4 1
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Female Breast
Anatomy and Physiology
Gross Anatomy
Lymphatic Drainage
Blood Supply & Lactation
! To understand the development of the breast and possible abnormalities
occurring during development.
! To understand the anatomical and histological structure of the breast with
possible abnormalities.
! To understand the physiological changes occurring in breast during
menstruation, pregnancy, lactation and menopause.
! To understand the effects of various hormones on the breast.
! To understand various modes of spread of diseases of breast specially
Shuja Tahir, FRCS, FCPS
Breast (mammary gland) is derived
from the ectoderm and becomes Invagination of thoracic mammary bud
apparent in the embryo 4 mm in length (primary bud) into the mesenchyme
as a mammary bud. The mammary bud th
occurs by 49 gestational day.
and surrounding tissue thickens to
become mammary ridge by the time
embryo is 7 mm long.
The breast or the mammary glands are There are about 15-25 main mammary
modified skin glands which are ducts in each breast. These open on the
embedded in the fatty tissue. summit of the nipple through separate
openings. Each duct has dilated part
The mammary gland or breast in fact is called ampulla just before its opening
conglomeration of 15 to 25 individual on to the nipple.
and independent glands having
separate lactiferous ducts. Each main duct drains a lobe of the
breast. Each lobe is further divided into
The adult female breasts are paired lobules and acini. Each lobe is
sub-cutaneous organs on the anterior irregularly lobulated.
thorax lying completely within the
superficial and deep layers of Each lobule has a collection of 10-100
superficial pectoral fascia. acini or terminal ductal lobular units. It
consists of extra and intra lobular
Adult female breast is mature breast terminal ductule, alveoli, terminal ductal
and is of different size and shape in lobular units [TDLU]). Some secretions
different women. The size and shape are also present in these ductules.
depends upon genetic, racial and
dietary factors together with age, parity Non lactating breast consists of more
and menopausal status of the women. fibrous tissue and less glandular tissue
The size of the base of the breast is (almost only ducts).
fairly constant in almost all women.
The growth of mammary tissue beneath
nd th
The breast lies in front of 2 to 6 rib in the areola occurs at the age of 10 years.
the mid clavicular line. The breast lies It is called breast bud. True nipple
over the pectoralis major muscle and develops at about 12 years of age
extends to serratus anterior and followed by 2-3 years growth of breast
external oblique muscle of the tissue. Then there is areolar recession
abdomen. and the breast takes a classical shape.
Axillary tail is lateral extension of breast The size of breast in females enlarges
tissue into axilla. Both breasts consist of at puberty by the action of oestrogens.
nipple, areola and breast tissue. The areola becomes recognizable as
Areola has sweat glands, and The additional growth of breasts occur
subaceous glands present in its dermis. during pregnancy when glandular
The sebaceous glands enlarge during tissue develops completely to produce
pregnancy and are called tubercles of milk. It happens due to stimulatory
Montgomery. effects of large quantities of placental
estrogens. These lead to proliferation
Fascia is present beneath the breast and branching of ductal system.
which is the continuation of the fascia of Additional quantities of growth
Scarpa (sub mammary fascia). Sub hormone and prolactin lead to growth
mammary space is present between and branching of ductal system. Gluco-
this fascia and fascia over pectoralis corticoids and insulin also have some
major muscle. The fascia is continuous role in this process of proliferation.
above with superficial cervical fascia Stromal tissue of breast increases and
and below with Camper’s fascia. the deposition of fat also increases
Lymphatic plexus is present in the sub simultaneously.
mammary space.
The large quantities of placental
Young breast has fibrous tissue strands progesterones stimulate growth of
which connect deep fascia with deeper lobules, budding of alveoli and
layers of the dermis. These are called development of secretory
ligaments of Astley Cooper. These keep characteristics of alveolar cells during
the breast protuberant and well shaped. pregnancy.
These strands get atrophic in elderly Both estrogens and progesterones are
women and breasts become essential for the physiological
pendulous. development of breast. Both estrogens
and progesterone hormones have
Peau-de-Orange (like orange peel) inhibitory action on actual secretion of
appearance is produced in carcinoma milk.
and inflammatory conditions of the
breast due to presence of dermal Prolactin, a hormone secreted by the
edema in between these ligaments. anterior pituitary gland promotes
secretion of milk. Prolactin secretion
The development of female breast starts by fifth week of pregnancy and its
begins at puberty stimulated by serum concentration steadily increases
estrogens of monthly cycles. There is till the birth of baby when the hormonal
To opposite breast
Edge of
deep to
Possible gland
of mammary
tissue Circular
(posterior and medical) smooth muscle
Accessory gland
(of Montgomery)
Lactiferous duct
Milk duct
(cross section)
Pectoralis minor
Pectoralis major
Breast Pectoralis fascia
} Layers of
containing 12 weeks I.U.
Breast during
6 weeks I.U.
Mammary Pit
Late Fetus cell
! To detect the breast problems at the earliest stage.
! To differentiate between benign and malignant breast problems.
! To assess the extent of disease (stage of disease).
! To plan effective management & follow up.
! To document the clinical data for audit.
! To counsel the patient and her attendants adequately.
! To learn the skills of examination.
Shuja Tahir, FRCS, FCPS
The reasons for breast examination
It is a combination of three modalities of training of the students is to learn to
assessment performed to confirm the detect mass in the breast and to
diagnosis and status of breast disease improve the clinical skills2.
specially carcinoma of breast. It
includes following different modalities The objective of clinical breast
to assess the disease process; examination is to differentiate normal
physiological nodularity from discrete
Clinical data breast mass. If a discrete mass is
(Clinical History and examination detected, its evaluation is mandatory in
findings) all cases to exclude breast cancer.
Margins of the lump are felt. These can It is positive in cystic (fluid filled) lesions.
Diffuse (Not clearly demarcated).
Clearly demarcated. It is performed in the dark room with a
Regular. powerful pencil torch. Fluid filled lumps
Irregular. (Cysts) become obvious (red glowing
areas) indicating positive
MOBILITY / FIXITY transillumination test.
Jaundice, pallor and edema especially Tumor size 5-10 cm.
of upper limbs is looked for and noted.
Complete examination of liver, lungs T-4
and spine is performed to search for Tumor size more than 10 cm.
distant metastasis. Any size with infiltration or ulceration of
the skin.
CLINICAL STAGING OF THE CARCINOMA Tumor fixed to the chest wall.
BREAST(TNM) Peau-de-orange appearance of the
(T) STAGES Axillary node cannot be assessed.
T-x N-0
Primary tumor cannot be assessed. No palpable axillary lymph glands.
(Post operative patients who were not
staged initially). N-1
Palpable but mobile ipsilateral axillary
T-is lymph glands.
Carcinoma in situ. Incidental finding
showing presence of malignant cells N-2
without invasion of basement Fixed ipsilateral axillary lymph glands.
T-0 Palpable supra clavicular lymph glands
No palpable primary tumor. mobile or fixed.
It is an incidental finding. Edema of the arm.
Involvement of ipsilateral internal
T-1 mammary glands.
Tumor size 2 cm or less.
No fixity. (M) STAGES
No nipple retraction.
T-2 No metastasis.
Tumor size 2-5 cm.
axilla and supra clavicular lymph mammary node and Supra clavicular
glands. Other distant metastasis. nodes are involved. Edema of the arm
may be present.
(T0, T1,N0, M0)
This includes growths confined to the (Any T or any N with M1)
breast. Skin involvement extending outside the
breast. Distant metastasis either lymph
Tumor less than 2 cm diameter in size. borne or blood borne. Involvement of
No nodal involvement. opposite breast.
No distant metastasis.
The patient is covered and allowed to
change at the end of clinical
The tumor should not be adherent to the
examination. The examining doctor
pectoral muscles or chest wall.
interacts with the patient very
Tumor 5 cms size without lymph node Plan of investigations and possible
involvement. No distant metastasis. modes of treatment are informed and
necessary documenta-tion and
False negative results of clinical appointments are made and recorded.
examination are about 25-30%. Whole of this information is also sent to
the referring doctor.
Then the examining doctor leaves the
(T0, T1, T2, T3, T4, N2 and M0) room after leaving a satisfied patient.
All breast cancers of any size. Skin
involvement or peau-de-orange REFERENCES
present in larger areas than the tumor
1. Freund KM. Rational and technique
itself but these are limited to the breast. of clinical breast examination.
Tumor fixed to pectoral muscles but not Medscape women health 2000 No;
to the chest wall. 5(6):E2.
Triple Assessment - 1-
Sel Examination
! To be aware of the problems of breast.
! To assess the consistency of one’s own breast.
! To assess any change in breast at the earliest stage.
! To be able to seek expert medical help in time.
! To learn the skills of examination.
Shuja Tahir, FRCS, FCPS
Fig-3.2 Standing in front of mirror with arms abducted Fig-3.4 Feeling the breast while in bed
Triple Assessment -
Ima in
Radio Mammography
Sonographic Mammography
Magnetic Imaging Mammography
! To accurately diagnose various benign and malignant
lesions of the breast.
! To detect the malignancy at earliest in a female
! To evaluate and monitor the high risk females for
malignancy of breast.
! To assist in evaluation and management of
symptomatic breast problems.
! To detect unsuspected lesions in same or opposite
Shuja Tahir, FRCS, FCPS
1970 (Dupont, Eastman Kodak 1976 (Howard Frank, Feris Hall &
company); Michael Steer);
The Dupont company produced the first They described a needle hookwire
marketed dedicated screen-film assembly for preoperative localization
mammography system. The Eastman of non-palpable lesions found at
Kodak company followed with its own mammography.
high detail screen-film combination and
introduced the vacuum cassette for 1977 (Edward A. Sickles, Kunio Doi &
mammography. Harry K. Genant);
They published the results of their
1971 (Stephen Gallager & Martin); investigation of magnification
They published their concept of mammography.
