Azbil - CA2 HDS500 00

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Harmonized Automation System



Harmonas-DEO, DOHS, DOGS, DOPC, DOPL, DGPL, DOBS, InnovativeField Organizer, IFO,
Knowledge Power are registered trademarks of Azbil Corporation In Japan.
Valstaff and ePREXION are trademarks of Azbil Corporation in Japan.
HIMax, HIQuad and HIMatrix are registered trademarks of the Germany company HIMA Paul Please read “Terms and Conditions” from the following URL
Hildebrandt GmbH + CoKG. before ordering and use.
HART is a trademark of the FieldComm Group.
MELSEC and MELXECNET are trademarks of Mitsubishi Electric Corporation.
Excel is either a registered trademark or trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States
and/or other countries. [Notice] Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Other product names, model numbers and company names may be trademarks of the respective No part of this publication may be reproduced or duplicated
company. without the prior written permission of Azbil Corporation.

Yamatake Corporation changed its name to Azbil Corporation on April 1, 2012.

1-12-2 Kawana, Fujisawa

Kanagawa 251-8522 Japan

1st Edition : issued in Jul. 2017-O CA2-HDS500

Harmonas-DEO —
TM Harmonas-DEO collects the wide variety of data generated at manufacturing sites, analyzes it in
cyberspace, and then feeds the validated results back to the real world. The movement towards a

A central pillar for data-driven smart

data-driven society is gradually becoming reality with cyber-physical system (CPS) architecture
that brings the cutting edge of innovation to manufacturing sites. Harmonas-DEO, the harmonized

factories in the age of IoT

automation system, brings about cooperation between cyberspace, the manufacturing site, and
operators, leading to value optimization for plants and factories.

DOPC Ⅳ Firewall


SIOⅡ DGPLⅡ Third-party


A scalable system that allows real-time tracking of operational status

● DOSS (supervisory station) ● DOPC™ Ⅳ (process controller)

This human-machine interface (HMI) is used for plant This is a highly reliable process controller designed with triple
operating and monitoring tasks. It is also used as the CPUs in a 2-out-of-3 redundancy architecture.
engineering environment for the Harmonas-DEO system.
● DOPL™ⅡS (PLC linker)
● TSS (thin client supervisory server)
This is a PLC integration controller that connects the
The DOSS operation monitoring screens are transmitted Harmonas-DEO system to Mitsubishi Electric’s MELSEC.
over a network, so monitoring of something like the DCS Connection to MELSEC is made via MELSECNET. Wireless
screen can be done from anywhere, rather than being
restricted to a specific location like the control room. ● DGPL™Ⅱ(general purpose subsystem integration gateway)
This is a gateway that connects the Harmonas-DEO system
● DOHS™ (history station)
to third-party subsystems and provides integrated control.
Process data, DCS alarms, and operational history handled Connection to third-party systems is made via OPC.
by the Harmonas-DEO system are collected and stored
here. DOHS serves as a platform for data analysis and ● DOBS™ (batch station)
other plant data utilization, with functions for viewing and This station runs a batch process package based on ISA S88
outputting collected data. and JIS C 1807.
● DOGS™ (gateway station) ● IFO™: InnovativeField Organizer™ (device management system)
This is a gateway station that connects the Harmonas-DEO This system provides digital field device information
system to third-party systems. OPC DA 2.05a and OPC UA management and various diagnostics functions that are
server functionality are provided. ®
compatible with the HART communication protocol.

● HIMax, HIQuad, HIMatrix (safety instrumented systems)

Safety controllers conforming to SIL3.

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“Human-centered” HMI supports prompt situational Multi-Information Window Window-Set Call-up

awareness and swift comprehension and decision-making, for plant status comprehension for a standardized monitoring view
and provides guidance for correct operation
In this age of automation and computerization, even with the added element of IoT
technology, people are still indispensable at manufacturing sites for the monitoring
of plant and factory status and handling of irregularities. We provide an appropriate
control monitoring interface that helps operators to maintain safe and stable plant
control at manufacturing sites where the human factor is central to operation.

Information that is vital for operation and monitoring is well Predetermined sets of windows can easily be call up once
organized and arranged on the display, reducing the need the required operation and monitoring information is
to turn pages. This design leads to safer plant operation collected and registered. This eliminates gradual changes in
by ensuring that important information is not overlooked screen layout due to increased operational proficiency, and
because it is in some other window. standardizes the operation view.


Alarm Summary Screen Remote Monitoring

for quick access to relevant information just about anywhere

Graphical screens for checking the status of points With a TSS server installed, the DCS can be monitored
where alarms were generated and operation screens can outside of the control room. The DCS screen can be viewed
be easily accessed. Right-clicking an alarm brings up a onsite while inspecting instrumentation, and operation from
troubleshooting screen, where fast action can be taken. remote locations is also possible.

