of the connecting rod (indicated by the auxiliary coordinate q4) can happen
independently of the motion of the piston. The angle q3 indicating the orientation of the
connecting rod is also chosen as an auxiliary coordinate.
Figure 2 Representation of a slider-crank mechanism with a non-rigid connecting rod and its
coordinates and geometric parameters definitions
⎡ 1 0 ⎤
− c3 ⎤ ⎢ 0 ⎥
⎡1 a2 s 2 l3s3 1
J =⎢ and B = ⎢ ⎥ (22)
⎣ 0 a2 c2 −l3c3 −s3 ⎥⎦ ⎢ −s3 l3 a2 c23 l3 ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎣ c3 a2 s 23 ⎦
A contribution for developing more efficient dynamic modelling algorithms 27
Knowing that V = I4×4, w = 0, J = J and w = 0, equations (20) can be used for making
direct dynamic simulations of this system when the torque τ is a known time function and
the initial conditions for q1, q2, u1 and u2 are given. The corresponding initial conditions
for q3, q4, u3 and u4 can be obtained by solving numerically the equation (21) and its time
derivative Ju = 0, with J defined in equation (22), for these variables.
Figure 3 CAD and graph representations of the 2RSS + PPaP mechanism indicating the notation
adopted and the coordinates defined
In order to model this mechanism, the next stages (in the context of Section 2.1) are the
mobility analysis and the definition of coordinates. The Lie group of rigid body
displacements (Hervé, 1999) can be applied to study the mobility of the system. The
kinematic chains K and K′ (both RSS) do not create any constraint in the motion of the
end-effector B relative to the fixed base A, i.e., the presence of these chains do not
constraint any of the 6-dof of the rigid body motion of B relative to A. However, the
chain L (which is PPaP), does not let any relative rotational motion of B relative to A,
i.e., only translations are allowed by this chain. It is possible to conclude that the
motion of the end-effector relative to the fixed base has three degrees of freedom
(three-dimensional translations allowed), so that three rectangular coordinates are
sufficient to describe this motion. Defining a coordinate system O0x0y0z0, where O0 is the
midpoint between the centres of the active rotational joints, x0 is a downward vertical
axis, y0 is the axis which has the direction from O0 to the centre of the active rotational
joint of the chain K′, z0 is a horizontal axis parallel to the direction of the active prismatic
joint, forming a positively oriented basis according to the right-hand rule. The
coordinates of the midpoint between the spherical joints K3K4K5B and K 3′ K 4′ K 5′ B in the
coordinate system O0x0y0z0 will be denoted as q1, q2 and q3 respectively. Also defining
lines connecting the centres of consecutive joints as reference to measure angles, it is
possible to define a coordinate for each 1-dof joint of the system, as shown on Figure 3.
One important thing to be noted is that as the translation motion in the active prismatic
joint is equal the translation motion of the end-effector in the direction of the joint, the
coordinate q3 is sufficient to describe the movement of this joint; also, as L1L2L3 is a
parallelogram, a single coordinate is sufficient to completely describe the relative
motion of its parts. The constraint equations can be obtained by the method shown on
equation (5) (the homogeneous transformations may involve not only the coordinates, but
also some geometrical parameters of the mechanism), in such a way that a coordinate
system can be defined for each link with the local y axis aligned with its longitudinal
axis. It is worth emphasising that although the method proposed by equation (5) can be
computer aided, it normally will lead to a greater number of constraint equations than
A contribution for developing more efficient dynamic modelling algorithms 29
needed. The choice of an independent set of constraint equations among all these must be
done by who is modelling.
Being at disposal a prototype of the chain L, the relevant geometric parameters can be
easily measured and disassembling the links, the masses of each of them can be measured
using a scale. The inertia moments could be measured by some experiment, but in this
case they were estimated considering the geometry of the links: if they were bar shaped,
then the moment of inertia around the longitudinal axis is negligible and the moment of
inertia around any central axis orthogonal to the longitudinal axis is equal to ml 2 ,
where m is the total mass of the link and l its longitudinal dimension; otherwise, if all the
dimensions of the link are negligible compared to the total dimensions of the mechanism,
then all its inertia moments are negligible. The geometric parameters used in the model
and the links’ masses are indicated in Figure 4.