"minimal" breast cancer which they
defined as a highly curable lesion. They PHYSIOLOGICAL BASIS FOR
were the first to recognize a focal "new MAMMOGRAPHY
density" in serial mammograms as a
sign of early carcinoma. The breast tissue (mammary gland) is
collection of glands surrounded by
1974 (Myron Moskowitz and his
Breast shadow looks normal. No
unusual growth, lumps or other types of
Fig-4.2 Diagram of breast abnormal tissue are seen. The glands
that produce milk for breast feeding and
the tubes (ducts) through which milk
flows appear normal.
Fibro adenoma.
Cystic lesions.
Sono-mammography is more
acceptable to the patient and helpful in
diagnosis by showing hypo
echoic area of fluid or pus collection.
ULTRASOUND SCAN OF THE Fig-4.11 Giant fibroadenoma of breast
the finer details of the superficial and Ultrasound examination of breast can
subcutaneous tissues. 7.5-10 MHz be interpreted as;
probe is used for good resolution.
R1 Normal/ benign
R2 Discrete / benign
R3 Intermediate
R4 Suspicious
R5 Malignant
6. Logan WW, Janus J. Use of special 10. Alastair M. Thompson and John A.
mammographic views to Dewar. Disorders of the breast.
maximize radiographic information. Essential surgical practice forth
Radiological clinics North Am. 25: edition. Arnold London 69-93,
953-9, 1987 2002.
Triple Assessment -
Cyto Histolo ical Examination
! To confirm the diagnosis.
! To differentiate between benign and malignant breast problems.
! To assess the extent of disease (stage of disease).
! To plan effective management & follow up.
! To document the data for audit.
! To counsel the patient and her attendants adequately.
! To learn the skills of examination.
Shuja Tahir, FRCS, FCPS
Cyto histological examination is the finds herself without any lump in the
microscopic examination of cells and breast in few moments after aspiration
tissue after appropriate preparation and of the cyst and gets confirmed
staining. diagnosis within hours.
Normally the aspirated fluid of cyst is FNAC is the first line investigation of
clear, yellow or green but it may be choice for both superficial and deep
blood stained. lesions of the breast and other body
tissues. It is an essential part of triple
The advantage and the pleasure, this assessment for diagnosis in palpable
procedure provides to the patient is breast lumps.
great as a women who seeks medical
advice thinking about cancer breast It can achieve excellent results if efforts
piece of tissue which achieves good (core) of lesion (lump) is removed from
histological diagnosis. the obturator and is fixed in
formaldehyde solution. The specimen
False positive results are less common is sent for histo-pathological
than with other similar procedures. examination.
A number of specimens can be taken
It has ability to give an unequivocal from different parts of the lesion and
diagnosis of invasion and a more examined histopathologically for more
definitive diagnosis of benign lesions. accurate diagnosis.
The excision of the whole lump with 2-3 predictive value of 21% for the
cm adjoining fat and healthy breast detection of cancer7.
tissue all around the lump is performed.
1. Bermen G. Clark RA. Diagnostic
Frozen section biopsy was very popular imaging in cancer primary care
previously. Still many surgeons prefer it. clinics in office practice. [JC: p99]
19(4) 677-713, 1992 Dec.
The patient is kept under anaesthesia.
The suspicious tissue is excised and 2. Patra AK Mallik RN, Dash S. Fine
sent to the laboratory. The frozen needle aspiration as a primary
section is prepared for diagnostic procedure of breast
histopathological examination. The lumps. Indian journal of pathology
biopsy report is received on telephone and microbiology [JC: gkh] 34(4) :
as early as possible usually within 30- 259-64, 1991 Oct.
60 minutes. Further procedure is
carried out according to the histological 3. Siberman JR, Dabba DJ. Gilbert
picture of the lesion. It is less often used CF. Fine needle aspiration cytology
as it increases anaesthetic and of adenosis tumour of the breast
with immunocytochemical and ultra
operation time. It also increases
structural observation acta
number of complications and morbidity. cytological [JC: oli] 33(2) : 181-7,
It has almost been replaced by FNAC 1989 Mar – Apr.
which can provide equally good results
much less invasi-vely. 4. Parker SH. Jole WE. Demnis MA et
al. Ultrasound guided automated
IN VIVO OPTICAL SPECTROSCOPY large core breast biopsy. Radiology
[JC: osh] 187(2) : 507-11, 1993
(INVOS) May.
It is a new technique for evaluating risk 5. Harmus SE. Flamis DO. MR
of breast cancer. It is non ionizing and Imaging of the breast journal of
non imaging. magnetic resource imaging [JC:
beo] 3(1): 277-83, 1993 Jan-Feb.
It evaluates the biochemical
composition of the breast with spectro- 6. Reid AW. Mckellar NJ. Sutterland
photometer to provide a risk number GR. Breast ductography: its role in
related to carcinoma breast. the diagnosis of breast disease.
Scottish medical journal [JC: rik]
34(4): 497-9, 1989 Aug.
It has a sensitivity of 95% but very low
specificity (4% only) and a positive 7. Bosanko CM. Baum JK. Clark K et
Fig-5.1 Skin preparation for fine needle aspiration Fig-5.4 FNAC procedure in progress
Fig-5.3 FNAC procedure in progress (Collection of specimen) Fig-5.6 FNAC procedure in progress
Fig-5.7 FNAC procedure in progress (Preparation of slides)Fig-5.10 FNAC Common benign pattern
Fig-5.14 FNAC Lactating breast Fig-5.17 FNAC (DCIS) Ductal carcinoma in situ
Fig-5.15 FNAC Atypical ductal hyperplasia Fig-5.18 FNAC (DCIS) Ductal carcinoma in situ.
Fig-5.19 FNAC Paget’s disease of nipple Fig-5.22 FNAC Invasive cribriform carcinoma
Fig-5.25 FNAC Carcinoma breast (Papillary) Fig-5.28 FNAC Infiltrating lobular carcinoma
Fig-5.26 FNAC Carcinoma breast (tubular) Fig-5.29 FNAC Comedo carcinoma with invasion
Fig-5.27 FNAC Infiltrating lobular carcinoma Fig-5.30 FNAC Infiltrating lobular carcinoma
Fig-5.31 Fat necrosis breast (Histopath) Fig-5.34 Intraductal papilloma breast (Histopath)
Fig-5.33 Cystosarcoma phyllodes breast (Histopath) Fig-5.36 Carcinoma in situ breast (Histopath)
Screenin or
Breast Problems
! To detect the malignancy at earliest stage in a predefined
female population.
! To collect baseline information for future comparison of
breast lesions.
! To evaluate and monitor the high risk females for
malignancy of breast.
! To assist in evaluation and management of symptomatic
Shuja Tahir, FRCS, FCPS
Breast Feeding
! To understand the importance of breast feeding for both
mother & child.
! To understand the normal physiological changes in breast
during pregnancy, lactation and after lactation.
! To understand the preparation and care of the breast before &
during lactation.
God Almighty is the creator of the whole bonding between the infant and mother
world and is responsible for the bread does not successfully develop without
and butter of all human beings (man, breast feeding. All women have an
animals and plants). The human beings ability to breast feed but there are
are considered as modernized and certain reservations as she requires
civilized mammals. five hundred calories more than the
normal diet.
God has made provision of two breasts
to each woman so that they can breast Breast feeding should start soon after
feed their young ones. There is no need the baby is born even before the
to train the women as breast feeding is umbilical cord is cut, the baby is put to
a natural phenomena and all the the breast. This promotes successful
mammals feed their young ones breast feeding and also helps in
without any training. hen a lady lowering the duration of third stage of
breast feeds a baby, he she will be labor. It is very important that the initial
better equipped in intelligence and milk which is thick and full of calories
psychological behavior and will be colostrum . should be definitely fed to
immune to certain contagious the baby because it provides enough
diseases. calories to the baby for survival and also
contains the antibodies and immune
New parents want to give their baby the factors which prevent diseases in the
very best. As far as nutrition is new born at least for 3 months.
concerned, the best first food for babies
is breast milk1. More than two decades of research
have established that breast milk is
The mothers milk is described as an un- perfectly suited to nourish infants and
equaled food for the baby except in protect them from illness. Breast-fed
special circumstances (hare lip, cleft infants have lower rates of hospital
palate, extreme prematurity). The admissions, ear infections, diarrhoea,
formula milks in no way can give the rashes, allergies, and other medical
same advantage to a new born. The problems than bottle-fed babies.
most of the women who breast feed do formula milk and it should be
not ovulate). condemned and its marketing should
be unlawful.
The baby should be fed from both
breasts so that the milk is not wasted Counsel the mothers about the quantity,
from any breast. quality, frequency and consistency of
food for an infant upto 1year of age.
Sore nipple is one of the disadvantages
of sucking but the patient can be given Preferably exclusive breast feeding is
soothing creams and lotions which can for 4-5 months but a women should
solve the problem or if the cracks in the breast feed along with weaning for two
nipple are too many than they can use a years.
nipple sheath.
After all, nothing is perfect and some INFANTS
potential problems can arise during
breast feeding such as; ! Give breast milk at least 6 times a
day and none on demand.
! Some people may repeat negative ! Feed semisolid foods three times a
practices such as giving pre-lactel day with a spoon at each feeding
feeds and water. after the age of 4-6 months.
! A Woman may not feel confident
enough and think incapable to Initially a women having a baby for the
breast feed. first time may run into problems and she
! Inadequate maternal feed. needs counseling otherwise she will
! Sore nipples and mastitis develop psychological problems which
are collectively known as “purple
It is important that the patient should be blues”.
explained in the antenatal period about
optimum food intake during pregnancy We keep on using the term confusion of
and lactation. nipple. Now what is meant by it. The
baby has already sucked through a
Counsel the women and her spouse feeder nipple and may have confusion
and family about improving her diet in breast feeding. The mother should
during pregnancy and lactation. keep the baby with her during the day
and night. Isolated nurseries are not
Assess the dietary intake of pregnant required in this modern era.
and lactating women.
