Methods To Price Your Product: Agriculture Business Strategies

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Agriculture Business Strategies

February 1999 Agdex 845-2

Methods to Price Your Product

The purpose of this factsheet series is to help producers and processors understand the key elements needed to
manage a business. The factsheets also discuss some of the essential components used to develop a business
plan and assess the profitability of a business venture.

he pricing method you select provides As you review each pricing method, think about your
direction on how to set your product price. The business, industry and customer. Before you select a
way you set prices in your business will pricing method, be sure you understand the range of
change over time, for many reasons. As you options available and their disadvantages and
learn more about your customers and competition, you advantages. You may want to blend several pricing
may decide to change your pricing method. Use changes methods to suit your business and the type of product(s)
in the industry or the development stage of your you sell.
product as an indicator that it’s time to review your
pricing strategy.
Cost based pricing
Methods to price your product include:
Cost based pricing Each of the three cost based pricing methods described
• include a profit percentage with product cost begin with a product cost subtotal. To calculate product
cost you need to include the costs of production,
• add a percentage to an unknown product cost
promotion and distribution. Add the profit level you
• blend of total profit and product cost
want from the business to the product cost subtotal to
Competition based pricing determine your product price. The amount of profit you
add to the product cost subtotal can be set according to
• price is the same as the competition
three different methods.
• set price to increase customer base
• seek larger market share through price All types of cost based pricing will be more accurate if
you use a complete product cost subtotal. The key to
Customer based pricing accuracy is to ensure all cash and non-cash costs are
• use price to support product image included in the product cost subtotal. You need to set a
• set price to increase product sales value for your management expertise and labor. Using
your land or capital equipment also must be valued
• design a price range to attract many consumer groups
along with depreciation on your machinery and
• set price to increase volume sales
buildings. These values are included in the product cost
• price a bundle of products to reduce inventory or to subtotal.
excite customers
Include a profit percentage with Price is a blend of total profit and
product cost product cost
Marketers call this method mark-up pricing. Mark-up Otherwise known as planned profit pricing, this method
pricing is favored by businesses with many products ensures you will earn a total profit for the business. It
because it’s simple to calculate. The profit level you want differs from the first two types of cost based pricing as
for the business is expressed in a percentage. This they focused on a per unit price. Planned profit pricing
percentage is added to the per unit cost to set product combines per unit costs with output projections to
price. Mark-up pricing is common in retail business calculate product price. Break-even analysis is used to
because it offers so many types of products and calculate planned profit pricing.
purchases goods from many vendors.
Planned profit pricing is suited to manufacturing
businesses. A manufacturer often has the ability to
Example: increase or lower production depending upon the
Wild Blue Preserves makes 15 different jams and jellies.
demand or profit available.
They set up a small shop in a local mall to sell their
products along side other prepared foods. A jar of wild
blueberry jelly costs $1.50 per 250 ml jar to produce. The
A special order cake business could set prices according
mark-up pricing percentage Wild Blue Preserves plans
to the size of the orders they receive from various
to use is 100 per cent. The jar of jam will cost $3.00 in the
customers. A price break is given to a customer who
order 10 cakes at a time.
The main advantage of planned profit pricing is that it
Add a percentage to an unknown product allows the manufacturer to consider how various levels
cost of output can affect the product price. As well, the
manufacturer can examine how various prices will affect
This type of pricing is often called cost-plus pricing.
the amount of output needed.
Cost-plus pricing works well if you don’t know your
production costs. This method is very similar to mark-up
pricing. The big difference between mark-up pricing and Disadvantages of cost based pricing
cost-plus pricing is that both buyer and seller settle on
the profit figure or percentage, accepting that the cost of Before you select a cost based pricing option, you should
production is an unknown. consider the disadvantages. There are two important
reasons why cost based pricing doesn’t work for some
If you produce custom order products for other firms or businesses.
individuals, a cost-plus pricing method could reduce
your risk. Rather than take a risk on input costs • Cost based pricing doesn’t consider how customer
increasing during the project, you could use a cost-plus demand affects price. Demand for a product will
pricing agreement. directly affect how much people will pay. If the
customer believes a product may be in short supply,
due to heavy demand, they may be willing to pay
You’ve agreed to act as a co-packer for a start-up snack more. On the other hand, if demand is very low the
food business, packaging and distributing low-fat energy customer will look for a discount on the price.
bars. As co-packer, you’ll purchase ingredients through • Competition is not included in cost-based pricing
your suppliers, but are unsure of input costs. The snack methods. Competition should affect how you price
food business signs a contract with you to pay for your product. The idea of simply adding a profit level
materials costs plus a processing cost of $25 per case. or percentage to a product price will only work in
industries with limited competition. In a competitive
market, cost based pricing may encourage
competitors to enter the market with a lower price.

