The Mananagat Chronicle

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The Official Publication of SOCSKSARGEN Fishing Federation and Allied Industries, Inc.
Vol. 1 No. 1 March 2018

1st SOPFA Summit: A hard look at

PHL Fisheries and Aquaculture
It’s about time that government and the fisheries industry
provide a comprehensive situationer of the Philippine Fisheries
and Aquaculture. A hard look and appreciation of the country’s
fisheries and aquaculture will enable both government and industry
players to confront the challenges head-on and become resilient
and adaptable to the changing times. To provide a venue for this
laudable undertaking, the Department of Agriculture-Bureau of
Fisheries and Aquatic Resources held its 1st State of the Philippine
Fisheries and Aquaculture (SOPFA) Summit on November 21,
2017 at Quezon Hall, Seda Vertis North in Quezon City.
Senator Cynthia Villar, Chairperson of the Senate Committee on
Agriculture and Food, together with DA Secretary Emmanuel Piñol,
BFAR National Director Eduardo Gongona, and Assistant Director
Drusila Esther Bayate of BFAR Technical Services, attended the
The SOPFA aptly featured the milestones and changes in the
fisheries sector under the Duterte administration. With the theme,
“Mga Bunga at Hamon ng Pagbabago sa Sektor ng Pangisdaan”,
the event served as a platform for dialogue between the fisheries
DA Secretary Emmanuel F. Piñol addressing the concerns sector and the government concerning issues and concerns
raised by the stakeholders. (Photo Credit: Bureau of Fisheries and continuously faced by the Philippine fisheries industry. Strategic
Aquatic Resources)
short-term and long-term measures originating from stakeholders
 page 9
News Feature Birth of “The Mananagat Chronicle”
DA-BFAR and USAID Oceans launch eCDTS
(Lifted from Fish Files; The DA-BFAR Magazine, Volume 6, No. 3, dated October, 2017) Genesis 1:21 (International Standard Version) says:
Reporting fish catch data will soon be made easy with the “So God created every kind of magnificent marine creature,
Philippine government’s newly-developed electronic Catch every kind of living marine crawler with which the waters
Documentation and Traceability System (eCDTS). After months swarmed, and every kind of flying creature. And God saw
of coding and development, the eCDTS is finally ready for testing
following its soft launch last year during the 19th National Tuna how good it was.”
Congress held in General Santos City. SFFAII, upon conceptualizing this official publication
Last year’s soft launch was led by Department of Agriculture is genuinely inspired by what the seas, high or low, have
Secretary Emmanuel “Manny” Piñol, together with the Bureau unceasingly offered to the millions of Filipinos in the country.
of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR), and US Agency for
International Development (USAID) officials. eCDTS showcased The seas have indisputably and authentically enriched our
the system’s web interface, demonstrating how fishers, port lives and in General Santos City alone, the fishing industry
inspectors, and other target users can process fisheries from its birth up to the present, has thrived and overcome
paperwork and thus, help deter illegal fishing, all with just a click all the challenges sometimes harshly thrown its way, thanks
of a button.
to the bounty of the God-given seas and the resilience and
Quick Background indomitable spirit of the fisherman (Mananagat).
The eCDTS project came about in 2017 when USAID Thus, we aptly name our official newsletter “The
Oceans and Fisheries Partnership (USAID Oceans), a tie-up Mananagat Chronicle” to fully recognize the contribution of
between the USAID and the South East Asian Fisheries and
Development Center, set course to the Philippines to develop a the Mananagat in the vibrant fishing industry.
Catch Documentation and Traceability System (CDTS). SFFAII rightfully brings back the whole gamut of the
Partnering with BFAR, the USAID Oceans stationed at the General fishing experience to its anchor, the Mananagat.
Santos City Fish Port Complex and the surrounding Sarangani Bay
area to establish the CDTS project’s learning site. What followed
 page 9
The Mananagat
Contact Nos. (83) 826-1042 / 826-1047 Fax: (63) (83) 552 9736 Email: [email protected] Chronicle 1
Official Website:
At the heart of the fishing industry
President’s Note The SOCSKSARGEN Federation of Fishing and
Allied Industries, Inc. or SFFAII is a non-government, non-
profit organization, established in 1999 as an umbrella
JOAQUIN T. LU organization of eight associations with over one hundred
companies involved in fishing, canning, fish processing,
Like all journeys in life, we start somewhere aquaculture production and processing, and other allied
industries. Its membership cuts across the entire value
– our beginning. It is usually the first step. Baby chain from the capture fisheries sector, composed of
steps, if you may. Indeed “A journey of a thousand the hand line fishermen, the small, medium and large
miles begins with a single step”. Laozi was right. commercial ring netters and purse seine operators; to the
fish processing sector and exporters, composed of the big
Laozi IS right! His quote still rings true up to this
canning operators, fresh chilled, and frozen fish value-
day and age.’’ adding sector.
SFFAII is based in General Santos City. It is governed
Today, we embark on another new journey. by a Board of fourteen directors with an executive director
managing the day-to-day operations.
The SOCSKSARGEN Fishing Federation and
Allied Industries, Inc. or SFFAII is coming out with Vision - Mission
the maiden issue of The Mananagat Chronicle! The Socsksargen Federation of Fishing and
We are very pleased to announce this brand new Allied Industries, Inc. is a cohesive federation acting as
service to our loyal members, our committed catalyst towards attaining fishing industry’s sustainability
and global competitiveness through advocacy work in
foreign and local partners, the government the local, national and international arena with leadership
agencies we collaborate with, and most especially, exercising democratic and participative means in
the community we serve. attaining its objectives anchored on its core values of
unity, cooperation, equality and social responsibility.
We are hopeful that with The Mananagat
Chronicle, you will be fully updated with our OBJECTIVES OF THE FEDERATION
activities and the progress of our advocacies. • Unite the different fishing associations and
allied industries in SOCSKSARGEN to jointly
After all, we are one community enjoying the work for a sustainable and globally competitive
same bounty of the sea! industry;
• Serve as the voice of the fishing industry in
To new beginnings, Magandang GenSan! lobbying for the policy agenda and relevant
issues and concerns;
• Provide a neutral venue for its members to raise
specific problems and resolve fundamental
issues besetting the industry; and,
The Mananagat Chronicle
• Serve as a forum to strengthen industry
representation and positioning with respect

to other players in the world with the end-view
of protecting, expanding, and maintaining the
country’s strategic lead in the tuna industry.
Editorial Consultants
Joaquin T. Lu
Rosanna Bernadette B. Contreras The member-associations include:

