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FUNDAMENTALS OF SOLAR RADIATION 47 AB Thn= lint AG ~ighien = hy Sine Horizontal surface Figure 2.18. Solar radiation on a horizontal surface. 2.5.3 Solar Radiation on a Tilted Surface Solar radiation on an arbitrary tilted surface having a tilt angle of B from the horizontal and an azimuth angle of a,, (assumed + west of south), as shown in Fig. 2.19, is the sum of components consisting of beam (I,,.), sky diffuse (J,.) and ground reflected so- lar radiation (J,,): (2.42) If i is the angle of incidence of the beam radiation on the tilted surface, it is simple to show that the instantaneous beam radiation on the surface per unit area is: Tye nv €08 i. (2.43) From the geometry in Fig. 2.19, it can be shown that the angle of incidence i for the surface (angle between the normal to the surface and a line collinear with the sun’s rays) is related to the solar angles as cos i = cos a cos (a, — a,)sin B + sin acos B. (2.44) The diffuse radiation on the surface (Z,,.) can be obtained by multiplying the sky diffuse radiation on a horizontal surface by the view factor between the sky and the surface:* “The surface has been assumed infinitely large for this view factor. See Section PRINCIPLES OF SOLAR ENGINEERING « a 8 = i Figure 2.19. Definitions of solar angles for a tilted surface. Tyg = [yy(1 + cosp)/2 = Ch,y(1 + cosB)/2 = Cl,,yc0s*(B/2). (2.45) The ground reflected solar radiation can be found from the total solar radiation inci- dent on a horizontal surface and the ground reflectance p as: Tne = yp. (2.46) The part of J, intercepted by the tilted surface can be found by multiplying the ground reflected radiation by the view factor between the surface* and the ground: I, = pl,(1 — cosp)/2 = pl, sin(B/2) (2.47) = pl,,y(sin & + C) sin(B/2). For ordinary ground or grass, p is approximately 0.2 and for snow covered ground it can be taken as approximately 0.8. Example 2.6(a). Find the instantaneous solar radiation at 12:00 noon Eastern Standard Time on a solar collector surface (B = 30°, a,, = +10°) on February 1 in Gainesville, FL. Solution. From Example 2.1, for February 1: n= 32, 6, = —17.5°,and ET = —13.7 min “The tilted surface and the ground in front of it have been assumed to be infinitely large for this view factor.FUNDAMENTALS OF SOLAR RADIATION 49 For finding the values of solar radiation on the collector, we will need to calculate angles @, a,, h,, and i. Solar Time = LST + ET + (ly — licat) = 12:00 — 13.7 min + 4(75° — 82.27°) 11:17.2 aM, __ minutes from solar noon 4 min/deg = “ss = —10.7° (—before noon). From Eq. (2.28), @ = sin” !(sin(29.68°) sin(— 17.5°) + cos(29.68°) cos(— 17.5°) cos(— 10.7°)) = 417°. From Eq. (2.29), a, = sin” '(cos(—17.5°)sin(— 10.7°)/cos(41.7°)) = -13.7°. Angle of incidence i for the solar collector is given by Eq. (2.44): cos i = cos(41.7°) cos(— 13.7° — 10°) sin(30°) + sin(41.7°) cos(30°) 23.4° To calculate the solar radiation using Eqs. (2.42, 2.43, 2.45, and 2.47), we need to find Tyy and 1. Extraterrestrial Solar Radiation T= IL + 0.034 cos(360n/365.25)°] = 1353W/m?[1 + 0.034 cos(360x32/365.25)] = 1392W/m?, Iny = Cyle Wine (Find k from Table 2.4. Assume C, = 1) = 1392e~0-144/sin(a1.79) = 1121W/m?.50 PRINCIPLES OF SOLAR ENGINEERING Beam radiation on the collector (Eq. 2.43): Ing = by 008i = (1121)cos(23.4°) = 1029W/m?, Sky diffuse radiation on the collector (Eq. 2.45): Tac = Cly,y COS(B/2) = (0.060)(1121)cos*(30/2) (Find C from Table 2.4.) 63W/m?. Ground reflected radiation on the collector (Eq. 2.47): I, = pl,y(sin @ + C)sin%(B/2) Assume p=02 T,. = (0.2)(1121)(sin41.7° + 0,060)sin2(15°) = 11W/m?. Total insolation on the collector: 1, 1029 + 63 + 11 = 1103W/m2, Example 2.6(b). Repeat the calculations in Example 2.6(a) for a north facing so- lar collector (8 = 30°, a, = 10°) in Buenos Aires, Argentina. (latitude = 34° — 35'S, longitude = 58° — 29’W, Standard Meridian = 45°W) Solution. Following the procedure in Example 2.6(a), the solar angles and the an- gle of incidence are found as: Solar Time = 12:00 — 13.7 min + 4(45° — 58.48°)min 0:52 aM h, = -68/4 = -17° sin-! [sin(—34.58°)sin(—17.5°) + cos(—34.58°)cos(—17.5°)cos(—17°)] = 67.2°FUNDAMENTALS OF SOLAR RADIATION 51 a, = sin-! [cos(—17.5°)sin(—17°)/cos(67.2°)] = 46° Therefore, the angle of incidence i = cos~'[cos(67.2°)cos(—46° — 10°)sin(30°) + sin(67.2°)cos(30°)] = 24.95° Assuming that the solar radiation model used in Example 2.2(a) applies. (Note: the model was developed for locations in the U.S.) Tyy = 1392 e-0-14asine7.2°) = 1191 Win? 1,,, = 1191 cos(24.95°) = 1080 W/m? 1,,, = (0.060)(1191) cos?(30°/2) = 67 Win? 1,, = (0.2)(1191)(sin 67.2° + 0.060) sin2(15°) = 16 W/m? Total insolation on the collector 1, = 1080 + 67 + 16 = 1163 W/m? 2.5.4 Monthly Solar Radiation Estimation Models One of the earliest methods of estimating solar radiation on a horizontal surface was proposed by the pioneer spectroscopist Angstrém. It was a simple linear model relating average horizontal radiation to clear-day radiation and to the sunshine level, that is, percent of possible hours of sunshine. Since the definition of a clear day is somewhat nebulous, Page [57] refined the method and based it on extraterrestrial radiation in- stead of the ill-defined clear day: = n = Ay(a+ 0%) a) =H,,(a + b— F Tia 100 2.48)52 PRINCIPLES OF SOLAR ENGINEERING where H, and H,,, are the horizontal terrestrial, and horizontal extraterrestrial radiation levels averaged for a month, PS is the monthly averaged percent of possible sunshine (that is, hours of sunshine/maximum possible duration of sunshine X 100), a and b are constants for a given site, and 7 and N are the monthly average numbers of hours of bright sunshine and day length respectively. The ratio n/N is also equivalent to the monthly average percent sunshine (PS). H,,, can be calculated by finding H, , from the following equation (2.49), using Eqs. (2.35) and (2.44) and averaging /, ,, for the num- ber of days in each month; or data in Appendix 2 (Table A2.2) can be used. sin adt (2.49) Some typical values of a and b are given in Table 2.5 [46]. Additional values for worldwide locations are given in Appendix 2 (Table A2.4). Example 2.7. Using the predictive method of Angstrém or Page, estimate the monthly solar radiation for the North Central Sahara Desert (Tamanrasset, Algeria area) at latitude = 25°N. Percentages of possible sunshine and extraterrestrial radia- tion for this site are given in the table below. Solution, Using the climate data given, the expected monthly average horizontal radiation for the North Sahara is calculated in the following table using a = 0.30 and b = 0.43 from Table 2.5. Hy A, Month PS/00 (kJ/m? « day) kJ/m? « day Btu/ft - day Jan. 0.88 23,902 16,215 1425 Feb. 0.83 28,115, 18,469 1626 Mar, 0.90 32,848 