Iron Deficiency Anemia
Iron Deficiency Anemia
Iron Deficiency Anemia
Continuing Education
Learning Objectives
Upon successful completion of the
lesson, the pharmacist will be able to
do the following:
1. Understand the prevalence and
etiology of iron deficiency anemia
2. Understand and apply diagnostic
tools to detect iron deficiency
3. Identify symptoms and risk factors
Answer online at
Approved for 1 CE unit by the Canadian Council on Continuing Education in Pharmacy • CCCEP #1065-2016-1723-I-P • Not valid for CE credits after April 10, 2018
The author, expert reviewers and EnsembleIQ have each declared that there is no real or potential conflict of
interest with the sponsor of this CE lesson.
anemia is an insufficiency in hemoglobin and therapeutic failure.
secondary to low iron stores.(2)
F O N T: H E LV E T I C A N E U E 7 5 B O L D ( M O D I F I E D )
C YA N 5 0 , Y E L L O W 1 0 0
More than one quarter of the world’s Pathophysiology
M A G E N TA 1 0 0
C YA N 1 0 0 population is anemic, with one half of Iron deficiency anemia occurs when iron
that burden being iron deficiency anemia. intake can no longer adequately support
Currently, iron deficiency anemia is the iron expenditure or loss.(1) Iron homeosta-
most common nutritional disorder in the sis is particularly unique because the body
FIGURE 2 Detailing the multiple signs and symptoms of anemia
Anorexia Nausea
Exertional Increased
Chest pain dyspnea pulse pressure,
Fatigue Gastrointestinal systolic ejection
Loss system murmur
1-2 mg Risk of life
Depression Central nervous system cardiac failure Cardiovascular Tachycardia
system palpitations
TA B L E 1
Increased Requirements
• Growing infants and children
• Menstruating women
April 2017
TA B L E 4
Iron Salt
Ferrous fumarate
April 2017
Continuing Education
1. Which of the following b) Fatigue was effective in rHuEPO told her to “ask the pharmacist
statements is false: c) Decreased immunity response for an appropriate iron supple-
a) Blood loss is a significant d) Koilonychia d) Iron salts were superior ment.” Which of the following
contributor for iron deficiency e) Pallor to both heme and IV iron would you recommend for ID?
anemia supplementation a) Iron salts
b) Iron deficiency anemia is 4. Choose the statement b) Polysaccharide iron complex
commonly a congenital that ranks the percentage of 6. ID is a 33 year old female c) Heme iron
disease elemental iron in iron salts who is asking for an over-the- d) Parenteral iron
c) Vegetarians are at high risk from highest to lowest counter product for fatigue. e) None of the above; you need
of iron deficiency anemia a) Ferrous fumarate, dried You learn that ID has been to see her hemoglobin count
d) Iron deficiency anemia is ferrous sulfate, ferrous experiencing fatigue on and off before making a clinical
prevalent among women of sulfate, ferrous gluconate for the past 6 months and has decision
child bearing age b) Dried ferrous sulfate, ferrous difficulty concentrating at work.
e) Growing children and at gluconate, ferrous sulfate, In addition, ID has shared that 8. ID is started on ferrous
increased risk of iron defi- ferrous fumarate she typically feels fatigued sulfate, 1 tablet TID. You
ciency anemia c) Ferrous fumarate, ferrous during her menstrual period. follow up with her in 2 weeks
sulfate, dried ferrous sulfate, Which of the following would and discover she has been
2. Choose the statement ferrous gluconate you recommend? experiencing gastric upset
that ranks diagnostic for iron d) Ferrous gluconate, ferrous a) More sleep and counsel her since starting the tablets.
deficiency from least to most fumarate, ferrous sulfate, on sleep hygiene Upon further investigation, you
specific. dried ferrous sulfate b) An iron tablet as she could learn that she has already tried
a) Ferritin, MCV, hemoglobin e) Ferrous sulfate, ferrous possibly be low on iron taking her iron tablets at meals
count gluconate, ferrous fumarate, c) A b-complex OTC item adver- with no alleviation of symp-
b) MCV, ferritin, hemoglobin dried ferrous sulfate tised for “stress” toms. You also learn that ID
count d) Refer her to her family physi- is has no dietary or monetary
c) Hemoglobin count, ferritin 5. In studies on hemodialysis cian to get a full blood test restrictions. What would you
MCV patients comparing heme iron e) Tell her that fatigue is not recommend?
d) Hemoglobin count, MCV, supplementation to IV iron, a real medical problem and a) Stop the iron salts, start on a
ferritin researchers found: there is nothing you can offer polysaccharide iron complex
e) MCV, hemoglobin count, a) Heme iron was as equally b) Stop the iron salts, start on a
ferritin effective as IV iron in sup- 7. A few weeks later, ID comes heme iron preparation
porting rHuEPO response to your pharmacy with a pre- c) Switch to a different iron salt
3. Which of the following is b) IV iron was significantly scription for an “iron supple- d) Stop the iron salts, start on
NOT a sign or symptom of superior to heme iron in ment.” ID explains that she was parenteral iron
anemia? rHuEPO response diagnosed with iron deficiency e) Stop the iron salts and seek
a) Decreased blood pressure c) Neither supplementation anemia and that her physician the physician’s advice
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C YA N 1 0 0