Forage and Grasses PDF
Forage and Grasses PDF
Forage and Grasses PDF
Agriculture and animal husbandry in India are interwoven with the intricate fabric of
the society in cultural, religious and economical ways as mixed farming and livestock
rearing forms an integral part of rural living. Although the contribution of agricultural
sector in the Indian economy is steadily declining (from 36.4% in 1982-83 to 18.5%
in 2006-07), the agriculture and livestock sector still provides employment to 52% of
the work force.
Livestock provides draught power, rural transport, manure, fuel, milk and meat.
Most often, livestock is the only source of cash income for subsistence farms and also
serves as insurance in the event of crop failure. Further, global energy crisis will lead
to utilization of livestock-based bioenergy as well as waste recycling for organic manure
and organic forage production for quality animal products.
India supports nearly 20% of the world livestock and 16.8% human population on
a land area of only 2.3%. It is leader in cattle (16%) and buffalo (55%) population and
has world’s second largest goat (20%) and fourth largest sheep (5%) population.
The 17th Livestock Census (2003) has placed the total livestock population at 485
million and that of poultry birds at 489 million. Total population is expected to grow
1.23% in the coming years. The livestock population in terms of million adult cattle
units is presented in Table 37.1.
Table 37.1 Projected livestock population estimates (million adult cattle units)
head per day in the country in only 178 g against the norm of 250 g. Similarly, the
consumption of eggs and meat is only 35 and 800 g per head per year against the norm
of 180 eggs and 11 kg respectively. Compared to productivity in other parts of the
world, India’s livestock sector offers considerable scope for enhancement. Our cattle
and buffalo produce less than 1,000 kg of milk per lactation as compared to 4,500 kg
in Europe, more than 7,000 kg in the United States and 10,000 kg in Israel. The low
productivity of livestock is a matter of concern. This is mainly due to inadequate
supplies of quality feeds and fodder.
Global trend in animal production indicates a rapid and massive increase in the
consumption of livestock products. It is predicted that meat and milk consumption
will grow at 2.8 and 3.3% per annum, respectively, in developing countries like India
where the whole system of rural economy has revolved around livestock production.
In the 11th Five-Year Plan (2007-2012), targeted growth in milk, meat and egg
production has been projected at the rate of 5, 6 and 12%, respectively, to produce 130
million tonnes milk, 7 million tonnes meat and 95 billion eggs by 2012. In 2006-07,
this sector contributed 101 million tonnes of milk, 51 billion eggs, 45 million kg wool
and 2.3 million tonnes of meat.
The human population in India is expected to reach over 1,400 million by 2025.
The 27.8% urban population is poised to increase by over 58% by 2025. Urbanization
has brought a marked shift in the lifestyle of people in feeding habits towards milk
products, meat and eggs with resultant increase in demand of livestock products. Peri-
urban livestock farming and emerging fodder markets are indicators of fast changing
economic scenario in livestock sector.
production and its annual growth in population, the deficit in all components of fodder,
dry crop residues and feed has to be met from either increasing productivity, utilizing
untapped feed resources, increasing land area (not possible due to human pressure for
food crops) or through imports.
Table 37.2 Supply and demand scenario of forage and roughages (1995 - 2025)
(in million tonnes)
Year Supply Demand Deficit as% of demand
(as actual)
Green Dry Green Dry Green Dry
Source: Based on X Five Year Plan Document, Government of India. Figures in parentheses
indicate the deficit in percentage
Table 37.3 Projected availability, requirements and deficit of CP and TDN (million tonnes)
including CP and TDN from concentrates
Table 37.4 Forage crops grown and their area and productivity in India
3-4 decades. This is mainly for want of proper land cover data reporting. However,
the area under fodder crops has increased in peri-urban areas that have developed as
milk sheds under intensive dairy production systems during the past years
Sizeable amount of fodder demand is fulfilled through vast grasslands and
rangelands (Table 37.5). Any positive or negative change in its position will have
impact on several environmental issues. Similarly, the increase in livestock population
will also affect the availability of organic wastes which in turn can boost the agricultural
Table 37.5 Grazing resources in India (2000 – 2001)
Breeding objectives
The major breeding objectives include: (i) high dry matter yield (ii) better quality
components– crude protein content, in-vitro dry-matter digestibility, low percentage
of neutral detergent fibre and toxicity, (iii) high response to inputs, (v) tolerance to
adverse soils- acidic/saline soils, tolerance to extreme weather conditions – high rainfall/
low moisture regime, (v) resistance to diseases and insect-pests, (vi) greater persistence-
summer persistence in annual multicut forages, e.g. berseem and exploitable
regeneration ability in perennial multicuts e.g. lucerne, (vii) greater aggressiveness/
fast growth and competing ability or complementation with the companion crop, for
example, oats competes well in an intercropping of oats + berseem and yield better in
early cuts or first cut and subsequently it allows berseem to flourish over and above its
own production potential.
Forage crop improvement has its own limitations. Many aspects related to forage
breeding, plant genetic resources, plant-protection measures, forage quality, palatability
and seed production need to be appropriately addressed adopting an integrated
approach. Some of the general constraints/limitations in forage crop improvement
and production are as follows:(i) non-availability of sufficient quantity of quality fodder
seeds as the crop for fodder is harvested before seed set and also the non-availability
of dual-purpose varieties, (ii) non-synchronous flowering /anthesis and spikelet
maturity, abscission of spikelets after maturity in grasses and the presence of large
number of sterile glumes in grasses, (iii) overlapping of vegetative and reproductive
growth phases, uneven pod setting, non-synchronous maturity and seed shattering in
forage legumes and (iv) apomictic nature of most of the tropical forage grasses that
limits their genetic improvement
scientists with enormous options to tailor the plants according to need. The
improvement of forage crops through biotechnological approach has started in late
eighties has made remarkable headway at the global level. The various biotechnological
tools include molecular techniques for understanding the genetic structure of the plants,
inserting foreign genes directly into the plant genome, in-vitro regeneration of plants
from any plant part.
A number of techniques such as embryo rescue, micro-propagation, androgenic
haploid plant production and creation of novel variations help at one or more
steps involved in conventional breeding methods. These techniques save time
and energy required for conventional methods. Further, the plants developed
through these techniques do not attract attention of those who are against the
genetically modified organisms. The embryo-rescue technique has well been
exploited in Lolium-Festuca complex for production of hybrids. Lolium-
Dactylis hybrids and many interspecific hybrids in Trifolium have also been developed
by this method. Progress in developing interspecific hybrids of berseem at the Indian
Grassland and Fodder Research Institute (IGFRI) has also been made. Regeneration
of the plantlets from reproductive parts such as anther results in haploid plant
Hence, the process is very effective in developing plants with double set of genome
in the otherwise tetraploid tropical grasses.
Biotechnological approach offers opportunities for creation of novel variations in
forages which as such are not possible through conventional methods. The various
means of creating variation in forage grasses and achievement are somaclonal variation,
somatic hybridization, genetic transformation, etc. Artificial introduction of some
foreign gene in the plant genome is genetic transformation. Insertions of genes may
be by chemical, electrical, physical or micro-projectile transfer. In grasses, the success
achieved so far has been limited and successful transformation has been reported only
in a few perennial grasses, viz. Lolium, Festuca, Agrostis , Dactylis, Paspalum and
Dichanthium species.
There are several molecular techniques, viz. restriction fragment length
polymorphism (RFLP), amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), random
amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and isozymes that may be used from time to
time for characterization of germplasm, cultivar identification, detection of hybrids
and genetic mapping, quality trait loci (QTL) identification and gene tagging. The
molecular characterization of agriculturally important plants including forage crops
and weeds is equally important because, through the transformation techniques, the
genes identified from any plant or living organism can be transferred to the
target species on account of similarity in DNA sequence across various species
and genera. Characterization of germplasm is one of the most important
aspects, especially in the context of the changing scenario with regard to Plant
Biodiversity Act. Presently, forage germplasm characterization is mainly on isozyme
basis. There is a need to classify forage germplasm for the two objectives – firstly for
developing DNA fingerprints and secondly for identifying the duplicates in the
It is desirable that the forage crop varieties are also subjected to molecular
characterization in order to avoid any dispute regarding use of germplasm in the coming
years. The major problem encountered with these molecular markers of the forage
species is that most of the cultivars are synthetic populations and variability exists
within the population. However, the efforts have been made for characterizing the
varieties based on RAPD, RFLP markers and discrimination between the varieties
can be based on gene frequencies.
Genetic mapping and gene tagging in forage species have not been attempted much.
For single gene control traits, gene tagging is important but in case of forages most of
the desirable agronomic traits are multi-genic and hence are difficult to tag. There are
also opportunities for improving the amino acid balance of the plants used in intensive
feeding production systems. At the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial
Organization (CSIRO), Australia, incorporation of gene normally expressed in
sunflower for sulfur amino acid to lupin (deficient in sulfur amino acid) increased
sulfur amino acid content of transgenic lupin grain, resulting into higher animal
productivity through usage of lupin meal.
Another important area needing attention of biotechnologist is the development
of stress tolerance, both biotic and abiotic, in fodder crops and range species
through gene pyramiding of identified QTLs. Encouraging results have been
obtained in different crops in identifying the genes and regulatory elements.
