Design of Handphone Wireless Charger System Using Omnidirectional Antenna

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Jurnal Ilmu Teknik Elektro Komputer dan Informatika (JITEKI)

Vol. 3, No. 1, Juni 2017 


Design of Handphone Wireless Charger System Using

Omnidirectional Antenna
Anton Yudhana, Fahrizal Djohar
Electrical Engineering Deparment, Faculty of Indutrial Technology, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
Jalan Prof. Dr. Soepomo, Janturan Umbulharjo Yogyakarta e-mail:
[email protected], fahrizaldjohar@ee. uad.

Using cable as power transmission medium caus e problem in flexibility and aesthetics.
Wireless power transmission for charging handphone released nowadays still using antenna
with radiation pattern focus in one direction, that is just toward the top, and if the antenna was
shifted then power transmitted will be lose. The purpose of this research is to produce wireless
power charger system used for charging handphone power using resonator based on
omnidirectional antenna and test the performance. The device in this research was designed in
two main part, that is transmitter and receiver. In transmission section, there is power supply
used for supplying power to oscillator to generate oscillating signal in the form of electrical
power to be transmitted to rec eiver via antenna in the form magnetic field. In receiver section,
receiver antenna received the power transmitted that is still in the reach of magnetic field
generated by transmitter. The power that is still in the form of oscillating signal, then stabilized
for the purpose of handphone power using rectifier and voltage regulator. Design has been
made successfully to the form of handphone battery power wireless charger using omdirectional
antenna which consist of two main part, that is transmitter and receiver. The transmitted power
is 3.058 watt with frequency 714 KHz, and receiver received the power and then stabilized the
signal to produce output power 58.706 miliwatt. This device can transmit power in all directions
horizontally (angle 360°). This device also tested with some k ind of obstacle, with the res ult
almost all obstacle still could transmit the power except metal.

Keywords : Handphone, Wireless Power Transfer, Resonance, Omnidirectional, Oscillator

1. Introduction

1.1. Background
Electric energy become a life necessity in everyday life, especially in facilitating the
work associated with power tools or electronics. Many places or spaces are always made to
include facilities such as power supply socket. To connect a power source to the device from the
wall socket is usually done by connecting both via conductor. This way pose a problem in terms
practicality and aesthetics. Connecting cord socket and the appliance is not flexible, and
beautiful views, especially if the installation is not good.
Handphone is an electronic telecommunications device that can be carried anywhere
and do not need to be connected to the telephone network using a cable. But the cables are still
used in the process of charging the battery, with the current technological developments there is
a way battery charging is done wirelessly by putting cell phones that want to be charged to the
top of the wireless charger pad. By simply putting the phone to the top of the pad is certainly not
very good because if the cell phone was shifted or removed from the pad, will cut off the
charging power. For that we need a system that can wirelessly charging that its scope covers all
directions or 360 °, so the better the reach and use.

1.2. Statement of The Problem

From the description of the background above, can be identified with the following
1. The use of the cable as the power transmission medium caus e problems in flexibility and
2. Handphone is not yet fully portable, because when charging still using a cable.

Design Handphone Wireless Charger System Using Omnidirectional Antenna (A.Yudhana)

Jurnal Ilmu Teknik Elektro Komputer dan Informatika (JITEKI)
Vol. 3, No. 1, Juni 2017 

3. Transmission of power to charge handphone in circulation today, still use an antenna with
radiation is still in one direction, that is towards the top, if it was shifted or moved, the
transmitted power will be disconnected.

