PCC in Paper Making
PCC in Paper Making
PCC in Paper Making
Maximilian Laufmann
promoter was used, at a dosage of 0.12 % A reduction of the S-PCC portion of the filler by
(dry/dry). A good retention of the filler and the inclusion of GCC in combination shows improved
sizing agent was achieved using a micro-particle drying results. Higher dry content leads to a
retention system, supported by additional 0.5 % positive development of higher initial sheet web
cationic starch. Following normal production wet strength.
conditions, a market-available anionic OBA (0.2
%) was also added (1/3 in the wet-end, 2/3 in the This trend, in respect of the dewatering after the
size press). The grammage was 80 g/m2 and the wire suction roll as a function of pigment choice,
adjusted filler content in paper set at 22 %. is confirmed by the values seen after the third
press (figure 5).
The specific pigment data corresponding to the
filler grades used are listed in figure 3. The GCC
used, 60/7.0, i.e. 60 % < 2 µm with a specific % Dryness after 3rd press
surface area of 7.0 m2/g, is a European standard GCC (% < 2 µm)
50 60 85
quality from a marble resource. The GCC grade,
85/7.5, (85 % < 2 µm, 7.5 m2/g specific surface) 49
also from a marble-based source, is designed to 48
develop a higher paper opacity in comparison to a 47
standard GCC. 46
100 75/25 50/50 25/75 100 0
60 / 7.0 85 / 7.5
Spec. surface
BET m²/g 7.0 7.5 6.5 Figure 5
Sedigraph fineness Drainage
< 2 µm % 60 85 45
< 1 µm % 35 60 15
The effect of this slow-down of dewatering with
aps µm 1.5 0.8 2.1
S-PCC as filler can be at least partly explained by
Brightness % 94.5 95.0 95.5
R-457 a more voluminous structure of the pigment and
the paper formed out of it. A higher bulk mass
requiring subsequently higher drainage power. If a
Figure 3 PCC with a prismatic structure had been used, the
Pigment Data dewatering behaviour would therefore be
positively influenced as seen with a GCC, but, as
The quality of the S-PCC used in these trials
a result, such a product, compared to GCC, would
represents a typical S-PCC filler commercially
not give a higher paper bulk. With a higher
available from an on-site production unit. All 3
content of S-PCC in the blend, or with 100 % S-
filler pigments show a high pigment brightness of
PCC, a drastic increase in size press pick up is
approximately 95 % Elrepho R-457.
observed at the conventional size press.
3.2. Papermaking process
l/min Starch / Polymer
As shown in figure 4, the usage of 100 % S-PCC 3.0
GCC (% < 2 µm)
displays a clearly lower dry content after the wire 2.8 60 85
suction roll compared to 100 % GCC. 2.6
% Dryness at couch roll 2.2
GCC (% < 2 µm) 2.0
29 60 85 100 75/25 50/50 25/75 100 0
28 GCC Blends S-PCC
26 Figure 6
25 Size Press - Pick Up
100 75/25 50/50 25/75 100 0
GCC Blends S-PCC The origin of this phenomenon is surely due to the
higher paper bulk and open, more porous, paper
Figure 4 structure coupled with a higher paper humidity
Drainage leading to a lower sizing development before the
size press. On the occasion of a different GCC/S-PCC blends up to 100 parts S-PCC, are
investigation on the same pilot machine regarding both nearly linear. S-PCC, in the form of single
an organic filler to achieve extra high paper bulk. particles of filler, gives, in comparison to GCC, a
A significantly higher pick up of starch in the size higher bulk.
press similar to S-PCC was obserbed.
100 75/25 50/50 25/75 100 0
kp/cm² GCC (% < 2 µm)
60 85
GCC Blends S-PCC
Figures 9
1.0 Bulk
0.0 This creates in the paper, through further inter-
100 75/25 50/50 25/75 100 0 particle flocculation, a relatively high voluminous
GCC Blends S-PCC structure. The resulting separation between the
paper fibres increases and thereby paper thickness
and bulk are increased. It could be possible that
Figure 7
chemical and physical parameters of PCC are
Steam Demand after Dryers
influencing additionally the mechanistic
development of paper bulk.