Competition based pricing
The big advantage of competition based pricing is that Sugar based pancake syrups are homogeneous products.
you are focused on your industry and therefore your A highly differentiated product would be a birch syrup
competition. It’s often used by u-pick businesses and at packaged in single-use containers for the bed and
farmers’ markets. An industry focus looks closely at the breakfast industry.
types of existing and emerging competition. Once you
know what your competitors are doing, you can better
decide how you will manage your business. Set your price to increase customer base
Understanding your competition will take some This method is also known as market penetration
research. You need to understand what you are selling, pricing. To improve your market penetration you need
the types of companies you compete with, the amount to select a price that will lure customers away from the
and types of substitutes and how companies operate in competition. This type of pricing intends to improve
your industry. Check with Statistics Canada, the market share or penetrate the market. To motivate
business section of the local library, the local Chamber of customers to notice your product and to make a
Commerce, the yellow pages or the Internet to help find purchase decision you likely will need to lower the price.
this information. Use the following questions to learn Market penetration pricing works well in the
more about your competition: introduction stage of the product life cycle. In highly
• How many competitors operate in my market? competitive markets this strategy will sell product
• Are my competitors larger or smaller than me? quickly, creating economies of scale and market
penetration. As you increase production, some of your
• Are my competitors close by or far away?
costs will decrease because of economies of scale. You’ll
• Does my industry have barriers to entry such as save when you buy materials and ingredients in larger
legislation, extremely expensive or specialized capital quantities. The lower costs per unit may be due to bulk
equipment or unique ingredients? Is it difficult for buying of raw materials, marketing costs spread over
new competitors to enter the industry? more units or more efficient labor.
• What types and number of products do my
competitors sell? Example:
• What pricing method(s) do my competitors use? An established producer of beef jerky decides to use
Three competition based pricing methods are detailed market penetration pricing at a local convenience store.
below. A study of other convenience stores show a price range
for jerky of $2.00 to $3.00 per 100 gram package. The
seller decides to sell their jerky at $1.50 per 100 gram
Price your product the same as the package to sell larger volumes.
This market pricing method aims to make your product Seek larger market share through price
comparable to competitors. Scout out competitors and
find out what they charge for similar products. This type This type of pricing is often called market share pricing.
of pricing works well if you make standard products. You need to select a price that will attract and hold as
many customers as possible. Most businesses would
If you make unique products, you need to decide how adopt market share pricing after market penetration is
specialized your product is. Products can be plotted on a achieved. Market share happens when you sell large
scale according to how unique they are. Homogeneous volumes of product into a market.
products are on one end of the scale. Highly
differentiated products are on the other end. The term Companies who seek market share describe the amount
highly differentiated is used to describe products which of market they supply as a percentage. Market share is
are unique and can’t be compared to other products on calculated by dividing the amount each company in an
the market. Examples of homogeneous products include industry sells of the total market number.
eggs, butter and bread. Highly differentiated products
may begin as homogeneous products but they have one
or more layers of special features like packaging,
trademarks, design, flavor, freshness, appearance, etc.