1.3. Relevant literature

The project to transmit electrical power without any wires, with a smale scale by using
solar energy. The power is trans ferred wirelessly through an inductive coupling as an antenna.
The experiments have been conducted and the wireless power transfer can be transfer energy
up to 10 cm, with efficiency 0 – 10 cm; 98.87% - 40% with LED as the load. The project used
loop antenna to transmit power wirelessly with both antenna face-to-face[1].
The experiment to generate wireless microwave power charging technology in coal
mine tunnels, with power characteristics at 2.4 GHz in rectangular mine tunnels. The experiment
used two standard half-wave dipole antennas to perform the field experiments in tunnels with
different wall materials. The path loss exponents rely heavily on the location of the receiver and
antenna polarizations. To obtain more power, the location of the rec eiver should match the
corresponding polarizations [2].
The experiment design on the structure of the resonant coil used in the resonant tank to
achieve a significantly high quality factor (Q) above 1000 for the Inductive Power Transfer (IPT).
The experimental result show that with a primary coil Q of 1200, the proposed IPT system
allows power to be trans ferred at a maximum air gap distanc e to coil diameter ratio of 1.46 for
a highest efficiency of 87% at the resonant frequency at 106 KHz [3].
Sprott, J. C. (2006) [4], explains that in 1891 Nikola Tesla invented the electric
transformers resonator that can generate a high frequency and high voltage up to millions of
volts, which is also called the Tesla coil. This device can trans fer power for short distanc es
without using cables. Tesla coil can turn on the lights or incandescent light bulb held by hand at
a certain distance. Nikola Tesla found that for adding distance power transfer, done by utilizing
the receiver resonator circuit arranged to resonate with the resonator transmitter, using resonant
inductive couping.
Based on the MIT News (2007) [5], researchers from MIT (Massachusetts Institute of
Technology) successfully demonstrated the project WiTricity (Wireless Electricity) which is able
to power a 60 watt light bulb wirelessly, using two coils with diameter of 60 cm with a distance of
2 meters with an efficiency of 45% , The coil is designed to resonate at a frequency of 9.9 MHz.
The first coil is connected to a power supply, and the other to the bulb. The light bulb can be turn
on with an efficiency of 90% at a distance of 1 meter. This device is coupled almost entirely by a
magnetic field, which makes it safer than the resonator that uses an electric field like a Tesla
coil. The resonator also uses loop shaped antenna so it only works if both antennas face
Michael Octova Research (2010) [6], student of electrical engineering, University of
Indonesia, with the thesis title "Analisa dan Rancang Bangun Rangkaian Penerima Pada Sistem
Trans fer Daya Listrik Tanpa Kabel". The research makes a device that can send power
wirelessly (wireless power transfer) with the principle of induction magnetic resonance, with
three main parts, that is sources of direct current with the output voltage of 12V DC, the
transmitter circuit which consists of a AC voltage generator circuit with high frequency of about
1,324 MHz, which will transmit the power to the receiver circuit via transmitting antenna s haped
loop, and the receiver circuit consist of an LC circuit with a res onance frequency that is equal to
the transmitter circuit, receive induction magnetic resonance of the transmitter circuit for
receiving power which will be channeled towards the load with the results of the output volta ge
of ± 3V. The result is a device that can send power to the receiver to supply the load in the form
of a lamp with a distance of a few centimeters, and position of transmitting antenna and receiver
antenna was face-to-face.
Based on vivanews (2011) [7], with the headline "Peneliti UI Ciptakan Charger Ponsel
Nirkabel", that researchers from the University of Indonesia managed to find a new way to
transfer electrical energy through a wireless medium (without cable). This smart phone battery
could be charged by putting the phone to the top of wireless charger dock named Touchstone.
The device consists of four components, that is electricity transmitter, transmitter antenna,
receiver antenna, and the receiver circuit. This electric transfer method us es the principle of
electromagnetic resonance frequency.

Design Handphone Wireless Charger System Using Omnidirectional Antenna (A.Yudhana)

Jurnal Ilmu Teknik Elektro Komputer dan Informatika (JITEKI)
Vol. 3, No. 1, Juni 2017 

2. Research Method
System design is done in two phases: block diagram design and device design. In
designing the block diagram, shown blocks that make up the transmitter and receiver. At the
transmitter, starting from the resource that provides power to the oscillator to generate an
oscillating signal in the form of electric power to be transmitted to the rec eiver via antenna. At
the receiver, the rec eiver antenna received the power transmitted which is still within the range
of magnetic fields generated by transmitter. Received power is still a signal that is oscillated, and
to be used as a mobile power supply, rectification process is required in order to become a
stable output voltage with less noise. Here is a view of the design of the system block diagram :

Figure 1. Block diagram of system design of the mobile phone wireless charger

Oscillator is a circuit that functions to produce a wave or electrical signal periodic ally
with a constant amplitude. Basically DC signal power supply is converted by an oscillator circ uit
into AC signal to produce an electrical signal that is periodic with a constant amplitude. The
components of the oscillator in this res earch is the MOSFET IRF 540N, 1N4148 diode, 4.7 nF
capacitors, inductors, and resistors. These components are assembled into the oscill ator circuit
shown in the figure 2.