Figure 4 Masses and geometric parameters of the links of the mechanism used in the model
The friction parameters of the rotational and prismatic joints of the chain L were
measured by two simple experimental procedures. The experiment to estimate the friction
coefficients of the rotational joins of the parallelogram of L has been done considering
that disassembled of the end-effector, it can oscillate like a pendulum. For small
oscillations, a pendulum can be treated as a linear second order dynamic system and the
linear rotational friction coefficient can be estimated by the elapsed time to dissipate part
its initial mechanical energy (which is the elapsed time to not be able to achieve a given
amplitude angle any more). The value of the friction coefficient estimated for these joints
was 0.001 N ⋅ m ⋅ s/rad and by hypothesis all the other rotational joints of the mechanism
were considered to have the same friction coefficients as the rotational joints of the chain
L. In order to estimate the friction coefficient of the prismatic joint AL1, it has been done
an experiment where the chain L was put in motion in the direction of this joint and the
force and displacement time histories were acquired by a device consisting of a load cell
in series with a LVDT. Analysing in these time histories and verifying the mean value of
the friction force in time intervals where the speed is approximately constant, it can be
verified a correlation between friction force and the speed of the displacement, so that
adjusting the experimental results to the friction model using least square methods, the
A contribution for developing more efficient dynamic modelling algorithms 31
value of the friction coefficient is approximately 15 N ⋅ s/m (by hypothesis the friction
coefficient of the joint L3B is supposed to be equal).
Figure 5 Trajectory imposed to the 2RSS + PPaP mechanism to make an inverse kinematic and
dynamic simulation
32 R.M.M. Orsino and T.A.H. Coelho
Figure 6 Time plots of the torques inputs τ1 and τ2 (active rotational joints of the chains
K and K′ respectively) corresponding to the imposed trajectory
Figure 7 Time plot of the force input τ3 (active prismatic joints of the chain L) corresponding to
the imposed trajectory
5 Conclusions
The methodologies discussed, although being well known in the literature (and some of
them being largely used to model the traditional serial mechanisms) can be specialised to
applications in the modelling of parallel kinematic structures, taking advantages on the
definition of redundant coordinates in order to make the mathematical model as simple as
possible. A good kinematic analysis has been shown to be a fundamental task of the
A contribution for developing more efficient dynamic modelling algorithms 33
The authors would like to acknowledge the National Council for Scientific and
Technological Development (CNPq, Brazil) for having sponsored the undergraduate
research of Renato Maia Matarazzo Orsino (from July 2010 to July 2011), which has
been the beginning of the research project presented in this paper.
Almeida, R.Z.H. and Hess-Coelho, T.A. (2010) ‘Dynamic model of a 3-dof asymmetric parallel
mechanism’, The Open Mechanical Engineering Journal, Vol. 4, pp.48–55, (online) available
at http://www.benthamscience.com/open/tomej/articles/V004/SI0036TOMEJ/48TOMEJ.pdf
(accessed on 9 January 2012).
Craig, J.J. (1989) Introduction to Robotics: Mechanics and Control, Addison-Wesley Longman
Publishing, USA.
Hervé, J.M. (1999) ‘The Lie group of rigid body displacements, a fundamental tool for mechanism
design’, Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 34, No. 5, pp.719–730.
Kane, T.R. and Levinson, D.A. (1985) Dynamics: Theory and Applications, McGraw Hill
Publishing Company, USA.
Lanczos, C. (1983) The Variational Principles of Mechanics, Dover Publications, Inc., New York,
Leech, J.W. (1971) Mecânica Analítica, Ao Livro Técnico S.A. e Editora da Universidade de
São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
34 R.M.M. Orsino and T.A.H. Coelho