2600T Pressure Transmitters: Pressure Measurement Made Easy

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2600T Pressure Transmitters

Pressure measurement made easy

2600T produced by evolution
Discover all the innovative features
of a top quality transmitter family

Unrivalled in its expertise -H

 igh quality pressure
and longstanding tradition transmitter
in transmitter manufacturing, -R
 eliable sensor technologies
ABB offers the world’s most -E
 asy to install, easy to
comprehensive range of configure
pressure measurement -M
 ultivariable version
products. -T
 aylor Instrument’s All-welded
technology for diaphragm seals

2 | 2600T Pressure Transmitters

ABB, common features across the range

Unique ease of operation – innovative plug & play graphic The 261 and the 364 space saver pressure transmitters with
display stainless steel housings offer an optimum solution for extreme
The user friendly HMI allows simple and intuitive transmitter environments where space and weight are critical. The new S26
operation. The “Easy Setup” procedure allows the user to easily diaphragm seals provide an optimum solution for high vacuum/
commission the instrument without the need for an expensive high temperature applications.
hand-held terminal.
S26 diaphragm seals
The Communication You Need The S26 diaphragms seals line are manufactured by ABB
ABB Instrumentation products are available with HART / 4-20 mA, and offer one of the widest choices of process connections
PROFIBUS PA, FOUNDATION Fieldbus, and MODBUS and wetted materials on the market today. ABB give customers
communication protocols. The 266 series allows you to the opportunity of choosing among different special materials
preserve your investment allowing an upgrade from Hart to for example Tantalum, Superduplex, Inconel 625, Monel™,
any other available communication protocol in minutes with Hastelloy C276™ and unique to ABB Hastelloy C2000™.
no need to remove the device from its installation or to The diaphragm seal portfolio includes different coatings such
reconfigure it. The modular construction of the 266 series as anti-abrasion Diaflex, gold plated to prevent hydrogen
enables field repairs to be carried out so that the instrument penetration, anti-stick and anticorrosion, available as standard.
is back in operation within 5 minutes of failure detection.
The broad range of wetted materials provide long lasting
The perfect solution for your application solutions for highly corrosive applications. ABB remote seals
The 2600T family offers products specifically designed have a high integrity all welded construction as standard.
to meet the widest range of applications ranging from arduous This construction is based on decades of experience in
conditions in offshore oil and gas to the laboratory environment of manufacturing remote seal systems by Taylor Instruments
the pharmaceutical industry. and produces the optimum solution for vacuum applications.
ABB are also able to offer special designed remote seals
for individual process solutions. In a case of diaphragm failure
the remote seals can be repaired at one of the ABB pressure
service centers worldwide.

2600T Pressure Transmitters | 3

The 261 series the high-quality cost-
effective transmitter, as a result of our
uncompromised focus on pressure and
level measurement
-C  ompact housing
- Maintenance free due to ABB’s
reliable well-proven sensor technology
- Easy operation and set up via the
graphic display with intuitive menu
- W ide choice of process connections
to suit multiple installations
- Designed to meet both CIP
and SIP applications
- HART digital communication

The 364 series represents the best solution

for hazardous areas and highly demanding
flow, level and pressure applications
-L  ong term stability of 0.15%
for 10 years
- T he solution for multiple installations
in reduced spaces
- S mart drain/vent solution
- B oltless and gasket-free one
piece body design
- O n board LCD display with
intuitive menu navigation
- B i-directional flow and totalization

4 | 2600T Pressure Transmitters

The 266 pressure transmitter family
of products delivers previously
unattainable operational benefits

266: performance with intelligence

From the design to the software
functionality, the 266 represents
the latest evolutionionary step
in the wide ABB product portfolio.
Users can easily find the right application
solution for their measurement needs
and select among four different levels
of accuracy: from 0,075% up to 0,025%
so as to boost plant availability for
demanding pressure measurement.
Accuracy is no longer a constraint.

TTG Technology: no more barriers between users and

ABB is the first instrumentation company that is able to offer
TTG Technology (Through The Glass). With this exclusive and
innovative option, users can interact directly with the instrument,
without removing the windowed front cover. Using ABB’s proven
four button HMI (Human Machine Interface) with intuitive menu
navigation and Easy Set Up menu configuration times can be
greatly reduced. Moreover, expensive hand-held configurators
are no longer necessary since all the essential parameters can
be set via the HMI with just one touch. Thanks to this smart
technology the instrument can be configured without removing
the covers users can producing significant cost and time savings
especially in hazardous areas.