If Alberta Pasta, a fresh pasta processor, sells questionnaire. Before you decide to conduct a target
1,000 kilograms of product daily into a market of customer survey, check into the costs of the project, as
2,000 kilograms they hold a 50 per cent market share. they can be very expensive.
Marketers rely heavily on market share to evaluate their
It’s a good idea to have your customer survey reviewed
success in promotion, pricing, distribution and product
by a marketing professional. They can be sure you aren’t
influencing customer responses. A well designed survey
This pricing method is used mainly by larger, established gives you information you can use in your product
businesses. The typical user of market share has many choice and pricing. See the reference list for more
economies of scale and wants to measure the success of a information on market research.
marketing campaign.
Five customer-based pricing methods are explained
Disadvantages of competition based pricing
While competition based pricing offers advantages, you Use price to support product image
need to consider the following disadvantages.
The key to pricing is to be consistent. You want your
• You may ignore your own production costs if you price to say exactly the same thing as the product image.
focus too closely on the prices set by competitors. Prestige oriented consumers believe a higher price
• More time is needed to conduct and update market means higher quality, while bargain seekers will only be
research. happy with lower prices. Does your price reflect your
• Competitors can easily mimic whatever price you product image?
Go Green Organic Vegetables targets a prestige oriented
Customer-based pricing customer who shops at specialty organic shops. The
price for a bag of mesclun mix salad greens is $5. This is
$1 above the competition that markets its salad greens
Most business owners want to know “at what price do
through a major grocery store chain.
my customers think my product offers good value?”
Knowing your customer ensures you take a market focus
with your business. You need to find out how your Set price to increase product sales
customer feels about various product prices and what
they would do if the price changed. Promotional pricing uses lower prices to catch the
attention of busy consumers. To attract as many new
Customers change their buying habits according to customers as possible you need to be creative. Methods
product price. As a seller you need to find out how your you can use to expand customer interest include: loss
target customers view your product. You also need to leaders (products at extremely low prices), coupon
find out customer attitudes towards various prices or a books, holiday specials, buy one get one free or larger
price change. Think about your target customer and try product containers.
to answer the following questions:
• Does your customer assume price indicates product
Design a price range to attract many
• Will customers think they are getting their money’s consumer groups
worth from your product? When you know a market really well, you can segment
• Do your customers care more about prestige than it. Segmentation slices a market into definable groups.
product price? Rather than pricing for one group, you could design a
• What are target customers prepared to pay for your range of prices that would appeal to several or all the
product? groups.
If you are starting a business or targeting a new There are many ways you can segment the market. The
customer group you may have trouble answering the groups could be: income levels, age, social class,
questions. To find answers you could casually talk to geography, amount of product consumed, willingness to
potential customers or develop a more formal interview switch to substitutes, etc.

Example: Disadvantages of customer based pricing
A processor of pie fillings has segmented its customer
group according to volume consumed. The low volume Before you implement a customer based pricing method,
user buys three to six jars per year, mid-level users buy note the following disadvantages. If you are too focused
six to 10 jars per year while the large user buys 10 to on the customer, you may:
20 jars per year. • ignore production costs
• forget about the competition
Set price to increase volume sales There are other factors which may affect your pricing
strategy. You need to decide how to set both wholesale
Volume pricing is where sellers discount larger volume and retail prices for your product. Volume discounts and
sales to sell more product. In most cases, large, well rebates much be considered. For more information you
established customers are offered volume pricing. This should refer to the Market Guide for Food Processors.
method makes sense when you have economies of scale.
Market gardeners may also find volume pricing useful
during peak production times. It’s far better to sell your Tips for successful pricing
perishable product at a lower cost, than lose profits
through high spoilage. Good product prices are important to any successful
business. Pricing takes creativity, time, research, good
Example: recordkeeping and flexibility. You need to balance the
During peak harvest season a saskatoon berry grower costs of producing a product with competition and the
may sell a u-pick ice cream pail of berries for $6.00 or perceptions of your target customer to select the right
two pails for $10.00. product price. Follow these tips to ensure greater pricing
Price a bundle of products to reduce ! Be creative
inventory or to excite customers Think of new ways to sell more to existing customers
or to attract new customer groups.
Slow moving inventory can get a boost when packaged
! Listen to your customer
in a group of popular items. Bargain seekers will be
Make a point of noting customer comments in a
drawn to product bundles that offer good value.
journal or file. Review them periodically to glean new
A saskatoon berry grower bundles saskatoon preserves, ! Do your homework
syrup and chutney in a gift set. Normally, half as much Keep good notes of how you arrived at a price so you
can make similar assumptions in the future.
saskatoon chutney is sold compared to preserves and
syrup. When packaged gift sets are offered for sale, ! Boost your records
chutney sales increase by 30 per cent. Good recordkeeping will help you to set a price and
to track the performance of your pricing.
Product bundling can also be designed for other
segments of the market. Prestige seekers may choose ! Cover the basics
product bundling if it offers a service component with The three basics of pricing involve product price,
competition and customers. Blend pricing methods to
high quality products. For example: a mushroom grower
ensure the three basics are in balance.
packages various exotic mushrooms, mixed fresh hot
chilli peppers and marinade with a recipe for a ! Be flexible
mushroom appetizer. Constantly review both internal and external factors
and calculate how a price change would affect the
new situation.