The simple explanation for this follows the
comments already made regarding higher starch
Importantly, however, the higher paper bulk
demand in the size press with high amounts of S-
generated by an S-PCC pigment is not
PCC in respect of increased pore bulk.
automatically leading to a measurable increase of
paper stiffness (figure 10). A research of market
3.3. Paper quality
paper confirms this latter observation.
The production of the paper in the pilot machine
was finished by passing the sheet through a
machine calender. The calender pressure was mNm Resonance L x Q²
adjusted to 15 and 30 kN/m, respectively. When GCC 85 % < 2 µm
using S-PCC as single filler or in a blend with 0.4
GCC, higher paper thickness together with higher 0.3 15 kN/m
bulk are noticeable. 0.2 30 kN/m
µm GCC (% < 2 µm)
110 100 75/25 50/50 25/75 100 0
60 85
105 GCC Blends S-PCC
Figure 10
90 Stiffness
100 75/25 50/50 25/75 100 0
The expectation that it might have been possible
GCC Blends S-PCC when using an S-PCC, arising from the resulting
higher paper bulk, to reduce the grammage from
Figures 8 80 down to 75 g/m2 and maintain the paper
Thickness thickness has not been fulfilled. A reduction of the
grammage especially in this specific range leads
The increase of paper thickness and bulk, in these to a drastic loss of paper stiffness and, naturally,
trials starting from 100 parts GCC through lowers the opacity significantly.
the papermaking process are more densely
mNm Stiffness (Resonance)
0.45 consolidated and therefore disturb less the fibre-
without Filler
0.40 with GCC 60/7.5
fibre bond.
Based on results of a lab study the tensile strength
decreases when an average S-PCC particle size of
0.25 approx. 2 µm is exceeded. Noticeably, S-PCC
0.20 grades of lower fineness, used to create highest
65 70 75 80 85
paper bulk, are exhibiting high dusting tendencies.
g/m² Basis Weight
A well-known problem in the copy machine.
Brightness Brightness
30 no Drainage Caliper
20 Dryness Bulk
100 75/25 50/50 25/75 100 Strength Light scattering
GCC Blends S-PCC Density Roughness
Figure 20
Sizing Figure 22
GCC vs. PCC “Criteria’s”
In a following trial made under the same
conditions, a 50 % higher AKD demand was Both filler types GCC and S-PCC are suitable to
necessary to reach the desired sizing. The primary provide a high base sheet brightness. The natural
reason for such a high AKD demand is to be rhombohedral GCC leads to comparably easier
found in both the higher paper humidity of the dewatering and drying of the sheet web. On the
sheet web when entering the pre-drying section as other hand S-PCC provides a significantly higher
well as the remaining quantity of Ca(OH)2 when paper bulk. This higher paper bulk, however, does
using PCC. At high temperature and high not automatically leading to additional paper
moisture levels the reaction between AKD and stiffness. GCC as filler reduces the paper strength
water (hydrolysis) is very strong. This hydrolysis less than S-PCC. This gives an advantage with
of AKD is additionally supported by the GCC for higher filling levels and the associated
remaining traces of Ca(OH)2 (alkaline). savings. The specific structure of S-PCC and the
steep particle size distribution curve provide this
pH pigment with a high light scattering coefficient for
good opacity. GCC 85/7.5 also with its increased
12 S-PCC slurry fineness and steeper particle size distribution
S-PCC powder
curve shows, in comparison to GCC 60/7.0 a
higher light scattering coefficient and provides
10 S-PCC slurry higher paper opacity. A paper with GCC as filler
GCC compared to S-PCC shows a significantly lower
paper porosity. The paper produced with S-PCC
8 has, after calendering, a lower surface roughness.
0 30 60 90
Shearing min. It has to be mentioned that no noticeable
differences could be found on printed samples
Figure 21 related to this lower surface roughness.
