The Pershing Cable (Dec 1982)
The Pershing Cable (Dec 1982)
The Pershing Cable (Dec 1982)
made an early vi11t to the 90ldill!S o f the 56th Field Artillery Brigade at Bleman:k Kaaeme. Soldiers gathef round to
whet i1 in Sant1'1 bag for them. At right, the Brigade Chrl1tmn Traa llghta up Iha kHerne at night during the
holiday aeHon. (Photo, by Todd Amar)
December 1982
Vol. 19, No. 12
Promotions and
see Page 4-5
Term Ill Schedule
Looking for a way to earn needed promotion po
inu? Why no, check out your local Education Cen
ter. Reginration for Term Ill is from 13 Dec- 7 Jan.
Classes are from JOJanuary to 2S March 1983.
The Bismarck Kaserne Education Center is offer
- MATH 007
Business Math
- MGMT 1309
Income Tax
- AUTO 2403
(Tenn dares: 10 Jan.-10 June)
Elementary German
- GERM Ill
Hinory of the Unit,cd Stam
- HIST 156
10 1865
of Industrial and orga
- PSYC 361
nizational Psycholog.J
Intro. 10 Busintss Manage- BMGT 110
Students are reminded that the Army provides
TUITION ASSISTANCE. For E-ls through E-4s,
the Army will pay 75% of tuition com. For E-Ss
through E-9s, they will pay 90% of your tuition with
less than 15 years in service.
Army Drunks
An Army-wide crackdown on drunk drivers will
cost offenders their driving privileges for at least one
year according 10 Defense Secretary Cspar Weinberger.
In a memorandum to all services, Weinberger called drunk driving the, "No. 1 killer in (Dol)) and the
worst form of drug abuse."
(cont. on Page 6)
Improper BOU wear
According to Arm)' officials, many soldiers are
improp<rly wearing the Battle Oren Unifonns
Soldiers are reminded 1ha1:
1. The BOU cap should not be starched or block,
ed. Unit in,ignias and skill badges, such u airborne
or air uuuh wings. may not be worn on the cap.
2. The pocks of ,he BOU should not be sewed
). Enliucd soldiers must wear subdued r,nk insignia on both th uniform and ,he cap. Officers may
wear non-subdued r,nk on 1he cap.
4. Because of ,he infrared defeating capabilities of
,he uniform, it should not be mrched.
ln/onnation concerning the BOU can be found in
Anny Re~ulation 670- 1 (We-or and Appearance of the
Army Un1fonn).
Holiday drinking
When friends drop in during the holidays, one of
,he first things a good host does is offer them a drink.
Sin a "drink" automatically means something
with alcohol in it, we often find ourselves drinking
liquor during the holidays 1h11 we really don't want.
Next time a "just dropped by 10 wish you a Merry
Christmas visit happens, why not offer JUtSI plain
<unog, mulle-d cider or a ho, buuere-d spice drink?
Eggnog is ,he simplest "drink" to serve. Simply
serve cold eggnog in a highb,ll glass and sprinkle
n1Jtmcg or cinna.mon on top.
Applt cidtr cin be served cold or simmered on the
stove with cinnamon sticks and a sprinkling of cloves.
Serve piping ho,.
For hot buttered spice drinks, mix:
- 4 qts. war
- 2 ublespoons whole allspice (I ubclspoon ground
all spice)
- I teaspoon cloves
- V, 1uspoon ground or fresh ging<r
- 1 tc-:upoon cinnamon
- 1 teaspoon aromadc bintrs
Bring ,he ,bove ingredients ,o rolling boil, then
let simmer for a1 leut )O minutes. Ladlt individual
urvings into mugs, s;wcctcn 10 wtc ,r.iith brown
sugar and float a pat of butter 1n the mug.
"The inspectors arc lookinK for any malfunctions affecting
the brakes and the lights, in addition to checking for fluid
and exhaust leak,. The inspecrors also examine the Steering
,nd the wheel lugs be/ore they let ,he driver continue.
But ,he fim echelon maintenance (the PMCS inspection,
and minor repairs tht driver perfonn.s prior to driving) is
still considered to be one of the most efftctivc methods of