General Banking Law of 2000 (Ra 8791) : "Banks" Shall Refer To Entities Engaged in The Lending of Funds
General Banking Law of 2000 (Ra 8791) : "Banks" Shall Refer To Entities Engaged in The Lending of Funds
General Banking Law of 2000 (Ra 8791) : "Banks" Shall Refer To Entities Engaged in The Lending of Funds
55.1. No director, officer, employee, or agent of any bank shall 56.1. The act or omission has resulted or may result in material
loss or damage, or abnormal risk
(a) Make false entries in any bank report or statement or or danger to the safety, stability, liquidity or solvency of the
participate in any fraudulent institution;
transaction, thereby affecting the financial interest of, or causing 56.2. The act or omission has resulted or may result in material
damage to, the bank or loss or damage or abnormal risk
any person; to the institution's depositors, creditors, investors, stockholders
(b) Without order of a court of competent jurisdiction, disclose to or to the Bangko Sentral or
any unauthorized person to the public in general;
any information relative to the funds or properties in the custody
of the bank belonging to 56.3. The act or omission has caused any undue injury, or has
private individuals, corporations, or any other entity: Provided, given any unwarranted benefits,
That with respect to bank advantage or preference to the bank or any party in the
deposits, the provisions of existing laws shall prevail; discharge by the director or officer of
his duties and responsibilities through manifest partiality, evident
(c) Accept gifts, fees or commissions or any other form of bad faith or gross
remuneration in connection with inexcusable negligence; or
the approval of a loan or other credit accommodation from said
bank; 56.4. The act or omission involves entering into any contract or
transaction manifestly and grossly
(d) Overvalue or aid in overvaluing any security for the purpose disadvantageous to the bank, quasi-bank or trust entity, whether
of influencing in any way the or not the director or officer
actions of the bank or any bank; or profited or will profit thereby.
Whenever a bank, quasi-bank or trust entity persists in
(e) Outsource inherent banking functions. conducting its business in an unsafe or
unsound manner, the Monetary Board may, without prejudice to
the administrative sanctions provided in the part of a depositor.[21] Conversely, the depositor has every
Section 37 of the New Central Bank Act, take action under
right to apply his deposit in a bank against his loan from such
Section 30 of the same Act and/or immediately
exclude the erring bank from clearing, the provisions of law to the bank.[22]
contrary notwithstanding. (n)