Correct positioning of the baby in age
There should be no supplementary more than 4 months, expressed milk or
! Acetaminophen
! Many antibiotics Bromocriptine (Parlodel):
! Antiepileptics (although one, A drug for Parkinson's disease, it also
Primidone, should be given with decreases a woman's milk supply.
! Most antihistamines Most Chemotherapy Drugs for Cancer:
! Alcohol in moderation (large Since they kill cells in the mother's body,
amounts of alcohol can cause they may harm the baby as well.
drowsiness, weakness, and
abnormal weight gain in an infant) Ergotamine (for migraine headaches):
! Most antihypertensives Causes vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions
! Aspirin (should be used with in infants.
! Caffeine (moderate amounts in Lithium (for manic-depressive illness):
drinks or food) Excreted in human milk.
! Codeine
! Decongestants Methotrexate (for arthritis):
! Ibuprofen Can suppress the baby's immune
! Insulin system.
! Quinine
! Thyroid medications Drugs of Abuse:
Some drugs, such as cocaine and PCP,
DRUGS THAT ARE NOT SAFE WHILE can intoxicate the baby. Others, such as
NURSING amphetamines, heroin and marijuana,
can cause a variety of symptoms,
Some drugs can be taken by a nursing including irritability, poor sleeping
mother if she stops breast-feeding for a patterns, tremors, and vomiting. Babies
few days or weeks. She can pump her become addicted to these drugs.
milk and discard it during this time to
keep up her supply, while the baby Tobacco Smoke:
drinks previously frozen milk or formula. Nursing mothers should avoid smoking.
Nicotine can cause vomiting, diarrhea
Radioactive drugs used for some and restlessness for the baby, as well
diagnostic tests like Gallium-69, Iodine- as decreased milk production for the
125, Iodine-131, or Technetium-99m mother. Maternal smoking or passive
can be taken if the woman stops smoke may increase the risk of sudden
nursing temporarily. infant death syndrome (SIDS) and may
increase respiratory and ear infections.
Drugs that should never be taken while
breast-feeding include: REFERENCES
! To find out the presence of lump with its exact site.
! To find out the nature of lump whether inflammatory, benign, malignant or
developmental aberration.
! To stage the lump in cases of malignancy.
! To investigate methodically and appropriately.
! To plan management correctly.
! To follow up the patients adequately.
The breast diseases present in different prepare for lactation under the
ways. Sometimes the problem of influence of various hormones.
adjacent structures may present as
breast problem. A very careful triple The examination of breast is one of the
assessment helps to reach accurate important parts of diagnosis of
diagnosis and management of such pregnancy or even pervious
patients. These presentations can be pregnancies. The color changes of
of; areola are also typical due to
1. Breast diseases.
2. Associated diseases. 2. Lactation
Rapid and massive breast hypertrophy commonly seen in males than females.
may occur occasionally at puberty or It is diagnosed clinically. Treatment
during pregnancy or rarely even other decision and plan is simple.
wise. The size of breast eventually Reassurance or subcutaneous
becomes bothersome, or mastectomy can be performed.
incapacitating to the patient2.
Prosthesis of correct size and shape
Pregnancy related breast hypertrophy may be implanted according to female
can be arrested or reversed by reducing patient’s choice for good cosmetic
serum prolactin level with effects.
bromocriptine therapy.
Extreme tenderness, erythema and
edema of breast can be treated 1. Fibro adenosis of new born.
surgically which may not always be 2. Puberty.
cosmetically acceptable3. 3. Unilateral hypertrophy.
The giant fibroadenoma grows rapidly A cyst can also be clinically diagnosed
and attains large size. with reasonable confidence. Usually no
edges can be palpable. It is best
confirmed by aspiration. The cyst
It is bigger than 4-5 cm in diameter. The disappears completely after aspiration.
breast is enlarged, nipple may be It can be easily diagnosed
displaced, overlying skin is shiny, veins ultrasonographically.
are dilated. It may be present in one
breast. The patient is followed up every month
for the reappearance of the lump. The
It has higher incidence at two different cyst fluid is cytologically examined and
age groups. It presents at 14-18 years if there is any doubt or the lump does
of age and 45-50 years of age. not disappear completely after
Treatment is cosmetic enucleation. aspiration or reappears within few days,
excision biopsy of the lump is
CYST performed.
Cyst results from the enlargement of The patient is followed up for at least 2-
the breast lobule or lactiferous duct, It is 3 months after aspiration of the cyst for
related to altered hormonal stimulation spontaneous resolution. Excision
and endo-organ response. It enlarges biopsy is performed in young women
and becomes tender before the with residual breast masses3.
menstrual period starts.
There is increasing evidence that
It can occur at any age after puberty but multiple recurrent cysts are associated
commonly presents in the with small but significant increase in
perimenopausal years (35-50 years old
breast cancer risk4.
The cysts can regress spontaneously
round and firm lump or lumps. It is more the breast with irregular surface could
common in obese female with large be a malignant lump.
size breast.
It can be mobile or adherent to the
It is due to localized disruption of fat underlying muscle or overlying skin. It
cells following trauma. The fat in may be associated with enlargement of
saponified slowly by the blood and regional lymph glands.
tissue lipases. This is followed by
fibroblast and macrophage reaction All such lesions should have FNAC,
leading to localized hard irregular lump trucut needle biopsy or excision biopsy.
in the breast fat. Further management should be done
according to the histopathological
Necrosis of fat occurs in the breast picture.
tissue. There may be foci of
hemorrhage in the beginning but later Sarcoma (rare)
on there is liquefactive necrosis. Lymphoma (rare)
Fig-8.3 Fungating lump breast (Carcinoma breast) Fig-8.5 Breast lump with nipple distortion
Fig-8.12 Adjacent breast masses on sonomammogrpahyFig-8.15 Large cyst with layered debris and a solid
(A debris filled cyst and a simple cyst) component. (Sonomammography)
! To be able to diagnose breast pain.
! To be able to differentiate between various causes of
breast pain.
! To be able to find out the cause of breast pain.
! To be able to manage breast pain properly.
helpful in most of the patients12. Relief of which is balanced against the chance of
pain is seen in 58% patients but 42% response to treatment and risk of side
patients shows adverse effects. Active effects. Patient is reviewed every two to
breast movement on weak suspensory three months. The decision regarding
ligaments may contribute considerably continuation or change of treatment is
to mastalgia. Good external support by made according to patient’s response.
1st Visit
supportive brassiere can relieve most An History,
algorithm for the treatment
examination and investigations if required of
o Breast
f pPain
atients’ symptoms. mastalgia is given in Fig-9.2.
Pain chart
Record the degree of breast pain you experience each
day by shading each box as illustrated
Mild Severe
Severe Pain Moderate Pain Mild Pain No Pain
Menstrual bleeding episodes Reassurance Start drug therapy
Record the degree of bleeding you experience each day
by shading each box as illustrated +
Conservative measures
Heavy Average Spotting None (Supporting brassiers, Diet etc)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Review (2 months) Review (2 months)
Breast Pain
Continue for
Fig-9.1. Daily Breast Pain Chart CBS I, II 2 months
CBS IV No response
The patient is reviewed after two
months. Pattern of pain is assessed EVENING PRIMROSE OIL
and response is graded according to
Cardiff Breast Pain Score (Table-1). Evening primrose (Oenothera biennis
L) is a North American wild flower that
Specific drug treatment is considered has escaped cultivation and is now
Treatment with evening primrose oil Comparable results has been seen of
improves essential fatty acid profile to fish oil, Corn oil and corn oil with wheat
normal16. Although, it may take upto germ oil with those of evening primrose
three months to provide relief of oil for mastalgia24.
symptoms, its effectiveness has been
proved in placebo controlled trial with DANAZOL
overall response rate of 45% in cyclic
mastalgia and 27% in non cyclic Danazol is a gonadotrophin release
mastalgia with fewer side effects (2% inhibitor. It remains the most effective
for evening primrose oil versus 22% first and second line treatment with its
with danazol and 33% with effectiveness confirmed
Initial dose in controlled
200-300 mg daily
bromocriptine)17,18. 25,26
trials . A useful response to treatment
is observedReduce toin10070%
mg dailyof
1 month with
Evening primrose oil is used as a first cyclic mastalgia and 31% with non
line treatment for cyclical cyclic mastalgia Good. Response
mastalgia19,20,21. In a recent survey 13%
to 20% British surgeons recommended Unfortunately, it also100
100 mg daily on days have
mg onhigh ratedayof
every other
evening primrose oil for this use22. 14-18 ofrelated
dose menstrual cycle
side throughout
effects menstrual
(22%) cycle17.
Patients with severe premenstrual Several low dose regimen have been
symptom rate evening primrose oil as Fig-9.3.
developedDanazol therapythe
to reduce lowlikely
dose hood
regimens of
one of the most effective treatment they side effect after remission has been
had ever used23. Evening primrose oil is induced with a full dose of 200 mg
particularly useful in younger women daily27, 28 (Fig-9.3). These regimens may
who may require long term therapy, who also be used in patients who relapse
16. Gateley CA, Maddox PR. Pritchard 24. Blommers J, de LangeDe Klerk ES.
GA et al. Plasma fatty acid profiles Kuik D J. Bezemer PD, Meijer S.
in benign breast disorders. Br J Evening primrose oil and fish oil for
Surg, 1992; 79: 407-9. severe chronic mastalgia: a
randomized, double blind
17. Mansel RE, Pye JK, Hughes LE. controlled trial. Am J Obstet
Effects of essential fatty acids on Gynecol 2002 Nov; 187(5): 1389-
cyclical mastalgia and non cyclical 94.
breast disorders. In: Horrobin DF
(ed) Omega 6 essential fatty acids. 25. Gateley CA, Maddox PR, Mansel
Pathophysiology and roles in R E , H u g h e s L E . M a s ta l g i a
clinical medicine. Wiley-Liss New refractory to drug treatment. Br J
York, 1990; 557-6 Surg 1990; 77: 1110-2.
