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Introducing the Game

and Learning the
Teacher’s Guide
Welcome! With the curriculum, we have created an original, kid-friendly way of
learning the game of chess. While acquiring knowledge of the rules of chess, understanding the
fundamentals, and learning advanced strategies and tactics, coaches and beginning chess players
alike will enjoy working through these lessons.

To create a system that would be both kid-and-classroom-friendly, we brainstormed, outlined, and

designed a curriculum format to support one single goal:

Develop a child's ability from no knowledge of the game

to the level of an experienced scholastic chess player.

We keep the language simple in this curriculum. While we believe children with a fourth- or fifth-
grade reading level could work through this curriculum on their own, the most practical application
of this curriculum is instructor-guided, taught in a classroom format, and used in conjunction with
training tools and video lessons on

With this latest edition, we meet the needs of educators looking to provide their chess club/class
with a 21st-century skill-building environment, one with flipped classroom capabilities that will
help even the newest to chess. Our team worked closely with Common Core experts and
experienced classroom teachers to link our content directly to the new standards for each grade on
a national level. Those familiar with our first edition will take note of the revamped Teacher's
Guides and Essential Questions, created to furnish lesson plans that align correctly with the
Common Core State Standards implemented in schools for Partnership for Assessment of Readiness
for College and Careers (PARCC). Our Pacing Guide provides two options—one for full, every day
classroom integration, and another for after school/enrichment program formats.

We use Bloom's Taxonomy leveled questioning, provide practical advice, and suggest ways to keep
the experience fun throughout the Higher Order Thinking learning process. We provide practical
tips to help both the non-experienced chess teacher and the seasoned chess coach. Every lesson,
diagram, practice page, and activity work together to cover all the key concepts a beginner chess
player needs.

We strongly recommend that coaches (whether teaching groups or individuals) review each lesson
in its entirety first before presenting it to their student(s).

Good luck, and have fun!

International Master Daniel Rensch
( username: PoppaBear)
Vice President of Content and Professional Relations, LLC.

Introduction  Page 2
Part 1: A Brief History Of The Game, Basic
Terminology, and Scorekeeping (Algebraic
Key Concepts
 A brief history of chess.
 The basics of using a chess board.
 Chess terminology: speaking the language of chess.
 Scorekeeping/notation (keeping track of a chess game).

Chess is one of the oldest games in the world, and may be the oldest board game. Its origins
stem back to India, over 1500 years ago, with the unclear but widely accepted view that the
original versions of chess were invented around 600 A.D. Though it’s believed to have
started in East Asia, India, and Persia, the modern version of the game—meaning the rules
we use today—did not begin taking shape until chess moved west, into France and areas of
Southern Europe, around the 15th Century.

Tournament-style chess, as we would recognize it today, has been played since the mid-
1800s. The first ever World Championship Match was held in 1886. Many exciting games
have been played, and many great champions from all parts of our world have enjoyed and
grown to love the game of chess. We hope you will too!

Introduction  Page 3
The Chessboard: 64 squares, divided by files, ranks and
cuuuuuuuuC The game of chess is played on a perfectly square, 8x8
(wdwdwdwd} board. There are 64 squares on a chessboard,
7dwdwdwdw} alternating light and dark (White and Black).
6wdwdwdwd} When you face a chessboard, the bottom-right corner
5dwdwdwdw} should always be a White/light square, either from
&wdwdwdwd} White or Black's perspective. This is very important
3dwdwdwdw} when setting up the pieces. To help kids remember this,
2wdwdwdwd} we use a fun phrase: “Before we fight, you must have
%dwdwdwdw} White/light on the right!” Of course, we are only
v,./9EFJMV fighting on the chessboard!
The chessboard is divided and described in three
(*dwd*dwd} different ways. We use the term file to describe the
7d*dw8wdw} letters (a-h) and the squares that go up from them.
6wd*d*dwd} Every square on the e-file has been highlighted with
5dwd*8wdw} stars to show this. We use the term rank to describe
&*8*8*8*8} every square in a straight line from where the numbers
3dwdw8*dw} (1-8) begin. Every square along the fourth rank has
2wdwd*d*d} been highlighted to show this. We use the term
diagonal to describe every square moving corner-to-
%dwdw8wd*} corner (h1-a8 is a diagonal); every square along the h1-
v,./9EFJMV a8 diagonal has a star.
The chessboard, with file,
rank, and diagonals. Essential Question, Level I: Knowledge
Using a chess board, how would you show someone the
other longest diagonal on the board: a1-h8?

Introduction  Page 4
Scorekeeping: the basics of keeping track of a game
with algebraic notation.
cuuuuuuuuC In order to work through this curriculum or play in a
(wdwdwdwd} chess tournament, you will need to understand how to
7dwdwdwdw} read a chessboard. Though there have been many
different methods used to keep track of a game
6wdwdwdw8} throughout history, the best, most efficient method we
5dwdwdwdw} use in chess today is called Algebraic Notation.
3dwdwdwdw} Each chess square has a unique address, a name that is
2wdwdwdwd} different from that of every other square. If you look
%dwdwdwdw} down from the square, you'll see a letter, and if you look
v,./9EFJMV to the left of a square, you’ll see a number. Each
square's special address is that letter and number
combined. When using algebraic chess terms, we
always say the letter first. There are stars on e4 and h6.

Essential Question, Level I: Knowledge

Can you write the algebraic notation for one of the
squares that is not starred? Are there any other
subjects in schools that teach you to use a graph like
this chessboard?

Introduction  Page 5
Scorekeeping: how to use algebraic notation.
cuuuuuuuuC We use Algebraic Notation in real games to keep a record
(wdwdwdwd} of each move we make. We do this so that we can explain
7dwdwdwdw} our games and positions to other players and coaches
afterward, and so that there is proof, in the event of an
6wdwdwdwd} argument, that the rules were followed in that chess
5dwdwdw8w} game.
3dw8wdwdw} Here are some examples of how algebraic notation is
2wdwd*dwd} used:
%dNdwIwdw}  Ke2 (king moves from e1 to e2);
v,./9EFJMV  Nc3 (Knight moves from b1 to c3, and we use “N” for
 g5 (we don't use the letter “P” when a Pawn moves
forward, but instead only write the square it moves
to); etc.

Use the uppercase first letter of the piece that is moving

for all pieces besides the Pawn, and use “N” for Knight.
When capturing a piece, write an “x” between the
uppercase letter and the square. Example, if there were a
piece on c3, moving the Knight to that square would be
written as Nxc3.

Essential Question, Level I: Knowledge

What are the letter abbreviations for each piece? Using
algebraic notation, write 10 moves for pieces being
moved to random squares of your choosing on the board.

Introduction  Page 6
More chess terms: Kingside, Queenside, White's side, and
Black's side.
cuuuuuuuuC You will learn much more about how to read and use a
(wdw8*dwd} chessboard as you work through our curriculum, but you
7dwd*8wdw} now know the basics of chess terminology—the words we
use while playing or describing a chess game.
58*8*8*8*} The final fundamental chess terms you need to know in
&*8*8*8*8} order to study and learn from our curriculum are as
3dwd*8wdw} follows:
2wdw8*dwd}  Kingside—this term describes every square and piece
%dwd*8wdw} that is on the board from the e-file (the king's file)
v,./9EFJMV over to the h-file
 Queenside—this references the entire board to the left
of the d-file all the way to the a-file
 White's side—the first to the fourth rank
 Black's side—the fifth to the eighth rank

Congratulations! You now speak chess!

Essential Question, Level I: Knowledge

Why do you suppose the squares from the e-file to the h-
file are referred to as the kingside? And why are the
squares from the d-file to the a-file considered the

Introduction  Page 7
Part 2: Setting Up the Board and Learning the
Value Of the Chessmen
Key Concepts
 Setting up a chess board from start to finish.
 Piece values (the point value of each piece).

How to set up a chessboard, from start to finish.

cuuuuuuuuC Each King is placed on its starting position: the White
(wdwdkdwd} King starts on e1, and the Black King starts on e8. Note
7dwdwdwdw} the kings start on the opposite color square of their
army: the White King on a Black square and the Black
6wdwdwdwd} King on a White square.
&wdwdwdwd} Essential Question, Level I: Knowledge
3dwdwdwdw} What is the starting color for each king?
Each Queen is placed on its starting position: The White
Queen starts on d1, and the Black Queen starts on d8.
Note the Queens start the game on their color: the Black
cuuuuuuuuC Queen on a Black square; the White Queen on a White
(wdw1wdwd} square.
6wdwdwdwd} A fun way to remember to place the Queen on her own
5dwdwdwdw} color is to say, “In the old days, all Queens had to make
&wdwdwdwd} sure that their dress matched their shoes, especially
when going to the ball!”
2wdwdwdwd} Essential Question, Level I: Knowledge
%dwdQdwdw} What is the starting color for each Queen?