1. Southern Philippines Boat Owners and Tuna

Association (SPBOTA)
Shalimar S. Abdurahman 2. South Cotabato Purse Seiners Association
Christina Y. Canete (SOCOPA)
Virgie A. de Dios 3. Umbrella Fish Landing Association (UFLA)
Eric C. Sison 4. Chamber of Aquaculture and Ancillary
Mary Jean S. Villegas Industries of Sarangani, Inc. (CHAINS)
5. Tuna Canners Association General
Santos (TCAGS)
The Mananagat Chronicle is published bi-annually
6. Fresh Frozen Seafood Association – Tuna
By the SOCSKSARGEN Fishing Federation and Processors Philippines, Inc. (FFSA-TPPI)
Allied Industries, Inc. 7. Tuna Cooperative of General Santos City
GenSan Fishport Complex, Tambler, General Santos (Tuna Coop)
City, Philippines. 8. Shipyard Association of the Fishing Sector
All rights reserved. 2018. (SAFS)

2 The Mananagat Chronicle  page 12

Fresh frozen seafood industry GenSan revives CFARMC
strives to achieve excellence General Santos City - As a leading city in the fishing
industry, General Santos City has recently revived its council
The leading producer and exporter of fresh to embody the fisher folk organizations/cooperatives and
frozen seafood in the country, Fresh Frozen Seafood Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) in the locality. The
Association of the Philippines, Inc. (FFSAPI), duly City Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management Council
recognized as a player in creating strategies to develop (CFARMC) has selected regular members representing the
fresh frozen seafood, is the only industry contributing youth and women sectors who must come from the fisherfolk
80 million dollars annually in export revenues. youth and women organizations duly accredited by the city
government. Another set of representatives comes from the
FFSAPI continues to achieve significant milestones in the NGOs and the private sector.
areas of policy advocacy, fish quality enhancement, market In November 2017, a reorganizational meeting of the
access, and industry development. It endorses ethical CFARMC was initiated by Melinda Donasco of the GenSan
Standards of Conduct and encourages its members to Agriculture Office. In the same meeting, an orientation
faithfully adopt the same. These standards which ultimately about the creation of CFARMC was given by Butch Medardo
benefit the consumers include Good Manufacturing Practices Jamero, Jr., provincial fishery officer of South Cotabato.
(GMP), Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP), and However, owing to the absence of a quorum, the meeting
the U.S. Department of Commerce National Oceanic and was cut short.
Atmospheric Administration Inspection Program. FFSAPI The reorganization was finally realized on December
also endorses the Principles for Responsible Fisheries and 7, 2017 with the election ofthe new set of officers. The
encourages members to apply and implement the same. SOCSKSARGEN Federation of Fishing and Allied
Industries, Inc. representing commercial fishing was
The FFSAPI has sponsored the following activities: represented by Virgie A. de Dios.Ms. de Dios was elected
2nd National Aquaculture Summit, May 24-26, 2017 Auditor; Chairperson of the Advocacy and Mobilization
SMX Convention Centre with the theme “Unity in Diversity Committee; and Member of the Legislative and Prosecution
– Developing Philippine Aquaculture Competitiveness”. Committee.
The summit gathered about It was approved during the same meeting that the
900 participants from 12 countries. It Council will meet every last Friday of the month starting
hosted many world-class and high-level speakers. January 2018. Each Committee will present their issues
and plans for the growth and sustainability of the Council.
2-day Seafood Safety Workshop, June 20-21, 2017
Ellis Suite, Purok Malakas, General Santos City
It aimed at excellently equipping Quality Assurance Staff SFFAII Board meets
on handling queries made by the U.S. Food and Drug
T h e
Administration and European Union Inspectors during
plant visits. The Workshop was facilitated by Consuelo
Federation of Fishing
Baltazar and team from the Post-Harvest Division, Bureau
of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) Central Office. and Allied Industries,
Inc. (SFFAII) held
Sensory / Decomposition Workshop, March 8-9, 2018 a board meeting
Babes 2, East Asia Royale Hotel, General Santos City. recently to ensure
Workshop will explain the quality standards that Food the sustainability of
and Drug Administration enforces on the acceptance its programs and
or rejection of seafood products. This workshop will be President Jake Lu presiding over advocacies.
attended by representatives from BFAR, Regional Fish the board meeting. President Joaquin
Inspectors, Post-Harvest Division, Fisheries Inspection T. Lu presented the milestones that the organization has
and Quarantine Division, Tuna Canners Association achieved in 2017. He also discussed the 2017 status
of General Santos, Societe Generale de Surveillance of both national and international engagements and
or SGS, and the Seafood processor sector in the city. recommendations to move forward. The board meeting was
held at SFFAII conference room, GenSan Fishport Complex
on February 26, 2018.
In the same meeting, Executive Director Rosanna
Bernadette B. Contreras reported on the following: 1)
Evaluation of the 19th National Tuna Congress held on
September 6-8, 2017. Contreras said the Congress gathered
almost 1,000 participants and obtained a 35% increase in net
income. 2) Finances. Her report showed the financial status
for the year 2017. She likewise presented the proposed
2018 budget which was subsequently approved by the
board. 3) Industry Updates. a) eCDT Project in partnership
with USAID Oceans and BFAR was launched on September
Right Side (Counter clockwise): SFFAII President Joaquin T. Lu;
6, 2017 at SM Trade Halls, General Santos City. The
SFFAII Executive Director Rosanna Bernadette B. Contreras; SFFAII Public
Relations Officer Dominic Salazar; Soledad B. Manangguil, BOD, Tuna Cooperative
objective of the project is to eliminate illegal, unreported,
of General Santos; and Eric Du, Representative, Umbrella Fish Landing Association and unregulated fishing.
The Mananagat Chronicle 3
Corporate social responsibility
SFFAII empowers the youth Recently, as the school conforms with DepEd’s
thru education and training implementation of K-12, Samboang-Ngilay senior high
school students held their one hundred-hour work
immersion at the SFFAII office. The immersion program
The SOCSKSARGEN Federation of Fishing and
aimed at enhancing their capacity and widening
Allied Industries, Inc. (SFFAII) partnered with the
their skills. They were exposed to various firsthand
Samboang-Ngilay High School, a public institute,
experiences of industry scenarios and received various
located in Barangay Batomelong, General Santos
trainings in Information and Communications Technology
City to sustain its corporate social responsibility (CSR)
and Computer Systems Servicing.
initiatives. This is SFFAII’s way of helping promote
social change.
To address the lack of facilities and other basic
necessities, SFFAII continues to provide aid to the said
school. The partnership started in 2013. It begun with
feeding programs; medical and dental missions; to
distributing school supplies, bags, slippers, medicines,
first-aid kits, office supplies, Technology and Home
Economic aids and supplies, sports paraphernalia,
water tank, and sound systems.

