Template of A Didactic Unit
Template of A Didactic Unit
Template of A Didactic Unit
Justification. The Audiovisual Unit of this Art class flows well with
those of the other three classes. The video project that
will be made will test the students audiovisual skills, as
well as their English vocabulary for this unit.
Class context. B1
Linguistic competence
Digital competence
Initiative and entrepreneurship
Cultural awareness and expression
Learning objectives. Block of Block 1.
Expressing through Art
Learning standards to be assessed:
3.1. Make compositions that transmit basic emotions
(calm, violence, freedom, oppression, joy, sadness, etc.)
using different graphic resources in each case
(chiaroscuro, lines, dots, textures, colors ...)
4.1. Analyze, identify and explain orally, in writing and
graphically, the basic compositional scheme of works of
art and own works, attending to the concepts of balance,
proportion and rhythm 4.2. Make basic compositions
with different techniques according to the proposals
established in writing
Evaluation criteria :
1. Identify the elements and factors involved in the
process of image perception.
7. Analyze and take photographs understanding and
applying the fundamentals of the same.
9. Know the basics of the moving image, explore its
expressive possibilities.
10. Differentiate and analyze the different elements
involved in an act of communication.
11. Recognize the different functions of communication.
12. Adequately use visual and audiovisual languages
with different functions.
13. Identify and recognize the different visual languages
appreciating the different styles and trends, valuing,
respecting and enjoying the historical and cultural
14. Identify and use visual resources such as rhetorical
figures in advertising language.
15. Appreciate the language of cinema by analyzing
works in a critical way, placing them in their
historical and sociocultural context, reflecting on the
relationship of cinematographic language with the
message of the work.
16. Understand the fundamentals of multimedia
language, value the contributions of technologies ***
Session 1: Introduction to advertisement scripts
example script -vocab.
(listening skills)
Analyze: vocabulary used in movie making
Evaluate: meanings and usages of vocabulary
Create: storyboard subtitled including directors voice
Materials: poster board, students pencils
Session 5: Rehearsal
Students use scripts and props to act out their
Different scenes
No cameras
Teacher hovers to give advice
Materials: props
Session 6: Rehearsal
Students act out different scenes of video
One group at a time
Other groups give feedback
Materials: props
Evaluation. Criteria and The video be considered as the final project and will
instruments. count for 30% of the final grade-it is a performance.
The rest of the grade will be divided into participation in
rehearsal (10%), participation in script writing (10%),
other participation (10%), vocabulary glossary and its
correctness (10%), and the two projects that will be
designed in session one (15%)and two (15%).
Bibliography / Web sites https://www.youtube.com/watch?