Final ENT Exam 2011 Class of 07

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Final ENT exam 2011

class of 07

1-A 54 year old man ,coal miner worker ,Deafness for 6 months ,with neck LN

Nasophryngeal carcinoma

2-epistaxix not in the initial management

Anterior and posterior packing

3-all are general causes of epistaxis except:

Nasal Angiofibroma

4-LMNL 7th nerve palsy

5-painfull mastication occur in

External ear frunculosis

6-frog face in


7-children are more prone to AOM


8-fucial membranous swelling ,38 fever,180 pulse the most suspected dx

Acure diphtheria

9-ventillation tube function

Drainage and ventilation

10-mainstay tt in AOM

AB for 10 days
11-ext. complications of sinusitis

Bezold’s abscess

12-bezolds abscess in located in

Behind the ear down in the neck ‫مني فاكرة كيف مانت مكتوبة‬

13-all are causes of congenital deafness ex

Glandular fever

14-all are causes of acquired deafness except

Deaf parents

15-main symptom in atrochoanal polyp is

Unilateral obstruction

16-most common cause of conductive deafness in children


17-stridor +cyanosis+ in baby relieved by intubation

Congenital bilateral choanal atresia

18- Secondary post-tonsillectomy bleeding is due to:

1. Incomplete removal
2. Foreign body aspiration
3. Sepsis
4. Posterior nasal packing

19- Meniere’s disease is characterized by:

1. Fluctuating hearing loss

20- Trotter’s triad is a clinical diagnosis of:

1. Nasopharyngeal angiofibroma
2. Nasopharyngeal cyst
3. Petrositis
4. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma
21-54 YO male smoker came with 2 months hoarsness of voice no other complaints
ex was difficult

What to do is CT and flexible

22-what’s the likely dx ca larynx

23- Myringotomy is indicated in:

1. Secretory otitis media
2. Acute otitis media with bulging drum
3. Otitic barotrauma
4. All of the above

24-nasal regurgitation occur in all ex

Ethmoidal cancer

25-bilateral recurrent laryngeal n paralysis is treated by

1-tracheostomy only

2-unilateral arytenoidectomy ??

26- Absent laryngeal click may suspect:

1. Supraglottic carcinoma
2. Pyriform fossa tumor
3. Subglottic cancer
4. Post-cricoid carcinoma

27- In multiple laryngeal papillomata, all of the following are true accept:
1. Occurs in children
2. Affects only the glottic area
3. Recurrence is common
4. Best treated by laser surgery

28-blood from the ear occur in

1-ruptured ear drum



4- all of the above

29-type C

Eustachian tube dysfunction

30-painful and dysphagia


31-Audiogram all except

Cochlear function detection

32-all for hearing sensitivity except


33-in acute tonsillitis all true except

Ear ache is not a symptom

34-meinere’s disease all except

Conductive deafness

35-all drain in osteomeatal complex

Post ethmoidal

36-20 YO male ,nasal discharge,ear pain one day later mucopurulnt ear discharge


37-cocasomnia definition

38-anosmia occur in

All of the above

39-bull’s neck in


40-most serious disease from the following is

Acute epiglottis
41-progressive deafness in female with intact TM and Eustachian tube function


42-young male with recurrent epistaxis


43-crusting of nose in female with bilateral nasal obstruction


44-in juvenile papillomata all ex

Only in glottis area

45- most common head and neck carcinoma

Sq cel carcinoma

46-Mikulicz cells in


47-causative organism of CROUP

Parainfluenza virus

48-baby sudden cough with use of accessory ms dx is

FB ingestin

49-position in post tonsillectomy

All of the above

50-CSOM all ex

Red tympanic membrane

51-rhinolalia closa in all ex

Cleft palate
52-common sx in AOM in children


53-gradengos syndrome petrostitis

54-erythroplakia is pre cancrous lesion

55-reservoir sign in

Acute mastoiditis

56-red tympanic membrane in

Chaterstic in AOM

57-FB can cause

Obstruction & discharge

58-mastoid abscess

Not treated as out patient case

59-in atrophic rhinitis

60-atrophic rhinitis cause klebsiella azonea

61-glue ear


62-lateral neck swelling include all ex

Thyroid isthmus swelling

63-otosclerosis all ex

Ear discharge

64-Rennei test is

Perceptive ac more than bc & conductive bc more than ac

65-paul bunnel test in

Infectious mon

66-adenoid hypertrophy cause all the following ex

Rhinolalila aparta

67-diphteria case came with stridor 1st step in management is


68-regarding glottis cancer

Affects male

Smoking is predisposing factor

Most form is sq cell carcinoma

All of the above

69-ext cranial complication of sinusitis

bezolds abscess


‫ كان مكتوب‬after …….


neuromuscular disorder that prevents the muscles in the vocal tract from working properly

72-examination of vocal cord vibration


73-angular stomatitis occur with

All of the above ??

74-tubotympanic type all ex ??

Usually bilateral

Not a complication of acute

Deafness is cardinal symptom

75-cranial complication of sinusitis


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