Assets Fixed
ln Descriptive statistics of the variables
The summary description of the investment and financial statistics is presented in
the following table. The mean market-to-book ratio of the Polish sample firms is about
1.65, which is close to 1.67 and 1.75 of Aivazian et al. (2005a, 2005b) sample or 1.79 of
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Dangs (2007) but higher than the mean Tobins Q of 0.965 calculated by Lang et al.
(1996). It indicates the expectation of high growth for the Polish companies over the
sample period, which can be justified by Polands EU accession in 2004 and the global
economic upward swing after the 2001-2003 recession. Another reason for the high MBA
ratios is the expansion phase the business cycle at the time of measurement. The collapse
of the global market in the second half of 2008 only marginally impinges on the data.
The mean and median of net investment in the sample are relatively low in
comparison with the results of Aivazian et al. (2005a, 2005b) or Lang et al. (1996). Given
the relatively high macroeconomics investment growth during the sample period, the low
investment ratios can be attributed to higher-than-average depreciation among the Polish
firms as compared to their international peers. The statistics for investment reveals a high
variation among the companies, as the standard deviation is 2.5 times the mean of 0,077.
Leverage 1 based on financial debt and book values is has a mean of 0.236 close to
results of Lang et al. (0.243) and little more volatile. The second leverage measure
indicates higher debt levels among the Polish sample than in a comparable set of Canadian
companies (Aivazian, 2006b), with a dominance of short-term financing.
Table III Summary statistics for the variables
Descriptive statistics
510 0 ,077 ,034 ,184 -,363 1,820
510 0 1,661 1,423 ,912 ,585 9,298
510 0 ,236 ,191 ,215 ,000 1,000
510 0 ,528 ,520 ,208 ,075 1,000
510 0 ,076 ,049 ,078 ,000 ,529
510 0 ,129 ,047 ,163 ,000 ,684
510 0 ,382 ,329 ,347 ,000 1,000
408 102 ,007 ,006 ,210 -,955 ,999
408 102 ,031 ,009 ,161 -,802 ,756
510 0 ,113 ,100 ,205 -1,342 2,600
510 0 1,030 1,058 ,962 -1,885 4,347
Valid Missing
Mean Median Std. Dev. Min. Max.
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3.4 Methodology
This section presents statistical methods that are used to test the main hypotheses
stated in the thesis. The statistical software used in the analysis is the SPSS 17.0 software.
3.4.1 Correlation analyses
To investigate interactions between financial flexibility and investment variables
and to compare the dependencies between leverage, liquidity and maturity and growth
opportunities/capital expenditures with the theoretical propositions and empirical studies,
correlation analyses are introduced. The correlation analyses will help to define a broad-
spectrum map of relationships between the variables.
To begin with, a bivariate correlation analysis is conducted at the general level,
examining relations based on the entire set of data. Two types of correlation analysis:
parametric and non-parametric are examined. The parametric correlation Pearson's
correlation reflects the degree of linear relationship between two variables. It is based on
the assumption of normal distributions of both variables. To check whether nonlinear
relation would fit the correlation better, a non-parametric matrix of Spearmans table is
investigated. Spearmans correlation coefficients measure the rank-order association
between two variables, which works regardless of distribution of variables (i.e. it is
distribution free).
As the impact of industry membership might play an important role in explaining
the financing-investment relations, a correlation matrix with industry-adjusted values (also
referred as an industry level correlation) is constructed. This approach was set out by Lang
et al. (1996) who corrected all variables by deducting an industry median. They claimed
the maneuver would allow to check e.g. whether firms that grew more in an industry had
higher or lower leverage than other firms in the industry (pp. 10). The companies in the
sample are classified to various industries according to the Warsaw Stock Exchange
convention. As a result, there are 21 industries, of which six sectors have only one
representative in the sample. The six units are further excluded from the industry-level
correlation analysis. The excluded data constitute less than 5% of the observations and the
omission is not expected to materially influence results.
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Grouping into industries brings more insight into the analysis but still it can be
biased by a limited sector representation or because of the fact it leaves out the impact of
individual firm circumstances. Therefore, to attenuate the individual effects of companies
in the correlation analysis, variables are adjusted at the firms level by deducting a firms
median value of variables across the sample period. The resulting parametric and non-
parametric correlation matrices of dual relations among the variables are then compared
and analyzed.
Although the bivariate correlation analysis is useful in understanding combined
movements of two variables, it leaves some questions unanswered. One of them that is of
interest in the context of this thesis is: what is the coefficient of correlation between
financial flexibility and investment/growth when effects of other elsewhere proven
investment determinants are considered? Do the yet unconsidered factors create the
appearance of a relationship between variables where none actually exists? The questions
are addressed in a partial correlation analysis that comes next. The partial correlation
analysis checks the dependencies of variables while controlling for other effects.
3.4.2 Panel data analysis
As the data are longitudinal, that is cross-sectional (firms) and time-series (the
years 2003-2008), the panel data methodology is a recommended statistical approach that
can bear most meaningful inferences. The advantages of the panel data analyses over a
simple cross-sectional or pooled regression approach are overwhelming and include:
- reduced multicollinearity problem as the number of data points, degrees of
freedom are increased, which translates into a better efficiency of
econometric estimates;
- control for individual heterogeneity caused by hidden factors, which, if
neglected in time-series or cross-section estimations, leads to biased results;
- reduced key econometric problems, such as omitted variables.
In general, there are two ways for handling the correlations of within-subjects
(here: measurements across time) in the longitudinal data analysis that can be distinguished
in the statistical and financial literature: subject-specific and population-averaged
(marginal) models. They are not identical and the choice between them can imply different
inferences about the data. A subject-specific model describes a group (here: firms)
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response to changing independent variables and can be implemented via a mixed model
analysis, which accounts for dependencies within groups by incorporating unobservable
random effects into the model. When models contain variables that do not vary within
groups, however, interpretation of resulting regression parameters can be complicated.
Population-averaged coefficients measure average changes in response across various
subpopulations (here: across firms), regardless of whether the variables vary within groups.
Others point out that differences in the two approaches disappear as the intragroup
correlation coefficient approaches zero and that more empirical work is needed to compare
pros and cons of the two approaches in practice (Young et al., 2007, pp.167).