22,143 1950 ‘Apr. 0.85 37,11 24,697 2174 May 0.80 39.356 25,345 2231 June 0.76 40,046 2210 Jul. 0.86 39,606 2336 Aug. 0.83 37,832 24,852 2188 Sep. 0.77 34,238 21,608 1902 Oct. 0.86 29,413 19,701 1735 Nov. 0.85 24,909 16,577 1460 Dee. 0.80 22,669 14,599 1285 “Monthly averaged, daily extraterrestrial radiation. The high levels of radiation predicted above are typical of the North Sahel region and are higher than most U.S. locations except the Mojave Desert. ‘A number of researchers found Angstrém-Page type correlations for specific loca- tions which are listed in Table 2.6. Some of these include additional parameters such asFUNDAMENTALS OF SOLAR RADIATION 53 Table 2.5. Coefficients a and b in the Angstrém-Page regression equation* Sunshine hours in percentage of possible Location Climate Range Avg. a b Albuquerque, NM BS-BW 68-85, 78 O41 0.37 Atlanta, GA cr 45-71 59 0.38 0.26 Blue Hill, MA Df 42-60 52 0.22 0.50 Brownsville, TX BS ‘47-80 62 0.35 031 Buenos Aires, Arg ct 47-68 59 0.26 0.50 Charleston, SC cr 60-75 o7 0.48 0.09 Dairen, Manchuria Dw 55-81 67 0.36 0.23 El Paso, TX BW 78-88, 84 0.54 0.20 Ely, NV BW 61-89 1 0.54 0.18 Hamburg, Germany cr 11-49 36 0.22 57 Honolulu, HI Af 57-17 65 0.14 0.73 Madison, WI Df 40-72 58 030 0.34 Malange, Angola Aw-BS 41-84 58 0.34 0.34 Miami, FL Aw 56-71 65 0.42 0.22 Nice, France Cs 49-16 61 O17 0.63 Poona, India (monsoon) Am 2549 37 0.30 O51 (dry) 65-89 81 0.41 0.34 Stanleyville, Congo Af 34-56 48 0.28 0.39 ‘Tamanrasset, Algeria BW 76-88 83 0.30 0.43 +From Lof etal. [46] with permission. ++ Af = tropical forest climate, constantly moist, rainfall all through the year Am = tropical forest climate, monsoon rain, short dry season, but total rainfall sufficient to support rain forest ‘Aw = tropical forest climate, dry season in winter BS = steppe or semiarid climate BW = desert or arid climate Cf = mesothermal forest climate, constantly moist, rainfall all through the year Cs = mesothermal forest climate, dry season in winter Df = microthermal snow forest climate, constantly moist, rainfall all through the year Dw = microthermal snow forest climate, dry season in winter relative humidity and ambient temperature. Correlations listed in the table may be used for the specific locations for which they were developed. Another meteorological variable that could be used for solar radiation prediction is the opaque cloud cover recorded at many weather stations around the world. This quantity is a measure of the percent of the sky dome obscured by opaque clouds. Be- cause this parameter contains even less solar information than sunshine values, it has not been useful in predicting long-term solar radiation values. A subsequent section, however, will show that cloud cover, when used with solar altitude angle or air mass, is a useful estimator of hourly direct radiation.54 PRINCIPLES OF SOLAR ENGINEERING ‘Table 2.6, Angstrém-Page type correlations for specific locations Measured data Authors correlated Correlation equations? Iqbal [28] Canada, D, (a 3 locations H, O79! ~ 0635 (7) = 63 + oan) ~nas( 2) ja, = 0163 + 0478(5) — 0.6555, H, (2) (" = 0.176 + 1.43(2) — 1.12 A, 8 N, Ny, Garg [17] India, ny 20 years’ data I 1.3 - 3 0.3616 — 0.212: ( a D, n " = 0.8677 — 0.7365( ) h Ny, Hussain [25] India H, * = 0,394 + 0.364] | — 0,0035W,, lo Pr. — 0,306 — 0. 165] “| — ooo2sw, Hy Ly “ Coppolino [11] Ttal ‘ous pee Y fy = 9, oi) sin(ar,,)%° lok NI ,, = Solar Elevation at noon on the 15! of each month, degrees Akinoglu & Ttaly H, Ecevit [2] ii, = 0.145 + 0.845| Ogelman et al. [56] Turkey, ii, 3 a 2 locations, ( ‘) = 0.204 + oass( 7) 0. 2so({(*) | ton } 3 years’ data o = a = om = 0.0035 + 02326(5) - 033(7) NFUNDAMENTALS OF SOLAR RADIATION 55 Table 2.6. (Continued) Measured data Authors correlated Correlation equations* “ooo a = ~ 309 + .539 cos L~.0639 h + 0.290 Gopinathan [19] 40 locations H, around the a. oa world b= 1527 ~ 1027 cos L + 0926 n~.359 (F) ¥H,, Hy, Hy» Dy are monthly averaged daily values. maximum duration for which Campbell-Stokes recorder can be active, relative humidity X (4.7923 + 0.3647 + 0.0557? + 0.000373 = ambient temperature °C .. Solar Elevation >5°. W,, = gm moisture/ms = Elevation in km above sea level. L = latitude 2.6 MODELS BASED ON LONG-TERM MEASURED HORIZON’ SOLAR RADIATION Long-term measured solar radiation data is usually available as monthly averaged total solar radiation per day on horizontal surfaces. In order to use this data for tilted sur- faces, the total solar radiation on a horizontal surface must first be broken down into beam and diffuse components. A number of researchers have proposed models to do that, prominent among them being Liu and Jordan, Collares-Pereira and Rabl, and Erbs, Duffie and Klein. 2.6.1 Monthly Solar Radiation on Tilted Surfaces In a series of papers, Liu and Jordan [41-45] have developed an essential simplifica- tion in the basically complex computational method required to calculate long-term ra- diation on tilted surfaces. This is called the LJ method. The fundamental problem in such calculations is the decomposition of long-term measured total horizontal radia- tion into its beam and diffuse components. If the decomposition can be computed, the trigonometric analysis presented ear- lier can be used to calculate incident radiation on any surface in a straightforward man- ner. Liu and Jordan (LJ) correlated the diffuse-to-total radiation ratio (D,/H,) with the monthly clearness index K,, which is defined as — _A, Kp==*, "Has (2.50) where H, is the monthly averaged terrestrial radiation per day on a horizontal surface. H,,, is the corresponding extraterrestrial radiation, which can be calculated from Eq.56 PRINCIPLES OF SOLAR ENGINEERING (2.49) by averaging each daily total for a month. The original LJ method was based upon the extraterrestrial radiation at midmonth, which is not truly an average. The LJ correlation predicts the monthly diffuse (D,) to monthly total H, ratio. It can be expressed by the empirical Eq. IPI , " = 1390 — 4.027 Kp + 31K2 — 3.108K}. (2.51) Note that the LJ correlation is based upon a solar constant value of 1394 W/m? (442 Btu/hr + ft), which was obtained from terrestrial observations, whereas the newer value, based on satellite data, is 1377 W/m? (437 Btu/hr - ft). The values of K,, must be based on this earlier value of the solar constant to use the LJ method. Col- lares-Pereira and Rabl [10] conducted a study and concluded that although Liu and Jor- dan’s approach is valid, their correlations would predict significantly smaller diffuse ra- diation components. They also concluded that Liu and Jordan were able to correlate their model with the measured data because they used the measured data which was not corrected for the shade ring (see solar radiation measurements). Collares-Pereira