Activity 3

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Margins are

ACTIVITY 3 tough to figure

What you will learn or practice:
 Setting Margins
 Changing font size
 Changing alignment
 Using bold print
 Typing a paragraph with word wrap
 Spell checking
 Copy and paste

1. Open a Word document. Click on FILE- PAGE SET-UP. Change the margins to the
following: top and bottom = 2 inches, left and right = 2 inches. Click on OK.
2. Change the font to Lucida Console, size 14 point, and type your name.
3. Change your name to bold print.
4. Center your name horizontally between the margins. (CENTER ALIGN)
5. Press the ENTER key once. Take OFF bold print.
6. Type Activity 3. Press the ENTER key twice.
7. Change the font to Times New Roman, size 12 point.
8. Change to LEFT ALIGN.
9. Type the paragraph below, with errors included, using word wrap (Do not hit enter at
end of line). The computer may automatically correct some of your errors. That’s
ok. Hit ENTER when you are all done with the paragraph.

Did you spel this correctly? The spell checker may notice double
words. Proper names such as as George, Tom, and Leessa may
cause the spell checkr to display a message. You may be able to
use a suggest buton so that you do not have to type each corection.

10. Use the spell checker to check for errors. Every red underlined word shows a
potential error. Place the cursor on the word and right click. The computer will give
you suggestions for changes. Click on the correct change. Another way to spell
check is to click on the ABC icon on the Menu Bar with the checkmark OR click on
Tools-Spelling and Grammar from the Menu Bar. Put cursor at end of paragraph.
Hit ENTER twice.
11. Change to size 14 point. Type your first, middle, and last name.
12. Select your name. Copy and paste your name four MORE times, so you end up with
a LIST of five times. There are three ways to copy and paste:
 Edit – Copy – Paste.
 Control-C for Copy and Control-V for paste.
 Mouse Right click – copy, mouse right click –paste.
13. Change each verson of your name in the list to a different font and a different size.
14. Save as Activity
Teacher Sample
Activity 3
Did you spell this correctly? The spell checker may notice
double words. Proper names such as George, Tom, and Lisa may
cause the spell checker to display a message. You may be able to
use a suggest button so that you do not have to type each

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