The methodology applied in the panel data settings of the thesis adopts population-
averaged approach, as it gives an average response for observations and allows to answer
the question: how much the average response would change for every one-unit increase in
a independent variable across the population. To find an answer the Generalized
Estimating Equations (GEE) model, developed by Liang and Zeger, is implemented. It is
important to recognize, however, that the correlation analyses conducted at the industry
and, in particular, at the firm level are based on a quasi-subject-specific approach.
Fitting a GEE model requires the user to specify (a) the link function to be used,
(b) the distribution of the dependent variable, and (c) the correlation structure of the
dependent variable (Ballinger, 2004, pp.131).
Because the variables nature is continuous and it is reasonable to assume their
asymptotical normal distribution, the identity link is assumed. The assumption of normal
distribution seems safe, as indicated by Ballinger (pp.132): although the specification of
the distribution is important, users do not need to be precise in the specification of the
variance functions for the parameter estimates to have a sampling distribution that is
approximately normal. The third step, i.e. specification of the form of correlation of
responses, is to help in efficient estimation of coefficients. As the data are expected to
correlate over time, an autoregressive correlation structure is specified for the within-
subject correlations.
The testable model formulation is similar to that of Aivazian et al. (2005b):
Sales Flow Cash Leverage ratio MBA Investment Net + + + = _ _ _
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Aivazian et al. (2005b) studied the relationship between leverage and investment,
in a similar manner to Lang et al. (1996) or McConnell and Servaer (1995) but with the use
of the subject-specific panel data methodology.
Additionally, to examine whether the impact of leverage on investment changes as
growth prospects improve an additional variable is employed which will is equal to 1 for
growing firms and 0 for low-growth companies. The classification (I classification) into
high/low-growth groups is based on firm-year observations of MBA ratios. The low-
growth group includes the observations in the low one-third of the entire sample MBA
ratios. The second group includes firm-year observations above the 66,6 percentile of
MBA ratios. The middle observations are excluded to increase the distance between the
two groups. To check the robustness of the results in the next step the sample is
reclassified (II classification) according to the midpoint, into 50% of highest and lowest
MBA ratio observations, without reducing the number of observations as in the earlier
Similar to Aivazian et al. (2005b), the following specification for testing the role
of leverage for high versus low-growth companies is proposed:
Leverage D Sales Flow Cash Leverage ratio MBA Investment Net + + + + = _ _ _
where D is the dummy variable.
If the dummy coefficient proves significant, the difference in the impact of
leverage on investment for the two groups of companies cannot be rejected.
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3.5 Empirical results
3.5.1 Correlation analyses
Tables IV through IX show parametric and non-parametric correlation matrices for
the financing and investment variables at three levels of generalization. A few interesting
relationships are identified in the correlation analysis.
As expected, growth opportunities and real investment measures are strongly and
significantly positively correlated around the 0.267 0.348 level, regardless of industry or
individual effects. The degree of the correlation is for example twice as strong as
presented by Lang et al. in their correlation table (1996, pp.8). The plus sign of the
correlation coefficient is in accordance with the theory and with other empirical studies.
Mixed and ambiguous results are produced in the analysis of leverage-investment
relationship. The significance of the correlation coefficients does depend on the measure
applied, which spurs doubts about the robustness of the results. The hypothesis that
Leverage 1 is not related to real investment cannot be rejected at an acceptable 0.1 level. In
contrast, the second leverage measure, which includes not only financial debt but also
other liabilities, fits better the theoretical predictions of the negative impact of debt on
capital expenditures, but only after controlling for industry or individual effects. The
correlation coefficient between Leverage 2 and investment ranges between -0.128 to
-0.160. To define the underlying relation between leverage and real investment a further
investigation is required and is continued in the multivariate correlation and panel data
On the other hand, little doubt seems to be left on the negative impact of leverage
on growth opportunities. The negative relationship between the variables stays moderate
but significant after accounting for industry or individual firm effects for both parametric
and non-parametric tests and for both leverage measure. Whether growth opportunities
availability influences the way in which leverage and real investment are related is
investigated in the panel data analysis.
In line with expectations, higher cash balances at the beginning of a year are
related to increased capital expenditures in the following months. The significance of the
positive correlation coefficients in the relationship between growth opportunities and cash
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cannot be rejected at 1% level in all correlation matrices. The relationships are even
amplified at the individual-firm level.
Interestingly, the relations between maturity measures and real and potential
investment is either statistically insignificant or positive. This finding contrasts a range of
other supportive tests for contracting costs theory, suggesting that shortening debt in effort
to mitigate agency costs and underinvestment is not a practice of the managers in Poland.
Conversely, more long-term financing seems to be employed as major capital expenditures
are to come. If the matching principle holds, it would imply a more long-term nature of
Financial flexibility adjustments and their association with real and potential
investment remain unexplained by the bivariate correlation analysis. Although the positive
sign of the relation meets the expectations, its significance is below acceptable levels in
particular for Financial Flexibility 1 measure. Only when controlled for individual firm
effects, the increased financial flexibility building activity (both measures) before capital
expenditures cannot be rejected at the 5% significance level in the non-parametric test.
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Table IV Matrix of Pearsons correlations for the unadjusted sample
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Table V Matrix of Spearmans correlations for the unadjusted sample
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Table VI Matrix of Pearsons correlations for the industry-adjusted sample
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Table VII Matrix of Spearmans correlations for the industry-adjusted sample
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Table VIII Matrix of Pearsons correlations for the individual-effect-adjusted sample
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Table IX Matrix of Spearmans correlations for the individual-effect-adjusted sample
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In the financial literature cash flows-investment relations have been strongly
emphasized and the above results of bivariate correlations should be considered after
controlling for cash flows impact on growth and capital expenditure. Lang et al. (1996)
and Aivazian et al. (2005b) also pointed out the need to include sales multiplier effect in
the analysis of investment. There is a possibility that the underlying relationship between
the control and dependent variables may fade away the dependencies identified in the
bivariate correlation analysis. It is important to note, however, that the partial correlation
results assume linear relations and normal distribution of variables so it cannot be simply
compared to the Spearmans correlation coefficients.
Tables X through XII provide detailed partial correlation tables for the three levels
of generalization (i.e. general, industry and individual). The relationship between variables
is controlled for cash flows and sales impacts.