and Rabl (C-P&R) also introduced the sunset hour angle /,, in their correlation to account for the seasonal variation in the diffuse component. The C-P&R correlation is: Ph < 9775 4 o3a7(h, - 3) - [030s + ori, - 3) cos(2K, — 1.8), A, 2 A (2.52) where h,, is the sunset hour angle in radians. The C-P&R correlation agrees well with the correlations for India [8], Israel [71] and Canada [66] and is, therefore, preferred to equation (2.51). The monthly average beam component B, on a horizontal surface can be readily calculated by simple subtraction since D,, is known: B, =H, ~ Dy. (2.53) It will be recalled on an instantaneous basis from Eqs. (2.41) and (2.43) and Fig. (2.19) that = on hw = Sina? (2.54) The = thn 008 i, (2.43) where /,,, is the instantaneous horizontal beam radiation. Solving for /,., the beam ra- diation on a surface, (2.55)FUNDAMENTALS OF SOLAR RADIATION 87 The ratio in parentheses is usually called the beam radiation tilt factor R,,. It is a purely geometric quantity that converts instantaneous horizontal beam radiation to beam radi- ation intercepted by a tilted surface. Equation (2.55) cannot be used directly for the long-term beam radiation B,. To be strictly correct, the instantaneous tilt factor R, should be integrated over a month with the beam component /, , used as a weighting factor to calculate the beam tilt factor. However, the LJ method is used precisely when such short-term data as J, , are not available. The LJ recommendation for the monthly mean tilt factor R,, is simply to cal- culate the monthly average of cos i and divide it by the same average of sin @. In equa- tion form for south-facing surfaces, this operation yields: = cos(L = B)c b in h,, + h,-sin(L — B) sind, cos L cos6, sin h,, (a = 0) + h,,(a = 0) sin L sin 6, (2.56) where the sunrise hour angle h(a = 0) in radians is given by Eq (2.30) and A,, is the min [Ih, (a = 0)I, Ih, (i = 90°)l], respectively, and are evaluated at midmonth. Non- south-facing surfaces require numerical integration or iterative methods to determine R,, The long-term beam radiation ona tilted surface B. is then, B. = R, By (2.57) which is the long-term analog of Eq. (2.43). Values of R, are tabulated in Appendix 2, Table A2.5, Diffuse radiation intercepted by a tilted surface differs from that on a horizontal surface, because a tilted surface does not view the entire sky dome, which is the source of diffuse radiation. If the sky is assumed to be an isotropic source of diffuse radiation, the instantaneous and long-term tilt factors for diffuse radiation, R, and R, tespec- tively, are equal and are simply the radiation view factor from the plane to the visible portion of a hemisphere. In equation form: a 2B R, = RB, = cos? = = Ry = cos?) In some cases where solar collectors are mounted near the ground, some beam and diffuse radiation reflected from the ground can be intercepted by the collector surface. The tilt factor R, for reflected total radiation (D,, + B,) is then calculated to be (1 + cosB)/2. (2.58) R B eR ve pie ® D,+B, "2 pl — cosB)/2, (2.59) in which p is the diffuse reflectance of the surface south of the collector assumed uni- form and of infinite extent. For snow, p = 0.75; for grass and concrete, p = 0.2. A more complete list of re- flectances is provided in Table A2.7 of Appendix 2. The total long-term radiation inter-58 PRINCIPLES OF SOLAR ENGINEERING cepted by a surface H, is then the total of beam, diffuse, and diffusely reflected compo- nents: H, =R,B, + R,D, + RD, + B,)- (2.60) Using Eqs. (2.61) and (2.62), we have H=RB. +D, coe 2 + ©, + Bpsin’ = H, = R,B, + D, cos? + (D, + B,)psin® >, (2.61) in which R, is calculated from Eq. (2.56). Example 2.8. Using the H, data calculated in Example 2.7 in place of the long- term measured data for the North Central Sahara Desert at latitude 25°N, find the monthly averaged insolation per day on a south-facing solar collector tilted at an angle of 25° from the horizontal. Solution. The solution below is for the month of January. Values for the other months can be found by following the same method. H,, = 16,215kJ/m? — day. From Table A2.2a: H,, = 23,902. Therefore, K, = H,/H,,, = 0.678. 6, and h,, can be found for the middle of the month (January 16). 8, = 23.45° sin[360(284 + 16)365]° = -21.1°, h,(a@ = 0) = —cos~!(~tan L tan 8) = —79.6° or — 1.389rad. and h,, = 1.389 Using CP & R correlation,FUNDAMENTALS OF SOLAR RADIATION 59 D, 7 = 0.775 + 0.347(1.389 — 1.5708) h — [0.505 + 0.0261(1.389 — 1.5708)]cos(2 X 0.678 — 1.8) = 0.212 Therefore, D, = 0.212 X 16,215 = 3.438kI/m? — day and B, = H, — D, = 12,777kI/m? — day Insolation on a tilted surface can be found from Eq. (2.60). We need to find R, from Eq. (2.56). Therefore, _ _€08(0) cos(~21.1°) sin(—79.6°) — 1.389sin(0) sin(—21.1°) ® cos(25°) cos(—21.1°) sin(—79.6°) — 1.389sin(25°) sin(—21.1°) = 147. R, = c0s?(25/2) = 0.953. R, = psin°(B/2) (Assume p = 0.2) = 0.2 sin?(12.5°) = 0.009. Therefore, A, = (1.47)(12,777) + 0.953(3,438) + 0.009(16,215) = 22,205 kJ/m?. 2.6.2. Circumsolar or Anisotropic Diffuse Solar Radiation The models described in the above sections assume that the sky diffuse radiation is isotropic. However, this assumption is not true because of circumsolar radiation (brightening around the solar disk). Although the assumption of isotropic diffuse solar radiation does not introduce errors in the diffuse values on horizontal surfaces, it can result in errors of 10 to 40% in the diffuse values on tilted surfaces. A number of re- searchers have studied the anisotropy of the diffuse solar radiation because of circum- solar radiation. Temps and Coulson [73] introduced an anisotropic diffuse radiation al- gorithm for tilted surfaces for clear sky conditions. Klucher [37] refined the Temps and Coulson algorithm by adding a cloudiness function to it:60 PRINCIPLES OF SOLAR ENGINEERING R : (1 + cosB)M\M;, (2.62) where M, = 1+ Fsin(B/2), (2.63) M, = 1 + Fcos?isin'(z), and (2.64) F=1-(D,/H,. (2.65) Examining F, we find that under overcast skies (D,, = H,), R, in Eq. 2.62 reduces to the isotropic term of Liu and Jordan. The Klutcher algorithm reduces the error in diffuse radiation to about 5%. In summary, monthly averaged, daily solar radiation on a surface is calculated by first decomposing total horizontal radiation into its beam and diffuse components us- ing Eq. (2.51) or (2.52). Various tilt factors are then used to convert these horizontal components to components on the surface of interest. 