2600T Pressure Transmitters: Pressure Measurement Made Easy
2600T Pressure Transmitters: Pressure Measurement Made Easy
2600T Pressure Transmitters: Pressure Measurement Made Easy
Unique ease of operation – innovative plug & play graphic The 261 and the 364 space saver pressure transmitters with
display stainless steel housings offer an optimum solution for extreme
The user friendly HMI allows simple and intuitive transmitter environments where space and weight are critical. The new S26
operation. The “Easy Setup” procedure allows the user to easily diaphragm seals provide an optimum solution for high vacuum/
commission the instrument without the need for an expensive high temperature applications.
hand-held terminal.
S26 diaphragm seals
The Communication You Need The S26 diaphragms seals line are manufactured by ABB
ABB Instrumentation products are available with HART / 4-20 mA, and offer one of the widest choices of process connections
PROFIBUS PA, FOUNDATION Fieldbus, and MODBUS and wetted materials on the market today. ABB give customers
communication protocols. The 266 series allows you to the opportunity of choosing among different special materials
preserve your investment allowing an upgrade from Hart to for example Tantalum, Superduplex, Inconel 625, Monel™,
any other available communication protocol in minutes with Hastelloy C276™ and unique to ABB Hastelloy C2000™.
no need to remove the device from its installation or to The diaphragm seal portfolio includes different coatings such
reconfigure it. The modular construction of the 266 series as anti-abrasion Diaflex, gold plated to prevent hydrogen
enables field repairs to be carried out so that the instrument penetration, anti-stick and anticorrosion, available as standard.
is back in operation within 5 minutes of failure detection.
The broad range of wetted materials provide long lasting
The perfect solution for your application solutions for highly corrosive applications. ABB remote seals
The 2600T family offers products specifically designed have a high integrity all welded construction as standard.
to meet the widest range of applications ranging from arduous This construction is based on decades of experience in
conditions in offshore oil and gas to the laboratory environment of manufacturing remote seal systems by Taylor Instruments
the pharmaceutical industry. and produces the optimum solution for vacuum applications.
ABB are also able to offer special designed remote seals
for individual process solutions. In a case of diaphragm failure
the remote seals can be repaired at one of the ABB pressure
service centers worldwide.
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