Table X Partial correlations for the unadjusted sample
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Table XI Partial correlations for the industry-adjusted sample
Table XIIPartial correlations for the individual effect-adjusted sample
For the unadjusted sample a no-correlation hypothesis on the relationship between
leverage and net investment cannot be rejected. A similar story emerges for the negative
relation between debt and growth opportunities that cannot be statistically supported
except for the very general level of the sample considerations.
A positive association between liquidity and growth opportunities cannot be
rejected in any of the above correlation matrices and is significant at the 10% level.
However, inclusion of cash flows and sales impacts cancels out the previous conclusions
on the significant relationship between cash holdings and net investment.
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Financial flexibility 2 impact, in line with the bivariate correlation analysis, is
considerable after controlling for cash flows and sales. The hypothesis that the correlation
coefficients of the Financial flexibility 1is equal to zero cannot be rejected.
3.5.2 Generalized Estimating Equations
The unclear relationship between leverage and investment is further investigated
with the use of Generalized Estimating Equations. The results of the panel data analysis are
presented in the Table XII through XV. Leverage and real investment
When the correlation of measurements is considered, leverage is not a significant
determinant of investment, regardless how it is estimated. With a Wald chi-square tests
significance of 0.148 and 0.326 for Leverage 1 and 2 respectively, the null hypothesis that
the leverage coefficient is equal to 0 cannot be rejected. Consequently, there is not enough
evidence to conclude that pre-investment leverage level has an effect on net capital
The Growth coefficient, as expected and in accordance with the previous
correlation analyses, is positive and statistically significant at the level <1%. However, in
the GEE model, the strength of the relationship is weakened.
The control variables relationships with the dependent variable are positive and
significant. In particular cash flows coefficient has an effect on the outcome, as one-unit
increase in cash-flow variable results with, ceteris paribus, an average 0.16 increase in net
capital expenditures.
The working correlation matrices indicate a fair amount of correlation between
measurements, ranging from 0.34 between the first and the second year and approx. 0.12
between the first and the third year.
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Table XIII GEE models with Leverage 1 and Leverage 2
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Aarhus University Leverage and growth opportunities
The above models do not distinguish between firms with a poor and promising
opportunities set. The distinction, nevertheless, may yield different relationship
implications for leverage and investment, as already discussed in the Literature Review
chapter. The underinvestment problem suggests a negative impact of leverage for growing
companies that try to avoid debt overhang not to be forced to pass up anticipated good
investment projects. On the other hand, Aivazian et al. (2005b) and others
supported the
view that debt had a disciplining role in preventing overinvestment, which implies a
stronger negative impact on investment for firms with low growth opportunities.
To investigate what impact has leverage on the Polish low vs. high growth firms,
the GEE model is applied after with dummy that takes the values 0 and 1 for each group
respectively. Table XIV presents the coefficient estimates for the augmented model.
Table XIV GEE Leverage 1 and 2 model for two growth groups (I classification)
A more detailed review of other studies is presented in the section: Empirical Studies Overview.
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The results reveal no support for any of the theories. On average there is no
significant investment response of firms to different leverage level regardless how they are
measured and how their growth opportunities set is classified. The null hypothesis that the
leverage coefficients are equal zero cannot be rejected.
The separation into two groups involves subjective judgment so the above results
are checked for the robustness in another low-high growth setting. Table V presents the
outcome of the repeated analysis for differently assigned groups. The view that there is no
significant relation between leverage and investment, no matter how good or bad growth
prospect the company has cannot be rejected.
Table XVGEE Leverage 1 and 2 model for two growth groups (II classification)
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4.1 Interpretation of the results
The results of the statistical analysis help to assess hypotheses stated in the thesis.
Proof to the Hypothesis 1
Leverage ex ante is not significantly related to real and potential investment.
The leverage coefficients in the correlation and panel data analysis of the
association with net investment fail to prove to be significantly different from zero or/and
fail the robustness tests. Similarly, the correlation between growth opportunities measure
and leverage remains unclear, as doubts are spurred by volatile significance level in
different correlation tests. In addition, no supportive evidence is provided in the GEE
model, regarding the difference in leverage impact on high and low-growth companies.
Consequently, the negative relationship between leverage and real and potential investment
cannot be supported.
The above outcome is contradictory to the theoretical predictions of the pecking
order theory that assumes managers aversion toward leverage when faced with capital
expenditures. It does not support the free cash flows theory, which expects a proactive
actions of low-growth companies introducing more debt into their capital structure to avoid
agency conflicts. Further, both overinvestment and underinvestment problems do not
emerge from the analysis.
The findings support the minority of the empirical work that failed to find a
relationship between debt and investment. Interestingly, similar results provided Pandey
and Chotigeat (2004) who investigated a similar in size sample of Malaysian companies.
The apparent contradiction with the major body of studies can have a few plausible
explanations. One lies in the sample period. As the financial data are collected from the
period of an expansion of the Polish credit market and the debt impact on real and potential
investment may have been of a second- order consideration. Conversely, ease of access to
credit combined with an expansionary strategy of banks, amplified by a global mild
sentiment towards debt, could, in fact, reverse managerial aversion to this form of external
financing. It is important to note that other empirical studies spanned over longer time
period so this phenomena was not incurred by other authors.
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Another possible explanation is of a technical nature. As pointed out in the
analysis, different debt measures may yield different results. The measures applied in this
thesis follow some recommendations that have appeared in the financial literature just
recently, after the major papers had been published
. There is a possibility that unification
of the approach to calculations could bring more consistency to the results.
Proof to the Hypothesis 2:
Liquidity ex ante is positively related to potential investment but a liquidity level
and real investment ex post are not significantly related.
The positive mutual interactions liquidity and growth opportunities are supported
by the statistical analysis of correlations. This finding is in line with pecking order theory
and supports Kim, Mauer and Sherman and others findings on the role of growth
opportunities in liquidity determination. Interestingly, Arslan et al. (2006) found consistent
results in their Turkish sample over the period 1998 2002. Moreover, the outcome
complies with the previous capital structure studies on the Polish market that revealed
managerial preference for internally generated funds. Managers seem to accumulate cash
balances to meet growth expectations. The relationship remains significant regardless of
the financial status of companies, as measure by their investment-cash flows sensitivities.
