Uwe Boensch - Methods of Tactical Training
Uwe Boensch - Methods of Tactical Training
Uwe Boensch - Methods of Tactical Training
What are tactics in chess? Tactics means knowing what to do when there is something which needs doing. Strategy means knowing what to do when there is nothing which needs to be done. (S. Tartakower) Knowledge of tactical motifs is the foundation of positional play. (R. Reti) Chess is 99% tactics. (R. Teichmann) In the game of chess tactics are the coordinated application of combinatory motifs based on available forces, space and time and their goal is the achievement of superiority or equality. Combinatory motifs might be elements such as discovered attacks, double attacks, pins or checks; superiority or equality can be brought about either directly by checkmate, stalemate or perpetual check or else indirectly by the gain of material or by a positional draw. Tactics are thus directed towards a relatively short-term goal. In general we speak of tactical positions whenever a longish sequence of forced moves for both sides can be calculated. Tactical means allow the gradual achievement of strategic goals . Tactics in chess involve the employment of compulsion. Tactical methods are forcing methods. The compulsion is brought about by moves which set up a threat or which put the opponent in zugzwang. A threat is produced by means of a move which sets up the possibility of a second advantageous move. If the attacking side were allowed a second consecutive move it could obtain an advantage as a result of that next move. This second move which is intended represents the actual threat. For example, if an unprotected piece is attacked, then the threat is the capture; if a protected piece is taken, then the threat is to secure with the next move the gain of material which has been made.
Thus a threat always involves two moves. The first move sets up the threat, the second is the actual threat which is to be executed and against which the opponent must mount a defence. Tactics is the exploitation of tactical weaknesses in order to achieve a specific goal or to produce further tactical weaknesses. (Volkhard Igney) In the long run, every game of chess is decided by means of tactics!
What does working with studies bring to a committed chess player? - An enjoyment of the beauty and the originality of chess. - Greater experience of creativity in chess. - Training in calculating skills. - The joy of the challenge.
EXERCISES 1) Averagely difficult solving time 5 10 minutes XIIIIIIIIY 9-+-+ktr-+0 9tR-+-+p+-0 9-+-+-+p+0 9+-+-+-+-0 9-mK-+-+-+0 9+-+L+-+-0 9-+-+-+-+0 9+-+-+-+-0 xiiiiiiiiy White to move and win. 2) Difficult solving time 10 15 minutes XIIIIIIIIY 9-mkr+-+-+0 9zpP+-+-zp-0 9P+-+-+-zp0 9+-+-+K+-0 9-+-+-+-+0 9+-+-vL-+-0 9-+-+-+-+0 9+-+-+-+-0 xiiiiiiiiy White to move and win. 3) Study by Joseph solving time 15 minutes XIIIIIIIIY 9-+-mK-+-+0 9mkp+-+-+-0 9p+-+-+-+0 9+P+-+-+-0 9-+-+-+-+0 9+-+-+-+-0 9-+-+-+-zP0 9+-+-+-+-0 xiiiiiiiiy White to move and win. 4) Study by Popov solving time 30 minutes XIIIIIIIIY 9-+-+-+-+0 9+-+-+-+-0 9-+-+-+-+0 9+P+-+K+-0 9-+-+-+pzp0 9+-zP-+-mk-0 9-+P+-+-+0 9+-+-+-+-0 xiiiiiiiiy White to move and win. 5) Study by Sehwers solving time 10 minutes XIIIIIIIIY 9-+-+-+-+0 9+q+p+-+-0 9p+-mk-+-vL0 9+-+-+-+-0 9R+P+P+-zP0 9+-+K+-+-0 9-+-+-+-+0 9+-+-+-+-0 xiiiiiiiiy White to move and win. 6) Extremely difficult solving time 1 hour XIIIIIIIIY 9-+-+-+k+0 9+-+-+-+-0 9-+-+-+-+0 9+-+-+-zP-0 9p+-+-zPKzP0 9+p+-+-tR-0 9-+-+-+-+0 9+-+-+-+-0 xiiiiiiiiy White to move and win.