Introduction  Page 8
(rdwdwdw4} Each Rook is placed on its starting position in one of the
7dwdwdwdw} four corners of the board: White Rooks are placed on a1 and
6wdwdwdwd} h1, and Black Rooks placed on a8 and h8.
5dwdwdwdw} Essential Question, Level I: Knowledge
&wdwdwdwd} Can you write the algebraic notation for each Rook in this
3dwdwdwdw} diagram?

(whwdwdnd} Each Knight is placed on its starting position: White Knights
7dwdwdwdw} are placed on b1 and g1, and Black Knights are placed on b8
6wdwdwdwd} and g8. The Knights stand next to the Rooks.
5dwdwdwdw} Essential Question, Level I: Knowledge
&wdwdwdwd} Can you write the algebraic notation of each of the Knights?

(wdbdwgwd} Each Bishop is placed on its starting position: White
7dwdwdwdw} Bishops are placed on c1 and f1, and the Black Bishops are
6wdwdwdwd} placed on c8 and f8.
5dwdwdwdw} Essential Question, Level I: Knowledge
&wdwdwdwd} Can you write the algebraic notation of each Bishop?

Introduction  Page 9
(wdwdwdwd} Each player starts with eight Pawns. White's Pawns are
70p0p0p0p} placed along the second rank from a2-h2, and Black's
Pawns are placed along the seventh rank from a7-h7.
5dwdwdwdw} Essential Question, Level I: Knowledge
&wdwdwdwd} Can you state which rank the White Pawns begin on and
3dwdwdwdw} which rank the Black Pawns begin on, using algebraic
2P)P)P)P)} notation?

The Chessboard is complete: the basic rules and introduction

to the chessmen.
CuuuuuuuuC Chess is a board game played between two players.
(rhb1kgn4} Each player takes a turn to move, with White always
70p0p0p0p} moving first. The turns alternate: a player must move
when it is his or her turn, every move after White
6wdwdwdwd} makes the first move. The diagram you see is the
5dwdwdwdw} starting position to every game of chess. White's pieces
&wdwdwdwd} are always set up along the first and second ranks,
3dwdwdwdw} while Black's pieces occupy the seventh and eighth
2P)P)P)P)} ranks.
v,./9EFJMV There are 32 chessmen: 16 chessmen for White and 16
chessmen for Black. A chessman is either a piece or a
Pawn. Each player starts out with one king, one Queen,
two Rooks, two Knights, two Bishops, and eight Pawns.

Essential Question, Level I: Knowledge

Could you recall the setup of the board if it was wiped
clean? Show your teacher that you can do this!

Introduction  Page 10
Piece values
Over the years, experience has taught us that some
pieces are more powerful than others. We have tried to
K The Game
capture that idea by assigning point values to the
Q 9pts different chess pieces. These points are used to make
decisions. “Should I give up my Queen for that Pawn?” is
R 5pts
an example. Once you know and understand the point
B 3pts values, you will know the answer to that question!
Students also first need to use this knowledge in
N 3pts
Lesson 4.
P 1pt

Use your knowledge of Though a game can still be won by someone who is
the value of the losing in total points, it is not likely. This will be
chessmen to make good reiterated in Lesson 4. You win a chess game through
choices during a game. checkmate, not points, but points are an important
guideline for making decisions. They help you choose
and estimate who has more or less material (more
powerful pieces) in any given position.

Introduction  Page 11

The “Quick” and Other

Basic Checkmates
Lesson 7 of our curriculum introduces the quickest and some of the most common
checkmates that occur in chess. It highlights the fastest two-, three-, and four-move
checkmates possible, while emphasizing the limitations that trying to checkmate your
opponent this quickly can have on your piece development and strategy for the rest of the
game, should your plans at a quick mate prove unsuccessful. Lesson 7 also highlights the
most basic checkmating patterns and how they can be used in different positions with
different pieces.

Part 1 emphasizes that these quick checkmating plans are not perfect, because trying for a
quick checkmate can seriously hinder the skills learned in Lessons 5, 6, and those to come
in Lesson 8. The important opening strategies, such as piece development and castling,
should be valued ahead of a quick, easy win against better players. Part 2 delves into some
of the fundamental checkmating patterns that every developing student must master.
These checkmating patterns will prove invaluable to students as they continue to learn
how to use their pieces together in harmony to attack their opponent’s King and win

The Practice Pages and Classroom Activities are essential to mastering checkmating
sequences and patterns, because practice builds the foundation and necessary
memorization of these concepts. Students’ ability to demonstrate knowledge and
understanding is the foundation for not only all of the Common Core State Standards (K-5)
implementation, but specifically targets CCSS: Math. Content. G.A.1 (K-5), G.A.2 (K-3) (see
Appendix) for Geometry and pattern recognition. Students’ basic understanding of the
game is developing into deeper patterns and concepts, including knowledge of how to
complete an entire game effectively. These checkmates vary in terms of their length and
difficulty, and provide an excellent foundation to future crucial checkmating patterns that
will aid in each student’s pattern-recognition growth.

Lesson 7  Page 2
Teacher’s Guide
Learning the Quick Mates (Part 1) can be one of the most fun and crucial lessons for a
beginning chess player. These fast wins provide, for many beginners, the first examples of a
complete chess game. However impractical that game may be, a coach should use this
opportunity to help students understand that winning material and capturing all of their
opponent's pieces is not always necessary to achieve checkmate.

The goal of chess is not the same goal as checkers! Remind students the importance of
defending their weakest squares (f7 or f2). This principle is essential for every chess
player's growth.

The three basic checkmate patterns we chose for Part 2 were selected because of their
practical value. Back Rank combinations, Smothered Checkmates, and the other basic
Support mating patterns occur with the most frequency in tournament play. However, we
recommend placing just as much emphasis on memorizing the other checkmate patterns,
included in the “Famous Checkmates” Practice Pages.

Practical Notes and Advice—Lesson 7

 Use the “Guarding f2 and f7” Practice Page to remind students that while knowing the
Quick Mates is important, it is not always wise to try for a checkmate so early in the
game. Doing so is an inefficient use of time, and will likely lead to the risk of the Queen
being attacked by the minor pieces.

 Though not every position included in the “Famous Checkmates” Practice Pages will
occur on a regular basis during practical play, all of them display an important
checkmate pattern that should be memorized. To help these ideas become concrete in
every student's mind, we recommend:

1. When instructing large groups, set up the positions in the “Famous Checkmates”
Practice Pages on a demo board for group discussion before asking the students
to solve them on their own.
2. Have student solve tactics (where the Famous Checkmate patterns are likely to
occur often) using’s Puzzles.
3. Associate each checkmate pattern’s original name with the diagram, as this will
further cement the idea via name recognition. Further, by making the positions
personal, a coach will increase each child's mental imprint of the checkmate

Lesson 7  Page 3
Lesson 7
Part 1: Quick Mates in Four Moves or Less
Key Concepts
 The Fool's Mate (a.k.a. the “Two-Move Mate”).
 The Fidgety King and the Knight's Dream (a.k.a. the “Three-Move Mates”).
 The Scholar's Mate and the other Four-Move Checkmate.
 The Weakest Squares on a chessboard: f7 and f2!

The Fastest way to lose a chess game: the Fool's Mate.

cuuuuuuuuC For any of the quick mates in this lesson to work,
(rhb1kgn4} several fundamental principles of the Opening (Lessons
70p0pdp0p} 6 and 8) must be broken. You can see this clearly with
the first and quickest checkmate on our list: The Fool's
6wdwdwdwd} Mate. Only White can lose so quickly, and only by
5dwdw0wdw} playing horrific starting moves!
3dwdwdPdw} Shown in this diagram, White started by moving either
2P)P)Pdw)} the f-Pawn (1.f3 or 1.f4) or g-Pawn (1.g4). Black then
%$NGQIBHR} opened the Queen's diagonal (d8-h4) with either 1...e6
v,./9EFJMV or 1...e5. White then followed with a second blunder
(assuming 1.f3? was played, White then follows with
The “Fool's Mate:” 2.g4??) and Black delivers checkmate on h4.
Black plays 2...Qh4#
Essential Question, Level IV: Analysis
Knowing what you know about the best ways to start a
chess game, how can you justify how White should have
avoided this checkmate in two moves?