2.6.3 Daily Solar Radiation on Tilted Surfaces Prediction of daily horizontal total solar radiation for sites where solar data are not measured can be done using the Angstrém-Page model. Instead of monthly values, however, daily values are used for percent sunshine PS and extraterrestrial radiation T,,,. The results of using this simple model would be expected to show more scatter than monthly values, however. All U.S. National Weather Service (NWS) stations with solar capability report daily horizontal total (beam and diffuse) radiaton. Liu and Jordan have extended their monthly method described above to apply to daily data. The equation, analogous to Eq. (2.51), used to calculate the daily diffuse component ,,, is [6] “as = 1.0045 + 0.04349K;, — 3.5227K;? + 2.6313K,°, and (2.66) h Ky = 0.75, where K, (no overbar) is the daily clearness index analogous to the monthly K;. (In this section, overbars indicate daily radiation totals.) For values of K,, > 0.75, the dif- fuse-to-total ratio is constant at a value of 0.166. K; is given by Kp= 4 (2.67) ‘The daily extraterrestrial total radiation /,,, is calculated from Eq. (2.49). Note that Eq. (2.66) is based on the early solar constant value of 1394 W/m? (442 Btu/hr - f).FUNDAMENTALS OF SOLAR RADIATION 61 The daily horizontal beam component /,,,, is given by simple subtraction: (2.68) The beam, diffuse, and reflected components of radiation can each be multiplied by their tilt factors R,, R,, and R, to calculate the total radiation on a tilted surface = Riding + Riles + Billys + Taa)s (2.69) in which cos(L — B)cos6, sin h,, + h,, sin(L — B)sin6, cos Leosd.sin hla = 0) = hla = Onin sind, 7 cost and (2.71) psin? & (2.72) by analogy with the previous, monthly analysis. If daily solar data are available, they can be used for design, the same as monthly data. Daily calculations are necessary when finer time-scale performance is required. In addition, daily data can be decomposed into hourly data, which are useful for calcu- lations made with large, computerized solar system simulation models. 2.6.4 Hourly Solar Radiation on Tilted Surfaces Hourly solar radiation can be predicted in several ways. Correlations between hourly total and hourly diffuse (or beam) radiation or meteorological parameters such as cloud cover or air mass may be used. Alternatively, a method proposed by Liu and Jor- dan based on the disaggregation of daily data into hourly data could be used [41-45]. Even if hourly NWS data are available, it is necessary to decompose these total values into beam and diffuse components depending upon the response of the solar conver- sion device to be used to these two fundamentally different radiation types. Randall and Leonard [62] have correlated historical data from the NWS stations at Blue Hill, Massachusetts, and Albuquerque, New Mexico to predict hourly beam radi- ation I, and hourly total horizontal radiation I,. This method can be used to decom- pose NWS data into its beam and diffuse components. The hourly beam radiation was found to be fairly well correlated by hourly per- cent of possible insolation k,, defined as (2.73)o PRINCIPLES OF SOLAR ENGINEERING in which J, , is the hourly horizontal extraterrestrial radiation, which can be evaluated from Eq. (2.49) using one-hour integration periods. Carrying out the integration over a one hour period yields 360) “= i(1 + 0.034 cosa} 9972 cos L cos6,cos h, + sinLsin 8), (2.74) where the solar hour angle f, is evaluated at the center of the hour of interest. ‘The direct normal-beam correlation based on k, is [45] Ty = —520 + 1800K(W/m2) 0.85 > k, = 0.30 (2.75) Ty =0 k, <0.30 (2.76) This fairly simple correlation gives more accurate J, , values than the more cumber- some Liu and Jordan procedure, at least for Blue Hill and Albuquerque. Vant-Hull and Easton [80] have also devised an accurate predictive method for beam radiation. Randall and Leonard [62] have made a correlation of total horizontal hourly radi- ation /,(W/m?) on the basis of opaque cloud cover CC and air mass m using data for Riverside, Los Angeles, and Santa Monica, California. Cloud cover is defined as CC = 1.0 for fully overcast and CC = 0.0 for clear skies. A polynomial fit was used: (83.02 — 3.847m — 4.407CC + 1.1013CC? — 0.1109CC3) (2.77) The average predictive error for this correlation was + 2.3 percent of the NWS data; the correlation coefficient of J, with CC is 0.76 for the data used. Equation (2.80) was used to predict J, for Inyokern, California, a site not used in the original correlation. Predictions of solar radiation for Inyokern were within 3.2 percent of NWS. The dif- fuse radiation can be calculated from Eqs. (2.75), (2.76), and (2.77): Ty, = 1, — I,sina (2.78) The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) has calculated hourly clear-sky values on vertical, horizontal, and tilted surfaces. One table for a full year has been prepared for each of six values of latitude spanning the continental United States. In addition, tables of solar azimuth and altitude angle have been prepared for the same six latitudes. The solar radiation data represent the maximum that could be expected on a clear day and are therefore of limited usefulness in the design of solar systems. They can be used, however, to cal- culate cooling loads on buildings and the like. The ASHRAE tables are contained in Appendix 2.COLLECTION AND CONVERSION METHODS, 89 supersaturated fluosilicic acid solution, the acid attacks the glass and leaves a porous silica surface layer. This layer has an index of refraction intermediate between glass and air. Figure 3.5 shows the spectral reflectance of a pane of glass before and after etching 3.2, FLAT PLATE COLLECTORS A simple flat plate collector consists of an absorber surface (usually a dark, thermally conducting surface); a trap for reradiation losses from the absorber surface (such as glass which transmits shorter wavelength solar radiation but blocks the longer wave- length radiation from the absorber); a heat transfer medium such as air, water, etc.; and some thermal insulation behind the absorber surface. Flat plate collectors are used typ- ically for temperature requirements up to 75°C although higher temperatures can be obtained from high efficiency collectors. These collectors are of two basic types based on the heat transfer fluid: Liquid type: where heat transfer fluid may be water, mixture of water and antifreeze, oil, ete.: Air type: where heat transfer medium is air (used mainly for drying and space heating requirements). 