BattleTech - Magazine - Battle-Tec - Issue #6
BattleTech - Magazine - Battle-Tec - Issue #6
BattleTech - Magazine - Battle-Tec - Issue #6
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most fun when I'm playing on Web fluff text to explain what purpose the
RPG with guys I know from the chat vehicle serves.]
boards Send me a E-mail for a
weekend game (Sunday preferred) NAME: JMB-1 "JUMBO"
and we can rock. My ICQ is TECH LEVEL: Tracked I.S. /
8037042. Level 2
Weight: 100 Tons
Dear Jeff, Movement:
Thanx again for this issue of BattleTec!
I was happy to be able to read something Cruise: 2
during this weekend... The CGB invention Flank: 3
list was one of my favorites! I have only
one question: why is the name of the file Engine: 200XL Fusion
Issue5beta.rtf? You'll create a final 6.0
version or just forgot to rename it? :))) Control: 5.0
It's a pity you lost your files. In this Power Amplifiers: 0.0
case I'll send you the Stromcrow essay Lift Equipment: 0.0
again, along with a Kodiak and Grizzly Heat Sinks: (16) 6.0
description for future use. I hope I am Internal Structure: 5.0
not the only pervert ([ ?]) who rather Turret: 1.0
writes on 'Mechs ;-> so you have lots of
stuff to put into BattleTec! Armor: 15.5 (248pts.)
BattleTech is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. Original BattleTech material Copyright by FASA
Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Used without permission. Any use of FASA Corporation's copyrighted material or
trademarks in this file should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. The sole purpose of this
publication is to raise the level of popularity, and awareness of BattleTech. E-mail any submissions to me at
[email protected]
LTAP Ammo: 15 (Body) predecessor. The old Long Tom vehicle was
3.0 Tons woefully under-gunned when its location was
threatened with overrun. Slip-Shod installed two
LRM Ammo: 36 (Body) Flash-Fire Model A Large Lasers, noted for their
3.0 Tons ruggedness in military environments. These were
installed a swivel-top turret, though this turret
COST: $13,350,666 suffered from the inability to raise higher than 45
BV: degrees.
CREW: The main gun is the Long Tom Mark IX
artillery piece, with incredibly long range and
OVERVIEW: increased accuracy over the Mark XIII series.
While slow, the Jumbo packs armor comparable
Slip-Shod Tech, Inc. was one of several small to many Star-League era vehicles, giving the
firms approached quietly by House Marik with a Jumbo incredible resilience on the battlefield.
proposition to produce a new, improved version The Wad-Cutter LRM-10s are cheap, less than
of the Long Tom Mobile Artillery vehicle. After notable missile systems, but they are acceptably
announcing that Slip-Shod had won the bid (and reliable and require no special maintenance. A
there were more than a few hints at government real perk for the crews is installment of CASE in
kickbacks and payoffs), the fledgling company the ammo storage bin of the Jumbo.
set to work. The results, after a lot of foot-
dragging and bureaucratic red tape, were less HISTORY:
than impressive. The first run of the Jumbo rolled off the line in
The finished vehicle, dubbed the 'Jumbo' the last quarter of 3059 and right into the meat-
because of its very large size (close to the grinder that is The Chaos March. Three of the
Demolisher Heavy Tank) lacked any real new tanks were sent to various hot spots
improvement in speed over the venerable Long throughout the March on a publicity stunt
Tom weapon system. Even greater of a problem, masterminded by Slip-Shod executives. All three
the Jumbo carried minimal amounts of ammo for of the new tanks were captured on vid in combat.
its assigned combat role. Aerospace assets destroyed one seconds after it
Angry accusations by the Free Worlds League fired on an enemy column, one is reported
Office of Procurement and an official missing (speculation and suspicion is aimed at a
investigation were further stymied by the small small mercenary group who deserted the post
print Slip-Shod managed to billet into the that the tank was stationed at), and the third crew
original contract, guaranteeing at least 50% of received a decoration for duty beyond the call.
the original contract budget should House Marik This third Jumbo somehow managed to pin a
decide to cancel the project for any reason. hostile Battlemaster against the wall of the
Marik lawyers were helpless in the face of this compound where the Jumbo was stationed. The
strangely ironclad stipulation. Rather than scrap tank commander, Sgt. Harlock Gunderson,
the whole project, Slip-Shod agreed to a second seeing his machine surrounded by raiding mechs
production run, with the intent of adding shooting at the Jumbo and other defenders, threw
essential design aspects the FWL Military his tank, nicknamed 'Tantor', into reverse,
demanded. This second run produced the variant catching the unsuspecting Battlemaster as it
called the 'Elephant'. More than one Procurement rounded the corner of the Compound HQ.
officer also added the dubious term 'White' to the The impact drove the assault class BattleMech
title. back into the compound wall, pinning it in the
breach nearly underneath Tantor. By the time the
CAPABILITIES: other enemy units were driven off and friendly
Apart from the major flaw of small ammo for its 'Mechs arrived, the Jumbo crew was nearly deaf
main gun and lack of real mobility, the Jumbo from the echo of the constant pounding of the
does have some major advantages over its Battlemaster on the tank's rear armor and turret.
BattleTech is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. Original BattleTech material Copyright by FASA
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publication is to raise the level of popularity, and awareness of BattleTech. E-mail any submissions to me at
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The recording of this engagement is still used card with a winter painting on it. The snow
by the Marketing Department of Slip-Shod as a formed thick drifts, cut through by a stream that
major selling point for the Jumbo. The flowed down from the mountains. You couldn't
Compound C.O. rewarded the tankers with a see those peaks from the bleak gray of a cloud
cash bonus, and gave the captured Battlemaster front that was moving down on us from the high
to Harlock, who pilots it to this day as bodyguard country.
for his old Jumbo. Sometimes, a shower of light will make it
through the overcast, and the mountains will
come alive with a beautiful rosy glow. When that
happens, you can forget how harsh and
Small Unit Actions unforgiving the high country can be. We didn't
expect to find much up there. Everyone figured
Ever wonder where the expression 'Cold as the Falcons were gone by now, as the last
Hell' came from? Isn't 'Hell' supposed to be hot? engagement with them had been three weeks
Well, I know where the saying comes from. It ago.
came from the first soldier to get posted We'd split the lance down into 2 'Mech teams
somewhere where the temperature was routinely to cover more ground, though we kept the
below zero. distance short, usually half a kilometer or so.