Eric Sison, SFFAII’s ICT Specialist, conducting ICT and CSS

training for Samboang-Ngilay Senior High School students.

SFFAII’s CSR initiative in collaboration with Expressions

Stationery Shop, Inc. at Samboang-Ngilay High School.

St. Agnes of Montepulciano

kids enjoy Christmas season
Children preparing to present their special number.

For the season of giving, the SOCSKSARGEN

Federation of Fishing and Allied Industries, Inc. (SFFAII),
once again hosted a gift-giving program for the St. Agnes
of Montepulciano Children’s Home, an orphanage with
twenty two children, located at Purok San Jose, Upper
Baluan, General Santos City. The activity was held on
December 16, 2017.
SFFAII team donated sacks of rice, basic hygienic SFFAII Team with St. Agnes Montepulciano sisters.
items, school supplies, yummy food, and a modest
amount of cash donation. The children also received
special gifts and grooming from Henerals United Betta The kids
or HUB which also celebrated Christmas with the kids. received a
The children happily greeted the team with smile special treat:
and excitement. They prepared a program where they free hair cut
openly showed their gratefulness to the benefactors. from Henerals
They played games and enjoyed the whole afternoon United Betta
or HUB which
with their visitors. made the
More than the gifts, the team wanted to share celebration
joy with the children during the Christmas season. As even more
Mother Theresa puts it: “It is not how much we give but delightful.
how much love we put into giving”.

4 The Mananagat Chronicle

SFFAII mounts 19th National Tuna Congress
The exciting 19th National Tuna Congress held on Filipino fishing companies expandedtheir area of operations
September 6-8, 2017 at the SM Trade Halls, SM City in to international waters. Alongside these developments
General Santos City drew more than 1000 participants arose the issues and challenges surrounding sustainability
from the various industry players, supporters, government of tuna resources, and maintaining fishing access and
agencies, as well as non-government organizations. entry to new/other fishing grounds, among others. On the
Running on the theme: “Philippine Tuna Industry: other hand, Dr. Soh discussed stock assessments and the
Responsive. Strengthened. Competitive”, the two full-day economic conditions that influence the industry - declining
plenary and three-day trade exhibit were conceptualized trend of tropical longline fisheries; the varying fishing cost
and designed to promote awareness of the roles and due to unstable catch rates; etc.
responsibilities of the stakeholders in bringing about On September 8th, plenary presentations were focused
on USAID Oceans Supported Studies. USAID Oceans and
the Philippine Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
have worked together closely over the past couples of
years to design, implement, and prepare to test the Catch
Documentation and Traceability (CDT) System among local
fish vessels. The Electronic CDT allows a market-based
approach to combat illegal, unreported, and unregulated
fishing; deters illegal trade, enhances industry profitability,
and supports evidence-based policies.
The presentations that followed revolved around
updates on the ASEAN Catch Documentation Scheme and
Work on Regional Fisheries Management as discussed
by Yuttana Therparoonrat. Moreover, Martin Pourves,
Managing Director of International Pole and Line Foundation,
discussed about Responsible Sourcing of Tuna Products.
The closing ceremony was highlighted by the speech
of Senator Cynthia Villar, Chairperson, Senate Committee
Ribbon Cutting. Opening of the 19th National Tuna Congress Trade Exhibit.
on Agriculture and Food. Senator Villar mentioned about
(From left to right: GenSan Mayor Ronnel C. Rivera; DA Sec. Manny Piñol; SFFAII
Pres. Joaquin Lu; and Commodore Eduardo B. Gongona (RET), USEC for Fisheries) the role of the Committee and how both the private sector
and government policymakers should work together to
significant change towards sustainable and responsible achieve the common goal of a sustainable and competitive
fisheries. This event also served as a platform for industry tuna industry. The 19th National Tuna Congress passed 16
players to collaborate with the end-view of enhancing their Resolutions.