3.2.1 Liquid-Type Collectors Figure 3.6 shows a typical liquid-type flat plate collector. In general it consists of: 1. Glazing: one or more covers of transparent material like glass, plastics, etc, Glaz~ ing may be left out for some low-temperature applications. ABSORBER PLATE Figure 3.6. Typical liquid-type flat plate collector (courtesy of Morning Star Corporation, Orange Park, Florida).90 PRINCIPLES OF SOLAR ENGINEERING 2. Absorber: a plate with tubes or passages attached to it for the passage of a working fluid. The absorber plate is usually painted flat black or electroplated with a selec- tive absorber. . Headers or manifolds: to facilitate the flow of heat transfer fluid. . Insulation: to minimize heat loss from the back and the sides. . Container: box or casing. WE 3.2.2 Air-Type Collectors Air types of collectors are more commonly used for agricultural drying and space heat- ing applications, Their basic advantages are low sensitivity to leakage and no need for an additional heat exchanger for drying and space heating applications. However, be- cause of the low heat capacity of the air and the low convection heat transfer coeffi- cient between the absorber and the air, a larger heat transfer area and higher flow rates are needed. Figure 3.7 shows some common configurations of air heating collectors. Common absorber materials include corrugated aluminum or galvanized steel sheets, black metallic screens, or simply any black painted surface. Unglazed, transpired solar air collectors offer a low-cost opportunity for some ap- plications such as preheating of ventilation air and agricultural drying and curing [49]. Such collectors consist of perforated absorber sheets that are exposed to the sun and through which air is drawn. The perforated absorber sheets are attached to the vertical walls, which are exposed to the sun, Kutcher and Christensen [50] have given a de- Polymer film Corrugated sheet with selective surface Glazing 4 [ Air passage Airflow parallel to Cy ( ( Vy gy WSC) Olek Insulation ot Shei Car as aN WY OU! Figure 3.7. Some common configurations of air heating collectors. Blackened glassCOLLECTION AND CONVERSION METHODS 1 tailed thermal analysis of unglazed transpired solar collectors. (See Chapter 5, Section 5.4.5 for additional details.) ‘The most important components, whose properties determine the efficiency of so- lar thermal collectors, are glazings and absorbers. 3.2.3 Glazings The purpose of a glazing or transparent cover is to transmit the shorter wavelength so- lar radiation but block the longer wavelength reradiation from the absorber plate, and to reduce the heat loss by convection from the top of the absorber plate. Consequently, an understanding of the process and laws that govern the transmission of radiation through a transparent medium is important. Section 3.1 describes in brief the transmis- sion of radiation through materials. Glass is the most common glazing material. Figure 3.8 shows transmittance of glass as a function of wavelength. Transparent plastics, such as polycarbonates and acrylics are also used as glazings for flat plate collectors. The main disadvantage of plastics is that their transmittance in the longer wavelength is also high, therefore, they are not as good a trap as glass. Other disadvantages include deterioration over a period of time due to ultraviolet solar radiation. Their main advantage is resistance to breakage. Although glass can break easily, this disadvantage can be minimized by using tempered glass. In order to minimize the upward heat loss from the collector, more than one trans- parent glazing may be used. However, with the increase in the number of cover plates, transmittance is decreased. Figure 3.9 shows the effect of number of glass cover plates on transmittance. 100 a ‘Transmittance (%) 10 Wavelength (am) Figure 3.8. Spectral transmittance of 3 mm Low Iron Float glass.92 PRINCIPLES OF SOLAR ENGINEERING Le eT Ct 2 0.8 4 oe cables 3 3 on E i oz bie pets ise seulaosed +0 iD cy Angle of Incidence Figure 3.9. Transmittance of multiple glass covers having an index of refraction 1.526". Absorbers. The purpose of the absorber is to absorb as much of the incident solar ra diation as possible, re-emit as little as possible, and allow efficient transfer of heat to a working fluid. The most common forms of absorber plates in use are shown in Figure 3.10. The materials used for absorber plates include copper, aluminum, stainless steel, galvanized steel, plastics and rubbers. Copper seems to be the most common material used for absorber plates and tubes because of its high thermal conductivity and high corrosion resistance. However, copper is quite expensive. For low-temperature appli- cations (up to about 50°C or 120°F) a plastic material called ethylene propylene poly- mer (trade names EPDM, HCP, etc.) can be used to provide inexpensive absorber ma- Soldered Extruded Roll-Bond Multichannel Figure 3.10. Common types of absorber plates.COLLECTION AND CONVERSION METHODS, 93 HCP® Absorber Panel Manifold ‘Substrate Frame Back Brace Figure 3.11. Cutaway view of a typical collector made from ethylene propylene polymer (Courtesy of Sealed Air Corporation, Saddlebrook, NJ). terial. To compensate for the low thermal conductivity, a large surface area is provided for heat transfer. Figure 3.11 shows a typical collector made from such material. In order to increase the absorption of solar radiation and to reduce the emission from the absorber, the metallic absorber surfaces are painted or coated with flat black paint or some selective coating. A selective coating has high absorptivity in the solar wavelength range (0.3 to 3.0 rm). Absorptivities and emissivities of some common se- lective surfaces are given in Table 3.3. A simple and inexpensive collector consists of a black painted corrugated metal absorber on which water flows down open, rather than enclosed in tubes. This type of collector is called a trickle collector and is usually built on-site. Although such a col- lector is simple and inexpensive, it has the disadvantages of condensation on the glaz- ing and a higher pumping power requirement. 3.2.4 Energy balance for a flat-plate collector. The thermal performance of any type of solar thermal collector can be evaluated by an energy balance that determines the portion of the incoming radiation delivered as useful energy to the working fluid. For a flat-plate collector of an area A, this energy balance on the absorber plate is, de LA, = y+ Goss + ATO, = Oy + ows + Ge (3.8) where J, = solar irradiation on a collector surface, 7, = effective solar transmittance of the collector cover(s), a, = solar absorptance of the collector-absorber plate surface, Is ‘ate of heat transfer from the collector-absorber plate to the working fluid, ings = Fate Of heat transfer (or heat loss) from the collector-absorber plate to the surroundings, and de,/dt = vate of internal energy storage in the collector. The instantaneous efficiency of a collector 77, is simply the ratio of the useful energy delivered to the total incoming solar energy, oro4 PRINCIPLES OF SOLAR ENGINEERING 4, Ne (3.9) Al. In practice, the efficiency must be measured over a finite time period. In a standard performance test, this period is on the order of 15 or 20 min, whereas for design, the performance over a day or over some longer period 1 is