Lesson 7  Page 4
The first checkmate in three moves: the Fidgety King.
cuuuuuuuuC As we learned from the Fool's Mate, your opponent
(rhb1*gn4} must cooperate in order for checkmate to be achieved
70p0pip0p} this early in a game (any checkmate within four moves
needs help). Because your opponent needs to assist you
6wdwdwdwd} in some way, these quick mates might also be known as
5dwdw!wdw} “help mates.”
3dwdwdwdw} The “Fidgety King,” a checkmate in three moves, is no
2P)P)w)P)} exception. Your opponent's King must be jumpy, or at
%$NGwIBHR} least have a “crazy itch,” in order to leave the e8-square
v,./9EFJMV voluntarily, walking directly into checkmate on e7. The
moves used to reach the position are beneath the
1. e4 e5 2.Qh5 and diagram.
2...Ke8-e7?? 3.Qxh5#.
Essential Question, Level IV: Analysis
What conclusions can you draw about Black’s play from
this position and his early defeat?

The second checkmate in three moves: the Knight's Dream.

cuuuuuuuuC The second checkmate in three moves is slightly more
(rdb1kgn4} logical in terms of development and Opening principles,
70p0p0p0p} though not by much. White does at least start with a
great move, 1.e4; however, when White meets 1...Nc6
6wdwdwdwd} with the terrible 2.Ne2?! , he blocks his own King,
5dwdwdwdw} Queen, and Bishop. With this kind of neglectful
&whwdPdwd} development, disaster is bound to strike!
2P)w)N)P)} Black can then follow up with 2...Nb4 (2...Ne5 can also
%$NGQIBdR} reach the d3-square in three moves, though it doesn't
v,./9EFJMV “tempt” White into the horrific blunder on move three
like 2…Nb4 does), and when White can't help but attack
1. e4 Nc6 2.Ne2 Nb4 the b4-Knight with the terrible move 3.c3??, Black
3.c3?? Nd3. delivers mate with 3...Nd3#.

Essential Questions, Level IV: Analysis

Using the knowledge you’ve gained about the Opening
stage, can you identify White’s first mistake in this

Lesson 7  Page 5
The Scholar's Mate, step 1: White develops the Queen early for
cuuuuuuuuC The weakest squares in chess are f7 and f2, as these
(rdb1kgn4} squares are defended by the Kings alone to start every
70p0pdp0p} chess game (which should serve as another good
reminder of the importance of castling, as we learned in
6wdndwdwd} Lesson 5). The plan 1.e4 e5 2.Qh5 targets the f7-square,
5dwdw0wdQ} but also attacks the e5-Pawn.
3dwdwdwdw} Unlike any of the previous three “quick mates,” the
2P)P)w)P)} Scholar's Mate cannot totally be classified as a “help
%$NGwIBHR} mate.” If Black is to develop 2...Nf6, for example, White
v,./9EFJMV would then play 3.Qxe5+, checking and winning a Pawn.

When White develops Black's best move, 2...Nc6, defends the e5-Pawn, but
2.Qh5, the natural 2...Nc6 leaves the door open for the trap key to the Scholar’s
defends the e5-Pawn. Mate idea. Once White develops the f1-Bishop to the c4-
square, Black must not focus solely on the development of
his King side or on attacking White's Queen. Black must
remember the weakness on f7.

Essential Questions, Level V: Synthesis

Can you think of an original way to explain to a beginning
chess player, in two paragraphs or less, why Black needs
to defend the e5-Pawn with 2…Nc6 before attacking the
White Queen with 2…Nf6?

Lesson 7  Page 6
The Scholar's Mate, step 2: Black falls into White's trap.
Checkmate on f7!
cuuuuuuuuC After the natural, yet terrible blunder, 3...Nf6??, White
(rdb1kgw4} uses the h5-e8 diagonal to “slip around” the f6-Knight
70p0pdQ0p} and capture the f7-Pawn, delivering checkmate and
leaving the Black King stunned as to why his army did
6wdndwh*d} not come to his defense! Notice White's Queen is
5dwdw0wd*} defended by the Bishop on c4.
3dwdwdwdw} Black did indeed have multiple ways to defend this
2P)P)w)P)} tricky threat of checkmate. 3...Qe7, 3...Qf6, 3...Nh6, and
%$NGwIwHR} the best move, 3...g6. 3...g6 chases the White Queen
v,./9EFJMV from h5, and after 4..Nf6 and 5...Bg7, Black has
completed development and is ready to castle Kingside,
After 3.Bc4, it is easy for bringing safety to the King and completing Kingside
Black to blunder 3...Nf6, development.
attacking the Queen.
Essential Question, Level V: Synthesis
Can you modify the position in the diagram and explain
which two pieces of Black’s would be needed for a
similar attack against White’s f2-square?

Lesson 7  Page 7
The “Helpers” Four-Move checkmate, step 1: develop and
hope for help.
cuuuuuuuuC There is another common way beginners will try for a
(rhb1kgn4} “quick mate,” similar to the Scholar’s Mate we just
70p0pdp0p} learned. The Bishop's Opening—defined as 1.e4 e5
2.Bc4—is not a bad approach for White, as it does
6wdwdw8wd} develop a piece and attack the weakest square.
5dwdw0wdw} However, should it be met by 2...Nf6, attacking the e4-
&wdBdPdwd} Pawn and closing off access to his weak f7-square.
2P)P)w)P)} After 2...Nf6, White would likely defend the e4-Pawn
%$NGQIwHR} with either 3.d3 or 3.Nc3. Both players would then
v,./9EFJMV focus on completing their development as they prepare
to castle their Kings and battle in the Middlegame.
The natural 2...Nf6 would However, if Black is in a “helpful” mood, he might
both attack the e4-Pawn choose a less aggressive path, and allow White to
and prevent checkmate increase the pressure on f7.
and it is Black’s best
move. Essential Question, Level VI: Evaluation
Using what you’ve learned about the Opening stage,
how would you evaluate this position if you faced it in
one of your games, and what would be the goals for
both players at this current stage?

Lesson 7  Page 8
The “Helper’s” Four-Move checkmate, step 2: help is on the
cuuuuuuuuC To learn our second version of the Four-Move
(rdb1kdn4} checkmate, let’s assume that Black instead chooses a
70p0pdQ0p} second move such as 2...Nc6. White could then continue
with 3.Qf3 (3.Qh5 is similar to Scholar’s Mate). Both
6wdndwdwd} moves threaten to capture f7, and when another
5dwgw0wd*} “neglectful” developing move such as 3...Bc5?? is made,
&wdBdPdwd} White can end the game with 4.Qxf7#.
2P)P)w)P)} This second four-move checkmate is referred to as the
%$NGwIwHR} “helper's” mate because Black's moves were dubious
v,./9EFJMV and helped White's plan to attack f7. Black ignored
defense of the weakest square. If Black had chosen
Black would need to more logical moves (either 2...Nf6, or a move to defend
blunder on move 3, f7, on move 3) there would have been no checkmate in
allowing 4.Qxf7#. four moves.

Essential Question, Level V: Synthesis

How would you reconstruct the concept of the “Helper’s
Mate” for Black to checkmate White on f2 early in the

Lesson 7  Page 9
Part 2: Other Basic Checkmate Ideas and
Key Concepts
 The Back Rank checkmate.
 The Smothered checkmate.
 Simple “Support Mates” and basic checkmate strategy.

Back Rank checkmate, example 1: the “Rook roller” pattern.

cuuuuuuuuC Now that we have learned the quick mates and the
(Rdwdwdkd} most basic checkmates that can occur in the Opening
7dRdwd*8*} stage of a game (Part 1), here we take a look at
several fundamental checkmate ideas and patterns
6wdwdwdwd} that every beginning chess player should know,
5dwdwdwdw} though they occur far from the beginning stage.
3dwdwdwdw} The “Back Rank Mate” is simply defined as a
2wdwdwdwd} checkmate where the enemy King is trapped against
%dwdwdwdw} his own back rank. Here we see an example familiar
v,./9EFJMV to us, as we learned this pattern in Part 2 of Lesson 4.