Social Partners nominated

After the opening ceremony on September 7th,
presentations of plenary topics immediately followed.The
Philippine Tuna Industry was explored by Rafael V. Ramiscal.
Meanwhile, Tuna Fisheries in Western and Central Pacific for DOLE labor inspection
Ocean was presented by Dr. Sungkwon Soh.
The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE)
Ramiscal explained that the tuna fisheries became the
intensified its campaign to strictly inspect all establishments
largest and most valuable fishing industry in the Philippines nationwide to ensure compliance with labor laws and
during the 1970s and by the following decade, became the regulations by business owners.
top tuna producer in Southeast Asia. In the same years, DOLE has invited the SOCSKSARGEN Federation of
Fishing and Allied Industries Inc. (SFFAII) to a 10-day training
program entitled Pilot Training on Labor Laws and Other Social
Legislations for Social Partners or Sectoral Representatives
held on August 1-10, 2017at the Apo View Hotel, Davao City.
SFFAII nominated Virgie de Dios and Christina Cañete to
participate in the 10-day training. A training assessment and
examination followed. De Dios and Cañete took and passed
the post-training assessment and examination hence their
accreditation as social partners.
The training program is designed to equip participants with
the basic knowledge of General Labor Standards, Occupational
Safety and Health, and other social legislations.
Turnover of Congress Resolutions. (From left to right: Jennifer G. During the closing ceremony, Secretary Silvestre H. Bello
Fernandez, Department of Foreign Affairs Gensan; Dino Barrientos, III encouraged the new Social Partners to strictly implement
Umbrella Fish Landing Association; Isidro Lumayag, South Cotabato Purse the law for the welfare of the workers.
Seiners Association; Joaquin T. Lu, SFFAII President; Commodore Eduardo For Mindanao, there are 53 Labor Laws Compliance
B. Gongona (RET), USEC for Fisheries; Sen. Cynthia Villar; Paris Ayon,
Officers who underwent the said training. They are expected
to be the implementers of labor policies under Department
Philippine Fisheries Development Authority; Atty. Cherry Marie E. Delfin,
Order 174. They will perform specific duties and carry out
Maritime Industry Authority Region 12; RD Sisinio Cano, Department responsibilities, providing for safe, decent, humane and
of Labor and Employment Region 12; Rafael Ramiscal, BFAR; Dominic improved working conditions and environment for all workers.
Salazar, Vice President, South Cotabato Purse-Seiners Association)

The Mananagat Chronicle 5

The Soccsksargen Region and The Philippine Tuna Industry
(A Presentation for the State of Philippine Fisheries and vessels was landed by the handline fishery, and another 13% by
Aquaculture Summit held on November 21, 2017 at Seda the so-called superseiners. The remaining 76% was landed by
Vertis, North Quezon City by SFFAII Executive Director ring net and small to medium scale purseseiners. This unloading
Rosanna Bernadette B. Contreras) in General Santos Fishport is 53% of the WPEA reconciled figure
of Philippine Tuna production based on the WCPFC Yearbook for
UPDATE ON SOCCSKSARGEN FISHERIES PRODUCTION 2016. Now will anyone still question, why GenSan remains to be
the tuna capital of the Philippines?
This Region ranks 5th in terms of volume of production with This figure does not include planed in tuna from Palawan,
percentage share of 7%, while in terms of value, the region shares Mindoro, Antique, and Iloilo at 426 mt, trucked tuna from
9.5% at almost Php 22 Billion, making it 3rd in rank. Commercial Zamboanga, Negros, Leyte, and Samar at 317 mt and the 90,098
Fisheries production accounts for 83% of the Soccsksargen mt landed in GenSan by foreign vessels for processing and later
production at 242,000 metric ton. With this, the Region tops the list for export.
with a percentage share of 24% of the entire country’s commercial For the past several years, Oceanic Tunas remain to be the
fisheries production. top Species for Commercial Fisheries followed by Sardines at
The Socsksargen Region is still on the Number 1 spot 24% in terms of volume. Still number one in value, Oceanic Tunas
in terms of value of Commercial Production with 31 percentage are estimated at Php 20.5 Billion followed by Roundscad at Php
share accounting for 82% of the region’s value of commercial 8 billion.
fisheries production. In 2016, TUNA remains at the top of the list of fisheries export
Out of the 3,550 commercial PH catcher vessels, at Php13.556 Billion followed by seaweeds.
Socsksargen ranks second next to National Capital Region Indeed Tuna fishing is a major industry in the Philippines.
with a share of 14%. In terms of scale, the region shares 7% Now, how is it possible? The Philippines has fleets not only
of small scale vessels, 21% of Medium Scale, and 25% of Large operating in the exclusive economic zone of the country but in
Scale Vessels based on the registry of BFAR 12. As of September areas beyond national jurisdiction. Being a member of the Western
2015, there are 780 registered catchers: 40% are small, 53% are and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission and Indian Ocean Tuna
medium, and 7% are large scale. Commission, we have fleets operating in the Pacific Ocean and
Estimating the contribution of this region in terms of Indian Ocean.
livelihood generation, we used the State of the World Fisheries Based on the WCPFC Yearbook of 2016, out of more than 30
and Aquaculture 2012 average of 4 jobs generated in secondary member states, Philippines is at NUMBER 6 in ranking in terms
activities by 1 fisher in capture fisheries and the average Philippine of Tuna Production at more or less 215 thousand metric tons with
Statistics Authority household size of 4.4 in 2015. percentage share of about 8%. This makes the Philippines a major
With these, jobs generated by handline commercial fisheries fishing nation in the global arena.
are estimated at 71,200 while purse seine and ring net fisheries In the past 10 years, Philippine Tuna Production has
generate estimated jobs for 65,250 Filipinos, for a grand total experienced a downward trend that can be attributed to effects
of 136,450 supporting over 600 thousand Filipino household of climate change, impacts of conservation and management
members. measures imposed by regional fisheries management organizations
With the Philippine average fish consumption from 2012- and state of tuna stocks.
2015 at 31.2 kilos, the sector provides for protein source for an The trend of GenSan unloading in the past 5 years also
estimated 7.8 million Filipinos. exhibits the same pattern, showing a peak in 2014 that can be
Now let’s zoom in on General Santos City. Based on the attributed to deployment of more Philippine fishing fleets in the
record of fish unloading of the PFDA Gensan Fishport, a total of High Seas Pocket one of the Pacific Ocean. However, a downward
139,202 metric tons were landed in 2016. Out of which 114,211 trend can be observed brought about by decline in handline
metric tons or 82% are oceanic tunas such as skipjack, yellowfin, fisheries in 2015 owing to restrictions of former fishing grounds
and bigeye. 11% of the total tuna unloading from Ph fishing and in the case of purse seine fishery, changing conditions of
fisheries bilateral agreements with other countries, in particular,
limitations on unloading of tuna in the Philippines of PH fleets.
The story of the Philippine Tuna Industry is a dramatic one,
an evolution of family-based banca operations to now more
sophisticated fleet operations. Likewise an evolution of trading
and marketing of tuna from local community market-based
operations to exporting to global markets. All these in a matter of 5
decades. The success of this industry is born out of hardwork and
determination of the fishermen, processors, and traders who have
experienced trials and challenges that up until now we continue
to face.