important. Then we have for the average efficiency J, ate B.10) “yr Adlai where is the time period over which the performance is averaged. A detailed and precise analysis of the efficiency of a solar collector is complicated by the nonlinear behavior of radiation heat transfer. However, a simple linearized analysis is usually sufficiently accurate in practice. In addition, the simplified analyti- cal procedure is very important because it illustrates the parameters of significance for a solar collector and how these parameters interact. For a proper analysis and interpre- tation of these test results an understanding of the thermal analysis is imperative, al- though for design and economic evaluation the results of standardized performance tests are generally used. Insulation Collector plate Tube Figure 3.12, Schematic diagram of solar collector.COLLECTION AND CONVERSION METHODS 95 Collector heat-loss conductance. In order to obtain an understanding of the parame- ters determining the thermal-efficiency of a solar collector, it is important to develop the concept of collector heat-loss conductance. Once the collector heat-loss conduc- tance U, is known, and when the collector plate is at an average temperature T,, the collector heat loss can be written in the simple form oss = UAT. — Ta) G11) ‘The simplicity of this relation is somewhat misleading because the collector heat-loss conductance cannot be specified without a detailed analysis of all the heat losses. Fig- ure 3.12 shows a schematic diagram of a single-glazed collector, while Fig. 3.13(a) shows the thermal circuit with all the elements that must be analyzed before they can be combined into a single conductance element shown in Figure 3.13(b). The analysis, below shows an example of how this combination is accomplished. In order to construct a model suitable for a thermal analysis of a flat-plate collec- tor, the following simplifying assumptions will be made: <0; Cover © Ambient temperature (Ta) Rot © Cover temperature (Tg) Absorber AA plate reflection Useful / a | energy Collector plate | lh delivery temperature (Te) @uw | pale |, Collector bottom housing temperature © Ambient temperature (Ta) Figure 3.13, ‘Thermal circuits for a flat-plate collector shown in Fig. 3.12: (a) detailed cireuit; (b) approximate, equivalent circuit to (a). In both circuits, the absorber energy is equal to a.f,, where I, = 7, Collector assumed to be at uniform temperature T,.96 PRINCIPLES OF SOLAR ENGINEERING 1, The collector is thermally in steady state. 2. The temperature drop between the top and bottom of the absorber plate is negligible. 3. Heat flow is one-dimensional through the cover as well as through the back in- sulation. 4, The headers connecting the tubes cover only a small area of the collector and pro- vide uniform flow to the tubes. 5. The sky can be treated as though it were a black-body source for infrared radiation at an equivalent sky temperature. 6. The irradiation on the collector plate is uniform. For a quantitative analysis let the plate temperature be T_ and assume solar energy is absorbed at the rate /,cr,. Part of this energy is then transferred as heat to the working fluid, and if the collector is in the steady state, the other part is lost as heat to the ambi- ent air if T, > T,. Some of the heat loss occurs through the bottom of the collector. It passes first through the back to the environment. Since the collector is in steady state, according to Eq. (3.8), Gu = NAT, ~ ass (3.12) where q,,,, can be determined using the equivalent thermal circuit as shown in figure 3.13. Yor: = UAT, ~ 7) = oe, (3.13) There are three parallel paths to heat loss from the hot collector absorber plate at T. to the ambient at 7: the top, bottom and edges. Because the edge losses are quite small compared to the top and the bottom losses, they are quite often neglected. However, they can be estimated easily if the insulation around the edges is of the same thickness as the back. The edge loss can be accounted for by simply adding the areas of the back (A,) and the edges (A,) for back heat loss. Therefore, the overall heat loss coefficient is: A A, +A, > + 3.14 Ry + Ry” Ry + Rey ee The thermal resistances can be found easily from the definition. For example, 1, 1 Ry = i and Ry, ianan’ (3.15) where k, and J, are, respectively, the thermal conductivity and thickness of the insula- tion, and A 49 8 the convective heat transfer coefficient between the collector and the air below the collector. In a well-insulated collector, R,, is much smaller than R,, and usually neglected. Referring to figure 3.12COLLECTION AND CONVERSION METHODS 97 A, = Uh + Wb (3.16) Since the heat loss from the top is by convection and radiation, it is more compli- cated than the bottom heat loss. Convection and radiation provide two parallel paths for heat loss from the absorber plate at T, to the glass cover at T,, and from the glass cover to the ambient. That is, the series resistance of R,, and R,, consists of: Therefore, (3.17) (3.18) Since thermal radiative heat transfer is proportional to the fourth power of the temperature, R, and /, are found as follows: Radiative heat transfer from the plate to the glass cover vA, eT) h, AAT, — T, 3.19) 4... = Te e+ We, ~~ A(T, — T,), (3.19) where ; = infrared emittance of the plate infrared emittance of the glass cover. Therefore, 4 = et T,(T2 + T2) gat Weg aaa) Similarly, from the radiative heat transfer between the glass plate (at 7,) and the sky (at T,,,) we can find that: Grea, = SPAMS — Thy) = BypwAdT, — To)s (3.21)98 PRINCIPLES OF SOLAR ENGINEERING or hye = €,,0(T4 ~ T4)/(T, - T,). (3.22) Evaluation of the collector heat-loss conductance defined by Eq. (3.14) requires iterative solution of Eqs. (3.19) and (3.21), because the unit radiation conductances are functions of the cover and plate temperatures, which are not known a priori. A simpli- fied procedure for calculating U, for collectors with all covers of the same material, which is often sufficiently accurate and more convenient to use, has been suggested by Hottel and Woertz [36] and Klein [41]. It is also suitable for application to collectors with selective surfaces. For this approach the collector top loss in watts is written in the form [1]: = (I. = TA, feotes NCTT AG, — TIN + PP? + 7h, aT? — THA, * Tle, + 0.05NC = 6,)1+ QN+F—D/e,-N*? 99) where f = (1 — 0.04h, + 0.005, .2(1 + 0.091N), C = 250[1 — 0.0044(8 — 90)], N = number of covers, h.,, =5.7 + 3.8V, and €,; = infrared emittance of the covers, V_ = wind speed in m/sec. v The values of ¢,,. ,., calculated from Eq. (3.23) agreed closely with the values ob- tained from Eq. (3.22) for 972 different observations encompassing the following con- ditions: 320