18. Pye JK, Mansel RE, Hughes LE. 26. Hinton CP, Bishop HM, Holiday HW,
Clinical experience of drug Doyle PJ, Blamey RW. A double
treatments for mastalgia Lancet ii blind controlled trial of danazol and
1985; 373-7. bromocriptine in the management
severe cyclical breast pain. Br J Clin
19. Wetzig NR. Mastalgia. A 3 year Pract 1986; 40: 326-30.
Australian study. Aust N Z J Surg
1994; 64: 329-31. 27. Harrison DJ, Maddox PR, Mansel
RE. Maintenance therapy of
20. Genolet PM, Delaloye JF. DeGrandi cyclical mastalgia using low dose
P. Diagnosis and treatment of danazol. J. R Coll Surg Edinb 1989;
35. Hamid H, Chaudary MA, Caleffi M, 37. Kaleli S, Aydin Y, Erel CT, Colgar U.
Fentiman IS. LHRH analgue for Symptomatic treatment of
treatment of recurrent and premenstrual mastalgia in
refractory mastalgia. Ann R Coll premenopausal women with
Surg Eng 1990; 72: 221-4. lisuride maleate. A double blind
placebo controlled randomized
study. Fertil Steril 2001 Apr; 75(4):
! To diagnose the problem at the earliest.
! To rule out malignancy.
! To find out the cause of problem.
! To investigate the problem.
! To treat the problem adequately.
! To monitor the effects of treatment during
! Pus discharge.
Cushing’s syndrome
LACTATION = Physiological
This is the most common cause of
GALACTORRHOEA nipple discharge and needs no
treatment. This is physiological and milk
It is the discharge of milk from nipple discharge usually stops after cessation
which is unrelated to breast feeding or of breast feeding. In parous women milk
lactation. It can be physiological after can be expressed out even after two
cessation of feeding but continuous years of cessation of lactation.
mechanical stimulus to nipple promotes
milk discharge. Some times pregnant patient can have
blood stained discharge which settles
1. Physiological discharge after on its own. Occasionally neonates may
cessation of lactation. show milk discharge from their nipple if
2. Drug related. luteal or placental hormones get entry
into fetal circulation again it needs no
a. Drugs which reduce production treatment.
of prolactin
Trycyclic antidepressants.
Methyl dopa. Intraductal papilloma
Cimetidine. Duct ectazia
Benzodiazipine. Carcinoma
B. Dugs which block dopamine Fibrocystic disease
receptors. Trauma
Phenothiazide. Infection
Hexachlopramide. B L O O D S TA I N E D NIPPLE
Heloperidol. DISCHARGE
c. Oestrogen.
Digitalis. It causes high degree of anxiety in
women because of fear of breast
3. S P O N T A N E O U S cancer. Most frequently it is benign. It is
GALACTORRHEA commonly caused by intra ductal
papilloma, duct ectasia and less
Pituitary adenoma producing prolactin frequently by carcinoma breast2.
Broncho-genic carcinoma.
Discharge may be from peri areolar u s e f u l .
breast skin. Which may occur due to
different skin diseases like eczema, A large number of false negative results
psoriasis or chancre. Peri areolar make these tests less productive and
discharge can also be seen in Paget’s histopathological tests are required to
disease and duct ectasia. confirm the diagnosis2.
Both breasts and axillae are examined. High resolution ultrasound is helpful in
Nipple is cleaned and breast is visualizing intra ductal abnormality and
squeezed to see nature and site of are becoming a good complimentary
discharge and number of ducts approach if not an alternative to
involved. traditional radiology techniques3.
! To diagnose benign conditions and rule out malignant disease.
! To find out the nature of benign disease. (Inflammatory, ANDI,
! To plan investigations effectively.
! To plan effective management.
Classification of the pathogenesis of non malignant breast disease based on the concept of
Aberration of Normal Development and Involution (ANDI)
Physiological state of the Normal Benign disorder Benign disease
Duct development, Nipple inversion
Development Fibroadenoma, Adolescent Mammary fistula,
lobular development,
stromal development hypertrophy Giant fibroadenoma
The lesion is usually firm or hard with WOMEN BELOW 25 YEARS OF AGE
well demarcated borders. It is
extremely mobile and slips from the Only symptomatic treatment may be
examining hands easily. It is also called required.
“Breast mouse”. Two histological
variants are described depending upon Reassurance and regular follow up
the predominance of the tissue. clinical examination is enough.
and shiny skin on affected side. breast its classic leaflike (Phyllodes)
appearances. The contour may
Bigger fibroadenomas sometimes assume a tear drop configuration7,8.
becomes lobulated and leaf like and is
called Phyllodes tumor which may be Stroma shows hypercellularity, much
benign or malignant. atypia and numerous mitoses.
! To detect the carcinoma breast at a very early stage (non
invasive stage).
! To confirm the diagnosis.
! To plan satisfactory and adequate management.
! To establish an adequate follow up plan.
5. Divid L . Page. The women at high 8. Kevin Hughes. Arthur K LE. Ann
risk for breast cancer. Importance of ROLFS. Controversies in the
hyperplasia. Surgical clinics of treatment of ductal carcinoma in
North America Vol. 76 No. 2p 221- situ surgical clinics of North
229, 1996 Apr. America Vol 76 No. 2p 343-265,
1996 Apr.
6. Dupont QD. Parl FF. Hartmann WH
et al. Breast cancer risk associated
! To diagnose the lesion correctly.
! To assess the extent of malignancy locally (T-staging).
! To assess the extent of malignancy regionally (N-
! To assess the extent of malignancy systemically (M-
! To plan best possible management options.
! To counsel the patient effectively.
Shuja Tahir, FRCS, FCPS
Understanding of the fact that breast It is more common in single women than
cancer is not a local problem but in married women.
systemic disease has changed the
methods of treatment of patients with It is more common in nulli-parous
breast carcinoma. women.
It is common in upper and outer There are many risk factors which are
quadrant. associated with the development of
carcinoma of breast;
Low fat diet is associated with lower
incidence. SEX
Females are 100 time more at risk for
It is more common in obese women the development of breast carcinoma.
than in slimers. Hormonal or genetic factors common in
females may be responsible for its
Second carcinoma breast occurs occurrence.
(second primary tumor SPT) in 4% of
the patients of carcinoma breast. AGE
The risk of breast carcinoma in 20-40
90% carcinomas of breast occur in the years old patient is 0.5% but it is 5% in
ductal epithelium. patients of 50-70 years age group (10
times more). This is the reason for
10% carcinoma occurs in lobules of the patients (Above 50 years) presenting
breast. with carcinoma breast at a higher age.
5-10% of all breast cancers result from The incidence of carcinoma breast
autosomal dominant inheritance of a increases with increase in age
mutated gene1. particularly in women above 50 years of
The incidence is rising. This rise may be
due to better and early diagnosis. HORMONAL EFFECTS
Pure extracellular mucinous or colloid Exact size (in centimeters) and site of
carcinoma. the tumor should be noted preferably on
Medullary cancer with lymphocytic the diagram.
Well differentiated tubular Palpable lymph glands should be noted
adenocarcinoma. and counted. Clinical, biochemical and
Adenoid cystic carcinoma. radiological assessment of the extent of
the disease is essential.
TYPE 3 (MODERATELY One of the great advances in the
METASTASIZING) management of the patients with breast
cancer is the development of the clinical
It includes ; staging system.
Supra clavicular nodes involvement. (To, Tl, T2, T3, T4, N2, N3 and MO)
Edema of the arm present.
All breast cancers of any size.
Skin involvement or peau-de-orange
M0 present in large areas than the tumor
No distant metastasis. itself but these are limited to the breast.
Tumor fixed to pectoral muscles but not
M1 to the chest wall.
Metastasis present.
Involvement of the skin beyond the Axillarly lymph nodes, internal
breast means distant metastasis. mammary node.
(To treat the local, loco-regional and RADIO ISOTOPE SCAN
systemic disease).
Bone scintigraphy.
DIAGNOSIS Liver, lung and bone scan (total body
Simple method for an adequate
diagnosis is called triple assessment; PCR ASSAY
Upper limb edema is a major disability. The enlarged lymph glands in the axilla
are also excised and checked
Selective radiotherapy may be added
This is more popular method than depending upon lymph node
radical breast surgery. The pectoralis involvement.
major muscle is spared and only
pectoralis minor muscle is resected in L U M P E C T O M Y A N D
this operation. RADIOTHERAPY
Whole of the breast is removed and the It is excision of the breast lump with
axilla is also cleared of all the lymph about 3-5 cms of surrounding and
glands. macroscopically healthy tissue. It also
includes removal of adherent skin. It is
SIMPLE MASTECTOMY followed by appropriate radiotherapy.
This means removal of the breast tissue It is a good alternative as it gets rid of the
and axillary tail. This may or may not be disease process and conserves the
followed by radiotherapy advantages breast. It also minimizes the local
are; recurrence and development of
invasive carcinoma.
Whole of the tumor is removed.
The advantage of this procedure is that Following drugs are commonly used;
patient doesn’t have to loose the breast
but this has higher rate of local Methotrexate.
recurrence. Vincristine.
Radiotherapy is given to minimize local Adriamycin.
and distant spread. The patient should Cyclophosphamide.
be followed up very carefully both CHEMOTHERAPY AND BONE
clinically and with repeated MARROW TRANSPLANT
Navelbine (Vinorelbine or 5-Nor-
RADIOTHERAPY anhydro-vinblastine is relatively less
toxic and has excellent tolerance profile
This is used as an adjuvant to surgery. It can be included in the first line
Rarely it may be used on its own. It has combination chemotherapy for breast
its own side effects which limit its use. cancer20.