Selection of germplasm for salinity tolerance is very important for efficient
utilization of such degraded lands. The germplasm can be screened in vitro
at two levels: (i) seedling level and (ii) tissue or cell level. In-vitro studies have
shown significant interspecific and intraspecific variation among legumeand
clover species for salt tolerance. Intracultivar variation had been identified in
lucerne (Medicago sativa) and white clover (T. repens). In case of post-
fertilization incompatibility barriers, embryo rescue is most effective and successful
In grass breeding, identification of genes controlling apomixis is an area that
can pay good dividends. Identification and cloning of these genes can well be
patented and can also be used in transferring in other cross-pollinated crops for
fixing heterosis and thus save on the cost on account of producing hybrid seeds
every year. Although this aspect is receiving global attention, success has been
very limited till date. Another important aspect is the identification of sexual lines in
grasses. There is need to develop reliable molecular techniques for screening of the
grass species for the presence of sexuality, as it would accelerate the breeding process
in such grasses as many of these plants could be used in crossing. The plants with
better agronomic traits and apomixis can be selected and advanced for developing
better varieties.
Improved varieties
Systematic forage crop breeding programmes at the research institutions under the
Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) and the State Agricultural Universities
(SAUs) have led to the development and release of a large number of improved varieties
in different forage crops suitable for different agro-ecological zones. These varieties
resulted in substantial increase in the productivity and production of forages in the
country. The improved varieties released/notified during the past three decades are
given in Table 37.6.
Improved Teosinte 1987 CCS HAU, Hisar North, North-west & central
TL 1 1994 PAU, Ludhiana Punjab
Azad 1979 CSAUT, Kanpur North, North-east & central
VLB 1 1995 VPKAS, Almora Hill Zone
HFO 114 (Haryana Javi 114) 1974 CCS HAU, Hisar Haryana
Palampur I 1980 CSK HPKV, Palampur Hill Zone
OS 6 1981 CCS HAU, Hisar Whole country
OS 7 1981 CCS HAU, Hisar Whole country
UPO 94 1981 GBPUA.&T, Pantnagar Whole country
Bundel Jai 822 1989 IGFRI, Jhansi Entire country
OL 9 1990 PAU, Ludhiana North, North-west and south
UPO 212 1990 GBPUA.&T, Pantnagar Entire Country
OL 125 1995 PAU, Ludhiana Entire Country
HJ 8 1997 CCS HAU, Hisar Haryana
SK0 7 (SABZAAR) 1997 SKUA&T, Srinagar Hill Zone
Bundel Jai 851 1998 IGFRI, Jhansi Northern & North-west
Bundel Jai 99-2 (JHO 99-2) 2002 IGFRI, Jhansi North-east & North-west
Bundel Jai 2004 2004 IGFRI, Jhansi South, North-west & Hill
JO 1 2004 JNKVV, Jabalpur Central Zone
Harita (RO 19) 2005 MPKV, Rahuri Entire country
Bundel Jai 99 1 (JHO 99-1) 2007 IGFRI, Jhansi North-east, Central &
Dhawalu grass
Bundel Phulkara Ghas 1 2007 IGFRI, Jhansi Entire growing area in the
(IGC 9903) country
Other forages
Gobhi sarson
GSL 1 (Gobhi Sarson 1986 PAU, Ludhiana Punjab
Ludhiana 1)
Sheetal (HPN 1) 1995 CSK HPKV, Palampur H.P.
T8 1989 AAU, Anand Gujarat
ML 150 1995 PAU, Ludhiana Punjab
Job’s tears
KCA 3 2004 BCKV, Kalyani Asom, Orissa, Jharkhand,
West Bengal, Meghalaya,
KCA 4 2005 BCKV, Kalyani Asom, Orissa, Jharkhand,
West Bengal, Meghalaya,
Multiple cropping
It consists of growing 3 - 4 appropriate annual forage crops as sole crops in mixed
stands (graminaceous and leguminous) in a calendar year to improve herbage quality
substantially and to enhance forage productivity per unit area. It also helps maintain
soil fertility over long period due to addition of root organic matter. The degree of its
success depends upon agro-climatic conditions, crop and soil management practices
followed and availability of inputs. Selection of appropriate crops/varieties and adoption
of scattered sowing and harvesting schedules ensure the regular supply of the quality
and grasses are characteristically determinate in growth habit and their herbage
quality starts deteriorating after flowering. Cereal fodders like maize, sorghum,
pearl millet and oats provide energy-rich herbage to livestock. These have wider
adaptability and variability in terms of growth, regeneration potential, yield and quality
of herbage.
Legumes: The word legume is derived from the Latin word “Legre” (to gather)
because the pods have to be gathered or picked by hand as distinct from ‘reaping’ the
cereals. The plants belong to family Leguminoseae and having nitrogen fixing nodules
on their roots. Legumes by and large are indeterminate in growth and thus, maintain
quality traits over longer periods. The leguminous fodders have special significance
because of high herbage protein and partial independence from soil for their nitrogen
Other crops: Besides these important groups of fodders, root crops (turnips, carrots
and fodder beets), Brassica spp. and vetches are used as supplementary source of feed
to the livestock. Due to early bulking capacity and short duration, these are often
gown as catch crops.
Package of practices
The forage production per unit area is a consequence of the interactions between
genotypes and environment. A crop environment may be regarded as having two
components, the gross environment, which takes into account the environmental factors
affecting crop growth, and the current environment, which takes into account the general
soil and atmospheric conditions outside the crop and also the changes caused by the
plant community. However, the phenomenal increase in productivity is possible mainly
through better varieties, seeds, fertilizers and agronomic technology. The package of
practices of some important fodder crops (rainy season, winter season and perennials)
are elaborated in Table 37.8.
seed, 25 tonnes/ha green fodder from first cut and 2.0-2.5 tonnes/ha seed and 2.5-3.0
tonnes/ha straw is obtained.
remarkable ability to withstand and grow in harsh environment, reasonable and assured
harvests are obtained. The crop responds to nitrogen, cultural management, and water
Soil and climate: The crop is mostly grown in kharif season from June to October.
Crop grows on a wide range of soils from very light soils from sand dunes in Rajasthan
to red loams of Karnataka and Maharatsrta.
Seed rate and sowing: The recommended spacing is 45 cm between rows and 10-
12 cm between plants within row. The seed rate of 8-10 kg/ha for single cut and 12-15
kg/ha for multicut is required to obtain desired yields.
Manures and fertilizers: It responds well to applied nutrients. Besides recommended
dose of fertilizers, application of 8-10 tonnes of FYM is also helpful as it conserves
moisture. An application of 20-40 kg N/ha in 2 split doses is recommended in Rajasthan,
while in Gujarat, Haryana and Maharatstra, 60-80 kg N/ha is recommended as optimum.
Application of 20 kg ZnSO 4/ha enhanced grain and fodder yields. Also foliar
application of ZnSO4/ha at tillering and pre-flowering stage increased grain and fodder
yield. Maximum grain yield was recorded in plots of dust mulching when trial was
conducted to mitigate the adverse effect of drought stress under rainfed condition.
Spray of 0.1% thiouorea at tillering and flowering stages also helped to mitigate drought
Inter-cultivation and weed management: The fields should be maintained free
from weeds for the first 30 days as it is very important to ensure good crop growth.
Two inter-cultivation and one hand weeding is necessary to minimize weed competition.
Chemical weed control with Atrazine @ 0.5 kg ai/ha given as pre-emergence spray is
also useful.
Diseases and pest management: Crop is comparatively less prone to pests and
diseases. However, downy mildew among diseases, shoot fly and root grub among
pests are prevalent in many states. Choice of diseases resistant variety is an important
step in effectively managing the diseases. A seed treatment with Apron 35 SD @ 2 g ai
/kg seeds followed by Ridomil 25 WP (1,000 ppm) spray 20-25 days later will effectively
check the disease. Rotation of different varieties and hybrids in alternate years is also
effective in arresting spread of downy mildew. Seed treatment with neem oil 5 ml/kg
seed + spray of 5% (neem-seed-kernel extract (N.S.K..E.) at 50% flowering was found
effective in controlling pests. Plant-protection measures are essential for white-grub
and shoot fly. White-grub infestation is managed by mixing of Phorate 10 G or
Quinalophos 5G @ 12 kg /ha with seed and applying in furrows at sowing. Four
varieties, MH 1336, MH 1364, MH 1392, and Pusa 383, were found to be resistant to
smut ergot and blast.
Pearl millet-based cropping systems: In Rajasthan, intercropping of pearl millet
with clusterbean or moth bean or cowpea or greengram in 2: 1 proportion is followed.
This not only covers the risk due to failures of monsoon but also provides the grain
legumes which help in better nutritional security and as source of additional income.
In most parts of north India, Andhra Pradesh, Maharatsrtra, Tamil Nadu , and Karnataka,
intercropping of pearlmillet with pulses is followed, viz. red gram/ green gram/ cowpea/
horsegram/ clusterbean.
Harvesting and storage: When grain moisture is around 20%, pearl millet is
harvested as the grains are prone to spoilage during storage. It is very important to
bring down moisture to 12% or less for safe storage. Improved storage structures, viz.
metal bins made out of GI sheets, are suitable for safe storage of grains. The stover is
a valuable feed for cattle.
Hill Zone and part of Central and Eastern Zone of the country. Berseem makes most
digestible and palatable green fodder to the cattle and especially milch animals are
very much benefited with berseem. It provides fodder with high tonnage over a long
period from November to May in 5 - 6 cuts. It has 20-24% crude protein and 70% dry
matter digestibility. It is very good soil builder and adds about 0.38-0.46% organic
carbon, 15 -26 kg available phosphorus and 45 kg available nitrogen to the soil.
Climatic requirements: Berseem prefers dry and cool climate for its proper growth.
Best productive crop can be obtained between 15-25° C temperatures. Its regenerative
growth is retarded during severe cold or frosty period or at temperature above 40°C. It
can be grown successfully in areas which receive annual rainfall of 150-250 cm or
even lower but the irrigation must be assured.
Soil: Berseem can be grown on all types of soils except very light sandy soils.