Although the results on the growth-liquidity interplay are straightforward, the
evidence on the association between real investment and cash is not. The initially
confirmative outcome on the significant and positive relationship between net investment
and cash becomes unconvincing, once the impact of cash flows and sale multiplier is taken
into consideration. Consequently, managers align cash holdings with potential investment
but the one-year ahead net cash expenditures are rather matched with cash flows. The high
investment-cash flows sensitivity is confirmed in the panel data analysis.
For ex ample: Welch (2008).
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Proof to the Hypothesis 3:
There is mixed evidence on firms financial flexibility building activity related to
potential and real investment.
Minton (2001) provided evidence that financially conservative companies seemed
to stockpile financial flexibility. His definitions of financial flexibility, however,
included debt capacity but not liquidity. When the two components are considered
simultaneously, the hypothesis on the positive association between financial flexibility
changes and real and potential investment is only partially confirmed, only by the financial
flexibility measure that incorporates total liability adjustments. Companys investment-
cash flows sensitivity does not change the conclusions. It is important to recognize that the
high sensitivity of investment to cash flows combined with high predictability of inflows in
the expansionary phase of the business cycle may attenuate the need for building financial
As financial flexibility is derived from leverage and liquidity measures, the
contradictory results leverage-investment tests as well as confirmative conclusions on the
positive liquidity-investment relationship influence the outcome on the Hypothesis 3. The
additional information content of this evidence is the focus on a simultaneous and
complimentary process of capital structure adjustments and cash accumulating policy. The
results add to the previous suggestions stated in the Proof 1 that no financial debt aversion
is found in the light of investment.
Proof to the Hypothesis 4:
Debt maturity is not negatively related to real and potential investment.
The hypothesis is rejected because of either insignificance of correlation
coefficients (in particular in the relationship with growth opportunities) or a positive sign
of the relationships detected in the analysis (in particular in the association with net
investment) or both. Consequently, the contradicting costs theory, suggesting that
managers of growing companies shorten debt to ease agency conflicts and underinvestment
problems, is not supported. The results contribute to the opponents of Myers proposition
and are similar to Stohs and Mauer (1996), Sherr and Hulburt (2001) or Antoniou et al.
A possible explanation is found in the paper of Dang (2007) who similarly found
no evidence on the preferred short-term debt choice in the context of investment: Liquidity
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risk associated with short debt may impose a constraint on the firms financing decisions
in that it deters the firm from adopting a short debt strategy required to control the
underinvestment problem (pp.7). The liquidity risk hypothesis is even reinforced for the
Polish companies sample by some evidence of positive relationship between maturity and
net investment. It also fits Childs et al. (2005) proposition that a positive relation between
maturity and leverage is due to the potential of short-term financing to reduce agency costs
associated with overinvestment.
4.2 Limitation of the thesis
The thesis attempts to tie research on capital structure, cash holdings, investment
and the recent literature on financial flexibility. Although the perspective on financial
flexibility seems broad, the work is subject to limitations, mostly of a technical nature.
An example of such limitation is related to the sample construction. The sample
period and size are a trade-off choice, guided by limited data availability. The sample
period covers a relatively short time of five to six years that does not include a full
business cycle, i.e. a recession is not a part of the analysis. The length and the business
cycle phase positioning can have a material impact on the conclusions, as they influence
both data and statistical analysis credibility. Alike, sample size is relatively small in
comparison to other Anglo-Saxon studies.
Another restriction is imposed by the way the variables are measured. Although
the variables construction has been guided by a review of available suggestions in the
literature, there are no perfect measures and all estimations rely on available financial data.
These can be another source of possible errors, as accounting practices are not perfectly
synchronized, even within one country of interest.
Financial flexibility measure is a special case of estimate, as it is authors original
attempt to handle the topic. As the measure has no history of verification in the financial
literature and is exposed to possible criticism. Some drawbacks of the measure have
already been presented in the previous sections.
In addition, the statistical analysis and the population averaged panel data
approach have their limitations and are based on certain assumptions within which the
drawn conclusions can be considered as correct.
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4.3 Suggestions for further research
Financial flexibility clearly requires more researchers attention and more
statistical evidence. The theoretical and empirical studies on financial flexibility are in
infancy and much more needs to be done to bring together the three perspectives in the
economic literature: investment, capital structure and cash management.
Most studies are focused on the developed markets, leaving the emerging
economies an open question. This thesis is an example how some theories developed in the
Western economies does not seem to describe the emerging markets specifications well.
The possible differences create even more opportunities for future research.
In case of Poland, the relatively short history of open market economy may
discourage some researchers as it may impose non-stationary implications and restrict
extrapolation of results. It is important to keep in mind, however, that even restricted in
scope the current theoretical and empirical attempt may form a basis for comparisons in
future research.
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Appendix 1 - Description of the sample companies
Appendix 2 - Key financials of the sample companies over the period 2003-2008
APPENDIX 1 Description of the sample companies Page 79 of 87
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1 Telekomunikacja Polska SA The company, together with its subsidiaries and associated companies, operates in the telecommunications and inf ormation technology sectors.
2 Polski Koncern Naf towy Orlen SA
The company specializes in the manufacture, distribution, wholesale and retail sale of ref ined petrochemical products. It is principally engaged in the
processing of crude oil.
3 KGHMPolska Miedz SA
The producer of non-f errous metals, mainly copper and silver. It produces copper primarily in the f ormof electrolytic copper and processed wire rod. Its
silver is produced in the f ormof granules and bars.
4 Asseco Poland SA
Formerly Sof tbank SA, it is a Polish integrator of inf ormation technology (IT) solutions. The company provides solutions f or the banking, f inance,
insurance, public administration, telecommunication and industry sectors. It of f ers IT solutions complemented with business consultancy.
5 Agora SA
It is a media company principally engaged in the publishing of daily newspapers, magazines and periodic print media, as well as advertising, radio
broadcasting and online services.
6 Mondi Swiecie SA
The company is engaged in the paper industry. It specializes in the manuf acture of the craf t paper f or containerboard and paper bags. The f irmhas one
subsidiary, Swiecie Recykling sp. z o.o.
7 Cersanit SA It is an investment holding company that, through its subsidiaries, is principally engaged in the manuf acture and sale of bathroomf urnishings.
The company designs and distributes clothing. Designs are draf ted in the Gdansk (Poland) head of f ice. The head off ice is also responsible f or all
decisions concerning garment accessories and materials, as well as packaging and transport.