Cold weather takes its toll on equipment, too. Kirkoff and me were plodding through the pines
Some of the climates of the planets we got to the right of our line. My Phoenix Hawk had
garrisoned on were more than a match for the the best sensors in the lance, so I ran a
newest foot sloggers cold-weather gear. Not broadband, all-spectrum scan ever three or four
only did the cold cause problems for vehicles minutes. I was just finishing up one when a heat
with internal combustion engines, but almost all spike flared on my HUD, and disappeared just as
tanks are notoriously hard to keep warm in the quickly.
crew compartments. Kirkoff brought his Centurion to a halt right
Idle hovercraft could get their fans frozen in behind me when he saw me draw up short.
place, making them useless. They threw up a lot "What's up, Ash? You got something'?"
of snow, too, making their use in close "Yeah. A heat spike…I almost missed it, it was
formations risky…too much powder blown into so brief. About one K Northeast."
your wing's vector, and he might end up plowing "Could be a geyser…maybe a hot-spring. They
into a tree. said this area has a little volcanic activity. "
Wheeled vehicles were next to worthless. Kirkoff tried to sound optimistic, but we both
Tracked vehicles were ok, provided their tracks knew it was no natural volcanic phenomena.
were wide enough. We 'Mech jocks usually had it Somebody was out there, not too far away. And
a little better, but sometimes even we got a raw I'm experienced enough to know bait when I see
deal from the elements. A blizzard will blind it.
your 'Mech as easily as it blinds a tank. "Ash to Cobb. Just got a invitation from some
At least the cold usually lets you run your less-than-desirables."
weapons hotter than you normally would. Of "Give me a grid cord." was all the C.O. said. It
course, the same holds true for an enemy was hard to impress Maxwell Cobb with any
BattleMech, so that's not always so comforting. kind of news, good or bad. I tight-beamed him
Kirkoff and me were part of Fire Lance Ringo, the info and waited. Within a minute, Kirkoff and
working a contract in the most remote areas of me both received a topographical feed of the
Morges. Apparently there was a natural-gas area. We could both see the lines and marks that
refinery up there our employer deemed worth the Cobb was drawing on his grid map. He was
scratch to protect. We got assigned to scout the going to have us enter the suspected area and
perimeter of our employer's fief, keeping a watch retreat to the West, where ha and Yarboraough
for reported Raider Stars from the Jade Falcons. would set up a counter-ambush on anyone who
We were slogging it through deep alpine tried to clobber us.
woods…the kind of scenery you see on a post
BattleTech is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. Original BattleTech material Copyright by FASA
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publication is to raise the level of popularity, and awareness of BattleTech. E-mail any submissions to me at
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Parker's Praetorians scout lance to leave nothing to chance and give his opponent
impossible shots whenever evading.
Sgt. Cobb (G: 3/P: 4) CGR-3K Charger With the advantages and disadvantages of the
Cpl. Tinsel (G: 3/P: 4) PXH-3S Phoenix Hawk
fixed capabilities discussed, we can proceed to
Pvt. Kirkoff (G: 4/P: 5) CN9-D Centurion
Pvt. Char (G: 4/P: 5) APL-1M Apollo the next part: The weapon and equipment
Victory Conditions:
That side with the highest remaining BV on Turn PRIMARY:
#12 wins. The Prime configuration of the Dasher is in
reality nothing more that a copy of the weapons
Mech of the Month load-out of the COM-2D Commando, except for
the addition of another medium laser and the use
of Clan technology. The Omni's 10 double heat
Dasher [Fire Moth] sinks are sufficient to keep the temperature in
By Lev 'Ha! Another head shot!' check and allow the pilot free use of his
Arris weapons. This design is a good all around variant
although it does create a problem for the pilot,
who has to get in close in order to use his
[Finally I get my chance to do something for weapons effectively. For the Dasher, any close
Jeff's Battletec, with school over and myself is, simply, too close.
having a lot of spare time. -Lev] The Primary configuration really shines in the
anti-armor role. With Inferno missiles in its twin
I've decided to do a review of one of the more SRM racks, the Dasher Prime can devastate
controversial designs introduced in TRO: 3050, enemy heavy tank lines, while using its speed to
the Dasher (Fire Moth). First, let's look at the keep out of harm's way.
base configuration. After taking a glance at the
Dasher's statistics it becomes apparent that this 'A' Variant:
OmniMech is built for one thing: Speed. This The Dasher 'A' is a spotter mech, loaded with
mech is the fastest of all Clan designs, capable of electronics to locate enemy units and call in
moving at 162 kph at a full run. artillery fire. While devastating in theory, in
With its MASC system engaged, the Dasher is practice the Clans rarely use fire support, making
capable of moving at an incredible 216 kph, this variant extremely rare.
which enables it to outrun anything it cannot For offensive weapons, the 'A' variant carries a
outgun, which is fortunate, because this Omni single Streak SRM-4 rack, with 25 reloads. This
carries a measly 2 tons of Ferro Fibrous armor. provides the unit with meager firepower, but is of
While capable of protecting this 'Mech against little assistance to the unfortunate pilot of a
light weapon fire, the paltry amount of armor is cornered Dasher 'A'. The 'A's Anti-Missile
all but useless against the massive Mech-Class System helps shield the fragile OmniMech from
weapon systems carried by heavy and assault enemy SRM infantry ambushes and light missile
'Mechs (and even some medium and light fire from other enemy units.
machines as well). Needless to say, this configuration suffers from
With this lack of armor in mind, a wise pilot of no heat problems at all (as if heat is likely to be
this otherwise extremely effective OmniMech the main concern of a pilot sitting atop a 20 ton
must rely on his speed to provide him with OmniMech protected by only 2 tons of armor
protection, and save his Dasher's armor for the and mounting a single Streak SRM-4 for
few lucky shots that will inevitably hit him. weapons...).
A smart Dasher pilot will retreat in the face of
superior opposition, but if such a course of action
is not possible due to Clan honor, or simply a 'B' Variant:
stubborn commander, he would be well advised
BattleTech is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. Original BattleTech material Copyright by FASA
Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Used without permission. Any use of FASA Corporation's copyrighted material or
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publication is to raise the level of popularity, and awareness of BattleTech. E-mail any submissions to me at
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BattleTech is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. Original BattleTech material Copyright by FASA
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Rules from the Fluff Text alone. A New Mt. Fuji Space Port, Turtle Bay
glance at the Dasher's image from the Smoke Jaguar Occupation Zone
TRO: 3050 or the metal miniature can 25 December, 3058
give us a few ideas, however. -XIANG]
The placement of the hands on the Dasher Smoke poured up craters that pocked the
would make wielding a club ludicrous. Not ferrocrete of New Mt. Fuji spaceport's aerodyne
much of a handicap to Clan warriors who stick to runway. The remains of a hapless 7th Jaguar
Zellbrigen. The wide cowling around the rear leg Rifleman IIC littered the area, all that was left of
area might give the Dasher two extra armor a once powerful BattleMech after the machine
points for each leg against shots that come from landed on camouflaged mines.
the rear fire arc. From his position inside the cockpit of his
Timber Wolf Alpha, Star Captain Torc studied the
OVERALL RATINGS (from 1-10)*: wreckage and frowned grimly. Though the last of
Prime = 7 the 7th Jaguar Dragoons were now everything he
A = 5 reviled, he still felt regret. They were Jaguars,
B = 7 however misguided. While they sought the death
C = 6 of Torc and his men, most of them were just
D = 8 doing what they were told. What a warrior was
trained to do.