Market competitiveness for tuna products, now hangs in the

balance with the impending implementation of the United States
of America of its Seafood Import Monitoring Program starting
January 1, 2018, roughly 40 days from today, which requires catch
documentation and full traceability of seafood products, not only
for tuna.
While the tuna stakeholders are now familiar with the
European Union requirement for improved Philippine paper-
based traceability system resulting to our recent regaining the
green card status, compliance of the country with ILO conventions
SFFAII Executive Director Rosanna Bernadette B. Contreras presenting especially that on human rights in the eyes of the EU, poses a
the SOCCSKSARGEN Region and The Philippine Tuna Industry serious concern in keeping the Philippines’ GSP+ or Generalized
Situationer during the State of Philippine Fisheries and Aquaculture Scheme of Preference qualifications that make our tuna products
Summit held on November 21, 2017 at Seda Vertis, North Quezon tariff-free in the EU markets, and thus making the price of PH tuna
City. (Photo Credit: Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources) competitive.
6 The Mananagat Chronicle
Furthermore, other international buyers are now exercising The tropical tuna measure of the Western and Central Pacific
mechanisms for responsible sourcing of tuna products from so- Fisheries Commission is now up for review and replacement in
called sustainable and traceable sources, which at times would the upcoming Regular Session in December. The current measure
require eco-label accreditations that may increase the cost of tuna allows 36 fleets on High Seas Pocket 1 to operate and bring tuna
products. in General Santos City. Imagine the stress it will bring back if these
To address these market-related issues, we recommend the fleets with 206 catchers, carriers, and light boats will return and
following: fish in Philippine waters.
First, the review and amendment of BFAR Administrative Production from this HSP1 area alone constitutes 20% of
Order 251 on Catch Documentation and Traceabililty on the GenSan Unloading in 2016 and has a potential to provide 44 days
basis of applicability of all data requirements considering all types of raw material requirement for all canneries in GenSan.
of fisheries. PH traceability requirements compared with other Secondly, the Philippines has distant water fishing fleets
countries in the Asian region are quite detailed with so many operating in EEZs of other coastal nations under bilateral
data fields that the necessity and practicality of providing those agreements and arrangements. In the case of Papua New Guinea,
information has become a concern especially for the handline for instance, changes in unloading conditions, in particular,
sector. Once amended, we recommend strict implementation limitations to unloading of catch in the Philippines, would impact
of the order not only in General Santos but in other parts of the supply of raw materials for tuna canneries in GenSan which will
country where tuna is landed. Intensified Information Campaign is later redound to potential loss in livelihood.
needed in order to operationalize this. To address these issues, we recommend the Philippine
Secondly, tuna fish from Municipal Fisheries may find its way Government’s strong representation and negotiation during the
to commercial processing and later may be part of tuna exports. WCPFC Regular Session which the Philippines is hosting next
To make the tuna raw material from municipal fisheries acceptable month. Likewise, strong representation with other countries with
to our export markets, certain level of catch documentation and bilateral agreements to lobby terms and conditions favorable to
traceability system should be observed by the Municipal Fishery. the Philippines. If possible, bilateral meetings in the margin during
BFAR through the Department of Agriculture is urged to engage the WCPFC Session may be held for this purpose. We would like
all relevant Local Government Units through the Department to commend President Duterte’s effort to discuss with PNG this
of Interior and Local Government to establish this system in its matter in the margins of the APEC meetings early this month.
most simplified form by means of issuance of a Joint Order or Now, the Philippine Tuna Industry also has pressing concerns
Memorandum of Agreement, whichever is applicable. in the home front. One of which is the potential increase in
operational cost which will be brought about by ultimately the
CAPTURE-RELATED ISSUES imposition of Php 6 per liter excise tax on petroleum products.
Based on the current wholesale price of petroleum, the
With concerns on dwindling tuna fish stocks in Philippine EEZ proposed excise tax will result to a 20.44% increase in the price of
in the past 2 decades, it has been a strategy to explore fishing petroleum products.
grounds in areas beyond the national jurisdiction to ease fishing Noting that petroleum is 60-70% of operational costs, this will
stress on our own waters thereby allowing PH fish resources in our definitely likewise increase operational costs by 20%. Based on
own waters to recover. This will also ensure continued livelihood studies of Muir in 2012, rising fuel costs in most forms of fishing
and exports for canneries and fresh frozen sectors. activity has direct implications on the viability of fishing operations,
 page 9

The Mananagat Chronicle 7

A message on behalf of the USAID Oceans and Fisheries
Partnership (USAID Oceans)
The USAID Oceans and Fisheries Partnership (USAID Oceans) would like to take this opportunity to
congratulate SFFAII not only on the launch of Mananagat, but also on their many meaningful contributions
to the Philippine fishing sector.
USAID Oceans and SFFAII formalized their partnership in 2017 to support the development and
implementation of the Philippines Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources’ (BFAR) electronic Catch
Documentation and Traceability System (eCDT). The system, to be piloted in General Santos City, has
been designed over the last year to curb illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing, enhance fisheries
management planning, and address human welfare concerns.
SFFAII has played a critical role in this pilot, working to engage private sector and industry partners to
serve as the early adopters and “first movers” of the pilot eCDT system. As a result of their efforts, thirteen
industry partners have issued commitments to test the eCDT, together with BFAR and USAID Oceans. Over
the coming year, SFFAII will continue to work with industry partners to train them on the eCDTS, support
them in implementation, and engage national audiences to prepare for implementation outside of General
Santos City.
The Oceans and Fisheries Partnership is grateful to SFFAII for their partnership, and congratulates the
organization—as well as its partners—on the launch of Mananagat. May we all continue to work together for
positive fisheries’ change and share them through this new platform.