Well-drained clay loam soils rich in calcium and phosphorus are ideally suited for its
cultivation. The crop can be grown successfully on alkaline soils having good water
retention capacity. The crop can tolerate mild acidity also.
Field preparation: The seeds being very small, berseem requires a fine seedbed.
One deep ploughing with soil turning plough and 2 harrowings are essential. The field
may be laid out in to smaller beds of convenient size according to topography and
source of irrigation water.
Sowing time: After the arrest of rains, sowing of berseem can be done from last
week of September to first week of December in North West to Eastern and Central
India. The time of sowing berseem is ideal when mean day temperature is 25° C,
which is recorded mostly in the first to third week of October in north India.
Seed rate: The optimum seed rate is 25 kg/ha, which may be increased up to 35 kg
in early or late sown conditions. For yield compensation in first cutting, 1.5 kg mustard
should be sown along with berseem. For elimination of chicory weed (kasani), the
seed should be poured in 1% common salt. Floating chicory seed should be taken out
and remaining seed of berseem should be sown.
Seed treatment: Seed treatment with Rhizobium culture is essential, when the
berseem crop is to be grown first time in the field. Before treating the seed, it should
be first soaked into fresh water for about 8-12 hours. For better sticking of culture
with seed, the culture is prepared with jaggery. About 1.5 litres of water is mixed with
150 g of jaggery and boiled. After cooling, 2.5 packets of berseem culture are mixed
with it and then seed is well mixed and dried in a cool shady place.
Sowing method: There are two methods for sowing of berseem i.e. dry and wet
bed. For satisfactory germination and good plant stand, wet method is better. Seed
should be sown in beds of convenient size by broadcast method after flooding the
beds with 5-6 cm deep water. Before sowing seeds, the water in the beds should be
stirred thoroughly with the help of puddler or rake so as to break the clods and capillary
to avoid leaching during successive irrigations. The crop should be re-irrigated after
5-6 days of sowing when germination is complete.
Manures and fertilizers: Berseem, being a legume crop, requires less nutrient
replenishment in the soil. For obtaining good yield, 20 kg N and 80 kg P2O5/ha should
be applied as basal dose. In saline or light textured soil, addition of 20 tonnes of well-
decomposed FYM is beneficial. FYM may be excluded if the previous crop of the
rotation was liberally manured and fertilized.
Irrigation: The depth and frequency of irrigation is decided by soil type, number
of cuttings and nature of berseem crop, i.e. sole or mixed. First two very light irrigations
(4-6 cm depth) should be given at 5-6 days interval. Subsequent irrigations may be
given at an interval of 10 days in October, 12-15 days in November to January, 10-12
days in February-March and 8-10 days in April-May. Thus, about 12-15 irrigations
will be needed during the entire crop season. Normally the crop should be irrigated
after each cutting.
Weed control: Chicory, the associated weed of berseem should be eliminated
for higher herbage and good quality fodder. Application of Fluchloralin @ 1.2 kg
a.i./ha at pre planting stage controls the chicory and other weeds effectively.
However, floating of berseem in 10% common salt is effective against chicory
Harvesting: The first cutting should be taken at 50-55 days after sowing
of crop. The subsequent cuttings should be taken at 25-30 days interval. The
number of cuts depends upon rate of growth and temperature during the life cycle of
the crop.
Yield: A good berseem crop can give 100-120 tonnes/ ha green fodder and 15-20
tonnes/ha dry fodder.
type of the crop, i.e. pure or mixed stands. In case of broadcast method, a seed rate of
20-25 kg/ha should be used while line sowing needs only 12-15 kg/ha but in case of
intercropping, it requires only 6-12 kg/ha. Like berseem, seed treatment with Rhizobium
culture is beneficial.
Method of sowing: Line sowing is preferred over broadcasting. Like berseem, 10–
20 m long beds should be made along with slope with irrigation channels 4-5 m apart.
Water-soaked seed is sown in shallow furrows at row distance of 30 cm by seed drill
or kaira at sufficient soil moisture.
Manures and fertilizers: Lucerne being a leguminous crop requires less nitrogen.
However, due to perennial nature of the crop, it is beneficial to add well-decomposed
FYM @ 20-25 tonnes/ha before sowing in the first year. Normally, 20 kg N and
100 kg P2O5/ha should be applied as basal dose for good harvest. Application of
molybdenum and boron may be done based on soil test. In subsequent years, annual
supplementation of 80 kg P2O5 and 40 kg K2O/ha should be done.
Irrigation: To attain good germination, pre-sowing irrigation is essential.
The crop needs very frequent irrigation during its early growth period at an interval
of about one week but once the plants are established, subsequent irrigations are
provided at an interval of 15-20 days during winter and 10-12 days during spring and
summer seasons. Proper drainage should be ensured to avoid waterlogging in rainy
Weed control: Lucerne takes a long time to establish and therefore heavy
weed infestation occurs up to first cutting. The sowing in lines makes weeding
easier.Trifluralin, @ 4 kg/ha should be applied before sowing for good harvest. The
akasbel (Cuscuta reflexa) should be removed from the field and burnt. The akasbel
should not be allowed to set seed in any case.
Harvesting: The first cut should be taken at 55-65 days after sowing and the
subsequent cuts may be taken at 30-35 days interval. In general, annual lucerne gives
4-5 cuts while in the perennial crop, 7-8 cuts can be taken.
Yield: Annual lucerne yields green fodder to the tune of 65-80 tonnes/ha while
perennial crop may provide 80-1,100 tonnes/ha.
Sorghum (SC) 90 30 - 60 30 - 30 40
Sorghum (2-cut) 120 30 - 70 30 - 50 After 1st cut
Sorghum (4-cut) 210 60 60 60 60 60 50+50+50 After 1, 2 &
3rd cut
Maize 120 40 - 80 40 - 40 40
Teosinte 130 30 - 50 30 - 40+40 After 35 & 60
Oat (SC) 90 30 - 60 30 - 30 40
Oat (2-cut) 120 40 - 80 40 - 40 After 1st cut
Oat (MC) 180 60 40 60 60 40 40+40+40 After 1, 2 &
3rd cut
Berseem 20 80 - 20 80 - - -
Lucerne 20 120 40 20 120 40 - -
Cowpea 20 60 - 20 60 - - -
application, based on soil test values, at right times, through best source, along with
other management practices like irrigation, use of amendments and other agro-
chemicals, etc.
Organic manure-induced improvement in soil physical, chemical and biological
properties is well established. Build up of secondary and micronutrients, counteracting
deleterious effects of soil acidity, salinity and alkalinity and sustenance of soil health
are the key beneficial effects associated with organic manure application. Use efficiency
of N fertilizers is improved in the presence of FYM. The major contributors of organic
source of nutrients are animal dung, crop residues and sewage sludge, etc. The use of
organic and inorganic forms of P in 50:50 ratio could perform better in solubilizing
and mobilizing more P for producing higher crop yield and better quality of produce.
Crop residues are good source of plant nutrients and are important components of
integrated nutrient management. In regions where mechanical harvesting is done,
sizeable quantities of residues are left in the field. Major portion of the residues is
used as animal feed and about 33% of these residues are available for direct use. The
leguminous plant residues are degraded at a faster rate than wide C: N ratio of cereal
crop residues. The uses of residues are generally most effective for water conservation
when managed as surface mulch. The most effective and environmentally sound
methods of organic manuring offer an opportunity to cut down the dose of chemical
fertilizers. Green manuring provides organic source of N and organic matter in the
soil. Sesbania spp. and Crotolaria juncea are more popular leguminous crops. Amongst
trees, subabul, Casuarina, Gliricidia moculata, Pongamia and Calotropis, etc. grown
on bunds and wastelands for utilizing their vegetative parts are used for green manuring
of soils, besides cowpea, urd bean, mung bean, etc. About 200 million tonnes of crop
residues are produced from different crops annually. The potential of these has been
estimated to be around 100 million tonnes annually for recycling in agriculture.
Integrated pest management is emphasized these days in order to reduce the use of
chemicals. The population of the three major pests, namely leaf hoppers, lucerne weevil
and aphids, can be managed effectively by growing of least susceptible variety of
cowpea, IGFRI 450 in first week of July with fertilizer application of 30 kg N, 100 kg
P2O5, 80 kg K2O per hectare and if required berliner @ 0.84 kg/ha may be applied. In
cowpea, the damage due to major pests like, leafhoppers, semilooper, tobacco caterpillar
and grasshopper can be managed without using insecticides by planting the least
susceptible variety in the first week of July, using an optimal fertilizer combination of
30 kg N, 100 kg P2O5, 40 kg K2O per hectare with two weedings at 15 and 30 days
crop growth stages. However, use of bio-pesticides is desirable to ensure the products
with least residues cycled through livestock.
Water management
Scientific water management will hold the key to intensive agriculture in the years
to come. Irrigated agriculture and water management aim to provide suitable moist
environment to the crops to obtain optimum yields, commensurate with maximum
economy in irrigation water and maintenance of soil productivity. The limited
availability of water enables only 30% of country’s cropped area under irrigation and
that too lion’s share goes to food/cash crops. In view of mounting human and livestock
population pressure, the forage farming is faced with twin problems of meager
allocation of land and water resources. However, water is required in huge quantities
for producing high tonnage succulent biomass of forage species. Moreover, the
interacting processes involved in crop growth, water use and mineral composition of
forages are complex and do not easily lend themselves to quantification in soil-water-
plant-atmosphere continuum. It is in this context that irrigation management requires
entirely different approaches in forage production systems.
Management practices
The areas of light soils with poor water retention are utilized for raising crops
during rainy season while medium and heavy textured soils with high moisture-holding
capacity and poor workability are used for growing crops both with rain water during
rains and on conserved water during the season when there is no rain. The important
crop-management practices for cultivation of forage crops under dryland conditions
are given in Table 37.11.