1) There is a clear win for White. To achieve it, he must fist block the f7-pawn. After that the black king will be mated on the edge of the board. 1.Lf5!! gf5 1...f6 2.Lg6 Kd8 3.Kc5 f5 4.Lf7!+-. 2.Kc5 Kd8 2...Tg8 3.Ta8 Ke7 4.Tg8+-. 3.Kd6+Black is helpless despite his two extra pawns 1:0. 2) 1.Lf4! 1.La7? simply leads to a draw: 1...Kc7 2.bc8D (2.Lb6 Kb8 3.Ld4 g6 4.Ke4= (4.Kg6 Tc6 5.Kh5 Ta6 6.Lg7 Kb7 7.Lh6=)) 2...Kc8 3.Kg6 Kc7=. 1...Tc7 2.Kg6! The decisive idea! The white king approaches the d8-square via h7 and the 8th rank. 2...h5 3.Le5! Or 3.Ld6. A draw is all that can be achieved after the pawn ending: 3.Kh5 g6 4.Kg4 g5 5.Lc7 Kc7 6.Kg5 Kb8 7.Kf6 Kc7 8.Ke7 Kb8 9.Kd8 Stalemate!; 3.Kh7?? even loses on account of 4...g5. 3...h4 4.Kh7 g5 5.Kg8 g4 6.Kf8 g3 7.Ke8 g2 8.Kd8 g1D 9.Lc7# 1:0. 3) 1.b6! 1.h4? ab5; 1.ba6? ba6. 1...Kb8! 1...Kb6 2.h4+- and the white pawn goes through to queen. 2.h4 a5 3.h5 a4 4.h6 a3 5.h7 a2 6.h8D a1D 7.Dg8 7.Da1?? Stalemate! 7...Da2 The only way to parry the threat of Kd7 or Ke7 with mate is by attacking the white queen. 8.De8 Da4 9.De5 This check forces the black king on to the a-file. 9...Ka8 10.Dh8
Now the defence with Da1 fails because of the capture on a1 with check. There is no longer any defence against the back rank mate 1:0. 4) This is a complicated study which even strong computer programs cannot solve just like that. 1.b6 Kh3 2.b7 g3 3.b8L! 3.b8D? only leads, after 3...g2 4.Dg8 g1D 5.Dg1, to a draw. 3...g2 4.La7 Kg3 4...Kh2 5.Kg4 h3 6.c4 g1D 7.Lg1 Kg1 8.Kh3+. 5.Kg5! The h-pawn must be attacked from behind. 5.c4? h3 6.Lb8 Kf2 7.Lh2 g1D 8.Lg1 Kg1+. 5...h3 6.Lb8 Kf3 6...Kf2 7.Kh4! g1D 8.La7 Kg2 9.Lg1 Kg1 10.Kh3+-. 7.Lh2 Ke4! Is the most resilient defence. 7...Kf2 8.Kg4 g1D 9.Lg1 Kg1 10.Kh3+-. 8.Kg4 Kd5 9.Kf3! But not 9.Kh3 Kc4 10.Kg2 Kc3 with a draw. 9...Kc4 10.Ke2 Kc3 11.Kd1 Kd4 12.Lg1 Kc4 12...Kc3 13.Kc1+-; 12...Ke4 13.Ke2! (the black king must not be allowed on to f3) 13...Kf4 14.Lh2+-. 13.Kd2 Kd5 14.Kd3 Ke5 15.Lh2 Kd5 16.c4 Kc5 17.Kc3 Kc6 18.Kd4 Kd7 19.Kd5 Kc8 20.c5 Kd7 21.c6 Kc8 22.Kd6 Kd8 23.c7 Kc8 24.Lg1 h2 25.Lh2 g1D 26.Lg1 Kb7 27.Kd7+- 1:0. 5) 1.Tb4! Dc8 1...Da7 2.Le3 Da8 3.Tb8 Db8 4.Lf4 also loses the queen. 2.Tb8! Dc6 3.Tb6! Now Black is forced to capture the impertinent rook. 3...Db6 4.c5 That is the point! It does not matter how Black takes the pawn, he will lose his queen after a bishop check. 4...Dc5
4...Kc5 5.Le3+-. 5.Lf8 Kc6 6.Lc5 Kc5 7.h5 and the pawn goes through to queen 1:0. 6) 1.Te3! A move which is difficult to find. The black king is tied down to the kingside. 1...b2 2.Te8 Kf7 3.Te1!! Even the very top players have difficulties in finding this move. The previous check forced the opposing king into the range of its own pawns and now the black pawns are held up for two more moves. 3.Tb8? is not enough for the win: 3...a3 4.h5 a2 5.g6 Ke7 6.Tb2 a1D 7.Tb5=. 3...a3 4.f5 a2 5.g6 Kf8 5...Kf6 6.Te6 Kg7 7.Kg5! b1D 8.f6 Kf8 9.g7 Kf7 10.Te7 Kg8 11.Te8 Kf7 12.g8D#; 5...Kg7 6.Kg5 b1D 7.f6 Kf8 8.g7 Kf7 9.Te7 Kg8 10.Te8 Kf7 11.g8D#. 6.f6 b1D 7.g7 Kf7 8.Te7 Kf6 9.g8S!! Underpromotion to a knight is the point of this exercise. The four white pieces have woven a beautiful mating net around the black king. 9...Kg6 10.h5# Mating with a pawn is always particularly nice 1:0.