Figure 2. Oscillator Circuit

The design of the receiver consists of three main parts, namely, receiving antenna
function to receive the power transmitted from the transmitter, the voltage regulator circuit that
serves to stabilize the input voltage to power mobile phones, and USB connectors to connect
the receiver with handphone. The components used in the receiver circuit is a 7805 regulator,
diode 1N4148, 100μF electrolytic capacitors. These components are assembled into receiver
circuit as shown below

Design Handphone Wireless Charger System Using Omnidirectional Antenna (A.Yudhana)

Jurnal Ilmu Teknik Elektro Komputer dan Informatika (JITEKI)
Vol. 3, No. 1, Juni 2017 

Figure 3. Receiver Circuit

3. Result and Analysis

3.1. Transmitter Testing

The results of measurements of voltage and current at the input transmitter using digital
multimeter is, the transmitting antenna input current = 1.19 A, and the voltage at the transmitting antenna
input = 2,57 V. By knowing the voltage and current values, then the value of the power can be calculated
by equation P = IV, the result is P = 1.19 × 2.57 A V = 3.058 W. in addition to measuring voltage and
current, frequency measurements to determine how much t he frequency used on the power transmitter
system's without wires. Frequency measurements done using Picoscope. The results of frequency
measurements by using picoscope shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Waveform Measurement Results of Output Transmitter Frequency Using PicoScope

From the picture above is known for the distance between wave crests is 1.4 μs , the
time is the time the wave used to reach a full wave or also called the period (T). Value of period
(T) can be used to calculate the value of frequency by the equation f = 1 / T. The measured
frequency value at the transmitter circuit is
Period (T) = 1.4 μs
Frequency (f) =1 /T
= 1 / 1,4μs
= 0.714 MHz
= 714 KHz
So the transmitter working frequencies calculation results is equal to 714KHz, the
amplitude of the voltage transmitted is 5.9 V.

3.2. Receiver Testing

Design Handphone Wireless Charger System Using Omnidirectional Antenna (A.Yudhana)

Jurnal Ilmu Teknik Elektro Komputer dan Informatika (JITEKI)
Vol. 3, No. 1, Juni 2017 

The results of the measurements used to determine receiver input waveform using
picospcope is shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5. Waveform Measurement Results of Receiver Input Frequency Using PicoScope

Picture in figure 5 shows the measurement result of receiver input using picoscope.
The input will then be rectified and stabilized by the rectifier, and a voltage regulator.
Measurements with picoscope to determine the output receiver that will be connected to the
handphone via the USB connector is shown in Figure 6..

Figure 6. Waveform of Receiver Output that has been Rectified and Stabilized For
Handphone Input

Picoscope meas urement results show that the input oscillating voltage of receiver has
been rectified and stabilized, so that the output voltage of the receiver to be stable with a wave
amplitude of about 4.1 volts. The results of measurements of voltages and currents at the
receiver input using a digital multimeter is the recei ver input current = 14.9 mA, the receiver

Design Handphone Wireless Charger System Using Omnidirectional Antenna (A.Yudhana)

Jurnal Ilmu Teknik Elektro Komputer dan Informatika (JITEKI)
Vol. 3, No. 1, Juni 2017 

input voltage = 3,94V. By knowing the voltage and current values, then the value of the power
can be calculated by the equation P = I.V, is the calculation of output power receiver is as
follows Power (P) = I.V = 14.9 mA × 3.94 V = 58,706mW So the received power rec eiver is
58.706 mW.
To determine the effectiveness of the transmission of power in this system, is calculated
using the following equation Effectiveness of transmission of power = (Power Receiver) / (Power
Transmitter) × 100%, Effectiveness of delivery of power = 58.706 / 3058 × 100% = 1.919% So
the effectiveness of maximum power delivery in system of wireless power transmitter are at

3.3. Antenna Testing

Antenna tests conducted to determine antenna inductance and angle radiation range
of antenna generated by wireless power system's transmitter. Inductance was measured using
LCR meter on a scale of 20 mH. The result was featured by LCR meter that antenna inductance
is 0.01 mH or 10 μH. Inductance of the antenna is calculated using equation with the
permeability of free space (μ0) = 4π10 -7, number of turns (N) = 6, coil diameter (d) = 4.8 cm (r
= 2,4 cm), inner core area (πr2) = 18.08 × 10-4 m2, and length of the coil (l) = 0.5 cm (5 × 10-3m) is as
L 2

= 0

2 −4
-7 6 ×18,08×10

= 4π10

= 1.635×10 H
= 16,35 μH

Thus, the results of inductance calculation is 16.35 μH, approac hing inductance measurement
results 10 μH with a difference of 6.35 μH.
Antenna radiation testing conducted by the state without obstacle. Directions testing of
antena is in the front, back, right and the left of transmitter. Testing of antenna shown the
following picture

Figure 7. Testing Of Antennas With Different Directions

The res ults of antenna testing with the position of the receiver that are in different
position of the transmitter is the transmitter antenna can transmit power to all directions
horizontally or 360 degrees.