The soil-management practices are discussed here.
Bunding: To retain rainwater in the soil, at least 30 cm high bunds are needed. On
light soils, grasses should be planted on bunds to make them stable. On sloppy lands,
bunds are formed along the contour or across the slope.
Tillage: On sandy and other light-textured soil cultivation should be limited to the
Table 37.11 Package of practices for cultivation of forage crops under dryland conditions
Crop Varieties Soil Sowing time Seed rate Fertilizer nutrients (kg/ha) Harvesting Green fodder
(kg/ha) and Basal Standing crop time (days yields
spacing after sowing) (q/ha)
Pearl millet Rajko, J.B., Well-drained Beginning of 10 kg/ha N 40 N 20, 5 weeks 60-65 300 – 350
PSB 2 sandy and rains 30 cm P2O5 25 after seeding
sandy loams
Sorghum Meethi Sudan, Medium- Beginning of Sudan types N 50 N 20,5 weeks 65-75 250-300
Nilwak Vidisha textured with rains 25 P2O5 25 after seeding
60-1 provision of Sorghum
drainage 35-40
30 cm
Field bean JLP 4 and Sandy loam and Beginning 25-30 N 15 - 80-120 150-200
dual-purpose loams of rains 50 cm P2O5 30
vegetable types
extent essential for weed control and optimum tilth for seeding. Light cultivation with
about 15 cm depth is enough. On heavy soils, deep ploughing once in three years
helps to improve water infiltration. Cultivation should be done across the slope on
sloppy lands.
Manuring: An amount of 10-15 tonnes FYM or compost/ha should be applied
every year along with appropriate doses of chemical fertilizers depending on crops
under cultivation and season. Fertilizers are placed 2-3 cm below the seed line with
the help of seed-cum-fertilizer drill or other equipment. Spray fertilization is also
important in dryland areas.
Sowing: In dryland areas, the crop should always be grown in rows to facilitate
inter cultivation for checking weed growth and mulching to prevent water loss from
the soil. The plant population should be about 25% less to ensure better utilization of
limited moisture. In sloppy fields crop rows should be along the contour. Depending
on field conditions, ridge and furrow method and-strip cropping can also be employed.
Choice of forage species: Forages are better suited to moisture- stress situations
since the duration of crop harvest can be adjusted. Pearl millet, sorghum, maize, barley,
cowpea, clusterbean and field beans are ideally suited for drylands. Stay green types
of these crops can also be utilized for forage after maturity of grains.
Weed control: Weeds should be checked from the very beginning through pre-
emergence use of herbicides, clean and pure seeds and inter cultivation practices to
save the moisture and nutrients for crop plants only.
Mulching: Different types of mulches could be used to conserve moisture in the
soil especially in widely spaced row crops.
As catch crops
Short duration forages can be adjusted in gap periods of main season crops and
grown on residual moisture. Example: maize + cowpea/sorghum/pearl millet after
harvest of rabi season crops and before planting of rainy season crops. Similarly,
turnips, carrot and mustard can be taken as catch crops after the harvest of early rainy
Through ratooning
Crops like pearl millet (BJ 104) and barley (DL 36, DL 157, DL 457) have good
regeneration capacity. These crops can be harvested 40-50 days after sowing to harvest
green forage yields (100-150 q/ha) without adversely affecting the grain yields.
Likewise, maize (grain) can be planted at 30 cm spacing, alternate rows may be
harvested for forage 45-50 days after planting to get around 20 tonnes/ha green forage.
Dual-purpose crops
These crops give forage as byproduct. Preference must given by farmers to such
crops in their cropping schemes so as to get substantial amounts of forage along with
main product (grain). Among vegetables, turnip, carrot, pea, cauliflower, cowpea,
guar, etc. are the important examples while in commercial crops, maize for cobs and
sugarcane are important. These crops besides main product yield 9-20 tonnes/ha green
fodder for animal feeding.
Grazing resources
Since ancient times, cattle breeding and milk production have been the important
professions in India. Free grazing was practiced and it became a way of life. Presently
also, livestock production is primarily based on rangeland grazing. The grazing activity
is mainly dependent on the availability of the grazing resources from pastures and
other grazing lands viz. forests, miscellaneous tree crops and groves, cultivable
wastelands and fallow land. Such lands are about 40% of the total geographical area
of the country. Vast area in the country (about 157 million ha) is classified under
various types of degraded land where one or more limiting factors render the cultivation
of crops economically unviable. The grazing intensity in the country is as high as 12.6
adult cattle units (ACU)/ha as against 0.8 ACU/ha in developed countries. Therefore,
the task to deal with such situation is two-fold (i) improvement of pastures, and (ii)
judicious implementation of grazing management.
Since India is characterized by tropical monsoon climate and active growth in
grazing lands occurs only during monsoon months, there is surplus fodder available
during rainy months and deficits of various levels in other months. The natural
calamities like drought and flood that affect some or the other parts of the country
creates imbalances in fodder supplies
The total potential area of grazing lands in India is 85.9 million ha. Considering the
total arable lands to be 147.38 million ha and calculating that croplands one-tenth of
its organic produce as fodder, total arable land can be put as equivalent to 14.73 million
ha of grazing lands bringing up total to 100.3 million ha. Taking average potential
above ground net primary productivity as 500 g/m2/year, the total fodder production
will come down to 501.5 million tonnes of dry fodder per year with a total bovine
population of 239.09 million, excluding sheep, goats, horses, camels and donkeys and
also assuming that a normal healthy cattle consumes 7 tonnes dry herbage per year,
the normal annual consumption will come to 1,673 million t/year. Thus, the net primary
production level of grasslands in India is far below the total requirements. The
overgrazing and continuous degradation of grazing lands along with loss of fertility is
further decreasing their productivity. The problems of grazing lands are related to
ecological and socio-economic causes. In arid areas, water is the limiting factor, in
semi-arid areas, proper land utilization and excessive grazing are the main problems
and in high rainfall zones, it is the lower nutritive value of the herbage. Another serious
problem is low proportion of legume component in the herbage.
In India, grazing based livestock husbandry continues to play an important role in
rural economy of the country as around 50% animals depend on grazing in forests and
other grazing areas in many parts of the country. Total area available for grazing in the
country is in the range of about 40% of the land area. Pasturelands constitute the main
grazing resources of the country, available over an area of 12 million ha (3.94% of the
geographical area). There is a lot of difference in the extent of grazing lands in various
states. In some states, namely Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Meghalaya,
Nagaland and Arunachal Pradesh, the grazing land availability is as high as 70%. The
distribution of pasture lands are mostly noticed in the states like Himachal
Pradesh (36.44%), Sikkim (13.31%), Karnataka (6.54%), Madhya Pradesh (6.35%),
Rajasthan (5.39%), Maharashtra (5.11%) and Gujarat (4.49%). The northern region
has pasture lands in Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand. This
region has a potential resource in the form of green meadows and pasture, which at
some places are mixed with the forests. The alpine meadow has an important economic
value, providing pasture for the sheep and goats. In Rajasthan, the available grazing
land is over 40% and in Gujarat, the area is about 30%. The land under permanent
pasture is about 5.4% in Rajasthan and 3.5% in Gujarat, providing good quality fodder
for livestock.
Nearly 30 pastoral communities in northern and western parts of the country depend
on grazing based livestock production. Based on the practice followed by these pastoral
communities in various regions, the grazing systems may be categorized either on the
basis of methods of grazing or patterns of migration. Considering methods of grazing
the pastoral communities change the site of grazing after its utilization. The example of
such type of grazing system is Kharak in Uttarakhand and Goals in the desert area of
Rajasthan. Based on migratory habits, the nomadic tribes are classified in 4 groups, viz.
(i) total nomadism, (ii) semi- nomadism, (iii) transhumance, and (iv) partial nomadism.
Temperate Alpine type: This cover type occurs on the high hills of Uttarakhand,
Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, West Bengal and North-eastern regions. The
tract lies approximately between 29° and 37°N, and between 73° and 81°E in the
western part of the country. On eastern side, it is situated approx. between 27° and
29.5°N, and 88° and 97°E. It essentially occurs at higher elevation, beyond timberline,
approximately above 3,000 m in the west and above 2,000 m in the east. The principal
perennial species are: Agropyron conaliculatum, Chrysopogon gryllus, Dactylis
glomerata, Danthonia cachemyriana, Phleum alpinum, Carex nubigena, Poa pratensis,
and Stipa concinna. Associated species are: Poa alpina, Festuca lucida, Eragrostis
nigra, Bromus ramosus, etc.
Rangeland restoration
Rangeland includes grasslands and regions where even woody vegetation is
dominant. It is important from the viewpoint of livestock production and it also serves
as a habitat for wildlife. Productivity of grazing lands has declined to a great extent,
one-sixth of that on the ancient lands of civilization, on account of demographic
pressures. So the efforts in restoring the rangeland productivity and arresting land
degradation are very important.
The restoration package may be worked out as per the intended major use. If it is
livestock production, productivity per unit of land is to be increased. In order to increase
the pasture productivity in dry areas, it is essential to replace low yielding annual
grasses with high yielding perennial grasses that are adaptable to the prevailing
conditions of that region. As the use of fertilizers in these lands is of little practical
value on account of high costs, introduction of suitable pasture legumes is one of the
best ways to improve the quality.
Under poor soil, water and nutrient situations where cropping is not possible,
silvipasture systems integrating woody perennials and pasture species, can serve the twin
purpose of forage and firewood production and ecosystem conservation. It has been
possible to increase land productivity from 0.5-1.5 tonnes/ha/year to about 10 tonnes/
ha/year on a rotation of 10 years through such interventions on degraded rangelands.
