Ego Death e Psichodelics
Ego Death e Psichodelics
Ego Death e Psichodelics
There are many similarities between the so-called spiritual path to enlightenment
and the psychedelic experience of ego death.
There are many methods and tools to To paraphrase ethnobotanist and psyche-
realize this mystical state of mind which, in delic leprechaun/raconteur Terence McKenna,
Zen Buddhist terms is described as a state “You’ve got to eat the whole enchilada.” In
of no-mind. The mind inherently objectifies other words halfway measures won’t cut it
thereby creating separation from the one or in the quest for the holy grail of transcen-
the Tao. The venerable Rinzai Zen teacher dence. Terence would question those who
Joshu Sasaki Roshi has stated that, “The would try and realize this state “on the natch”
greatest sin is the objectification of God” (without psychedelics) and drew a qualita-
and is really separation from the self. tive line between chanting mantras and long
There are many similarities between deep periods of meditation compared with
the so-called spiritual path to enlighten- the occasionally dangerous dancing with the
ment and the psychedelic experience of ego psychedelic cosmic serpent. In a similar vein,
death. In his book History of LSD Therapy, McKenna would arch an incredulous eye-
eminent psychiatrist and pioneering psychedel- John Harrison, Psy.D. (cand), brow at recreational or low- dose ingestion of
ic researcher Stanislav Grof describes ego death psychedelic medicines with the riposte that,
in the context of psychedelic use, ”The main [email protected] “if you haven’t experienced some terror you
objective of psychedelic therapy is to create op- haven’t taken enough!“
timal conditions for the subject to experience the ego death and As a researcher into the efficacy of the root-bark of the
the subsequent transcendence into the so-called psychedelic Iboga plant in the treatment of addiction, and an occasional
peak experience. It is an ecstatic state, characterized by the explorer into the realms of the unknown–be it through zazen
loss of boundaries between the subject and the objective world, (sitting meditation), high-altitude mountaineering (literal
with ensuing feelings of unity with other people, nature, the peak-experiences), or through the intentional use of psyche-
entire universe and most instances this experience is delic medicines–I have come to realize that the sine qua non
accompanied by visions of brilliant white or golden light, rain- of ego death or transcendence is the journey itself. One cannot
bow spectra or elaborate designs resembling peacock feathers. drink the word water! The need for objective, comprehensive,
LSD subjects give various descriptions of this condition ...They and (well-funded) rigorous science has never been more im-
speak about cosmic unity, unio mystica, mysterium tremendum, portant, but as psychologist and former director of the Esalen
cosmic consciousness, union with God, Atman-Brahman union, Institute, the late Julian Silverman would say, “GOOD RE-
Samadhi, satori, moksha, or the harmony of the spheres.” search is ME-search.” This journey is an unfolding. It is the act
At the core of this discussion is the debate between a spiri- of losing oneself in the process of finding oneself. In my own
tual path or practice vs. the psychedelic option. “Why do you experience this magical merging with the moment has not only
need the drug or medicine?” is a common exhortation from the been parenthetical and relatively rare, but oh so sweet!
spiritual camp. “Because it works” comes the response from the There is so much we do not understand about the ephem-
psychedelic side! Psychedelic pioneer and spiritual teacher Ram eral process of ego death. So, we have asked more questions
Dass said, “Psychedelics can’t give you a permanent spiritual than we have answered! We have only scratched the surface in
immersion, but they can give faith about the existence of these these few paragraphs, analogous to stuffing an elephant into
other planes and you need faith as a foundation for spiritual my Toyota! Wishing you all Happy Trails and may your search
practice…so psychedelics can open doors, and if later you want reveal the crystalline mysteries within! •
to revisit these spiritual planes, having had such experiences
will make it easier.”