Design Handphone Wireless Charger System Using Omnidirectional Antenna (A.Yudhana)

Jurnal Ilmu Teknik Elektro Komputer dan Informatika (JITEKI)
Vol. 3, No. 1, Juni 2017 

3.4. Power Testing against Time When Charging

This test was conducted to determine the voltage (V), current (mA), and power (mW)
versus time (in minutes). Tests conducted for 20 minutes, with data taking within 30 seconds
(0.5 minutes). The test results are presented in the following figure

Charging Output Measurement

mA, mW)
40 Voltage (V)
R 30
Current (mA)
e 20
s Power (mW)
p 10
o 0











Time (minute)

Figure 8. Test Result Chart of Voltage (V) Current (mA), Power (mW), Against Time (minute)

The measurement results of output handphone charging is shown in Table 1

Table 1. Testing of Voltage (V), Current (mA), and Power (mW) against Time (minute)

Time (minute) Voltage (V) Current (mA) Power (mW)

0,5 3,94 14,9 58,706
1 3,94 12,6 49,644
1,5 3,93 12,0 47,160
2 3,93 10,3 40,479
2,5 3,93 9,2 36,156
3 3,93 7,9 31,047
3,5 3,93 5,8 22,794
4 3,93 5,6 22,008
4,5 3,92 4,8 18,816
5 3,92 4,8 18,816
5,5 3,91 3,7 14,467
6 3,91 2,6 10,166
6,5 3,91 2,0 7,820
7 3,90 1,7 6,63
7,5 3,90 1,2 4,68
8 3,89 2,0 7,78
8,5 3,90 2,0 7,8
9 3,90 1,2 4,68
9,5 3,90 2,3 8,97
10 3,90 2,1 8,19
10,5 3,90 2,1 8,19
11 3,90 2,1 8,19
11,5 3,90 2,1 8,19
12 3,90 1,2 4,68
12,5 3,90 1,1 4,29
13 3,89 1,1 4,279
Design Handphone Wireless Charger System Using Omnidirectional Antenna (A.Yudhana)
Jurnal Ilmu Teknik Elektro Komputer dan Informatika (JITEKI)
Vol. 3, No. 1, Juni 2017 

13,5 3,90 1,1 4,29

14 3,89 1,0 3,89
14,5 3,89 1,2 4,668
15 3,89 1,1 4,279
15,5 3,88 1,0 3,88
16 3,88 1,3 5,004
16,5 3,89 1,2 4,668
17 3,88 1,1 4,268
17,5 3,88 2,3 8,924
18 3,88 2,6 10,08
18,5 3,87 1,2 4,644
19 3,87 1,6 6,192
19,5 3,87 2,2 8,514
20 3,87 2,7 10,44

From the results of Voltage, Current, and power versus time are presented in Table 1, it
can be s een that the output voltage is relatively stable and it ranged at 3.9 V, the output current
is greater initially, then be small at the end of the charging. This charging using constant voltage,
so the voltage required to remain stable for this type of lithium-ion batteries

3.5. Receiver Power Testing With The Number Of Receiver Antenna Turns Changing
This section describes the results of measurement and calculation power at the receiver
with the number of antenna coil. The results of measurements and calculations are shown in
Table 2 in following

Table 2. Power Measurement and Calculation Results, and Calculation of Gain Antenna (Gt)
and Receiver (Gr) Using Friis Equation
Distance Voltage Current Power of Power of Antenna Antenna
(cm) (V) (mA) Measurement Calculation Gain, Gt Gain, Gr
(mW) (mW) (dB) (dB)
0.2 2.64 16.71 44 91.50763 -52.6202 -52.6202
0.5 2.46 9.76 24 14.64122 -49.9618 -49.9618
1 2.07 5.73 12 3.660305 -48.4828 -48.4828
1.5 1.76 2 3.52 1.626802 -49.3598 -49.3598
2 1.27 0.13 0.1651 0.915076 -54.7544 -54.7544
2.5 0.98 0 0 0.585649 - -
3 0.83 0 0 0.406701 - -
3.5 0.36 0 0 0.2988 - -
4 0.24 0 0 0.228769 - -