The concept of hortipasture, utilizing land in the orchards by developing pasture stands,
is also finding applicability with the farmers to have forage for the livestock. The
additional forage availability through such systems is likely to reduce grazing pressure.
Similarly, if it is wildlife conservation, protection and creation of wildlife habitats and
development of water and food resources for particular wildlife communities are required.
Amelioration of environment
In the present scenario, land degradation due to over-grazing and illicit tree felling
is a major environmental issue. Excessive run-off leading to soil erosion and nutrient
loss could be effectively checked by development/restoration of degraded rangelands.
Many studies have supported this view that grasses, legumes and trees in a silvipastoral
system provide effective land cover as well as produce nutritious fodder for livestock,
sequester carbon and upgrade the environment. The success behind any grazing
management practice depends on the accurate stocking rates considering the condition
of the rangeland. Moderate and conservative stocking rates sustain returns on a long-
term basis as compared to heavy stocking rate.
(Contd . . .)
systems. Two seedlings are transplanted per hill. The soil around the seedlings needs
to be pressed gently. Weeding and hoeing is essential during the initial year of
establishment; gap filling to be performed for maintaining optimum plant population.
Some of the important forage grasses, viz., napier, para grass, are suitable for
cultivation with fairly better moisture conditions, while anjan grass and range legumes
like stylo and siratro are suitable for rainfed conditions both as cultivated fodder and
pasture grass.
It grows well in rainfall zones ranging between 125 and 1,250 mm in arid and
semi-arid regions of the country. It comes up best on well drained, light (red coloured)
to medium textured soils and calcareous in nature.
It can withstand drought and can also grow very well under irrigation. It is an
excellent grazing grass for hot, dry areas in tropics and sub-tropics. The rhizomatous
drought resistant plants are dormant during summer months and with the arrival of
rains they regenerate quickly and produce enough canopy to cover the soil. It is a
good soil binder and hence used as a cover crop on bunds for soil and water conservation
In well-levelled land, the sowing is to be done in lines using 4 - 5 kg seeds/ha after
first shower in monsoon at very shallow depth (0.5-1.0 cm). Rooted slips or six weeks
old seedlings can also be transplanted in a drizzly day at 50 cm row spacing and 30 cm
plant spacing. Thus, about 33,000 seedlings or rooted slips are required for one hectare
area with 2 seedlings at each spot.
In the first year, a basal application of 5 tonnes of farmyard manure (FYM) along
with 40 kg N and 20 kg P2O5/ha is to be mixed thoroughly in the soil at land preparation.
Afterwards, 20 kg N/ha is top-dressed at one-month crop stage. However, in subsequent
years 40 kg N + 20 kg P2O5/ha needs to be top-dressed as a single dose at the onset of
monsoon. For higher tonnage, another dose of 20 kg N/ha may be applied after the
first harvest.
In the first year of establishment, only one cut is to be taken in mid-October. From
first year onward, this grass gives 2-3 cuts. The first cutting should be taken at 60 days
and subsequent cuttings at 30 45 days intervals depending on the rainfall. Cutting
height may be kept 5-10 cm from ground level to ensure good regrowth in the following
years. The pasture is more productive during 2nd to 4th year; afterwards the pasture
should be burnt moderately or ploughed between the lines for its sustained production.
Depending on rainfall, the yield varies greatly and in arid tract with less than 300
mm rainfall a well-established pasture produces 90-110 tonnes/ha green matter. For
seed production, 75 cm spacing is advocated from line to line in order to avoid
overcrowding through self-seeding. A well-established pasture yields around 125 kg
seeds/ha. The grass is relished by all classes of livestock. It contains 11.0% crude
protein at young stage with suitable ratio of calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P).
The grass is mostly used as cut and carry fodder but also well suited to grazing.
This provides very good hay since it retains its nutritive value even when ripe fully.
For silage the grass should be harvested at flowering or seeding stage. Cultivars S 262
and S 358 are found suitable for soil conservation purposes also.
40-50 cm apart. Sowing is usually done just before rainy season when one or two
good showers are received. The seed rate is 1-2 kg/ha, a basal application of 5 tonnes
of farmyard manure (FYM) along with 40 kg N and 20 kg P2O5/ha is to be mixed
thoroughly in the soil at land preparation. Afterwards, 20 kg N/ha is top-dressed at
one-month crop stage It can withstand several cuts per year for green fodder production.
The grass has good ability to spread naturally by self seed set; regenerating each year
and therefore has a tendency to become a notorious weed in certain areas.
It has good quality forage with production up to 45 tonnes/ha under medium to
high rainfall conditions. The crop can be grown under both rainfed and irrigated
conditions. Although it was reported to be growing wild in Chota Nagpur and Gaya
districts of Bihar and other parts of peninsular India such as Ganjam district of Orissa.
The grass is mostly used as cut and carry fodder. It is also very good for hay making.
lanceolate, acute, and glabrous with 4-6 pairs of veins; rachis 4-6 mm long
and bidentate; stipules adnate to the base of the petiole with hairs on the sheath
and teeth. The inflorescence is an oblong spike with 8-14 yellow flowers on a
long stem. The pods or so-called seeds are medium to dark brown in colour, 2-2.5 mm
long asymmetrical by reniform, radical ends fairly prominent and beak is
slightly coiled. Actual seed comes after removing the brown covering and is light
yellow in colour.
It is a native of the islands of West Indies and found generally adjacent the coastal
regions of North and South America, and introduced in many tropical regions of
Australia, Burma and India. It thrives well in the areas receiving annual rainfall from
500 to 1,270 mm with a pronounced dry season. It is adapted to a wide range of soil
types and is drought resistant.
In a well prepared field the seeds are broadcast or sown in line at 50 cm apart @ 5-
6 kg/ha in pure and 3-4 kg/ha in mixed pasture during the early rainy season. Before
sowing, the seeds should be scarified or treated with hot water for 1 1.5 minutes. During
the establishment year, 1-2 weedings and interculturing are required for better growth.
At the time of field preparation and before sowing 5-8 tonnes/ha FYM + 20 kg N
and 40 kg P2O5/ha and 40 kg K2O/ha are applied. From second year onwards, 30 kg
P2O5 and 15 kg N/ha are sufficient. It may be mixed with Cenchrus, Dichanthium,
Heteropogon, Sehima, Chrysopogon, sabai grass and blue panic.
During establishment year (first year), it should not be allowed to be grazed at all
but should be harvested at the height of 10 cm from ground level after four months of
sowing. From second year onwards, it may be grazed or harvested 2-3 times. Rotational
grazing is preferred for higher production. The green forage production ranges from
20 - 30 t/ha, while the dry forage is 6-10 tonnes/ha. It generally produces 350 - 400 kg
seeds/ha but from well-managed pasture seed production reaches up to 1000 kg/ha. It,
contains 12 18% C.P., 0.61 - 1.72% Ca, 0.10 0.12% P and 7.0 -14.2% ash.
Being nutritive and palatable, it is used as feed for all types of animals in the form
of hay, silage. Among the species of Stylosanthes, S. hamata and S. viscosa lines were
found rich in crude protein and lower in fibre contents as compared to S. scabra and S.
sebrana lines.
For natural grassland or already established pasture, the seeds should be sown after
inter-culturing at the onset of rains. For pure pasture, the recommended seed rate is 12
kg/ha but for mixed pasture, the seed rate is 6 kg/ha. Seeds are sown in July after first
heavy shower either in line at 50 cm space or broadcast. Sowing depth is 1.0 - 1.5 cm.
During monsoon, one interculturing or weeding improves the crop performance. In
the beginning, 10 cart loads of FYM is thoroughly mixed in soil followed by 20 kg N
and 40 kg P2O5/ha. In subsequent years, 40 kg P2O5/ha is broadcast at the onset of
monsoon. The average green fodder yield ranges from 15 to 20 tonnes/ha and dry
fodder from 3 to 5 tonnes/ha. It produces the seeds two times in a year- i.e. October
November and April May. The total seed production is 50-100 kg/ha. It gives high
yields of palatable protein rich fodder with 16.8% crude protein, 33.4% crude fibre
and 9.8% ash.
It fixes nitrogen very effectively and can be grown with a wide range of grasses
such as Rhodes, Setaria, green panic and guinea grass. It is utilized as hay and for
grazing purpose and is persistent under heavy grazing when the plants are well
established. It is also used for silage. Due to heavy and fast leaf fall, it helps in improving
the soil and is also used for checking the soil erosion.
Grass-legume mixtures
Grass-legume mixtures have been used in many countries for realizing higher total
herbage yield by growing them in association, rather than in individual swards where
no fertilizer N is applied. The legumes in the pasture may also increase N content and
digestibility of the herbage. In the diet of animals, grasses and legumes have also
greater beneficial associative effect through rumen than when they are fed separately.
Further, the adopted legumes in the mixture provide a simple and practical means of
meeting the nitrogen need of the associated grasses as most of the legumes fix
atmospheric nitrogen.
The plant interaction in the mixtures often becomes competitive for available water,
nutrients and light, thus affecting the overall yield. Studies conducted at the IGFRI,
Jhansi, have shown the nitrogen equivalence of legume to the tune of 40-60 kg N/ha
when introduced in natural grasslands. This means that 40-60 kg N/ha can be added to
the grassland soil as microbial fertilizer manufactured by legumes. Besides being a
substitute and a cheap source of nitrogenous fertilizers, legume also influence total
dry, matter production and crude protein yield.
Bush cleaning
Heavy infestation of bushes in grazing lands not only adversely affects the
availability of open space for growing grasses but also forage production. The standard
practice of bush cleaning includes either manual or mechanical felling or removal of
stumps, or application of selective weedicides on the cut stumps to kill them to stop
coppicing. Leaf fodder-yielding stumps, however, should be maintained in the grazing
lands as these provide fodder during lean period or drought.
