Effects of Formaldehyde Fixation On Protein Secondary Structure: A Calorimetric and Infrared Spectroscopic Investigation'
Effects of Formaldehyde Fixation On Protein Secondary Structure: A Calorimetric and Infrared Spectroscopic Investigation'
Effects of Formaldehyde Fixation On Protein Secondary Structure: A Calorimetric and Infrared Spectroscopic Investigation'
The Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry Vol. 39, No. 2, pp. 225-229, 1991
Copyright © 1991 by The Histochemical Society, Inc. Printed in USA.
Brief Report
Received for publication February 21, 1990 and in revised form September 28, 1990; accepted September 29, 1990 (0B1911).
We investigated the effects offormaldehyde fixation on the and hemoglobin. Infrared spectra obtained on the unfixed
secondary structure ofisolated proteins (bovine serum albu- and fixed proteins were essentially identical. This demon-
mm, ribonudease A, and hemoglobin) using high-sensitivity strates that the “fixed” proteins retain the secondary struc-
differential scanning calorimetry and Fourier transform in- flare present before fixation. We therefore condude that the
frared spectroscopy. Whereas thermograms obtained by scan- cross-linking of proteins that occurs in the process of form-
ning calorimetry on unfixed purified proteins demonstrated aidehyde fixation “locks in” the secondary structure of these
denaturation transitions in the 70-9(YC temperature range, protein molecules. (J Histochem Cytochem 39:225-229,
the thermograms showed no denaturation transitions in this 1991)
temperature range when the proteins had been placed in KEY WORDS: Formaldehyde; Fixation; Calorimetry; Infrared; Spectros-
formaldehyde solutions. Thus, fixation destroyed the denatu- copy; Proteins.
ration transition ofbovine serum albumin, ribonudease A,
it possible to determine the secondary structure of abnormal pro- We have used differential scanning calorimetry to characterize
teins in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue (4,5); knowing the effects of formaldehyde fixation on the denaturation transi-
whether the proteins in such fixed tissue retain their native 5cc- tions ofhemoglobin, bovine serum albumin, and nibonuclease A.
ondary structure is essential to interpreting the significance of such We have further characterized the effects offixation on protein 5cc-
data. In addition, immunohistochemical assays in formalin-fixed, ondary structure using infrared spectroscopy. This report presents
paraffin-embedded tissue sometimes, but not always, require tis- the results of these studies, which demonstrate that formaldehyde
sue digestion by proteolytic enzymes to obtain a satisfactory result; fixation does not, in fact, alter the secondary structure of purified
it has not been certain whether the efficacy oftissue digestion results globular proteins.
from enhanced penetration of antibodies into the tissue or from
reversal of protein conformational changes induced by fixation.
Although it would be ideal to examine the secondary structure Materials and Methods
effects offormaldehyde fixation on proteins in their native tissues, Desiccated proteins were obtained from Sigma (St Louis, MO) and were
in practice this is not possible. Since all tissues contain a number used without further purification. Formaldehyde was obtained from Baker
of different protein constitutents, spectroscopic measurements on (Phillipsburg, NJ) as a 37% solution. This was diluted to 3.7% with dis-
intact tissue can give data only on the “average” protein present. tilled water and phosphate-buffered to a pH of 7.4. No attempt was made
Different proteins could respond to fixation in different ways, while to exclude small amounts of methanol or formic acid from the solution,
since these contaminants are commonly found in the fixatives used in pathol-
yielding an unchanged “average.” For this reason, it is more practi-
ogy laboratories.
cal to observe the effects offixation on purified proteins, for which
Infrared spectra were obtained on a Bomem DA3.02 Fourier transform
spectroscopically observed structure changes can be interpreted un-
infrared spectrometer in a vacuum-tight internal reflection cell (Micro-Circle;
ambiguously. Spectra-Tech, Stamford, CT). Aqueous protein solutions for infrared spec-
Differential scanning calorimetry is a powerful tool by which troscopy were made up at a concentration of3O% (weight/volume) by dilut-
to examine the effects of formaldehyde fixation on isolated ing in distilled water. Formaldehyde-fixed proteins were prepared by fur-
biomolecules. Calorimetry allows precise measurements of phase then diluting these solutions in equal volumes of3.7% buffered formaldehyde
transitions, including the protein denatunation transition, which solutions, resulting in a final protein concentration of 15% and a final form-
might be affected by the process of fixation. Major disruption of aldehyde concentration of 1.85%. Unfixed protein control solutions were
protein structure, such as denaturation, as a result offixation would prepared by diluting the original 30% protein solution in distilled water,
resulting in a final protein concentration identical to that of the form-
eliminate the phase transition seen calorimetrically. Similarly, stabili-
aldehyde-fixed proteins.