H = 4
A Dire Wolf with the 7th's markings thundered
by, racing down the main avenue, a trio of large
pulse lasers and the silver streaks of gauss
rounds firing from its massive arm pods. As the
[*Note that this rating is based on an over-all machine lurched by, Torc slammed the throttle
comparison of mechs from a similar tech era. forward and bolted into the giant enemy 'Mechs
Also bear in mind that the rating applies to rear arc, firing everything his Timber Wolf had.
mechs of roughly the same weight class. A '6' Particle beams and pulses of green laser fire
rated mech of heavy design might or might not laid open the back of the Dire Wolf, exposing
be a match for a '6' rated medium mech. The vital components to the savage impact of short-
number rating from this gazette is not meant to range missiles that corkscrewed in from the
replace BV, but to provide the reader with some Timber Wolf's SRM launcher. The big machine
feel of how the mech stacks up when comparing started to vibrate violently as its own SRM
its inherent strengths and weaknesses.] ammo detonated.
The force of the explosion threw the machine
out of balance as the CASE panels expelled the
majority of the blast pressure out the
OmniMech's mangled back. The impact of the
100-ton giant as it fell was enough to send a
tremor through Torc's machine.
'He is gravely wounded, but not quite dead. To
Campaign CORNER: destroy him now, after an ambush, smacks of
The following series of battles were cowardice. But this is a Trial of Annihilation. I
actually fought in my house campaign. will do what I must to preserve the 4th.'
Forgive any major deviations from Reluctantly, Torc centered his Targeting system
‘official’ sources you may find. The on the stunned Dire Wolf, and let loose with all
current series deals with a T.O.A. we his weapons again. He ignored the heat that
played out among the Smoke Jaguars, welled up in the Timber Wolf's cockpit. The salvo
of which one faction was assisted by finished off the Dire, but Torc was already
Clan Nova Cat (no, they helped the darting down the narrow concrete canyons of the
bad guys). spaceport, in search of more targets. Somewhere
BattleTech is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. Original BattleTech material Copyright by FASA
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publication is to raise the level of popularity, and awareness of BattleTech. E-mail any submissions to me at
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overhead, the black LAM piloted by Star Jin was uncertain how she knew where to go,
Commander Acex dove into another attack run but she found her Warhawk thundering forward,
on the 7th's forces. down side-alleys, avoiding the brief yet fierce
Less than a Trinary of the 7 th Jaguar Dragoons firefights between her troops and the enemy. It
remained to assault New Mt. Fuji spaceport. The was almost an ethereal feeling…something her
shame of the last month's losses was more than extremely logical mind could not understand,
Jin Mheta could endure. At every turn, the 4 th had that guided her, un-accosted, to the small landing
proven themselves unfit for the title of Clan pad on the outskirts of the main port. She
warriors. Ambushes, wolf-pack tactics and now brought the 85-ton OmniMech to a slow walk
the use of mines, buildings as cover, and the then halted completely.
presence of a taboo air-mech among their forces Switching from Mag-Scan to thermal, she
all proved it. spotted the warm silhouette of a Timber Wolf
Yet, regardless of their underhanded tactics, waiting among the buildings. A pair of aircraft
they were winning. This battle would be the last. hangers, much taller than either 'Mech, stood
Jin knew it and she was sure Torc knew it as between the two. In the cockpit of the Timber
well. The badly mauled 7th Jaguar dragoons and Wolf, Torc noted the arrival of the Warhawk.
now-defeated 44th Nova Cat Cavaliers would "Acex, Status. Are they all gone?"
bear the disgrace of this debacle for generations. A moment of crackling static came before Acex
The two units would most likely become Dezgra. replied.
'And the worst dregs of both clans will be sent "Aff, Star Captain. The 7th is no more. Just
to us. Better to die today, fighting as a true Mheta's Command 'Mech. Shall I assist?"
Smoke Jaguar, than command the cast-off rabble "Neg. If anyone interferes with the coming
from the home worlds.' Jin pictured the scene in fight, we will not be able to drive home our
her mind's eye, with more than mere disdain. point, Aff?"
She hated the 4 th. Clansmen normally did not "Aff. One more thing…the 'Dirty Dozen' has
hate those they killed, for death and destruction lost its commander. A 7th Dragoon Behemoth
were a warrior's calling. But try as she might to kicked in Richard's cockpit before the Inner
label it something else, hate was the only word Sphere warrior could extract his 'Mech
strong enough for the thing Jin felt towards the completely from the rubble of a collapsed
enemy Jaguars. The hatred was made all the building's basement. I avenged him shortly
more powerful by the fact that they were thereafter."
unusually skilled warriors, dishonorable tactics Torc's heart sank at the news. He had actually
aside. That was the cruelest fate of all. Jin now grown to like his old rival, despite their past
realized she had seriously underestimated the 4th, conflicts.
and just as seriously underbid for the Trial "Understood. See that the terms of our salvage
Thus, the consternated woman allowed hatred agreement are completed, should I not return
for herself to further kindle the hatred of her from this place. They fought well, and have
enemies. That she should fail so miserably in earned our respect as well as the salvage. Torc
gauging her enemy stood in her mind as proof out." Torc reset the channel to open-frequency
she was not fit to command. There could be no Alpha.
excuse. Anything that tried to alter or rationalize "…have come, as you knew I would, Torc. I
this new fact could only be interpreted as a lie. have come to kill you!" Jins voice growled in
Lying was not the Way of the Clans. mid-sentence.
'I will die here…today…that much is certain. In her command seat, a cold calm had come
But even my memory will be tainted if I fail to over Jin. Her hatred was so strong, all her mind
kill you, Torc. I know you have already surmised could do to cope with it was numb most of her
this. I will not underestimate your ability to senses. She forgot about everything else that she
perceive an enemy's sagacity. Where shall we once considered important. Perhaps that was
meet?' what imminent death did to you. It gave you
clarity of focus you could never otherwise
BattleTech is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. Original BattleTech material Copyright by FASA
Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Used without permission. Any use of FASA Corporation's copyrighted material or
trademarks in this file should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. The sole purpose of this
publication is to raise the level of popularity, and awareness of BattleTech. E-mail any submissions to me at
[email protected]
experience. 'By Kerensky's grave! I begin to defender sets up first using hidden unit rules for
sound like a Nova-Cat!' any number of his 'Mechs.
"The battle is over, Jin. Your forces have lost The Defender may combat drop or bring on
the Trial. It was a foregone conclusion after the any of his units from any side of the map.
engagement at the Pass. There is no need for us OmniMechs that drop may take no further action
to finish it all thusly." the round they land, though there is a modifier
The feral tenor of Jin's reply left no doubt for anyone who shoots at them.
about her feelings on the matter.
"Were we the last two of all clan warriors, I Attacker:
would still kill you. Your pathetic plea for The remaining elements of the 7th Smoke Jaguar
conciliation brands you more of an Inner Sphere Dragoons Trial forces. All Nova-Cat OmniMechs
freebirth than a Smoke Jaguar. How one such as were either destroyed or withdrawn from the
you could test-out amazes and confounds me. Trial in previous battles.
Regardless of your skill, you are not and never
were a true warrior."
The miniature Warhawk on Torc's HUD bolted Star Colonel Jin Mheta (2/3) Masakari Primary
MW Tubbs (3/4) Thor Primary
forward, all four PPC's blazing. The first hanger
MW Crockett (2/4) Daishi 'A'
literally flew apart as the cobalt beams MW Bambie (3/4) Behemoth
hammered into them. As it did, the thermal MW Ringo (2/3) Rifleman IIC
overlay on the Warhawk icon flared brightly.