GCC / PCC and pH
Due to the rhombohedral particle structure and the
The higher pH values typically seen when using resulting better dewatering/drainage properties, as
PCC in comparison with GCC are generated from well as improved pH stability, the demand of
sizing agent is lower with GCC compared to S- required a 20 % increase of energy demand. With
PCC. a filler combination 50 % S-PCC / 50 % PCC the
customer went back to the original machine speed
The combination of both pigment types in and could reduce also the required fibre refining
different ratios allows a fast and flexible (figure 23).
adjustment for the required paper quality. The
specific optimal pigment ratios to achieve defined At identical smoothness levels the paper thickness
quality parameters can be easily fine-tuned. decreased only by 2 µm and the opacity by 0.5 %.
With this pigment formulation an increase of
3.5 Notes from the field paper strength of nearly 10 % was obsered. In
Europe, huge amounts of copy paper with a filler
The tendencies noted on the pilot paper machine
load up to 28 % are produced and absorbed by the
have been confirmed on several occasions on
market. An analysis of this paper, shows a
existing production lines. The basic differences
successful implementation of 100 % GCC.
generated by the pigment are mainly dependent on
the respective technical conditions. Considering
that the aim is to produce marketable paper 4. GCC and S-PCC as Primary Filler
quality, direct pigment comparison is heavily in Woodfree Coating Base Paper
influenced by several necessary correcting
measures in practice. As a matter of fact, the new Major properties required for a woodfree coating
huge production machines are mostly having base paper are sufficient tensile strength, good
sufficient drainage and drying capacities built-in. internal bond (Scott bond) as well as a stable
A potential bottle-neck in the post-drying section water absorption and wetting properties at high
is mainly to be found in older production units. dimensional stability. High brightness and
acceptable opacity are simply a must with a closed
A combination of S-PCC (higher paper thickness) surface being considered of great advantage.
with GCC is, when facing insufficient drainage Pigment ratio including primary and secondary
and drying capacities, of great advantage. filler is, depending on the grammage, at a level of
about 12 to 20 %.
With such an alternative, the papermaker obtains a
high paper bulk and high strength. The demand of In a specific trial on the pilot paper machine an 80
AKD is kept on normal levels and the production g/m2, coating base paper was produced. As
speed corresponds nearly to an operation using primary filler, 8 and 12 % GCC and S-PCC,
100 % GCC. respectively, were compared. As a result of the
addition of coated broke, the amount of secondary
pigment in the coating base paper was 8 %. Using
( + = improved ) S-PCC GCC/S-PCC
a compromise between double coating and single
coating practice, a single coat of 15 g/m2 per side
Refining Demand O (+) of coating colour was applied with bent blade.
Drainage O ++ The coated paper was afterwards calendered and
PM Speed O ++ offset printed. The results of this trial can be
Bulk O -
CIE Whiteness O + summarised as follows.
Opacity O -
Stiffness O O
Roughness O - Pilot und Commercial :
Burst O +
GCC Drainage, Strength
S-PCC Bulk prior to calendering
Figure 23
GCC /. S-PCC Blends (com. experience) After coating and calendering
Roughness, ce
A typical experience relating to this (figure 23: a ren
Paper- / Print gloss, fe
European paper manufacturer made several trials Print quality dif
to produce a high quality 80 g/m2 copy paper
using 100 % S-PCC of different origins on a
Fourdrinier machine. The customer saw that Figure 24
dewatering became distinctly worse and GCC and S-PCC in Coating Base Paper
consequently had to reduce PM speed by about 10
%. Additionally, the open paper structure could Again, the GCC filled paper showed higher
only be closed by higher fibre refining which favourable drainage properties of the sheet web.
Also the internal bond (Scott bond) was, with a
standard GCC, significantly higher. As expected,
the coating base paper produced with S-PCC as
primary filler showed higher bulk, a property
which after calendering of the coated paper was
no more visible.
Both, the pilot and commercial examples illustrate
the important attributes of GCC and S-PCC. They
are very different in performance and therefore
provide a wide range of options for producing
papers with various end-use demands. GCC
provides strength and higher loading potential,
easier drainage and drying, low size demand, and
higher sheet density. PCC provides higher opacity
at lower filler loadings and lower density (higher
bulk). In this way, papermakers can choose the
attributes necessary for a particular grade. Both
type of pigments provide high brightness at a low