With sincere regard on behalf of the USAID Oceans and Fisheries Partnership,
Mr. Geronimo Silvestre, USAID Oceans Chief of Party

Seafood Watch: Setting standards to promote sustainable fishery

What is Seafood Watch?
The Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch Program Trainings
provides guidelines to the consumers and businesses to help The SOCSKSARGEN Federation of Fishing and Allied
them choose seafood products that are fished or farmed in an Industries, Inc., being a local partner of USAID Oceans, was
environmentally-sustainable manner. Their guidelines will point invited to attend the joint training on Seafood Watch fishery
you to which seafood items are of Best Choice, Good Alternatives, standards, assessment methodology, as well as a workshop on
or which ones you should Avoid. the recently launched Slavery Risk Tool, at the Greenleaf Hotel,
Seafood Watch has a pool of scientists that conduct data General Santos City on February 8-9, 2018. The said training
gathering of relevant science-based information by probing through aimed to link the Seafood Watch standards and additional
different credible publications such as, government reports, journal human rights elements with the country’s Ecosystem Approach
articles, and white papers. Moreover, they also form partnerships to Fisheries Management and sustainable initiatives, develop the
with fishery and fish farm experts to capture suitable inputs and capacity of key fishery managers and industry stakeholders to use
knowledge in the field. After a thorough review of all the available Seafood Watch standards and assessment tools, and to develop
data and information, they apply their sustainability standards on plans between the industry and government to meet the generally-
those findings to develop an in-depth Seafood Watch assessment. accepted Seafood Watch standards.
For more information about Seafood Watch, please visit their On the first day of training, participants were divided into
official website at: stakeholder groups: government, processors, and fishing sector.
They were then asked to answer questions that would help
Partnerships guide Seafood Watch’s global work, as part of their monitoring
The USAID Oceans and Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood and evaluation processes. Each group later summarized their
Watch launched a partnership which gears towards a shared responses and reported their feedback to training participants.
goal of improving the traceability of seafood products entering The second day of training started with the presentation of
the North American market. This is to ensure that these products scoring methodology on the impact of fishery on focal species. The
are legally caught, processed, and distributed according to the participants then broke again into small groups to perform short
highest standards of environmental sustainability and labor. The exercises using the Seafood Watch standards to score the impact
partnership will also support the development of electronic catch of a fishery on a particular species in different situations, followed
documentation and traceability, as well as strengthen engagements by presentation of the results by each group and a discussion of
in the industry, government, and NGOs in Southeast Asia. the scoring. The presentations on Management Effectiveness and
To learn more about the USAID Oceans – Seafood Watch the Impact of the Fishery on Habitat and Ecosystems followed.
partnership, visit: The joint training ended with discussions on future plans
news/press-release-usaid-oceans-partners-with-seafood-ratings- and further workshop opportunities, and identifying potential
leader-seafood-watch/ collaborators with the program.

