Interaction Subhash Pawar Director VIN
Interaction Subhash Pawar Director VIN
Interaction Subhash Pawar Director VIN
1 kilometer,” he asserts adding that these lighting from VIN banner. “Since, we already
products, if fitted in a large industrial area have introduced automation, the next
spread across acres of land where lots of big thing would be the IoT in lighting for
lighting units are installed,all the lights can which we are busy doing extensive research
be intelligently controlled i.e. without cable. keeping in view that this would be the future
This not only eliminates the need of complex at VIN,” he avers anticipating that it will
wiring, but also reduces infrastructure cost take some more time to be functional at
substantially. For this, we already have commercial and residential spaces. “In India,
bagged orders from some of our regular we have the IoT functional at some places in
customers. specific applications like Street lighting but
Prakasam Barrage
to replicate the same in offices or factory/ standards to offer our customers high quality kinds of players. But I think these are getting
industrial setup would take some more energy-efficient LED lighting solutions.” reduced because of the initiatives taken by
time. We do have Intranet of Things but not the government recently like mandated BIS
Strolling on to fast paced trajectory with
the Internet of Things. This is because for certifications for any lighting or electrical
lightening speed, when asked if the market
offices and factories, people don’t want any products to be sold in the India. Also, there
is readily adopting the change, Pawar
outsider to access thecontrol. However, like are a couple of other steps on taxation front
opines that for all these changes or rather
other things on web, it would also come with that are going to help the domestic industry
transformation, the market is not ready as
restriction based on user id and password.” to grow. This will also bring a level-playing
of now. “However, the same problem was
field for us. It will put a cap on under-
He further delineates that to begin with,VIN there when the lighting was shifting to LEDs
invoicing from where the home-grown quality
has already started putting its efforts in that from those of conventional ones because
products will get some impetus for sure.”
direction. “We are asking our customers many people were scared of using LEDs
to first automate their lights. Once the considering that it’s a different technology. Coming on to the positioning of products
automation of lighting is done, then we They actually want the product to get and the potential markets, he says, “Initially,
will use their existing lighting network to established first and then they would opt for we were focused on metro cities only.
automate their office also. Then after, it can it. But there are a few customers who believe Subsequently, we moved to the tier 2 cities
be connected through internet which can in taking initiative and showed their intent and now trying to plank in tier 3 cities
be accessed and controlled from anywhere. to save on theguzzling energy consumption, with no further delay. As far as rural India
That will be the subsequent step as the R&D which eventually makes LEDs the necessity is concerned, there only the bulbs are
is going on.We would be introducing the for the balance sheet of an enterprise, and being sold that too are mainly promoted
solutions in the next six to eight months,” not only for the environment,” he explains. through the government. Nevertheless,
announces Pawar informing that there is the government will soon be out of this
However, when it comes to creating liking
an in-house R&D Centre approved by DSIR phenomenon as it has already set a platform
for LEDs, he evinces cautious approach. “If
(Department of Scientific and Industrial from where the market can take care of
we are able to convince the customers that
Research), Govt. of India and a complete itself.” Pawar feels that to this extent, VIN
LEDs have a payback period of two years or
factory set-up to produce products from may not be able to cater because it is yet to
less, people are willing to do it as it makes
concept to execution. spread its wings across the country.
sense for them financially and then they
VIN boasts of its strong infrastructure look at it seriously. Butthe moment,someone “Based in Mumbai, we have strong presence
comprising a manufacturing facility spread says that the payback period is 5 or 10 in south and west while now vying for pan
across 30,000 sqft with a capacity to produce years, people start thinking and calculating. India. As of now, we have 200 dealers and
8 to 10 lakh pieces a months. “We have a It is actually viable for large setup - be it we need to increase this number to augment
very intensive testing procedure before any manufacturing or commercial, where there our representation to further proliferate in
launch. Whenever we design a product, are quite a few number of light-points and the deeper geographies,” he states firming
we test it rigorously especially for Indian their consumption cost is visibly impacting that there is plan to add another 100 channel
weather condition which changes from their balance sheet,” he shares adding that partners within this fiscal itself to end up with
coldest to the hottest followed by frequent in the next step, automation will come in to 50% growth in network expansion. Pawar
voltage fluctuations. Unless we are confident every house in India as the government has believes that for all this many more the credit
of the quality of the product, we don’t already started talking about smart lighting goes to the level of awareness, which has
introduce it to the market,” he underscores. following smart appliances. actually gone up. “Earlier, we were only selling
The company has an extensive product to specific segment like industrial. But now
In the meantime, while giving a thought
portfolio of over 400 products to cater to a the LED has entered every house. Thanks to
over counterfeiting and duplicity, he says,
wide variety of application areas.. “We are the government for its in-time initiatives that
“Both these are major bottlenecks that the
using LED chips from Seoul Semiconductor, has brought the products to the mainstream
industry is facing at the moment. Besides,
Osram, Cree etc. depending upon their level which sometime back was considered
there are a lot of cheap products pushing for
respective segments’ prerogative. This is as the products meant only for premium
substandard quality. If we look at the market,
all to maintain the best-in-class quality markets,” he signs off.
the bottom of the pyramid always has these