In table 2, there is difference between power of measurement and calculation, because

the calculation gain in every measurement of distance results different. Power calculation use
the mean of gain that is -51. 0358. Receiver with 6 turns equals to transmitter coil, res ult
maximum voltage received. Data in Table 2 then displayed in the following chart

Design Handphone Wireless Charger System Using Omnidirectional Antenna (A.Yudhana)

Jurnal Ilmu Teknik Elektro Komputer dan Informatika (JITEKI)
Vol. 3, No. 1, Juni 2017 

Measurement and Calculating Power of

Receiver with 6 turns
100 Voltage (V)
Output Respons
(V, mA, mW, dB) 80
60 Current (mA)
40 Power of
Measurement (mW)
0 Power of Calculation
-20 0,2 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 4 (mW)
-40 Antenna Gain Gt (dB)
-60 Antenna Gain Gr (dB)
Distance (cm)

Figure 9. Chart of Measurement Result and Power Calculation, and Calculation of Transmitter Antenna
Gain and Receiver Antenna Gain with 6 Turns of Antenna

3.6. Receiver Power Testing With The Number Of Transmitter Capacitor Changing
This section describes the results of measurement and calculation powe r at the
receiver with the 5 transmitter's capacitors. The res ults of measurements and calculations are
shown in following table
Table 3. Power Measurement and Calculation Results, and Calculation of Gain Antenna (Gt)
and Receiver (Gr) Using Friis Equation

Distance Voltage(V) Current Power of Power of Antenna Antenna

(cm) (mA) Measurement Calculation Gain Gt Gain Gr
(mW) (mW) (dB) (dB)
0.2 2.87 17.2 49 210.3378 -52.376 -52.376
0.5 2.78 7.3 20 33.65405 -50.3268 -50.3268
1 2.73 5.9 16 8.413511 -47.8183 -47.8183
1.5 2.67 3.7 10 3.739338 -47.1189 -47.1189
2 2.62 2.2 6 2.103378 -47.0395 -47.0395
2.5 2.28 1.4 3 1.346162 -47.3537 -47.3537
3 2.01 0.1 0.201 0.934835 -52.5662 -52.5662
3.5 1.47 0 0 0.686817 - -
4 1.07 0 0 0.525844 - -

In table 3, there is difference between power of measurement and calculation, because

the calculation gain in every measurement of distance results different. Power calculation use
the mean of gain that is -49.2285. Transmitter with 5 capacitors, result maximum power
received by receiver. Data in Table 3 then displayed in the following chart

Design Handphone Wireless Charger System Using Omnidirectional Antenna (A.Yudhana)

Jurnal Ilmu Teknik Elektro Komputer dan Informatika (JITEKI)
Vol. 3, No. 1, Juni 2017 

Measurement and Calculation Power of

Receiver with 5 Transmitter Capacitors
250 Voltage (V)
Output Respons 200
(V, mA, mW, dB)
150 Current (mA)

100 Power of

Measurement (mW)
50 Power of Calculation
0 (mW)
0,2 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 4 Anntena Gain Gt (dB)
Antenna Gain Gr (dB)
Distance (cm)

Figure 10. Chart of Measurement Result and Power Calculation, and Calculation of Transmitter Antenna
Gain and Receiver Antenna Gain with 5 Capacitors of Transmitter

4. Conclusion

Based on the results of this research and discussion can be concluded as follows:
1. It has been successfully constructed system that can wirelessly charging handphone using
omnidirectional antenna.
2. Transmitter antenna can send power to all directions or 360 degrees horizontally.
3. Power is transmitted from the transmitter is equal to 3,058 watts, with the frequency of 714
KHz .
4. The calculation result transmitting antenna gain and receiver antenna gain at each
measurement are the same value.
5. Maximum power transmission occurs if the number of receiver antenna turns is at or near
the amount of the transmitter antenna turns, and the number of transmitter capacitors
approaching 5 capacitors.


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Design Handphone Wireless Charger System Using Omnidirectional Antenna (A.Yudhana)

Jurnal Ilmu Teknik Elektro Komputer dan Informatika (JITEKI)
Vol. 3, No. 1, Juni 2017 

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Design Handphone Wireless Charger System Using Omnidirectional Antenna (A.Yudhana)

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