9 Orbis SA The company is principally engaged in the hotel and tourismsector.
10 Budimex SA It is a construction company. It operates as a general contractor, subcontractor and developer.
11 Polimex Mostostal SA The company is engaged in the engineering and construction sector.
12 Stalprodukt SA
It is a parent company of Capital Group that comprises nine enterprises: Stalprodukt-Centrostal Krakow sp. z o.o., Stalprodukt-Wamech sp. z o.o.,
Stalprodukt-Serwis sp. z o.o., Stalprodukt-Zamosc sp. z o.o., Stalprodukt-MB sp. z o.o., STPElbud sp.
13 Netia SA
Formerly Netia Holdings SA, it is an independent f ixed-line telephony operator in Poland. It operates on the basis of its own fiber-optic backbone
network, which covers major Polish cities, as well as on the basis of local access networks.
14 Mostostal-Warszawa SA The company f ocuses mainly on the construction sector.
15 ZEW Kogeneracja SA It is a power industry company operating in the production of heat and electric power, as well as the transf er and distribution of heat.
16 Kopex SA (Katowice) The company is engaged in the mining and construction services.
17 Mennica Polska SA
It is a Poland-based mint. The company is principally engaged in the production of circulation and collector coins, medals, signs, decorations, seals and
related products.
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18 Elektrobudowa SA The company is engaged in production and sale of electrical equipment and services, mainly f or the power engineering industry.
19 Grupa Kety SA The company is mainly engaged in the aluminumindustry. It produces and trades the aluminumprof iles and systems.
20 Farmacol SA
The company is engaged in storage and distribution of pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and herbs, as well as in the marketing services and operations of
hotels and restaurants.
21 Polnord SA
The company is primarily engaged in the real estate sector. Its construction activities include building site development, industrial, commercial and of f ice
space buildings, housing projects f or the mass market and interior design.
22 Debica SA
It is a producer of passenger and light truck tires. The company mainly targets the markets of whole-steel heavy truck tires, as well as tires f or all-
terrain vehicles, agricultural machinery and equipment tires.
23 Mostostal Zabrze Holding SA
It is a construction company and the parent company of a capital group that comprises 12 companies, which are active in building construction, power
engineering, environmental and civil engineering works, as well as the production of construction elements.
24 ComArch SA
It is a sof tware vendor and systemintegrator that specializes in the provision of inf ormation technology (IT) solutions to the banking and f inance,
telecommunication, industry, services and e-commerce sectors.
25 Impexmetal SA The company is active in the non-f errous metal sector.
26 Pf leiderer Grajewo SA
The company is a supplier f or the f urniture industry. It manuf actures the chipboard and veneers (the f urniture f oils and the melamine f ilms) dedicated to
f urniture and interior design.
27 Stalexport Autostrady SA The company f ocuses its activity on the construction and exploitation of motorways.
28 Polska Grupa Farmaceutyczna SA The company is active in the sector of pharmaceuticals.
29 Sygnity SA The company is engaged in the inf ormation technology solutions f or business and management support.
30 Apator SA
The company is active in the switchgear and metering segments of the electrical engineering sector. Its f our main product lines include switchgear and
surge protective devices; electricity, gas and heat meters; billing and reading systems, and mining equipment.
31 Fabryka Kotlow Raf ako SA The company is engaged in the design, development and manuf acture of industrial and power-generation boilers.
32 MNI SA MNI SA, f ormerly Szeptel SA, is an independent telecommunication service operator in Poland.
33 VISTULA GROUPSA Formerly Vistula & Wolczanka SA and Vistula S.A., the company specializes in the design, manuf acture and distribution of clothing.
34 Energomontaz Polnoc SA
It is a holding company f or a group, whose main scope of activities includes investment, assembly works, and renewing and repairs in power plants
and heat and power generating plants on the domestic market.
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35 Wasko SA Formerly HOGA.PL SA, it is a Poland-based data communication company. It provides Internet technology (IT) and data communication solutions.
36 Ulma Construction Polska Formerly Bauma S.A., the company is primarily involved in the development, production and sale of construction products.
37 TIMSA The company is engaged in the distribution of electrotechnical products.
38 Boryszew SA
The company is mainly engaged in the chemical industry. It is a manuf acturer of chemicals, plastics, aluminum, rolled copper, zinc and titaniumproducts,
among others. The f irmis a dominant entity in the Boryszew Group.
39 Stomil Sanok SA
The company f ocuses on the development, production and marketing of products made f romrubber and rubber combined with metal and other
40 Energomontaz Poludnie SA
The company is engaged in the provision of principal contracting, assembly, modernization and overhaul services f or power plants or industrial
installation components and equipment.
41 Centrostal Gdansk SA
The company operates in the metallurgical industry. It f ocuses on steel processing and trading. The main products are various kinds of sheet metal,
ribbed bars, round rolled bars, square bars, f lat bars, steel sheet and plates, as well as sheet zinc and tin plates.
42 Naf tobudowa
Th company is active in the oil, petrochemical and chemical industries in Poland. It of f ers a range of services in various areas of construction and
erection works.
43 Mostostal Plock SA The company is principally engaged in the construction and building sectors.
44 Lentex SA Lentex SA is a Poland-based textiles manuf acturer.
45 Forte SA The company is principally engaged in the production and trade of f urniture. It specializes in home, of f ice and kitchen f urniture.
46 Stalprof il SA The company is primarily engaged in the steel industry. It distributes metallurgical products and semi-f inished steel.
47 Mostostal-Export SA The company is engaged in the construction sector. It acts as a general contractor, subcontractor and developer.
48 Projprzem
Formerly Bydgoskie Biuro Projektowo-Badawcze Budownictwa Przemyslowego, the company is active in the construction of industrial f acilities, public
buildings, shopping centers, of f ices and other f acilities based on steel structures.
49 Ponar Wadowice SA The company is principally involved in the production of applied power hydraulic equipment.
50 Lubawa SA
Lubawa SA, f ormerly Zaklady Konf ekcji Technicznej Lubawa SA, is a Polish-based company involved in the production of tourist, saf ety and logistic
equipment f or the needs of Ministry of Def ense, the Ministry of Internal Af f airs and national emergency services, such as the Fire Brigade.
51 ProchemSA
The company is engaged in the engineering and construction sectors. Its main activities are the provision of services f or projects f rompre-investment
activities to design and contracting and property management.
