11 - Taguba V de Leon - PEREZ

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L-59980) agreed with the CA by saying Taguba had no right to rescind the
Promulgated: October 23 1894 contract pursuant to Article 1592 of the Civil Code because he did not
Petitioners: Berlin Taguba & Sebastiana Domingo (spouses), Pedro & demand for the rescission of contract and because De Leon was able to
Maring Asuncion (spouses) pay the full amount for the lot and that the Asuncions were not buyers
Respondents: Maria Peralta Vda. De De Leon, Court of Appeals in good faith because they knew of the previous sale to De Leon.

Relevant Provisions: Facts:

Article 1592 of the Civil Code  Taguba has a residential lot in Cauayan, Isabela, portions of which
In the sale of immovable property, even though it may have been he leased to the Asuncions and De Leon.
stipulated that upon failure to pay the price at the time agreed upon the  Taguba sold 400 sq m of the lot, which includes the part leased by
rescission of the contract shall of right take place, the vendee may pay, the Asuncions, to De Leon through a Deed of Conditional Sale. This
even after the expiration of the period, as long as no demand for stipulated that De Leon will pay ₱18,000 to Taguba until Dec 3
rescission of the contract has been made upon him either judicially or 1972, and if unable to fully pay by then, De Leon will be given an
by a notarial act. xxx extension of 6 months to pay with interest.
 De Leon was able to pay ₱12,500 by Dec 1972. She tried to pay the
Quick Summary of the Case: balance of ₱5,500 on May 1973 but Taguba refused her payment.
Portions of Taguba’s lot were leased to the Asuncions and De Leon.  Spouses Taguba and De Leon had a negotiation for settlement. De
Taguba sold 400 sq m to De Leon through a Deed of Conditional Sale. Leon alleges that this failed. The spouses allege that in this
De Leon was unable to pay the full amount by the agreed time. She negotiation De Leon proposed that the portion actually occupied by
tried to pay the balance within the extension given to her but Taguba the Asuncions will be sold to them.
refused her payment. Allegedly with De Leon’s approval, Taguba sold  Taguba executed a Deed of Sale to the Asuncions which covered the
the portion of the lot actually occupied by the Asuncions to them. De portion of the lot actually occupied by the spouses.
Leon filed a complaint with the CFI of Isabela which rendered a  De Leon filed a complaint for a Specific Performance with
decision that De Leon had to pay only for the portion of the lot she Preliminary Mandatory Injunction with damages against the spouses
actually owns. The CA reversed this by saying that De Leon had the Taguba in the CFI of Isabela.
right to the 400 sq m lot and voiding the sale to the Asuncions. The SC
 The Asuncions intervened and alleged that they bought in good faith there was no stipulation in the contract that Taguba could unilaterally
the portion of the land that they actually occupy. rescind the contract if De Leon is unable to pay.
 The CFI made a decision ordering Taguba to execute a deed of Araneta v. Paterno provides that “where time is not of the essence of
absolute sale in favor of De Leon only of the portion of the lot she the agreement, a slight delay on the part of one party in the
actually occupies. performance of his obligation is not a sufficient ground for the
 This was appealed to the CA which reversed the CFI decision by rescission of the agreement”.
ordering Taguba to execute the deed of sale for the 400 sq m This applies to the case at bar since De Leon had actually tried to
originally agreed upon and declared that the deed of sale issued to complete the payment thus only making it a delay on her part, and she
the Asuncions was null and void. did this within the extension period stated in the contract.

 Petitioners filed an MR which was denied and thus filed this Review Even if it was called a Deed of Conditional Sale, a reading of the

on Certiorari to the SC contract would show that it was absolute in nature. The contract only
gave Taguba the right to collect interest. This makes the sale to De

Issue: (Derived) Leon absolute, and the sale to the Asuncions invalid. The Asuncions

W/N Taguba had the right to rescind the contract? - NO were not buyers in good faith because they were aware of the earlier

W/N the sale to the Asuncions was valid? - NO sale to De Leon.

W/N the Asuncions were buyers in good faith - NO


Held/Ratio: The judgment of CA is affirmed.

The applicable provision is Article 1592 of the Civil Code. This

provides that the vendee may pay even after the expiration of the
period, as long as no demand for rescission of the contract has been
made upon him either judicially or by a notarial act.
In the case at bar, Taguba didn’t have the right to rescind the contract
with De Leon even if she was unable to pay within the fixed period,
pursuant to Art 1592 because he did not demand for a rescission of the
contract, and De Leon was willing to pay for the whole amount. Also,

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