For more information on pricing value-added
products contact:
• Rural Development Specialist – Business Market share – indicates the size of market one
• Agri-Food Development Specialist producer holds. To calculate market share you need to
divide the amount of product you sell into the total
• Agricultural Business Management Branch
market number. Market share is a measurement used by
• Business and Diversification Centres larger, more established producers.
Additional factsheets on related topics Non-cash costs – don’t involve an outlay of cash. Your
include: labor is a good example. Non-cash cost should be
• Market Research...The Basics included in a product cost.
• Market Research...The How to Planned profit pricing – seeks to earn a total profit for
• Market Research...When to Hire a Professional the business rather than adding a profit level to each
• Market Research...Help and Where to Find It unit produced. It blends per unit cost with output
• The Essentials of Pricing projections to set price.
• Pricing Horticulture Products Product bundling – combines similar items into a
• Pricing Processed Food Products package to sell more product. A herb grower may
• Market Guide for Food Processors bundle oregano, basil and parsley together into an
Italian herb package, rather than sell them individually.
Product image – similar to product position. It describes
Barriers to entry – factors that make it more difficult for
how you want customers to think about your product.
a new business to enter your industry.
Product image can range from prestige to high quality to
Co-packer – a food processing company that may bargain.
process, package and distribute a food product on behalf
Segmentation – takes a large market and separates it
of another company that doesn’t own a processing
into smaller, definable groups. Any market could be
segmented in many ways such as income, age,
Competition based pricing – combines product cost geography, purchasing patterns, etc.
with the prices charged by major competitors. It
involves ongoing industry analysis. References
Cost based pricing – sets product price by adding a Gibson, Eric. Sell What You Sow. The Grower’s Guide to
profit level to the product cost subtotal. Successful Produce Marketing. New World Publishing.
Auburn, CA, 1994.
Cost-plus pricing – works well when the buyer and
seller don’t know what the cost of production will be but Peter and Donnelly. A Preface to Marketing Management.
agree to a target profit over and above the product cost. Irwin, Boston, 1991.

Economies of scale – occur when input costs are Timmons, Jeffry A. New Venture Creation. Irwin, Boston,
decreased as the volume purchased is increased (e.g. jars 1994.
purchased in larger quantities are less expensive per jar). Cost Accounting - A Practical Approach. University of
Highly differentiated products – so unique that it’s Idaho, College of Agriculture. 1993.
difficult to compare them to other products on the Pricing Non-traditional Products and Services. University of
market. Idaho, College of Agriculture, 1993.
Homogeneous products – staple products with little or A Primer on Costs. University of Idaho, College of
no special features, e.g. corn syrup. Agriculture. 1992.
Mark-up pricing – the percentage of profit is added to
the per unit cost to set product price.
Market penetration pricing – seeks to attract new
customers by setting your product price lower than the


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