Torc shook his head. Star Commander Halvin (2/3) Night Gyr 'A'
'Your anger may kill you before I do, Jin. I see MW Cobbs (3/4) Mad Cat
now that you do not care if you die. I begin to MW Chittlin (2/3) Ryoken 'B'
think you CRAVE death. But I will not let you
take me down that final path. Not yet. There is
too much left to be done, too many debts yet
The defenders are elements of the 4 th Jaguar Dragoons,
unsettled, for me to allow a battle-maddened as well as elements of the Dirty Dozen mercenary
hellion the fruits of ultimate victory.' company.
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packs in two of the super-range particle guns and Internal Structure: Endo Steel 2.5
14 double heat sinks, nearly enough to handle the Engine: 350XL 15.0
heat output from firing these weapons. A small Walking MP: 7
3cm laser rides in the head as a last-ditch Running MP: 11
weapon. Heat Sinks: 10[20] 0.0
The last variant with which we are familiar Gyro: 4.0
employs one of the new Automated Warfare Cockpit: 3.0
Units. This was, in fact, the only ‘Mech known Armor: Ferro-Fibrous (169) 9.0
to deploy this system. For weaponry, it carries
one of the new XXR-PPCs, an advanced Internal
targeting computer, 2 mid-sized 5cm lasers and a Armor
small 3cm laser. The addition of 5 double heat Structure
sinks keeps the ‘Mech cool, even when firing all Value
of its weapons. Head 3 9
Center Torso 16 24/8
Game Rules: R/L Torso 12
AWU: R/L Arm 8 16
This system replaces the Mechwarrior, but not RL Leg 12 24
the cockpit, of the OmniMech on which it is
mounted. It must be placed in the unfilled slot of Weight and Space Allocation
the head to function properly, and the destruction
of either the AWU or the cockpit critical slot will
Location Fixed
render the ‘Mech inoperative. Spaces Remaining
The AWU has an effective Gunnery Skill of 1 Head 1
and Piloting skill of 4. AWU-equipped units Center Torso 2
always move first and declare fire first. They Right Torso 2 XL, 7 Ferro 3
may not move or declare fire unless a friendly Left Torso 2 XL, 7 Endo 3
Mechwarrior is still alive on the field and Right Arm 8
conscious. Left Arm 8
Right Leg 2
Tonnage: 1 Left Leg 2
Critical Slots: 1
Primary Weapons
XXR-PPC Configuration
Tonnage: 6 Weapons and Ammo Location
Critical Slots: 2 Critical Tonnage
Damage: 12 4x ER Medium Laser RA 4 4
Heat: 15 2x Double Heat Sink RA 4 2
Short Range: 1-8 Double Heat Sink RT 2 1
Medium Range: 9-17 Jump Jet RT 1 0.5
Long Range: 18-26 4x ER Medium Laser LA 4 4
2x Double Heat Sink LA 4 2
Desperate Wolf Double Heat Sink LT 2 1
Jump Jet LT 1 0.5
Type: Desperate Wolf (50-Ton Jump Jet CT 1 0.5
Clan Level 3 Omni) Jump Jet RL 1 0.5
Jump Jet LL 1 0.5
Equipment Mass
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48 Defiance P8M Laser Anti- being produced would work for this
Missile Systems baby. We would have to have an
Other Cargo: engine designed from scratch. We
6 Small Craft turned to the Rolls Royce factories
18 Aerospace Fighters orbiting Earth. They were more than
Crew: 446 interested about producing engines
75 Officers for this “hotrod” of a warship.
371 Enlisted While Rolls Royce began engine
24 Aerospace Pilots design, we started on the rest of
48 AeroTechs the ship. Weaponry was going to be
4 Platoons Jump Infantry interesting for this ship. The
Ship Notes: Lightning's designed speed would
Armor–Lamellor Ferro- allow her to get into any firing
Carbide position she wanted and disengage
Lithium-Fusion Batteries from the enemy at will. Therefore,
Detachable jump sail for armament we decided to give
Portable HPG the ship a respectable long-range
8 Hangar Doors punch.
10 Cargo Doors Giving the ship two of Poland’s 2c
Naval Gauss Rifles and five of
Cost: $32,002,192,000.00 Poland’s 1d Naval Gauss Rifles
BV: 153,507 would guarantee that even this
speed demon would be able to hurt
a targeted ship before it could close
Ship History to short range. For close in
From the journal of Senior weaponry we gave the Lightning ten
Engineer Kevin Pritz, December 18th Scarborough-30 Series Naval
2766. autocannon.
We liked these cannons because
“When the Star League their great range, for an
Procurement Department gave us autocannon, would once again
the specifications for the ships it allow the Lightning to inflict
wanted us to design, I took damage as she rapidly approached.
particular interest in the Wanting to round the ship out we
specifications it wanted on of the next concentrated on her energy
new Light Cruisers. This ship was to weaponry. Once again range was of
be fast, and I mean FAST. No primary concern. Deciding to go
warship has ever been built with with a mix of laser and particle
this kind of speed. We where never weapons, we gave the Lightning
told why it had to be so fast, but we fourteen Magna-45 Naval Lasers
where determined to meet or and ten Fusigon-2a Medium Naval
exceed these specifications. Particle Projectile Cannons. (Once
At once we started looking at the again the range of the weapons
engine design. No engines currently where of the utmost importance.)
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have changed location by more than 10% in a Myomer and the relocation of the Endo Steel
purple wire-frame, and what they used to look bulk in the legs to the vacancy in the center torso
like in green. and the head in exchange for the new Capellan
It is very hard to mug a Headhunter that is Stealth Armor System. Also, in order to even out
familiar with his surroundings, and harder to find the mass, the two medium pulse lasers in the
one. The tried and tested Guardian Electronic right torso are removed and replaced with a large
Counter Measure suit is making an appearance in pulse laser.
the Headhunter as well. With a possible top The second re-fit package, the HD1-HNTR-D,
speed of 118.8 kph, BattleMech tacticians have drops a half-ton of armor and the Guardian ECM
suggested allowing the Headhunter to to make room for the new NAIS Targeting
accompany scout ‘mechs for its electronic Computer.
warfare capabilities.
In addition, if it weren’t for the inherent [Note for mixed-tech freaks: If you equip it with clan endo
steel, you can add the Stealth Armor and keep the TSM and
difficulty of such missions, Fed Com military all the jump jets. Just a ‘heads up.’]
command has almost been eager to test the
Headhunter in a guerilla campaign. Its
HD1-HNTR Head Hunter
significant amounts of armor and reliance on
melee and laser weapons should, in theory, make
it an excellent guerilla fighter. The only Mass: 60 tons
drawback is, unfortunately, its XL class engine Chassis: Alshain Type D-Endo Steel
that lowers the survivability in said campaigns Power Plant: Hermes 360 XL
by an unacceptably large margin.