This may be used for ovarian ablation
but again oophorectomy is a better High dose chemotherapy and
method of getting rid of the ovarian autologous bone marrow
function. transplantation has been used for
metastatic carcinoma of breast. It has
CHEMOTHERAPY not shown any added advantage over
conventional chemo-therapy19.
Different anti-cancer drugs are used to
treat the micro-metastasis and spread HORMONAL THERAPY
of the tumor. This is also used as an
adjuvant to surgery. These are best used after oestrogen
receptor assay of the excised
Neo adjuvant therapy is use of antic- specimen. Antioesterogen drugs
ancer drugs alone or in combination (tamoxifen, Zitazonium and Nolvadex)
with radiotherapy. It achieves better are being used in patients with cancer
results before undertaking any surgical breast.
procedure. It helps to down stage the
tumor. The evidence has been accumulated
that chances of recurrence of tumor
Different regimens (combination of after hormonal therapy are minimal as
antimitotic drugs) are being used with compared to radiotherapy and
variable results such as quadruple chemotherapy.
Tamoxifen currently is the treatment of
Example: a 2.5 cm, grade III tumor with 6/12 positive lymph nodes would score NPI 6.5, predicting a poor p
5. Dupont OD. Parl FF, Hatmann WH 12. Cumminos FJ Gray R. Tormev DV.
et.al. Breast cancer risk associated Adjuvant tamoxifen versus placebo
with proliferative breast disease in elderly with node positive breast
and atypical hyperplasia. Cancer cancer. Long term follow up and
{JC:clz 71(4):1258-65, 1993 Feb causes of death Journal of clinical
15. oncology {JC:jco]11(1)29-35, 1993
6. Bundred NJ, West RR. Doud JO et
al. Is there increased risk of breast 13. Resso J, Russo lH, The pathology
cancer in women who have had a of breast cancer: staging and
breast cyst aspirated? British prognostic indications. Journal of
journal; of cancer (JC: av4) 64(5): American Women’s Association
953-5, 1991 Nov. [JC:47r]47(5)181-7, 1992 Sep-Oct.
! To stage the disease.
! To assess the spread of disease with its
clinical effects.
! To plan effective management.
! To counsel the patient effectively.
Shuja Tahir, FRCS, FCPS
tumor is assessed before planning to Patients who did not receive hormonal
prescribe hormonal therapy. therapy initially and are E.R positive
may be given hormonal treatment.
A positive estrogen receptor status is Others may be offered both poly
associated with good response of over chemotherapy and hormonal therapy.
60% and negative estrogen receptor
status is associated with less than 10% Tamoxifen has shown therapeutic
response. advantage when used with
chemotherapy in patients of age group
The metastatic cancer breast patients 50-69 years. It may prolong survival in
with positive receptors may be treated advanced disease as well.
with hormones initially except when
advanced liver metastasis is present as Second line hormonal therapy
the response would be poorer in these response is approximately 50% of the
patients. previous therapy.
Special Types o
Carcinoma Breast
! To diagnose the carcinoma breast in special situation.
! To understand the tumor biology in such situation.
! To plan effective management in such situation.
! To counsel the patient effectively.
! To follow up such patients most economically & effectively.
It is the condition when carcinoma of the breast is more active resulting in cyclic nodularity and
diagnosed in women at or before 40 years of age. thickening.
Less than 1% of all breast cancer cases are seen Triple assessment is performed for adequate
before the 30 years of age. diagnosis.
Young women have more aggressive presentation of The self examination and physical examination is
disease at diagnosis, when compared with pre- more difficult and less helpful in diagnosing breast
menopausal elder patients1. lesions effectively.
A young woman may be very young or pre- Mammography is done less often in younger women
menopausal (40 years old). There is significant rise than in older age group.
in the incidence with increase in age.
Even if it is performed, interpretation may be very
Cancer breast incidence in young women is given in difficult and less conclusive because of increased
the table below. radio-density of the breast tissue.
Age 100,000 women Ultrasound examination of breast is more helpful in
younger women suffering from breast cancer.
Less than 20 years 0.1
The disease is diagnosed at a later stage in younger
20-24 1.4 women than in older women.
25-29 8.1
Breast cancer in young women is more frequently
30-34 24.8 poorly differentiated, oestrogen receptor (E.R)
negative, show high lympho-vascular invasion & high
The young women's breasts are physiologically proliferating fractions 2.
Young women are vulnerable to emotional distress Breast conserving surgery in women under 35 years
and psycho social problems & require support 3. of age is associated with higher risk of local
Psychologically the younger women respond badly
and show higher level of emotional distress and All young women should be considered at moderate-
adjust to the diagnosis with difficulty 2. high risk due to age and should be offered adjuvant
Very young women are faced with personal, family,
professional and quality of life issues that further The implications of possible impaired fertility &
complicate the phase of treatment decision making. premature menopause should be considered before
adjuvant therapy3.
The treatment for very young women should be
problem based, specific and focused 1. The adjuvant systemic chemotherapy is more
effective in pre-menopausal than postmenopausal
Breast cancer in young women has special effects of women. Ovarian ablation occurs within few months
cancer breast and its treatment on; of chemotherapy.
Impaired fertility after adjuvant therapy is a major 3. Par tridge AH; Gelbers; Peppercorm J;
concern for young breast cancer patients. Sampson E; et al. Web based survey of
fertility issues in young women with breast
Young women may be educated regarding fertility & cancer. Jelin Oncol 2004 Oct 15:22(20) :4174-
other issues & research should be diverted for 83.
preserving fertility in survivors 3. 4. Chia KS; Du WB; Sankaranaryanan R;
Sankila R; Wang H; Lee J; Seow A; Lee HP. Do
Node positive women under the age of 30-35 years younger female breast cancer patients have a
have poor prognosis. proper prognosis? Reports from population
based survival analysis. Int J cancer 2004 feb
Some studies have shown that the younger women 20; 108(5): 761-5.
of less than 35 years of age suffering from cancer
breast show higher survival rates when compared
with older women with breast cancer.
1. Curigliano G; Rigo R; Calton I M; Braud FI; Nole
F; et al. Adjuvant therapy for very young women
with breast cancer: response accor ding to
biologic and endocrine features. Clin breast
cancer 2004 June; 5(2):125-30.
BR - 15 - B
Shuja Tahir, FRCS (Edin), FCPS Pak (Hon)
FNAC or even biopsy is used to assess suspicious
breast mass in a woman during pregnancy &
lactation (II-2A). FNAC may show incorrect results
due to presence of hormonal induced atypia in
DIAGNOSIS these patients. Core needle/excision biopsy is
CLINICAL EXAMINATION performed for correct results.
Triple assessment helps in making an accurate
diagnosis which is relatively difficult in these RECEPTOR STUDIES
patients. All women should be encouraged to Tumor receptor studies for estrogen, progesteron,
practice breast self examination during pregnancy and Her-2-neu receptors
ptor are performed
perf before
and lactation (II-2B). planning the appropriate treatment.
Ultrasound examination of breasts is performed as
first line imaging examination in women with
suspected breast lesions. Sonography of solid mass
with posterior acoustic shadow and marked cystic
component may indicate malignancy in pregnant
patients .
Interruption of lactation is not necessary while ! Breast milk is ideal nutrient for new born
investigating except when nuclear studies are and breast feeding is a modifiable risk
conducted. factor. The women should be encouraged
for breast feeding(II-2A).
Following features are addressed before planning
management of breast cancer during pregnancy MANAGEMENT PLAN2
and lactation; Once breast cancer is diagnosed during pregnancy
! The impact of pregnancy and lactation on or lactation, multi-disciplinary help is used including
risk of breast cancer. obstetrician, surgeon, medical and radiation oncolo-
gist and breast cancer counselors (II-2A).
! The prognosis of breast cancer diagnosed
during pregnancy and lactation. When cancer breast is diagnosed during early
pregnancy, patient is informed about e f f e c t s o f
! The risk of recurrence of breast cancer therapy on fetus and on overall maternal prognosis.
during subsequent pregnancies. It has been shown by many trials that the prognosis
is not altered by termination of pregnancy but it can
! Feasibility and impact of breast feeding on be discussed on its own merits. The patients over 30
prognosis of women with breast cancer. years of age should be informed about pre-mature
These women have tumors with high menopause after treatment with chemotherapeutic
histological grade and low frequency of drugs (II-2C).
hormonal receptors and high expression
of C-erb B-26. No standardized therapeutic interventions have
been reported for patients with breast cancer during
! There is good evidence of transient pregnancy as yet. Various treatment options used
increase in risk of breast cancer in the first presently have not been evaluated for the safety of
3-4 years after delivery of a single baby (II- fetus and efficacy in the mother (the patient).
! Subsequently their life time risk is lower SURGERY
than the nulliparous women (II-2B). Surgery remains the gold standard of treatment and
modified radical mastectomy and axillary gland
! The risk for pre-menopausal breast cancer dissection is the operation of choice. Breast
is reduced with lactation (II-2A). conserving surgery is not a preferred choice of
operation in these patients.
! This protective effect is best in women with
The risks and benefits of early delivery during 3rd Counseling is done about the risks of chemotherapy
trimester should be compared with continuation of to the fetus and mother.
pregnancy. Effects of chemotherapy on fetus should
be kept in mind (III-B). Central venous catheter is passed for long term use.
FAC chemotherapy is used
Chemotherapy has teratogenic effects on the fetus
during first trimester of pregnancy. It can still be Day One
used after discussion with the patient about the risks ! Injection cyclophosphamide 500 mg/m2 intra-
to the fetus and mother. Pregnancy may be venously is given as a single dose.
terminated or continued as the prognosis is not
affected by termination of pregnancy or keeping the ! Injection doxorubicin 50mg/m2 is given as
pregnancy. It is definitely affected by delay in the continuous infusion over 72 hours.
required appropriate therapy.
