Answers To Bar Questions in Banking 2003 To 1990
Answers To Bar Questions in Banking 2003 To 1990
Answers To Bar Questions in Banking 2003 To 1990
the check on the same day. Placido’s account was begun to trickle to the business community about
thereby debited in the same amount. the dire financial pit the bank had fallen into.
Discovering the erroneous debit, Placido Immediately after the meeting, X caused the
demanded that the bank credit him with a like preparation and issuance of a manager’s check
amount. The bank refused on the ground that payable to himself in the sum of 5 million pesos
Placido was negligent in leaving his checkbook equivalent to the amount placed or invested in
on his desk so that he could not put up the the bank by a business acquaintance. He now
defense of forgery or want of authority under claims that he is keeping the funds in trust for
the NIL. the owner and that he had committed no violation
The Facts disclose that even to the naked of the General Banking Act (RA 337, as amended)
eye, there were marked differences between for which he should be punished. Do you agree
Placido’s signature and the one in the check that there has been no violation of the statute?
forged by the visitor. (3%)
As between Placido and the bank, who
should bear the loss? Explain. Suggested Answer:
2000 19 a) No. I do not agree that there
Answer: is no violation of the statute (RA 337, as
The bank should bear the loss. A drawee amended). X violated Sec 85 when he caused the
bank must exercise the highest diligence in preparation and issuance of a manager’s check
safeguarding the accounts of its client- payable to himself in the sum of P5 million.
depositors. The bank is also charged with This is paying out or permitting to be paid out
genuineness of the signatures of its current funds of the bank after the latter became
account holders. But what can be more striking insolvent. This act is penalized by fine of not
is that there were marked differences between less than P1,000.00 nor more than P10,000.00 and
Placido’s signature and the one in the check by imprisonment for not less than two nor more
forged by the visitor. Certainly, Placido was than ten years.
not negligent in leaving his checkbook in his
own desk (See PNB v Quimpo 158 s 582) Banking Laws; GBL; classifications of banks
1991 18 a) There was no substantial
compliance with the Truth in Lending Act. The