Emi List of Experiments

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Electrical Measurements and Instrumentation

List of Experiments
1. To use the multimeter for measurements of different electrical quantities to
calculate error.

2. To measure single phase power by three voltmeter method.

3. To find single phase power by three ammeter method.

4. To measure the current in the circuit using clamp meter.

5. To study the construction and working of single phase energy meter and
calculate the energy consumed by residence.

6. To study the Speed test for the single phase induction type Energy Meter.

7. To measure the Illumination of light by Lux meter.

8. To measure the power factor by Ammeter, Voltmeter and Wattmeter.

9. To find the value of unknown resistance using a Kelvins Double Bridge.

10. Testing a power cable using megger meter.

11. Measurement of output voltages of various positional resistance

transducers by using IT-5927

12. Measurement of Resistance through Wheatstone bridge by using IT-5927

13. Measurement of Temperature through LM35 IC temperature sensor by

using IT-5927

14. Measurement the Temperature and Resistance of platinum RTD (Resistance

Temperature dependent) transducer by using IT-5927

15. Measurement the effect of LDR (Light Dependent Resistor) voltage with the
effect of light by using IT-5927

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