11 - Taguba V de Leon - PEREZ
11 - Taguba V de Leon - PEREZ
11 - Taguba V de Leon - PEREZ
L-59980) agreed with the CA by saying Taguba had no right to rescind the
Promulgated: October 23 1894 contract pursuant to Article 1592 of the Civil Code because he did not
Petitioners: Berlin Taguba & Sebastiana Domingo (spouses), Pedro & demand for the rescission of contract and because De Leon was able to
Maring Asuncion (spouses) pay the full amount for the lot and that the Asuncions were not buyers
Respondents: Maria Peralta Vda. De De Leon, Court of Appeals in good faith because they knew of the previous sale to De Leon.
Petitioners filed an MR which was denied and thus filed this Review Even if it was called a Deed of Conditional Sale, a reading of the
on Certiorari to the SC contract would show that it was absolute in nature. The contract only
gave Taguba the right to collect interest. This makes the sale to De
Issue: (Derived) Leon absolute, and the sale to the Asuncions invalid. The Asuncions
W/N Taguba had the right to rescind the contract? - NO were not buyers in good faith because they were aware of the earlier