Facing Interviews Fearlessly: Anubhav Jain

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An Intensive Workshop On


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Majority of the employers say that the primary reason why they do not hire a candidate is the lack of its ability to clearly state its skills.

During the workshop you will learn necessary tips, guidance and strategical approach on how to highlight the skills, knowledge and experience which an employer is looking for.

To succeed in the interviews all you need to do is to make an inventory of your skills which is a unique feature of this workshop. Once an inventory of skills is prepared you will love talking to persons and describing about them, what do you do and how do you do. Learning how to face interviews fearlessly would be as simple as learning bicycling.

A n u b h av J a i n
T +91-9897068328 E [email protected]


1. Why are interviews so SCARY? 2. The most common interview FEARS Explain some of the fears which have been noticed before and during the interview and by the end of the workshop you will find coming across these concerns. To succeed in the interviews, you need to make an inventory of your skills. The types of skills required to win the interview game are classified into four categories. Identifying skills in each of these categories is the first step in crafting examples that will help to explain your skills and experience to interviewers clearly in a convincing (and interesting) way.
A. General skills

3. Strategy Vs. Memorization Rather then focusing on memorizing the probable answers for various sets of questions asked during the interview, this workshop guides in replying the way which is comfortable and natural to you. 4. Building skills ARSENAL

This section guides through a step by step process on how to make an inventory of those skills that are important to each and every kind of job, occupation or industry.
B. Job-specific skills

The Unique feature of this workshop

This section guides in making an inventory of the skills which are the minimum basic requirements to the occupation.
C. Personal Traits

5. Q Statements - The SECRET Using skills arsenal, this section explains on how to create concise, memorable, quantifiable sound bytes about yourself, statements, which we call Q statements. Also explains the way to quantify accomplishments by using 'STAR' statements.

These skills highlight personal characteristics which have more to do with, who you are, than what you do. This section guides through a step by step process on how to make an inventory of such skills that bear heavily upon attitude, work habits, ethics, and the way, one relates to other people.
D. Competencies

6. 'RESEARCH' That separates The hired from The not hired This section will present a deep well of resources from which to understand information on just about any company. Besides enabling to flatter the interviewer, helps in targeting skills towards company's need and make the most of this key opportunity by asking thoughtful questions.

This section explains some of the core competencies that are most important for many positions in today's rapidly shifting marketplace.

7. Winding up the strategy Incorporates preparing presentation packet and a review before appearing for the interview.

8. Managing the first twenty seconds of interview This section will guide in ensuring impressive first impression, facial expressions, making business-like handshakes, greetings, attitude and most importantly remembering interviewing the company, just as the company is interviewing you.

T +91-9897068328 E [email protected]

9. During the interviews In some cases, there may be a question for which answers cannot be recalled. Stalling and Accessing technique helps in handling such situations and how to face a group of interviewers? 12. Negotiating salary In this section we're going to discuss the issue of salary right out into the open. This section covers the following:

10. Facing telephonic interviews Strategies to use when you want your phone interview to have the same impact as being faceto-face. 11. Dress for success Dressing up is not only a way to look attractive; it is one of the many signals of respect, send to the interviewer during this first 20 seconds. It says, I respect your time enough to think carefully about my wardrobe. This section tells how to dress? 13. Following Up Remember the work is not done once the interview is finished. You can't sit back and wait for the job offer, so consider these key rules and strategies for following-up job interviews. We call it a focus letter. Learn how to compose such notes in this section. Imagine You'll be the one still plugging away while everyone else has given up! Guess who they'll hire when the time comes? 14. Putting the strategies into action Now is a time to actually imagine yourself in the scenarios about to be presented and also the time to put together all which have learnt, into a complete interview conversation. This section contains two sample interviews. As you go through the interviews, let yourself get a feel for the flow and rhythm of the entire question and answer process. 15. Reasons for not receiving an interview call No matter how strong your skills or experience are, you won't land a new job without first securing an interview with a prospective employer. How many times have you considered your qualifications ideal for an open position, only to never hear from the hiring manager about the resume and cover letter you submitted?
T +91-9897068328 E [email protected]

Common fears of negotiating and some responses to those concerns. The stories of two negotiators, and what choices enabled one of them to get much higher salary for the same job. The four bargaining factors. These are four things needed to do and/or decided before stepping up to the bargaining table. Learn the technique of open-door negotiating, the surest way to bargain for a higher salary and more comprehensive benefits. Blow-by-blow salary discussions of successful negotiators to see the four bargaining factors and open-door negotiating techniques in action.

16. Answering interview questions All interview questions are not the same. Some require very specific answers. Some deserve more unclear and open-ended answers. Still others do not and should not have to be answered at all. This section talks about questions and the special strategies required for handling various types of questions. Straight forward questions Questions behind questions What-if questions Stress questions Technical stress questions

This training remove(s) the:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Fear Fear Fear Fear Fear Fear Fear Fear

of of of of of of of of

facing the interview. freezing up in the interview. being perceived as under/over qualified for the job. being said wrong, though answered it right. quantifying the achievements in the interview. controlling gestures during the interview. answering salary expectations. salary negotiations in the interview.
and many other...

KEY FEATURES: - Quick tips and strategies to prepare for an interview. - Worksheets to identify skills, accomplishments and experience. - Smart ways to gather info on the employer and the job. - Inside advice on salary expectation and negotiation. - 200+ practice questions and how to answer any other. - Tactics for getting more interviews. - Assessing strengths and relating to employer needs. - Simple techniques to answer toughest interview questions. - Before the interview strategies. - During the interview tips. - After the interview guidance.

A n u b h av J a i n
National Trainer - Interview Skills
+91-9897068328, 9761009080 [email protected], [email protected]

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