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Date Event Time & Details

PSA ACS Chemistry Perry encourages all chemistry undergraduates to

become an ACS member. The cost is about $28 per year,
Major contact Perry for more info.
PSA Chem Club T- We are now selling our Chem Club T-shirts for $10
each! You can check out and purchase the shirts from the
shirts Chem Undergraduate Advising office in Chem 315!
PSA Chem Club To help promote more active chem clubbers, we are
starting an optional membership program. Those who
Catalysts have purchased a Chem Club T-shirt this quarter will
become catalysts (have Active Membership) once they
complete the form found in the following link with
PSA Pharm Chem One of our fellow chem clubbers is a Twitch streamer who
plays Foldit, a protein folding game, weekly! If you're a
Twitch streamer pharm chem major, or into biochem but just can't seem to
memorize those pesky 20 amino acids, come on over and
watch https://www.twitch.tv/s0ckrates! This quarter, the
stream is up live every Friday with Foldit from 8 PM onwards.
TBD Potions lab with Our ambassador Neil is currently working on hosting a
potions lab with the Harry Potter Club. Email him
Harry Potter <[email protected]>, El Presidente, or El Vice
Club Presidente if you are interested in helping.
April 10, Lab tours We are helping Dr. Scalletar inspire a group of 100
sixth-graders with lab tours in the Physics and
10am – Chemistry departments as well as lunch and a mini
12pm chemistry show afterwards. Sign up here:
April 10, Women of MPS This annual occasion provides an opportunity for
students and faculty to learn, engage, and connect on
4 – 6pm topics such as career paths and mentorship for women.
The event will be held in the Alumni Center and you
can RSVP here:
April 11, Science Night We have been asked to perform table demos for a
Science Night event at Yuba City! Email Dr. Crabtree
5 – 9pm @ Yuba City <[email protected]> and Morgan
<[email protected]> if you are interested in
April 12, Chemistry Email El Presidente and Morgan
<[email protected]> if you want to get trained
1:30 – magic show to perform in outreach shows later this quarter or in the
3:30pm training future.
April 15, Aggie Gaming We are teaming up with Aggie Gaming to bring you the
long-awaited LAN Party!!! We are looking for both
12-9pm LAN event players and volunteers. Sign up to volunteer to help
make this event awesome.
J6VES1PXGhw4UaD-w/edit#gid=0 .
Event details: https://www.facebook.com/events/
April 16, Lawrence A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to tour and get
9am – Berkeley Lab exclusive behind-the-scene access to various
6pm Tour labs in UC Berkeley. First-come first-serve for
the first 11 people to RSVP here:
April 21 Picnic Day Volunteers are needed to help run the Picnic Day Magic
Show, table demos, and club tabling around Rock Hall.
Sign up here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/
April 27 Zamora We have been requested to perform table demos for a
Science Night event at Zamora Elementary in
Elementary Woodland! Email Dr. Crabtree
Science Night <[email protected]> and Morgan
<[email protected]> if you are interested in
April 28, Tahoe research If you are (still) interested in attending this lab
9am – lab tour tour, email Batool <[email protected]> or
6pm Taher <[email protected]> to RSVP!
May 4 Officer We will send out a Google form to sign up for
Elections open officer positions.
May 5 Paintballing We will be joining several other clubs including ETOX,
Physics, and a few others to ensure that this event will be
retry a success this time!
May 25 Lassen View We have been requested to perform a chemistry
show magic show in the Chemistry Courtyard! Email
Dr. Crabtree <[email protected]> and
Morgan <[email protected]> if you are
interested in performing!

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