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52 Internet Group SA It is a holding company engaged in the sectors of media, inf ormation and communication technology (ICT), and telecommunications.
53 Yawal SA
It is a holding company primarily active in the aluminumsector. Through its subsidiaries, the company is engaged in the manuf acture of aluminum
architectural systems f or the production of panel walls, windows, door, verandas, skylights and non-standard constructions.
54 Sanwil Holding SA Formerly Sanwil SA, the company specializes in the production of ecological leather and coated f abrics.
55 Zaklady Odziezowe BytomSA The company operates in the clothes industry. It produces clothes f or men, such as suits, jackets and trousers, in classical cuts.
56 Amica Wronki SA Amica Wronki SA is a manuf acturer of household appliances. The company provides f reestanding, built-in and small kitchen appliances.
57 Prochnik SA
The company is active in the design, manuf acture and distribution of men's and ladies' clothes f or the domestic and export markets. Finished products
are retailed through a network of the company's own stores, including outlet stores, warehouses and licensed dealers.
58 PMUERemak SA It is a Poland-based company engaged in the provision of construction services.
59 Hutmen SA
The company is a\ manuf acturer of non-f errous metals. Its main activities include copper tubes production, scrap processing and cuprif erous waste
material processing. The company specializes in the production of tubes, rods, wires, sheets, strips, disks, prof iles and casting alloys.
60 PPWK SA It is a Poland-based company dealing with cartographic publications.
61 Relpol SA
The company specializes in electromagnetic relays. Their products belong to the industrial automation branch, including power relays, interf ace relays,
Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) signal relays and relay sockets.
62 NKT Cables S.A. NKT Cables SA is a Poland-based cable manuf acturer.
63 ZMRopczyce SA
The company is principally engaged in the production of ref ractory materials f or the non-f errous, cement, lime, glass making, f ounding, as well as iron
and steel industries.
It is a producer of paper products. The company's range of activities includes the production and trade of printed f orms, envelopes, paper f or computer
printers, paper rolls, cash registered rolls, thermal, f ax and self -adhesive rolls.
65 Elzab SA (Zabrze)
The company is engaged in the designing, production and distribution of electronic devices, systems f or point-of -sale terminals and other peripherals.
Their main products include cash registers, cash drawers, f iscal printers, electronic scales and auto IDsystems.
66 Optimus SA
The company specializes in the manufacture and wholesale of computers, sof tware and peripherals and in the of f ice equipment, computer maintenance
and repair services. It operates mainly on the Polish market.
67 Krosnienskie Huty Szkla KROSNOSA The company is principally engaged in the design, production and sale of glass and glass products.
68 Grupa Kapitalowa FASINGSA The company specializes in the production of link chains.
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69 Macrologic SA
The company is engaged in the inf ormation technology (IT). It provides management support and knowledge management solutions to medium-sized
companies and administrative departments of courts and prosecutor's of f ices.
70 Swarzedzkie Fabryki Mebli Swarzedz SA
The company is principally engaged in the production and sale of f urniture. The main product groups of f ered by the company are bedroomsuites,
dinning roomsuites, study suites, upholstered f urniture and hotel f urniture.
71 Energoaparatura SA
The company is principally engaged in specialty engineering, building and architectonic services. It undertakes projects in such f ields as instrumentation
and control, electrical and telecommunications works, as well as intelligent building installations.
72 Ampli The company specializes in the wholesale and retail of manuf actured electrical goods, especially f or power engineering, construction and retail trade.
73 Budopol Wroclaw SA Budopol Wroclaw SA is a construction company. It operates in the construction and assembly industries.
74 Muza SA
Muza SA is a publishing company. It also runs a readers' club and an Internet bookstore. The f irmtakes part in national and international book f airs and
cooperates with f oreign book issuers, translators and editors.
75 Trion SA
The company is principally engaged in the manuf acture of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), wooden and aluminumconstruction carpentry, window f rames, as
well as wooden pallets and containers. Additionally, the company of f ers road transportation services.
76 Huta Szkla Gospodarczego Irena SA It is a producer of glass that specializes in the production of glass f or domestic purposes, as well as in the production of crystal.
77 Echo Investment SA Echo Investment SA is a Poland-based company active in the real estate sector.
78 Gant Development SA
Formerly GANT SA, the f irmis mainly engaged in the real estate operations. The company specializes in the building and development of f lats,
apartments and of f ices.
79 PHS Hydrotor SA PHS Hydrotor SA is a Poland-based company mainly engaged in the industrial machinery sector.
80 Prosper SA
The company deals with the retail and wholesale supply of pharmaceuticals (medication, medical materials, dressings, remedy cosmetics) and herbs. It
has 13 distribution centers in Poland.
81 Fabryka Kosmetykow Pollena-Ewa SA
It is a Poland-based cosmetics company that is principally engaged in the production, sale and distribution of beauty products. The company of f ers f ace
and body care cosmetics, shampoos, as well as a range of perf umes f or both women and men.
82 Talex SA
The company supplies inf ormation technology (IT) products and services f or medium-sized and large companies. It operates in three business areas:
integration of IT systems, outsourcing services and sof tware production.
83 Alma Market
It is an investment holding company, which main activity is the retail of f ast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) branch articles through the Alma
delicatessen chain.
84 Emperia Holding SA Formerly Eldorado SA, it is a trading company engaged in the retail sale and wholesale of f ood products and household chemicals and cosmetics.
85 Korporacja Gospodarcza Ef ekt SA
The company is engaged in three business sectors: retail, wholesale, warehousing and logistics; hotel and tourist services, and environmental
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86 Wandalex SA The company specializes in the provision of logistic services.
87 LZPS Protektor SA It is a producer of leather f ootwear. Its products range includes military, f iremen, as well as saf ety and work f ootwear.
88 Permedia SA It is a manuf acturer of inorganic pigments, pastes f or pigment base, paints, varnishes, as well as the cadmium, nickel and cobalt compounds.
89 Instal Lublin SA
The company specializes in the provision of construction and instalment services. It is principally engaged in the design, implementing and assembly of
central heating installations, air conditioning, and the external water and gas installations.
90 Inter Groclin Auto SA
It is a Polish car accessory manuf acturer. The company specializes in the production of natural leather upholstery. Its car seat upholstery is an integral
part of such automobiles as Volvo, Mitsubishi, Renault, Volkswagen, Mercedes, Smart and Audi.