Cruising Speed: 64.8 km/h
Deployment: Maximum Speed: 97.2 km/h
Because of the hatchet mounted on the Jump Jets: 6 Curtas StarRider II
Headhunter’s right arm, most of the prototype Jump Capacity: 180 meters
testing has been done in simulator pods. Armor: Armorscale
However, the Headhunter has proven itself at Armament: 4
every turn. The only production models made so 1 Team Banzi Vibro Hatchet
far have been used by the Davion Heavy Guards
4 Martel II Spitfire Medium Pulse
RCTs during combat missions in the Chaos
March, and the occasional quick raid into the Lasers
Clan Occupation Zone by other Federated Suns 1 Guardian Electronic
forces. Countermeasure System
One quote from a Headhunter Mechwarrior in 1 Beagle Active Probe
the Davion Heavy Guards was “They’re hard to Manufacturer(s): 1
snipe when you get up to a full run, and they can Argile Technologies of Skye
munch anything with a minimum effective range
Communications System: Sony City
if they let you get into melee.”
It is almost certain that even if the Headhunter Burst AD-C2
stumbles into some unforeseen tactical problem Targeting & Tracking System: Angst
that regulates it to pure garrison duty, it will at CityRange STTCC
least be a Solaris VII favorite for a long time to
Two variations have been considered, but Type: HD1-HNTR Headhunter
unfortunately will probably never bear fruit. The Technology Base: Inner Sphere
HD1-HNTR-C modification package requires the Level 2
removal of three jump jets, the Triple Strength
Tonnage: 60
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19 X
location anywhere on the map.
20 X
The next time the ship lifts off, it will burn for
a waiting jump-ship. Loading troops on a
dropship takes one phase. Unloading can be done
the phase the dropship touches down. Dropships
Unit Setup/Opening Turn (or that land in hexes with enemy units
'Dropship's inbound!) automatically unload their troops before fighting
Unless playing a game where the GM pre-sets begins. Dropships move at a speed of 6 on the
the starting location of opposing forces, an turn chart when ferrying troops.
attacker will normally enter 'in-system' in his Capturing an enemy dropship:
dropships. Players are free to fight out the trip Dropships are essentially flying
with BattleSpace rules, use the quick and dirty fortresses. They also automatically get to unload
rules at the end of this set page, or forego and use any troops onboard, which must be
dropship resistance. defeated before any attempt at taking the
The defender will set up his units in secret. dropship takes place. This battle is fought before
After this is done, the attacking unit places his any dropship capture attempt may be made. In
dropship trajectory chit (puts his dropships chit order to play a fast resolution (and for those
on the world map). After these destinations are in without the dropship statistics from older
revealed, the defender reveals all units not battletech editions), this very simplified version
designated as Concealed or Recon units (that are may be used.
by themselves in a hex) any placing 'Unknown' When an enemy unit enters a dropship's hex,
chits to represent these forces. the base chance to capture the ship (provided the
The defender may now get a free 12-hour turn dropship does not burn for orbit, easily done
to move any units before the dropships of the before any unit enters the dropship's hex) is
enemy finally set down. If so inclined after the based on the dropship type. 12+ (on 2d6) for an
defender gets his free move, the attacker may Overlord, 10+ for a Union and 9+ for a Leopard
choose to do a combat drop up to a full 2 hexes (CV included). These include the Clan versions
from his dropships touch-down LZ. The dropship of these dropships.
continues on to its LZ and the dropping units Each FULL lance or Star (regardless of
(power armor, infantry (any type) or mechs only. weight/type) that engages a dropship reduces this
Vehicles and repair/supply chit forces cannot number by 1. However, every attacking Element
not combat drop) must make a Force drop roll must roll a target threshold of 9+, or it is
for the entire unit to land in the same world hex, destroyed in the assault. 1 for each full lance or
and then individual elements must make their star that attacks reduces this threshold, to a
drop and landing rolls (as per special case rules minimum of 4+.
in the BMR). Any unit that fails the Force drop Win or lose, the attacker must STILL roll for
roll will scatter as normal. However, these scatter each Element he used in the assault. An attacker
results are in WORLD MAP hexes. Scattering must have at least one surviving unit to
can result in a unit touching down more than two successfully capture the dropship. If an attacker
hexes from its intended LZ. Normal ground fails to capture the dropship, the attacking unit
movement now begins after drop rolls (and any automatically retreats back to his previous hex.
damage) are completed.
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their recon abilities if forced to merge, even 1) All units are visible on the world map, with
with other recon units of the same type. two exceptions: Concealed units and Recon
D) Recon Units and individual Elements move units. Detail about a visible unit marker is very
on the map, though enemy forces do not limited, however.
know their location until the recon unit is 2) Units will use Four types of Basic Markers:
spotted. An enemy unit that moves adjacent Battlegroup, Company, Lance, and UKNOWN.
to, or a recon that moves into an adjacent 3) When two units come into adjacent hexes on
hex next to an enemy unit, gives a 2 in 6 the map, the following information is revealed:
chance of the recon unit being spotted by the 3a) # Of Lances/Stars in the enemy
enemy force. Enemy units with Active hex(s).
Probes spot the recon unit on 1-3 on 1D6
(rolled by the GM). A Recon unit with a 3b) Each Lance/Star Weight
ECM Suite drops the chance back to 1-2 vs. Designation (Light, Medium, Heavy,
probe units, and 1 only, vs. non-probe units. Assault)
These modifiers apply to the recon Element
or Lance only, not to any other units, 3c) Exact mech types are NEVER
friendly or otherwise, in the recon unit's hex. revealed to the enemy, unless that
If the Recon Unit is spotted, a Lance marker enemy has an Active Probe.
of the appropriate type is placed in the hex,
as well as a recon chit. 3d) If the scanning unit has a Probe, the
E) Recon Units that travel with Battlegroups GM will roll 1d6 for each mech in the
are automatically spotted (a '?' marker is scanner.
added) when the Battlegroup moves or an
enemy unit enters a hex adjacent to the On a result of 4 or less, that particular mech
Battlegroup. type is revealed (and the GM sends this
F) No more than 1 Element in four may be a information to the scanning player.) The target of
recon unit. These are usually grouped in this scan will not be made aware of what unit
recon Lances for firepower and safety types were detected successfully. He WILL know
during their assigned roles, prior to the open a Probe has scanned his unit. If the defending
turn of the game. unit contains a ECM of any type, the probe is
automatically unsuccessful. In this case, the
probe unit will know it is blocked. At the star of
the came, ECCM may be used, if all players
Artillery: agree (see Maximum Tech).