T,) T, = ambient air temperature U, = overall unit conductance between the plate and the ambient air (on) ‘To outlet header ‘To outlet header \ [AA “fal eT REED ZZ (Sea Insulation Figure 3.14, Sketch showing coordinates and dimensions for collector plate and fluid ducts.100 PRINCIPLES OF SOLAR ENGINEERING U, includes the effects of radiation and free convection between the plates, the radia- tive and convective transfer between the top of the cover and the environment, and conduction through the insulation, Its quantitative evaluation has been previously con- sidered. If conduction in the x direction is negligible, a heat balance at a given distance x, for a cross section of the flat-plate collector per unit length in the x direction can be written in the form a, 1,dy — UMT, - T)dy + (-a% ) - (-1@ ) =0. G25) dy |y.x dy |y+dy.% If the plate thickness ris uniform and the thermal conductivity of the plate is inde- pendent of temperature, the last term in Eq. (3.25) is and Eq. (3.25) can be cast into the form of a second-order differential equation: @T, U. al, Ul (7 4 ale : dy? kt [. (r U, )| (S26) The boundary conditions for the system described above at a fixed x,, are: . At the center between any two ducts the heat flow is 0, or at y = 0, dT, = 0. 2. At the duct the plate temperature is 7,(%,), or at y = w = (I — D)/2, T, = Tix), where 7,,(t,) is the fin-base temperature. If we let m? = Ufkt and $ = T, — (T, + a /U,), Eq. (3.26) becomes ed ok om} (3.27) subject to the boundary conditions d = = Oaty = 0, and $= TX) — (r. + The general solution of Eq. (3.27) is = C, sinh my + C, cosh my. (3.28)COLLECTION AND CONVERSION METHODS 101 The constants C, and C, can be determined by substituting the two boundary con- ditions and solving the two resulting equations for C, and C,. This gives I, = (1, + aJ,/U.)_ _ coshmy T,Q) — (T, + @,/U.) coshmw” (3.29) From the preceding equation the rate of heat transfer to the conduit from the por- tion of the plate between two conduits can be determined by evaluating the tempera- ture gradient at the base of the fin, or dad, — UIT, (xo) — T,]tanhmw). (3.30) Since the conduit is connected to fins on both sides, the total rate of heat transfer is tanhmw Groai%) = 2wlad, ~ ULTy(%) — Ta} G3) mw If the entire fin were at the temperature T,,(x,), a situation corresponding physically to a plate of infinitely large thermal conductivity, the rate of heat transfer would be a MAXIMUM, Jyaimax- AS Mentioned previously, the ratio of the rate of heat transfer with a real fin to the maximum rate obtainable is the fin efficiency n,. With this definition, Eg. (3.31) can be written in the form Touak%o) = 2 lad, — ULTi%) — Tol), (3.32) where 7,= tanh mw/mw. The fin efficiency 7, is plotted as a function of the dimensionless parameter w(U Jkt)? in Fig. 3.15. When the fin efficiency approaches unity, the maximum por- tion of the radiant energy impinging on the fin becomes available for heating the fluid. In addition to the heat transferred through the fin, the energy impinging on the portion of the plate above the flow passage is also useful. The rate of useful energy from this region available to heat the working fluid is Fave) = Dial, — UAT %o) — T.))- (3.33) Thus, the useful energy per unit length in the flow direction becomes Q(X) = (D + 2wn)lal, — UT) — T.}- (3.34) The energy q,(x,) must be transferred as heat to the working fluid. If the thermal resistance of the metal wall of the flow duct is negligibly small and there is no contact resistance between the duct and the plate, the rate of heat transfer to the fluid is102 PRINCIPLES OF SOLAR ENGINEERING Fin efficiency nf Ug \* w(—) =mw kt Figure 3.15. Fin efficiency for tube and sheet flat-plate solar collectors. Ph. AT (Xo) — T,(%)], (3.35) aX where P is the perimeter of the flow duct, which is 2(D + d) for a rectangular duct. Contact resistance may become important in poorly manufactured collectors in which the flow duct is clamped or glued to the collector plate. Collectors manufactured by such methods are usually not satisfactory. 3.2.6 Collector Efficiency Factor To obtain a relation for the useful energy delivered by a collector in terms of known physical parameters, the fluid temperature, and the ambient temperature, the collector temperature must be eliminated from Eqs. (3.34) and (3.35). Solving for T,(x,) in Eq. (3.35) and substituting this relation in Eq. (3.34) gives WX) = UF fal, — ULT(%) — Tal} (3.36) where F’ is called the collector efficiency factor [9], and I’ = (2w+D). F’ is given by 1/U, MU/(UD + 2wnp) + 1/(h,P (3.37) For a flow duct of circular cross section of diameter D, F' can be written asCOLLECTION AND CONVERSION METHODS, 103 Table 3.6. Typical values for the parameters that determine the collector efficiency factor F’ for a flat-plate collector in Eq. (3.37). u, 2 glass covers 4 Wim? + K 0.685 Btu/hr ft «°F 1 glass cover 8 Wim? K 1.37 B Biw/hr - £2 « °F ky copper plate, | mm thick 0.38 W/K 0.72 Btwhr - °F steel plate, 1 mm thick 0.045 WiK 0.0866 Btu/hr - °F fey water in laminar flow forced convection 300 W/m? - K 52 Buwhhr f+ °F water in turbulent flow forced convection 1500 Wim? - K 254 Btwhhr - ft? °F air in turbulent forced convection 100 Wim? + K 17.6 Buwhr - £2» SF 1/U, UU/(UD + 2wyy) + 1/(h,mD)] Physically, the denominator in Eq. (3.37) is the thermal resistance between the fluid and the environment, whereas the numerator is the thermal resistance between the col- lector surface and the ambient air. The collector-plate efficiency factor F’ depends on U,, hi.» and 7,. It is only slightly dependent on temperature and can, for all practical purposes, be treated as a design parameter. Typical values for the factors determining the value of F’ are given in Table 3.6. The collector efficiency factor increases with increasing plate thickness and plate thermal conductivity, but it decreases with increasing distance between flow channels. Also, increasing the heat-transfer coefficient between the walls of the flow channel and the working fluid increases F’, but an increase in the overall conductance U, will cause F’ to decrease. 