Integrating High-Resolution Static Data PDF
Integrating High-Resolution Static Data PDF
Integrating High-Resolution Static Data PDF
on which row ordering is specified. The row or- halo
dering controls how the data is ordered in each
tile only; tiles are always indexed from bottom to
Because Geogrid processes each tile of data
individually without special conditions for inter-
polating grid nodes located near tile bound-
aries, multi-tiled datasets must have a halo re-
gion where the tiles overlap each other. The
size of the halo region is given in the index as
tile bdr and specifies number of extra rows
and columns provided on each side of the tile.
The extra data in the tiles is provided implic-
itly without changing the tile indices given by
the file names. For example, a tile named
00501-01000.00251-00500 with a border tile (1,1)
width of 3 would actually contain columns 498–
1003 and rows 248–503. Note that all tiles con-
Figure 1: The Geogrid tile format with tile size
tain the border on all edges, even those tiles ly-
8 and halo width 4. Dots represent pixels in the
ing on the boundaries of the global dataset.
data and rectangles enclose all pixels in a tile.
The storage format of the binary files is specif-
The circled dot is at pixel coordinate (1,1).
ically designed so that a single dataset can be
used on any platform regardless of word size or
byte order; however it only allows for integer val-
ues. To account for non-integer data, the index can be accessed through a standard API call
also contains a global scaling factor by which all to the function TIFFGetField. These keys
elements of the dataset are multiplied. The scal- are called “tags” in the TIFF interface and are
ing factor provides the ability to represent fixed mapped to two byte unsigned integers by a pre-
point numbers with a global precision. Other pa- processing directive contained in tiff.h. The
rameters specified in the index provide geoloca- baseline TIFF standard specifies the meaning of
tion, field description, units, and a number that a number of common tags, which must be sup-
represents missing values in the dataset. ported by all TIFF readers. For example, the tag
TIFFTAG IMAGEWIDTH provides the total width
of the image in pixels.
3. GeoTIFF API and storage The TIFF image specification is very flexi-
formats ble allowing for many different formats including
floating point, vector, and complex pixel types.
The GeoTIFF image specification is an exten- In addition, the data can be organized within the
sion to the Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) file in a variety of ways allowing efficient access
that adds support for georeferencing data. At patterns for any number of applications. The
its core, a TIFF image is just a string of un- most common storage convention is scanline
formatted binary data; however before the data based, where rows are stored from left to right
begins in the file, there is a header contain- sequentially from top to bottom. GeoTIFF files
ing a block of metadata that describes how the are often stored in contiguous tiles much like
bits should be interpreted. The metadata is or- the Geogrid format, except that rows and tiles
ganized as a series of key/value pairs, which are ordered from top to bottom. Other formats
such as multi-dataset files and multi-resolution TIFF interface, and all that was not specified
pyramid formats are also support, but less often in the index is filled in by metadata from the
used in practice. The read and write routines in GeoTIFF header. The actual metadata used
libtiff are optimized for access to individual tiles is then output to geogrid.log allowing the
or scanlines sequentially, but also support ran- user to confirm that the parameters are correct.
dom access to these blocks for uncompressed Several parameters are never provided by the
images. GeoTIFF interface and must be set by the user
A number of extensions to the baseline stan- in the index when necessary. These include
dard have been defined; GeoTIFF is one of description, units, type, category min,
these extensions adding tags that define ge- and category max. The tile size and border
ographic coordinate transformations and re- are set to reasonable defaults, but can be set
lated enumerated codes (Ritter and Ruth 2000). to provide more efficient access to the data de-
When linked with the PROJ.4 library, libgeotiff pending on the internal storage format.