91 Simple SA Simple SA is a Poland-based company that produces sof tware supporting company management, aiming at small and medium-sized f irms.
92 Odlewnie Polskie SA Odlewnie Polskie S.A. is a Poland-based producer of f oundry materials.
93 Beef -San Zaklady Miesne SA Beef -San S.A. is a Polish meat processing company. It is specializing in the animal slaughter and the production of meat products.
94 Duda SA
The company is active in the meat processing industry. It f ocuses on the red meat production. Its main line of business is purchasing and slaughtering of
pigs and cattle, as well as butchery services
95 Grupa Zywiec SA Grupa Zywiec SA is a Polish brewing company. The company's principal activities are the production and distribution of beer products.
96 Wilbo SA
The company operates in the f ish industry. The range of products includes canned fish, seaf ood, f rozen f ish, smoked f ish, canned meat and pate. The
company of f ers its products under such brand names as Dal-Pecsa, Neptun, Taaka Ryba, Przysmak, Wilbo and Wilbo Catering.
97 Wawel SA
It is a conf ectionery manuf acturer. The company's main products are cocoa, chocolate, candies, waf ers and chocolate goods. Its major brands include
Michalki zamkowe, Malaga, Tiki Taki, Lekka, Mieszanka Krakowska, Raczki, Fistaszki, Maciek, Olmeca, Kasztanki, Raczki and Kukulka.
98 Pepees SA The company is a manuf acturer of potato starch, maltodextrin, potato protein, starch syrups and crystalline glucose.
99 ZPCMieszko SA The f irmis a conf ectionery manuf acturer.
100 Kruszwica SA The company (part of the Bunge Group) is primarily involved in the manuf acture and sale of vegetable oils and f ats.
101 Jutrzenka Holding SA
The company specializes in the conf ectionery sector. It is principally engaged in the production, wholesale and retail sale of sweets, as well as
rendering f ood production services.
102 OZDIndykpol SA
The company is engaged in the meat processing. It is a producer of turkey meat and processed goods and specializes in turkey rearing, poultry
processing, the wholesale and retail sale of whole poultry birds and poultry elements.
APPENDIX I1 Key financials of the sample companies over the period 2003-2008 [average values in m PLN] Page 85 of 87
Iweta Gdala
Finance and International Business
Aarhus School of Business
Aarhus University
No. Company name Market capitalization Sales Net income Total assets Total debt Cash
1 Telekomunikacja Polska SA 28 752,59 18 365,50 2 051,67 33 884,33 9 872,33 1 581,17
2 Polski Koncern Naftowy Orlen SA 17 880,38 48 746,17 1 702,33 34 986,83 7 802,67 1 268,50
3 KGHM Polska Miedz SA 11 430,67 10 161,82 2 389,04 11 784,58 1 038,80 1 676,46
4 Asseco Poland SA 1 726,69 987,80 119,95 1 848,36 327,93 150,33
5 Agora SA 2 637,50 1 123,40 58,74 1 511,61 142,60 233,75
6 Mondi Swiecie SA 3 315,00 1 371,74 205,03 1 381,96 99,42 33,01
7 Cersanit SA 2 623,53 914,56 103,40 1 685,22 788,05 316,33
8 LPP SA 1 806,82 886,90 76,34 607,78 164,56 39,56
9 Orbis SA 1 924,87 1 029,07 79,06 2 195,08 330,85 75,27
10 Budimex SA 1 423,30 2 744,93 29,63 2 083,41 190,41 456,42
11 Polimex Mostostal SA 1 496,14 2 442,11 74,26 1 732,74 329,23 124,42
12 Stalprodukt SA 1 959,10 1 191,72 189,29 765,39 27,32 81,04
13 Netia SA 1 593,32 875,38 -154,33 2 318,11 16,79 186,87
14 Mostostal-Warszawa SA 518,82 1 259,66 10,91 742,85 46,76 153,56
15 ZEW Kogeneracja SA 643,80 726,69 41,41 1 400,56 433,58 100,97
16 Kopex SA (Katowice) 817,92 889,63 121,66 1 257,44 168,71 79,38
17 Mennica Polska SA 561,75 558,19 40,62 381,01 7,18 70,51
18 Elektrobudowa SA 392,35 470,70 22,03 260,84 13,75 25,69
19 Grupa Kety SA 1 234,47 942,24 83,04 998,54 215,64 29,16
20 Farmacol SA 757,74 3 298,26 65,84 1 161,01 31,01 46,82
21 Polnord SA 692,91 237,16 -4,81 721,56 214,60 28,07
22 Debica SA 1 177,83 1 440,44 77,08 1 068,03 55,82 72,84
23 Mostostal Zabrze Holding SA 371,57 509,66 15,49 346,03 44,11 32,95
24 ComArch SA 775,25 467,26 57,10 470,17 61,25 78,55
25 Impexmetal SA 803,90 3 006,81 65,69 1 794,92 548,52 44,11
26 Pfleiderer Grajewo SA 1 629,57 1 052,46 89,85 1 192,83 300,78 36,81
27 Stalexport Autostrady SA 394,48 522,38 16,89 749,37 100,37 57,04
28 Polska Grupa Farmaceutyczna SA 744,04 4 088,96 54,54 1 636,96 414,98 58,69
29 Sygnity SA 592,48 886,86 -11,55 695,87 58,54 64,55
30 Apator SA 432,40 254,98 31,07 184,35 21,83 11,24
31 Fabryka Kotlow Rafako SA 390,86 705,07 12,35 588,45 18,95 31,01
32 MNI SA 216,92 113,59 14,36 219,36 59,85 8,86