8 The Mananagat Chronicle

The Soccsksargen... From page 6 substance.
Thus, our group recommends the revocation of DO156-
and generally drive fishing fleets into unprofitability and reduction 16 and issue a tripartite order on the matter after thorough
of fleet size, if landed price is stagnant and costs cannot be public consultation, consistent with relevant laws and rules. In
covered in the absence of external actions such as fuel subsidies coordination with relevant agencies such as the MARINA and DA-
or market intervention. The Philippine Tuna Fisheries Profile in BFAR, push through with public consultation and come up with an
2012 cited that in the Philippines, the high cost of fuel had caused economically-viable and progressive implementation plan.
some vessel owners and operators to discontinue fishing activities Or on the alternative, suspend the implementation of the
and larger companies to cut down the number of their handline DO until a more workable recourse is arrived at through public
vessels by 20%. The fuel price has since then increased although consultation.
at a fluctuating rate. It is an understatement that the fishing sector has a unique
Staggered though the scheme, the end is still the same. If we working arrangement. For raking in so much for the nation’s
are to pass on the additional cost to consumers, we are estimating economy and for supporting the lives of millions of fishermen, it
an increase in the price of fish by 12-14%. This will greatly impact deserves no less than substantial and procedural due process
the price competitiveness of Philippine tuna products in the local enshrined under our Philippine Constitution.
market resulting to possible shift in other protein source and more If indeed, there are instances where the rights of the fishers
expensive PH tuna products in the global market. are compromised, we ask DOLE to deal with those companies
Our organization respects the wisdom of the lawmakers in with all their might and resolve immediately whatever complaints
legislating TRAIN and fully supports the Administration in its put forth before them. DOLE should not issue Certificate of
aggressive efforts of uplifting the country’s economy. However Compliance if indeed there are problems. We urge DOLE to do all
consideration should be given to the sector that supports national these not at the expense of the entire commercial fishing industry.
food security and provides the most affordable protein source. We must certainly not condone wrong practices, even long-
As such we recommend total removal of excise tax on standing ones but there must be some means for the relevant
petroleum products that are directly used by the bulk of the parties to meet halfway and define work terms and conditions
activities affecting the masses or exempt such products from being favourable for both and economically-viable in general.
imposed with excise tax, provided the same are used for fishing We hope our issues raised merit the consideration of our
and fishery activities. BFAR and the Department of Agriculture.
The Tuna Industry also has serious concern over the DOLE
Department Order 156-16 which was signed by the previous
administration, and which the current administration is seemed
DA-BFAR... From page 1
to be hell-bent on implementing. If implemented “as is”, an were a series of activities including labor and gender
estimated 95-98% of Philippine vessels will be NON-COMPLIANT. studies, and a value chain analysis that saw the creation of
Therefore, our Bureau should be ready to start to issue importation a Sustainable Fisheries Management Plan.
licenses for marine fishes by now and since this will be a survival The Software Development Life Cycle was created
of the fittest, start bidding goodbye to fishing operators who will during a fisheries stakeholders’ validation workshop.
not make it. Thereafter, BFAR’s and USAID Oceans’ programmers set
Let it be clear that our organization supports efforts to uplift out to work.
the living and working condition of our fishers whom we treat as
partners. However, there still remains major issues in the DO, I
repeat, major issues, which could have been settled if indeed an Meeting the Deadline
honest-to-goodness consultation was conducted prior to issuance For two months, the development team toiled away at
of this DO which was once a Joint Order in its proposal stage. workshops in Rizal, a suburban province in the outskirts of
We request our Department of Agriculture to urge DOLE to Metro Manila, away from the usual distractions of the office
finally hear us, hear us in the truest sense of the word. environment. The goal was simply to produce a functional
We strongly recommend, that where there is an employer- prototype of the eCDTS ready for launch.
employee relationship, the fishers be treated as field personnel, By June 2017, the team finished the planning,
otherwise productivity may suffer and may threaten the harmonious requirement analysis, and initial system design of the
relations of fishers on board. Likewise the DO should set the eCDTS, and by July, they had already set their sights on the
minimum benefits and work conditions applicable to them, such
that there is no room for further interpretation. Be it noted that
final stage of development.
under Rule 25.1 of the IRR of the Fisheries Code, fishworkers are  page 12
treated as field personnel.
The Convention 188 of the ILO does not even attempt to 1st SOPFA Summit... From page 1
establish an employer-employee relationship but only sets the were also identified and tackled.
minimum requirement to meet the essence of providing decent “In knowing the current state of the fisheries industry, we
working conditions for the fishers. So why generalize such can make steps in safeguarding our marine resources, in that
relationship when under certain arrangements and considering the way, we can surely achieve food security”, says Assistant
seasonality of fish, such employer-employee relationship may be Director Bayate.
impractical and therefore, non-existent?
For Joint venture agreements, we agree that the contract
Meanwhile, Senator Villar said that with our connected
between the parties be written and notarized but not that it efforts, we are confident that the fisheries industry can
is necessarily registered with the Securities and Exchange sustainably feed every Filipino today and beyond. “The
Commission. We strongly disagree with the extent of discretion Philippines, as an archipelago and an agricultural country,
given the Labor Inspector in ruling out the existence of joint venture has all the intrinsic advantages already, thus we have to
and industrial partnership. keep on strengthening our competitive advantages. We
The DO’s requirement on occupational safety for new large have to really continuously coordinate, collaborate, dialogue,
commercial fishing vessels, which in the case of Philippines are discuss, prepare, and plan ahead to ensure the successful
150 GT and up, are similar with that of Convention 188. However, implementation of our programs and projects and to also
this is applicable for vessels 300 GT and up in the Convention. ensure that they are responsive to the needs of the industry
Thus, making the DO more stringent than that of C188. We
wonder about MARINA’s stance on stability and safety with this
and requirements of the market,” Senator Villar concluded.
DO’s requirement. In the summit, Commercial Fisheries from Luzon, Visayas,
Lastly, while the intention is noble, we must not disregard and Mindanao were given time to present their respective
substantial due process. The DO was issued in total disregard of situationers. This was followed by the Municipal Fisheries.
public consultation, violating due process both in procedure and Other presenters included Aquaculture Priority Commodities
  page 12
The Mananagat Chronicle 9
The Evolution of the Philippine Electronic Ca
March 14, 2017: BFAR and USAID Oceans, in partnership March 17, 2017: Stakeholders validated the Field Study Results
with SFFAII, conducted a field study to conceptualize the through a Workshop.
design and development of the electronic Catch
Documentation and Traceability System (eCDTS).

September 7, 2017: Project Updates on USAID Oceans’ October 2, 2017: SFFAII officially partnered with USAID Oceans.
eCDT Project in General Santos City and Indonesia by October 4, 2017: Set up of the eCDTS Support Center at
Farid Maruf (USAID Oceans) and Zaldy Perez (BFAR) SFFAII Office, General Santos City Fishport Complex.
at the 19th National Tuna Congress.

November 6-7, 2017: 1ST eCDT System Development Workshop. November 22, 2017: Orientation Seminar on the Legal Bases
of eCDTS..

December 19-21, 2017: SFFAII M & E Orientation with Supol January 15, 2018: Focus Group Discussion with BFAR 12 RD Usop
Singhapoom, USAID Ocean M & E Specialist. Pendaliday, Jr., General Santos City Agriculturist Merlinda Donasco,
and the General Santos City Sangguniang Panlungsod Committee on
Fisheries, Marine Life, and Aquatic Resources.

10 The Mananagat Chronicle

atch Documentation and Traceability System
August 8-9, 2017: BFAR Fisheries Information September 6, 2017: Launching of the eCDT System
Management Center eCDT Development Team presented at the 19th National Tuna Congress and Trade Exhibit
the initial design of the eCDT System to potential first movers. Opening.

October 2017: Engagement meetings with potential first movers. November 6, 2017: Inception Workshop with BFAR 12,
USAID Oceans, Fisheries Partnership, and SFFAII.

November 23, 2017: Orientation Seminar on the US NOAA November 28, 2017: Holding of emergency meeting attended by
Seafood Import Monitoring Program. Fresh Frozen Seafood Association of the Philippines and Suppli-
ers of US SIMP.

January 26, 2018: Presentation of the eCDTS Project during the February 6, 2018: Orientation Seminar on Information and
Consultative Meeting of the General Santos City Fisheries and Communications Technologies in Fisheries: Creating
Aquatic Resources Management Council. Business Value and Tool for Regulation.