! Injection 5 fluorouracil 500mg/m2 is given as a
Chemotherapy can be used effectively during second bolus intravenous dose.
and third trimester of pregnancy with minimal
complications of labor and delivery. Commonly Day Four
following drugs are used with following doses; ! Bolus dose of injection 5 fluorouracil is given
! 5 - Flurouracil 1000 mg / m2 intravenously.
! Doxorubicin 50 mg / m2
! Cyclophosphomide 500 mg / m2
Three weeks onwards
These drugs are used at 3-4 weeks interval. The risk This course of treatment is repeated after 21 to 28
of intrauterine growth retardation should be kept in days during second and third trimester through 37
mind following chemotherapy during second and weeks of gustation8.
The women who get pregnant within two years of
treatment of carcinoma breast require careful
1. Tahir S. Carcinoma breast. Surgery Tell me the
answer, 3rd edition. Uroobs Pvt Ltd.,
Faisalabad. Pakistan - 1997; 303-305.
The effects of treatment with high dose
chemotherapy and bone marrow transplant with or 2. Helewa M; Levesque P; Provencher D; Lea RH;
without radiation therapy on later pregnancies are Rosolowich V; Shapiro HM. Breast cancer,
not known. pregnancy and breast feeding. J obstet
Gynaecol can 2004 feb; 24(2) 164-80; quiz
Termination of pregnancy in these patients does not 181-4.
seen to improve mother’s chances of survival and is
not usually a treatment option. It is only considered 3. Ahn BY; Kim HH; Moon WK; Pisano ED; et al,
to avoid teratogenic abnormalities in fetus. It is done Pregnancy & lactation associated
breast c a n c e r : m a m m o g r a p h i c &
with mother’s consent after full counseling. It
sonographic findings. J ultrasound Med
depends upon the age of fetus, stage of disease and 2003 May; 22(5):491-7; quiz 498-9.
the mother’s chance of survival10.
It is the presence of cancer breast in women aged 65 factors may worsen the mortality in these patients.
years or more.
Infiltrating ductal carcinoma (IDC) is the most
More than 50% patients of carcinoma breast are common type of carcinoma seen in older women.
above 65 years of age1,6. The old ladies are more likely to have less
aggressive tumors which are oestrogen receptor
A larger proportion presents with a palpable mass. It positive3. It is 68% of all the tumors. In elderly
may be due to less screening of very old women and women it is seen in 77% - 85% of the patients.
failure of early detection of disease.
The cancer breast in elderly women shows favorable
Breast cancer in elderly women is a significant public characteristics such as favorable tumor biology,
health problem. more expression of steroid receptors (estrogen and
progesterone receptors), low proliferative rate,
Elderly women have a 6 fold higher breast cancer good differentiation, normal P53 and low expression
incidence and 8 fold higher mortality when of epidermal growth factor3.
compared with non elderly women .
Priorities for breast cancer prevention and control in Elderly women can tolerate breast conserving
elderly should be established2. therapy including radiotherapy well and have
excellent rates of loco-regional control and disease
Geriatric medicine has established Comprehensive specific survival8. Breast conserving surgery with
Geriatric Assessment (CGA) to get important radiotherapy and mastectomy both can be offered
information on elderly patients missed by routine on the preference of the patient7.
clinical examination4.
Hormonal therapy is the most effective adjuvant
The data collected in CGA is of prognostic relevance measure for elderly patients with localized disease.
concerning toxicity of chemotherapy and mortality.
The use of CGA improves functional status and In very old and unfit patients, tamoxifen alone is a
mental health of elderly4. suitable treatment. Chemoprevention can be offered
on individual basis depending upon the risk ; breast
Careful evaluation of biological prognostic factors, ratio9.
performance status and geriatric parameters such
Male breast carcinoma (MBC) is the malignant tumor distant sites and regional lymph node by the time
of the breast in men. It is seen in men over age of 60 diagnosis is made.
years. Carcinoma breast is very rare in men when
compared with women suffering from same problem. Gender specific incidence trends differ reflective of
The information about this problem is limited1 female-related changes in surveillance and/or
because of less number of patients. reproductive risk factors.
Only 1% cancer breast occurs in men. Its predisposing factors include gynaecomastia and
Male to female ratio is 1:125. increased endogenous or exogenous oestrogen.
There is an association between BRCA2 mutations It presents as a lump or an ulcer over the breast. It is
and male breast cancer specially in those with family most commonly infiltrating ductal carcinoma.
history of breast cancer.
The high prevalence of BRCA2 mutations among
males should be considered when estimating risk for It is similar to female cancer breast. The diagnosis
female relatives . and assessment is done by triple assessment.
Male breast cancer has biological differences Wide excision of the diseased area is usually done by
compared with female breast cancer. It occurs late mastectomy.
and has poor prognosis because of early spread of
the disease. Neo-adjuvant chemo-radiation may be given in
advanced cases to down stage the tumor before
The early spread is because of less breast tissue, surgery.
early infiltration to the adjacent tissue in skin and
chest wall. Adjuvant chemo radiation may also be required in
patients with advanced carcinoma breast in males.
The carcinoma in male breast resembles invasive The volume of breast tissue being small, role of
carcinoma breast of females. radio therapy has to be reassessed4.
More than 50% of tumors have already spread to
1. Peikarski JH; Jeziorski A. Breast neoplasm in
men & women-prognosis comparison. Wiad Lek
2003; 56(5-6):239-43.
i erential ia nosis o
Breast L mps
! To diagnose the lump in breast.
! To differentiate between various types of lumps.
! To plan appropriate investigations for assessment of the
! To plan adequate management.
! To counsel the patient effectively.
! To plan followup for these patients.
Shuja Tahir, FRCS, FCPS
When an adult woman detects a lump in The final diagnosis has to be singled out
her breast, usually she gets very from;
apprehensive about its nature. As soon
as she consults her doctor for help, the Unilateral breast lumps;
doctor has most important duty to
diagnose the lump and its nature ! Fibroadenosis of the newborn.
correctly and then manage it ! Puberty.
adequately. ! Unilateral hypertrophy.
When a patient presents with small The isolated lump in a single breast
lump in the breast, a well organized plan could be;
for early diagnosis and correct
management is formulated. Triple BENIGN
assessment of breast lesion is
performed. It is; ! Fibroadenoma.
! Simple cyst.
1. Clinical history & examination. ! Galactocele.
2. Imaging ! Lipoma.
3. Cyto histological tests ! Plasma cell mastitis.
! Fat necrosis\Tuberculous abscess.
One of the following lesions are to be ! Phylloides tumor.
diagnosed as cause of the problem.
Following swellings of breast are seen; An isolated lump in breast could be;
The lump may not be actually in the A structured and careful examination of
breast tissue but may be in its vicinity both the breasts, axilla and clavicular
such as; regions is under taken. It is performed in
privacy and in the presence of a female
Retro-mammary Abscess (from ribs, attendant or a nurse if the doctor is
chronic osteomyelitis, tuberculosis). male.
If is performed in good light and in
! Empyema. different positions;
! Chondroma of chest wall.
! Rib deformities. The exact site, size in centimeters,
! Mondor's disease. shape, consistency, mobility or fixation
of the lump is noted.
TRIPLE ASSESSMENT Fluctuation and transillumination tests
are performed if indicated. Annual or
It is combination of three sets of biannual physical examination of the
observations (clinical, imaging and breast is very helpful in women at and
cystohistological) which have a very above the age of 40 years1.
high pick up rate in assessment of the
nature and extent of the disease. It is Once it is confirmed by history and
very important in case the malignancy is proper examination that the lump is
suspected. present, it has to be differentiated very
clearly whether the lump is in the chest
Complete history must be written wall underlying the breast or is in the
without forgetting the family history, breast proper.
menstrual history, obstetric history and
history of breast feeding. LUMP BREAST
History of the lump must include Similarly a lump lying in the skin
following information as given by the overlying the breast has to be
patient; differentiated from a lump in the breast
proper. Rarely a lump may be present in
! Duration of the appearance. the accessory breast some where away
! Nature (painful or painless). from the normal breast site.
! Site (four quadrants of the breast).
! Size. If the lump is showing signs and
! Consistency. symptoms of acute inflammation, the
! Surface. diagnosis of breast abscess can be
! Appearance of the surrounding skin. made safely and treatment can be
! Relationship with menstrual cycle. advised accordingly.
FNAC, trucut needle or excision biopsy perimenopausal years (35-50 years old
confirms the diagnosis. female).
Complete excision of the duct system is The cysts can regress spontaneously
performed to avoid local recurrence. after menstrual periods or develop after
oestrogen replacement therapy1.
UNILATERAL HYPERTROPHY OF The cyst may demonstrate a thin rim of
THE BREAST calcification on mammographic
UNILATERAL GYNAECOMASTIA examination. The cyst may
occasionally rupture during
It is enlargement of a normal breast. compression while performing
The enlarge-ment is uniform. It is more mammography2.
commonly seen in males than females.
A cyst can also be clinically diagnosed
It is diagnosed clinically. with reasonable confidence. Usually no
edges can be palpated. It is smooth and
Treatment decision and plan is simple. firm. It moves easily and may be tender.
Reassurance or subcutaneous Usually cysts are felt in both breasts
mastectomy can be performed. and sometimes these are seen at more
than one occasion.
Correct size prosthesis may be
implanted on patient's choice for good It can be easily diagnosed by
cosmetic reason. ultrasound exami-nation. It is confirmed
by aspiration. The cyst disappears
CYST completely after aspiration.