For the improvement of productivity of deteriorated rangelands, it is essential to
replace low yielding annual grasses by re-seeding with high yielding perennial grasses,
which are adaptable to the prevailing condition of the region.
Suitable species for re-seeding have been identified at the IGFRI, Jhansi and
elsewhere. Species choice depends upon the condition of site, soil type and intended
use. For arid and semi-arid zones, the most suitable grasses are Cenchrus ciliaris, C.
setigerus for sandy-loam soils, Chrysopogon fulvus for red gravelly and sloppy lands,
Lasiurus sindicus (particularly for extreme arid conditions), Panicum turgidum (for
sand dunes), Dichanthium annulatum for loamy soils of better moisture status and
Iseliema laxum and Panicum maximum for clay soils with higher moisture status.
D.annulatum and C. ciliaris are two versatile grasses possessing adaptability over a
wide range of climate and soil and are suitable for sandy or sandy loam soils in the
areas having rainfall uptown 750 mm. Under such situation, suitable legumes for re-
seeding are Stylosanthes hamata, Siratro, Alysicarpus rugosus, Lablab purpureus,
Pre-monsoon broadcasting of Stylosanthes seeds was found best for legume
establishment. Use of pelleted seeds also gave good establishment.
Fertilizer application
Application of fertilizer has positive effect on increasing the productivity of
grasslands. The response is best in case of nitrogen followed by phosphorus. Studies
conducted at the IGFRI, Jhansi revealed that application of 40-60 kg N/ha and 20-30
kg P2O5/ha increased pasture production by 50-100% in majority of grasses besides
increasing crude protein content considerably.
Cutting management
Proper cutting and harvesting mmanagment is vital for the grassland management.
Cutting at suitable interval promotes tillering and increases the basal area of the tussocks
of perennial grasses. It also promotes tillering and more effective seed formation as
well as vegetative growth. In case of fodder trees also suitable pruning and lopping
management is essential for desired growth and canopy formation.
Grazing management
The greatest single factor, which causes deterioration of grasslands, is overgrazing.
During the course of grazing certain grasses are preferred while others are avoided.
On account of this, selective grazing, desirable species tend to get depleted in grasslands
much faster than undesirable species. In most perennial grasses, utilizing the reserve
food material that is stored in the underground parts produces new shoots. Due to
over-grazing, the reserve food material is lost faster and perennial grasses are unable
to re-generate due to continuous drain on food reserve. Therefore, certain period of
rest is essential for the perennial grasses to recoup and rejuvenate. Based on these
considerations, the following types of grazing systems are practiced: (i) continuous
grazing, (ii) deferred grazing, (iii) rotational grazing, and (iv) deferred-rotational
grazing. In the continuous grazing system, the grassland is not divided into
compartments or paddocks and animals move in the whole area. Long period of
Silvipasture management
Considering the continuous pressure on cultivable lands and deterioration
already set in on the grazing lands, it is imperative to look for alternate land
use systems that integrate the concerns for productivity, conservation of
resources and environment and profitability. Agroforestry technologies such as
silvipasture, hortipasture, etc. hold promise not only for bioremediation of degraded
habitats but also for forage production to meet the demands of livestock and
environmental security.
Silvipastures integrate pasture and/or animals with trees. Woody perennials,
preferably of fodder value, are introduced deliberately and systematically and
managed scientifically. This system aims at optimizing land productivity,
conserving plants, soils and nutrients and producing forage, timber and firewood on a
sustainable basis. It involves replantation, substitution or intervention in the existing
vegetation by desirable species. The tree selection is based on its easy regeneration
capacity, coppicing ability, fast growth, nitrogen-fixing ability, palatable leaves (fodder),
high nutritive value and less toxic substances, short rotation and high fuel value. The
grasses and legumes should have easy colonizing ability, high production efficiency
and high nutritive value.
The biodynamics of silvipastoral systems involves four major distinct life forms,
viz. the herbaceous vegetation (mostly grasses and legumes), the woody foraging
component (fodder trees), the domesticated animals surviving on the vegetation, and
the man who controls the other three components. In addition, soil and climate have
their own roles to play and compliment the diversity. Since these systems are close to
nature, they offer an ecologically viable and sound approach. The tree loppings/
prunings are also used as top feeds.
It has been possible to increase land productivity from 0.5-1.5 tonnes/ha/year to >
10 tonnes/ha/year (10-year rotation) by developing silvipastures. Now, the concept of
hortipasture is also gaining popularity with the farmers for utilizing their degraded
lands. The additional forage availability through such systems is likely to reduce grazing
pressure and thus have important environmental implications. Efforts to design
silvipasture systems to produce > 15 tonnes/ha/year through species introduction,
planting geometry, canopy manipulation and sustainable management through in-situ
grazing or cut and carry system are continuing.
The grasses have a lot of conservation benefits in reducing soil and water loss to a
great extent. Average soil loss from deforested land is reported to be 12-43 tonnes/ha
in black soil and 4-10 tonnes/ha in red soils whereas soil loss from natural grassland
has been only 3.2 tonnes/ha from a protected site. Silvipastures are still better for soil
conservation and the soil loss from these areas has come down to 0.9 tonnes/ha. Grasses
and legumes are primarily valued as forage and their value in checking soil erosion is
often less viewed. There are specific recommendations for a particular type of soil
and rainfall. For example, Dichanthium annulatum is best in reducing soil loss from
20.5 tonnes/ha to 1.5 tonnes/ha on sandy-loam soil (2% slope) in 790 mm rainfall
situation. Adoption of silvipasture system on marginal rainfed lands was tested on the
Institute research farm. Based on land holdings of the farmers around Jhansi, allocated
lands were subjected to appropriate combination of trees – grasses and legumes (Table
37.14). The production after 10 year cycle showed higher production on small holdings
compared to medium and large holdings.
Table 37.14 Silvipasture systems design for different land holdings on rainfed farmlands
Suitable species
In order to improve the productivity of common lands/wastelands, it is essential to
replace low yielding annual grasses by seeding with high-yielding perennial grasses
that are adaptable to the prevailing conditions of that region. Similarly, introduction
of leguminous species, browse shrubs and top feeds is considered important from the
viewpoint of quality forage supply and grazing. The choice of suitable species shall
vary with agro-climatic conditions. Suitable species have been identified depending
on the site, soil type, micro-climate and need, etc. An account of promising forage
grasses, legumes, shrubs and trees for various agro-climatic regions of India is presented
in Table 37.15. The agronomic potential of different grass species is given in Table
Brachiaria Signal grass Poor Fair Good 3-6 1,000 (high rain
documbens fall areas)
B. mutica Para grass Poor Fair V. good 2-5 1,250 (coastal
low land)
Cenchrus ciliaris Buffel grass Fair V. good Poor 1-4 350 (drier areas)
C. setigerus Birdwood grass Fair V. good Poor 1-4 200 (erosion
Chloris gayana Rhodes grass Fair Good Fair 1-6 650 (saline soil)
Cynodon dactylon Bermuda grass Fair Good Fair 1-3 600 (versatile)
Melinis minutiflora Molasses grass Poor Fair Poor 1-4 1,000 (high rain
fall areas)
Panicum coloratum Makarikari grass Good Fair Good 2-3 500 (cool
P. maximum Guinea grass Poor Fair Fair 2-6 1,300 (high rain
P. maximum Green panic Good Good Poor 1-6 600 (shade
tolerant legume
P. antidotale Blue panic Poor Good Poor 2-6 400 (drier areas)
Digitaria Pangola grass Good Good Fair 1-4 1,000 (wet
decumbens tropics, high
Paspalum dilatutum Dallis grass Good Fair Good 6-10 900 (best with
P. notatum Bahia grass Good Fair Good 2-5 750 (sandy light)
Pennisetum Kikui grass Good Fair Fair 1-2 850 (erosion
clandestinum control)
Setaria anceps Setaria grass Good Fair Good 2-5 750 (coastal belt)
Sorghum almum Columbus grass Fair Good Fair 1-10 450 (salt toler-
ance, cynide
Urochloa Sabai grass Fair Good Poor 1-6 400 (versatile)
Table 37.16 Suitable grasses, legumes and trees for different regions of India
Grass Legume Shrubs or trees
Bothriochloa intermedia, Cynodon dactylon, Chloris Clitoria ternatea, Macroptilium atropurpureum, Albizia stipulata, Desmanthus virgatus,
gayana, Dichanthium annulatum, Pennisetum pedicellatum Stylosanthes hamata Azadirachta indica, Ficus racemosa,
Leucaena leucocephala
Region 10: Central Highlands (Malwa, Bundelkhand and Satpura), semi-arid with black and red soils
Andropogon gayanus, Pennisetum pedicellatum Atylosia scarabaeoides, Macroptelium Albizia amara, A. lebbeck, Anogeissus
(red soil), Bothriochloa intermedia, Chrysopogon fulvus, atropurpureum, Stylosanthes hamata, S. scabra latifolia, A. pendula, Dichrostachys
(Contd . . .)