Black's King is trapped Essential Question, Level IV: Analysis

against the back rank. Can you assess the value or importance of knowing this
mate, especially if one is a beginner in chess?

Lesson 7  Page 10
Back Rank checkmate, example 2: the King is trapped by his
own army.
cuuuuuuuuC Perhaps the most common version of a Back Rank Mate
(Rdwdwdkd} is when the enemy King finds himself trapped along the
7dwdwdp0p} back row (on either the first or eighth rank) by his own
Pawns. Notice that Black's Pawns “replace” all the
6wdwdwdwd} squares the White Rook on b7 guarded in example 1.
&wdwdwdwd} To avoid this catastrophe, in some cases a player may
3dwdwdwdw} move one of the Pawns in front of the King forward
2wdwdwdwd} ahead of time. Imagine the Black h-Pawn on h6 rather
%dwdwdwdw} than h7, thus providing the h7 square as an escape
v,./9EFJMV route for the otherwise trapped King. This is a common
defensive idea, preventing a Back Rank Mate tactic from
Black's King is trapped taking place, and should be remembered by all
against the back rank... by beginners.
his own Pawns!
Essential Question, Level V: Synthesis
Can you construct a diagram or position using a chess
board that would change this position so that there is
no Back Rank Mate?

The Smothered Checkmate: the King created his own prison.

cuuuuuuuuC Here we have a “Smothered Checkmate.” This
(wdwdwdri} checkmate is called smothered because the King is
7dwdwdN0p} squeezed in by its own pieces and cannot breathe.
6wdwdwdwd} There are many beautiful combinations that climax in a
5dwdwdwdw} smothered checkmate position, such as you see here.
&wdwdwdwd} The notorious “Venus Fly Trap” named after the deadly
3dwdwdwdw} flower, can be seen in action in both
2wdwdwdwd} videos and articles.
v,./9EFJMV Only a Knight can deliver a Smothered Mate, as by
definition, the King must be directly surrounded by his
White has just delivered own pieces, and only the Knight can deliver a check
the final blow: 1.Nf7 without directly facing the King on an open diagonal or
mate. file.

Lesson 7  Page 11
Essential Question, Level V: Synthesis
Can you construct your own smothered mate for Black,
starting with an empty board? For extra credit, can you
use the Web (and to find an article or
video on the Venus Fly Trap or a different Smothered

A Support Checkmate, example 1.

cuuuuuuuuC One final basic mating pattern all beginning chess
(wdwdwdwd} players should know is a Support Mate. Unlike the Back
7dwdwdwdw} Rank or Smothered Mate, a Support Mate requires the
help of another piece. This teammate provides
6wdwdwdwd} protection for the Queen as she delivers the final blow.
5dwdwdwdw} You already learned and mastered one example of a
&wdwdwdwd} Support Mate pattern when you learned the King and
3dwdwdpdw} Queen Mate in Lesson 3.
%dwdwdwIw} Here we see a common example for the Support Mate.
v,./9EFJMV The Black Queen on g2, checkmating the White King on
g1, is protected by the Pawn on f3. This pattern can
The Black Queen is occur on any edge of the board: The first and eighth
defended by the f3-Pawn. ranks, or the a- and h-files. Imagine replacing that Pawn
on f3 with a Black King, and you have a position similar
to the mating technique you learned in Lesson 3, Part 1.

Essential Question, Level VI: Evaluation

Other than the Pawn and the King, is there another
piece that could be placed on f3 that would protect the
Queen? Can you image placing other pieces on the
board to protect the Queen on g2?

Lesson 7  Page 12
A Support Checkmate, example 2.
cuuuuuuuuC A Support Mate occurs when the Queen gives
(wiwdwdwd} checkmate and is protected by either a Pawn or a piece.
7dQdwdwdw} However, the protecting piece is not required to be right
next to the Queen. Some pieces can protect from far
6wd*dwdwd} away! In many cases, the Queen is guarded by a Knight,
5dwd*dwdw} Bishop, or Rook.
3dwdwd*dw} With White's last move being 1.Qb7 checkmate, we see
2wdwdwd*d} the trapped Black King with no safe squares. Black
%dwdwdwIB} cannot capture the enemy First Lady because of the h1-
v,./9EFJMV Bishop's long-range protection. Like the “King and
Queen versus King” checkmate in Lesson 3, Part 1, the
Despite being far away, lone Queen can chase and corner an enemy King, but
the h1-Bishop protects the she needs help to finish the job.
checkmating Queen.
Essential Question, Level VI: Evaluation
Based on what you’ve learned, how would you explain a
Support Mate to someone new to chess?

Lesson 7  Page 13
Lesson 7 Summary and Linking Content to Standards
In this lesson, students learned several examples of quick checkmates, and some of the
most basic, critical checkmating patterns that can be used with a variety of different pieces
in different positions. This lesson aligns with Research to Build and Present Knowledge
Comprehension and Collaboration of the K-5 Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for
English Language Arts: Speaking and Listening, but also applies Geometry, Counting
concepts, Number names and count sequence (1st-2nd), and Addition and subtraction
within numbers less than 20 (for first and second grades), by emphasizing patterns and
teaching students how to finish a chess game with varying checkmates. These advanced
chess concepts provide students with skills necessary to advancing in the curriculum and
in their tournament games.

Students first learned examples of the quickest checkmates that are possible in a chess
game, and then were challenged to understand the limitations of attempting to checkmate
your opponent in these fast strategies. Next, students learned several of the most critical
checkmating patterns, including the Back Rank checkmate, Smothered Mate, and a Support
Checkmate. Learning these checkmate patterns will allow future mastery of more complex
tactical and checkmate patterns (starting in Lesson 9), and will also provide key instruction
on piece coordination and successful endgames.

Additionally, students are now able to use pieces cohesively and to think ahead, a critical
skill required in the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers
(PARCC). CCSS Math Content is addressed by requiring the student to express grade/course
level-appropriate mathematical reasoning by constructing arguments that are valid,
critiquing the reasoning of others in a collaborative setting, and/or attending to precision
when making mathematical statements. Another PARCC expectation is the CCSS ELA.-
Literacy.SL. (Speaking and Listening) component, where students apply the skills of
expressing ideas, collaborating with peers cooperatively, effectively elaborating on their
thoughts and understanding, and building on one another’s ideas to increase
understanding of a topic.

Lesson 7  Page 14
Vertical Alignment: Common Core State Standards K-5

Speaking and Listening: ELA-Literacy. SL K-5 Comprehension and Collaboration

Writing: ELA-Literacy-Writing K-5: Write and Express Ideas

Mathematics: G.A.1 and 2 K-5: Geometry

Mathematics: Know Number Names and Count Sequence

Reading: Reading Informational Text: RI: K-5

Phonics and Recognition: ELA-Literacy.RF.1.3 and 2.3 (1-2)

Literacy: Vocabulary Acquisition and Use: ELA-Literacy.L.2.4 and 2.6 (2-5)

How to teach students Common Core Standards

to think critically about chess connection
Discussion, collaboration and sharing ideas SL: K-5
Finding patterns in a chess game G.A.1and 2 K-5
Knowing how to count sequentially and within 20 CC.OA.A.1 and 2 (K); OA.A.2,
OA.C.5,OA.B.2 (1-2)
Writing with expression ELA-Literacy.W. (K-5)
Opinion and argument about positions in a game RI: 1-3
Discussion about informational text RI: 4-5
Vocabulary development L.2.4 and 2.6 (2-5)
Develop foundational reading skills in decoding and ELA-Literacy.RF.1.3 and 2.3
recognition of new words (1-2)

Lesson 7  Page 15
Practice Pages
Practice 1: Famous checkmates

The following diagrams are checkmate in either one or two moves.