Artillery may be used in the hex a battle takes
place, or fired from an adjacent hex. Arrow IV 6) Concealed units are not spotted unless an
units can only be used in the same world hex as adjacent enemy unit detects them. Concealed
the battle, and as such, normal battletech map units represent forces that are set up prior to an
ranges are used. Any other artillery piece may attacker's landing, in order to ambush an enemy
fire into a world map hex where there are on the world map or hide stockpiles of supplies.
friendly units to direct fire (including aircraft in Concealed units are spotted with a roll of 1-2 on
the hex). 1d6 (rolled by the GM); checked each turn a
In this case, treat shell flight time to the target hostile unit on the world map spends adjacent to
as being at the maximum range for the artillery them.
piece in question (20 maps for a Long Tom, for Running enemy units cannot detect Concealed
example). If an artillery unit spends at least one units unless they enter the Concealed unit's hex.
hour in a hex, it can use up to 5 pre-designated Enemy units equipped with Probes will detect
hexes in any nearby hexes where fights ensue. Concealed units on 1-5 (on 1d6). Like the
normal BattleTech board game, any Concealed
Spotting Units: unit that moves becomes apparent on the world
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map. Unlike normal BattleTech, world-map and Clear terrain hexes may be landed in. All
Concealed units get a modifier to initiative when other terrain results in a crash.
the regular BattleTech game begins, in addition
to using 'Hidden units' rules in the regular game. H.Q. Chits:
The first three rounds of a BattleTech Each force in a campaign game normally has
engagement with a Concealed unit, the one H.Q. chit, representing an Element dedicated
Concealed force gains +2 to its Initiative Roll. to Command, Control and Communications. This
All World-Map Concealed units are placed takes the form of a Mobile HQ (described in
before the game begins, and cannot move 3025). If this chit is ever destroyed or captured,
without revealing its presence, unless the the owning force suffers a -1 to all types of
Concealed unit is a Recon unit. Fighters may Initiative for the rest of the game.
start out concealed at hidden runways.
Engaging the enemy:
'Digging In': This comes as a result of a unit standing its
A force that spends two hours or more (not ground against an aggressor, an aggressor
movement points) in one location can 'Dig In'. chasing a unit into impassable terrain, or two
This allows the half the Elements of the force to units stumbling into each other's hex while using
use 'Hidden units' rules when normal BattleTech hidden movement (i.e. recon).
combat begins, and also lets the unit in question In the event two units try to enter each other's
use 'Improved Positions' as noted in the BMR. hex because they move on the same phase, the
'Digging In' does NOT allow you to leave any faster unit will enter the other units hex first and
Elements hidden on the world map when their the fight will take place there. If both units are
parent force leaves the hex. The Hidden unit the same speed, the GM or players will dice for
benefit only applies to normal BattleTech game 'hex initiative'. The winner gets to pick which
play, and is NOT the Concealed ability noted in hex the battle takes place in.
6) above. Units can start out both Concealed and Normally, combat is pretty much a straight up
'Dug In'. situation, where forces enter the battletech map
on opposite sides. However, allied units may
sometimes try and enter an enemy's continent
Stacking: map hex from opposite directions, in a
As each hex is roughly 86 Kilometers in size, coordinated attack. This is far from simple, and
virtually any amount of units may be stacked in a the force with more than one unit may not have
world map hex. them successfully arrive on Turn #1 of a
BattleTech fight. When multiple forces try to
engage from different directions, roll on the chart
Fuel: below:
Aerospace Fighters burn 1/4 ton of fuel per hex
travel on the world map. I.C.E. vehicles may Result of 2d6 roll. Roll once for EACH
travel as many hexes as they have Cruise individual force Element/Unit/Battlegroup:
movement points before they must refuel.
Refueling may only be done in cities or in hexes 2 Unit does not arrive for the fight at all (the sole
containing fuel depots or if the force has a fuel force must fight out the battle or retreat)
vehicle with it. 3 Unit in question enters the game 3d6 turns after
the battle starts.
Runways: 4 Unit in question enters the game 2d6 turns after
Aerospace fighters use runways to take off and the battle starts.
land. There is no piloting roll required for this. If 5 Unit in question enters the game 1d6 turns after
an aerospace fighter needs to land in a non- the battle starts.
runway hex, it is necessary to make a piloting 6 Unit arrives at same time as allies.
roll, modified by damage. Only Runway, Urban 7 Unit arrives at same time as allies.
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8 Unit arrives at same time as allies. will fight/surrender (or disengage using the
9 Unit in question enters the game 1d6 turns after terrain, see below). For simplicity's sake, it is
the battle starts. impossible for a slower ground unit to retreat
10 Unit in question enters the game 2d6 turns from a faster unit (of ANY type) in clear/open
after the battle starts. terrain, or for slower aircraft to escape faster
11 Unit in question enters the game 3d6 turns aircraft.
after the battle starts. All types of fleeing units that are faster can
12 Unit does not arrive for the fight at all (the automatically disengage (However, see 'Effects',
sole force must fight out the battle or retreat) below) from slower pursuers. No ground force
can disengage from an aerospace (not VTOL)
Units that arrive late enter the board from the unit, though they can hide in water or
direction they entered on the world map. If two underground if the opportunity presents itself and
or more forces were trying to enter a hex that terrain type is in ground unit's hex.
containing a faster unit who was leaving the hex There is a possibility to escape ground pursuers
to engage one of the forces, then the secondary in any other type of terrain besides clear. The
force automatically misses the fight. This is also base chance evade is 7+ on 2d6, rolled by the
the case where all units have equal speeds, but GM or the players if no gm is present and the
the outnumbered unit wins initiative and is not in players wish to resolve combat from a failed
the mood for a fight against more than one force. disengagement attempt.
If a pursuing unit is faster, each movement
Map Selection: point above the pursued unit's flank speed will
Maps for the battletech game are chosen at add 1 to this roll. Terrain in the current hex will
random, unless: subtract from this roll as follows:
1) The defender was in the hex at least an hour
(the previous phase) before the attacker, Jungle Hex: -5
AND did not try to leave it this phase. He Woods/Urban Hex: -3
may then choose to fight on ground of his Swamp/Ocean/River/Lake Hex: -2
own choice. He may NOT use BattleTech Mountains/Hills Hex: -1
rules for hidden units unless he has met the Desert/ Snow Hex: +1
'Dug In' requirements (i.e. the unit must be
in its hex at least two hours). Pursuing Unit has a Probe: +2 (ignore this in
2) The fight takes place in a very specific water/river hex)
location, such as a city. The GM prior to the Pursued Unit has an ECM Suite: -2
start of the game will assign specific maps to Pursued Unit is an Infantry Platoon/Power armor
such areas, or at random if there is no GM. squad: additional -1, ignore enemy probe bonus
Once these specific areas are assigned, they as well.
do not change for the remainder of the Pursued Unit is a Designated Recon Lance or
campaign. Element, not attached to a friendly unit: -1
Disengagement takes place during the night or in
Disengaging: inclement weather: -1
If a normal BattleTech engagement goes
poorly, a prudent commander may wish to exit Pursued Unit is a vehicle unit on a road hex: no
his troops off his (and ONLY his) side of the modifiers to the roll, but add +1 to the vehicles
BattleTech Map (or screen edge, as the case may total flank speed for purposes of disengagement
be with WEB RPG). When all units that are able (a 4/6-tank unit in a clear-terrain continent map-
to flee have left the board, these rules come into hex with a road
Whenever two hostile forces are in the same Example: A Clan Heavy star is chasing an
hex, there are two possible results. Either the Inner Sphere Heavy Lance. The units are battling
faster unit will choose to disengage, or the forces in a planetary woods hex. The running speed of
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the Clan unit is 8. The IS Lance has a run of 6. 3) Any hex you moved to when disengaging
After getting his ass severely beat by the Clan requires you spend the movement points for
warriors, the IS commander manages to get most entering that hex before you leave (which
of his battered unit off the BattleTech map on the could mean enemy forces are moved to flank
Inner Sphere declared side. your line of retreat if they have a lot of clear
Not wishing to give up the prize, the Clan terrain they can run through). This is the
player announces his intention to "pursue you reason a unit may not retreat twice in one
until I corner you free birth mercenaries!' The phase.