also provides a method to convert pixel coordi- When Geogrid requires a tile of data, it re-
nates into geographic coordinates directly. This quests a range of indices which is used to con-
allows a user to find, for example, the latitude struct the file name of the tile. In the GeoTIFF
and longitude of the bottom left pixel of the im- interface, this index range is passed to a sub-
age. routine along with a handle to the open Geo-
TIFF file. The indices are converted from the
bottom to top row order used by Geogrid into
4. Modifying Geogrid to read the storage format specified by the GeoTIFF
file. Then one or more tiles or scanlines are
GeoTIFF images read from this file and assembled into a con-
tiguous tile as requested by Geogrid. Any pix-
Adding GeoTIFF support to Geogrid without
els requested by Geogrid that lay outside the
major code refactoring requires creating a layer
file are filled in with a constant associated with
over the libgeotiff interface to emulate the Ge-
the missing value parameter. The GeoTIFF
ogrid file access routines. First, this emula-
file is kept open throughout the program’s exe-
tion requires a metadata inquiry routine that re-
cution so that duplicate reads are cached in vir-
trieves all available information normally pro-
tual memory.
vided by the index. Second, there must be a
The modified source in Geogrid is only com-
layer above the actual data retrieval allowing
piled in when the user specifies a path to a Geo-
Geogrid to request access to an arbitrary tile of
TIFF installation prefix through the environment
data, which involves reading one or more blocks
variable GEOGRID. When the path is not given,
of data from the file and assembling them to-
WPS will still compile and run just as it would
using the original source. This behavior is in-
The metadata provided by the tags in a Geo-
tended to make the extra features available to
TIFF file do not necessarily contain all of the
those who need it, without adding extra prereq-
information required by Geogrid. In addition,
uisites for those who do not.
metadata in a GeoTIFF file may be inaccurate
or interpreted incorrectly. To account for this,
the implementation uses a standard index file
to supplement and optionally override the meta- 5. Conclusion
data in the GeoTIFF file. Geogrid reads index
files in the subroutine get source params. If The implemented changes to Geogrid allows a
the parameter, geotiff is set to a file name in user to import a USGS GeoTIFF dataset directly
the index, then the file is opened by the Geo- into the WRF workflow without the (often) diffi-
tile (2,1) tile (3,1)
Figure 2: For GeoTIFF tile size 9 ordered from bottom to top and global pixel coordinates 13–23 ×
7–14 requested, the output is constructed from the tiles highlighted in blue dashed lines.
cult and error prone procedure of converting the of the 2009 Harmanli fire (Bulgaria). 8th Inter-
data. The GeoTIFF specification is commonly national Conference on Large-Scale Scien-
used and can be provided as output from a wide tific Computations, Sozopol, Bulgaria, June 6-
range of GIS applications. The interface is com- 10, 2011, lecture notes in Computer Science,
piled in as an optional component and is use- Springer, to appear.
ful for both experienced GIS users with com-
plicated workflows and those who just want to Mandel, J., J. D. Beezley, and A. K. Kochan-
replace a single data source. The implementa- ski, 2011: Coupled atmosphere-wildland fire
tion allows overriding erroneous metadata with- modeling with WRF-Fire version 3.3. Geo-
out modification to the source images and effi- scientific Model Development Discussions, 4,
cient access to the data. In addition, reading 497–545, doi:10.5194/gmdd-4-497-2011.
GeoTIFF files directly eliminates many of the Ritter, N. and M. Ruth, 2000: Geo-
limitations inherent in the Geogrid file format. TIFF format specification revision 1.0.
Floating point data is read at full precision, and
very large BigTIFF files (more than 2 GB) can geotiff/spec/geotiffhome.html.
be used even if they exceed 100, 000 pixels in a
single axis. The current version of this software Wang, W., C. Bruyère, M. Duda, J. Dudhia,
can be accessed from the repositories listed at D. Gill, H.-C. Lin, J. Michalakes, S. Rizvi, X. Zhang, J. D. Beezley, J. L. Coen, and
J. Mandel, 2010: ARW version 3 modeling
system user’s guide. Mesoscale & Mis-
References croscale Meteorology Division, National Cen-
ter for Atmospheric Research, http://www.
Jordanov, G., J. D. Beezley, N. Dobrinkova, A. K.
Kochanski, and J. Mandel, 2011: Simulation
Default geogrid 900 m topography USGS NED 10 m topography
(a) (b)
Figure 3: Comparing the topographical features in a 10 m resolution domain using the default
geogrid dataset (a) and high resolution data from the USGS (b). The metadata needed in the
index file is given below the images. For GeoTIFF datasets, the projection and geolocation
information is determined automatically from the GeoTIFF metadata.