Install Bevel Gears PDF
Install Bevel Gears PDF
Install Bevel Gears PDF
You can’t put bevel gears together in the same way as spur and
helical types and get them to work well. They need to be assembled in
a specific way to ensure smooth running and optimum load
distribution between gears.
the gears to obtain a suitable tooth con- of the two gears, preferably the pinion, fore adjusting backlash. This can be ac-
tact pattern. The lack of marked values at its marked mounting distance. The complished either by gaging or by direct
may also indicate that the gearset was reason is simple. Because bevel gears are measurement. Gages are used mostly for
not manufactured for high capacity or conical in shape, they can be assembled large gear production runs, and are based
consistency. in an almost infinite number of positions on the direct measurement method. For
Matched teeth. After optimum tooth (most of which cause poor performance) this reason, only the measurement
contact is obtained in the running tests, and still obtain the required backlash. method is described here.
the manufacturer marks mating teeth in Frequently, a casual user assembles Note that when mating gears are ad-
engagement for identification. These bevel gears to obtain a specific amount of justed to their optimum position, their
marks usually consist of x’s or dots, Fig- backlash without regard to the mounting back angles, Figure 1, will probably not
ure 2, on two adjacent teeth of one gear distance. This is especially true for low be flush with each other. Do not attempt
and the mating tooth of the other gear. quality or lightly-loaded bevel gears. Al- to position bevel gears by making the
When assembling the gearset, position though this method occasionally works, it back angles flush.
the single marked tooth in the space be- is a risky approach where gears are Measurement method. A typical gear-
tween the two adjacent marked teeth. loaded to maximum capacity. It usually box, Figure 4, contains both an overhung
Backlash. The third most important causes shorter life and poor perfor- and a straddle-mounted gear. The proce-
parameter for a bevel gearset is the space mance. Only at the proper mounting dis- dure for assembling the bevel gears in this
between mating gear teeth, called back- tance will a gearset run correctly and still gearbox by the measurement method is
lash. Unless otherwise specified, back- have the right amount of backlash. simple:
lash is measured normal (perpendicular) • On the housing, measure the distance
to the tooth surface, Figure 3, and not in from locating surface to bore centerline in
the plane of rotation. In most cases, the Gear assembly both horizontal and vertical directions
manufacturer marks the normal back- In most bevel gearsets, particularly (HMD and VMD).
lash value on the gear, Figure 2. those with ratios above 2:1, the pinion po- • Record the gear and pinion mounting
Measurements in the plane of rotation, sition (mounting distance) effects tooth distances (MDG and MDP).
called transverse backlash, are as much contact (the most important parameter • Measure the gear and pinion thick-
as 40% larger, and should not be used for for good performance) to a larger extent nesses (WG and WP).
assembly purposes. than the gear position. Conversely, the • Assemble the gears into their sub-
#11444 FIG
Where2 mounting distances have been gear position has a larger effect on back- assemblies.
marked on one or both gears, adjust these lash. For this reason, the manufacturer • Measure the length that controls gear
distances first. Then, use the normal may have marked the mounting distance position in each subassembly (MA G and
backlash value to verify proper assembly. only on the pinion. In such cases, be sure MAP).
The backlash value should not be mea- to accurately position the pinion accord- • Calculate the distance from shim
sured until after assembling at least one ing to its marked mounting distance be- mounting surface to crossing point for each
subassembly (MDV and MDH).
• Calculate the required shim thick-
nesses and assemble the gearbox with
shims in place.
To aid the assembly technician, mark
the housing measurements on the housing
after it is machined and inspected.
Measurements involving the pinion and
gear are taken on the subassemblies, which
Figure 2 — Typical consist of gear, shaft, bearing, and gear
markings on bevel mounting components. This minimizes any
gears include (left variations due to fits between these compo-
to right) the gearset nents and greatly reduces the number of
number, mounting
distance (MD) in
measurements required. In this example,
inches for each only the gear thickness is measured before
gear, x’s on mating X putting together the subassembly. Sub-
teeth, and the tracting this distance from the mounting
backlash dimension distance lets the technician measure from
(B/L) in inches. the front of the assembled gear.
Shim thickness
Overhung mounted
pinion subassembly