(Table 37.16 continued)
Grass Legume Shrubs or trees
Sehima nervosum, Dichanthium annulatum (black soil) cinerea, Hardwickia binata, Leucaena
leucocephala, Moringa oleifera
Region 11: Eastern Plateau (Chhattisgarh), hot subhumid with red soil
Bothriochloa intermedia, Cynodon dactylon, Dichanthium Arachis hagenbackii, Stylosanthes hamata Bauhinia variegata, Dalbergia sissoo,
annulatum, Panicum maximum, Pennisetum pedicellatum, Leucaena leucocephala, Moringa
Setaria sphacelata oleifera
Region 12: Eastern (Chhotanagapur) Plateau and Eastern Ghats, hot subhumid with red and laterite soils
Andropogon gayanus, Bothriochloa intermedia, Atylosia scarabaeoides, Macroptilium Artocarpus heterophyllus, A. lakoocha,
Chrysopogon fulvus, Pennisetum pedicellatum, atropurpureum, Stylosanthes hamata Leucaena leucocephala,Moringa oleifera
Urochloa mosambicensis
Region 13: Eastern Plain, hot subhumid (moist) with alluvium-derived soils
Brachiaria brizantha, B. decumbens, B. mutica, Arachis glabrata, A. hagenbackii Bauhinia variegata, Dalbergia latifolia,
Cynodon dactylon, Papsalum notatum sissoo, Pterocarpus marsupium,
Desmanthus virgatus
Region 14: Western Himalayas, warm subhumid with brown forest and podzolic soils
Dactylis glomerata, Festuca rubra, Lolium perenne, Trifolium pratense, T. repens, Lotus corniculatus Quercus incana, Robinia pseudoacacia,
Poa spp. Grewia optiva, Fagus sylvatica, Morus
Region 15: Bengal and Asom Plains, hot subhumid (moist) to humid with alluvium-derived soils
Brachiaria decumbens, B. mutica, Paspalum notatum Desmodium uncinatum, D. heterophyllum Artocarpus heterophyllus, A. lakoocha,
Ficus hookeri, F. nemoralis, Parkia
roxburghii, Morus alba
Region 16: Eastern Himalayas, warm perhumid with brown and red soils
(Contd . . .)
(Table 37.16 concluded)
Andropogon gayanus, Cynodon dactylon, Cenchrus Centrosema pubescens, Clitoria ternatea, Bauhinia purpurea, Erythrina variegata,
ciliaris, Pennisetum pedicellatum, P. polystachyon, Macroptilium atropurpureum, Stylosanthes Leucaena leucocephala, Pithecellobium
Brachiaria ruziziensis, Tripsacum laxum guinensis, S. scabra dulce, Gliricidia sepium
Forage conservation
India being a tropical monsoon bound country with unimodal rainy season, surplus
green herbage is available at the flush growth periods during kharif as well as rabi (in
irrigated areas). It is desirable that these are preserved /conserved with minimum loss
of nutrients. These can be conserved either as hay or silage or artificial dehydration
for feeding to livestock during lean periods when availability of fresh forage is meager
or negligible (mid October-mid December and mid April-June).
Ensilage has many advantages over the other methods of forage conservation. There
is high-energy output in high temperature dehydration. Hay making is difficult during
monsoon season because of unscheduled rainfall and little availability of sunlight in
addition to loss of nutrients due to leaching. Crops can be well conserved as silage but
it requires precautions as lack of understanding of the factors associated with ensiling
technique may produce silage of bad quality leading to poor animal performance or
even wastage of fodder.
Silage is the material produced by controlled fermentation of crops under anaerobic
conditions. This process is known as ensilage and the container used for the purpose is
known as silo. The fermentation process is governed by microorganisms present in
fresh herbage or by additives to maintain anaerobic condition. When herbage is placed
in an airtight container, naturally occurring bacteria ferment the carbohydrates (sugar)
present in the herbage to produce mainly the lactic acid. The aim is to achieve a
sufficient concentration of lactic acid to prevent other type of bacterial activity, i.e.
clostridia activity. The main requirements are the exclusion of air to maintain anaerobic
conditions and to discourage clostridial fermentation which leads to production of
carbon dioxide, ammonia, amines, butyric acid, etc.
Methods of controlling fermentation: There are several ways in which the clostridial
type fermentation can be checked. One of the commonly used practices is to increase
the dry matter of the herbage. In ensiled crops containing 30% or more dry matter,
crop ensile satisfactorily. Promotion of lactic acid fermentation is important pathway
for controlling clostridial growth. Other method of controlling fermentation is by
addition of preservatives and additives. Carbohydrates in the forages may be naturally
occurring or may be added as a separate ingredient such as molasses obtained as sugar
industry byproducts, which acts as a fermentable substrate.
Additives for effective ensiling of nutrients: Various types of additives can be
used to improve or inhibit the fermentation or supplement nutrients needed by ruminants
to be fed as silage. Propionic acid, formaldehyde, etc. have been used to increase the
rate of lactic acid fermentation and produce stable silage.
Carbohydrate sources such as molasses, whey, yeast and other energy-rich
ingredients have also been used as additives to increase the fermentation and feeding
value of silage. Urea @ 0.5-1.0% have been found to increase crude protein content
and also the lactic acid content of silage made from cereal fodders.
Microbial activity: As anaerobic conditions are achieved in silo, the species of
Escherichia, Bacillus, Clostridium, Leuconostoc, Lactobacillus and Pediococcus
develop. Lactic acid bacteria (Streptococcus, Leuconostoc, Lactobacillus and
Pediococcus) are the important organisms for preservation of silage of good quality.
Silos: The different types of silos generally used are: (i) pit silo, (ii) tower silo, (iii)
trench cum bunker, (iv) trenches, and (v) drum and PVC silo. The silo must provide a
solid surface to permit consolidation of the ensiled material and elimination of air. It
must protect the silage from water. In India, pit silo is the most common.
Techniques of silage making: (i) Dry matter: Dry matter should be above 30%.
Crops of high moisture should be ensiled with the addition of preservatives and
additives. In poor weather, wilting should be avoided and additive should be used for
good fermentation.
(ii) Stage of growth: Crops should be cut at a proper stage of maturity as it is the
most important factor for controlling the silage quality. The appropriate stage of growth
for cutting different fodder crops for silage making is given below:
Sorghum - Flowering to dough stage
Maize - Milk to dough stage
Oat - 50% flowering to dough stage
Grasses - Early flowering stage
(iii) Chopping: Crop should be chopped before ensiling. For good silage, the shorter
the chop length, the better is the quality. Chopped silage is more palatable to livestock
and has little chance of secondary fermentation.
(iv) Filling of silo: Silo should be filled rapidly and should not be left open. It
should be sealed as soon as possible. Packing is important to create anaerobic
conditions. It should be thoroughly pressed so that no air pocket is left in the silo
otherwise chances of mould formation will be there which will spoil the silage. After
filling, silo should be covered with polythene sheet followed by that of a layer of soil,
(v) Removal of silage: After 45 days of ensilage, the silage can be removed for
feeding to animals. Care should be taken in removing the silage from silo. It should
not be allowed to deteriorate after the silo is opened for feeding. Covers should be
kept firmly in place as long as possible and the minimum face should be exposed at
one time. The sugars, proteins and lactic acid present in the silage are subject to attack
by mould growth and oxidation as some air is allowed to fermentation and causes loss
of feeding value and intake by the animals.
(vi) Silage quality: Silage quality is determined mainly by the odour, physical
state, pH, ammonical nitrogen, volatile acids and lactic acid. For desirable fermentation,
the forage should be rich in water soluble sugar (more than 5% on dry-matter basis).
A good-quality silage should have the following characteristics: (i) pH 4.5-5.0, (ii)
ammonical nitrogen of total N – less than 10% of total N, (iii) butyric acid- less than
0.2%, (iv) lactic acid -3 to 12%, and (v) volatile acids, alcohol should below.
Hay making
Conservation of high-quality forages by drying is termed as hay making. The
principle of hay making is to preserve nutritional value of forages through drying it to
a level at which the activity of microbial decomposers is inhibited. In India, sunlight
is available in abundance, which enables farmers to dry the green forage in open
sunlight and thus making hay more economical. The hay making leads to reduction of
moisture content to 10-20%, which inhibits the enzyme activity in the plant to be
conserved. Thin stemmed cereal crops like sorghum, oat, guinea grass, range grasses,
range legumes particularly Sylosanthes, Siratro, lablab bean, and all the cultivated
legume fodders like berseem, lucerne, and cowpea are suitable for hay making.
Leguminous forages have high buffering action and high nitrogen content, and hence
are more suitable to be conveniently conserved as hay.
Hay making is relatively more convenient and easy for Indian farmers. It can be
done by sun drying. During inclement weather, hay making may be done by drying
under shade or artificial drying through solar energy. Harvested forage particularly
thick stemmed should be chopped and spread over the ground for sun curing and the
layers should be changed every day to prevent any sort of fermentation or bacterial
growth. After it is well dried (dry-matter content at the time of storing should be
around 85-90%), this can be stored for feeding during the lean periods. Thin stemmed
crops including legumes can be dried without chopping while thick stemmed fodders
like sorghum, maize and bajra (pearl millet) require chopping or crushing before they
are allowed to dry.
country to the tune of 60% and this deficit can be partially bridged by replacing the
concentrate feeds by leaf meals. Leaf meal production technology is simple as well as
profitable enterprise for the farmers. Crude protein content (% DM basis) in leaf meals
of important forage crops are as follows – Leucaena leucocephala (18-21%), Sesbania
sesban (18%), lucerne (20-21%), Stylosanthes sp. (12-18%), Ziziphus nummularia
(13-16%). The leaf meal of leguminous forages are also known to have rich content of
essential amino acids such as lysine, leucine, isoleucine, threonine, methionine,
cysteine, valine, histidine, and arginine.
A lot of scope exists in establishing a production, processing and marketing chain
for its popularization in different parts of the country. One lucerne leaf meal production
plant started in 1977 at Udmalpet near Coimbatore produces more than 15 tonnes of
leaf meal per month. The set-up consists of a chaff cutter feeding sun dried lucerne to
a powdering mill for grinding and collection of sieved leaf meal. Farmers around
Palladam (Tamil Nadu) have organized through a co-operative to grow and supply
lucerne to the leaf meal plant. The arrangement assures regular cash income for small
holder farmers through a well developed production, processing and marketing chain.