3.2.7 Collector Heat-Removal Factor Equation (3.36) yields the rate of heat transfer to the working fluid at a given point x along the plate for specified collector and fluid temperatures, However, in a real col- lector the fluid temperature increases in the direction of flow as heat is transferred to it. An energy balance for a section of flow duct dx can be written in the form they Tylerae ~ Tle) = (ade. (3.38) Substituting Eq. (3.36) for g,(x) and T(x) + (dT, (x\/dx) dex for T,| gives the differential equation in Eq. (3.38) x tds104 PRINCIPLES OF SOLAR ENGINEERING ie gy EF tal, — ULT (x) ~ T)}. .39) Separating the variables gives, after some rearranging, aT) VF, a ho re 3.40) Ta) —T,— a,1,/U, me, 40} Equation (3.40) can be integrated and solved for the outlet temperature of the fluid Tay. for a duct length L, and for the fluid inlet temperature T,,, if we assume that F’ and U, are constant, or Ta = Ta= tale = gol HEPE) aay Trin ~ Te — 4 /U. rie, To compare the performance of a real collector with the thermodynamic optimum, it is convenient to define the heat-removal factor F, as the ratio between the actual rate of heat transfer to the working fluid and the rate of heat transfer at the minimum tempera- ture difference between the absorber and the environment. The thermodynamic limit corresponds to the condition of the working fluid re- maining at the inlet temperature throughout the collector. This can be approached when the fluid velocity is very high. From its definition F, can be expressed as. Ce; ~ F,,.5 = —— 2 how _" fin! fea, UTyin — TY’ a where G is the flow rate per unit surface area of collector ri/A.. By regrouping the right-hand side of Eq. (3.42) and combining with Eq. (3.41), it can easily be verified that re Gel _ Gh Ue = jou = a nu, a,1,/U, = (Trig ~ T,) = G6) 1 — exp — UF” = a exo( Ge }} (3.43) p Inspection of the above relation shows that F,, increases with increasing flow rate and approaches as an upper limit F’, the collector efficiency factor. Since the numerator of the right-hand side of Eq. (3.42) is q,, the rate of useful heat transfer can now be ex- pressed in terms of the fluid inlet temperature, or Wu = AF glad, — UTyin — T)1- (3.44) If a glazing above the absorber plate has transmittance 7, thenCOLLECTION AND CONVERSION METHODS, 105 I = AF gl Ake ~ UcTpin — Tals (3.45) and instantaneous efficiency », is Iu me pg = Fal, — UT ~ TOT 46) Equation (3.46) is also known as the Hottel-Whillier-Bliss equation. This is a conve- nient form for design, because the fluid inlet temperature to the collector is usually known or can be specified. Example 3.1, Calculate the averaged hourly and daily efficiency of a water solar collector on January 15, in Boulder, CO. The collector is tilted at an angle of 60° and has an overall conductance of 8.0 W/m? - K on the upper surface. It is made of copper tubes, with a 1-cm ID, 0.05 cm thick, which are connected by a 0.05-cm-thick plate at a center-to-center distance of 15 cm. The heat-transfer coefficient for the water in the tubes is 1500 W/m? - K, the cover transmittance is 0.9, and the solar absorptance of the copper surface is 0.9. The collector is 1 m wide and 2 m long, the water inlet tempera- ture is 330 K, and the water flow rate is 0.02 kg/sec. The horizontal insolation (total) J, and the environmental temperature are tabulated below. Assume the diffuse radiation accounts for 25 percent of the total insolation. Solution. The total radiation received by the collector is calculated from Eq. (2.42) and neglecting the ground reflected radiation: 60 1, = Mpg + Ing = 0.25h, eos(?) + (1 - 025)hRy. Time h, Te (hr) (Wim?) (K) T8 12 270 89 30 280 9-10 192 283, 10-11 320 286 11-12 460 290 1213 414 290 13-14 305 288 1445 287 288 15-16 141 284 16-17 32 280 The tilt factor R, is obtained from its definition in Chapter 2 [see Eq. (2.58)]:106 PRINCIPLES OF SOLAR ENGINEERING cosi _ sin(L — B)sind, + cos(L ~ B)eos8,cosh, sina sin L sind, + cos L cos6,cosh, Ry where L = 40° 8, = —21.1 on January 15 (from Fig. 2.8), and B = 60°. The hour angle h, equals 15° for each hour away from noon. The fin efficiency is obtained from Eq. (3.32): _ tanh m(l’ — D)/2 1 (l= Dy/2 where 3 " yr q a () ~ lon x5x am) oan tanh6.4(0.15 — 0. 01)/2 6.4(0.15 — 0.01)/2 = = 0.938. The collector efficiency factor F' is, from Eq. (3.37), pe eee I/UD + 2wny)) + 1/(he,A7D)] 1/8.0 = ea oa —— = 0.92 0.15{1/8.00.01 + 0.14 x 0.938) + 1/1500 x 0.011” Then we obtain the heat-removal factor from Eq. (3.43): ft enl [ Ge, Time 4, Toe Ihe I, % Ty (hr) (wim?) Ry (Wim?) (Wim?) (Wi?) (WW) (Kk) on, 18 12 10.9 1 8 99 0 20020 a9 80 3.22 5 193 198 0 2800 9-10 192 24d 12 351 363 0 2830. 10-11 320 218 20 523 543 148 286 0.137 1-12 460 2.08 29 m8 TAT 482 290 0.322 12-13 474 2.08 30 739 769 512 290 0.333 344395 218 25 646 671 351 288 0.261 45 287 24918 525 543 175 288 (0.162 15-16 141 3.22 9 341 350 0 2840 16-17 32 10.9 2 261 263 0 2800COLLECTION AND CONVERSION METHODS 107 0.01 x 4184 8.0 x 0.922 Fg = — exp( - =}! = 01.845. 8.0 [ exo 0.01 x all O45 From Eq. (3.45), the useful heat delivery rate is Gy = 2 X O.BAS[L, X 0.81 = 8.0(Tpig — Tamp) The efficiency of the collector is 7, = q,/ A.J, and the hourly averages are calculated in the table above. Thus, SJ, = 4546 W/m? and Sq, = 1668W. The daily average efficiency is ob- tained by summing the useful energy for those hours during which the collector deliv- ers heat and dividing by the total insolation between sunrise and sunset. This yields _ Za, 1668 Neder ~ Say. 2 X 4546 0.183 or 18.3 percent 3.2.8 Transient Effects ‘The preceding analysis assumed that steady-state conditions exist during the operation of the collector. Under actual operating conditions the rate of insolation will vary and the ambient temperature and the external wind conditions may change. To determine the ef- fect of changes in these parameters on the performance of a collector it is necessary to make a transient analysis that takes the thermal capacity of the collector into account. As shown in [42], the effect of collector thermal capacitance is the sum of two contributions: the collector storage effect, resulting from the heat required to bring the collector up to its final operating temperature, and the transient effect, resulting from fluctuations in the meteorological conditions. Both effects result in a net loss of energy delivered compared with the predictions from the zero capacity analsysis. This loss is particularly important on a cold morning when all of the solar energy absorbed by the collector is used to heat the hardware and the working fluid, thus delaying the delivery of useful energy for some time after the sun has come up. ‘Transient thermal analyses can be made with a high degree of precision [47], but the analytical predictions are no more accurate than the weather data and the overall collector conductance. For most engineering applications, a simpler approach is there- fore satisfactory [19]. For this approach, it will be assumed that the absorber plate, the ducts, the back insulation, and the working fluid are at the same temperature. If back losses are neglected, an energy balance on the collector plate and the working fluid for a single-glazed collector delivering no useful energy can be written in the form (wa), To = Ala, + AU JT) ~ TiO), (47) UI where (7iC)p is the sum of the thermal capacities of the plate, the fluid, and the insola- tion, I, is the insolation on the absorber plate, and U, is the conductance between the
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