Verbs & Prepositions: For Is The Dependent Preposition For Wait'
Verbs & Prepositions: For Is The Dependent Preposition For Wait'
Verbs & Prepositions: For Is The Dependent Preposition For Wait'
Some verbs are usually followed by prepositions before the object of the verb.
these are called dependent prepositions and they are followed by a noun or a
gerund (‘ing’ form).
We can use other prepositions with ‘wait’ – e.g. He waited at the bus stop – but
‘for’ is the dependent preposition.
With ‘from’
With ‘in’
With ‘of’
With ‘on’
With ‘to’
With ‘with’
There are many more verb + dependent preposition combinations – make a note
of them as you meet them.
What’s the difference between adjectives ending in ING and adjectives ending in ED?
erbs followed by to + infinitive
expect agree
forget promise
hate refuse
intend arrange
learn attempt
like fail
love help
mean manage
plan tend
prefer try
remember want
advise intend
ask would
encourage prefer
invite want
3. Passive infinitive