These famous patterns should be memorized by all beginning chess players.
cuuuuuuuuC cuuuuuuuuC
(wdw4w4wd} (rdwdwdwi}
7dwdwiwdw} 7dwdRdwdw}
6wdwdwdQd} 6wdwdwHwd}
5dwdwIwdw} 5dwdwdwdw}
&wdwdwdwd} &ndwdwdwd}
3dwdwdwdw} 3dwdwdw0w}
2wdwdwdwd} 2wdwdwdKd}
%dwdwdwdw} %dwdwdwdw}
v,./9EFJMV v,./9EFJMV
The “Swallow's Tail” Mate: The “Arabian” Mate:
White to play, checkmate in one move White to play, checkmate in one move

cuuuuuuuuC cuuuuuuuuC
(w4wdw4wi} (wdwdw4kd}
7dwdwdp$p} 7dwdwdpdw}
6wdwdwdwd} 6wdwdwdpd}
5dwdwdwdw} 5dwdwdwHp}
&wdwdwdwd} &wdwdwdwd}
3dwdwdwdw} 3dwdwdwdw}
2wGwdwdwd} 2wGBdwIwd}
%$wdwdwdK} %dwdwdwdQ}
v,./9EFJMV v,./9EFJMV
Pillsbury’s Mate: Blackburne’s Mate:
White to play, checkmate in two moves White to play, checkmate in two moves

Lesson 7  Page 16
Practice 1: Famous checkmates
The following diagrams are checkmate in either one or two moves.
These “famous” patterns should be memorized by all beginning chess players.
(Further descriptions with answer key.)

cuuuuuuuuC cuuuuuuuuC
(wdk4w4wd} (rdwdw4wi}
70pdndwdw} 7dwdwHp0p}
6wdpGwdwd} 6wdwdwdwd}
5dBdwdwdw} 5dwdwdwdw}
&wdwdwdwd} &wdwdwdwd}
3dwdwdwdP} 3dwdwdw)w}
2wdQdw)Pd} 2wdwdw)Kd}
%dwdwdwIw} %dQdwdRdw}
v,./9EFJMV v,./9EFJMV
Boden's (or “Criss-Cross”) Mate: Anastasia's Mate:
White to play, checkmate in two moves White to play, checkmate in two moves

cuuuuuuuuC cuuuuuuuuC
(rdwdw4wi} (rdw1kgn4}
7dwdwdw0w} 70p0wdp0p}
6wdwdwdw0} 6wdn0wdwd}
5dwdwdpHQ} 5dwdwHwdw}
&wdwdwdwd} &wdBdPdwd}
3dwdwdwdw} 3dwHwdwdP}
2Bdwdwdwd} 2P)P)w)Pd}
%dwdwdwIw} %$wGbIwdR}
v,./9EFJMV v,./9EFJMV
Greco's Mate: Legal's Mate:
White to play, checkmate in two moves White to play, checkmate in two moves

Lesson 7  Page 17
Practice 2: Guarding f2 and f7
In the following diagrams, there is a threat of either checkmate or the win of material
on the f2 or f7 square. Find the best way to guard the weakest squares against threats.
Circle your favorite piece that can protect,
and for bonus points, write your move below each diagram.

cuuuuuuuuC uuuuuuuuC
(rhbdkdn4} (rhbdkdn4}
70p0pdp0p} 70p0wdp0p}
6wdwdwdwd} 6wdpdwdwd}
5dwgw0wdw} 5dwgwHwdw}
&wdBdPdw1} &wdw1Pdwd}
3dwHwdwdw} 3dwHwdwdw}
2P)P)w)P)} 2P)P)w)P)}
%$wGQIwHR} %$wGQIwdR}
v,./9EFJMV v,./9EFJMV
How can White protect f2? How can White protect f2?
White to play _____. White to play _____.

cuuuuuuuuC cuuuuuuuuC
(rdb1kgw4} (rdb1kdn4}
70p0pdpdp} 70w0pdp0p}
6wdndwhpd} 6w0ngwdwd}
5dwdw0wdw} 5dwdw0wHw}
&wdBdPdwd} &wdBdPdwd}
3dQdwdwdw} 3dwdPdwdw}
2P)P)w)P)} 2P)Pdw)P)}
%$NGwIwHR} %$NGQIwdR}
v,./9EFJMV v,./9EFJMV
How can Black protect f7? How can Black protect f7?
White to play _____. White to play _____.

Lesson 7  Page 18
Answer Key

Practice Page 1: Famous checkmates

Diagram #1 1.Qe6#
Diagram #2 1.Rg8!! Kxg8 2.Rg1#
Diagram #3 1.Rh7#
Diagram #4 1.Qxh5 gxh5 (1...f8-R anywhere, Qh8# and 1...f6 or 1...f5 2.Qh7#) 2.Bh7#

Practice Page 2: Famous checkmates

Diagram #1 1.Qxc6+! bxc6 2.Ba6#

Diagram #2 1.Qg6! hxg5 (any other move 2.Qh7#) 2.Qh5#
Diagram #3 1.Qxh7+! Kxh7 2.Rh1#
Diagram #4 1.Bxf7+! Ke7 2.Nd5#

Practice Page 3: Guarding f2 and f7

Diagram #1 1.Qe2, 1.Qf3, 1.d4 and 1.Nh3 are correct.

1.Qe2 is best followed by developing the g1-Knight to f3.
Diagram #2 1...Qe7, 1...d5 and 1...Nd5 are correct.
1...Qe7 is best, as both of the other options lose material for Black.
Diagram #3 1.Qe2, 1.Qf3, 1.0-0, 1.Ng4 and 1.Nd3 are correct.
1.Nd3 is best as it is the only move that guards f2 and protects the e5-
Diagram #4 1...Nh6, 1...Qe7 and 1...Qf6 are correct. 1...Nh6 is best.

Lesson 7  Page 19
Classroom Activities

Activity 1: the Scholar’s Mate Tango

Activity goal: Practicing the main variations of the four-move checkmate,
recognition of the weakest squares f2 and f7, learning key
defensive strategies to avoid "quick" checkmates, and
recognition of the flaws of a failed four-move attempt:
underdeveloped pieces, Queen getting chased around the
board, and other weakening moves (Part 1).

Comprehension and Speaking and Listening: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL. 1.A, 1.B (K-5),

collaboration: 1.C., 1.D., (2-5) ; CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.2,3 (K-5),CCSS.ELA-
Literacy.SL.6 (K) (See Appendix)

Research to Build and CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.(K-1)

Present Knowledge:
Geometry: CCSS: Math. Content. G.A.1 (K-5), G.A.2 (K-3)

Counting: CCSS.Math.Content. CC.A.1 and 2 (K-1) CC.B.4 (K),

CCSS.Math.Content.10A.A.1 and 2 (1st grade),

 Set up the chessboard and pieces in the starting positions and pair the students off.
 First, the student with the White pieces will attempt a Scholar’s Mate checkmate
against the f7-square. The student with the Black pieces will make no moves. The first
player will demonstrate their basic knowledge of the four-move pattern and how to
attack an opponent's weakest square.
 Reset the board. Now, White will attempt the Scholar’s Mate checkmate again, but
now his opponent will also make moves with the Black pieces. Black should attempt
to defend against the checkmate, as he or she knows it is coming!
 If Black successfully defends against the Scholar’s Mate threat, reward her or him
with a small prize (small toy, treat, or other classroom reinforcement such as free
 Now, have the partners switch. The student who played White will now play Black,
and repeat the same exercise. If this student successfully defends against the
Scholar’s Mate as Black, reward him or her with a reinforcement.

Students can attempt this exercise multiple times, each time trying to defend against the
Scholar’s Mate in a different way.

Lesson 7  Page 20
Activity 2: Draw some support
Activity goal: Understanding the power of the Queen in checkmating
patterns; reinforcing ideas of the “support” checkmate and
how each piece contributes in a different way; to reward and
provide encouragement for the basic task of setting up
different checkmating patterns. (Part 2)

Geometry: CCSS: Math. Content. G.A.1 (K-5)

Counting: CCSS.Math.Content. CC.A.1 and 2 (K-1)

Addition and subtraction CCSS.Math.Content.1.OA.A.2,1.OA.C5; 2.OA.B.2 (1-2) (See

within 20: Appendix)

 Setup empty boards and hand each student only one piece: a Queen.
 Have each student draw one additional piece (Pawn, Bishop, Knight, and Rook) out of
a “mystery bag” of pieces.
 Each student must use their Queen and the piece that they drew from the mystery
bag to create a “support” checkmate against a randomly placed Black King on an edge
of the board.
 Make sure the student can create at least one “support” checkmate with that piece
before letting her or him reach into the mystery bag for a different piece.
 Once the mate is created, have the student draw a different piece out of the mystery
bag, and create different “support” checkmate with his or her Queen and the new
 Students can try to create up to five different “support” checkmates with the different

Bonus activity:
Award a grand prize to the student who sets up the most “support” checkmates in a
certain amount of time (racing against the clock, perhaps. If there are only 5 or 10
minutes left in the class, this will make it fun for the students). All students who set up X
amount of “support” checkmates can also earn a prize; Teacher/Coach can vary prizes
and giveaways based on class size, retention, and age.