A breast cyst is collection of fluid in the The patient is followed up every month
breast. Cyst results from the for the reappearance of the lump. The
enlargement of the breast lobule or cyst fluid is cytologically examined and
lactiferous duct. It is related to altered if there is any doubt or the lump does
hormonal stimulation and end-organ not disappear completely after
response. These often enlarge and aspiration or reappears within few days,
become tender before menstrual period excision biopsy of the lump is
starts. The fluid comes from normal performed.
secretions. The breasts enlarge and
swell towards the end of menstrual The patient is followed up for at least 2-3
cycle. months after aspiration of the cyst for
spontaneous resolution. Excision
It can occur at any age after puberty but biopsy is performed in young women
commonly presents in the with residual breast masses3.
leaf like clefts and slits. It can be benign be performed in doubtful cases.
or locally malignant. Occasionally it
may be frankly malignant. 15% may HAMARTOMA OF BREAST
metastasize to distant sites.
The lump is actually a developmental
It distorts the breast and may lead to aberration and not a true tumour. It
ulceration of the overlying skin. It may presents as a lump in the breast. It
present as a fungating lesion. appears as a discrete mass on
Microscopically it is more cellular than
other fibroadenomas and there is The histological picture is variable and
myxomatous change in the fibrous includes;
tissue. It shows increased stromal
cellularity, anaplasia and high mitotic 1. Circumscribed fibro-cysts.
activity. Malignant change can occur 2. Adenolipomas.
rarely. Lymph node metastasis is rare 3. Fibroadenoma
as in other sarcomas. It was previously 4. Fat
called cystosarcoma phylloides. 5. Lobules
6. Cartilage
This is removed very carefully 7. Smooth muscle tissue
otherwise recurrence can occur.
Treatment is excision and biopsy5.
It is a rare subareolar cyst presenting in
relation with lactation. It is less common It is a very rare condition and the lump is
problem than thought. often attached to the skin. It is a
condition which confuses with
It is commonly seen in women who carcinoma on clinical examination.
have recently stopped breast feeding.
Occasionally it may occur during The external features of injury to breast
lactation as well. It consists of ducts disappear by the time patient presents
distended with milk. for treatment. Sometimes the history of
injury may be just co-incidental and not
Aspiration confirms the diagnosis as it the cause of lump. It is painless, round
drains the milk and the lump and firm lump or lumps. It is more
disappears. Secondary infection may common in obese female with large
lead to breast abscess formation. breast.
! To understand the disease status of the patient.
! To understand the cognitive status of the patient.
! To understand the socio-economic status of the patient.
! To understand the psychological aspects of patient.
! To inform the patient about provisional diagnosis.
! To inform the patient about suggested investigations, their cost and
benefit in management.
! To inform the patient about treatment options and their cost,
benefits, problems and preference of treating doctor.
! To inform about consequences if not managed properly.
! To inform about the possible complications of treatment.
! To help the patient in making the correct choice.
Shuja Tahir, FRCS, FCPS
Sohail Ali, FCPS (Psychiatry)
Tariq Mehmood, FCPS (surgery)
Abida Kareem, M.Sc (Clinical Psychology)
Breast carcinoma has such a dreadful Interaction between patient and the
reputation socially that most of the treating doctor, surgeon, oncologist,
women are scared to death even if they social worker and psychologist.
suspect or discover a benign or even
inflammatory lump in their breast. Interactive communication among the
health care provider and the female
They are under such a great sufferers.
psychological strain that information Creation of public awareness about the
collection and adequate clinical problems related to breast and its ideal
examination becomes very difficult and management.
sometimes even inadequate.
The process of counseling starts from
Women who are illiterate, less the very first visit of the patient to doctor.
responsible or unaware of the The patient is very nervous and under
consequences may even try to sleep great deal of psychological pressure
over the problem praying for natural and still undiagnosed. Morale of the
relief. patient has fallen immediately after
finding out the problem. Restoration of
C o u n s e l i n g o ff e r s p e o p l e t h e morale helps to improve the
opportunity to relieve their distress & management outcome.
improve the ways to manage their
health issues regarding cancer breast1. The doctor should show concern by
listening with patience and allowing the
Health care providers have to pick up patient to express her feelings. The
the cases of breast malignancy at the patient will feel understood after
earliest possible time for better ventilation of emotions. Further
treatment. counseling should be done after the
patient’s emotional level is back to
Certain steps are required to improve normal 3.
the management scenario;
The treating doctor has following
Treatment Mo alities - 1
S r ery
! To offer best available means of surgical management.
! To achieve better cosmetic management results.
! To offer better quality of life after treatment.
! To achieve total cure or maximum palliation.
! To achieve complete excision of the diseased tissue (curative
! To achieve reasonable excision of diseased tissue to relieve
symptoms (palliative resection).
! To choose a cosmetically and functionally acceptable incision.
! To keep the front of chest as normal as possible by maintaining the;
i. Inter breast cleft (cleavage).
ii. Axillary fold.
iii. Lower breast fold.
Shuja Tahir, FRCS, FCPS
Patient is prepared in the same way as
HEMIMASTECTOMY for any other surgical procedure such
as lumpectomy.
It is the excision of a segment or
quadrant of the breast or excision of
Whole of the breast with about 20 cms
almost half of the breast. It is the
surrounding area is painted with non
operation devised for breast
irritating and non allergic antiseptic
conservation. Rest of the procedure is
similar to wide excision of lump.
Skin over ipsilateral axilla and upper
SIMPLE MASTECTOMY part of arm is also prepared with
antiseptic solution.
It is excision of the whole breast. It
scissors and blunt dissection upto It is the excision of the breast with
nipple where ducts are cut with overlying skin, underlying muscles and
scissors. The scissors are also used for draining lymph glands all at the same
dissecting the breast over anterior wall time and en-bloc.
of chest.
The classical operation as described by
The breast is brought out of the incision Halstead included following tissues to
after it has been completely separated be removed en-bloc;
anteriorly, posteriorly and peripherally.
The dead space is packed with surgical 1. The breast, skin overlying the tumor
swab for 5-10 minutes to control the including the nipple.
bleeding. Bleeding vessels are either 2. Entire system of lymphatic glands in
diathermized or ligated with fine the axilla with lymphatics with fat
absorbable suture. around them.
3. Sterno-costal part of the pectoralis
Redivac drain is left in the breast bed major muscle, whole of pectoralis
(dead space) for drainage under minor. Upper part of external oblique
vacuum to avoid haematoma or seroma muscle of abdomen, anterior
formation. divisions of serratus anterior
The drain is removed 2-3 days later
when drainage has ceased and the INDICATIONS
wound is clean and shows no evidence
of haematoma formation or any other ! Carcinoma breast.
complication. ! Same as for mastectomy.
and dissection is carried out uptil the 24 fr size tube drain is left to drain the
posterior axillary wall wound adequately. Redivac drain can
muscles(subcapularis, teres major and also be used. Soft dressing with
latissmus dorsi) and serratus anterior reasonable padding is applied to avoid
on the medial wall. All fascial, fatty and chest compression.
glandular tissue are removed. The
nerve to serratus anterior is identified A tight dressing never prevents
and preserved. A hot wet surgical towel haematoma formation, it only causes
is used to compress the dissection area discomfort and respiratory
to control bleeding during surgery. embarrassment.
The skin flaps, fascia fat and the breast The patient is looked after post
with underlying muscles are sharply operatively. The drain is usually
dissected out from above the ribs and removed after drainage has stopped
costal cartilages. and it takes about 4-5 days after surgery
and it takes seven to eight days for the
Perforating branches of internal skin wound to heal. The sutures are
mammary are seen while dissecting removed after that.
sternum. These vessels are identified,
ligated and cut to avoid severe blood COMPLICATIONS
loss. The upper part of rectus sheath is
removed in the line of incision. Sternal 1. Bleeding.
fibers of pectoralis major muscle are 2. Haematoma formation.
raised and deep fascia is divided along 3. Painful limb movements.
with the line of sternal margin on the 4. Upper limb edema.
opposite side.
After excision of breast and all tissue en
bloc, the bed of mastectomy is The radical mastectomy was found to
compressed with hot wet towel. Then be a mutilating operation with lot of
any remaining fatty or glandular tissue physical and psychiatric complications.
is looked for and removed. It provided hardly any significant
advantage in the cure of dreadful
Major vessels are carefully ligated. carcinoma of breast when compared
Smaller vessels can be coagulated with with conservative surgical options.
electrical diathermy. The skin flaps are
sutured without any tension. Skin graft The credibility of this aggressive
may be used if complete skin cover is approach was challenged and
not easily possible without tension. modifications were advised. Patey and
others advocated a modified radical
1. Bleeding. 1. Shah S, Doyle K, Lange EM, Shen
2. Haematoma formation. P, Penrell T, Ferree C, Levine EA,
3. Painful limb movements. Perrier ND. Breast cancer
4. Upper limb edema. recurrences in elderly patients after
l u m p e c t o m y. A m S u r g 2 0 0 2
Aug;68(8): 735-9.
Ra iotherapy
Treatment Mo alities -
! To be used as neoadjuvant therapy in malignancy.
! To control the local recurrence after surgical
treatment of malignancy.
! To be used as adjuvant therapy after surgery.
! To be used as palliative treatment for advanced
Shuja Tahir, FRCS, FCPS
Adjuvant radiotherapy to chest wall and It has no effect on tumor seeding at the
nodal groups after mastectomy is used time of surgery.
in women of high risk.
Immediate effects are seen within days Fractionation describes the number
or few weeks. These effects are severe and size of radiation treatments. The
and seen when treatment is given in standard fractionation schedule is 1.8-2
shorter period. Typical side effects are Gy/day, 5 days a week.
mucositis, skin erythema, and bone
marrow suppression. Unscheduled interruptions in radical
treatment allow repopulation of tumor
Late effects are dependent upon total cells and loss of tumor control. It should
dose of radiation and its fractionation. be avoided.