Developer viewpoint

In the past, we followed the screen design of previous systems in order to maintain operator
familiarity with the interface. However, when developing the Harmonas-DEO screens, we
went back to the fundamentals of the DCS and asked what is truly indispensable for plant
operation, and what functions are essential for safe plant operation. We then decided to
take on the challenge of developing a new operation screen. Going forward, we intend to
continue improving usability and comprehensibility in order to provide our customers with
an interface that supports safe plant operation.

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Highly reliable and maintainable controllers, Highly efficient engineering environment improves
for long-term stable plant operation productivity in the creation of control system architecture
Harmonas-DEO offers high-performance controllers and modules that ensure the Offers an environment for the efficient creation, debugging and
reliability needed for process control. The wide range of possible applications control simulation of graphics, control logic, sequence programs, etc.
includes continuous processing, batch processing, assembly operation, and
everything in between.

Control Application Builder & Library
Ethernet Ethernet
module module
1 2 3 1 2 3
Control Application Builder is an application for designing the control logic of
systems. Various input/output and adjustment control points are provided in
A B A B A B the form of separate parts, and control loops can be created simply by
1 2 3 1 2 3 connecting the parts on the screen.
Since the resulting control flowcharts indicate relationships using arrow
X-bus X-bus
module module
Network connections—including parts and signal flow—they can be used without
▲Triple-modular-redundant architecture alteration as instrumentation flowcharts.
DOPC Ⅳ Process Controller
A triple modular redundancy architecture is used for the CPUs of DOPC Ⅳ. The redundant
architecture adopts the “2 out of 3” standard used in systems requiring a high degree of reliability.
Calculations are performed by 3 constantly synchronized CPUs, and by outputting after comparing
results, the reliability of the output data is enhanced. Also, tripling of the CPU modules allows Soft Controller Simulator & Online Debugger
automatic recovery, except in the case of a permanent fault. The parallel redundancy system
allows seamless switchover, without the unavoidable processing time required by standby
The Soft Controller Simulator offers the ability to create virtual process
redundancy systems when switching from the execution device to the standby device. 
controllers on ordinary, general-purpose PCs.
Using the Online Debugger, the input/output signal flows and calculated values
on flowcharts created with Control Application Builder can be checked. Since
DOPLⅡS (PLC linker) the debugger allows PID tuning, etc. to be performed from the level of individual
A PLC integration controller that connects to Mitsubishi parts, debugging can be carried out in an intuitive manner while looking at the
Electric's MELSEC via MELSECNET flowchart.

DGPLⅡ(general purpose subsystem integration gateway)

A gateway that provides integrated monitoring and control VIEW Client Builder
across subsystems

This is a tool for creating graphics screens.

The equipment and instrumentation of which plants and factories consist—such
SIOⅡ(signal I/O module) as various types of valves, pumps and tanks—are provided as standard parts.
Screens can be created simply by laying out the parts, indicating properties
Individually isolated I/O signal module
with different colors, and setting up conditions and information at the relevant
Creation of user-defined parts and utilization of scripts is also possible, allowing
the design of operation monitoring screens that meet various requirements.

Digital field support

The system is integrated with field equipment that supports the HART® Recipe Loader
communication protocol. Maintenance work is improved by applications utilizing
diagnostic information from intelligent field equipment. In addition, by means of This tool supports data creation and download.
constant monitoring of field equipment, small irregularities that would previously In addition to the HMI, data editing can also be performed in Excel, making data
have gone unrecognized can be identified, resulting in more stable plant operation. creation and alteration easy to carry out.
Switching between recipes is easy, since they can be selected in the loader and
the corresponding data downloaded into the controller in one operation.

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Technological solutions for data-driven smart plant Big data collected in cyberspace from real-world manufacturing sites is analyzed and validated with the
use of innovative IoT technology. With the optimal solutions thus obtained, we are continually changing
and factory operation management in the IoT age into a data-driven society through the use of cyber physical system (CPS) architecture which brings
innovation to the real world. Azbil supports the realization of data-driven plant and factory operation
management through CPS architecture that bridges the gap between cyberspace and the real world,
providing various solutions that have Harmonas-DEO at their center.