Lesson 7  Page 21

Playing Tournament-
Level Chess
Lesson 20 focuses on the ultimate goal all chess players have: successful tournament play.
By now, students have mastered many of the fundamentals of chess, and they are ready to
put those skills to the test in a competitive environment. This lesson highlights some of the
key critical thinking tools students can use as weapons in developing their own plans and
limiting the plans their opponent may have throughout the course of a game.

Part 1 emphasizes that chess is less about memorization and more about understanding.
Using the skills a player has developed on strategic and tactical levels should help guide
them through positions they may not otherwise be sure how to handle. There are examples
of how to organize your thoughts and formulate a plan at any stage of the game—the
Opening, the Middlegame, and the Endgame. Part 2 highlights the concept of prophylactic
thinking, when a student must play to thwart a serious threat an opponent may have in the
immediate or near future. Students are shown several examples of famous players using
prophylactic thinking in their own games. Part 3 shifts the focus to three ways a chess game
can end in a draw, all of which are useful to tournament players: perpetual check, three-
fold repetition, and the 50-move draw rule. Knowing these ways to claim a draw can help a
student when a position looks dire, and can turn what might otherwise be a loss into a split

The Classroom Activities help students feel confident to enter a competitive tournament
setting. While not all students will play tournament chess, the skills learned in this lesson
will prepare any student before entering any competitive event. The advanced critical
thinking skills, along with the prophylactic training, align with Common Core State
Standards (K-5) expectations of Geometry: angles, lines, shapes and coordinates, and ELA-
Literacy: Speaking and Listening.

Lesson 20  Page 2
Teacher’s Guide
The key points of Lesson 20 are clearly practical, and in many ways, the beginning of chess
psychology. Players can learn the X's and O's of basic strategy and tactics from self-taught
methods (books, curricula such as this one, etc.), but without guidance or some form of
psychological advice, they never truly develop the ability to apply their knowledge in

Our main goal in this lesson is to provide something that many books about chess do not: a
user's guide to critical thinking skills in chess. Many of the concepts recommended in
regards to a player's thought process could have been expanded upon in much greater
detail. However, in keeping it relatively simple, we hope that beginning chess players will
have a chance at immediately using the basics of critical thinking described in this lesson in
their games.

Prophylactic thinking is much easier said than done. We did not provide Practice Pages on
this subject, as we intend for a Teacher/Coach to use the positions given in Part 2 in an
open classroom question-and-answer format, discussing prophylactic thinking strategies in
a practical setting. The basics of “why did my opponent go there” were already discussed in
Lesson 6, so going any deeper into prophylactic exercises would prove too abstract for
children to follow at this level.

Practical Notes and Advice—Lesson 20

 When teaching the practical advice offered in Lesson 20, try to refer back to an earlier
lesson that touched on each subject in more detail. Example: “In Lesson 6, we learned
Openings, right, everyone? So this is what our thought process might be during the
Opening while we try to follow the basic rules of development.” In this way, the abstract
concepts of thinking are applied concretely to what students have already learned.

 Review the rules of Part 3 and make sure you fully understand the technicalities of each
draw claim a player might make during a game before explaining them to your students.
Otherwise, an inaccurate first impression of the rule might be a lasting one for certain

Lesson 20  Page 3
Lesson 20
Part 1: Finding High-Level Plans and Critical
Thinking in Chess
Key Concepts
 How to “put it all together” in chess.
 Critical thinking skills and advanced planning.

Everything you have learned in this curriculum, from the basics of the game, how the pieces
move, the fundamental principles of development and Opening strategy, to tactics, basic
and advanced Pawn play, and Endgame technique, has prepared you for this final lesson.
You are almost an experienced scholastic chess player ready to take on the world of
tournament chess, and succeed!

But how does it all come together? Learning to apply what you know is often much more
important than knowing everything (if that were even possible). Possessing the ability or
thinking tools to figure out something you don't know or a position you have never seen is
far more important than your ability to memorize what you are taught.

Let's talk about planning and critical thinking skills. How can you transition from just
knowing things to actually applying what you’ve learned in your own chess games? It isn't
always easy, but let's try to simplify a few important concepts.

Lesson 20  Page 4
Critical thinking, organizing your thoughts, and finding a
plan: the Opening.
cuuuuuuuuC You know there are many things, perhaps too many, to
(rhb1kgn4} think about even before your first move. Below is our
70p0p0p0p} list of steps to success for putting together what you
know about the Opening stage of a chess game:
5dwdwdwdw} Don't just develop pieces—develop plans! Here’s how:
&wdwdwdwd} 1) Start out by always attacking the center.
3dwdwdwdw} 2) As the Pawn structure changes, different paths
2P)P)P)P)} (diagonals, squares and files) will become available to
%$NGQIBHR} your pieces. Be willing to change, relocate, and adjust
v,./9EFJMV when needed.
3) As the structure becomes clear, develop a plan first,
Follow the steps to and then develop your pieces accordingly. Don’t ever
Opening success. Use this make moves thinking, “I’ll figure out my plan after I get
section as practical advice castled.”
on how to apply all the X's 4) Think about your plan from the beginning.
and O's you have learned
so far. Essential Question, Level V: Synthesis
What plans can be chosen, and what steps can be taken,
to minimize your chances for losing right out of the

Lesson 20  Page 5
Critical thinking, organizing your thoughts, and finding a
plan: the Middlegame.
cuuuuuuuuC The Middlegame is the ultimate battlefield, where you
(wdr4wdkd} and your opponent's armies collide, often in heaps of
70whw1pgp} forks, pins, skewers, and other tactics. Knowing how to
find and target positional weaknesses is essential.
5dwdp)wHw} Play No Hope chess. Always play what's best for you,
&Pdw)wd*d} and expect the best move from your opponent. “Hope
3dw)wdwdP} chess” is when you are playing for tactics or tricks
2wdBGw)Pd} based on your opponent missing your threat or not
%$wdQ$wIw} playing the best move.
Remember the advice you’ve been given throughout
In this complicated this curriculum.
Middlegame, White  Attack in the direction of your Pawns, or in the
developed a plan of center, if it is open.
20.Qg4 followed by h4-h5  Look for big three opportunities:
for a Kingside attack.  Can you check?
Black couldn't stop this  Can you capture?
idea, because the Pawn  Can you attack the Queen?
structure supports White's  Find and target positional weaknesses first and
Kingside attack. foremost, as they are the enduring features in the
 Your opponent might find the best moves, but if you
are attacking something that is positional and can't
be undone, his or her best moves may not be able to
stop you!

Essential Question, Level V: Synthesis

Can you elaborate further on the critical thinking
concepts required and applied when developing a plan
that your opponent cannot stop?

Lesson 20  Page 6
Critical thinking, organizing your thoughts, and finding a
plan: the Endgame.
cuuuuuuuuC If an Endgame is reached where one side has a
(wdwdwdr8} significant material advantage, we will leave those
70wdwdpd*} games up to technique, because those positions should
be winnable by keeping it simple (Lesson 16). Here we
6windwdw8} are going to talk more about the critical thinking
5dwdwdwd*} process during a roughly equal Endgame:
&wdwdwdP8}  Fewer pieces means less room for mistakes, so
3)wdw$*dP} never take an Endgame lightly.
2wdNdKdwd}  Unfortunately, many players play Endgames as if
%dwdwdwdw} the opposite is true: when there are fewer pieces,
v,./9EFJMV they move quickly and spend little effort. Don't do
In this game, White played  The correct approach to an Endgame is to think of
1.Kf3!, protecting the g4- it as allowing less room for error, and make every
Pawn so that he might decision like it could be your last.
advance the passed h-  Take a moment to see what positional
Pawn. By recognizing that weaknesses have carried over from the
advantage, White was Middlegame. Target the opponent's weaknesses
able to achieve a winning and defend your own.
position because of the  Do you have any passed Pawns? If yes, develop a
outside passed h-Pawn. plan of advancement. Do you have any pretending
passed Pawns? If yes, develop a plan to trade.
 Prevent your opponent from doing the same.