Furthermore, utilization of such meals has grain-saving effects.
Seed technology
Propagation of improved fodder production technologies specially the improved
varieties has not reached to the farmers mainly because of the non-availability of
good-quality seeds. The availability of good-quality seeds is estimated to be around
15-25% only for cultivated fodders. The productivity and availability of seed are vital
because the fodder crops have been bred for enhanced vegetative potential and as
such they are shy seeders with very low seed productivity.
Presently, the seed demand of cultivated forages, range grasses and legumes are
increasing tremendously. The grass seed production and distribution have remained
isolated. Recent estimates put the current demand for seeds of cultivated fodders at
355,000 tonnes/annum based on the area under cultivation (8.3 million ha) and a target
replacement rate of 10%. With the development of a number of improved and high-
yielding varieties in forage crops, it has become important that quality seed should be
readily available and supplied to the farmers at reasonable price. The present and
future projected demands for fodder seeds are given in Tables 37.17, 37.18.
Table 37.18 Projected seed requirements of range grasses, legumes and fodder trees (‘000 tonnes)
Range grasses
Year Cenchrus Dichant- Laisurus Panicum Pennisetum Brachiaria Dactylus OthersTotal
sp. hium sp. sindicus maximum pedicellatum sp. sp.
2005-2010 4.50 1.50 6.00 2.25 5.50 2.25 3.50 4.00 2.95
2010-2015 4.67 1.56 6.22 2.33 5.70 2.33 3.63 4.15 3.06
Range legumes
Year Stylosanthes Styosanthes Desmanthus Trifolium Others Total
hamata scabra virgatus sp.
Fodder trees/shrubs
Year Leucaena Sesbania Gliricidia Grewia Miscellaneous Total
leucocephla sp. sp. sp. species
maximum produce higher seed in central tropical areas. Concerted efforts are, therefore,
required in this direction so that available technology could be passed on to the forage
and seed producing agencies and also to farmers for their eventual use in augmenting
forage resources.
seed production and delivery systems are almost non-existent at the required niches.
Consequently, the supply of quality forage seed has been insufficient to meet the demand
of even better known species and cultivars that have originated through crop breeding
Seed treatment
• Seed treatment with 100 ppm GA3, hydration for 18 hours + dry dressing of
Thiram and osmo-conditioning in PEG solution (-10 bars), increased seed
germination, field emergence and seed yield in Cenchrus ciliaris, Clitoria
ternatea, siratro, and stylo.
• Seeds of Clitoria, siratro and stylo soaked in hot water (60oC) for half an hour
gave maximum germination.
• Soaking of Cenchrus ciliaris seeds in fresh water from 8 - 10 hours before sowing
was found effective for improved germination.
• Pretreatment of seeds with 0.2% potassium nitrate (KNO3) has improved seed
germination in Cenchrus ciliaris, C. setigerus and Panicum maximum.
• The treated seeds of lablab bean and maize with Bavistin and Malathion @
1g/kg seed (1:1) were stored safely up to 20 months in polythene bags without
any substantial loss in germination.
Foliar spray
• Foliar application of α-naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) along with K
and diammonium phosphate (DAP) at flower initiation stage increased panicle
length, seed setting, seed retention and seed yield in Panicum maximum,
Dichanthium annulatum, Cenchrus ciliaris, Cenchrus setigerus and Stylosanthes
• Foliar application of Tresol @ 2.5 litre/ha, significantly increased the seed yield
to 5.4 q/ha in berseem.
• Foliar application of KNO3 @ 4 kg/ ha in Clitoria, stylo, cowpea and berseem at
flowering initiation stage increased the seed yield by 20 –25% over the control.
Seed storage
Bavistin and Malathion, @ 1g/kg seed (1:1), treated seeds of lablab bean and maize
can be stored safely up to 20 months in polythene bags without loss in germination.
Among the botanicals, extract of Croton tiglium and Acorous calamas @ 1.0 ml/kg
seed used as seed treatment gave 100% protection against storage bruchid and
Trichoderma infestation.
Transfer of technology
Extension of developed technologies have an important role to play in evaluating
ex ante the benefits and costs of different technologies under various conditions and
on different farm types and, identifying appropriate uptake pathways for effective
dissemination of technologies. At this juncture, the natural resources accounting and
ecological economics will be most pertinent to identify sustainability parameters. These
challenges call for setting up the agenda for commitment in the area of research,
development and extension.
1 10 2.56 11.0 -
2 10 1.68 20.0 34.0
3 10 1.21 20-30 21.21
4 10 1.05 20-30 12.67
5 10 1.05 20-30 10.99
6 10 1.16 20-30 17.64
7 12 1.83 8.0 -
8 12 1.71 10.0 18.16
9 12 1.60 12.0 19.89
10 12 1.45 15.0 21.95
11 12 1.32 18.0 24.12
12 12 1.25 20.0 25.63
13 12 0.97 30.0 29.06
Ecological economics
Value of vegetation in carbon sequestration cannot be underestimated. Due to varied
edaphic and vegetation conditions, the land productivity improved and the in situ
grazing although complicates measurements but edaphic enrichments do add to the
value of organic matter in soil are bonus and sustainability imperatives. The
economicimplications can be understood in terms of sustainability of nutrient transfer
and ecological economics in its temporal and spatial dimensions. Many of the fodder
and grassland related technologies prove highly positive on the ecological economics
test scales.
Such evaluation studies indicate the economic soundness of these technologies.
However, it could be improved further by inclusion of intangible benefits/costs. The
inclusion of important parameters/ indicators in arriving the economic imperatives,
viz. oxygen production/ carbon sequestration, edaphic enrichments conversion to
animal protein, recycling of water, microclimatic modification, hydrologic cycle–base
flow and water surplus irrigation adds a new dimension and the impact could be
evaluated in totality.
Bringing larger areas under joint forest –Assuming the trend in expansion of area
management (JFM): under JFM continues, the area could be
About 10.25 million ha of forest area expected to increase by at least 15 million
is currently under JFM programmes in ha in the next 25 years. With participatory
the country being managed by the management and better technical support,
communities, after the government a dry grass production of 4 tonnes/ha can
notification in 1990. This trend is likely to be achieved. This will add about 60 million
continue in the coming years. Enhanced tonnes of dry fodder each year.
fodder and fuelwood availability is reported –Establishment of agro-ecologically suitable
from these communities from different silvi-pastoral systems in these forest areas
parts of the country where these will be beneficial both environmentally and
programmes are in operation. Currently, a economically. The involvement of
dry grass production of 1-2 tonnes/ha is communities and the modes of usufruct
estimated is these areas. sharing also augurs positively for social
Scientific utilization of traditional pas- –If the fodder production from these pastures
tures: can be doubled using improved technologies
About 2.59 million ha is under pastures in and grazing management, there can be an
Western India in the states of Gujarat and addition of 36 million tonnes of fodder from
Rajasthan. In Himachal Pradesh, it is about these areas.
1.2 million ha, accounting for 35.5% of the –Regulating grazing in tune with the capaci-
total area in the state. These are especially ties will ensure the sustainability of these
important for the landless livestock keepers, pastures.
whose livelihoods depend on the health and – There is a need to upgrade information on
productivity of these pastures. grazing lands and grazing resources with the
help of remote sensing and GIS approach.
Establishment of fodder banks -This should The resource poor livestock owners most
be the strategy for drought-and flood-prone often lose their livestock due to the fodder
areas of the country and should aim at scarcity caused by these natural disasters.
transporting economically baled dry fodder Establishment of fodder banks will serve the
from surplus areas in view of the fact 8 major purpose of easing these scarcities. In
river valleys spread over 40 million ha in the addition, the surplus forages produced in
country and 40 million population is affected other parts of the country, currently wasted
by floods annually and 74 districts in the will also be efficiently utilized and will
country in 14 states and 86 million people contribute to reducing regional imbalances.
are affected annually by droughts.
Conversion of fodder into feed blocks This will support the initiative of setting up
fodder banks and will facilitate the
economical transport of fodder from surplus
Enrichment of straw/stover with urea This will help in alleviating the nutritional
deficiencies to some extent in the absence
of availability of adequate quantities of fodder
to fulfill the nutritional requirements of the
livestock and contribute to increased
production and incomes of rural populace.
(Contd . . .)
Fodder seed production – emphasis on seed Quality forage seed in adequate quantities
processing and storage facilities is the key to increasing fodder production in
India. This will help in making seed of new
cultivars available to the majority of people
and aid in extensive adoption of intensive
production technologies.
In addition, some strategies are required to increase the efficiency of the supply of
fodder in the various regions of the country. Some of them are outlined in Table 37.23.
In comparison to land, livestock are controlled more by the poor. In India, marginal
farmers (less than 1 ha) and small farmers (less than 2 ha) are owners of about 45%
and 20% of the livestock, respectively. Animal husbandry provides job opportunities
to about 20 million people (principal status 11 million and subsidiary status 9 million).
Hence, ecofriendly fodder production system is of prime importance. The demand
will reach to 1,170 million tonnes of green fodder, 650 million tonnes of dry forage
and 152 million tonnes of concentrate feed. At the current level of growth in forage
resources, there will be 65% deficit in green fodder and 25% deficit in dry fodder.
Green forage supply situation has to grow at the rate of 3.2%. Diversion of crop residues
for packaging and other industrial requirement as well as incorporation of crop residues
into soil will worsen the demand and supply situation. There is need for policy for
utilization of crop residues for industrial and agricultural sectors allowing only non-
edible crop residues for packaging and other industrial use. On account of more
emphasis on food production at the national level the actual potential of quality fodder
production for animal feed has not yet been fully tapped in the country which needs to
be accomplished.