zation ofstructure by the process offixation might also destroy the
The infrared spectrometer was evacuated during spectrum acquisition.
phase transition. In contrast, rapidly reversible stabilization of a
Spectra were acquired using 1000 co-additions at a resolution of 4 cm
protein structure might increase the temperature ofa phase transi-
and apodized using a Blackman-Harris function. This resolution has proven
tion but would not totally eliminate it. sufficient to determine protein secondary structure (reported as percen-
Infrared spectroscopy complements scanning calorimetry in that tages of a-helix, 3-sheet, and disordered structures) by both infrared and
it allows precise determination of secondary structure changes in Raman spectroscopy to within about 10% of the values obtained by X-ray
biological assemblies. The infrared spectra of proteins composed diffraction methods (8). Spectral contributions due to water were subtracted
purely of 13-sheet, a-helix, or disordered structures are readily as- using the 2130-cm’ water association band as a normalizing feature (6,7).
signed to the proper proteins by examination ofcharacteristic amide Data points were recorded at 0.5-cm’ intervals. Peak frequencies are ac-
curate to within ± 0.5 cm; frequencies of the shoulders are reported to
vibrational features present in the 1500-1600 cm (Amide II) and
within approximately 1 cm’.
1600-1700 cm (Amide I) regions, as seen in l#{224}ble1 (6-10). Thus,
Thermograms were obtained in a Hart high-sensitivity differential scan-
denaturation or other protein conformational changes caused
ning calorimeter, at a scan rate of 20’C/hr. Data points were acquired at
by fixation can rapidly be identified by examination of a protein’s
10-sec intervals. Protein solutions for calorimetry were obtained either by
infrared spectrum. dissolving the anhydrous protein in the formaldehyde solution or by dis-
solving it in water and then mixing the resulting solution with formalde-
hyde. Approximately 30 mg ofpnotein dissolved in 400 .tl ofwaten(or 1.85%
Table 1. Amide I and Amide II frequencies asso ciated with formaldehyde solution) were utilized for protein thermograms.
various polypeptide secondaty structures”
Frequency (cm’)
E 0
a U
C.) a
I 0
0 0
U’ U
55 60 65
50 60 70
Temperature (#{176}C)
Temperature (#{176}C)
Figure 1 . Thermogram of bovine serum albumin obtained by differential scan-
ning calorimetry in the presence (lower trace) and absence (upper trace) of form- Figure a Thermogram of ribonuclease A obtained by differential scanning
aldehyde. Formaldehyde abolishes the thermal phasetransition ofthis protein. calorimetry in the presence (lower trace) and absence (upper trace) of formal-
dehyde. Formaldehyde abolishes the thermal phase transition of this protein.
0.12 0.33 A
0 C
a 0 0.00
C .0
0 .0
0.30 B
1 1486 1615 1740 1865 1360 1485 1610
Figure 5. Amide I and II region infrared spectra of human hemoglobin in the Figure 6. Amide I and II region infrared spectra of ribonuclease A in the ab-
absence(A) and presence (B)offormaldehyde. Although baseline differences sence (A) and presence (B) of formaldehyde. Although baseline differences
are seen, the spectra are otherwise nearly identical, indicating that similar sec- are seen, the spectra are otherwise nearly identical, indicating that similar sec-
ondary structure is present in the two specimens. ondary structure is present in the two specimens.
significant changes in the infrared spectra of these proteins. There- digestion in “unmasking” antigens which have been “masked” by
fore, the abolition ofthe denaturation transition indicates that the formaldehyde fixation results from a reversal of formaldehyde’s ef-
original secondary structure has been effectively “locked in” by the fect on protein secondary structure. Rather, this unmasking proba-
process of fixation, at least to the highest temperatures recorded bly results from increased penetration of antibodies to the anti-
in the thermograms. gens, which results solely from removal of large aggregates of
Although the observation that formaldehyde fixation causes no cross-linked protein.
secondary structure changes in hemoglobin may at first seem to In summary, thermodynamic and spectroscopic results indicate
conflict with the fact that hemoglobin’s oxygen affinity is increased that formaldehyde cross-links globular proteins, and that the pro-
by reaction with formaldehyde (1 1), there is really no inconsistency. cess ofcross-linking does not result in discernible alteration of pro-
Changes in oxygen affinity of hemoglobin resulting from oxygen tein secondary structure.
binding and protonation result from changes in quaternary
structure - that is, the interactions between the four hemoglobin Disclaimer
subunits (12,13). These changes in quaternary structure occur with-
The opinions expressedin this paper are the personal views ofthe authors
out discernible change in secondary structure. It is therefore not
and are not to be construed as official or as representing the views of the
surprising to find that formaldehyde fixation similarly affects the Department ofthe Army or the Department of Defense.
function of binding sites in other proteins consisting of multiple
subunits, also without alteration of secondary structure.
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