Essential Question, Level V: Synthesis

Can you invent some questions you could ask yourself
in a crucial Endgame position that would help you make
the fewest errors possible?

Lesson 20  Page 7
Part 2: Prophylactic Thinking in Chess
Key Concepts
 What is prophylactic thinking?
 Advanced critical thinking: stopping your opponent's threats.

The bad news? Every checkmate attack and tactic you try to come up with for yourself,
every plan based on targeting a positional weakness, and every single thing we covered in
Part 1 that should be your thought process is also going to factor into your opponent's plan.
Wait a second: everything we learned will be something we also must consider our
opponent might try to do? That’s right! So what do we do?

Welcome to chess, the most difficult game in the world! That's what it's all about: Learning
as much as you can—which you are doing by reading this curriculum—and realizing that
stopping your opponent from doing the same, while carrying out your own plans, is what
makes chess so hard.

As in many of the last few lessons, we're going to give the short and simple version of very
deep and advanced chess concepts, so don't get frustrated if it is a lot to take in. Instead,
focus again on the fact that incorporating these general concepts and critical thinking skills
into your games is better done sooner rather than later.

Lesson 20  Page 8
The definition of prophylactic thinking in chess.
uuuuuuuuC Prophylaxis, or prophylactic thinking, is the act of
(wdk4wgw4} focusing not only on stopping your opponent's
70p0n1pdw} immediate threats or tactics, but on preventing their
overall plans and goals from becoming reality. It is
6wdwdbdw0} defined loosely as “future defensive-mindedness” or
5dQdpdwdw} “thinking defensively about the future.”
3dwHwdw)w} As you improve, recognizing and stopping your
2P)Pdw)Pd} opponent's immediate threats isn't too hard. Yet even
%dwIRdBdR} for the best players in the world, prophylactic thinking
v,./9EFJMV is a skill to be constantly improved. It takes a lot of
discipline to think about your opponent first and put
No, Marshall did not miss your own plans second. It doesn't sound fun, does it?
it. If 2.Nxd5 Bxd5 3.Qxd5 But it is ultimately the road to chess success. In this
Qg5+! 4.Qxg5 hxg5, the game, Frank Marshall just played 1...0-0-0 as Black
h4-Knight is pinned! against World Champion Emanuel Lasker. Did Marshall
miss 2.Nxd5? Think about your weaknesses!

Essential Question, Level V: Synthesis

Prophylactic thinking in chess is about the proper
anticipation and prevention of your opponent’s ideas,
plans, and threats. Can you imagine a real-life
comparison to emphasize the importance of thinking of
others around you, what their goals and plans might be,
and how those goals and plans can affect you in a
negative or positive way?

Lesson 20  Page 9
Prophylactic thinking, example 2: Lautier, J. – Kasparov, G.
Tilburg 1997 1/2.
cuuuuuuuuC In this famous game, the first grandmaster failed to
(wdwdwdw4} apply prophylactic thinking when he played 20.Rc7?,
7$wdwgk0p} and the second grandmaster (reigning world champion
at the time) failed to punish him. This example, like the
6wdpdp0wd} previous one, tells us to be aware of our potential
5dwdwdwdw} weaknesses constantly, even if we don't see an
&w)wdPdwd} immediate way for them to be attacked.
2wGwdw)P)} The potential weakness we refer to for White is the
%dwdwdwIw} back rank. After 1.Rc7, a draw was agreed, as both sides
v,./9EFJMV simply assumed the c-Pawn would be traded for the b-
Pawn. However, 20...c5!! would have won the game for
Even if you don't see how Black! If White plays 21.bxc5 then 21...Rb8, and
your opponent can suddenly White is losing either the b2-Bishop or getting
expose your weaknesses, back rank checkmated. If White does nothing after
always be aware of them. 20...c5, Black will win the b-Pawn. Even the best players
in the world forget to consider all of their opponent’s

Essential Question, Level V: Synthesis

Suppose you were in this position and were offered a
draw. What could you do before accepting the draw?
Think about prophylactic thinking!

Lesson 20  Page 10
Prophylactic thinking, example 3: Fischer, R. – Bolbochan, J.
Stockholm 1962 1-0.
cuuuuuuuuC In this game, the great American champion, Bobby
(wdr1w4kd} Fischer, has just established his Knight on the strong
7dwdwgp0p} outpost at d5. He now has the option to keep the Knight
on this post and try to develop an attack (likely on the
6pdw0wdwd} Kingside), or consider trading the Knight for the Bishop
5dpdN0w)w} on e7, for the chance of winning the d6-Pawn.
&wdwdPdw)} Prophylaxis?
2P)P!wdwd} 1.Nxe7+ would be a terrible move, not only because it
%dKdRdwdw} gives up the Knight for that big Pawn on e7, but also
v,./9EFJMV because after 1...Qxe7 2.Qxd6 would lose immediately
to 2...Rfd8!!, either winning White's Queen or delivering
When you calculate, back rank checkmate after 3.Qxe7 Rxd1#. Did you
always consider your recognize White's potential weakness as the back rank
opponent's ideas too. mate here?

Essential Question, Level IV: Analysis

What is the function of White’s Rook on d1 as it relates
to protecting White’s biggest potential weakness on the
board—the back rank?

Lesson 20  Page 11
Prophylactic thinking, example 4: Teschner, R. – Portisch, L.
Monaco 1969 1/2.
cuuuuuuuuC In our final example, it is White to play. Teschner was
(kdrdrdwd} down a Pawn and so played the move 29.Rxd5?? He
70pdwdwdp} clearly was not thinking prophylactically about his
weaknesses, or at least not enough. Fortunately for him,
6w1wdwdwd} however, the great Portisch didn’t notice White's
5dwdpdN0w} weakness either.
3dPdwdPdw} Portisch responded with 29...Qa6?, completely missing
2wdQdRdP)} 29...Qf2!!, threatening 30...Qf1 checkmate and winning
%dwdRdwdK} the game on the spot. 29...Qa6 was met by 30.Ng3,
v,./9EFJMV which defended everything. White went onto draw the
game despite making that horrific blunder on move 29.
One final example of lack Note if after 29...Qf2 Black plays 30.Rxf2 then 30...Re1+
of prophylaxis. and mate.

Essential Question, Level V: Synthesis

How would you change your own lack of prophylaxis in
your chess games to create a different outcome (a win
instead of a draw, a draw instead of a loss, etc.) with a
more organized thought process?

Lesson 20  Page 12
Part 3: Perpetual Check, Three-Fold Repetition,
and the 50-Move Draw
Key Concepts
 What is perpetual check?
 What is three-fold repetition?
 The 50-move draw rule.

Perpetual check: the never-ending-ongoing-eternity of

cuuuuuuuuC A perpetual check occurs when one side can force a
(khNdwdwd} draw by a never-ending series of checks. These checks
7dpdwdwdw} must be unavoidable for it to be considered truly
perpetual. Often, a perpetual check is used as a bail out
6p8wdwdwd} when one player is worse, perhaps even losing, without
5dwdwdwdw} the perpetual.
3dwdwdwdw} Here, White is worse, and needs to use the perpetual
2wdwdwdwd} check (see the moves listed beneath the diagram) in
%dKdwdwdw} order to save the game. White would have decent
v,./9EFJMV drawing chances without it, but best play would surely
lead to Black capitalizing on the two-Pawn advantage
1.Nb6+ Ka7 2.Nc8+ Ka8 and winning the game.
3.Nb6+ etc. White draws
by perpetual check. Essential Question, Level I: Knowledge
Why might it make sense to bail out in a position with a
draw, rather than play on in an otherwise worse or
losing position? Can you explain this to one of your

Lesson 20  Page 13
Perpetual check can save your bad position.
cuuuuuuuuC Our second example shows a position where, unlike the
(kdwdwdwd} first, White would have no chance of saving the game
7dpdwdwdw} without a possible perpetual check against the open
Black King. A situation like this might occur when one
6wdpdw4wd} player has sacrificed some material for an attack, but
5dwdQdwhw} when the attack comes up short, that player must look
&wdwgwdwd} for a way to bail out with a perpetual check.
2PdwdwdP)} White has to be careful here with which check to give
%dwdwdwdK} first, 1.Qd8+ or 1.Qa5+. Which do you think? 1.Qd8!+ is
v,./9EFJMV necessary. After 1...Ka7 White achieves perpetual with
2.Qa5+ Kb8 3.Qd8+ Ka7 4.Qa5+ Kb8 5.Qd8+, etc. 1.Qa5+
White's attack came up first would lose, as it allows Black's Bishop to block on
short, and so White must a7. After 1...Ba7 2.Qd8+ Bb8 3.Qa5+ and 3...Qa7!,
take the perpetual check winning.
in order to hold a draw.
Essential Question, Level I: Knowledge
Assume that White made the mistake of playing 1.Qa5+
first. After the move 3…Qa7 stops the perpetual, how
should Black easily win the position? Can you explain a
clear step-by-step plan for Black to win?