Visualized diagnostics control/ Predictive production &

Control/ Maintenance and update services
services maintenance control/services
services for the
Control valve maintenance real world Visualization of production,
Prediction of production,
Supply of parts Records of
quality, equipment service life,
support system REAL
operation, and equipment status
and process fluctuation
and work implementation
PLUG-IN Valstaff
Collects data on the status of control valves in Malfunction prediction system based
the field, facilitating optimal decision-making on analysis of big data from processes
as to the necessity of maintenance and the
actual maintenance tasks. This system provides comprehensive and
Cyber Physical System (CPS) constant monitoring of all types of device
throughout the entire plant, and uses big
data to predict equipment malfunctions.
By giving operators early notification of
Analysis engine Prediction engine
problems, the system contributes to safe
Data accumulation and stable plant operation.
and analysis
Big data (production data, process fluid data, equipment operation data, etc.)

Alarm and Event Analysis Software

Detects causes of failure based on historical
event data without generating a process
model in the tool. By analyzing and assessing
the soundness of alarm systems, it facilitates Industrial IoT (IIoT) network
the introduction of improvements in operation. Advanced Critical Trend
Monitoring for Safety
Makes monitoring more effective by
predicting and displaying future changes in
important process variables that can lead
to serious accidents. To keep the plant safe,
Data collection BPCS SIS BPCS SIS BPCS SIS an early warning alarm system is activated
DIGITAL IDM IDM IDM if any trend is predicted to reach a critical
management value.

Operation Support System

Knowledge Power™
Facilitates stable operation by automating and
standardizing the application of operational
know-how, such as operating procedures
for non-steady states, and monitoring as
performed from the viewpoint and using the
techniques of experienced operators.
HIMA SIS Integrated plant information
Harmonized Automation System management system
Harmonas-DEO ePREXION™
This is a database platform supporting the
management of data-driven plant operation
in the age of IoT. The system supports the
utilization of big data through the collection
and integrated management of data from
HIMax HIQuad HIMatrix
Device Management System various DCS and PLC systems.
InnovativeField Organizer™
Constantly monitors the condition of field
equipment and brings to light the symptoms of
potential equipment failure. Facilitates safe, BPCS : Basic process control system
stable plant operation and greater efficiency SIS : Safety instrumented system
in maintenance work.
IDM : Intelligent device management
8 9
In response to various customer needs, we offer a wide Implementation Support
range of services for different stages of the product Operation and Maintenance Support
life cycle, from implementation and operation through
to eventual decommissioning. New installation work/restructuring work
From design through to the start of operation,
we perform installation of new equipment or
Maintenance data book
restructuring of existing equipment with thorough
safety and quality management,using an integrated On delivery, we include a data book giving all the
organizational structure that includes cooperating information necessary for maintaining and updating
companies. the system.
In addition to our contact details for support and
Environment improvement work information on the composition of the system, etc.,
this data book also contains inspection histories
We perform environment improvement work based
and version update histories, and is utilized in the
on the results of a diagnosis of the installation
maintenance plan.
environment that surrounds the system’s
Periodic inspections
Instrumentation engineering support In order to prevent problems from occurring,
system and equipment inspections and adjustments
Our engineers carry out your required
are implemented to maintain or restore system

instrumentation engineering, preparing detailed
control programs, custom applications, and
Hard disk backup service
Test operation support All hard disk data is stored on other media. This
allows smooth recovery to be performed if a crash
Our highly experienced technicians support the
smooth start-up of your instrumentation system.
No oxygen No moisture packs
Instrument panel room design service
These packs provide optimal storage conditions,
Based on ISO 11064, the flow of people’s
protecting valuable replacement parts from oxygen,
movements, monitor and operation desk layouts,
moisture and corrosive gases.
and desk designs for easy operation, etc., we offer
design of an instrument panel room space that is
Virus diagnosis service
easy to work in.
We verify the soundness of the system by searching
for the presence of virus infections in applicable
equipment, and propose responses and measures in
the case of a virus being detected.

Emergency Maintenance Support

Improvement Support
Operation, Service hotline

We have a free-dial emergency contact line, and can
respond to urgent problems 24 hours a day, 365 days
a year. Event analysis

Based on event information accumulated in the DCS,
Emergency service we organize awareness of qualitatively apprehended

phenomena into a quantitative form, expose the

Technicians are dispatched upon receipt of
inherent issues and propose corresponding measures
emergency callout requests from customers. Our
for improvement.
specialized technicians will work to repair the fault.
DCS deterioration diagnosis service
Parts management
In accordance with the installation environment and
We store the necessary replacement parts instead of
number of years of operation, we comprehensively
the customer, our high-level quality control ensuring
examine and measure the state of deterioration of the
that we are always prepared for emergencies.
system, and propose the best maintenance plan for
maintaining its reliability and extending its life.

Installation environment diagnosis service

We measure and assess six environmental factors
pertaining to the installation environment,
determining the effects on the system and proposing
corresponding measures. We then apply these
results to the future long-term maintenance plan and
propose an effective maintenance regime.

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