GM (or the players if the GM is elsewhere) 4) The unit that was successfully evaded must
calculates the success threshold for disengaging. finish spending its required movement
The base chance to elude the Clan player's points for the hex it entered before it may
forces is 7+. Because the Clan machines are 2 continue pursuing the retreating force.
movement points faster at a run than their Inner
Sphere prey, the chance to elude them goes up to Salvage:
9+. The woods terrain adds a -3, so the Inner Any Element that takes enough damage to be
Sphere unit would now need a final score of 6+ rendered immobile, or an Element that is
to escape their pursuers. If the situation had been abandoned for some reason, produces a Salvage
reversed, the clan warriors could automatically Marker in the hex where it is left. Units that have
disengage. not suffered complete destruction of their center
torso Internal Structure, have not suffered an
Special Disengagement Cases: ammo/fuel explosion or meets any other criteria
Units that have suffered enough damage to for 'truly destroyed in the BMR, can eventually
slow their machines to a point equal to or below be repaired if a Repair Chit can make it into their
pursuers movement rates must roll a hex.
disengagement check as normal. This unit may As long as whatever critical that rendered the
be abandoned to fend for themselves, at the Element immobile is fixed, that Element can
discretion of the retreating commander. move on its own under the control of whatever
player fixed it.
Effects of Disengaging: Only a pilot with the appropriate skills can
Successfully retreating from combat is a reward move a unit. Aerospace fighter pilots may not
in its own right, but there are some problems move a BattleMech. The sole exception to this is
with it: ground vehicles. The vehicle must have enough
1) Disengaging units automatically retreat back crewmen to operate it. These can be taken from
to the hex they occupied previously before normal vehicle crews who have lost their
entering the hex where the battle took place. vehicles in battle (with appropriate skill levels),
This could mean the unit is forced back into or from infantry units. In the latter case, the crew
high cost terrain, or even that the unit may is automatically Green (4/6).
be boxed in against some impassible terrain, Aerospace fighters that crash, any other unit
such as Deep Ocean or unappeasable that meets the 'truly destroyed' description in the
mountains. BMR, and power armor reduced to 0 points,
2) Furthermore, a unit may only retreat once cannot be salvaged.
during any given one-hour turn. If your
forced retreat along your former path means Repairing/re-supplying forces:
you enter a hex now occupied by the enemy, After a fight, the commander of a force might
you have little choice but to fight it out or find it wise to repair or reload his units. The
surrender. Furthermore, you suffer a -1 proper chit must be in the hex in question. I.e.,
penalty to initiative for the first five rounds you can't reload from a hex with only a repair
of any BattlTech fight that takes place in the chit in it. A Supply icon must be there, and vice-
hex you retreated to. versa. To simplify the process (and avoid
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Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Used without permission. Any use of FASA Corporation's copyrighted material or
trademarks in this file should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. The sole purpose of this
publication is to raise the level of popularity, and awareness of BattleTech. E-mail any submissions to me at
[email protected]
incredible amounts of record keeping), the repair supply battle armor due to bidding
effects for units are as follows: limitations.
BattleTech is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. Original BattleTech material Copyright by FASA
Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Used without permission. Any use of FASA Corporation's copyrighted material or
trademarks in this file should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. The sole purpose of this
publication is to raise the level of popularity, and awareness of BattleTech. E-mail any submissions to me at
[email protected]
tracking individual lances and even Refueling trucks may restock at any urban
individual Elements. hex they enter, which takes one hour, and
Simply put, any units in the hex can use thus may be reused indefinitely. Fuel Trucks
the chit that phase. After the elapse of that may never operate as single Elements,
hour, one 'use' of the chit is gone). Refueling unless their group has been reduced by
truck chits may be used five phases before attrition (They stay together for tracking
they must enter an urban hex to re-supply world map movement purposes).
themselves (see below). Each type of chit 8) Refueling trucks and transport chits become
will have a number for its WEB RPG label. merged with a Battlegroup automatically
This represents the remaining uses left when they enter the Battlegroup's hex.
therein. (Which is good, since they then get SOME
5) Enemy units may attack guarded protection from aerospace attacks).
supply/repair chit hexes. Each use left in a
non-mobile chit represents one 30 CF The Battlegroup:
building (also called a ' stockpile' or 'repair Why would anyone wish to group his forces in
gantry'), or if a mobile unit, J-27 transports. a Battlegroup that means the entire force may
Destroying a stockpile/repair gantry or move as slow as the force's slowest Element?
Transport reduces that chit's available usage Being in a Battlegroup offers several advantages:
by 1. Note that 'Usage' includes re-supplying
ammo, repairing weapons, internal 1) All units assigned to a Battlegroup arrive on
components and armor, and assembling the field of battle at the same time.
extra infantry. (Hey, light mechs used as 2) Units such as repair/refuel chits get the
raiders now have a real use!) benefit of real firepower protection.
6) If a player wants to move a supply/repair 3) Ambushes from concealed units might prove
stockpile, he places a mobile chit in the to be unwise for the attackers.
stockpile hex. It takes a full hour to load up 4) Moving a vehicle Battlegroup on a road
the stores, and the hex may not service any means large amounts of vehicles can move
units for repair or reload during this time. faster than normal.(true, any vehicle on a
Any Concealed stockpiles automatically road moves faster, but the tactical flexibility
become visible on the world map when this of having a large BG that can move fast
happens. cannot be overlooked).
Repair/Supply chits from attackers
ALWAYS start in a dropship LZ, but they Finishing the Campaign:
can move with a battle group and not reveal
their chit for what it is (it remains The campaign ends when any of the following
'unknown'), like any other unit. In such occurs:
cases, a repair/supply chit may start the 1) All objectives are secure, and both parties
game already loaded and does not have to agree it is reasonable to assume the defender
spend an hour loading up. has no chance of winning.
7) Refueling trucks use fusion engines, so their 2) The Attacker feels that there is no point in
range in unlimited. They are 20 ton wheeled continuing (he cannot win) the game and
vehicles, work in a group of five (or chooses to withdraw off-planet.
fractions thereof), have a speed of 4/6 and 3) The Attacker reaches all of his objectives in
have 10 pts of armor on all facings. Any a Time-Limit game.
internal hit will cause the fuel to detonate 4) The defender holds out in a game where he's
with the same effect as a Long Tom artillery waiting for reinforcements.
explosion, doing 20 points of damage in 5) One side is completely destroyed.
their hex, and ten points of damage to all 6) One side abandons the game for any other
surrounding hexes. (Hint: don't park them reason.
together on the BattleTech map).
