WRF Basics

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Santander Meteorology Group

A multidisciplinary approach for weather & climate

WRF basics
Markel García Díez
[email protected]
Santander Meteorology Group
Dept Applied Mathematics and Comp. Sci.
Universidad de Cantabria, Santander, Spain

VALUE downscaling
CORWES/WRF4G schooltutorial
hands-on 6-15 November 2012,
4-5 October Santander,
2012, Tenerife,Spain
Santander Meteorology Group
A multidisciplinary approach for weather & climate

1. Introduction. What is WRF?

2. Why is it useful?

3. WRF workflow: WPS and WRF

4. Namelists and other configuration files

5. WRF online tutorial

Santander Meteorology Group
What is WRF?
A multidisciplinary approach for weather & climate

What is WRF?
WRF = Weather Research and Forecasting model

● WRF is a Limited Area Model (LAM) developed by NCAR, NOAA/

ESRL, NOAA/NCEP/EMC and others.

●Is a community model, with distributed development and

centralized support. The code is freely available on internet.

● It has 2 dynamical cores:

- Advanced Research WRF (ARW) → Research

- Non-Hydrostatic Mesoscale Model (NMM) → Operational

Santander Meteorology Group
Why is it useful?
A multidisciplinary approach for weather & climate

Why is it useful?
WRF is able to downscale coarser models to high resolutions ~ 1
km with non-hydrostatic dynamics. Furthermore, it offers many
advantages with respect to other LAM:

●It is open source. It is possible to look into the code and modify it.
Experiments are reproducible.

● Flexibility: Large amount of different configurations (physics,

dynamics, boundaries) adaptable for higher or coarser resolutions,
long-term or short-term simulations.

● Online support, and excellent documentation:

Santander Meteorology Group
A multidisciplinary approach for weather & climate


Parametrization research, case studies, short range forecast, data

assimilation, air quality studies, renewal energy production forecast,
and renewal energy potential evaluation, and of course Regional

Most frequent experiments are sensitivity experiments. These


●Provide a better understanding of the physics and their


● Can be used to reduce model error and assess the uncertainty.

Santander Meteorology Group
WRF workflow
A multidisciplinary approach for weather & climate

WRF workflow
● WRF Preprocessing System (WPS)

- Tools to prepare the data that WRF is going to ingest (geogrid,

ungrib, and metgrid). They process the driving model data as well
as the static data.

● WRF model

- Initialization program: real.exe

- Numerical integration program: wrf.exe

Santander Meteorology Group
Wrf workflow
A multidisciplinary approach for weather & climate

WRF workflow

Taken from http://www.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/users/tutorial/201207/WRF_Overview_Dudhia.pdf

Santander Meteorology Group
Wrf workflow
A multidisciplinary approach for weather & climate

WPS WRF workflow

Taken from http://www.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/users/tutorial/201207/WRF_Overview_Dudhia.pdf

Santander Meteorology Group
Wrf workflow
A multidisciplinary approach for weather & climate

WRF workflow WRF

Taken from http://www.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/users/tutorial/201207/WRF_Overview_Dudhia.pdf

Santander Meteorology Group
Wrf workflow
A multidisciplinary approach for weather & climate
Santander Meteorology Group
Wrf workflow
A multidisciplinary approach for weather & climate
Santander Meteorology Group
WRF namelists
A multidisciplinary approach for weather & climate

WRF namelists:
Namelists are simple ASCII files
which are used to define a large
amount of parameters of WRF

WPS → namelist.wps

WRF → namelist.input

Other configuration files:

Vtables, etc.
Santander Meteorology Group
WRF-ARW online tutorial
A multidisciplinary approach for weather & climate

WRF-ARW online tutorial

● The best way to familiarize with Wrf workflow is to follow the online
tutorial available in http://www.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/OnLineTutorial/

●In this lecture, we are going to run the default case of the tutorial.
Please go to


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