Easy to use… starting from the outside

The external non-intrusive zero and span push buttons allow
users to calibrate safely and in a few seconds the transmitter
range values. The transmitter also has an additional external
write protection which is operated by simply turning the button.

5 | 2600T Pressure Transmitters

Simplicity and compactness
are the key to the ABB platform
for pressure measurements

Plug-in communication board and terminal block

for easy and quick commissioning
The replaceable communication module and terminal block
provide an easy solution for upgrading and changing the
instrument communication protocol. In the rare cases where repair
of the communications module is required the plug in nature of the
module ensures that the transmitter does not have to be removed
from the plant. The essential instrument data is stored in the
transmitter sensor and after changing the communication module
the auto configuration feature automatically uploads the
information into the communication module. This combination of
features can result in a considerable reduction in plant downtime
and loss of productivity.

PILD: enhanced diagnosis on board

At ABB the evolution never stops. For this reason we have
implemented as standard the PILD function (Plugged Impulse Line
Diagnostics) for Fieldbus Foundation and uniquely HART
communication protocols without extra costs. When the
diagnostics detect that an impulse line is blocked a diagnostic flag
is produced as part of the digital communication and a warning
displayed on the HMI indicator. Optionally on transmitters with
HART communication the analog current output can be
configured to drive up or down scale to provide an alarm signal.

SIL2 and SIL3 TUV certified

The 266 series is certified by TUV NORD for use in safety
instrumented systems as per the requirements of IEC61508.
The transmitters meet the requirements for SIL2 applications
in a single transmitter configuration (1001) and for SIL3
applications in a redundant configuration (1002).

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2600T diaphragm seals
Taylor’s All-welded technology
Performance and reliability over time

Flanged models Chemical tee

The ABB diaphragm seal portfolio Available only from ABB and designed
includes rotating and fixed-flange models for the chemical and Oil&Gas industries,
specifically designed to connect to the chemical tee remote seal is designed
flanged pipe fittings according to ASME, to connect to a Wedge Flow Element
JIS and EN standards. or to any process fitting with the
appropriate dimensions.

Ring-Joint constructio Button

This type of diaphragm seal, flanged Button seals are designed for accurate
according to ASME standard, has high pressure measurement with a small
been designed for high pressure /high diaphragm size. This type of connection
temperature conditions. is especially suitable for plastic and resins
production processes, at high pressure
and high temperature conditions.

Wafer / Pancake In-line

Designed to connect to ASM and EN In line seals are suitable for measuring
standard flanges the wafer diaphragm the pressure of fluids in pipes.
seal offers stable performance for The pressure measuring diaphragm
a large number of applications. forms the pipe wall making this type of
Joints and flushing rings complete seal suitable for measuring the pressure
the already wide offering. Wafer seals of flowing fluids particularly those that are
represent a cost effective and reliable highly viscous or contain solids.
application solution.

Off-line seal Pulp&Paper

Available with threaded or ASME/ Designed especially for preventing
EN flanged process connection, the process media from plugging the
Off-line model matches small process process connection, Pulp & Paper
connections. Recommended for clean diaphragm seals can be manufactured
process fluid measurements. with anti-stick coatings which remove
the need for manual cleaning and
therefore reduce costs.

Sanitary models Urea service

Diaphragm seals developed according to This specialized remote seal is
the stringent 3-A requirements. Available manufactured from materials which
with different process fittings (Triclamp, match the aggressively corrosive
Cherry Burrel, Union Nut and Sanitary), this conditions when Urea is present in the
range demonstrates ABB’s commitment to process. The urea grade wetted materials
satisfy users needs by engineering solutions ensure stable performances even in high
for the most demanding processes. temperature / high vacuum conditions.
Huey test available as option.

Union connection Socket&Saddle

A screw thread process connection that These diaphragm seals have been
provides a flush diaphragm for gauge developed to meet the requirements
pressure applications. Originally designed of users who require a directly welded
by Taylor Instrument this connection process connection. Suited for highly
is combined with the “all welded” viscous process fluids measurements.
technology to provide a high integrity
solution for arduous applications.

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ABB Automation Products GmbH

The data and illustrations are not binding. We reserve
the right to modify the contents of this document on
Borsigstr. 2 the basis of technical development of the productrs,
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Phone: +49 551 905 534 Copyright 2009 ABB. All right reserved.
Fax: +49 551 905 555
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Phone: +44 1453 826 661
Fax: +44 1453 829 671

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Phone: +39 0344 58111
Fax: +39 0344 56278

ABB Inc.
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Phone: +1 215 674 6000
Fax: +1 215 674 7183

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Phone: +86 (0) 21 61056666
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