BattleTech is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. Original BattleTech material Copyright by FASA
Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Used without permission. Any use of FASA Corporation's copyrighted material or
trademarks in this file should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. The sole purpose of this
publication is to raise the level of popularity, and awareness of BattleTech. E-mail any submissions to me at
[email protected]
BattleTech is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. Original BattleTech material Copyright by FASA
Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Used without permission. Any use of FASA Corporation's copyrighted material or
trademarks in this file should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. The sole purpose of this
publication is to raise the level of popularity, and awareness of BattleTech. E-mail any submissions to me at
[email protected]
2) The unit takes a gyro hit. 1) The unit loses 2/3rd's (rounded up) of its
3) The unit takes 2 engine hits. armor to any location.
4) The unit takes a life support or sensor hit. 2) The unit suffers a control system critical.
5) The unit loses half it weapons (rounded up). 3) The unit loses half its total number of
6) The unit loses half its internal structure. * weapons (rounded up).
7) The unit suffers an ammo explosion.
Units that are forced to withdraw will flee
the moment they make contact with an enemy if
*Tonnage IS lost before forced to they are unfortunate enough to get in a fight in
withdraw another phase (if the unit gets ambushed on the
20 17 way to the repair chit, for example). Contact
25 22 means the moment an enemy mech appears
30 26 anywhere on a battletech map. (if an enemy force
40 34 is hidden using 'Hidden units', they are not
45 38 'contacted' until one fires on someone).
50 42
55 46 Turn Sequence:
60 50 1) Players assign Designated recon units.
65 52 2) Players assign ammo types to each unit.
70 54 3) Players assign units to Battlegroups, if
75 57 desired.
80 61 4) Defending player places Concealed/Recon
85 65 units on map. Also lay out any concealed
90 69 airfields (for aerospace fighters). Recon
95 73 units assigned to a Battlegroup are placed
100 76 with the '?' marker in step 5.
5) Defending player places normal units on
Example: A 20 ton mech would be forced to flee map with '?' counters. Repair/Supply chits
as soon as it took its 17th pt of IS damage. that are NOT part of a Battlegroup are
placed with their counters revealed.
6) Attacking unit places Drop Ship Landing
Vehicles: 7) Defender gets one free 12-hour move of any
1) The unit loses all armor in one location. * units. Concealed units that move during this
2) The unit loses half (rounded up) of its phase are placed on the map. Supply/Repair
maximum cruise speed. units that become mobile are automatically
3) A VTOL suffers a rotor hit that does not revealed, unless they join a Battle group in
destroy the rotor their hex. Recon units are not revealed when
(*Crew of vehicles that were rendered immobile they move.
must abandon the vehicle at this point) 8) Defending player may engage dropship with
BattleSpace or AeroTech rules before they
Infantry: make planet fall.
Clan Battle Armor: when the 3rd Elemental from 9) Attacking player may Combat Drop mechs,
a Clan star is destroyed. Infantry types and power armor within two
IS Power Armor: when the 2nd trooper is killed. hexes of his intended LZ. A failed drop roll
Foot/Motorized Infantry: when the 14th soldier is can result in the unit becoming widely
killed. scattered.
Jump Infantry: when the 11th soldier is killed. 10) Players note all units' movement rates for
upcoming 12-hour turn. Units that ran the
Aerospace Fighters: last 12-hour turn may only walk this
BattleTech is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. Original BattleTech material Copyright by FASA
Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Used without permission. Any use of FASA Corporation's copyrighted material or
trademarks in this file should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. The sole purpose of this
publication is to raise the level of popularity, and awareness of BattleTech. E-mail any submissions to me at
[email protected]
upcoming turn. Power Armor /Infantry Units 14) Fleeing Elements slower than their pursuers
are loaded onto OmniMechs/Infantry may attempt to disengage, if not in a Clear
Carriers hex.
11) Players now use the Phase chart for 15) Units in repair/supply hexes may draw on
movement. the stockpiles. Reduce the # of available
A) In an open game, initiative is rolled uses in the repair/supply chit by 1,
and movement alternates (provided regardless of how many units utilize it.
the unit in question moves on that Repairing/reloading takes place after all
particular hour-phase). battles for the hex, if it is attacked.
B) In a GM-controlled game, all 16) Units that have spent at least two back to
movement is made on each player's back phases in a hex are now declared 'Dug
private map. In' if the owning player so wishes.
C) Vehicle forces on a road map may 17) Continue steps 10-16 until the campaign
move two hexes. draws to a close.
D) Aerospace fighters move one world
hex per phase.
E) Running units cannot detect adjacent Tracking Units:
Concealed units. A large game can get very complicated. At a
F) Probe checks are rolled. Players roll minimum, the following info for each chit should
for each hex in open game. Gm will be tracked:
roll for hexes with hidden units in 1) Numbers should label chits marked with
hidden game. 'Unknown'.
12) Recon units roll detection chances (Open 2) Under each Battlegroup/Company/Lance:
Game). Gm rolls detection (hidden game). A) Chit's speed (top speed for
13) Battles are conducted on BattleTech maps. walk/cruise/thrust of slowest Element
ALL battles for a phase must be completed
before starting a new phase.
B) contained in the unit, and also the fastest Run/Flank/Over-thrust of the slowest unit.
C) Each type of Lance in the Chit. These lances are also numbered.
D) A 'D-I' symbol should be put on the chit on the world map if it is 'Dug-In'.
Example: A Heavy Lance chit with a 4/6 speed that is dug in would have the lance number, speed and D-I
as a label (see below)
If an enemy unit were adjacent, the chit would look like this:
A typical Excel Tracking sheet might be set up like this (the lance number corresponds to the '?' chit on the
world map):
6TH Arkab Movement Turn 1
BattleTech is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. Original BattleTech material Copyright by FASA
Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Used without permission. Any use of FASA Corporation's copyrighted material or
trademarks in this file should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. The sole purpose of this
publication is to raise the level of popularity, and awareness of BattleTech. E-mail any submissions to me at
[email protected]
Lance # Battalion HQ
1(heavy) Dragon G:4/P:5 Speed 4/6 60 Ran
Warhammer G:4/P:5 70
Rifleman G:4/P:5 60
Grasshopper G:4/P:5 70
2nd Company
5/RECON Wasp-K G:4/P:5 Speed 6/9 20 Walked
Light Wasp G:4/P:5 (all Jump) 20
Stinger G:4/P:5 20
Spider-K G:4/P:5 30
Well, that wraps up our biggest issue to date. Thanx to all of you
out there who submitted stuff for this issue. As is obvious from
our loyal reader's observations, there's no exact time table for
getting these issues out, though a two month wait is the
minimum to be expected. We all know life (and great new
computer games) ruin a lot of our plans, so bear with me as I get
ready to tackle Issue #7. Anyone out there got an idea or two for
the grand event, Issue #10? Email me at [email protected] with
some thoughts. 'Till next time, readers…'keep your back to the
wind, your eye on the horizon, and keep your powder dry'.
BattleTech is a Registered Trademark of FASA Corporation. Original BattleTech material Copyright by FASA
Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Used without permission. Any use of FASA Corporation's copyrighted material or
trademarks in this file should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. The sole purpose of this
publication is to raise the level of popularity, and awareness of BattleTech. E-mail any submissions to me at
[email protected]