33 VISTULA GROUP SA 375,84 245,24 15,83 328,53 74,98 34,43
34 Energomontaz Polnoc SA 239,05 258,71 -6,69 216,82 6,55 26,95
APPENDIX I1 Key financials of the sample companies over the period 2003-2008 [average values in m PLN] Page 86 of 87
Iweta Gdala
Finance and International Business
Aarhus School of Business
Aarhus University
No. Company name Market capitalization Sales Net income Total assets Total debt Cash
35 Wasko SA 212,98 215,38 11,60 157,49 5,51 14,22
36 Ulma Construction Polska 526,89 143,65 20,52 250,63 87,32 7,01
37 TIM SA 271,33 318,68 17,17 176,72 15,20 1,01
38 Boryszew SA 1 168,02 2 825,11 50,13 2 057,26 784,94 54,34
39 Stomil Sanok SA 391,51 368,12 28,89 290,27 40,77 6,30
40 Energomontaz Poludnie SA 88,04 166,74 3,21 156,04 23,81 11,93
41 Centrostal Gdansk SA 69,91 301,73 1,89 208,13 33,34 21,04
42 Naftobudowa 120,45 156,69 5,63 89,87 9,79 10,61
43 Mostostal Plock SA 78,85 116,44 5,50 76,86 0,81 13,59
44 Lentex SA 224,88 193,49 4,87 232,00 11,85 16,45
45 Forte SA 229,78 425,75 14,17 390,07 83,62 14,07
46 Stalprofil SA 218,43 623,87 26,30 250,23 52,41 5,81
47 Mostostal-Export SA 95,28 234,10 9,53 280,21 22,65 18,30
48 Projprzem 107,78 131,55 6,06 84,39 1,20 14,73
49 Ponar Wadowice SA 99,40 61,06 -19,32 117,45 25,35 15,38
50 Lubawa SA 83,19 31,72 5,88 52,41 0,37 11,53
51 Prochem SA 126,49 292,17 13,27 211,08 24,40 31,50
52 Internet Group SA 65,85 128,94 2,75 142,89 34,06 3,74
53 Yawal SA 108,08 166,15 13,93 174,57 33,52 18,00
54 Sanwil Holding SA 58,81 42,55 -0,67 65,54 2,09 9,07
55 Zaklady Odziezowe Bytom SA 48,78 63,07 3,00 58,81 12,68 3,01
56 Amica Wronki SA 185,65 1 180,86 6,42 868,37 80,33 23,19
57 Prochnik SA 58,33 17,85 -4,32 18,78 0,57 2,13
58 PMUE Remak SA 45,38 145,95 0,88 73,71 5,85 6,24
59 Hutmen SA 203,16 955,58 -6,63 613,24 208,78 8,68
60 PPWK SA 54,93 44,48 2,52 67,73 7,24 5,70
61 Relpol SA 69,10 93,74 0,63 100,15 24,12 7,12
62 NKT Cables S.A. 99,28 430,45 8,24 235,92 84,50 12,57
63 ZM Ropczyce SA 120,74 378,92 -0,65 272,84 57,56 5,90
64 PPH KOMPAP SA 17,38 18,37 -1,58 25,03 2,14 1,12
65 Elzab SA (Zabrze) 43,85 73,35 2,15 58,34 3,93 3,35
66 Optimus SA 59,25 157,62 1,43 53,21 5,06 2,84
67 Krosnienskie Huty Szkla KROSNO SA 169,36 355,93 -20,64 385,01 158,25 3,50
68 Grupa Kapitalowa FASING SA 32,34 82,94 4,10 105,00 23,81 4,86
APPENDIX I1 Key financials of the sample companies over the period 2003-2008 [average values in m PLN] Page 87 of 87
Iweta Gdala
Finance and International Business
Aarhus School of Business
Aarhus University
No. Company name Market capitalization Sales Net income Total assets Total debt Cash
69 Macrologic SA 51,92 37,48 4,27 23,73 1,17 3,21
70 Swarzedzkie Fabryki Mebli Swarzedz SA 44,96 27,00 -9,99 47,49 14,14 7,51
71 Energoaparatura SA 17,07 31,28 -0,74 17,76 0,62 1,35
72 Ampli 14,51 94,57 1,16 44,18 5,93 0,25
73 Budopol Wroclaw SA 48,93 47,81 -0,47 25,48 0,81 6,57
74 Muza SA 17,20 28,58 0,44 45,11 1,73 2,19
75 Trion SA 33,90 92,35 -4,06 88,88 17,65 2,73
76 Huta Szkla Gospodarczego Irena SA 62,76 90,65 -10,24 106,24 22,41 1,82
77 Echo Investment SA 1 861,30 341,27 162,31 2 638,78 1 113,87 229,68
78 Gant Development SA 269,33 962,23 36,58 429,24 177,20 22,03
79 PHS Hydrotor SA 69,27 69,24 6,35 64,13 4,02 6,76
80 Prosper SA 87,57 1 750,92 -0,32 507,71 68,56 11,58
81 Fabryka Kosmetykow Pollena-Ewa SA 37,48 29,92 -2,79 20,39 1,74 0,87
82 Talex SA 45,67 101,47 2,61 65,39 0,59 15,64
83 Alma Market 217,93 486,89 17,08 262,17 61,23 17,51
84 Emperia Holding SA 836,56 2 398,69 36,58 784,65 139,38 28,98
85 Korporacja Gospodarcza Efekt SA 29,19 47,29 1,45 91,91 42,15 1,82
86 Wandalex SA 45,04 86,70 2,92 49,09 9,47 2,22
87 LZPS Protektor SA 64,21 66,01 5,35 56,11 7,43 3,88
88 Permedia SA 61,40 44,82 5,32 35,42 2,50 6,69
89 Instal Lublin SA 18,60 31,95 -1,75 30,72 0,39 0,45
90 Inter Groclin Auto SA 312,57 457,35 12,67 406,49 102,89 25,68
91 Simple SA 12,92 13,47 -0,02 11,92 3,77 0,49
92 Odlewnie Polskie SA 57,70 105,90 -14,01 58,58 5,04 8,07
93 Beef-San Zaklady Miesne SA 62,67 106,34 -5,34 90,96 15,47 7,48
94 Duda SA 572,73 926,81 23,25 606,62 141,68 23,48
95 Grupa Zywiec SA 5 381,19 3 220,70 331,50 2 343,69 515,53 80,81
96 Wilbo SA 42,39 179,49 0,45 119,21 11,79 4,13
97 Wawel SA 256,09 220,40 23,06 168,45 10,07 2,59
98 Pepees SA 73,39 159,65 14,66 185,19 41,64 9,47
99 ZPC Mieszko SA 103,34 191,94 -0,08 209,46 68,05 2,18
100 Kruszwica SA 797,03 1 124,12 50,31 918,36 451,54 5,69
101 Jutrzenka Holding SA 216,95 349,26 18,15 371,51 54,55 4,27
102 OZD Indykpol SA 203,52 656,70 9,31 316,28 88,14 10,75