The document discusses principles for correctly interpreting words and passages, including that there is only one correct meaning of a word or phrase within a given context. It also outlines two methods that should be used together in interpretation: the literal method, where the basic meaning is taken at face value, and the contextual method, where the context provides intended significance. Following these principles of a single meaning and using literal and contextual clues leads to correct interpretation and answering of questions.
The document discusses principles for correctly interpreting words and passages, including that there is only one correct meaning of a word or phrase within a given context. It also outlines two methods that should be used together in interpretation: the literal method, where the basic meaning is taken at face value, and the contextual method, where the context provides intended significance. Following these principles of a single meaning and using literal and contextual clues leads to correct interpretation and answering of questions.
The document discusses principles for correctly interpreting words and passages, including that there is only one correct meaning of a word or phrase within a given context. It also outlines two methods that should be used together in interpretation: the literal method, where the basic meaning is taken at face value, and the contextual method, where the context provides intended significance. Following these principles of a single meaning and using literal and contextual clues leads to correct interpretation and answering of questions.
The document discusses principles for correctly interpreting words and passages, including that there is only one correct meaning of a word or phrase within a given context. It also outlines two methods that should be used together in interpretation: the literal method, where the basic meaning is taken at face value, and the contextual method, where the context provides intended significance. Following these principles of a single meaning and using literal and contextual clues leads to correct interpretation and answering of questions.
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Therefore, Correct InterpretationCorrect Answer; while
Wrong InterpretationWrong Answer
b) One Meaning Principle It is the lexicographer’s task to give meanings to words. In order to find out what a word or phrase means, we would of course look for its meaning in a dictionary. A word in a dictionary almost always has many meanings given. However, only one of the meanings to a word or phrase in the dictionary would fit the CONTEXT (one of the 3Cs to guide interpretation discussed below), and that is the meaning which we want to find to interpret the word correctly. In order to find the one meaning of a word or phrase, we must start with using the correct methods to interpret. c) Methods to use in Interpreting We should use only the following 2 methods, and combine them to interpret a passage. i) Literal method The literal meaning of a word or expression is its basic or original meaning (Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, 4th edition). Using the Literal method of interpretation means that we take the author at his/her word; the author means what he/she says and Communicator Writes something to Receiver (reader) Interprets and answers questions