Our final lessons involve two very important rules that every chess player, scholastic or
adult, needs to know. Other than a draw reached by perpetual check, a draw reached by
mutual agreement—meaning one player offers a draw and the other accepts—or the
classic King versus King draw, there are two other ways a chess game can arrive at a draw,
both of them applied in international tournament play.

Lesson 20  Page 14
Three-fold repetition, also known as repetition of position.
cuuuuuuuuC Because this rule can be slightly confusing, we will first
(wdw8w8wd} quote the exact language from the FIDE (International
7dwdwdpiw} Chess Federation) handbook:
6wdwdwdwd} “The game is drawn, upon a correct claim by the player
5dwdwdw!p} having the move, when the same position, for at least the
&wdwdwdnd} third time (not necessarily by sequential repetition of
3dPdw)wdw} moves):
2P1wdwdwd} a. is about to appear, if he/she first writes his/her
%dBdwdwIw} move on his/her scoresheet and declares his/her
v,./9EFJMV intention to make this move that repeats the position, or
b. has just appeared, and the player claiming the draw
Note that three-fold has the move.”
repetition does not
necessarily have to be What this means is that when a position has occurred
reached by checks (not three times in the game, either player can claim a draw
the same as perpetual), on their move. It must be the exact position, however,
though this game was not a single Pawn changed! But it doesn't have to be
agreed to a draw by repeated in three consecutive moves, which is what
checks because neither many players incorrectly believe.
player wanted to risk
Essential Question, Level I: Knowledge
Explain the difference between Repetition of Position
and Perpetual Check.

Lesson 20  Page 15
The 50-move draw rule: the enforced draw due to of lack of
cuuuuuuuuC The 50-move draw rule was put in place to prevent
(wdwdwdwd} players from playing forever in drawn positions.
7dwdwdwdw} Basically, the rule prevents one side from trying to win
solely on time, or by causing his or her opponent
6wdwdw$wd} fatigue (make them tired). The rule states that a draw
5dwIwdwdw} can be claimed by either player if fifty moves have been
&wdwdwdwd} made (by each player) with no captures or Pawn moves
3dwdwdwiw} on either side.
%dwdwdwdw} Making a capture and/or moving a Pawn are two things
v,./9EFJMV that suggest progress in chess, so if too many moves go
by without either, the game is deemed, or can be
One example of a dead claimed, a draw. Fifty moves are considered more than
drawn ending would be enough time to checkmate the opponent in any of the
Rook versus Rook. The 50- basic checkmate patterns (Lesson 4, for example). This
move rule prevents this is another reason why it is important to learn and
game from going on memorize the basic checkmate patterns!
Essential Question, Level I: Knowledge
How is the 50-move draw rule applied advantageously
for chess players?

Lesson 20  Page 16
Lesson 20 Summary and Linking Content to Standards
In Lesson 20, students learned how to put all the skills that they have learned to the test.
They focused on how to organize their thoughts and ideas into coherent, well-thought-out
plans, while also being aware of the threats their opponents may be trying to execute.
Strong critical thinking skills and the ability to discuss one's thinking and ideas with others
aligns with the Common Core State Standards: ELA-Literacy: Speaking and Listening. This
lesson enhances students' collaboration and communication skills while applying
Geometrical skills they have continued to learn and express over the chess board.

The lesson prepared students for competitive tournament situations by showing students
how to think and organize strategic plans under pressure. Additionally, they learned how
to effectively predict an opponent’s threats and stop them by using prophylactic thinking
before those threats even happen. Students also learned some important ways in which a
game can end in a draw. These three concepts are perpetual check, three-fold repetition,
and the 50-move draw rule, all of which can save a student in a position that may seem
hopeless and actually force the game to end in a draw and a split point.

Students are now ready for competitive tournament play. These advanced critical thinking
skills aid students in utilizing all of the fundamental skills and ideas they have learned in
this entire curriculum, as well as aid them in developing the skill of elaborating on their
thinking and discussing their ideas collaboratively with others. These skills connect to
district-mandated district assessments like Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for
College and Careers (PARCC), where students demonstrate the ability to take information
provided and express ideas with others through collaboration. Elaborating on the
information provided enables the student to demonstrate knowledge through constructed
responses on paper through writing, illustrations, and explanation.

Lesson 20  Page 17
Vertical Alignment: Common Core State Standards K-5

Speaking and Listening: ELA-Literacy. SL K-5 Comprehension and Collaboration

Writing: ELA-Literacy-Writing K-5: Write and Express Ideas

Mathematics: G.A.1 and 2 K-5: Geometry

Mathematics: Know Number Names and Count Sequence

Reading: Reading Informational Text: RI: K-5

Phonics and Recognition: ELA-Literacy.RF.1.3 and 2.3 (1-2)

Literacy: Vocabulary Acquisition and Use: ELA-Literacy.L.2.4 and 2.6 (2-5)

How to teach students Common Core Standards

to think critically about chess connection
Discussion, collaboration and sharing ideas SL: K-5
Finding patterns in a chess game G.A.1 and 2 K-5
Knowing how to count sequentially and within 20 CC.OA.A.1 and 2 (K); OA.A.2,
OA.C.5,OA.B.2 (1-2)
Writing with expression ELA-Literacy.W. (K-5)
Opinion and argument about positions in a game RI: 1-3
Discussion about informational text RI: 4-5
Vocabulary development L.2.4 and 2.6 (2-5)
Develop foundational reading skills in decoding and ELA-Literacy.RF.1.3 and 2.3
recognition of new words (1-2)

Lesson 20  Page 18
Classroom Activities

Activity 1: Find three, pick one

Activity goal: Recognizing a variety of potential moves in a position,
reinforcing critical thinking skills that will help a player
develop as a successful tournament player. (Parts 1 - 3)

Comprehension and Speaking and Listening: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL. 1.A, 1.B (K-5),

collaboration: 1.C., 1.D., (2-5) (See Appendix)

Geometry: CCSS.Math.Content. G.A.1 (K-5)

 Set up full chess boards and sets and pair students.
 Provide students with paper and pencils.
 Before students make a move, they must write down at least three candidate moves
for the position. Once they select which move they will ultimately make, they should
circle it on the paper.
 Students should play an entire game this way.
 After students complete the game, Coach/Teacher can review the game quickly with
them and talk students through their thinking process during critical moments in the
game: why they selected a particular move, etc.

Coach/Teacher can also spend an entire class to go through each game played with the
entire group of students on the demo board, so students can hear how their peers think,
and these complicated concepts can sink in.

Repeat the activity, but this time, have the students write down the three moves they
think their opponent will play on the next move, pushing students to think outside
themselves and instill the basics of prophylactic thinking.

Lesson 20  Page 19
Activity 2: I think you played there because…
Activity goal: Recognizing a variety of potential moves in a position,
reinforcing critical thinking skills that will help a player
develop as a successful tournament player, encouraging
players to use prophylactic thinking and be aware of
opponent’s threats. (Parts 1 - 3)

Comprehension and Speaking and Listening: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL. 1.A, 1.B (K-5),

collaboration: 1.C., 1.D., (2-5) (See Appendix)

Geometry: CCSS.Math.Content. G.A.1 (K-5)

 Set up full chess boards and sets and pair students.
 Have students begin to play a normal chess game.
 Every time a student moves, she or he says out loud to his or her opponent after the
move, “I think you played there because...” and completes her or his reasoning for the
opponent’s move (i.e., to develop a piece, to attack my Queen, to put me in check, etc.).
 Opponent either agrees or disagrees with his partner’s guess. If the partner is wrong,
he or she can provide a small hint as to why she or he played the move.

Coach/Teacher can walk around the room during this exercise and listen to the ideas
students have about their opponents’ plans, offer suggestions to any struggling students,
and reward students who are actively thinking about the moves their partners play.

Lesson 20  Page 20

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