The Mananagat Chronicle 11

DA-BFAR... From page 9 At the heart... From page 2
According to K-Marx Macalalag, lead programmer of the SFFAII OFFICERS
eCDTS project, “With the eCDTS, our fishers won’t need to
manually hand over their logsheets anymore. They’ll now 2017-2019
be able to send them online, which give them an easier time President
to sell their catch.” No Chance for Illegal, Unreported, and Joaquin T. Lu
Unregulated Fishing (IUUF), he said. President, Tuna Cooperative of General Santos
The eCDTS offers various fishers, regulators, and Vice-President for Internal Affairs
stakeholders a streamlined, paperless system of reporting, Isidro D. Lumayag
and validating fish catch - from hauling right down to landing. President, South Cotabato Purse-Seiners Association
It connects information from all across the fisheries Vice-President for External Affairs
supply-chain, thereby allowing for the control of the kind Ricardo B. Magnayon, Jr.
and amount of fisheries commodities that enter the market. President, Tuna Canners Association of General Santos
This is better understood in terms of the different roles the Secretary
Dino M. Barrientos
eCDTS end-users take. Executive Director, Umbrella Fish Landing Association
The process begins aboard the fishing boat with the Treasurer
fishing vessel operator encoding and uploading their fishing Dexter G. Teng
logsheet.The logsheet, which includes the species of the Member, Southern Philippine Boat Owners and Tuna Association.
fish and where they were caught among others, is first Auditor
validated online by a vessel monitoring system operator Editha B. Espinosa
and then by a fisheries officer who, equipped with a tablet or Treasurer, Tuna Canners Association of General Santos
mobile device, personally inspects the vessel’s catch upon Public Relations Officer
landing. Dominic Salazar
Once approved, the fishing logsheet then allows the Vice President, South Cotabato Purse-Seiners Association
vessel operator to sell his produce and transact with a
Board of Directors
fish dealer or processor through a Catch Origin Landing
Dexter G. Teng
Declaration which is again validated by a fisheries officer. Member, Southern Philippine Boat Owners and Tuna Association
Afterwards, when the fish is turned over to the buyer, General Manager, TSP Marine Industry
a company representative may then apply for a Catch Roy C. Rivera
Certificate which will require the online approval of three Member, Southern Philippine Boat Owners and Tuna Association
people: Evaluator, Endorser, and Approver. Chief Finance Officer, RD Corporation
The Catch Certificate will then serve as proof that the South Cotabato Purse-Seiners Association
fish was caught through legal and sustainable means, Isidro D. Lumayag
granting companies the go-ahead to export and then put President, South Cotabato Purse-Seiners Association
them up for sale abroad. General Manager, CHL Fishing
The eCDTS ensures that there is no illegally-caught Dominic Salazar
fish entering the market. It cuts off any trade-related activity Vice President, South Cotabato Purse-Seiners Association
General Manager, Trinity Homes and Industrial Development Corp.
involved with IUUF, profiting therefrom, and discouraging Umbrella Fish Landing Association
stakeholders from taking part of the illegal activity. Benedicto L. Granfon, Jr.
President, Umbrella Fish Landing Association
President, Roel Fishing Industry, Inc.
Dino M. Barrientos
1st SOPFA Summit... From page 9 Executive Director, Umbrella Fish Landing Association
Tuna Cooperative of General Santos
on Milkfish by Philippine Milkfish Industry Group, Inc.; Joaquin T. Lu
Tilapia by Philippine Tilapia Stakeholder’s Association, President, Tuna Cooperative of General Santos
Inc.; Seaweeds by Seaweed Industry Association of the Chairman, Citra Mina Group of Companies
Philippines (SIAP); Shrimp by Philippine Shrimp Industry, Soledad B. Manangquil
Vice-President, Tuna Cooperative of General Santos
Inc.; Shellfish by Mamasita Foundation; and High-Value President, Southern Minda Traders Corp.
Species by High-Value Aquaculture Philippines. Fresh Frozen Seafood Association of the Phils.,Inc.
The Philippine Association of Fish Producers, Inc. Jose Emmanuel M. Santos
facilitated the Trade and Marketing. Panel reactions President, Fresh Frozen Seafood Association of the Phils., Inc.
from key fisheries stakeholders like Research agencies, President, Sta. Cruz Seafoods, Inc.
Academe, Civil Society Organizations, Non-Government Emma F. Garay
Vice President, Fresh Frozen Seafood Association of the Phils., Inc.
Organizations, and National Government Agencies General Manager, Well Delight Network Corporation
followed. Tuna Canners Association of General Santos
To ensure that all areas of concerns are well addressed Ricardo B. Magnayon, Jr.
and acted on, direction-setting/prioritization/synthesis President, Tuna Canners Association of General Santos
was immediately undertaken. It was ably led by Assistant Plant Manager, General Tuna Canning Corporation
Editha B. Espinosa
Director for Administrative Services Sammy A. Malvas. Treasurer, Tuna Canners Association of General Santos
Adoption and Ways Forward concluded the event. Plant Manager, Ocean Canning Corporation
On his part, Secretary Piñol responded to the vital Chamber of Aquaculture and Ancillary Industries of Sarangani, Inc.
issues and concerns raised by stakeholders and laid down Ramon M. Macaraig
the plan to create Technical Working Groups to ensure that Director, Chamber of Aquaculture and Ancillary Industries of Sarangani,
these issues are properly addressed. Consultant, Alsons Aquaculture, Inc.
The SOCSKSARGEN Fishing Federation and Allied Danilo E. Caparos
Industries, Inc. through its Executive Director Rosanna Director, Chamber of Aquaculture and Ancillary Industries of Sarangani,
Bernadette B. Contreras, presented “The Soccsksargen Inc.
Region and The Philippine Tuna Industry” during the Plant Manager, San Andres Aquaculture
summit. The same presentation is found in this issue of The Rosanna Bernadette B. Contreras
Mananagat Chronicle. Executive Director

12 The Mananagat Chronicle

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