These effects tend to be dose limiting
factor in treatment schedule. HYPO-FRACTIONATION
These effects include necrosis, fibrosis It is when small number of relatively
and chronic ulceration. Further large fractions are given.
radiation is avoided to the areas
showing these effects as it may cause ACCELERATED FRACTIONATION
excessive toxicity.
It is when a standard dose fraction is
THERAPEUTIC INDEX given over a shorter treatment time
(more than 5 fractions/week).
It is the tumor response for a fixed level
of normal tissue damage. The gain in HYPER FRACTIONATION
local tumor control is balanced against
the rise of normal tissue toxicity.
Treatment Mo alities -
Hormonal Therapy
! To understand the effects of various hormones on cancer breast patients.
! To treat the cancer breast patients with hormonal manipulation.
! To use the hormonal therapy as neoadjuvant or adjuvant therapy either alone or
in combination with other therapies for cancer breast.
Shuja Tahir, FRCS, FCPS
Hormonal therapy for cancer breast is Receptor proteins for steroid hormones
use of hormones for its treatment. The are present in the cytoplasm and
relationship between hormones and nucleus. Interaction between hormone
various problems of breast has been and its receptor modifies DNA activity,
known for a long time. cell growth and cell division. The events
for the steroids effects on cell
The influence of hormones on tumor proliferation are as;
tissue was discovered over a century
ago. ! Free, non protein bound hormone
crosses the cell membrane.
Sir George Beatson showed regression ! Hormone links to cytoplasmic
of inoperable breast cancer after receptor protein and forms a
oophorectomy during 1896. complex in cytoplasm or nucleus.
! Hormone receptor complex binds to
Surgical ablation remained major form a nuclear protein which controls
of endocrine therapy for next fifty years. DNA activity.
! An increase in RNA polymerase
A rational basis for the use of hormone activity through production of mRNA
manipulation in breast cancer leads to cytoplasmic protein
treatment could not be formed due to production.
lack of knowledge of how hormones or ! DNA synthesis occurs in 24 hours
hormonal antagonists act on cancer followed by cell division.
cells1. ! The production and activation of
hormones can be reduced by
The hormonal therapy became popular surgical, radio therapeutic or
with the understanding of various chemical ablation.
aspects of effects of hormones on their ! The binding of hormone to its
target organs. receptor can be prevented even
when it has entered the cell by
STEROID HORMONES & THEIR RECEPTORS competitive inhibitors or reduction in
production of receptors.
4. Durna EM; Wren BG; Heller GZ; recurrences in elderly patients after
Leader LR; Sjoblom P; Eden JA. lumpectomy. An Surg 2002 Aug; 68
Hormone replacement therapy (8) 738-9.
after a diagnosis of cancer breast;
Cancer recurrence and mortality. 6 Durna EM, Wren BG, Heller GZ,
Med J Aus 2002 Oct 7; 177 (7): Leader LR, Syoblom P, Eden JA.
347-51. Hormone replacement therapy
after a diagnosis of breast cancer.
5. Shah S; Doyle K; Lange EM; Shen Cancer recurrence and mortality.
P; Pennell T; Ferree C; Levine EA; Med J Aust 2002 Oct 7; 177(7): 347-
Perrier ND. Breast Cancer 51,
Treatment Mo alities -
! To use chemical agents to destroy the malignant cells selectively.
! To use chemical agents to palliate malignancy.
! To use chemical agents to downstage the tumor before surgery (Neo-
! To use chemical agents after surgical excision of malignancy to
prevent spread (adjuvant).
! To use chemical agents with hormones & radiation to enhance the anti-
Shuja Tahir, FRCS, FCPS
Faisal Bilal Lodhi, FCPS
More and more cytotoxic drugs have The chemotherapy is used to destroy
been developed and made available for tumor cells selectively. It is achieved by
human use. Their toxicity has been specific growth characteristics of most
reduced and new techniques have of the tumors.
been developed for the administration
of these drugs. The understanding of cellular cycle is
important to plan the chemotherapy
Better understanding of cancer biology most effectively.
and availability of these drugs have M G0
improved the outcome of breast cancer. CELL CYCLE
Overall survival of breast carcinoma G0 = Resting phase
G1 = Protein and RNA synthesis
patients has improved. Cellular
division Ghas Smultiple phases.
= DNA synthesis
Different chemotherapeutic
G2 = RNA synthesis
M = mitosis
Understanding of tumor biology has affect different phase.
helped to target malignant cells S
selectively. G-o is a resting phase outside the cell
Lomustine. Vinca alkaloids bind to tublin and inhibit
Cisplatin the metaphase of mitosis.
Cisplatin inhibits DNA synthesis by
cross linking DNA strands. It is a group of enzymes which allow
unwinding and uncoiling of super coiled
Vinca alkaloids can cause severe skin Following side effects occur with most
necrosis and loss due to extra-vasation. of the cytotoxic agent;
Skin grafting may be required to
achieve adequate healing. ! Nausea and vomiting.
! Bone marrow toxicity
! Gastrointestinal toxicity.
Chemotherapy can be used regionally ! Alopecia.
for local treatment of tumors. High ! Gonadal effects.
doses of chemotherapy are delivered to ! Hyperuricaemia.
the tumor locally to show greater effect
and low systemic toxicity. SPECIFIC SIDE EFFECTS
High dose chemotherapy with stem cell Some side effects are specific to
rescue produces no overall survival certain agents.
Treatment Mo alities -
Imm notherapy
! To understand the immunological aspects in breast carcinoma
! To evaluate the effects of Immunological therapy on breast cancer
! To find out new immunotherapeutic agents for more effective
Shuja Tahir, FRCS, FCPS
breast. Genetic immuno therapy. boil Neoplasia 1999 Oct; 4(4): 353-
Breast cancer Res 2002;2(1):51- 65.
21. 13. Zoller M, Matzku S. Cancer therapy,
new concepts on active
11. Takeda Y, Eriguchi M. Gene therapy immunization. Immuno-biology
for breast cancer. Nippon Rinsho 1999 Sep, 201(1): 1-21.
2001 Jan; 59(1): 110-8.
14. Mocellin S. Rossi CR, Lise M.
12. Knutson KL, Schiffman K, Rinn K, Marincola FM. Adjuvant immuno
Disis ML Immuno therapeutic therapy for solid tumors. From
approaches for the treatment of Promise to clinical application.
breast cancer. J mammary gland Cancer immunol immuno ther 2002
Pro nosis in
Cancer Breast
! To understand the tumor biology.
! To understand the natural behavior of tumor.
! To understand the outcome of various treatments.
! To plan preventive measures to improve the quality of
! To plan psycho-social aspects of patient.
! To counsel the patient adequately.
Smaller the cancer, better the survival. There are different types of cancer
breast. Some lesions have less
Non invasive carcinoma of breast virulence and rarely change to
(lobular carcinoma and intra ductal metastatic disease. Some are very
carcinoma) and early invasive cancers virulent and change into metastatic
(minimal cancers) upto 0.5 cm diameter disease early. These two groups have
have an estimated ten year or more marked difference in the prognosis and
survival over 90%. mortality.
Tumors with perineural space invasion These tests are graded 0-4 with better
are more likely to be associated with survival in higher grades and worst in
lymphatic invasion, nipple involvement lower grades.
and axillary metastasis.
Tumor recurrence is seen early in these PATIENT
! To evaluate the outcome of treatment in breast cancer patient.
! To look after the breast cancer patient adequately.
! To look after the psycho-psychiatric aspect of the patient.
! To look after the socio-economic aspects of the patient.
! To look after and manage the complication of disease or its
treatment appropriately.
REFERENCES 271:1593-1597.
! To understand various scientific and statistical
! To be able to analyze various health conditions.
! To compare the local scientific data with data from other
parts of the world.
It is expressed as rate / number of
It is the number of new cases of cancer population / year.
breast in a defined population during a MORBIDITY
given period (defined period) of time. It
is expressed as rate / number of Morbidity is defined as a change,
population / year. subjective or objective from
phsiological well being. It can be
It is calculated by the formula; measured in;
Number of persons who were ill.
Number of new cases of cancer breast Spells / Periods of illness experienced
in a given time period by persons.
x 1000 Duration of these illnesses.
Population at risk during that period
It refers to the constant presence of a
Susceptibility means a likelihood of a disease within a given geographic area
person getting a disease. or population group without
It also refers to the usual or expected
It is the total number of cancer breast frequency of the disease with such area
patients present in a defined population or population group.
during a given period of time.
It refers to the disease process which is
It is the number of deaths due to cancer scattered. The cases occur irregularly,
breast in a defined population during a haphazardly from time to time. These
given period of time. cases are few in number and separated
Lead Time is the period between The rates are almost double in north
diagnosis by early detection America and Israeel when compared
(screening) and diagnosis by other with Eastern Europe, Singapore &
means. Philippines & three times when
compared with China, Japan, India &
40% of families with increased cases of
It is the presence and behavior of cancer breast and more than 80% of
carcinoma breast in a defined families with breast and ovarian cancer
population during the defined period are due to genetic mutation & BRCA I
which can be mentioned and compared gene. These account for 4% of all
in relation to the characteristics of that breast cancers.
It is used to explore factors related to
cancer breast etiology and risk factors ! Early menarche.
by virtue of race, exposure to known ! Late menopause.
genetic, environmental & cultural risk ! Late first birth.
factors. ! Single women.
It is ability to identify effected individuals It is the ratio of true positive to the total
in screened population. of true positive and false positive.
It is the ability of a test to identify
correctly or to pick up correct diagnosis. TP
It is the ratio of true positive (TP) to the total of true
= -----------X 100
positive and false negative (FN) patients.
Sensitivity =
-----------X 100
TP+FN It is the ratio of true negative to the total
SPECIFICITY of true negative plus false negative.